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2020 Membership Info - Global (8!5!2019)

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Membership Information

for the
2020 Million Dollar Round Table
Based on 2019 production

Million Dollar Round Table

325 West Touhy Avenue, Park Ridge, Illinois USA  Phone: +847.692.6378 | Fax: +1 847.518.8921 |
Email: membership@mdrt.org

Please note the following changes to previous versions of this document. Please
discard any copies of this document that do not have the mark of “Global – 8/5/2019”
at the foot of each page.

 Honor Roll definition has been updated. See page 6.

 Membership dues has been updated. See pages 6-7.
 Global Conference date and location has been updated. See page 10.
 MDRT EDGE Meeting date and location has been updated. See page 10.
 Country requirements added for Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, and Togo. See pages

Table of Contents
I. Production Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
II. Eligibility ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4
III. Reporting ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
IV. Additional Requirements -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
V. Clarifications ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
VI. Illustrations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
VII. Meetings ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
VIII. Commission/Premium Production Requirements By Country ------------------ 11
IX. Income Production Requirements By Country --------------------------------------- 14

Apply for 2020 membership online at https://My.mdrt.org/OnlineMembershipApplication.aspx.

Page 2 Global – 8/5/2019

1. Production Methods  Commission & Premium Method
Membership in the 2020 Round Table will be based on the A minimum of USD 582,000 of eligible commissions paid
following production methods: (See page 4 for products) or USD 1,164,000 of eligible paid premium. At least USD
 Commission/Fee Method 48,500 of commission or USD 97,000 of premium (50
A minimum of USD 97,000 of eligible commissions paid is percent of the entry-level MDRT requirement) must come
required. Of this total, a minimum of USD 48,500 of paid from products listed in the Risk-Protection category before
commissions (50 percent of the requirement) must come an applicant can use any credit from policies listed under
from products listed in the Risk-Protection category. the Other Products category.
 Premium Method  Income Method
A minimum of USD 194,000 of eligible paid premium A minimum of USD 1,008,000 of eligible annual gross
is required. Of this total, a minimum of USD 97,000 of income is required. The applicant must meet the minimums of
premium (50 percent of the requirement) must come USD 48,500 in new business and USD 48,500 in risk-
from products listed in the Risk-Protection category. protection business.
 Income Qualification Method  Top of the Table Waivers
A minimum of USD 168,000 in annual gross income Top of the Table members with a minimum of 10 years of
from the sale of insurance and financial products is Top of the Table membership who do not meet the required
required. A minimum of USD 48,500 must be income minimum production level may apply under the Top of the
from new business generated during the production Table waiver provision, but must submit required Top of the
year. Further, a minimum of USD 48,500 must be Table dues.
derived from income associated with products in the
Risk-Protection category. It is possible that the same
business, for example the sale of new life insurance
policies, could satisfy both requirements.

2. Court of the Table

 Commission & Premium Method
A minimum of USD 291,000 of eligible commissions paid or
USD 582,000 of eligible paid premium is required. At least
USD 48,500 of commission or USD 97,000 of premium (50
percent of the entry-level MDRT requirement) must come
from products listed in the Risk-Protection category before an
applicant can use any credit from policies listed under the
Other Products category.
 Income Method
A minimum of USD 504,000 of eligible annual gross income is
required. The applicant must meet the minimums of USD
48,500 in new business and USD 48,500 in risk-protection

Please note: Applicants may not combine production credit from the methods above to attain the minimum
requirement. Applicants will be approved only under one method.

The 2020 production requirements for applicants outside the United States are expressed in local
currency. All commission, premium or income credit reported must be converted to U.S. dollars using
the MDRT conversion factor listed at the end of this document.

Page 3 Global – 8/5/2019

3. Eligible Products and Credit

Products from life insurance companies Commission/Fee Credit Premium Credit
Accidental death and dismemberment (individual) 100% of first year commission 100% of first year premium
Critical illness (individual) 100% of first year commission 100% of first year premium
Disability income contracts (individual) 100% of first year commission 100% of first year premium
Life (individual)
Up to annual premium/target premium 100% of first year commission 100% of first year premium
Deposits in excess of annual/target 100% of commission paid 6% of excess premium
premium/top up
Single premium (whole life and investment) 100% of first year commission 6% of first year premium
Short-term endowment rider (max 15 yrs) 100% of first year commission 6% of first year premium
Long-term care (individual) 100% of first year commission 100% of first year premium

Accidental death and dismemberment (group) 100% of first year commission 10% of first year premium
Critical illness (group) 100% of first year commission 10% of first year premium
Disability income contracts (group) 100% of first year commission 10% of first year premium
Life (group) 100% of first year commission 10% of first year premium
Long-term care (group) 100% of first year commission 10% of first year premium

Annuities (individual and group) 100% of all commissions 6% of new money invested
Single premium and/or short-term endowment (max 100% of first year commission 6% of first year premium
15 yrs.)

Products Commission/Fee Credit Premium Credit
Health care (individual) 100% of first year commission 100% of first year premium

Health care (group) 100% of first year commission 10% of first year premium
Mutual funds 100% of all commissions/fee 6% of new money invested
Securities 100% of commission/fee on new 6% of new money invested
money invested
Wrap accounts/asset management accounts 100% of all commissions/fee 6% of new money invested
Financial Planning Fees/Fees for Advice 100% of the net fee 100% of the gross fee

1. Qualification Overview  Qualifying And Life Member
 First-time applicants for MDRT must use either the An individual becomes a Qualifying and Life (QL) member
commission or premium methods to demonstrate when approved for the 10th year of membership. The year or
qualification for membership. (See chart on page 5.) years during which Provisional Applicant status was/were held
 Any individual with prior MDRT membership is eligible to are counted. Qualifying and Life status is maintained in future
apply using the income qualification method. years by submitting an application each year, including
certifying letter(s) demonstrating qualifying production or by
2. MDRT Status Designations attesting to having met current minimum production levels,
Each MDRT status designation is granted for one year only. All and by paying the required dues.
members must apply every year to continue their affiliation with  Life Member
MDRT. After Qualifying and Life membership has been attained,
 Qualifying Member Applicants for Life status will declare that they did not meet
An individual who is a first-time applicant becomes a the production requirement, but still wish to continue their
Qualifying (Q) member when his/her application papers are MDRT membership. Life members must annually submit an
approved. Until the 10th year of membership is attained, the application and pay dues.
member will be a Qualifying member.

Page 4 Global – 8/5/2019



Member Risk- Risk- Risk- Member Risk- Risk- Risk-
Type Protection Total Protection Total Protection Total Type Protection Total Protection Total Protection Total
Production $48,500 $97,000 $48,500 $291,000 $48,500 $582,000 Production $97,000 $194,000 $97,000 $582,000 $97,000 $1,164,000
1st-Time 1st-Time
Member Member
Certifying Certifying
Required Required Required Required Required Required
letters letters
Signed by Company Company Company Signed by Company Company Company

2 - 10 Year 2 - 10 Year
Member Member
Certifying Certifying
Required Required Required Required Required Required
letters letters
Signed by Company Company Company Signed by Company Company Company
11+ Year 11+ Year
Member Member
Certifying Certifying
Not Required Required if less Required if less Not Required Required if less Required if less
letters letters
than 10 COT than 10 TOT than 10 COT than 10 TOT
Signed by Not Required Company Company Signed by Not Required Company Company

Member Risk- Risk- Risk-
Type New Business Protection Total New Business Protection Total New Business Protection Total
Production $48,500 $48,500 $168,000 $48,500 $48,500 $504,000 $48,500 $48,500 $1,008,000
Not Eligible Not Eligible Not Eligible
Signed by
2 - 10 Year
Required Required Required
Signed by Self-signed Self-signed Self-signed

11+ Year
Not Required Required if less than 10 COT Required if less than 10 TOT
Signed by Not Required Self-signed Self-signed

1. Verifying Production  Income Verification
 Commission And Premium Verification Verification of eligible production under the income
First-time applicants must apply using ONLY the qualification method will be accomplished via a certifying
commission or premium methods and supply a certifying letter signed by the applicant. All applications submitted
letter(s) with third party verification. Those applying for under the income method are subject to a random
Qualifying membership (years two through 10) may submit production verification audit at a later date. If selected, the
the customary certifying letters with third party verification individual will need to supply supporting documents, such
for commission or premium or submit a self-signed certifying as commission statements, that verify the amounts claimed.
letter and attach supporting documents for the income Other acceptable supporting documents would be a
qualification method as outlined above. Certifying letters statement of income signed by a representative of the
may be completed by a representative of the company/broker company/broker dealer/brokerage agency, a Certified Public
dealer/brokerage agency, a Certified Public Accountant (or Accountant (or equivalent), or a representative of the
equivalent), or a representative of the applicant's personal applicant’s personal agency/corporation/office. Tax
agency/corporation or office. documents may also be used.

Page 5 Global – 8/5/2019

 Simplified Reporting for Qualifying & Life and Life individual will need to supply supporting documents to
Members verify the amounts claimed, such as:
Once eligibility for Life status has been attained, members  commission statements
who have achieved Qualifying and Life or Life status are  a statement of income signed by a representative of the
eligible to submit an application each year, including company/broker dealer/ brokerage agency, a Certified
certifying letter(s) demonstrating qualifying production or Public Accountant (or equivalent), or a representative
by attesting to having met current minimum production of the applicant’s personal agency/corporation/office
levels, and by paying the required dues. Proof of production  Tax documents
(i.e. certifying letters or commission/income documents)
will not be required beginning in the eleventh year. 6. Honor Roll
Applicants for Life status will declare that they did not meet Individuals with at least 15 years of qualifying membership
the production requirement, but still wish to continue their (qualification by production) shall be designated as
MDRT membership. members of the “Honor Roll.”
 Applicants must continue to submit proof of production via 1. Professional Association Membership Requirement
certifying letter(s) until achieving 10 years of membership  When applying for MDRT membership, applicants from the
at the higher level. They may declare their eligibility countries listed below must be members in good standing of
without certifying letters or income documents when an association that meets all of the following criteria: (A list
applying for the eleventh year of membership at Court of of associations that meet the criteria may be found Web site
the Table level. at https://www.mdrt.org/membership/requirements/ )
 Applicants using a disability waiver, as well as members with
3. Top of the Table 50 or more years of membership, are exempt from the
 Applicants must continue to submit proof of production via professional association requirement.
certifying letter(s) until achieving 10 years of membership
 The association must be an individual membership
at the higher level. They may declare their eligibility
organization, open to participation without regard to
without certifying letters or income documents when
company affiliation, one of the focuses of which is insurance
applying for the eleventh year of membership at Top of the
or financial services.
Table level.
 The association must have been in existence at least two
years and must have 100 or more members.
4. Application Forms
 The association must be a nonprofit organization.
 Applications for 2020 MDRT membership will automatically
be sent in November 2019 to all 2019 and 2018 MDRT  The association must have a code of ethics and an
members. Others may request an application by phone, fax or effective means of dealing with breaches of its code.
through the MDRT Web site at www.mdrt.org .  Membership in an association is required of applicants from
the following countries:
5. Certifying Letters
 A certifying letter signed by an official from the company an Australia Ireland Philippines
applicant is using for MDRT qualification is required when Bahamas Israel Singapore
applying under the commission or premium method. Canada Jamaica Thailand
Otherwise, the application will be considered incomplete and Greece Japan Trinidad & Tobago
membership may be denied. These companies may include Hong Kong Malaysia United States
life insurance companies, agencies, brokerage companies,
New Zealand
broker/dealers, banks or mutual fund companies. Also
acceptable would be a certifying letter completed by a
representative of the company/broker dealer/brokerage 2. Annual Membership Dues: USD 550
agency, a Certified Public Accountant (or equivalent), or a  Required dues, completed application and other required
representative of the applicant's personal forms must be postmarked on or before March 1, 2020.
agency/corporation or office. Applications postmarked after March 1 will be considered
 A Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or the equivalent may only if accompanied by an additional fee of USD 200.
sign certifying letters for financial planning fees/fees for  Members with 50 or more years of membership are exempt
advice that are paid directly to the producer when applying from the MDRT-level dues. They must, however, pay Court
under the commission or premium method. or Top of the Table dues.
 Brokerage companies are defined as third party wholesalers
of insurance and investment products that are provided to 3. Court of the Table Dues: USD 50
agents on behalf of insurance and investment companies.  In addition to remitting regular MDRT dues, a Court of the
Should an applicant be an official of a brokerage company, Table applicant must remit the required Court of the Table
the product provider who pays the commissions must sign dues.
the certifying letter unless applying under the income
qualification method. 4. Top of the Table Dues: USD 550
 Income certifying letters are self-reported, signed by the  In addition to remitting regular MDRT membership dues, a
applicant. If selected for a production verification audit, the Top of the Table applicant must remit the required Top of the

Page 6 Global – 8/5/2019

Table dues. Top of the Table membership dues includes Court year's production credit.
of the Table dues.  If commissions are paid as earned, a policy effective in 2018
may result in production credit for 2019. The policy must be
5. Life, Reduced Dues: USD 185 in force on December 31, 2018 but is not required to be in
 Life members who meet all four of the criteria below are force as of December 31, 2019.
eligible to pay a reduced dues amount. Those eligible for  Commission credit for pensions is based on the product used
reduced dues are not required to be members of a professional to fund the pension (life insurance, annuities, mutual funds,
association. etc.) which determines whether it receives Risk-Protection or
 a Life or a Qualifying & Life member, and Other Products credit.
 applying as a Life member, and  Commissions that are part of a deferred compensation
 65 years of age by December 31, 2019 and program may be claimed up front for MDRT credit, provided
 have either 25 years of membership OR 20 years of that they are not claimed again in later years.
membership with production  Life insurance policies that exceed the annual premium or
target premium are eligible for credit. First year commission
Online payment options are now available. For more credit may be given Risk-Protection category for the
information, please refer to your 2020 Membership application. commission paid on the amount up to the annual/target
premium. If the annual/target premium is exceeded,
6. Disability Waiver (sometimes referred to as a “top up”) commission credit may
 Life members who have been declared totally disabled for six be given in the Risk-Protection category for the commission
consecutive months during 2019 may petition for a waiver of paid on the amount that exceeded the annual/target premium.
payment of dues for the 2020 Table. A disability petition  Override commissions, training allowances, bonuses and
form and doctor’s statement must be submitted by March 1, other sales or expense allowances do not qualify under the
2020, with the membership application. Each petition will be commission/premium method.
judged on its own merit. Those approved for the disability  Fees paid for the placement of a product are eligible for
waiver are not required to be members of a professional credit toward the commission requirement, as are asset
association. management fees for mutual funds and wrap/asset
management accounts. The type of product placed
7. Former Life Member Options determines the type of credit the product receives (Risk-
 Former Life and Qualifying & Life members who wish to Protection or Other).
rejoin MDRT have two options:  Financial Planning Fees/Fees for Advice are eligible for
 Option One: They may choose not to pay back dues for the Other Products credit for the net fee paid to the agent/advisor.
years missed and submit the current minimum production Fees must be documented by certifying letter signed by a
and current membership dues with their application. Their company official, a broker dealer official, or a Certified
member status will revert to Qualifying and they must again Public Accountant (or equivalent) for qualifying members.
fulfill the requirements to attain Life or Qualifying & Life  Group health insurance commissions are eligible in the first
status, which includes accumulating an additional 9 years of year of the policy only. Additions to the group policy in
Qualifying membership. subsequent years are not eligible for credit.
 Option Two: They may retain Life or Qualifying & Life  Single premium and/or short-term endowment commissions
member status by paying back dues for the number of years are only eligible in the first year of the policy. Short-term
missed, not to exceed a maximum of five years, and by endowment riders (max 15 years) to life insurance policies
meeting the then current requirements for Life membership. are eligible for 100 percent of first-year commissions in the
The maximum number of years for which back dues may be Risk-Protection category.
required will be reduced to three years if the member submits  Long-term endowment commissions are only eligible in the
qualifying production for the current year. The amount of first year of the policy. Long-term endowment riders (16 or
back dues will be based upon the current dues at the time of more years) to life insurance policies are eligible for 100
reinstatement. Please note: Payment of back dues does not percent of first-year commissions in the Risk-Protection
provide credit for member year(s) missed. category.

1. Eligible Commissions, Fees
Production credit (for commissions) will be based on eligible
For additional information, contact:
commissions received during 2018. Credit may include either
Million Dollar Round Table
earned or advanced (annualized) commissions or both. Advanced
Member Services Department
(annualized) or earned commissions must be paid to the applicant
325 West Touhy Avenue
in 2019 to be eligible for MDRT credit. Please note:
Park Ridge, IL 60068 USA
 Commissions paid on a levelized basis may be reported using
Phone: +1 847.692.6378
the present value of up to the first five years' commission
Fax: +1 847.518.8921
discounted at 10 percent per year, not to exceed 55 percent of
first-year premium. Web site: https://www.mdrt.org
E-mail: memberrelations@mdrt.org
 Annualized commissions may be reported for credit if paid,
but any chargeback of annualized commissions in a
subsequent production year will result in a reduction of that

Page 7 Global – 8/5/2019

2. Eligible Premium  Income considered INELIGIBLE for MDRT credit
Production credit (for premium) will be based on eligible includes:
premium paid or new money invested during 2019. Please note:  Training bonuses/allowances
 If commissions are paid as earned, premium credit should be  Sales/expense allowances
given only for the amount of premium actually received  Overrides derived from the production of others.
during the production year.  Non-cash compensation, such as incentive trips
 If commissions are annualized, the premium credit should  Income from property and casualty insurance and
also be annualized. Any chargeback of annualized general insurance (fire, home, auto, etc.)
commissions should also result in a reduction of that year's  Income from the sale of mortgages.
premium credit.  Life settlements
 A policy that becomes effective in 2018 may result in  Money market accounts
production credit for the amount of premium paid or new
money invested during 2019. 4. Credit for Coverage Written on the Applicant, Spouse
 Life insurance policies that exceed the annual premium or or Dependents
target premium are eligible for credit. First year premium  Any business written on the applicant, applicant’s spouse
credit may be given in the Risk-Protection category up to or dependents may not exceed a maximum of 5 percent
the amount of the annual/target premium. If the of the current year's MDRT production requirement
annual/target premium is exceeded, (sometimes referred to (USD 4,850 eligible commissions or USD 9,700 of
as a “top up”) premium credit may be given in the Risk- eligible premium or USD 8,400 of eligible income) if any
Protection category for 6 percent of the amount that of the premiums are paid, directly or indirectly, by the
exceeded the annual/target premium. applicant or spouse.
 Financial Planning Fees/Fees for Advice are eligible for
Other Products credit for the gross fee paid to the company, 5. Replacements
broker dealer or individual agent/advisor. Fees must be  Credit for individual life insurance policies may be
documented by certifying letter signed by a company claimed only for the amount of first-year commissions or
official, a broker dealer official, or a Certified Public premium on the new policy that exceeds the first-year
Accountant (or equivalent) for qualifying members. commissions or premium for the policy being replaced. If
 Group health insurance premium is eligible for credit in the the amount is not known, then the amount of
first year of the policy only. Additions to the group policy in commissions being replaced shall be calculated by
subsequent years are not eligible for credit. multiplying the current commission times the appropriate
 Single premium and/or short-term endowment premium is premium for the policy being replaced. Premium credit
only eligible in the first year of the policy. Short-term can be determined by subtracting the replaced premium
endowment riders (max 15 years) to life insurance policies from the new premium.
are eligible for 6 percent of first year premium credit.  Conversion of a permanent product to a permanent
 Long-term endowment premium is only eligible in the first product is to be treated as a replacement for MDRT
year of the policy. Long-term endowment riders (16 or more purposes. This applies only to replacement of individual
years) to life insurance policies are eligible for 100 percent life insurance policies.
of first-year premium credit in the Risk-Protection category.
 Premium credit for pensions is based on the product used to 6. Definitions And Interpretations
fund the pension (life insurance, annuities, mutual funds,  Business Paid for and Underwritten
etc.) which determines whether it receives Risk-Protection Business to be credited shall be paid for during the MDRT
or Other Products credit. qualification period (January 1 through December 31).
Business shall be considered to have been paid for as of the
3. Eligible Income date when the coverage first became fully effective with
Production credit is based on annual gross income paid during home office approval from the standpoint of payment of the
2019. Please note: claim (regardless of company practice or the distance
 See chart on page 4 for eligible products. between home and field office). However, no credit shall be
 Under this model, income is defined as first-year, trail and allowed until the home office has finally accepted the
renewal commissions, as well as fees for product premium and also until the first-year commissions have been
placement, asset management fees and fees for advice. paid or credited to the agent's account without any right
 Other production-based compensation, such as salaries and reserved to the insurance company to recover same, except in
production-based bonuses, are also eligible for credit. case of recall under the contestable provisions of the contract.
 Income contributed as part of a deferred compensation plan On joint, partnership, corporate and/or brokerage business,
is eligible for credit. Credit should be taken during the MDRT credit shall be given for only that portion of the
production year when the deferred income was earned. business on which the applicant has been compensated, either
 Override commissions are eligible only for personal by first-year commission or the equivalent.
production.  Health Insurance
Includes policies that relate to the health of the body. Dental,
vision, etc., are eligible for credit. See page 4 for specifics.

Page 8 Global – 8/5/2019

6. Definitions and Interpretations (Cont’d)  In Force Requirement
 Policy and Case Definitions Credited business shall include only business which has not
A policy shall be defined as an individual contract covering been terminated on or before the last day of the MDRT
one or more lives as contrasted with a group policy, a qualification period (December 31) except for business
pension, profit sharing trust or a salary savings plan. Under a terminated by death or term conversion.
qualified pension or profit sharing trust or a salary savings  Securities
plan, each individual policy shall count as one (1) policy for Includes stocks, bonds or other equities. See page 4 for
the purpose of computing total eligible policies. For purposes specifics.
of production, an employer-sponsored group life plan,
franchise life plan and group annuity plan and mutual fund
transaction with one (1) investor shall be considered one (1)
case regardless of the number of lives or funds involved.


Clarification of Risk-Protection and Clarification of Income Qualification

Other Products Credit
 A minimum of USD 168,000 in annual gross income
 At least one-half (50 percent) of the production from the sale of insurance and financial products is
requirement must come from products listed in the required.
Risk-Protection category. (See section I, 4)  A minimum of USD 48,500 must be income from
 This serves as a threshold that must be crossed new business generated during the production year.
before an applicant can use any credit from the Further, a minimum of USD 48,500 must be derived
Other Products category. from income associated with Risk-Protection
 Once crossing the threshold, applicants may use all Products.
of the credits from Other Products category to meet  It is possible that the same business, for example the
the MDRT requirement. sale of new life insurance policies, could satisfy both
 The 2020 commission requirement for is USD requirements. (See Example 2 below.)
97,000. To qualify, the applicant must submit a
minimum of USD 48,500 in commission from ELIGIBLE for MDRT membership
products listed in the Risk-Protection category. Example 1
Applicant annual gross income 168,000
Example 1 – Eligible for MDRT membership Applicant total new business 48,500
Applicant total Risk-Protection 48,500 Applicant total Risk-Protection Products 48,500
Applicant total Other Products 100,000
Total MDRT commission credit 148,500 Example 2
Applicant annual gross income 168,000
Example 2 – NOT eligible for MDRT membership Applicant total new business from
Applicant total Risk-Protection 48,499 Risk-Protection Products * 48,500
Applicant total Other Products 100,000 *Satisfies both new business and risk-protection products minimums.
Total MDRT commission credit 48,499
NOT Eligible for MDRT membership
Example 3
Please note: Applicant annual gross income 168,000
The 50 percent threshold applies regardless of whether Applicant total new business 48,499
commission or premium is used to qualify for Applicant total Risk-Protection Products 48,500
Example 4
Applicant annual gross income 168,000
Applicant total new business 48,500
Applicant total Risk-Protection Products 48,499

Page 9 Global – 8/5/2019

MDRT Meetings - Mark Your Calendars!

MDRT Annual Meeting*

7 – 10 June 2020
Anaheim, California, USA

MDRT Global Conference*

30 August – 2 September 2020
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Top of the Table Annual Meeting*

14 – 17 October 2020
Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

MDRT EDGE Meeting**

16 – 18 November 2020
San Francisco, California, USA

*Attendance at the MDRT Annual Meeting, MDRT Global

Conference, and Top of the Table Annual Meeting are open
to approved 2020 members and requires payment of
separate registration fees.
**MDRT EDGE Meeting is open to approved 2020 members
from the U.S. and Canada and requires payment of
separate registration fees.

Visit www.mdrt.org or contact MDRT at +1 847.692.6378 or email meetings@mdrt.org

for meeting information or for exhibitor and sponsorship opportunities.

Page 10 Global – 8/5/2019

Based on 2019 Production, Expressed in Local Currency
Production credit must be reported in U.S. dollars on Certifying Letters
(Local currency divided by the conversion/standardization factor = MDRT requirement in U.S. dollars)
Production requirements are set independently for each country. Conversion/standardization factors have no relationship to
currency exchange rates and are used only to standardize MDRT processing.
(For a complete list of country requirements, see the MDRT web site at https://www.mdrt.org/membership/requirements/ .)

MDRT COT TOT Commission MDRT COT TOT Premium

Country Commission Commission Commission Conv Factor Premium Premium Premium Conv Factor
Angola 55,000 165,000 330,000 0.5670 110,000 330,000 660,000 0.5670
Anguilla 111,100 333,300 666,600 1.1453 222,200 666,600 1,333,200 1.1453
Antigua 167,500 502,500 1,005,000 1.7268 335,000 1,005,000 2,010,000 1.7268
Argentina 345,100 1,035,300 2,070,600 3.5577 690,200 2,070,600 4,141,200 3.5577
Armenia 17,206,700 51,620,100 103,240,200 177.3886 34,413,400 103,240,200 206,480,400 177.3886
Aruba 126,200 378,600 757,200 1.3010 252,400 757,200 1,514,400 1.3010
Australia 141,400 424,200 848,400 1.4577 282,800 848,400 1,696,800 1.4577
Azerbaijan 25,300 75,900 151,800 0.2608 50,600 151,800 303,600 0.2608
Bahamas 83,600 250,800 501,600 0.8618 167,200 501,600 1,003,200 0.8618
Bahrain 22,000 66,000 132,000 0.2268 44,000 132,000 264,000 0.2268
Bangladesh 2,232,500 6,697,500 13,395,000 23.0154 4,465,000 13,395,000 26,790,000 23.0154
Barbados 130,800 392,400 784,800 1.3484 261,600 784,800 1,569,600 1.3484
Belarus 146,051,100 438,153,300 876,306,600 1505.6814 292,102,200 876,306,600 1,752,613,200 1505.6814
Belgium 78,700 236,100 472,200 0.8113 157,400 472,200 944,400 0.8113
Belize 99,300 297,900 595,800 1.0237 198,600 595,800 1,191,600 1.0237
Bermuda 151,200 453,600 907,200 1.5587 302,400 907,200 1,814,400 1.5587
Bolivia 250,700 752,100 1,504,200 2.5845 501,400 1,504,200 3,008,400 2.5845
Bosnia-Herzegovina 70,300 210,900 421,800 0.7247 140,600 421,800 843,600 0.7247
Botswana 283,600 850,800 1,701,600 2.9237 567,200 1,701,600 3,403,200 2.9237
Brazil 189,500 568,500 1,137,000 1.9536 568,500 1,705,500 3,411,000 2.9304
British Virgin Islands 97,800 293,400 586,800 1.0082 195,600 586,800 1,173,600 1.0082
Brunei 57,200 171,600 343,200 0.5896 171,600 514,800 1,029,600 0.8845
Bulgaria 63,600 190,800 381,600 0.6556 127,200 381,600 763,200 0.6556
Cambodia 79,498,200 238,494,600 476,989,200 819.5690 317,992,800 953,978,400 1,907,956,800 1639.1381
Cameroon 22,064,900 66,194,700 132,389,400 227.4731 44,129,800 132,389,400 264,778,800 227.4731
Canada 121,200 363,600 727,200 1.2494 242,400 727,200 1,454,400 1.2494
Cayman Islands 68,300 204,900 409,800 0.7041 136,600 409,800 819,600 0.7041
Channel Islands 69,400 208,200 416,400 0.7154 138,800 416,400 832,800 0.7154
Chile 33,185,400 99,556,200 199,112,400 342.1175 66,370,800 199,112,400 398,224,800 342.1175
Colombia 90,855,400 272,566,200 545,132,400 936.6536 181,710,800 545,132,400 1,090,264,800 936.6536
Costa Rica 28,964,400 86,893,200 173,786,400 298.6020 57,928,800 173,786,400 347,572,800 298.6020
Cote d’Ivoire 22,823,200 68,469,600 136,939,200 235.2907 47,646,400 142,939,200 285,878,400 235.2907
Croatia 342,400 1,027,200 2,054,400 3.5298 684,800 2,054,400 4,108,800 3.5298
Curacao 75,600 226,800 453,600 0.7793 151,200 453,600 907,200 0.7793
Cyprus 42,100 126,300 252,600 0.4340 84,200 252,600 505,200 0.4340
Czech Republic 1,258,900 3,776,700 7,553,400 12.9783 2,517,800 7,553,400 15,106,800 12.9783
Denmark 729,000 2,187,000 4,374,000 7.5154 1,458,000 4,374,000 8,748,000 7.5154
Dominica 133,600 400,800 801,600 1.3773 267,200 801,600 1,603,200 1.3773
Dominican Republic 1,339,800 4,019,400 8,038,800 13.8123 2,679,600 8,038,800 16,077,600 13.8123
Ecuador 46,800 140,400 280,800 0.4824 93,600 280,800 561,600 0.4824
Egypt 160,600 481,800 963,600 1.6556 481,800 1,445,400 2,890,800 2.4835
El Salvador 47,400 142,200 284,400 0.4886 94,800 284,400 568,800 0.4886
Estonia 52,500 157,500 315,000 0.5412 105,000 315,000 630,000 0.5412
Fiji 79,300 237,900 475,800 0.8175 158,600 475,800 951,600 0.8175
France 78,400 235,200 470,400 0.8082 156,800 470,400 940,800 0.8082
Georgia 71,700 215,100 430,200 0.7391 143,400 430,200 860,400 0.7391
Germany 78,400 235,200 470,400 0.8082 156,800 470,400 940,800 0.8082
Ghana 72,600 217,800 435,600 0.7484 145,200 435,600 871,200 0.7484
Gibraltar 52,600 157,800 315,600 0.5422 105,200 315,600 631,200 0.5422
Greece 58,700 176,100 352,200 0.6051 117,400 352,200 704,400 0.6051
Grenada 178,000 534,000 1,068,000 1.8350 356,000 1,068,000 2,136,000 1.8350
Guatemala 354,500 1,063,500 2,127,000 3.6546 709,000 2,127,000 4,254,000 3.6546
Guyana 9,189,500 27,568,500 55,137,000 94.7371 18,379,000 55,137,000 110,274,000 94.7371
Honduras 913,300 2,739,900 5,479,800 9.4154 1,826,600 5,479,800 10,959,600 9.4154
Hong Kong SAR 550,900 1,652,700 3,305,400 5.6793 2,203,600 6,610,800 13,221,600 11.3587
Hungary 12,790,500 38,371,500 76,743,000 131.8608 25,581,000 76,743,000 153,486,000 131.8608
India 998,900 2,996,700 5,993,400 10.2979 3,995,600 11,986,800 23,973,600 20.5958
Indonesia 291,721,800 875,165,400 1,750,330,800 3007.4412 583,443,600 1,750,330,800 3,500,661,600 3007.4412
Ireland 79,600 238,800 477,600 0.8206 159,200 477,600 955,200 0.8206

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MDRT COT TOT Commission MDRT TOT Premium
Country Commission Commission Commission Conv Factor Premium COT Premium Premium Conv Factor
Isle of Man 69,400 208,200 416,400 0.7154 138,800 416,400 832,800 0.7154
Israel 355,100 1,065,300 2,130,600 3.6608 710,200 2,130,600 4,261,200 3.6608
Italy 70,700 212,100 424,200 0.7288 141,400 424,200 848,400 0.7288
Jamaica West Indies 4,348,700 13,046,100 26,092,200 44.8319 8,697,400 26,092,200 52,184,400 44.8319
Japan 10,414,600 31,243,800 62,487,600 107.3670 31,243,800 93,731,400 187,462,800 161.0505
Jordan 24,200 72,600 145,200 0.2494 48,400 145,200 290,400 0.2494
Kazakhstan 6,111,000 18,333,000 36,666,000 63.0000 12,222,000 36,666,000 73,332,000 63.0000
Kenya 3,252,600 9,757,800 19,515,600 33.5319 6,505,200 19,515,600 39,031,200 33.5319
Kuwait 23,700 71,100 142,200 0.2443 47,400 142,200 284,400 0.2443
Latvia 35,800 107,400 214,800 0.3690 71,600 214,800 429,600 0.3690
Lebanon 107,525,100 322,575,300 645,150,600 1108.5061 215,050,200 645,150,600 1,290,301,200 1108.5061
Lithuania 44,300 132,900 265,800 0.4567 88,600 265,800 531,600 0.4567
Luxembourg 89,300 267,900 535,800 0.9206 178,600 535,800 1,071,600 0.9206
Macau 403,500 1,210,500 2,421,000 4.1597 1,614,000 4,842,000 9,684,000 8.3195
Macedonia 1,835,400 5,506,200 11,012,400 18.9216 3,670,800 11,012,400 22,024,800 18.9216
Malaysia 139,200 417,600 835,200 1.4350 417,600 1,252,800 2,505,600 2.1525
Malta 26,400 79,200 158,400 0.2721 52,800 158,400 316,800 0.2721
Mauritius 1,527,300 4,581,900 9,163,800 15.7453 3,054,600 9,163,800 18,327,600 15.7453
Mexico 744,300 2,232,900 4,465,800 7.6731 1,488,600 4,465,800 8,931,600 7.6731
Montenegro 6,200 18,600 37,200 0.0639 12,400 37,200 74,400 0.0639
Montserrat 77,400 232,200 464,400 0.7979 154,800 464,400 928,800 0.7979
Mozambique 1,538,900 4,616,700 9,233,400 15.8649 3,077,800 9,233,400 18,466,800 15.8649
Myanmar 24,717,500 74,152,500 148,305,000 254.8195 49,435,000 148,305,000 296,610,000 254.8195
Namibia 449,900 1,349,700 2,699,400 4.6381 899,800 2,699,400 5,398,800 4.6381
Nepal 1,472,000 4,416,000 8,832,000 15.1752 4,416,000 13,248,000 26,496,000 22.7628
Netherlands 82,000 246,000 492,000 0.8453 164,000 492,000 984,000 0.8453
New Zealand 142,000 426,000 852,000 1.4639 284,000 852,000 1,704,000 1.4639
Nicaragua 989,400 2,968,200 5,936,400 10.2000 1,978,800 5,936,400 11,872,800 10.2000
Nigeria 5,902,400 17,707,200 35,414,400 60.8494 11,804,800 35,414,400 70,828,800 60.8494
Norway 874,600 2,623,800 5,247,600 9.0164 1,749,200 5,247,600 10,495,200 9.0164
Oman 15,900 47,700 95,400 0.1639 31,800 95,400 190,800 0.1639
P.R. China 214,000 642,000 1,284,000 2.2061 642,000 1,926,000 3,852,000 3.3092
Pakistan 1,767,200 5,301,600 10,603,200 18.2185 3,534,400 10,603,200 21,206,400 18.2185
Panama 51,700 155,100 310,200 0.5329 103,400 310,200 620,400 0.5329
Peru 144,000 432,000 864,000 1.4845 288,000 864,000 1,728,000 1.4845
Philippines 1,393,500 4,180,500 8,361,000 14.3659 2,787,000 8,361,000 16,722,000 14.3659
Poland 179,700 539,100 1,078,200 1.8525 359,400 1,078,200 2,156,400 1.8525
Portugal 56,900 170,700 341,400 0.5865 170,700 512,100 1,024,200 0.8798
Qatar 197,300 591,900 1,183,800 2.0340 394,600 1,183,800 2,367,600 2.0340
Republic of Korea 78,494,200 235,482,600 470,965,200 809.2185 196,235,500 588,706,500 1,177,413,000 1011.5231
Romania 143,500 430,500 861,000 1.4793 287,000 861,000 1,722,000 1.4793
Russia 1,442,600 4,327,800 8,655,600 14.8721 3,606,500 10,819,500 21,639,000 18.5902
Saudi Arabia 230,100 690,300 1,380,600 2.3721 460,200 1,380,600 2,761,200 2.3721
Serbia 3,114,200 9,342,600 18,685,200 32.1051 6,228,400 18,685,200 37,370,400 32.1051
Singapore 110,800 332,400 664,800 1.1422 332,400 997,200 1,994,400 1.7134
Slovakia 48,600 145,800 291,600 0.5010 97,200 291,600 583,200 0.5010
Slovenia 61,600 184,800 369,600 0.6350 123,200 369,600 739,200 0.6350
South Africa 319,500 958,500 1,917,000 3.2938 639,000 1,917,000 3,834,000 3.2938
Spain 64,400 193,200 386,400 0.6639 128,800 386,400 772,800 0.6639
Sri Lanka 2,839,400 8,518,200 17,036,400 29.2721 5,678,800 17,036,400 34,072,800 29.2721
St Kitts and Nevis 169,300 507,900 1,015,800 1.7453 338,600 1,015,800 2,031,600 1.7453
St Lucia 178,300 534,900 1,069,800 1.8381 356,600 1,069,800 2,139,600 1.8381
St Maarten 79,100 237,300 474,600 0.8154 158,200 474,600 949,200 0.8154
St Vincent 160,500 481,500 963,000 1.6546 321,000 963,000 1,926,000 1.6546
Suriname 16,324,700 48,974,100 97,948,200 168.2958 32,649,400 97,948,200 195,896,400 168.2958
Sweden 915,200 2,745,600 5,491,200 9.4350 1,830,400 5,491,200 10,982,400 9.4350
Switzerland 120,400 361,200 722,400 1.2412 240,800 722,400 1,444,800 1.2412
Taiwan R.O.C. 1,665,500 4,996,500 9,993,000 17.1701 3,331,000 9,993,000 19,986,000 17.1701
Tanzania 62,072,000 186,216,000 372,432,000 639.9175 124,144,000 372,432,000 744,864,000 639.9175
Thailand 1,162,000 3,486,000 6,972,000 11.9793 2,324,000 6,972,000 13,944,000 11.9793
Togo 22,045,600 66,136,800 132,273,600 227.2742 44,091,200 132,273,600 264,547,200 227.2742
Tonga 133,300 399,900 799,800 1.3742 266,600 799,800 1,599,600 1.3742
Trinidad & Tobago 363,400 1,090,200 2,180,400 3.7463 726,800 2,180,400 4,360,800 3.7463
Turkey 85,900 257,700 515,400 0.8855 171,800 515,400 1,030,800 0.8855
Turks & Caicos 110,100 330,300 660,600 1.1350 220,200 660,600 1,321,200 1.1350
Uganda 102,925,100 308,775,300 617,550,600 1061.0835 205,850,200 617,550,600 1,235,101,200 1061.0835
United Kingdom 63,300 189,900 379,800 0.6525 126,600 379,800 759,600 0.6525
Ukraine 306,600 919,800 1,839,600 3.1608 613,200 1,839,600 3,679,200 3.1608

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MDRT COT TOT Commission MDRT TOT Premium
Country Commission Commission Commission Conv Factor Premium COT Premium Premium Conv Factor
United Arab Emirates 270,600 811,800 1,623,600 2.7896 541,200 1,623,600 3,247,200 2.7896
United States 97,000 291,000 582,000 1.0000 194,000 582,000 1,164,000 1.0000
Uruguay 1,331,300 3,993,900 7,987,800 13.7247 2,662,600 7,987,800 15,975,600 13.7247
Venezuela 105,032,500 315,097,500 630,195,000 1082.8092 210,065,000 630,195,000 1,260,390,000 1082.8092
Vietnam 356,289,900 1,068,869,700 2,137,739,400 3673.0917 712,579,800 2,137,739,400 4,275,478,800 3673.0917
Zambia 234,300 702,900 1,405,800 2.4154 468,600 1,405,800 2,811,600 2.4154
Zimbabwe 1,406,600 4,219,800 8,439,600 14.5010 2,813,200 8,439,600 16,879,200 14.5010

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Based on 2019 Production, Expressed in Local Currency
Production credit must be reported in U.S. dollars on certifying letters Production requirements are set independently for each country. Conversion (Conv) factors have
no relationship to currency exchange rates and are used only to standardize MDRT processing. (Local currency divided by the income conversion = U.S .MDRT
requirement) Qualification under this method is based on a requirement of USD 168,000 in annual gross income from insurance and financial products. A minimum of
USD 48,500 must be income from new business generated during the production year. Further, a minimum of USD 48,500 must be derived from income associated
with Risk-Protection Products. (For a complete list of country requirements, see the MDRT website at https://www.mdrt.org/membership/requirements/ .)

Country MDRT Income COT Income TOT Income Income Conv Factor
Angola 95,300 285,900 571,800 0.5672
Anguilla 192,300 576,900 1,153,800 1.1446
Antigua 290,100 870,300 1,740,600 1.7267
Argentina 597,000 1,791,000 3,582,000 3.5535
Armenia 29,801,300 89,403,900 178,807,800 177.3886
Aruba 218,600 655,800 1,311,600 1.3011
Australia 244,900 734,700 1,469,400 1.4577
Azerbaijan 43,800 131,400 262,800 0.2607
Bahamas 144,800 434,400 868,800 0.8619
Bahrain 38,200 114,600 229,200 0.2273
Bangladesh 3,866,600 11,599,800 23,199,600 23.0154
Barbados 226,600 679,800 1,359,600 1.3488
Belarus 252,954,500 758,863,500 1,517,727,000 1505.6815
Belgium 136,300 408,900 817,800 0.8113
Belize 171,900 515,700 1,031,400 1.0232
Bermuda 261,800 785,400 1,570,800 1.5583
Bolivia 434,100 1,302,300 2,604,600 2.5839
Bosnia-Herzegovina 121,900 365,700 731,400 0.7255
Botswana 491,100 1,473,300 2,946,600 2.9232
Brazil 328,200 984,600 1,969,200 1.9535
British Virgin Islands 169,400 508,200 1,016,400 1.0083
Brunei 99,200 297,600 595,200 0.5904
Bulgaria 110,100 330,300 660,600 0.6553
Cambodia 137,687,600 413,062,800 826,125,600 819.569
Cameroon 38,215,400 114,646,200 229,292,400 227.472
Canada 209,900 629,700 1,259,400 1.2494
Cayman Islands 118,300 354,900 709,800 0.7041
Channel Islands 120,200 360,600 721,200 0.7154
Chile 57,475,700 172,427,100 344,854,200 342.1172
Colombia 157,357,800 472,073,400 944,146,800 936.6535
Costa Rica 50,165,100 150,495,300 300,990,600 298.6017
Cote d’Ivoire 41,260,700 123,782,100 247,564,200 245.599
Croatia 593,000 1,779,000 3,558,000 3.5297
Curacao 130,900 392,700 785,400 0.7791
Cyprus 72,900 218,700 437,400 0.4339
Czech Republic 2,180,400 6,541,200 13,082,400 12.9785
Denmark 1,262,600 3,787,800 7,575,600 7.5154
Dominica 231,400 694,200 1,388,400 1.3773
Dominican Republic 2,320,500 6,961,500 13,923,000 13.8125
Ecuador 81,000 243,000 486,000 0.4821
Egypt 278,200 834,600 1,669,200 1.6559
El Salvador 82,100 246,300 492,600 0.4886
Estonia 90,900 272,700 545,400 0.541
Fiji 137,400 412,200 824,400 0.8178
France 135,800 407,400 814,800 0.8083
Georgia 124,100 372,300 744,600 0.7386
Germany 135,900 407,700 815,400 0.8089
Ghana 125,700 377,100 754,200 0.7482
Gibraltar 90,700 272,100 544,200 0.5398
Greece 101,600 304,800 609,600 0.6047
Grenada 308,300 924,900 1,849,800 1.8351
Guatemala 614,000 1,842,000 3,684,000 3.6547
Guyana 15,915,900 47,747,700 95,495,400 94.7375
Honduras 1,581,800 4,745,400 9,490,800 9.4154
Hong Kong SAR 954,100 2,862,300 5,724,600 5.6791
Hungary 22,152,600 66,457,800 132,915,600 131.8607
India 1,730,000 5,190,000 10,380,000 10.2976
Indonesia 505,250,200 1,515,750,600 3,031,501,200 3007.4416
Ireland 137,800 413,400 826,800 0.8202
Isle of Man 120,200 360,600 721,200 0.7154
Israel 615,100 1,845,300 3,690,600 3.6613

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Country MDRT Income COT Income TOT Income Income Conv Factor
Italy 122,400 367,200 734,400 0.7285
Jamaica West Indies 7,531,800 22,595,400 45,190,800 44.8321
Japan 18,037,800 54,113,400 108,226,800 107.3678
Jordan 41,900 125,700 251,400 0.2494
Kazakhstan 10,584,000 31,752,000 63,504,000 63
Kenya 5,633,400 16,900,200 33,800,400 33.5321
Kuwait 41,100 123,300 246,600 0.2446
Latvia 61,900 185,700 371,400 0.3684
Lebanon 186,228,900 558,686,700 1,117,373,400 1108.5053
Lithuania 76,800 230,400 460,800 0.4571
Luxembourg 154,700 464,100 928,200 0.9208
Macau 698,900 2,096,700 4,193,400 4.1601
Macedonia 3,178,800 9,536,400 19,072,800 18.9214
Malaysia 241,100 723,300 1,446,600 1.4351
Malta 45,800 137,400 274,800 0.2726
Mauritius 2,645,200 7,935,600 15,871,200 15.7452
Mexico 1,289,200 3,867,600 7,735,200 7.6738
Montenegro 10,800 32,400 64,800 0.0642
Montserrat 134,100 402,300 804,600 0.7982
Mozambique 2,665,300 7,995,900 15,991,800 15.8648
Myanmar 42,809,700 128,429,100 256,858,200 254.8196
Namibia 779,200 2,337,600 4,675,200 4.638
Nepal 2,549,400 7,648,200 15,296,400 15.175
Netherlands 142,000 426,000 852,000 0.8452
New Zealand 246,000 738,000 1,476,000 1.4642
Nicaragua 1,713,600 5,140,800 10,281,600 10.2
Nigeria 10,222,700 30,668,100 61,336,200 60.8494
Norway 1,514,800 4,544,400 9,088,800 9.0166
Oman 27,600 82,800 165,600 0.1642
P.R. China 370,700 1,112,100 2,224,200 2.2065
Pakistan 3,060,700 9,182,100 18,364,200 18.2184
Panama 89,500 268,500 537,000 0.5327
Peru 249,400 748,200 1,496,400 1.4845
Philippines 2,413,500 7,240,500 14,481,000 14.366
Poland 311,200 933,600 1,867,200 1.8523
Portugal 98,600 295,800 591,600 0.5869
Qatar 341,700 1,025,100 2,050,200 2.0339
Republic of Korea 135,948,700 407,846,100 815,692,200 809.2184
Romania 248,600 745,800 1,491,600 1.4797
Russia 2,498,500 7,495,500 14,991,000 14.872
Saudi Arabia 398,600 1,195,800 2,391,600 2.3726
Serbia 5,393,800 16,181,400 32,362,800 32.1059
Singapore 191,900 575,700 1,151,400 1.1422
Slovakia 84,100 252,300 504,600 0.5005
Slovenia 106,700 320,100 640,200 0.6351
South Africa 553,400 1,660,200 3,320,400 3.294
Spain 111,500 334,500 669,000 0.6636
Sri Lanka 4,917,800 14,753,400 29,506,800 29.2726
St Kitts and Nevis 293,200 879,600 1,759,200 1.7452
St Lucia 308,800 926,400 1,852,800 1.838
St Maarten 137,000 411,000 822,000 0.8154
St Vincent 277,900 833,700 1,667,400 1.6541
Suriname 28,279,400 84,838,200 169,676,400 168.3297
Sweden 1,585,000 4,755,000 9,510,000 9.4345
Switzerland 208,600 625,800 1,251,600 1.2416
Taiwan R.O.C. 2,884,700 8,654,100 17,308,200 17.1708
Tanzania 107,506,200 322,518,600 645,037,200 639.9178
Thailand 2,012,500 6,037,500 12,075,000 11.9791
Togo 38,182,000 114,546,000 229,092,000 227.273
Tonga 230,900 692,700 1,385,400 1.3744
Trinidad & Tobago 629,400 1,888,200 3,776,400 3.7464
Turkey 148,800 446,400 892,800 0.8857
Turks & Caicos 190,700 572,100 1,144,200 1.1351
Uganda 178,262,100 534,786,300 1,069,572,600 1061.0839
United Kingdom 109,600 328,800 657,600 0.6523
Ukraine 531,000 1,593,000 3,186,000 3.1607
United Arab Emirates 468,500 1,405,500 2,811,000 2.7886
United States 168,000 504,000 1,008,000 1
Uruguay 2,305,800 6,917,400 13,834,800 13.725

Page 15 Global – 8/5/2019

Country MDRT Income COT Income TOT Income Income Conv Factor
Venezuela 181,897,800 545,693,400 1,091,386,800 1082.725
Vietnam 617,079,400 1,851,238,200 3,702,476,400 3673.0916
Zambia 405,700 1,217,100 2,434,200 2.4148
Zimbabwe 2,436,100 7,308,300 14,616,600 14.5005

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