Boone (1996)
Boone (1996)
Boone (1996)
ABSTRACT: A concept for evaluation of building damage resulting from differential ground movem.ent is
presented in this paper. The concept is intended as a first-order method for damage assessment and rehes on
ground movement profile geometry, structure geometry and design, strain sup~rpos~tion, and critical strains of
building materials. Means for estimating the degree of damage are presented In this paper. so that the ~round
movement effects on third-party properties resulting from adjacent construction can be qUIckly and ratIOnally
prioritized. Prioritizing structure evaluations according to this first-order damage assessment method allows
detailed evaluations to be focused on those structures that appear to be most susceptible to moderate or severe
damage. Using the methods described in this p~per, 20 case histories ar~ examined, producing 43 separate
evaluations, and the results compare favorably WIth actual damage observatIons.
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30 A464 J4 \ J1 61 64 >< p = 1/500
0.0 +-....:.,r---""T"-=---r---.....,...:....--r----!
\ column grid labels lines used to define till for this paper o 2 3 4 5 6
<l 2.0 ........- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .
floor beam 1 I, l ,I
o 1.5
.. - --Loadbearing walls, sagging
H 3 I[BI l e v e ngroove
column ed ~
0::: 1.0 -.-.-.-._.
.........- .._ .._.
ill • ~
_ _ p = 1/300
-"- -'_.-.- - -
p = 1/500
fl. I ..··t~....··..··..· .....'\'a.... c: 0.5 .. :.~~>:~:::~~~~,.~f:·~~-:;:'---.~-.·
~ .
o • •• ... Poishin & Tokar
y <5
o 2 3 4 5 6
FIG. 2. Damage to Building In Drammen. Norway (after Fjeld
1964) (Dashed Lines Indicate Tilt a8 Defined for This Paper)
2.0 . .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
c) Loadbearlng walls, hogging
1.5 •
... L II
o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
FIG. 5. Relationship of Theoretical Deflection Ratio Limits and
Degrees of Damage [Numbered Curves Refer to Those of Fig. 4
FIG. 3. Deflection of Simply Supported Beam (after Burland and Wroth 1975; Burland et al. 1977)]
Deflection Angle of the Ground Movement Profile
Consider the case of a load-bearing wall with a simple and
symmetrical hogging foundation profile with a maximum set-
C 0.8 \. __ W tlement at one end, similar to what might occur near an open
o 04
:e. \ 1:::?:5W
, ,',,1,...... ,-,_< O,25w excavation or tunnel [see Fig. 9(a»). Assuming a horizontal
~ 0.0 :Y " - ' - -.. ' O.1w datum, the problem geometry is similar to that used for defi-
is 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 nition of a vertical curve in surveying as shown in Fig. 9(b).
Comparison of Figs. 9(a) and 9(b) illustrates the identical ge-
ometry between the angle of rotation, e, and the angle between
Angular Distortion. p • d ll.lnlix w = half width of trough
nw line BVC-EVC and the tangents with slopes gl and g2. An-
width of structure = nw Angular Distortion· ...6- derson and Mikhail (1985) defined the geometry of vertical
curves as
x • location of centre of structure; Smex. maximum aelllement of trough
r = (g2 - gl)IL (5)
FIG. 6. Angular Distortion within Tunnel Settlement Trough
(after Boscardin and Cording 1989) Y = (r/2):x? + gt X (6)
.., If foundation locations I and 2 are then viewed as points BVC
and EVC in Fig. 9(b), then g2 = 0 since the settlement profile
'" 2
(a) (b)
0 0
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (c) (d)
Angular Distortion, f3 ( x 10 .3) FIG. 8. Examples of Ground Movement Profiles due to:
(a) Open Cut Excavations; (b) Tunneling; (c) Self·Weight; and
FIG. 7. Relationship of Damage to Angular Distortion and Hor· (d) Simple Beam Analogy (Dashed Lines Indicate Profile after
Izontal Extension Strain (after Boscardln and Cording 1989) Movement)
L. =(49R'lT)/(3600) (15)
In the more general case, once a movement profile can be (e) (d)
estimated, the slopes at the ends of a particular structure seg- FIG. 10. Modes of Deformation and Associated Strains:
ment (i.e. gl and g2) can be determined either numerically- (a) Shear Only; (b) Shear and Ground Elongation; (c) Moment
according to the theoretical or empirical computations appro- Only; and (d) Moment and Ground Elongation
j 5 1
Sh••r /
l! 3
I 2
1 FIG. 13. Deformation of Material Element (after Gere and TI-
moshenko 1974)
for the neutral axis occurring at the centroid of the wall. Bend-
ing tensile strain is thus
~ l! (18)
J 40
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20 Shear Strain
Shear strain, 'Y, is defined as a measure of distortion, or
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 change in shape, of a material element in units of radians (see
VH Fig. 13). Shear strain is calculated as tan-Iv' based on the
FIG. 11. Moment and Shear Contributions to Deflection In Re- deflection resulting only from shear. In this paper shear strain
lation to L/H: (a) Normalized Deflection of Individual Shear and is presented as tan 'Y since data relating to shear deformations
Moment Deflections; (b) Proportion of Total Deflection due to is often presented as such a ratio.
Moment and Shear
Strain due to Elongation of Ground Movement Profile
Walla with cracks Conservatively, it can be considered that ground strains due
to elongation of the settlement profile will be experienced by
6 the foundation (ignoring slip between foundation and ground)
....>< • and elongation strain, Eg , can be assumed to equal
Walls with no cracks
Eg = (/ g - 1)11 (19)
where Ig is determined in (13) through (15) using the maxi-
0 • mum deflection of the ground movement profile as a basis for
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 determining relevant angles and slopes.
FIG. 12. Relative Deflection In Relation to L/H and Building
Damage (after Polshln and Tokar 1957) Due to the greater tensile resistance of frame buildings, de-
formation is expected to primarily result from differential ver-
shear and bending may be superposed (Gere and Timoshenko tical movement of columns. Since many columns may be in
1974) and, for a uniformly loaded simple beam sagging or hogging zones, tilt of the building must also be
considered separately and subtracted from the deformation due
Vma>< = (5qL4 )/(384EI) + (3qL2 )/(16GA) (16) to differential column settlement. Tilt is assumed equal to the
where the first term represents deflection due to flexure and slope of the chord between endpoints of symmetric ground
the second represents deflection due to shear. After normal- movement profile segments. While these assumptions are sim-
izing deflection components by the factor (bE)/q, assuming plistic, they provide a readily implemented approach for initial
assessments of potential frame building damage.
that the beam is isotropically elastic, and assuming a Poisson's
ratio of about 0.2 (for normal concrete), the variation of bend-
ing and shear components of deflection per unit length relative Fixed-End Beams
to liB and total deflection are illustrated by Fig. 11. The crit- The deflected shape of fixed end beams (i.e. those of rein-
ical factor in deflection switches from shear to moment at liB forced concrete frames), subject to settlement at one end, will
equal to about 1.7, close to the point of change (about 2) in
Polshin and Tokar's damage envelope shown in Fig. 12. After / for Infill walls
determining the respective values of Vmax(V) and Vmax(M) by using
Fig. II(b), (13) can again be used to back-calculate v~ and
v~ and subsequently, the moment radius of curvature, R M , and
shear distortion.
Bending Strain
After determining the proportion of total deflection accom-
modated by bending, the distorted length due to tension of the
extreme fiber by bending (1M') can be determined by geometry.
For example, the strained length of walls undergoing hogging
deformation with the critical strain occurring at the wall top (a) (b)
can be calculated by
FIG. 14. Geometry of Beams and InfllllPanel Walls: <a> Fixed
(17) End Beam Frame; (b) Simple Beam Frame
Direct lateral extension strains, Ele, may be caused by hori- resulting in a value of about 0.081 %, which is consistent with
zontal ground movements behind retaining systems, near tun-
neling, or above deep mining. Therefore, Ele must be added to
the tensile strains calculated as outlined above. Horizontal
movements due to such causes have been discussed in detail
by authors including Goldberg et al. (1976) O'Rourke et al.
(1976); O'Reilly and New (1982) Attewell et al. (1986); Lit-
tlejohn (l974a,b), and Boscardin and Cording (1989).
Severe (4) Severe damage includes large cracks requiring extensive repair work involving 15 to 25 mm but also depends on
breaking-out and replacing sections of walls (especially over doors and windows); number of cracks
distorted windows and door frames; noticeably sloping floors; leaning or bulging
walls; some loss of bearing in beams; and disrupted service pipes.
Very severe (5) Very severe damage often requires a major repair job involving partial or complete Usually >25 mm but also depends
rebuilding; beams lose bearing; walls lean and require shoring; windows are on number of cracks
broken with distortion; and there is danger of structural instability.
the diagonal tensile strain reported in Table 1 (where Ex rep- (1977) " ... it must be emphasised that the classification [in
resents tensile strain along the longitudinal axis and Ev """ 0). Table 2] relates only to visible or aesthetic damage. In situa-
Since shear and bending-related deformation are assessed tions where cracking may permit corrosion or allow penetra-
separately, it is necessary to evaluate possible building damage tion or leakage of liquids or gases, the criteria are, of course
according to the bending, shear, lateral extension, and com- much more stringent," and crack width should not form the
bined strains. This is especially important for buildings in the only basis for judgment.
approximate range of 1 < liB < 4. Eq. (20) may be applied to
approximate the maximum principle tensile strain, Ep , for the INITIAL ASSESSMENTS OF BUILDING DAMAGE
particular building element provided that the appropriate pro-
portion of total tensile strain, E" is used. Since equivalent shear Suggested steps for initial assessments of existing or pos-
strains will occur at the ends of load bearing walls and E, is sible building damage are briefly outlined next. The simple
experienced along the full segment length, O.5E, is considered Wan Langlh (m)
appropriate in (20) in place of Ex. For infill walls bound by
fixed-end or simply supported beams, O.5E, and 1.0E" respec- o -T--i--i-';""-T-~;;-:;:-:;:""':; DAMAGE TO FRONT OF BLOCK B
tively, are considered appropriate for similar geometry reasons.
Once individual shear and combined principle tensile strains
are calculated, the totals can be compared to Table 1 values
length, openings, and loading conditions; however, for sim- FIG. 16. Building Damage due to Settlement (after Wilson
plicity, Ep for load-bearing walls and infill walls supported by et al. 1984) (Dashed Lines Indicate Tilt and Dotted Line Indicates
fixed-end beams may be applied to an equivalent diagonal Smooth Deflection Curve as Defined for This Paper)
length based on the building element height and length ap-
proximated by
2 0 0 0
ld = V(l/2i + H (21a)
O 0 0
and for infill walls supported by simple beams
ld = Vl
+ H
0 0 0
e 15
illustrated in Fig. 14. Burland et al. (1977) presented a table
of damage category according to crack widths (see Table 2).
While the total strain may indicate the total width of all cracks
ii 5
I.l 0
along the strained length, substantial judgment is required to 1:
assess the distribution and number of cracks that might occur ~
in a given structure. Little information is available considering FIG. 17. Building Damage due to Heave (after Cheney and
this particular aspect of the subject; although the values in Burford 1974) (Dashed Lines Indicate Tilt and Dotted Line Indi-
Table 2 serve as a general guide. As noted by Burland et al. cates Smooth Deflection Curve as Defined for This Paper)
mated using the methods outlined in this paper and reported and Cording 1989).
Anderson, J. M., and Mikhail, E. M. (1985). Introduction to surveying,
The use of single criteria. such as angular distortion, for
McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, N.Y.
assessing building damage excludes many important factors. Attewell, P. B., Yeates, J., and Selby, A. R. (1986). Soil movements in-
The single parameter approach to evaluation of settlement duced by tunnelling and their effects on pipelines and structures.
damage potential, while attractive for its simplicity, may be Blackie and Sons Ltd., London, England.
better substituted with consistent definitions of problem ge- Bjerrum, L. (1963). "Discussion on 'Proceedings of the european con-
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geometry changes induced by ground movement. The pro- wegian Geotech. Inst. Publ. No. 98, Oslo, Norway, 1-3.
Boscardin, M. D., and Cording, E. J. (1989). "Building response to
posed damage assessment approach is presented in a separated excavation-induced settlement." J. Geotech. Engrg., ASCE, 115(1),
form so that various factors governing: flexural and shear stiff- 1-21.
ness of building sections; nature of the ground movement pro- Boscardin, M. D., Cording, E. J., and O'Rourke, T. D. (1979). "Case
file; location of the building within the settlement profile; de- studies of building behavior in response to adjacent excavation."
gree of slip between the foundation and ground; and building U.S.D.D.T. Rep. No. UMTA-IL-06-0043-78-2, U.S. Department of
configuration can be logically assessed. If crack width is ac- Transportation, Washington, D.C.
Bozozuk, M. (1962). "Soil shrinkage damages shallow foundations at
cepted as an indicator of damage severity, assessment methods Ottawa Canada." The Engrg. J., Canada, 33-37.
should attempt to estimate or predict crack width directly. Brand, E. w., and Luangdilok, N. (1975). "A long term foundation failure
Given the subjective nature of the reported damage, reeval- caused by dragdown on piles." Proc.. 4th Southeast Asian Con! on
uated case histories show reasonable agreement between esti- Soil Engrg., Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4, 15-24.
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Tunnelling Technol., Washington, D.C., 1-5.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Burhouse, J. (1969). "Composite action between brick panel walls and
The writer is grateful to the anonymous reviewers for their comments their supporting beams." Proc.• Inst. of Civ. Engrs., Part /ll, The In-
and suggestions made during the review of this paper and Andrea Holden stitution of Civ. Engrs., London, England, 782-783.
for her invaluable editing assistance during preparation of the final man- Burland, J. B., and Wroth, C. P. (1975). "Settlement of buildings and
uscript. associated damage." Build. Res. Establishment Current Paper, 33(75),
Building Research Establishment, Watford, England.
Burland, J. B., Broms, B. B., and DeMello, V. F. B. (1977). "Behavior
APPENDIX I. DAMAGE PARAMETERS OF PRIOR of foundations and structures: state of the art report." Pmc.• 9th Int.
WORKS Con! on Soil Mech. and Found. Engrg., Japanese Geotech. Soc., To-
kyo, Japan, 495-546.
Prior building damage parameters and notation are listed Cheney, 1. E., and Burford, D. (1974). "Damaging uplift to a three-story
chronologically below. office block constructed on a clay soil following the removal of trees."
AIL: Central Deflection Ratio-maximum deflection between Proc.. Con! on Settlement of Struct., British Geotech. Soc., London,
the curved beam deflection line and the straight line be- England,337-343.
Cording, E. 1., O'Rourke, T. D., and Boscardin, M. D. (1978). "Ground
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81l: Angular Distortion-differential settlement between two Driscoll, R. (1983). "The Influence of vegetation on the swelling and
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