LE DISS Week7 Q1
LE DISS Week7 Q1
LE DISS Week7 Q1
What’s New?
The class will be divided into four groups and each group will form a
line. The first person in line will do the action/task and pass it to the next
person in line until the message reaches the last person in line.
What have you realize with our activity today?
What do you think is our topic for today?
a. Positivism Theory
b. Interpretive Theory
c. Critical Social Science Theory
It is sensitive in context.
It claims that people create and associate their own subjective
meanings as they interact with the world around them.
It asserts to search for the meanings people assign to certain
phenomena in order to understand them.
Its knowledge of reality is only socially constructed, no objective
reality as opposed to the claims of positivist social science that
there exists objective reality.
It can be traced to Max Weber, who asserted social science
needed to study significant social action, and Wilhelm Dilthey
argued the importance of an emphatic discernment of the
everyday lived experience of people in a particular historical
(Reference/Source: Online or Learning Activity Sheets)
The class will be divided into 8 groups. Each Group will prepare 1
Manila Paper and their art materials to be posted within the classroom.
The learners will be instructed to create a INFOGRAPHICS Poster
containing the information assigned to them.
Concept A –
Group 1 Definition and Historical Context of Hermeneutic
Group 2 Contributors of Hermeneutic Phenomenology
Group 3 Key Concepts of Hermeneutic Phenomenology
Group 4 Strengths and Criticisms of Hermeneutic Phenomenology
Concept B –
Group 1 Definition and Historical Context of Symbolic Interactionism
Group 2 Contributors of Symbolic Interactionism
Group 3 Key of Symbolic Interactionism
Group 4 Strengths and Criticisms of Symbolic Interactionism
Then, groups are expected to share their output.
Learners will write important information about the topic based on the
presentation posted on the board.
What is Hermeneutic Phenomenology and Symbolic
Who are the proponents?
What are the strengths and criticisms of the theory?
Can you give real-life examples in every theory?