Weebly ps2 1
Weebly ps2 1
Weebly ps2 1
For the remainder of class, students will finish their Aztec Gods presentation in
preparation for Monday.
GOs: 8.3 Through an examination of Spanish and Aztec societies, students will
demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how intercultural contact
affects the worldviews of societies.
SOs: Students will: 8.3.4 assess, critically, how the Aztecs were affected by the
Spanish worldview by exploring and
reflecting upon the following questions and issues:
• What were the key elements of the worldview of the Aztec civilization prior to
contact with the Spanish?
• How did the Aztec civilization’s worldview influence the Aztecs’ choices,
decisions, and customs?
Lesson Students will:
Objectives Consider the practices of mass sacrificial events that promoted the myths of
the Aztec’s religion.
Use tools o inference and foreshadowing to consider how these practices
would have been accepted or rejected by European explorers and religious
Ensure that students are thanked for their hard work this week
and remind them that they will be presenting their projects on
Presentation Requirements
Each presentation should be around 3-5 minutes in length.
At least 4 images should be utilized. Images should include depictions or drawing of the
god, any symbols, images, or depictions of their mythology, powers, attributes, or
manifestations in the world.
Your presentation should be focused on improving the understanding of your fellow
Provide clear, important information that is essential to understand the god, their powers,
and their impact on the Aztecs.
All websites and books (including your textbook) utilized in your project should be cited.
For this assignment, you can cite your resources by providing a link to the website in the
speaker notes of the slide or written on your presentation poster.
jjjjjjjjLevel 4 3 2 1 0
Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited Insufficient/
Criteria blank
Quality of Provides a Provides a Provides a Provides a No score is
Information comprehensive substantial partial minimal awarded
Provided explanation of explanation explanation explanation because there is
necessary of necessary of necessary of necessary insufficient
8.3.1, material material material material evidence of
& student
based on the
requirements of
the assessment
Apply the All information Most Some Little
Research is from information information information
Process relevant is from is from is from
8.S.7 sources that are relevant relevant relevant
(x0.5) cited within the sources that sources that sources that
presentation are cited are cited are cited
within the within the within the
presentation presentation presentation
Communicate During the During the During the During the
in a presentation, presentation, presentation, presentation,
persuasive information is information information information
and engaging presented in a is presented is presented is presented
manner compelling in an in a in an
8.S.8 way interesting simplistic ineffective
way way way
Organization The The The The
of information is information information information
Information skillfully is logically is somewhat is
(x0.5) organized organized organized disorganized
or unclear