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Religion 25 Lesson 1

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Religion 25: Lesson 1 (Holy Land & People)

Grade/Subject: Religion 25
Unit: 1 (Land & People)
Lesson Duration: 155 minutes
Date: March 10th , 2021

General The objectives of the courses in religious studies are to provide an opportunity to
Outcome(s experience a number of cultural, historical and contemporary issues from a
) religious point of view, and through the study of religion as a separate discipline to

A. Identify Scripture and Tradition as the primary sources of Christian belief.

 B. Explore the history of Judaism as a foundation of Christianity while
demonstrating respect, empathy and compassion for the history of the Jewish
 C. Know the Christian response to Jesus’ question: “Who do people say I am?”
 D. Explore the salvation doctrine of other world religions.
 E. Understand the ministry and core teachings of Jesus and their implications for
Christian life through a study of the Gospels.
 F. Explain, working with multiple perspectives, ways contemporary Christians
cooperate in bringing about the Reign of God.

Specific 1. Concept of ethics

) 2. Meaning of religious ethics

3. Ways in which the adolescent attains self- realization

4. How the adolescent works out his or her identity in society

5. How certain specific contemporary issues affect the adolescent

Learning Students will:

Intentions  Demonstrate their understandings of the Holy Land
 Understand where the Holy Land is
 Identify the groups of people living in the Holy Land (New Testament)
 Discuss the historical and political climate in the Holy Land

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative  Ability to answer questions correctly Summative  N/A
Assessment  Observation (participation/positive Assessmen
attitude/attendance) t
 Exit Slip
 Poster Assignment
“Tell me one key takeaway you took from this
(I will ask a few students to share)

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to  Students will have Resource o Fill-in-the-blank notes
Lesson: background knowledge s to o Diagrams
on bible basis Bring: o PowerPoint
 Students will know
what the class https://docs.google.com/presentati
expectations are on/d/1KqJT1Hh5mTxX8vjPJIBFqt

o Holy Land Chart & Map

o Chart Paper
o Markers

Content/Description Notes/Materials

What do I want my students to learn?

1. What the Holy Land Is
2. What the historical and political climate in the Holy Land was
3. Groups of people in the New Testament

How will I know my lesson was successful?

1. Students are engaged and asking thought-provoking questions
2. Students answer questions correctly

Class starts at 9:10 (after morning announcements)

Introduction (5 mins):
Go over the agenda:
 Holy Land Map
 What the Holy Land looked like in Jesus’s time
 People of the New Testament

On the white board: As you come in, please grab the Holy Land Map
& worksheet

“Today we will be looking at the Holy Land, what it was like in

Jesus’s time, where it was and the people living there. Before we get
started and I want you to think about what the Holy Land is. Take a
couple of seconds to think and we will discuss as a group.”

Question of the day: What is the Holy Land

Activity 1: Holy Land Map (15 mins + 25 mins for Holy Land Chart
worksheet) & Map

“Now that we have a bit of background knowledge on what the Holy

Land is, we are now going to take a step deeper and see what the
Holy Land looks like today compared to Jesus’s time.”

 The first thing we are going to look at is what the Holy Land used
to look like compared to what it looks like today.

Probing question: “Can anyone speculate what it looks like”

“If I can get everyone’s attention back up to the screen, we will use
Google Earth to take a look at the Holy Land and the areas
surrounding it.”

“We will now move on to the worksheet that you grabbed on your
way into class. Please grab out your textbook and follow the activity
on page 56 (encountering Jesus in the New Testament and plot the
locations on your map). I will give you 25 minutes to complete the
worksheet and then we will discuss as a class.”

Activity 2: The Holy Land in Jesus Times (20 mins)

 Students will follow along with the PowerPoint and fill out their
 Throughout the PowerPoint there will be images, videos and
probing questions

“Before your lunch break, I want everyone to think about one thing
you took away from the beginning part of the lesson. I will ask a few
of you to share.”

Lunch Break: 10:50am-11:20am

“Welcome back from lunch. For the remaining time we will shift our
focus to looking at the groups of people in the New Testament.” You
will see that I put a new worksheet on each of your desks.”
“I want you to get into groups of 4 or 5 and write your name under
the group of people you’d like to further research. You will get 30
minutes to create a poster on your group and present it to the class. I
will hang these posters up around the classroom once everyone is
Activity 3: People of the New Testament (60 mins)
 In groups students will research one of the groups of people from
the New Testament
 The groups include:
o Sadducees
o Pharisees
o Essenes
o Zealots
o Tax Collectors & Common People
o Gentiles & Women

 Students will get into groups of 4 to 5 and pick a group of people

that would like to research.
 Each group will make a poster outline the key elements of each

 Some guiding questions to focus on include:

o Where does the group live?

o What does the group believe in/stand for?
o What type of jobs do they have?
o What do they look like?
o Are they known for anything?
o What is their connection/relationship with Jesus?

 Once groups have completed their poster, they will present their
findings to the class. Their classmates will copy down the
information into their charts
 This is a jigsaw activity
 After everyone has presented I will add some key points if any
groups missed them to ensure everyone has the correct
information needed for their upcoming exam.

Conclusion (5 mins):
 Exit ticket:
“Name one role of the Pharisees”
“Tomorrow we will review the Holy Land and start looking at the
different convents. Are there any questions regarding what we went
over today?

 Get students to put their work booklets away and push in their chairs
 Students will wait for the bell to dismiss them.

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