Tveit1987-Consideraciones de Diseño de Network
Tveit1987-Consideraciones de Diseño de Network
Tveit1987-Consideraciones de Diseño de Network
By Per Tveit1
FIG. 2. Network Arch Road Bridge Built 1963 at Bolstadstraumen i Norway (Tvelt
1966, 1980; Tveit et ai. 1978)
FIG. 3. Deflections and Shear Forces due to Concentrated Load in Network Arches
with Two and Three Sets of Hangers
Three and four sets of hangers (Tveit 1984a-c) are most advantageous in
spans with slender chords, because these spans have the greatest need for
reduction of bending. However, network arches with three or four sets of
hangers will not be discussed herein.
In terms of the second source, bending due to relaxation of hangers,
network arches with all hangers in tension act as trusses and have little
bending in the chords. However, live load on one side of the span can
make hangers relax. Fig. 4 (Tveit 1980a) shows bending and deflection in
a bridge discussed in appendix I of another paper by the writer (1984b).
Here, the left 54% of the span carries a live load equal to the dead load in
the tie. The cross section of the tie in this bridge is shown later in Fig.
11(b). The dotted hangers in Fig. 4 are relaxed due to live load. They are
numbered according to the sequence in which they relax.
The segments of the chords marked a belong to parts of the arch which
act like a truss, i.e., where all hangers are in tension. The segments of the
arch marked b are attached by hangers in tension to a section of the span
acting like a truss. The chords marked c are connected to each other by
one set of hangers in tension. This part of the bridge functions like a tied
arch with one set of hangers. The equilibrium of the bridge in zone c is
dependent on shear and bending in the chords, and this can lead to large
bending moments.
Zones a and b are more firmly held in place than zone c. Relaxation of
hangers causes significant increases in bending moments in the chords only
after zone c occurs, and even then bending moments do not increase as fast
as the moments in a tied arch with vertical hangers. This is because the
sloping hangers restrain the horizontal displacement of the arch and
because part of the network arch works like a truss.
Even if some hangers relax, moderate live load on part of the span gives
smaller maximum stresses in the arch than the same live load on the whole
span. This is because the partial live load gives a small axial force in the
arch. Considerable bending moments, due to relaxation of hangers, are
needed so that the two load cases cause equal maximum stresses. Fig. 5
shows how maximum stress in member 114 increases with increasing live
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FIG. 4. Deflection, Bending, and Axial Forces due to Unrealistically High Live Load on Left-Hand Side of 200-m (656-ft) Span; Hangers Are
Numbered in Order in which They Become Slack with Increase of Live Load
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load. One line shows how stresses increase with increasing load intensity
on the left 54% of the span, while another line shows how stresses increase
due to live load on the whole span.
The stress in member 114 for the load on the left 54% of the span is
shown in Fig. 5, because this load case is the combination of loads which
gives equal maximum stress due to full and partial loading for the lowest
live load intensity.
For the span in Fig. 4, Fig. 5 shows stresses that have been calculated in
the deflected state (nonlinear calculation), assuming a constant modulus of
elasticity. Stresses due to partial load are almost linear until the first hanger
relaxes. When hangers 1 and 2 have relaxed, the maximum stress in
member 114 increases equally due to a partial load and to a load of equal
intensity on the whole span. For a live load equal to 61% of dead load,
partial load and full load give the same maximum stress in member 114.
For this load case, hangers 1-6 are relaxed.
The network arch where hangers relax is a discontinous system, where
each combination of relaxed hangers leads to new equations for calculating
forces and deflections. This complicates design because influence lines can
no longer be used. By giving the hangers a smaller angle with the lower
chord, their tendency to relax is reduced, and thus bending due to
relaxation is reduced. The smaller angle with the chords would, however,
increase bending due to concentrated loads. Since it is rather complicated
to calculate spans where hangers relax, it saves considerable calculations
if the hangers have the type of slopes from which it can easily be seen that
the chords' dimensions are determined by the loads on the whole span.
This strategy was used for railway bridge i (Tveit 1973) and for the bridges
described by Tveit (1980a) and in appendix I of another paper by the writer
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is important to note that in this span the high stresses due to partial load are
due mainly to local curvature and not to relaxation of hangers.
The optimal number of hangers must be considered for each design. The
number of hangers in bridges discussed in previous papers (Tveit, et al.
1978; Tveit 1980a) and in the Bolstadstraumen bridge (see Fig. 2) (Tveit
1966) are believed to be reasonable choices. Many hangers will increase
the cost of labor in production, erection, and adjustment of hangers. This
increase will, however, be moderate since all the hangers have the same
cross section and hanger details are all alike. These repetitions tend to
reduce labor costs. Many hangers also mean that one can use small
hangers and light equipment for mounting and adjusting them.
An increase in the number of hangers will give lighter spans because it
gives less bending in the chords and less local shear force at the lower end
of hangers. Many hangers can also allow the use of single-rolled steel
sections for arches. Many hangers can, however, make the design around
the lower end of hangers more difficult due to crowding. More hangers will
usually allow a lighter temporary lower chord for erecting the span. For the
bridge in Fig. 4, the 3.9-m (12 ft 10 in.-) distance between the nodes in the
central part of the span was chosen so that there would be a hanger at each
transverse beam in the temporary lower chord (Tveit 1980a).
The use of many hangers makes it easy to replace defective ones without
interruption of traffic, since each hanger is light and the temporary removal
of each one causes less extra stress. If there are many hangers, there is a
decreased chance that the breaking of one or more hangers caused by a
vehicle will have catastrophic effects. The static effect of the breaking of
hangers is treated in other papers (Tveit 1959, 1966). It can be calculated
by ordinary computations by the removal of hangers.
Adjacent hangers at the deck are well spaced at the arch. Thus, the
network arch is less sensitive to the breaking of hangers than the usual tied
arch, and the writer is not aware that breaking of hangers is an important
cause of accidents in tied arches.
The hangers nearest to the ends of the arch usually have smaller
maximum forces than the other hangers. This phenomenon can, to some
extent, be counteracted if the distance between the hangers at the end of
the span is increased. This condition occurs naturally because the arch has
extra strength at the lower end of the wind portal.
The hangers should be placed equidistantly along the middle half of the
tie, giving the smallest bending in the tie and even maximum forces in the
hangers. The distance between the nodes in the middle of the tie should be
the same as, or slightly smaller than, the distance between the nodes along
the arch.
In the half of the tie situated nearest to the ends of the arch, hanger
distances should be varied in order to obtain nearly the same maximum
force in all hangers. Long distances between nodal points should be
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FIG. 8. One Form of Buckling Mode for Bridge Shown in Fig. 4; More Hangers with
Correspondingly Smaller Diameters Are Placed along Chords
avoided, because the greatest bending moment in the tie often occurs at the
longest distance between nodal points.
With usual arches and wind bracing, the buckling out of the plane of the
arch is more important than the in-plane buckling. Thus, a thorough
examination of in-plane buckling of the arch is usually not necessary.
In-plane buckling in network arches is best examined by advanced
computer programs that account for relaxation of hangers and calculate in
the deflected state, using nonlinear material properties. Due to lack of
space, only a few facts concerning buckling can be mentioned here.
Buckling is easiest to calculate when the whole span carries full load.
The decisive load case is likely to have the concentrated traffic load in the
middle of the bridge. A likely mode of buckling (Tveit 1959, 1966) is shown
in Fig. 8. How to compute the buckling load for modes like this is
explained by Tveit (1973). The arch should also be calculated as an axially
compressed bar elastically supported at specific points. This computation
can be done by a formula suggested by Engesser in 1884 (Gerard 1962).
The lowest buckling load is likely to come from a mode of buckling
combining traits from Fig. 8 and from buckling in elastically supported
bars. The minimum buckling load is, however, not likely to be much
smaller than the smallest buckling load calculated by the two methods.
When slender arches are calculated by FEMOPT (Andersen 1979), the
deflection of the arch between the nodal points can be conceptualized as
that indicated in Fig. 9. The transition from deflection line 2 to deflection
line 3 is sudden and followed by a great increase in stresses. The transition
can occur at loads well under the elastic buckling load.
If sophisticated computer programs are not available, large deflections
of the type shown in Fig. 9 can be prevented by avoiding slenderness
between points of support that can give large augmentation of transverse
bending moments.
FIG. 10. Upper and Lower End of Hanger for Single-Track Railway Bridge
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FIG. 11. Cross Sections of Various Lower Chords: (a) L = 80 in (262 ft), Built 1963
(Tveit 1980a; Tveit, et al. 1978); (b) L = 200 m (6S6 ft), Calculated 1980 (Tveit 1980a);
(c) L = 100 m (328 ft), Calculated 1984 (Tveit 1984a); (d) L = 65 m (213 ft),
Calculated 1973 (Tveit 1983); (e) L = 67 m (219 ft 10 in.), Calculated 1981; (f) L =
67 m (219 ft 10 in.), Suggested 1983
Mu^-El '1
p ' T Jr
L»B \J for erectionlower chord /
Temporary Section B-B
Section A-A \ Elastomeric bearing pads *«J
FIG. 12. Ends of Arches in 67-m (219 ft 10 in.-) Single-Track Railway Bridge
The use of many prestressing cables gives smaller anchors and less
bending in the steel plate at the end of the arch (see Fig. 12). Many cables
will also reduce the need for transverse reinforcement to counteract bond
stresses on the surface of the cables due to local change in the cable force.
cover the lower edge of the transverse beams. Thus, transverse beams lead
to unnecessary depth in the longitudinal beams.
When the tie is a concrete slab, the transverse moment decides the cross
section between the arches. The longitudinal moments of the slab are much
smaller. When full interaction between deck and arches is taken into
consideration, it has been found (Tveit 1984a) that the longitudinal bending
moment in the roadway and edge beam was roughly proportional to the
local longitudinal stiffness. The longitudinal bending in the lower chord will
rarely influence the dimensions of the edge beam. Minimum dimensions of
the edge beam are more likely to be influenced by the need for room for
longitudinal prestressing cables and by shear stresses around the lower end
of hangers.
Two more reasons for favoring the simple slab deserve a mention: (1)
The slab spreads out the concentrated loads, while the transverse beams
concentrate the loads and make them cause more bending in the edge
beam; and (2) the simple slab is more favorable as far as maintenance is
FIG. 13. Steel Weight per Unit of Bridge Deck in Various Types ©f Raod Bridges
Network arches are inexpensive as far as material is concerned. If
efficient methods of erection could be used, network arches would make
most economical bridges. The most promising methods of erection utilize
the fact that the arch and hangers supplemented by a light temporary lower
chord can carry the deck while it is being cast (Tveit 1966, 1980a; Tveit, et
al. 1978). (See Figs. 15-16.) The same temporary lower chord might be
used for spans of varying length and width. During construction, most of
the tension in the lower chord is carried by a longitudinal prestressing
cable. This cable is tensioned from time to time during casting. The edge
beam must be cast before the roadway. Maximum wind forces during the
casting of the edge beam will often be important when designing the
longitudinal beam in the temporary lower chord. During erection and in the
final adjustment of hanger lengths, hanger forces can be calculated from
FIG. 15. Partial Plan of Temporary Lower Chord for Single-Track Railway Bridge
Shown in Fig. 11(e)
FIG. 16. Cross Section of Permanent and Temporary Lower Chord for Single-Track
Railway Bridge Shown in Fig. 11(e)
the deflection due to a transverse load on the steel hanger. The deflection
can be found by sighting along the rope above the transverse load and
measuring the distance to a point below the transverse load. The measure-
ments are easily made, except for the shortest hangers, which are usually
not fully utilized. Thus, exact measurements of their forces are not such a
necessity. In a paper by Takagai, et al. (1973), hanger forces were found by
measuring the eigenfrequencies of hangers.
In cold climates, the ice of a river or lake can be used for erecting or
moving the temporary structure (Tveit 1966, 1981). The ice can be
reinforced by wood or ribbed bars, which are placed on the ice (Cedervall
and Fransson 1979). Then, the thickness of the ice can be increased in
steps by pumping water onto the ice or by spraying water in cold air above
the ice. This thick ice can be used for casting and erecting the network tied
arch between the piers (Tveit 1984a-c).
The low material and erection costs will make the network arch an
economic solution for many building sites, especially where spans of
80-300 m (250-700 ft) are required. The network arch is relatively light, has
above the lane. This seems to occur more often for railway bridges than for
road bridges.
In network tied arches there is very little bending in the arch and the tie.
The hangers give the arch good lateral support. Thus, the buckling stress
of the arch is high. The axial forces in the upper and lower chords are
determined by the loads and by the rise of arch compatible with good
looks. The hangers make a very light web. Since all members in a network
arch efficiently carry forces that cannot be avoided in any simply sup-
ported beam, the writer concludes that the network tied arch is probably
the lightest possible, simply supported span. If suitable methods of
erection are used, the network arch must also be an economic solution,
because the building costs include that of materials, plus the expense of
forming and handling these materials.
The ends of hangers are the only labor-intensive structural members, but
they lend themselves to labor saving through repetition of details. Corro-
sion protection ought to be cheap, because the areas to be protected are
small and easily accessible.
Promising methods of erection utilize the fact that the arch and hangers,
supplemented by a temporary lower chord, can carry the roadway while it
is being cast. Light members and small scaffolding costs contribute to
keeping erection costs down.
The network arch is insensitive to uneven settlements of the founda-
tions, and the roadway is usually a simple slab. This property makes the
network arch especially competitive where soil conditions are difficult and
since it gives the shortest possible ramps when a flow of traffic must be
lifted to pass navigable waters.