Mailam Engineering College: Department of Information Technology Internal Assessment Test-I
Mailam Engineering College: Department of Information Technology Internal Assessment Test-I
Mailam Engineering College: Department of Information Technology Internal Assessment Test-I
PART – B 5*13=65
11. a) i) Explain the difference between physical level, conceptual level & view
Level of data abstraction (MAY 2011) (6)
ii) What is a Data model? Explain the various types of data models?
(NOV 2014) (7)
b) i) Explain the distinctions among the terms primary key, candidate key, and super
Key. Give relevant examples. (6)
ii) Write short notes on aggregation and Specialization (7)
12. a) With the help of a neat block diagram explain the basic architecture of
database management system. (MAY 2017) (13)
b) i) Explain in detail about purpose of database system and also explain its
14.a) Explain the concept of additional relational algebra with suitable example?
i)Left Outer join ii)Right Outer Join iii) Full Outer Join (13)
b) Describe the features of Embedded SQL and dynamic SQL .Give suitable
examples. DEC 2010 / NOV 2016 (13)
15.a) i) Explain select, project and Cartesian product operations in relational algebra
with suitable example? NOV 2016. (13)
b) i) Explain the Entity Relationship Model (ER)? (MAY 2010, DEC 2010) (9)
ii) Draw an ER diagram describing theatre (4)
PART – C 1*15=15
16. a. i) Consider the following relational database