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3 Spending your way out
Chris Cunningham

5 ptq&a

23 Capturing carbon dioxide from refinery streams
Laurent Thomas and Gary Bowerbank
Shell Catalysts & Technologies
29 Heat exchanger fouling analytics
Mohammad Umar and Hiren Shethna
Anukoolan Solutions
Q3 (Jul, Aug, Sep) 2020 35 Planning to counter economic turbulence
www.digitalrefining.com Ron Beck AspenTech

39 IMO 2020: meeting the challenge

Kerstin Müller Clariant

45 Protect control valves when production slows

Zane Bodensteiner and Matt Gulleen

49 Real-time crude and desalter monitoring

Albert Mouris and Etienne Hunt Hobré Instruments
Kevin Clarke CREAS Energy Consulting

55 Improving turnarounds and operations with online cleaning

Marcello Ferrara and Cristina Ferrara

63 Molecular management for refinery-petrochemical complexes

Jitendra Chellani and Sachin Srivastava
KBC (A Yokogawa Company)

69 Remote management of hydrogen production

Brian Bumgarner, Marco Márquez and Jeffrey Swanson
Matheson, a Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation company

75 More petrochemicals with less capital spending

Marcio Wagner Da Silva Petrobras

81 Types of corrosion and materials to combat them

Gerhard Schiroky Swagelok Company

89 Boosting mild hydrocracking performance

Xavier Enrique Ruiz Maldonado Haldor Topsoe A/S
Carlos Mostaza Prieto, Jose Carlos Espinazo Utrera
and Javier Pierna Rodriguez CEPSA

99 Troubleshooting premature tower flooding

Lowell Pless Tracerco
André Perschmann, David Bruder and Thomas Walter Linde AG

107 Managing the life cycle of coke drums

Abby King, N Chithranjan and Mitch Moloney

113 Technology in Action

Visbreaker at Galp Energia’s Sines refinery, Portugal
Photo: Galp Energia

©2020. The entire content of this publication is protected by copyright full details of which are available from the publishers. All rights
reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise – without the prior permission of the copyright owner.
The opinions and views expressed by the authors in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor or publisher and while every care
has been taken in the preparation of all material included in Petroleum Technology Quarterly and its supplements the publisher cannot be held
responsible for any statements, opinions or views or for any inaccuracies.

ed com copy 22.indd 1 15/06/2020 16:06

Shell Catalysts & Technologies collaborates closely with our customers to create value through innovative
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shell.indd 1 1 6/3/20 4:37
11/06/2020 PM
Spending your
way out
Vol 25 No 4
Q3 (Jul, Aug, Sep) 2020

ssuming that this pandemic has an end-point, businesses in general – and
refiners more than most – would prefer a restoration of near-normal to some
Editor realignment of reality. Will max-oil arrive much sooner? Perhaps. Will we
Chris Cunningham all drive electric by the end of the decade? Probably not. And what about young
editor@petroleumtechnology.com chemical engineers in search of a career path? What is their view of oil refining
for a reliable future? So far, there are plenty of statements on the breeze, but
Production Editor few certainties.
Rachel Storry
At PTQ’s press time, Europe’s refiners through their trade body, the
European Petroleum Refiners Association, set out their view on a ‘climate
Graphics neutral’ industry by 2050. The association’s task is to coordinate with the
Peter Harper European Union executive; 2050 is a target set previously by the EU. The refin-
graphics@petroleumtechnology.com ers were detailing some practical requirements for climate neutrality in the
form of a ‘potential pathway’. They base their case on the development of low
Editorial carbon liquid fuels for road, marine, and air transport, meaning second and
tel +44 844 5888 773
fax +44 844 5888 667
third generation biofuels and green hydrogen. Next comes the financial hit:
“To deliver such a pathway an investment estimated between €400 to €650 bil-
Business Development Director lion will be needed.”
Paul Mason Provided the cash is to hand, the pathway indicates that a cut of 100 million
sales@petroleumtechnology.com t/y in carbon dioxide output from the transport sector could be possible by
2035. At the end of the road to 2050, the refiners say, automobiles would have
Advertising Sales Office largely shifted to electric drives, so that the market for liquid fuels in trans-
tel +44 844 5888 771
fax +44 844 5888 662
port would fall to as little as a third of current levels, or about 150 million t/y
of liquid fuel products. The balance of demand from air, sea, and heavy road
Managing Director transport would be met by liquid fuels.
Richard Watts Finding the finance to at least kick-start this pathway to mid-century may
richard.watts@emap.com prove troublesome for the foreseeable future. In mid-June oil prices were dip-
ping significantly for the first time since April while margins were already run-
Circulation ning at low levels, especially in Europe where diesel is in heavy over-supply.
Fran Havard
The tipping point for some upstream operations, particularly shale oil produc-
tion, continues to loom. BP, meanwhile, has earmarked up to $17.5 billion of
EMAP, 10th Floor, Southern House, operating write-downs to counter continued low prices and declining demand.
Wellesley Grove, Croydon CR0 1XG The International Energy Agency has been tracking investment in energy
tel +44 208 253 8695 projects all the more closely in response to the pandemic. At the start of 2020
the IEA projected a rise in investment spending of perhaps 2% on the year.
Lower demand, reduced earnings, and restricted movement of people have
Register to receive your regular copy of
PTQ at www.eptq.com/register
hit the energy industry particularly hard and so wrecked a once-reasonable
estimate. The current year is likely to experience the biggest decline in energy
PTQ (Petroleum Technology Quarterly) (ISSN investment on record, by a fifth, or almost $400 billion, set against spending
in 2019.
No: 1632-363X, USPS No: 014-781) is published
quarterly plus annual Catalysis edition by EMAP and
is distributed in the US by SP/Asendia, 17B South By aggregating investment data and announcements the agency has revised
its estimates. Petroleum based operations are taking the biggest hit, largely
Middlesex Avenue, Monroe NJ 08831. Periodicals
postage paid at New Brunswick, NJ. Postmaster:
send address changes to PTQ (Petroleum Technology because of cuts to movement by land and air which together account for
Quarterly), 17B South Middlesex Avenue, Monroe NJ
08831. Back numbers available from the Publisher nearly 60% of the world’s demand for oil. At the height of the crisis in April,
at $30 per copy inc postage. year-on-year demand for oil was down by around 25 million b/d. At best,
demand in 2020 could slip by an average 9 million b/d, which is where we
were in 2012.


PTQ Q3 2020 3

ed com copy 22.indd 2 15/06/2020 16:05

Process Not es

Modular units can have modern technology

Modern Crude Distillation,

Modularized With the right expertise, it is possible to design indus-
trially proven, reliable equipment to be easily modular-
Global interest in modular refinery construction is surg- ized.
ing. Small modular refineries are attractive to investors
for several important reasons: Process Consulting Services has engineered over 100
crude/vacuum unit revamps and over 4 MMBPD of
SPEED grassroots crude unit capacity. We have drawn on all
Project time from contract execution to start-up can of this experience to develop a unique flow scheme
be as short as 18-24 months. for modular crude/vacuum units. Our modular crude
distillation process is fully modern, incorporating
LOGISTICAL ADVANTAGES time-tested technologies to eliminate common reli-
Modular refineries can be built in remote locations ability issues. Some of these features, developed in
to realize efficiencies in supply and transportation of much larger units, have been re-thought to be afford-
raw crude and refined products. able on a modular scale.

LOW INITIAL COST No matter how low the initial cost of a crude unit is,
Small relative size makes initial capital cost more the investment will not pay off if the unit is plagued by
manageable. Modules can be constructed in the avoidable problems. Poor desalting (corrosion), pre-
shop with nearly 100% productive time, and turnkey flash tower foaming (off-spec naphtha), tray plugging
fabrication and construction services lower the like- (poor fractionation and product quality), etc. can all be
lihood of project delays or cost overruns. mitigated by thoughtful front-end design.

For a project to realize the benefits listed above, it has Through creative flowsheet and equipment design,
to start up and run reliably. Saving initial capital by cut- PCS is able to significantly reduce the number of mod-
ting corners is a doomed strategy. Cost savings should ules required to build a modern crude distillation unit
result from clever flow schemes that minimize equip- that maximizes valuable product yield, energy efficien-
ment and module count without sacrificing product cy, and reliability.
yields or unit reliability.
Photo Credit: Honeywell UOP

3400 Bissonnet St. +1 (713) 665-7046

Suite 130 info@revamps.com
Houston, TX 77005, USA www.revamps.com

pcs crude.indd 1 12/06/2020 15:14


Q Our cheaper crude intake has relatively high chloride downstream systems. In the regenerator itself there are
levels at the cost of increased preheat exchanger fouling. What cases where combustion problems manifest as a result
measures can we take to minimise the problem? of high chlorides, leading to rapid and severe CO excur-
sions, with the associated environmental compliance
A Tom Ventham, Sales & Technical, Europe and Africa Unicat and afterburn implications.
BV/G. W. Aru, LLC, tom.ventham@gwaru.com; CJ Farley, Senior Good desalting is essential to remove as much chlo-
Technical Services Engineer, G. W. Aru, LLC, cj.farley@gwaru. ride as possible from the eventual FCC feed compo-
com; and Natalie Herring, Director of Technology and Business nents. If an exhaustive investigation of typical sources
Development, G. W. Aru, LLC, natalie.herring@gwaru.com of chloride has not explained an increase, FCC catalyst
A further problem caused by high levels of chloride in should also be considered. It is known that FCC fresh
crude can be witnessed in the FCC unit. Chlorides are catalyst can release chlorides when injected to the FCC1
often found in heavy portions of crude, meaning they due to incomplete calcination of the FCC catalyst before
end up in the FCC unit, either in residue or VGO cuts. leaving the supplier’s factory. These effects are typi-
In the FCC, chlorides can affect product yields and are cally observed on the regenerator/flue gas side where
highly deleterious in both of the process outlets. When catalyst is exposed to high temperatures. Retention
chlorides enter the FCC, it can be observed that hydro- of fresh catalyst samples for retrospective testing is
gen yield increases and coke selectivity deteriorates. advised when a history of chloride corrosion has been
Several documented cases point to the issue of chlo- experienced.
ride increasing the activity of contaminant nickel in the
FCC unit when such effects are observed without a sub- 1 Salt deposition in FCC gas concentration units, Michel Melin, Colin Baillie
and Gordon McElhiney, Grace Davison Refining Technologies Europe, PTQ
sequent increase in metals loading. Routine analysis is Q4 2009.
advised in the event this phenomenon is seen, but as
chlorides often enter the FCC in brief slugs, reactivating
the nickel present, it is rare to be able to capture these A Melissa Clough Mastry, Technology Manager EMEA, BASF,
effects within the normal sampling schedule. melissa.mastry@basf.com
Focusing on the hydrocarbon outlet, where chlorides Another point to consider is if the chlorides are making
leave with cracked products, serious problems can be their way past crude processing, there is a chance for
found in the upper sections of the main fractionator and chlorides to also enter the FCC if your refinery is con-
in the gas plant. In the main fractionator, chloride com- figured with one. Once chlorides enter an FCC, they
bines with ammonia, which is typically found in excess may cause problems downstream, including fouling of
due to the cracking of amines in feed, to form ammo- the main column overhead system (NH4Cl deposition)
nium chloride. Ammonium chloride salt deposition may or even within the FCC by reactivating old contami-
occur under certain conditions as a function of partial nant nickel (leading to higher hydrogen and coke). The
pressure of NH3 and HCl and the dewpoint of water. preferred option to minimise the problem is to avoid all
Where NH4Cl deposits form on trays, increased pressure sources of chlorides – so optimising the crude desalting
drop or tower flooding issues can occur. This situation processing or using an FCC catalyst that has zero chlo-
is typically seen towards the top of the tower, especially ride content. (It is known that if present in the fresh cata-
when a side cut naphtha stream is taken, such as heavy lyst, not all the chlorides will leave from the regenerator
cut naphtha (HCN), which results in a cooler tower top stack, but some will entrain to the riser side.)
temperature of <120°C. A water wash in the reflux can
help alleviate this situation as NH4Cl is highly soluble A Xiomara Price, Senior Product Analytics/Support Manager,
in water. However, if the material has already solidified, SUEZ – Water Technologies & Solutions, xiomara.price@suez.
this is unlikely to help. Further, amine filmers, which are com
supplied by water treatment companies, can be used to Salt and solids fouling can occur either in the cold pre-
add a protective layer on the trays, but this is more effec- heat exchangers before the desalter or the hot preheat
tive for clean trays as a preventative measure. Typically, exchangers after the desalter. This type of cold preheat
mechanical removal of the deposits is required follow- fouling can be typically addressed by adding a portion
ing a unit shutdown. of the desalter water wash to the front end of the preheat
Additionally, and at higher tower top temperatures, exchangers.
corrosion problems can be seen further downstream, The desalter is the primary defence against salt and
such as chloride stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in the solids fouling in the hot preheat exchangers. Desalter
wet gas compressor and interstage cooling system. A performance optimisation is essential to mitigate the
suitable water wash system is required to minimise cor- fouling. It can be achieved by adjusting any number of
rosion in this vulnerable area. variables depending on your specific system design,
On the regenerator side, chlorides also cause corrosion operation, and limitations. Some of those variables
problems through SCC in flue gas ducting and other include percent wash water, mix valve pressure drop,

www.digitalrefining.com PTQ Q3 2020 5

Q&A copy 37 (original) copy 3.indd 1 13/06/2020 14:43

P r o ce ss Not e s

Flexibility is profitable

Flexibility Matters tray vapor loads and internal liquid reflux rates.
Keeping the upper pumparounds loaded can
In uncertain times, refineries can maximize profit (or at
least minimize loss) through flexible operations. Crude also help avoid low pumparound return or tower
units are the first link in the refinery processing chain, overhead temperatures that condense water and
and making large changes in crude diet or throughput cause salting or corrosion problems. It may even
stresses even the most state-of-the-art unit. make sense to turn off a lower pumparound.


Certain operating strategies can maximize reliability, Thinking longer-term, cost-effective revamps can
yields, and product qualities. Some practical short- add critical flexibility to allow for wide swings in unit
term options include: throughput and crude blends while still operating in
• KEEP THE BOTTOMS STRIPPING STEAM control. The right process design enables operators to
At turndown, consider maintaining normal crude consistently:
tower and vacuum tower bottoms stripping steam
• Control desalter inlet temperature,
rates and lowering heater outlet temperature to
• Control preflash column inlet temperature and
control cutpoint. This allows the stripping steam
naphtha production,
to do the work while heater firing is minimized to
• Control pumparound return temperatures and
protect the heater tubes at low mass velocities.
rates independent of pumparound heat removal
• LOWER THE PRESSURE requirements, and
Lowering tower pressures at turndown lowers • Precisely control vacuum column top pressure.
the density of the vapor, which keeps trays loaded
and can avoid weeping and loss of efficiency. This advice is, of course, generic. To discuss challenges
Lower pressure also lowers draw temperatures, unique to your own crude/vacuum unit, give us a
increasing pumparound rates and hopefully call. Process Consulting Services believes crude
avoiding minimum flow limits for pumps and units should have flexibility. We believe that revamp
tower internals. solutions should be flexible too - one size doesn’t fit
all. We look forward to working together to find the
most cost-effective and reliable solution to your crude
In multi-pumparound towers, shifting heat to
processing problems.
the upper pumparounds at turndown increases

3400 Bissonnet St. +1 (713) 665-7046

Suite 130 info@revamps.com
Houston, TX 77005, USA www.revamps.com

pcs flexibility.indd 1 12/06/2020 15:11

water wash quality, desalter temperature, slop addition, fouling. To select a suited antifoulant, the fouling mech-
chemical addition, and desalter level. anism must have been confirmed, as suggested earlier.
Your service provider should be able to provide you
with specific guidance on what variables are negatively A Marco Roncato, Senior Product Manager Process
impacting your system, and how to best improve them. Development & Marketing, Chimec, process@chimec.it
If for some reason the desalter operation cannot be fur- Refinery crude feeds contain water and inorganic salts
ther optimised due to design or operational restrictions, such as sodium, magnesium, and calcium chloride. In
an effective dispersant can help reduce fouling until the the case of cheap crudes, the water content – hence the
design or operational problem can be resolved. salts content – can be higher.
The first measure in order to manage this higher con-
A Chris Claesen, Director, Technical Consulting, NALCO tent is obviously to maximise desalting efficiency. But
Water, cclaesen@ecolab.com after this first step, despite good desalting efficiency,
If you have not already done so, I suggest doing a root some inorganic chlorides remain in the desalted crude
cause investigation. Find the exact location of the foul- and it is well known that they can hydrolyse, generat-
ing: is it in the cold or hot preheat and which specific ing HCl. In order to minimise this phenomenon, a com-
exchangers are fouling? Running a rigorous preheat mon practice is to inject NaOH into the desalted crude.
monitor model such as Monitor can help with this. If Caustic injection downstream of the desalter is rec-
possible, try to get a deposit sample and have it ana- ognised as a cheap, effective method to reduce over-
lysed, and the fouling mechanism determined or head corrosion. Unfortunately, at the same time, NaOH
confirmed. Also perform the necessary analyses to injection into the desalted crude can be detrimental for
determine if the increased chloride levels are due to the following reasons:
inorganic chlorides (salt) or organic chlorides. • Concentrated caustic solutions can cause general cor-
Check with the company that treats your desalters rosion of carbon steel equipment at these temperatures.
and overhead if they have processing experience with Additionally, caustic can cause caustic stress corrosion
the specific crude and if they have seen any problems cracking (CSCC or caustic embrittlement) of non-post
associated with it. Having access to a database with pro- weld heat treated carbon steel and of austenitic alloys
cessing experience such as the Nalco CrudeFlex data- including stainless steels and nickel alloys such as Alloy
base that points out potential problems linked to a crude 825 (UNS N08825).
can certainly help with the investigation. • If allowed to precipitate (usually in the hottest CDU
Look at the crude stability and blending stability; the heat exchangers, where water flash occurs), caustic/
crude may already be self-unstable or blending with salt reaction products (calcium and magnesium hydrox-
other crudes can cause instability of asphaltenes which ide) and unreacted caustic can cause plugging of heat
can lead to increased preheat fouling. exchanger tubes (inorganic fouling). This leads to losses
Check if the increased chloride content is linked with of heat exchanger efficiency (lower energy saving and
an increase in other contaminants such as increased higher maintenance costs) and increases the ΔP of the
water and solids content. If these have increased above equipment.
your normal values, a crude tank settling programme • NaOH can contaminate the bottom streams affecting
using crude tank demulsifiers can help reduce them. downstream units:
Verify how the desalter is responding to the increased ■ Catalyst poisoning in the downstream catalytic

chloride levels. Have the chloride levels (salt levels) of plants – the FCC unit, hydrocracking unit, residue
the desalted crude increased? Refiners often respond to desulphurisation and so on
increased desalted crude chloride levels by increasing ■ Increased coking rate in the downstream unit fur-

the caustic dosage after the desalter and this may lead to naces; for instance, the vacuum and visbreaker units
increased fouling in the hot preheat exchangers. Caustic ■ Low quality produced fuel oil (fouling problems in

usage should be minimised by optimising desalter per- the burners, for instance in a power station or in the fuel
formance, for example by increasing washwater to the oil furnaces)
desalters and optimising washwater distribution over
the cold preheat and upstream the mix valve, and opti- Caustic Replacer
mising mix valve pressure drop. In order to manage these issues, Chimec has developed
If not controlled properly, the increased desalted Chimec 3034 – Caustic Replacer to substitute completely
crude chloride content may lead to higher levels or partially the injection of NaOH downstream the
of hydrochloric acid going to the overhead and an desalter; the overall effect is the reduction of the sodium
increased overhead salt formation potential; deposited content in the atmospheric residue.
salt decreases heat exchange in the overhead/cold crude This implies:
heat exchangers. If this happens, it would normally also • Lower catalyst poisoning (hence deactivation) in the
be noticed by an increased pressure drop over these downstream unit
exchangers on the overhead side and an increased tower • Lower coking rate catalysed by Na in the downstream
top pressure. furnaces
If the preheat exchanger fouling cannot be controlled • Higher fuel oil quality
by changes in pretreatment, blending, or desalter oper- • Lower Cl level in the overhead systems, thus lower
ation, an antifoulant programme may help reduce the corrosion rate

www.digitalrefining.com PTQ Q3 2020 7

Q&A copy 37 (original) copy 3.indd 2 13/06/2020 14:43

Q With IMO 2020 in place, we need
Perform analysis of crude oil before and after desalter (water, Cl-) more hydrogen. Can we uprate our
existing hydrogen plant without a major
revamp? How much extra production is
Perform analysis of the tail water (pH, Fe, Cl-). Initial point

2 hours A Tom Ventham, Sales & Technical,

Reduce NaOH injection by 1 ppm
Europe and Africa Unicat BV/G. W. Aru,
2 hours
Add CH 3034 with
Cl < 10 ppm Cl < 10 ppm
LLC, tom.ventham@gwaru.com; and
dosage 1 ppm for Perform analysis of the tail water (pH, Fe, Cl-) Gary Bennington, Business Development
every 4 ppm of Cl-
Dosage optimisation programme
Manager, Magma Ceramics & Catalysts,
Figure 1 Dosage optimisation programme Several capital intensive options
exist to increase hydrogen produc-
• Lower risk of Na embrittlement tion from a hydrogen plant, including
• No risk of NaOH induced fouling in the hot preheat adding a pre-reformer, a post-reformer (GHR or EHTR),
train or re-tubing the SMR with lower wall thickness tubes to
Chimec 3034 is an oil soluble blend of high molec- give a moderate increase in catalyst volume or pressure
ular weight polyamines able to neutralise free chlo- drop allowance. All of these options are expensive and
rides in the desalted crude oil, thus forming salts that time consuming to implement, as well as being consid-
show higher thermal stability compared with the inor- ered major projects for a refinery to undertake.
ganic chlorides, especially magnesium and calcium that A ‘drop-in’ option would be preferred, where
hydrolyse at the hot train preheat exchangers and fur- more hydrogen is produced from the steam methane
nace outlet temperatures. This would increase the HCl reformer (SMR). Magma, a UK company with extensive
that distils at the top of the pre-flash and main fraction- manufacturing experience in the ceramic industry, has
ator columns in CDUs. applied novel texturing techniques to hydrogen cata-
Furthermore Chimec 3034, compared with most com- lyst production, leading to a 10-15% increase in hydro-
mercially available caustic replacers based on other gen production. Guided by experts in SMR, Magma
lighter amines and diamines, ethylenediamine, dieth- has adapted this technology to commercialise a new
ylenetriamine, diethanolamine, triethanolamine, trieth- type of SMR catalyst which utilises external surface tex-
ylenetetramine, offers the following advantages: turing, new shapes, improved heat transfer, porosity
• Its oil based formulation conveys the active com- to increase activity, and pressure drop characteristics
pounds in the crude oil matrix in a more efficient way of the catalyst with the aim of producing significantly
• The higher boiling point range of the active compo- higher hydrogen yields from the SMR.
nents decreases vaporisation, thus preventing salts for- This catalyst can also be applied in other ways if
mation on the columns’ trays increased hydrogen production is not immediately
• The higher thermal stability of the salts produced by required, such as significantly reducing fuel and energy
the reaction with hydrolysed chlorides ensures a reduc- requirements through more efficient production of
tion of chlorides ending up in the overhead system of hydrogen. These fuel and CO2 savings have cost and
the CDU preflash column and main fractionator, in turn environmental benefits in some global regions today.
decreasing the corrosion rate As this is a catalyst pellet, it can be loaded, started,
• It is completely organic and metal free, i.e. no impact operated, shut down, and unloaded in the same way as
on the coke promotion and on the catalyst deactivation) a conventional SMR catalyst. Furthermore, increased pel-
• It has a fast reaction let strength avoids breakage related pressure drop escala-
tions. A unique approach to potash promotion eliminates
Injection strategy the potassium elution problem seen with traditional
Chimec 3034 has to be injected downstream of the doped catalysts. Improved heat transfer and lower drag
desalter. If NaOH will be only partially substituted, it coefficient mean greater feed flows are able to be pro-
must be injected in a separate line with respect to the cessed, leading to higher hydrogen yield. Currently
NaOH, being in a different solvent. installed by two of the top three refining companies
Chimec 3034 dosage strongly depends on the quantity in the US, with orders for both Europe and Asia to be
of salts in the desalted crude. Approximately 1 ppm of loaded in 2020, this SMR catalyst from Magma (supplied
NaOH (considered as pure NaOH) can be replaced by by Unicat in some regions) can provide more hydrogen
7 ppm of Chimec 3034. in a way that is cost-effective, flexible, and user-friendly.
To confirm the results of applying Caustic Replacer,
the dosage of Chimec 3034 should be kept constant for A Tom Ventham, Sales & Technical, Europe and Africa Unicat
12-24 hours and analyses should be repeated on: BV/G. W. Aru, LLC, tom.ventham@gwaru.com; and Xavi Llorente,
• The desalter inlet and outlet crude Technical Sales Engineer - Asia, Europe, MEA, Unicat BV,
• Overhead tail water Xavier.llorente@unicatcatalyst.com
Optimisation of the dosage can be performed as out- Producing more hydrogen using advanced technol-
lined in Figure 1. ogy is only a partial solution to the challenge. It is also

8 PTQ Q3 2020 www.digitalrefining.com

Q&A copy 37 (original) copy 3.indd 3 13/06/2020 14:43


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15/06/2020 PM
important to capture it. The pressure swing absorption
Fuel gas
(PSA) system sits at the end of the modern hydrogen Propylene
plant and is the last opportunity to capture the valuable )
Recovery ➔ LPG

hydrogen produced. When uprating a hydrogen plant, Gasoline
a similar uprating of the PSA should be performed to LPG/LCN Distillates
.J,cuts Fuel oil
handle additional throughput and maintain or improve
the purity of the hydrogen processed. The first adjust-
ment for this new operating mode is typically focused PolyFuel
➔ LPG raffinate
on the capacity of the PSA system. Is the current design
of the PSA able to handle up to 20% more throughput? , Oligomers partially Oligomers used
PSAs are often overdesigned by 120% of nominal capac- or totally recycled as motor fuels
to FCC:
ity. Thus, most PSA units could potentially handle the Gasoline
FlexEne solution /Dist illates ) Gasoline
feed increase expected. However, there are a significant (
oligomers --)-- Distillates
number of critical points that must be considered. For
instance, is the tail gas drum capacity sufficient to han- Figure 1 Oligomerisation within FCC block
dle the increase in tail gas generation? Also close atten-
tion must be given if the throughput increase impacts coke (versus disc and donuts, baffles, or other technolo-
any operational parameters such as the feed pressure. In gies), the air demand and regenerator(s) temperature are
that case, modification of the programmable logic con- drastically reduced. Temperature drops of 10-15°C are
trol (PLC) can take place. Eventually, if there is a require- routinely achieved, and possibly more depending on the
ment to maintain high recovery and high purities, starting point. The ‘room’ thus freed in the regenerator
revamping must be considered. This implies an increase enables increasing the ROT in order to reach higher pro-
in the number of absorbing vessels, PLC replacement, as pylene yields.
well as a redesign of the absorbents loading scheme. Some other technical elements offered by the FCC
PSA units operating in hydrogen flow schemes con- Alliance and Axens have similar effects, albeit to a lesser
tain several layers of absorbent material, including alu- extent:
mina, activated carbon, and molecular sieves used to • Feed injectors: FIT G-Series or FIT R-Series (depend-
remove the contaminants found in the hydrogen rich ing on the unit feed diet) will reduce coke production
stream. However, the most crucial layer in achiev- through better, more intimate contacting of the feed. The
ing high performance tends to be the carbon layer. The liquid hydrocarbons are more efficiently and quickly
ability to load a higher density activated carbon layer vaporised to promote vapour phase cracking in order
increases the absorption capacity in a fixed volume to limit coke formation by deposition on the catalyst.
which is an ideal solution for these uprate cases. Unicat Following the same principle as above, reduced demand
can supply a wide range of PSA advanced absorbents on the regenerator side allows increased severity
and also offers the whole range of PSA solutions. As an • The RS2 riser termination device will ensure mini-
independent supplier, Unicat can offer absorbents and mum thermal degradation. The same load on the wet
solutions to all PSA designs and licences. A number of gas compressor can thus be achieved at the same unit
successful case studies and a long reference list of PSA throughput but operating at higher severity to promote
applications Unicat have been involved in are available propylene production
to discuss. • MTC Technology: a riser quench that will force an
increase in the catalyst circulation rate, bringing more
energy to the riser and thus improving feed vaporisation
Q We are aiming to boost our FCC propylene output. What and performances
recent developments would you recommend? In addition, if the LCN or external olefin-rich cuts can
be disposed of, coupling the FCC unit with an external
A Nicolas Lambert, Technology Team Manager – RDS, FCC oligomerisation unit will prove a very efficient substi-
& Sweetening Segment, Axens, Nicolas.LAMBERT@axens.net tute to a secondary riser.
and Thibault Reffet, Technology Team Manager – Clean Fuels, Indeed, the principal pathway for propylene from
Axens, Thibault.REFFET@axens.net LCN cracking is through the intermediate oligomer-
Beyond the obvious adjustments to the catalytic systems isation of olefins subsequently followed by cracking.
to include ZSM-5 and follow closely the latest catalytic Cracking of paraffins requires much more energy for
developments, some upgrades on the technology side limited results. Externalising the oligomerisation step
are possible. The principal hurdle will be the hydraulic through Polynaphtha or PolyFuel processes will ensure
limitations of the unit which could require reducing the a much higher extent of this reaction step, leaving only
unit throughput to achieve better performance. the cracking part to be performed by the cat cracker.
Not so recent, but efficient in generating some margin In such a case, only oligomers are recycled to the FCC
in an existing unit, which can in turn be used to increase unit, requiring far less space than the full LCN cut, for
unit severity, is the FCC Alliance Stripper Packing. This instance, for much better results.
largely proven equipment aims at thorough stripping Moreover in addition to the LCN, the oligomerisation
of spent catalyst under all circumstances in the unit. unit can convert the C4 olefins into oligomers that can
Through an important reduction of hydrogen content in be cracked to propylene. Hence, by using this type of

10 PTQ Q3 2020 www.digitalrefining.com

Q&A copy 37 (original) copy 3.indd 4 13/06/2020 14:43

Together Under
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Tested. Proven. Valued.


grace.indd 1 12/06/2020 15:12

technology, it is possible to tune the FCC product slate of increasing injection/lift steam in a typical high pro-
towards the desired products. This coupling of FCC pylene unit with high ZSM-5 addition:
with an oligomerisation process is called FlexEne (see It must be noted that graph is specific for each unit
Figure 1). since the actual response to light olefins yield depends
on other process variables as well as unit design
A Hernando Salgado, Technical Service Manager ME, BASF, aspects. In addition, a substantial increase in injection
hernando.salgado@basf.com; Amid Shah, Technical Service steam or lift steam might require plant modifications
Manager India, BASF, amit.shah@basf.com; and Stefano to accommodate the higher steam rates, and a careful
Celestino Riva, Technical Service Manager EMEA, BASF, stefano. review of the capacity of some downstream systems
riva@basf.com such as the lines and pumps of the sour water system,
If all conventional and easy ways to increase propylene including the main fractionator overhead drum col-
yield from the FCC unit have already been evaluated lection boot, and the sour water stripping unit. Other
and implemented to the furthest extent possible – oper- design aspects such as maximum feed injector pres-
ating conditions, feed quality, naphtha recycle – then the sure drop and cyclone inlet velocities should also be
market can be scouted for the latest technology in the monitored as they will directionally increase. As a side
development of ZSM-5 additives. benefit, higher injection steam will also improve feed
Recent R&D developments have enabled an increase atomisation and vaporisation, thus reducing coke yields
in ZSM-5 additives’ crystal content from a traditional and coke deposition tendency.
25-40% level to higher than 50% crystals. BASF’s ZEAL Finally, producing maximum propylene from the FCC
is the latest ZSM-5 additive in that category. Using riser is only the start; it should also be recovered by
such a high crystal ZSM-5 additive, while maintain- reducing/minimising losses in the dry gas/fuel gas. In
ing the dosing rate the same as the incumbent additive, one patented application, a refinery added a chiller to
can significantly boost propylene yield by minimis- cool the naphtha used in the primary absorber to mini-
ing the additive dilution effect, provided that sufficient mise the loss of propylene to the fuel gas. The value of
olefin precursors are available in the light gasoline propylene in a petro-refinery can be high enough to pay
stream. The extent of incremental propylene produc- back additional investment in a short time.
tion depends on the specific application. However, it is
always a good idea to consult your FCC catalyst sup- A Kevin Le, Senior Technologist – FCC, Shell Global Solutions
plier to receive brainstorming support for new ideas or (US) Inc., Kevin.Le@shell.com
simply to evaluate the impact of conventional opera- On an existing unit, ZSM-5 additive has been used as
tional changes. the main handle for maximising propylene production.
For instance, one of the operating variables that is It provides the most flexibility for managing a unit’s
often neglected but affects propylene yield a lot is the constraints, as well as a quick response to the need for
hydrocarbon partial pressure, impacting both the ole- incremental propylene barrels. Optimising fresh cat-
finicity of the C3 fraction (C3=/C3 ratio) and the overall alyst formulation is also important to target for max-
yield. A decrease of hydrocarbon partial pressure can imum LPG production, along with ZSM-5, while
be achieved by increasing injection steam or any other minimising the bottoms or slurry production. Generally,
steam going to the riser, such as lift steam. Hydrogen a fresh catalyst that works best in this case is formu-
transfer reactions are expected to be reduced under low lated with a ‘lower’ rare earth and a ‘higher’ matrix sur-
hydrocarbon partial pressure conditions, hence pre- face area than the ‘typical’ catalyst formulation.
serving the olefins already made, and increasing crack- In most cases, an existing unit is typically constrained
ing reactions (that are thermodynamically favoured by by the volumetric flow on one or more gas fractionation
low pressure) towards products including light olefins pieces of equipment – namely, the wet gas compres-
such as propylene. Figure 1 shows the potential impact sor (WGC), the absorber, the debutaniser, or the depro-
paniser. The constraint in these columns can often be
relieved by upgrading the column
1.14 internals. Shell has implemented a
C3 = Yield (projected yield/base case)

1.12 wide range of its own column inter-

nal designs to expand the capacities
of these columns within existing ves-
1.08 sels. To manage the constraints on an
1.06 existing unit, optimal solutions are
often found by balancing the riser
outlet temperature (ROT), ZSM-5
1.02 concentration, fresh catalyst formu-
1.00 lation, and in some cases feed rate
and/or feed quality to the unit.
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Maximising ROT could be a low
Injection steam rate/base case cost option to maximise LPG pro-
duction, by increasing conversion
Figure 1 C3= yield vs injection steam ratio and over-cracking of gasoline into

12 PTQ Q3 2020 www.digitalrefining.com

Q&A copy 37 (original) copy 3.indd 5 13/06/2020 14:43

of and
lighter prescriptive
products. itThis
chloride maintenance
Remarkably, ofany comes
and the
evidenced techniques.
to into
meetbya an higher
legal This
the ofdry
decreased is gas
mono- key
are was not enough
tion process alongside other flagged maintenance
ments borylated
formed and
and these
after a versus
ensure poorer
the technologies
ovalene (a characteristic PCA molecule) content in the propylene
fitness between have
for methane huge
ammonia potential
Y-zeolite when
and isacross
hydro- 15:1
com- system. In the n
In the
gen with
the sector,
chloride, the offering
effect a better
and ZSM-5.
ammonia alternative
andanalytics Inatto
the the
1000°C traditional
refineries range. arethe a 20% higher h
The stream
fifth step (see adds predictive which is about to sulphide,
predict the
has homogeneous
operating a
concentration Poisonsinbased
significant today, approach
theimpurities on
ability to
and asset
the to a maintenance.
hydrogen gas yield. in
sulphide the methane
Choosing feed
crude are outlet oil tempe
the evolution as ofthat fouling observed in future, in the and pilot thus test and indicate in the
oils With
byproductsstreams ofthis only
feed ofwhich
well-controlled the 5.6%.
nozzle can
cracking Thus,build
optimised the
the reactions
technology upheterogeneous
focus onisisalso
blending the analysing
that important
occur catalyst
and in
the in the previous
upcoming unit
requirements using Z-HD20. for cleaning. Predictive ana-
which exhibits
upstream mix
result to
maximiseof both
reactor, higher
the problem
use yield
all such
the andthe as
FCCpropylene unit
refineryin the for
a a mono-
feed are nisms were ins
For turns
lytics a European a laggingrefiner indicator operating
into a leading a 300 indicator t/h two-
and orborylated
stage compressor.
converted with action to methane
meeting Sonic
recycle the than
acid. thecan homogeneous
The be
on added
an found
having a toincurred.
existing the
are: catalyst.
three-year unit.
the process safety.
and allows
Importantly, to
the beteam taken foundbefore thatlosses MOF are UiO-67-Mix
to and
the when
feed latest
limits vibration
stream. feed
(to reduce nozzle
Catalystexceedsthe a certain
quality in level,
giveaway) FCC alerts
an has are can
the be The system is
The estimates
final step indicate
is adding that
AI orMACH knowledge technology based could
main without
sent gastoHCl
caused advise
instrumentsyield iridium
by operators
to +had
increase no thateffect
iron remedial
refinery onbeen methane
can action
profitability. borylation.
in many
pores and, because of
NH 3 that
(g)+ the can bottom
(g) → generate
NH 4 linecorrect
Cl (s) by $10–20 advice million taking perin cycle.all ele-

In-line The
of theteam
blending catalystalso
(toand carried
when adds
a product out
the a new detailed
tank, layer
ship, optimisation
oforsophisti- very
pipe- oil supply and r
ments of
the the situation
catalytic reaction then provide
conditions clear
using actions UiO-67- to
line),Other high to – the
all methodology,
blending +variables
components moving
that on would
the itspecific
are from
continuously acatalyst
propyl- in different mod
NH +it.H 2This action
S (g) → NH HS may (s) require human intervention
based to as the processing
a broader catalyst process byunits screening
based approach. several Indifferent
deliver- • High tempera
3 4
ene production
design include feed quality, conversion, and
or, where
Catalysts theand
the &production
solvents. Technologies,
trusted, process.
C Dthenand/or
in as automated,
collaboration solvent
led to furnaces run pa
and ing
reactor prescriptive
These reactions analytics,
are general,
zeolites there
exothermic an
6 used has
a to
and in beto a
mixer, recognition
heterogeneous is feed,
matic has developed
bis(pinacolborane) requests. a new nano-engineered
conversion of 19% and a zeolite
typically processes,
lyst with
isareprocess activities
higher hydrogen
prevented and
through systems
content used
areand inlower the plant
aro- ble of supplyin
This advanced
lower work yield
of 3.3% addsandthat
fora in largeregenerator
products distinct
monoborylated MACH,
amount advantages
solids). design
of When
methane. system could s
the interconnected.
other content,
temperature controls
blending would Prescriptive
defined resultheat for
as analytics
salt point propylene
and looksthe
is at
reached, data
Conversely, that
and when enable
calculations, the VGO common molecules
and generates
solvent and athose
tetrahydrofu- large of
and streams
pushed FCC
age across
especiallyproduct, these,
is by the and
the in NH pinpoints
ability made
to adapt
partial sophisticated
up of
to unit
pressure, several
fluctuations to does
salts signa-
pro-can ing three bitum
amount ran and feeds
was patterns to
employed, enter it more
98%that efficiently.
3 However,of the in it
the andItcan
blending the is leverage
deposit important
streams inofseveral
data to accurately
quality, are
locations happening
switch the yield
main advance
blend- from
frac- duction lines, tw
reagent wasthe number
achieved; MACH of technology
however, for thefrontlineto respond
major staff.
product to
ing of
each ofan
tionator, event.
different stream
typically product of in theorder
the coke to
overhead,and optimise
burn so without
in the the top FCC
pump- feed heater in winter
This wasprocessstrategic
borylated is objectives
tetrahydrofuran, because,with
automated, compared
and the
only data
3.8%withand the
The Critically,
around, hotforgeneration
hence too,
maximising is
in the
the approach
depropaniser/debutaniser also
of excessive
in-linetells blending
production. thehydrocar-operator
Using HEX, is a • Normal temp
model of root performance
monoborylated products,
KPIs onlyit can:
methane. need Among to inform
be the addressed solvents
where bons
possiblethey cause
to kinetic
lead of to the
an problem. such
overallcorrelative It
effect can
of Advanced
losing them
or min-
distilla- not
and tem is capable
• Provide
by exception.
tested, better
dodecane The yieldfrontline
gave stability thestaff throughout
best areto presented
results: athe run
conversion and aits
Rigorous that
imising the
the compressor
use Cracking
ofhas flame is going
impingement fail but
proprietary also
from thatsoft-
torch required for the
simple ofprocess
>99%, analysers
Its that improved
is in
directly extremely and/or
hasof to
linked 67,tobe
clear ASTM
athe characteristics
out: (see
liq- heater
enable oil is
are recommended
the hydrocracker will reduce
dry for
to and quantifying
produce of
section yield
more liquid the from of
column; each
into the yieldgas of
lines 19.5%, at a certain no concentration
detectable amount or evenof • The furnaces
and from
less stream.
FCC they
diborylated the
light catalyst.
methanethe data, based
borylated onorthe they predeveloped
dodecanebecome more
just requires
a aslow change no expert
in are the pressure implicit
recorded. Thatknowl- effec- as long as the
For given feed to quality, maximising the cat-to-oil
edgeEnable to FCC
tively is
the since
production they
prescriptive an sintering
base high
process oils
acidic In
lever- not
It not between the fur
way, on-line
ofmany ratio
>99%aspects also
for to
Itsthe be plays
increased the
such an
monoborylated salt important
aromatic deposits measureofrole
add a
saturation charac-
product. in
to increas-
fouling in
agesonly highlights of
the digitalisation:
impending problem, it also high- Hot oil heate
teristics unit
Experiment FCCconversion
ring theopening
strongly and functionality
efficiency propylene
suggests destruction
reduction, production.
thatmean theoccurs
pressure theUiO-67- Shell
UCO at
• Multiple
lights actions data sources
that can (process
be taken data,
to avoid price it. Itdata,
still in its
havestreams FCC
temperatures and
structure andunits
also well
hydrogen with
to below
with metal-organic unique
content sintering
to feature
(vital automatic
salt that
for the steam
framework allows
infancy data) today, are but aggregatedover the together
course of 2019 we expect to
• Firstfact, water
and thetoacatalytic
behigher recycled
that activity
process and to the
VI (essential
digital would
for theto more
reconciles react
the In One of th
The see
key the
If you level
success reachof interest
factors sintering and
The excitement
temperatures around
hasinsuccessfully it
themethane gather-
data, simulates itof
the salts
enables pores
the removal
higher toin yield
scenarios, such
involve blending
and monoborylated
calculates systems
the capability,
injection the are:
of wash
(i) ing
of while
of 1000°C
into allthe
of time.
heat the
the to
theFCC, maximise
more heavy naphtha for petrochemical aromatics. depending
formation C/O
of these
the onratio the
contaminant spectrallower are and notab
the partial
effective level
Increase in
more pressure
there to
the efficient are
favoured of the
usethe hydrocarbon
of future
hydrogen risks of
methane. on in
the In riser,
• Data
Scoping analytics
out the predicts
results andfor changesconversion the redesigne
hand next
for better at
stream the
washphase same
economics. to
of time
our impliesto on
research, maximise
the the
team unit’s
plans conversion
andto opera-
activate is
Ultimately, from reactive
though, toprescriptive
proactive analytics is just one
(ii) The
tional thus
methane concern propylene
difficulties. with – like
the production.
same air
chemistry, ofIt
grids, is
the abutgreat
will addition vessel
substitute to
Help refiners
• Dashboards
ments tool
Earth-abundant kit albeit
metals process
fuel one,
to visualise
such the
oil production
as C/O
iron, of
cobalt, which
which and
line place
accessible theway. Maritime Organization’s of2020 fuel sul-
We The able
cap. accurate
believe tooiliridium,
feed sector.
which of is In
technology rare
and increases
will theincreas-
greatly andand
inlet and
see three
ing product
cost, A key
COofconcentration trends
demand, playing
the out
flue across
gas on the a havesector
partial as
burn the
march the solve
to heavy
Claesen, of and
KPIs. sothe
Technical efficiency
the nature
will offewer
heavy plugging,
NALCO unit,
Water, and
recovering will raising
cclaesen@ecolab.com the for
the catalyst
transfer processing cooler
functionalisation of duty. and
feeds It
will change. to made As by
refinery artificial and intelligence,
asset and
tasks contaminant
become execu- more
(iv) important
such ofTheSinteringreliability
as those
deep cut can note
heavy be
of that
theVGO, recycling
corrosion. by With sour
control water
continuous hardware: and/or low
tion of
autonomous decisions
and AI will
assisted, beheavy automated, coker gasoil,
significant there DAO,
is no collector and th
the Catalysis
ebullated metals
one to with
bed riserhydrogen
the will
such Fe,impact
easiest and(hydrogenation)
and coke
manage, These yield
fluidised can
while andisproductivity
be athe
catalytic pro-
gain any
can need
be as to
expected. provide decision
Individuals support
andreactor the KPIs
businesses for tank coils, pro
one cess
idence– the
cracking in
structure refining,
products. it of well
allows a among as
and other
refineriesvalidation industries.
particle to
to theofby
optimise In
models the particular,
– is
amount low
they operation.
work for need Instead to(MF). there will that
understand be KPIs the monitor-
requirement heaters.
•of the main
Process hydrogenation
challenging fractionator
water point
advantaged used, of
(particularly functionalised
crudes. that
withThe canfrequent
reducing melt
ability nitro-aromatics
at regener-
to upgrade to
ing forthe performance
workers willreactor of
evolve. the analytics
Organisations and data
and to
people ensure will
and is
products issues. beyond the
crude to
oil manufacture
the ability pressure
and/or damage aromatic
use reduce
oror destroy
of conventional catalysts amines
hydrocarbon a
of (ani-
the system
need to is operating
retrain themselves. correctly. Orifice design
partial lystpressurewhich are
isThe goodimportant for unit to the
conversion agrochemical, and pig-
with Because
We MACH also
their full
to see
also organic
2019 enables activity
processingwill be
thea continuing ofpropyl-
they morewill
roll- Previously, at p
ene ment,
have production,
no and
impact pharmaceutical
on yet
of it
downstream is typically
drop. industries.
into units. not
product Nitro-aromatic
tanks and/solu-
Conclusion of ora higher
new margin,
trend which lower we quality
term feeds‘networks
here: while stillof oil flow result
ortion compounds
areuse a key aofexisting
proven consist
unit of
decision inare
dispersant one
support the
the to
following (NO
refin- be2)
attached co-opetition’.
to an aromatic The ring. opportunity
Typically, to their seamlessly
hydro- the storage tan
the root
product product balance,
quality loadings
point of can tocetane
view, the
be MF
there isandto
no WGC,
ing and
genation chemicals
elements has ofquality
required the value (diesel
use chainof will give
can address
and tomers. As the
• The so on.
smoke remove
product point) them isbetween
andoil from
yields. the
those andfeed
The wateror
higher to use
hydrogenation a special
many of
precious the issues
to companies
metals that
such have
asItwhich compromised
platinum, recognise palladium, KPI
that and effec-
or for- can
rho- the furnaces in
characteristic an
metal inexisting
into passivation
the a unit
oil or operating
wateradditive is without
stream it prevents
is constraints
homogenously the toin
dium. inOther
advantage theofpast. MACH
of the
seehave a future helps to build
to convert
evolving that business where
more alli- flowing throug
the gas
aromatics, mation
thereby eutectics.
potential section,
improving negative a product
matrix, consequences
reaching yield all
properties, upof to lost
and 7-8
theofThe operation
supported the has value
Pt very
sites chain. few
from KPIs
Much asdue
nanoparticles Amazonto theto highly
has done
highly ally decreases.
increasing fresh
deposits removal
volume feed
can hasof
swell. Febeen and
place. achieved
process (in by
could using
in be the a CDU
consid- com-
dispersed consumer nature
clusters of or
goods operations.
single-atom and KPIssites
catalytic will be a
in furnace outlet,
Thus, ofthe
reaction the can
taking above
yield be asalts,
of mentioned
decision the molecule
premium by
to variables.
fuels becomes
through To further
thedirect most
Pt catalyston identifying
process with manufacturers exceptions
iron up oxide will and
(FeOdo anomalies.
)wt% to react toresulted
support KPIs
market the required he
increased propylene
carrying into
conversion athe yield,
depositof heavy should
and 15-20solids
be xbased
the water of
removal onfresh 
phase a where feed
will be
opportunity smart,
in unprecedented with
and manufacturingtargets
reactivity and adapting andenhanced to variable
pricing challenges. situ- diameter of the
MACH typically
analysis can take
technology require
and Good major
therefore in the revamps
provides will
first also
of downstream
valuable anselectivity
forthereduce existing
oppor- or
ations Theoptimised
for final
hydrogenation key by trend rigorous
ofacross modelling.
this sector
nitro-aromatics toKPIs
will thebe will around
aromatic be 100mm. Then, o
tunities Shell
stop risks,
for any has
the developed
hydrocracker for NaOHMILOS
in (Middle
centric Distillate
the physical and
amines. future
However, facing,
change. the low surfacerefinery
Knowledge areapredictive
of this and system could
ana- and throughout the

have The athe Olefins
reliability desalters
major ofis
impact Selective)
veryon reduce
control technology
its bottom the
barriers, Na
content the maximising
Furthermore, of
balance the
and it
lytics rather
powerful provision
limits the thannumber retrospectively
of measuring
data and models across refining
accessible catalytic what
surface wentsites. fice diameters l
already olefins
residual benefits
aavailable. while
significant and offering
unit feed.
reduction aVanadium
ininthe operating
wash (V) is present
water mode
wrong. This
A promising
organisations will require
will alternative
democratise changes would the culture
be to use
decision-making and a organ-
support pro- pressure. In thi
for distillate
can beinfinancial,
obtained. (LCO/LGO)
oiland as reputational).
a stable production.
oil new soluble
It is The
also MILOS
complex important pro-
cess. to
The get the
people most
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A Tom Ventham, Sales & Technical, Europe and Africa Unicat Q What is hydrogen embrittlement in metals, where in the
BV/G. W. Aru, LLC, tom.ventham@gwaru.com; CJ Farley, Senior plant is it most likely to occur, and how can we avoid it?
Technical Services Engineer, G. W. Aru, LLC, cj.farley@gwaru.
com; and Natalie Herring, Director of Technology and Business A Berthold Otzisk, Senior Product Manager - Process
Development, G. W. Aru, LLC, natalie.herring@gwaru.com Chemicals, Kurita Europe, berthold.otzisk@kurita-water.com
Propylene is a key product for many FCC operations. Hydrogen embrittlement is a kind of stress corrosion
This area is receiving renewed focus as the current mar- cracking, resulting in several forms of damage. Known
ket sees reduced gasoline demand and over-supply. effects are loss of ductility and fracture strength, and
ZSM-5 based additives provide the means to increase macroscopic damage due to entrapment at mechanical
valuable propylene production as well as to destroy interfaces. The reduction of hydrogen is the correspond-
low value gasoline blend components. The response ing cathodic reaction to the anodic reaction to initiate
given here by G. W. Aru, LLC and Unicat B.V. hopes to aqueous corrosion. Cathodic hydrogen adsorbs on the
break a common myth in the FCC world – that produc- metal surface, while gaseous hydrogen adsorbs in the
ing propylene using ZSM-5 has a finite limit. Attempts molecular form. Nascent hydrogen is a chemisorbed
to increase propylene with ZSM-5 above 10% fresh species on the metal surface, which can enter the metal.
feed appear to reach an asymptote, but additional Gaseous hydrogen must first dissociate to form atomic
increases in propylene are possible.1 A complex set of hydrogen. The crystal structure of iron based alloys has
reactions takes place over ZSM-5 which provide addi- small holes between the metal atoms. Between these
tional feedstock for cracking reactions to produce LPG holes there are wide channels. The hydrogen has a low
olefins, propylene, and butylene. ZSM-5 efficiency can solubility in such alloys, but a relatively high diffusion
be improved through optimisation: minimising FCC coefficient.
catalyst rare earth content, reducing FCC catalyst zeo- In aqueous systems, the entry of hydrogen is pro-
lite-to-matrix ratio, reducing hydrocarbon partial pres- moted by poisons that inhibit the recombination of
sure in the FCC riser, increasing Ecat activity, and nascent hydrogen on the metal surface. Hydrogen sul-
adjusting FCC feed quality, including the recycling of phide, other ionic species of sulphur, antimony, phos-
a naphtha or butylene stream. Further increases in pro- phorus, bismuth, and cyanides are such poisons.
pylene production can be achieved through incremen- Hydrogen embrittlement is observed at plants where
tal increases in ZSM-5 addition. The best ZSM-5 for this those impurities are present. Hydrogen embrittlement
type of high propylene operation is one of high intrin- is strongly influenced by the strength level of the metal,
sic activity, good hydrothermal stability, and excellent where hydrogen sulphide is known to be most aggres-
retention. sive in promoting hydrogen entry. Common metals and
Numerous studies conclude, and we agree, that alloys are qualified to heat treatment and to strength
ZSM-5 is the most selective and cost-effective method level in terms of the resistance to hydrogen induced fail-
to generate incremental propylene from the FCC unit, ures. These qualifications are reported in NACE stan-
especially in units that have dry gas or wet gas com- dards RP-04-75, MR-01-75, and MR-01-76. The selection
pressor limitations. It is far more economical to use of suitable alloys can help to reduce the risk of hydrogen
ZSM-5 rather than elevating riser temperature or embrittlement.
adjusting other operating variables. There can be sig- Please download the published PTQ article (Q2 2009,
nificant positive synergy from proper design of the base Hydrogen-induced cracking and blistering) where a
FCC catalyst formulation; this cannot be ignored in the very effective corrosion inhibition is described. Powerful
unit optimisation effort. ZSM-5 use is a near-real time filming amines can help to reduce the risk of hydrogen
optimisation tool that allows the entire refinery a rapid embrittlement by providing a reaction barrier for the
response to changing market conditions. However, full nascent hydrogen.
value can only be realised if the ZSM-5 is separately
added rather than pre-blended or incorporated with the A Collin Cross, Senior Product Analytics/Support Manager,
FCC main catalyst. SUEZ – Water Technologies & Solutions, collin.cross@suez.com
With the extremes currently seen in how refinery Hydrogen embrittlement (HE) is a type of damage suf-
operation needs to be continuously manipulated to fered in various high strength steels. It is caused by pen-
maintain optimum profitability, reducing flexibility by etration of monoatomic hydrogen into the metal. It then
not having independent control of ZSM-5 addition for recombines to form molecular hydrogen leading to inter-
precise control of LPG production greatly diminishes nal pressures that weaken the intergranular structure.
the value that can be achieved. Further to this, ineffi- Various forms of specific damage occur from  HE, but
cient addition of either ZSM-5 or fresh catalyst by not generally all are versions of cracking. The differences in
decoupling this process means unnecessary added costs types of cracking are due to the specifics surrounding
to the FCC budget at a time when all opex is under impact on ductility, types of environments, and types of
pressure and should be minimised. stresses leading to the damage. The alloys most affected
by this mechanism are certain carbon alloy steels, certain
stainless steels, and some high strength nickel alloys.
1 How ZSM-5 works in FCC, Bart De Graaf, Johnson Matthey Process Units affected by HE in refineries are units that con-
Technologies Inc., AFPM 113th Annual Meeting day two Tuesday | March
tain environments with high concentrations of hot
24, 2015.

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hydrogen, proper chemical conditions, the right type Chemical treatment generally falls into two catego-
of steel, and are subjected to various types of mechani- ries: scavenging and passivating. Traditionally, the use
cal stress. There are also several special reasons HE can of a scavenger was called for, and many equipment
occur, such as welding practices, cleaning practices, and OEMs still call for this method of mitigation. The most
metal manufacturing processes. While these are import- common scavengers used are either ammonium or
ant mechanisms that can cause HE, for the discussion sodium polysulphide. These chemicals are often called
here we will focus on unit types that provide the correct ‘cyanide scavengers’ because they work to destroy the
hydrogen-rich chemical environments and which are poisoning agent and thereby lower the concentration of
often the most at risk. monoatomic hydrogen to prevent its penetration. While
For HE to occur, generally three factors are necessary, polysulphide scavengers work well and are still used
including high concentrations of hot (<300°F) gaseous today, they have several negative side effects that have
hydrogen, alkaline conditions, and poisoning agents caused a decline in usage in recent decades considering
that slow the recombination of monoatomic hydro- the development of newer and less problematic chemi-
gen as molecular hydrogen. Examples of common poi- cal methods. The problematical side effects of polysul-
soning agents are cyanide, arsenic, and sulphides. The phides include downstream equipment fouling, toxicity,
name for the type of corrosion that favours these con- pumpability, and handleability.
ditions is ‘wet H2S corrosion’; it most frequently occurs Newer chemical mitigation methods surround the use
in cracking units such as the FCC unit, hydroprocessing of specialised high pH passivating inhibitors, or film-
units, and cokers. However, units that take feeds from ers, somewhat like those commonly used in other frac-
cracking units such as amine units, sour water service tionator overhead corrosion service. While filmers do
units, and HF alkylation units can also experience wet not directly eliminate the cyanide (or other poisoning
H2S corrosion. agents) as do polysulphides, they do help to prevent
To avoid HE, many strategies should be employed. monoatomic hydrogen penetration and subsequent
Routine inspection and monitoring help the detection and HE. HE is prevented in this case because the passiv-
mitigation of HE. Proper alloy, post weld heat treating ating film fosters rapid recombination from monoat-
(PWHT) of components, proper welding practices, and omic hydrogen back to molecular hydrogen outside the
proper start-up/shutdown procedures of at-risk units are metal, thus preventing the penetration necessary for
all important. Protective linings can also be used in the embrittlement to occur. Many refineries today prefer
proper circumstances to prevent hydrogen reactions from the use of filmers to polysulphides due to their lack of
occurring as favourably. Finally, chemical mitigation can negative side effects, favourable economics, and strong
also be used to control HE to a large extent. ability to prevent HE.


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Q What are the advantages of installing a pre-reformer 1929, Shell possesses a long history of product and
upstream of our steam reformer? technology development in the chemicals value chain
that we, as Shell Catalysts & Technologies, leverage to
A Gary Bennington, Business Development Manager, Magma support our customers in repurposing molecules into
Ceramics & Catalysts, g.bennington@magmacatalysts.com; the petrochemical pool.
and Tom Ventham, Sales & Technical, Europe and Africa Unicat Moderate adjustments to yield selectivity via cata-
BV/G. W. Aru, LLC, tom.ventham@gwaru.com lyst changes alone or by swinging once-through oper-
Installation of a pre-reformer can add up to a 10% ations into recycle mode provide refiners with handles
increased capacity advantage. However, the high cost to modify hydrocracker yield slates and product qual-
in both time and money of the installation must be ities for chemical applications without substantial cap-
fully investigated prior to any decision being taken. ital investment. We have worked with a number of
The operating conditions for alternative feedstocks customers in Asia to convert conventional distillate
differ significantly as well as having an impact on the hydrotreaters into naphtha hydrocrackers to redirect
site steam and fuel balance with comprehensive vessel these molecules into aromatics plant feed in response
instrumentation being necessary. to the increased demand for chemicals, while several
Start-up and shutdown procedures need detailed of our domestic partners have leveraged our tailored
review as both fresh and discharged catalyst is pyro- hydrocracking systems for maximum hydrogenation
phoric in nature and the operational lifetime is and ring opening to generate high quality hydroc-
notoriously difficult to align with that of the SMR. Pre- racked unconverted oil that swings between refinery
reforming catalyst is far more expensive and delicate FCC and chemical steam cracker feedstock. The latter
than SMR catalyst with high susceptibility to poisons. effectively strives towards the best of both worlds by
Ultra-purification is frequently implemented as any selectively cracking heavy molecules into more valu-
poisoning is irreversible, as well as requiring adjusted able refining products and saturating the remaining
steaming procedures. Both pre- and post-convection unconverted oil which improves the feed quality to
section heating coils may be necessary to accommodate the steam cracker. This saturated unconverted oil, or
the inlet temperature and enthalpy requirements versus hydrowax, becomes an economically attractive steam
that of a standard SMR. Pre-reformers tend to be new cracker feedstock when the material possesses suffi-
technology for operational personnel to incorporate cient hydrogen content and the requisite end point
into procedures. Unfamiliarity with a new unit leads to ensure adequate vaporisation in the steam cracker
to plant mishaps and these tend to irreversibly destroy furnace.
the catalyst. If more than 10% additional hydrogen The migration from a less active, flexible or distillate
is required, the installation of a pre-reformer will not selective catalyst to a high activity and highly naph-
be a viable option. Increases of hydrogen greater than tha selective platform, or vice versa, however requires
10% are possible when using Magma catalyst as a direct broader assessment of the end-to-end process to ensure
replacement for the current SMR catalyst, and without smooth operations in all equipment sections. We have
the capital expense and other complications that are seen operations where sites changed from a naph-
seen when installing new equipment. tha selective catalyst to a more mid-distillate selective,
flexible system for higher diesel production and then
encountered operational issues in the work-up (frac-
Q We would like to switch our hydrocracking from maximum tionation) section due to the significant reduction in
distillate to maximum naphtha for higher LPG and aromatics light ends make and the resultant shift in vapour/liq-
output. Any thoughts on achieving this? uid traffic. Shell Catalysts & Technologies executed
studies that identified several mitigation options rang-
A Adrienne Van Kooperen, PhD, Senior Technical Services ing from adjusting operating conditions to equipment
Engineer & Hydrocracking Specialist, Shell Catalysts & upgrades which optimised the overall hydrocracker
Technologies, Adrienne.Lukaski@shell.com performance and reliability.
Many refiners are moving towards integrated crude- The situation posed in this question – to switch
oil-to-chemicals plants with the projected decline in hydrocracking from maximum distillate to maximum
gasoline consumption by 2050 and the global growth naphtha production – most likely requires some mod-
in the demand for chemicals. This creates a substantial ifications in the work-up section to address higher
economic incentive to generate ‘in-house’ feedstocks vapour/liquid traffic in the fractionator and the need
for petrochemicals production either from revamp- to debottleneck the naphtha run-down system. The
ing existing hardware or modifying the operation of degree of modification depends on the level of catalytic
current assets. The inherent flexibility of hydrocrack- changes involved and the capabilities of the specific
ing, with the ability to tune yield slates from distil- equipment on the existing unit.
late to naphtha production or anywhere in between Hydrocracking is an incredibly adaptable process that
by appropriate design of the catalytic system, pro- enables refiners to convert a wide range of feedstocks to
vides the integrated refiner with an avenue to generate higher quality products with excellent properties. The
feeds for chemicals manufacturing without limitations heart of the hydrocracking process is the catalyst system
on future return to transportation fuel production. As that can be designed to produce yield slates ranging from
an active participant in the petrochemicals field since maximum distillate to maximum naphtha or to operate

16 PTQ Q3 2020 www.digitalrefining.com

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with the flexibility to ‘swing’ between low and high con- cracker feed. Properly tuning the overall catalyst system
version modes. Depending on the product disposition, and rationally designing the operating strategy there-
refiners can optimise the hydrocracking product slate to fore allows the refiner to deliver the highest quality
generate highly naphthenic/alkyl-naphthenic C6 to C9 chemical feedstock.
feedstock for aromatics, LPG, and highly paraffinic light Expert evaluation of the entire hydrocracker unit
naphtha for steam cracking, or a combination of high capabilities from the feed diet to the catalyst workhorse
quality transportation fuels products with highly hydro- to the back-end process equipment is the key to ensur-
genated hydrowax for steam cracker feedstock. Selection ing the successful, safe, and profitable conversion of a
of the appropriate catalytic system however depends on maximum distillate hydrocracker to maximum naphtha
the hydrocracker feed type, process operating window, production or vice versa.
conversion target, and product quality specifications.
Similarly, the effective transition of an existing hydro-
cracking unit from maximum distillate operation to a Q Is it possible to remove all chloride species from reformer
maximum naphtha mode targeting chemical applications streams?
depends on the specific feedstock, operating severity
and, most importantly, the need to utilise existing cata- A Berthold Otzisk, Senior Product Manager – Process
lyst or the option to load a catalyst system tuned specifi- Chemicals, Kurita Europe, berthold.otzisk@kurita-water.com
cally to the target chemical objectives. The purpose of catalytic reforming is to convert low
Feedstock to a large extent dictates the aromat- octane feedstocks into higher octane iso-paraffins and
ics, naphthene, and paraffin content of the naphtha aromatics. The catalyst commonly contains platinum
product. Aromatic feed sources generally yield naph- supported on a silica or silica-alumina base, often in
tha qualities highly suited to supplying hydrocracker combination with rhenium to form a more stable cata-
products for reforming operations or aromatics chemi- lyst. The active side of the catalyst is stimulated with tet-
cal complexes, while steam crackers benefit more from rachloromethane (PERC) because the activity is reduced
naphtha produced from highly paraffinic feeds, such during operation by coke deposition and chloride loss.
as materials derived from light tight oil. When con- After catalytic reaction, the condensed liquid is sent
templating the conversion of an existing hydrocracker to a stabiliser (debutaniser) column, where light ends
operating in maximum distillate service into chemi- are recovered. The stabiliser column can experience
cal feedstock production, the refiner should work with severe corrosion and fouling due to ammonium chlo-
their catalyst supplier to determine the impact of their ride precipitation. Standard cleaning approaches such
specific feed diet and crude slate on the end naphtha as solvent washing are often ineffective and do not pro-
product. vide the expected results. Ammonium salt fouling is
Operating severity also influences naphtha qual- sometimes also reported on the recycle gas compressor
ities in the aromaticity and iso- to normal paraffin blades.
ratio. Increasing conversion across a given catalyst The installation of a chloride trap upstream of the
directionally generates more naphtha with a greater stabiliser column can help to reduce the chloride con-
degree of isomerisation and aromatics saturation. This centration and salt fouling potential. But it is of course
means that there will be an optimal operating window a very costly investment that needs to be well thought
for each catalyst system that generates the maximum out and planned. Alternatively, the much cheaper
amount of naphtha with the desired product quali- Kurita ACF Technology can be used, which is a chem-
ties. The final product disposition, heavy naphtha for ical programme. Here, liquid ACF salts are created
aromatics feedstock or lighter, more paraffinic naph- from the ammonium salts through an immediate reac-
tha, and LPG for steam cracking further defines where tion. These liquid salts have a very low corrosion poten-
these optima lie. tial and can be easily separated and removed from the
Hydrocracking provides the flexibility to shift opera- hydrocarbons.
tions between production of heavy naphtha suitable as
aromatics feedstock and lighter naphtha material for
steam cracking with the appropriate catalyst system Q Fouling in the feed/effluent exchangers to our naphtha
and operating strategy. Operating at higher conversion hydrotreater is at unacceptable levels. The feed is straight-run
per pass directionally generates more light naphtha, naphtha. Solutions please.
while reduced severity produces greater yields of high
quality heavy naphtha. Naphtha qualities however A Shone Abraham, Senior Naphtha Specialist, Honeywell
change more fundamentally as a function of catalyst UOP, Shone.Abraham@Honeywell.com
type. Utilising a high zeolite content catalyst with low Preheat exchanger fouling can be a persistent problem
hydrogenation capacity at low to moderate severity in some naphtha hydrotreaters (NHT). Listed below are
(at lower conversion per pass) maximises the aromatic the most common foulants that are observed in NHT
content of the naphtha product. Increasing conversion feed/effluent (F/E) exchangers which include NHT
per pass by operating at higher severity drives the pro- units that only process straight-run naphtha:
duction of light naphtha and LPG which benefits from • Gums (feed-side fouling)
a lower zeolitic content catalyst with more hydrogena- • Corrosion products (feed-side fouling)
tion capability to enhance paraffin production for steam • Salts (effluent-side fouling)

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Gums falls below the desublimation point. The most effective
The primary cause is polymers forming due to olefins way to reduce the effluent side fouling is by intermit-
in the naphtha that are exposed to oxygen during trans- tent wash water injection to dissolve the salts. There
port or storage. This leads to the formation of combined should be a water wash injection point towards the last
oxygen compounds, such as peroxides. When heated set of exchanger bundles. Wash water can temporarily
in process units these combined oxygen compounds be injected at this location to dissolve salts and a higher
form polymers which cause fouling of heat exchangers. than normal rate of injection (typically 7-10 lv% of feed
The most effective means of preventing the problem is rate) would be required to maintain at least 25% of the
to prevent the exposure of the olefins to oxygen. This injected water in the liquid state (due to the higher pro-
is done by feeding the hydrotreater directly from an cess temperature).
upstream processing unit rather than route the naphtha
through intermediate storage. If that is not feasible, the
next best preventative measure would be to ensure that Q What is sintering in relation to catalyst deactivation and
any intermediate storage tank is effectively blanketed how can it be avoided?
with nitrogen. These methods work by preventing the
exposure of olefins to oxygen. Where these approaches A Simerjeet Singh, Principal Hydroprocessing Specialist,
are not adequate or practical, it is possible to use addi- Honeywell UOP, Simerjeet.Singh@Honeywell.com
tives such as antioxidants and dispersants to mitigate Irrespective of the technology type, catalyst deactiva-
the rate of fouling. However, the use of dispersants tion can be described as a physical or chemical process
while the unit is online has a risk of dislodging mate- that reduces the activity of the given catalysts. One of
rial from the exchangers, creating pressure drop issues the most common ways of measuring the deactivation
in the downstream reactor. rate is to estimate drop in conversion or reaction rate
The most severe fouling problems typically occur at a given temperature for the same feed rate and qual-
in units where the naphtha has been imported to the ity. Several mechanisms exist for catalysts deactivation,
hydrotreating unit. There is an increased chance that some of which are reversible while others cause irre-
the naphtha will be exposed to oxygen during transit versible loss of catalyst activity.
and the time that elapses between exposure and pro-
cessing increases the total amount of peroxides formed. Coke deposition
In these cases, a reboiled oxygen stripper is the pre- Under normal operating conditions, catalysts deacti-
ferred means of preventing excessive exchanger foul- vate continuously over the cycle due to coke formation
ing. The purpose of the oxygen stripper is to break and gradual loss of active sites. This type of deactiva-
down the polymer forming combined oxygen com- tion begins with adsorption of high molecular weight
pounds and to provide sufficient vapour and liquid molecules and proceeds with further loss of hydrogen
contact for stripping free oxygen from the naphtha. due to formation of polynuclear aromatic domains and,
Typically, only hydrotreaters designed to directly pro- eventually, coke. Coke deposition is a time-temperature
cess imported naphtha have such oxygen strippers. phenomenon. Deactivation increases with time and the
Those that attempt to process such naphtha without temperature of the catalyst. Coke deposition occurs at a
first oxygen stripping inevitably have exchanger foul- relatively slow rate and the catalyst can operate effec-
ing problems. tively for a couple of years or more before regeneration
becomes necessary. The coke can cover active sites and,
Corrosion products in extreme cases, prevent access to these sites by physi-
Corrosion products like iron oxides (Fe2O3) or iron sul- cal blockage of the entrance to the pores leading to the
phides (FeS or FeS2) can also contribute to fouling of active sites. Reactor temperatures must be increased
F/E exchangers. Scale flakes off the metal surfaces and to compensate for the decline in activity caused by
is entrained in feed flow. This could happen either the accumulation of coke (and metals) on the catalyst.
from the seals of floating roof storage tanks scraping Unplanned upsets can expose catalyst to operating con-
rust from the tank walls or corrosion products from ditions beyond the design limits of the unit, accelerat-
the crude unit itself. Filtering the feed can be helpful ing the coke formation and reducing the catalyst life
in such cases. Nonetheless, the effectiveness of having drastically at times.
a feed filter will depend on the relative size of particles Feedstock type, catalyst composition, reaction tem-
to feed filter mesh size (microns). FeS particles can be perature, time on stream, and other process variables
as small as 5 microns, and not all may be captured by a affect the yield and nature of coke. In most cases, coke
typical feed filter. on the catalysts can be burnt readily for its reuse by
performing either an in situ or ex situ regeneration.
Salts Regenerated catalyst performance depends on the qual-
Effluent side fouling in F/E exchangers is typically ity and frequency of regeneration.
caused by ammonium sulphides. The more nitro-
gen in the feed, the greater the risk. Ammonium chlo- Poisoning
ride could also be the cause of fouling if feed contains At the front end of a processing unit, metallo-organic
organic chlorides. This type of fouling is typically compounds in the feed decompose at the reactor oper-
observed in the last two bundles where the temperature ating conditions and deposit on the catalysts, often

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referred to as metal poisoning. Catalyst support and active
Strong bonds formed as a result of metal sites can be sintered upon
chemisorption may at times make exposure to high temperatures
it difficult to remove these impuri- usually during the process of regen-
ties, resulting in irreversible dam- eration or a temperature excur-
age to catalyst performance. In most sion/runaway. High water partial
cases, these poisons block or hin- pressures can also lead to sinter-
der the access of reactants to active ing, especially in the case of noble
sites, resulting in a drop in catalyst metal and high activity catalysts
activity. Other sources of metals are with chelating agent. Too much
inorganic compounds entrained water increases the mobility of
in the feed with particle sizes too active metals, increasing the proba-
small to be filtered out and which, bility of agglomeration under these
for example, may be due to incom- conditions. For some zeolitic cata-
plete desalting operations. Efficient lysts like FCC, feed contaminants
crude desalting, limiting the total like sodium also promote sinter-
metals in the feed and customising ing by acting as a flux agent which
the guard bed in fixed bed units to lowers the catalyst support melting
selectively remove the catalyst poi- point. Sintering occurs when the
sons, can eliminate or reduce the catalyst melts just sufficiently close
poisoning of the main catalysts. The to pores, blocking the access of oxy-
amount of poison required to kill gen for coke burning. All of these
the catalysts is usually very small scenarios can result in loss of active
(ppm or ppb levels in feed to the surface, reduction in catalyst activ-
unit) in comparison to total catalyst ity, and degradation of catalyst per-
quantity and varies from one impu- formance. In most cases, alteration
rity to other. to catalyst structure is permanent
Impact of each impurity on cat- and the resultant loss in activity
alyst performance varies with cat- is irreversible.
alyst support (alumina/zeolite, Catalyst sintering can be avoided
supported/unsupported), type by controlling the temperature of
(bi- or uni-function), metal (base or the burn front during the catalyst
noble), and reaction chemistry. For regeneration process. If the tem-
bifunctional catalysts having both perature gets too high, there can be
metal and acidic functions, like localised sintering of the base, caus-
hydrocracking or reforming cata- ing a loss of surface area. A high
lysts, each impurity can selectively temperature also causes metal crys-
target one of the two functions. For tallites to cluster together (agglom-
example, organic nitrogen in hydro- erate) and significantly reduce the  PRESSURE VESSELS
cracker feed is a temporary poison catalyst’s metal function. If tem- HEAT EXCHANGERS
for acid sites/function only, but the peratures get even higher, the sup-
resulting drop in activity would port can change and permanently  PROCESS
necessitate an increase in tempera- deactivate the catalyst. Many tech-
ture, promoting coke make. nologies have built-in safety logics TECHNOLOGY
in place to shut off the regenerator
Sintering or stop the reactions to avoid cata-  VALVES
Sintering is broadly termed as a lyst temperatures from exceeding
physical and/or thermal phenom- the recommended limits.
enon that leads to agglomeration, a For fixed bed reactors loaded with
reduction in the surface to volume noble metal catalysts or high activ-
ratio of catalyst. It normally results ity hydroprocessing catalysts, lim-
in the loss of active sites due to iting free water in the feed to the www.borsig.de
alteration of the catalyst’s structure. reactor, especially prior to catalyst
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it can either result in loss of active an effective way of reducing the risk Phone: + 49 (0)30 4301-01
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persed metal or crystallites to larger desalting can help limit the sodium Egellsstrasse 21
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the internal pore structure and a stocks and minimise the risk of sin-
corresponding loss of surface area. tering in FCC catalysts.

www.digitalrefining.com PTQ Q3 2020 19

Q&A copy 37 (original) copy 3.indd 12 13/06/2020 14:43

Rapid and Accurate Analysis
of Sulphur and Chlorine in
Biofuels by XRF
All biofuels - blended or not - must meet certain sulphur regulatory limits. In
addition, some biofuels contain fairly high levels of chlorine which can cause Sindie +Cl is a viable
corrosion damage during and after the production stages. X-ray Fluorescence solution, delivering
(XRF) delivers rapid and accurate results for testing sulphur and chlorine
total sulphur and
in biofuels, backed by international standard test methods (ASTM, ISO, etc.).
Advantages of XRF technology include its non-destructive nature, easy sample chlorine in one
preparation process, and quick results, in addition to accuracy that is on par measurement without
with alternative technologies like UVF (ultraviolet fluorescence). the need for a matrix-
matched calibration
We conducted a study using Sindie +Cl, XRF benchtop analyser, to test sulphur by simply applying a
and chlorine in eight real-world samples: B10, B20, Gasoil, Hydrotreated
correction factor to the
Vegetable Oil, Rapeseed Methyl Ester, Soybean Methyl Ester, Tallow Methyl
Ester, and Used Cooking Oil Methyl Ester. Having the correct sulphur value for results. This allows
biofuels is critical as they are typically blended with fuels that have a maximum professionals to certify
specification of 10 mg/kg for sulphur (15 mg/kg in the US). This is important to their biofuel products
note because oxygen absorbs XRF signals and as a result, can cause analysers more efficiently than
to report falsely low sulphur and chlorine concentrations. with other methods.

Table 1: Tallow Methyl Ester (TME) (mg/kg)

Test Sulphur (300s) Sulphur Corrected Chlorine (300s) Chlorine Corrected

average of
8.18 9.74 0.48 0.57
10 repeats
st. dev. 0.45 0.53 0.07 0.09
RSD% 5.48 5.48 15.06 15.06

Table 2: Used Cooking Oil Methyl Ester (UCOME) (mg/kg)

Test Sulphur (300s) Sulphur Corrected Chlorine (300s) Chlorine Corrected

average of
7.74 9.22 425 509
10 repeats
st. dev. 0.40 0.48 2.88 3.45
RSD% 5.16 5.16 0.68 0.68

View the full

An example of the excellent repeatability obtained in this study by
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The summarized data of the two samples show the average of 10 repeats
with their respective standard deviation and relative standard deviation xos.com/
percent, as well as the corrected results for oxygen content. All data has been
acquired under repeatability conditions and show very accurate results.

xos.indd 2 11/06/2020 12:21

Sindie +Cl delivers exceptional reproducibility for both
sulphur and chlorine analysis and can measure both
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Sindie® Online is an industrial grade process sulphur

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Powered by MWDXRF®, Sindie Online uses ASTM D7039
technology, the same technology used in Sindie benchtop,
and offers resilience to feedstock changes with the ability to
measure a variety of challenging sample types without the
need for significant changes to sample conditioning.

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xos.indd 3 11/06/2020 12:21



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nalco.indd 1 15/06/2020 11:11

Capturing carbon dioxide from
refinery streams
Using hydrogen manufacturing units to demonstrate the relative benefits of
technologies for capturing carbon from low and high pressure streams


Shell Catalysts & Technologies

overnments around the
world are increasingly Utilities HMU
High pressure streams

expected to penalise carbon Hydrogen

Gasoline ADIP
dioxide (CO2) emissions to help ful- Reformer
Aromatics Ultra
fil their responsibilities under the CDU HDT Jet

2015 Paris Agreement on climate HDS Diesel

change. This leaves refiners and
chemical plants with a mandate to HCU Various
reduce their CO2 emissions sub- VDU
Various CO2
stantially, and many companies are Heating/marine

committing to reducing their carbon SDA

footprints. DCU
Low pressure streams

For most businesses, this will Asphalt

involve a mosaic of solutions,

including energy efficiency initia- Figure 1 The main sources of CO2 (red) and high and low pressure capture technologies
tives, fuel switching, and process
optimisation. However, serious
ambitions to reduce refineries’ Low pressure capture High pressure capture
carbon intensity are likely to be Shell Cansolv Shell ADIP Ultra
spearheaded by carbon capture, Process steam
Export steam
utilisation and storage (CCUS). Flue gas
Indeed, the UN’s Intergovernmental Heat recovery
Panel on Climate Change special
report on the impact of 1.5°C global
warming concludes that “early Feedstock gas SMR High T shift

scale-up of industry carbon capture

and storage is essential to achieve
the stringent temperature target”. Fuel gas PSA off-gas
The International Energy Agency
agrees, stating that CCUS is a key
technology for reducing CO2 emis- Figure 2 Options for CO2 capture from an SMR unit using Shell’s technologies
sions in carbon-intensive industrial
processes and offers one of the low- and has a 66% probability of limit- ing the last three years, project
est cost ways of doing so. In today’s ing global temperatures to 1.8°C.1 momentum has recovered, driven
capital constrained environment, Currently, CCUS projects capture by the Paris Agreement. There is
one of the principal challenges that about 40 million t/y of CO2, so growing interest from refineries
refiners may face is finding ways to many more projects are needed in and chemical plants because CCUS
do this economically. the coming decades.2 offers a cost-effective way to enable
By 2050, 2.8 billion t/y of CO2 Over the last decade, CCUS carbon-intensive industries to con-
needs to be captured and per- capacity has nearly doubled while tinue to operate through the energy
manently stored to meet the the project pipeline shrank from transition.
International Energy Agency’s sus- 2010 to 2017 in response to the Upgrading the bottom of the bar-
tainable development scenario, global financial crisis that focused rel to clean fuels requires hydro-
which meets the UN’s sustaina- governments on short term eco- gen, so it is common for refineries
ble development goals for energy nomic recovery and the private to have a hydrogen manufacturing
access, emissions, and air quality, sector on survival.2 However, dur- unit (HMU), most often based on

www.digitalrefining.com PTQ Q3 2020 23

q3 shell.indd 1 15/06/2020 12:46

Treated flue gas Sludge effluent CO2 to
Condenser compression
Wash water
cooler Thermal


Lean amine
cooler CO2 Reflux pumps
Wash water stripper
Lean amine
Lean amine CO2 MVR from
feed pumps tank
CO2 compressor Reboilers OSBL
Intercooler pumps Lean/rich
Flue gas from exchanger
Lean amine Lean amine
Rich amine pumps flash vessel Condensate
pumps Steam to OSBL
flash pot

Figure 3 Cansolv CO2 Capture System

steam methane reforming (SMR) it is established and proven. In the that can be sold, sequestered, or
technology, that creates CO2 from 1930s, carbon capture technolo- used in EOR.
both the chemical reactions and gies began commercial operation In refiners’ technical and eco-
from burning fuel to power the in the processing of natural gas. In nomic evaluations for capturing
process chemistry. Although many the 1970s, commercial-scale CO2 CO2 from flue gas, the Cansolv CO2
refinery units produce CO2 (see injection into reservoirs started. To Capture System may emerge as the
Figure 1), this article focuses on car- date, more than 260 million tonnes preferred option because of key fea-
bon capture from the HMU because of anthropogenic CO2 has been cap- tures such as:
it generates a large, relatively pure tured and stored, mostly through • CO2 purity: the pure CO2 product
stream of CO2 and provides oppor- EOR projects, and the current enables EOR, CCS, or carbon capture
tunities to capture CO2 from high CCUS capacity is about 40 million and use downstream of the plant
pressure, pre-combustion and low t/y.2 • Adaptability: the system is highly
pressure, post-combustions streams, Other energy-intensive sectors, adaptable to a wide variety of
thereby enabling a cost–benefit for example coal-fired power gen- industrial applications, CO2 con-
comparison between two mature eration, oil sands extraction, and centrations (from 3.5% to 25% and
capture technologies developed by cement manufacture, have already higher), and gas flow rates (licensed
Shell (see Figure 2). been charged with dramatically units treating gas at flow rates of
This article showcases two lead- reducing the carbon intensity of 11 000-685 000 Nm3/h are in opera­
ing technologies with established their operations. Refiners can lever- tion or under construction)
records for cost-effective car- age the operational experience, tech- • Asset integrity: the system
bon capture in a wide range of nologies, and expertise from these has been designed for reliabil-
industries: sectors to do the same. ity through its flexible turndown
• Shell’s Cansolv CO2 Capture For example, the coal-fired power capacity and improved resistance to
System for capturing CO2 from low generation sector, after a first gen- oxidative and thermal degradation
pressure streams, including flue eration of carbon capture projects • Low waste: the process uses a
gas; and with a capture cost of about $100/t regenerable solvent, so there are no
• Shell’s ADIP Ultra technology for CO2, is now targeting costs of half direct waste by-products, which can
capturing CO2 from high pressure this, about $50/t CO2, for its future reduce project costs since the efflu-
process streams. projects.1 ents are minimal
Selection of a retrofitting option • Retrofit suitability: as a standalone
for a refinery (pre- or post-com- Low pressure streams system, it is ideal for retrofit scenar-
bustion) depends on, among other Shell’s Cansolv CO2 Capture System ios and greenfield projects
factors, the value assigned to the can capture up to 99% of the CO2 • Low operating costs: the system
captured CO2 (from avoided tax, from post-combustion low pressure offers cutting-edge performance.
tradable credits or income from its off-gases. As a tail-end, low pres- For example, its low parasitic
use in enhanced oil recovery [EOR] sure CO2 capture technology, it is energy consumption, fast kinetics,
or other industrial applications). well suited for retrofitting. It uses a and extremely low volatility help
regenerable solvent based on a pro- to reduce the costs of operation and
Leveraging experience prietary amine to capture the CO2, amine consumption
CO2 capture technology is not new; which is released as a pure stream • Track record: the largest appli-

24 PTQ Q3 2020 www.digitalrefining.com

q3 shell.indd 2 15/06/2020 10:01

Treated gas Flash gas

Treated gas Regenerator overhead cooler

KO drum
Acid gas

Lean solvent cooler

Absorber Lean solvent
booster pump Water MU

Reflux pump
filter system Regenerator

Feed gas
Feed gas Flash vessel LP steam
KO drum Rich/lean
Feed gas cooler
solvent cooler
Condensate return
Solvent circulation pump

Figure 4 A typical ADIP Ultra line-up

cation is designed to capture Case study: SaskPower ingly important for many refiners
1 million t/y of CO2 and has been To extend the operating life to capture CO2 from high pressure
operating successfully for four years of the 150 MW Unit 3 of its process streams such as those from
(see case study below) Boundary Dam power station in HMUs. This is possible using amine
• Potential for integrated sulphur Saskatchewan, Canada, SaskPower based ADIP technology. ADIP tech-
dioxide (SO2) removal: it can be needed to reduce CO2 and SO2 emis- nology is deployed at more than 500
integrated with the Cansolv SO2 sions. This six-unit, lignite-fired Shell and non‑Shell sites worldwide
Scrubbing System for near-complete plant is SaskPower’s largest coal- and has a proven record in the nat-
SO2 removal fired power station and a significant ural gas sector for deep removal of
source of electricity for the region. CO2. It is increasingly finding appli-
Process description After carefully evaluating a range cations in refining.
The key steps of the Cansolv CO2 of technical options, SaskPower The latest generation of this tech-
Capture System (see Figure 3) are as chose to add a Cansolv SO2-CO2 nology is ADIP Ultra, which uses an
follows: Integrated Capture System for com- optimised solvent formulation and
1. The feed gas is quenched and bined carbon capture and flue gas an improved design based on years
saturated in a circulated water desulphurisation. This involved of operational lessons learning.
pre-scrubber adding a 55m tall CO2 absorber, a Used with the latest generation col-
2. The gas contacts the lean amine 25m tall CO2 stripper, a 31m tall SO2 umn internals (Shell Turbo Trays),
solution in a counter-current packed absorber, and a 17m tall SO2 stripper. this technology can easily achieve
absorption column The unit is designed to capture bulk removal, thereby maximising
3. CO2 is absorbed and the treated 1 million t/y of CO2, which is com- CO2 capture and meeting deep spec-
gas exits to atmosphere pressed, transported through pipe- ifications for the treated gas while
4. Midway along the column, par- lines, and used for EOR in nearby optimising both the capacity of the
tially loaded amine is removed oilfields. The CO2 is thus perma- solvent and the regeneration duty
from the tower, cooled, and reintro- nently stored in deep geological for- (see Figure 4).
duced over a layer of mass transfer mations where it cannot contribute Compared with using conven-
packing to climate change. tional accelerated methyl diethanol-
5. CO2-rich amine from the absorp- SO2 from the flue gas is converted amine, ADIP Ultra can help to:
tion column is pumped through a to up to 60 t/d of sulphuric acid – a • Reduce capital costs by up to 30%,
lean-rich amine heat exchanger and marketable by-product. Among its thereby increasing project net pres-
then to the regeneration column many other potential applications, ent value
6. Rising, low pressure, saturated the acid can be used as a feedstock • Lower regeneration energy
steam in the column regenerates the for the local fertiliser industry. requirements by up to 30%
lean amine solution. CO2 is recov- The SO2-CO2 capture plant and • Capture up to 25% more CO2,
ered as a pure, water-saturated its underlying chemistry enable thereby enabling monetisation of dif-
product SaskPower to continue to operate ficult gas without capital investment
7. Lean amine is pumped from under strict Canadian CO2 emis- • Provide operating stability,
the stripper reboiler to the absorp- sions regulations. which enables operators to push
tion column for reuse in capturing the limits
CO2 High pressure streams ADIP technology’s applications
8. The CO2 is directed to by-product In addition to capturing CO2 from include the removal of hydrogen
management systems low pressure flue gas, it is increas- sulphide and CO2 from refinery and

www.digitalrefining.com PTQ Q3 2020 25

q3 shell.indd 3 15/06/2020 12:49

(avoided tax, credits gained or
Pressure, psig Gas flow, acfm CO2, %mol CO2, psi CO2, t/million scf H2
income from commercial use for
1 Pre-combustion Pre-PSA 350–435 4,500 (@360 psig) 15–20 50–70 13
EOR, and so on) minus the cost
2 Post-combustion 0 200,000 (@105 ˚F) 16–19 3 23 of capture (unit construction and
Process steam operating costs) multiplied by the
Export steam
Flue gas
amount of CO2 captured. This is
2 Heat recovery illustrated in Table 1.
In this example, hypothetical yet
credible values have been used to
Feedstock gas SMR High T shift PSA
illustrate the relationship between
captured amount and unit capture
cost which operators often face.
Fuel gas PSA off-gas The unit cost of post-combustion
capture is greater than for pre-com-
bustion capture, and if a low or
Figure 5 HMU carbon capture Options 1 and 2 moderate value is assigned to the
captured CO2, this usually results in
natural gas streams, and the bulk sure capture recovers less CO2, as lower profit.
removal of CO2 from gas streams. the CO2 generated by the SMR pro- However, if the value assigned to
cess reactions amounts to about the captured CO2 is high, then the
Targeting HMUs 45% of the total CO2 emitted by the larger amount of CO2 captured sig-
HMUs generate large, relatively HMU. However, higher pressure nificantly increases project revenues
pure CO2 streams and provide means smaller gas volumes and a and offsets the higher capture cost
opportunities for CO2 capture from higher absorption driving force, to the point where the post-combus-
high pressure, pre-combustion and which usually results in a lower tion capture option becomes more
low pressure, post-combustion capture cost per tonne of CO2. attractive.
streams. This gives refiners the flexi- Alternatively, a Cansolv CO2
bility to consider these two different Capture System can capture nearly HMU case study: Quest
routes to capturing significant quan- all of the CO2 (99.9%) from the low The Scotford upgrader at the
tities of CO2 at their facilities. It also pressure, post-combustion flue Athabasca oil sands project in
provides the opportunity for a cost– gas (see Figure 5, Option 2). This Alberta, Canada, produces synthetic
benefit comparison of the two tech- option maximises the amount of crude oil by processing mined bitu-
nologies described to illustrate their CO2 captured, as the treated gas men with hydrogen at high temper-
relative benefits. contains CO2 generated both by ature and pressure to break up the
A typical 100 million scf/d HMU the process reactions and combus- large hydrocarbon molecules of the
with an SMR, high temperature tion in the furnace. However, the bitumen. The hydrogen is generated
shift, and pressure swing adsorp- low pressure stream means larger by three on-site HMUs which create
tion (PSA) line-up (see Figure 5), gas volumes and lower CO2 partial significant CO2 emissions.
and natural gas fuel and feedstock pressure, and thus a larger, more Quest, the world’s first commer-
can generate 830 000 t/y of CO2. expensive unit requiring more cial scale CCS project for an oil
This CO2 can be captured from the space. sands operation, uses amine absorb-
high pressure, pre-combustion The choice between Options 1 ers and ADIP-X technology to cap-
stream after the shift reactor before and 2 depends on, among other ture about 80% of the CO2 from the
PSA using ADIP Ultra technology factors, including available space, HMUs’ process gas streams. The
(see Figure 5, Option 1). High pres- the value of the captured CO2 captured CO2 is then dehydrated,
compressed, and transported for
about 75 km by pipeline for injec-
An example of the benefits of high vs low pressure capture tion into a layer of rock more than
2 km underground.
During its first four years of oper-
Benefits = CO2 captured x (CO2 value - cost of capture) ation, the Quest project has suc-
Example for a 100 million scfd plant (hypothetical capture cost and CO2 value)
cessfully captured and sequestered
Pre-combustion Post-combustion more than 4 million tonnes of CO2
CO2 captured*, million t/y 0.41 0.74 from the Scotford upgrader. The
CO2 avoided, million t/y 0.35 0.60 facility has proven to be capable
Cost of capture , $/t average 50 80
of capturing in excess of its name-
CO2 value, $/t 60 200 60 200
Revenues, million $/y 3.5 53 -12 72 plate capacity of 1 million t/y of
CO2. Reducing CO2 emissions by
* Assumes emissions of 25 USt/million scf CO2 in syngas 55% of total emissions and 90% capture in each case 1 million t/y is equivalent to tak-
ing 175 000 North American cars off
Table 1 the road.

26 PTQ Q3 2020 www.digitalrefining.com

q3 shell.indd 4 15/06/2020 10:01

Conclusions with high levels of performance CANSOLV is a mark of Shell.
SMR based HMUs offer the choice and reliability. ADIP technology is
of capturing CO2 from the high used at more than 500 sites to cap-
pressure, pre-combustion, pre- ture CO2 from high pressure process
PSA process stream or from the streams. It is cost-effective and can References
1 IEA World Energy Outlook 2019.
low pressure, post-combustion fur- help to reduce capital expenditure
2 Page B, Turan G, Zapantis A, Beck L Consoli C,
nace off-gas. The decision to opt by up to 30% and lower regenera-
Havercroft I, Liu H, Loria P, Schneider A, Tamme
for pre- or post-combustion cap- tion energy requirements by up to E, Townsend A, Temple-Smith L, Rassool D,
ture depends on the operator’s 30% compared with conventional Zhang T, Global status of CCS 2019, Global CCS
long-term view of the value/cost accelerated methyl diethanolamine Institute.
of CO2 over the life of the plant and technology.
whether its capture project is driven
by minimising unit capture cost or New units Laurent Thomas is Technology Licensing
maximising captured tonnage. This article discusses retrofitting Manager – CO2 capture technologies with
For low pressure applications, CO2 capture technologies to high Shell Catalysts & Technologies. With 15
Shell’s Cansolv CO2 Capture System and low pressure streams from years’ experience in the deployment of flue
provides robust, adaptable, reliable, existing HMUs. However, blue gas treating technologies, he focuses on
and proven technology for captur- hydrogen (hydrogen produced accelerating the application at commercial
ing up to 99% of the CO2 in exhaust from natural gas with CCUS) is scale of CO2 capture technologies. Prior to
gases, thereby producing a CO2 likely to be an important part of the this he worked in different R&D and process
product suitable for sequestration, future energy mix requiring many engineering roles in the inorganic chemicals

EOR, or other industrial uses. It has greenfield CO2 capture units. industry.

been in use commercially for several For such greenfield develop-
Gary Bowerbank is Manager Gas Processing
years, with reference sites capturing ments, there are more efficient
Technology with Shell Catalysts &
up to 1 million t/y of CO2. alternatives to SMR technology that Technologies, supporting the EMEAR region.
For high pressure process incorporate CO2 capture. An article With more than 18 years’ experience in gas
streams, including those from on the technologies Shell can offer processing in both upstream and downstream
HMUs and gasification units, Shell’s for greenfield blue hydrogen plants businesses, he has worked in various roles in
latest generation ADIP Ultra tech- will be available in a future edition gas including at a joint venture refinery, with
nology offers robust CO2 capture of PTQ. a focus on gas treating and sulphur recovery.

www.digitalrefining.com PTQ Q3 2020 27

q3 shell.indd 5 15/06/2020 10:01

watlow.indd 1 11/06/2020 12:19
Heat exchanger fouling analytics
Modelling the effects of fouling on the performance of heat exchangers and its impact
on product values as well as energy losses


Anukoolan Solutions

n the case of a heat exchanger, followed by a fired heater before ucts, leading to a bigger economic
fouling causes substantial energy the crude stream is allowed to enter loss as well as a loss of energy. The
losses, leading to less efficient the atmospheric and vacuum dis- aim of this article is to highlight the
heat exchange between the streams. tillation columns. If any of the heat effects of fouling on the performance
It also increases resistance to fluid exchangers are fouled, the result of heat exchangers, condensers, fur-
flow, resulting in higher pressure will be a lower furnace inlet tem- naces, and distillation.
drops across the exchanger. As a perature which would require Moreover, if the exchangers are
result of the combination of these additional duty in the furnace to not cleaned, not only is their perfor-
effects, the resultant temperature of achieve the desired column inlet mance reduced, but it can also lead
the process stream is lower than the temperature. to a failure of the equipment, result-
anticipated value. Furthermore, in a The impact of fouling is not lim- ing in a safety issue in some cases.
network of exchangers, the down- ited to furnace duty and energy
stream exchangers’ behaviour could consumption increase alone. At the Methodology
become counterintuitive. Usually as end of the preheat train and beyond A fouling analysis was conducted
an upstream exchanger fouls, the the furnace is a set of distillation to evaluate the effect of fouling on
driving forces on the downstream columns which separates the use- the performance of a typical preheat
exchangers increase, so they could ful products present in crude oil. train and distillation columns, as
appear to perform better. However, Considering that everything is inter- well as to determine the detrimen-
the net effect usually is additional connected as a network, the column tal effect of fouling on the economic
load on downstream furnaces and throughput, the condenser duty, and value of the products.
steam heaters. the product flows and compositions Aspen Hysys was used for the
In a traditional petroleum are affected by fouled exchangers. simulation of a model required
refinery, a number of these heat The column may no longer produce to perform the analysis in con-
exchangers are connected in series, the desired quantity of useful prod- junction with Aspen Simulation




Crude 0 Crude 1 Crude 2 Crude 3 Crude 4
Crude in HX-1 HX-2 HX-3 HX-4


Q-P_1/AC Crude 5




inlet Crude 10 Crude 9 Crude 8a Crude 6 Crude 5b
Crude 8 Crude 7 HX_6_in
HX-8 VLV-101 HX-7 HX-5
VLV-100 HX-6 TEE-100
MIX-102 TEE-101 MIX-101


Crude 8c Crude 8b Crude 5c Crude 5a
VLV-102 VLV-103

Figure 1 EO model of the preheat train developed in Aspen Hysys

www.digitalrefining.com PTQ Q3 2020 29

q3 anukoolan.indd 1 13/06/2020 14:53

Workbook (ASW) and Virtual Basic offset= Tp-Tm (2) An ideal case with a very low
for Applications (VBA) in Microsoft fouling factor for each exchanger
Excel. where Tp and Tm stand for plant and was run as well as a case with a
An equation oriented (EO) model model temperature values respec- high fouling for each exchanger to
was developed for data reconcil- tively. highlight the contrast between two
iation with the help of an objec- extreme cases. These cases were
tive function to minimise the offset offset= Fp-Fm (3) run again, side by side, under dif-
between plant and model values. ferent conditions and parameters
Figure 1 shows the schematic of a where Fp and Fm stand for plant and for the furnace duty, condenser
preheat train with some measure- model flow values respectively. duty, and reflux ratio. A price index
ments in their respective places for was appointed to each product and
temperatures and flows. The duties of the exchangers in crude oil to calculate the overall
As the schematic shows, a temper- this model are reconciled to achieve profit under different circumstances.
ature measurement was added on the goal for this EO model – mini- Subsequently, a price amount
the crude side (cold outlet) of each mum offset between the plant meas- was also associated with the energy
exchanger as well as on the product urements and model values. In requirements to compare the loss
stream side (hot side) for some of addition to this, we use rigorous of energy to product flow, thereby
the exchangers to control the outlet heat exchanger capabilities to obtain establishing the dominant parameter.
temperature of the crude stream. A the fouling factor for each of the
flow measurement was installed on exchangers post data reconciliation. Results and discussion
the HGO pumparound stream to Several cases were run on the Multiple cases were run based on
monitor and control the effect of the existing model to simulate the high- different fouling conditions, furnace
hot side stream in this scenario. est and least fouled conditions for duties, condenser duties, and reflux
An objective function was cre- the heat exchangers, and the out- ratios to compare the profit gen-
ated, aiming to minimise the offset put values were recorded to further erated based on the output prod-
between the measured and calcu- investigate the extreme situations. uct flows. The results are shown in
lated values for the measurement A simulation case consisting of the Table 1.
variables. Equation 1 shows the cal- preheat train was attached to atmos- The first case (Case 1) in Table 1
culation for the objective function: pheric and vacuum distillation col- is an ideal case which can be taken
umns to obtain the products. The as a reference case. The second case
4 products and the pumparounds from (Case 2) is the worst-case scenario
𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂 = 𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀 ./ 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜23 7 (1) the column are used in turn back in where all the exchangers are highly
256 the preheat train as hot fluids to pre- fouled to their maximum limit.
heat the crude oil. This model helps However, as exchangers foul, some
where ‘n’ stands for the number of in analysing different fouling sce- equipment, such as the fired heater
offset value inputs in the objective narios and their effect on the perfor- and crude column condenser, starts
function. mance and economics of the process. to hit its limits. From a modelling
perspective, those are calculated
values in Case 2, and therefore we
Flow comparison for fouling cases under different constraints need to adjust those constraints in
the model. This is done in Case 3.
Flow, t/h Case 1: min fouling Case 2: max fouling Case 3: adjusted conditions Case 3 represents a realistic sce-
Crude 729.0 722.0 702.5 nario where furnace duty and con-
Condensate vapour 0.1 0 7.2
Naphtha 116.8 135.5 109.8 denser duty have been restricted,
Kerosene 92.3 68.8 87.1 representing capacity constraints.
LGO 122.7 125.4 116.8 The naphtha and kerosene flow
GO 98.7 95.4 94.9 have been maintained close to the
Vacuum overhead 1.1 1.1 1.1
LVGO 17.8 17.8 17.9 original clean case to obtain unbi-
HVGO 92.4 92.9 88.4 ased results. The flow of crude has
Vacuum residue 188.1 186.0 181.0 to be reduced to maintain the crude
unit fired heater duty. Further, due
Table 1 to limitations in condenser duty, we

Prices of raw material and products

Price, $/ton Price, $/MMBtu

Crude Condensate vapour Naphtha Kero LGO HGO Vacuum overhead LVGO HVGO Vacuum residue Duty
425 200 475 510 520 510 200 425 375 300 4

Table 2

30 PTQ Q3 2020 www.digitalrefining.com

q3 anukoolan.indd 2 13/06/2020 14:53

ITW Innovative




Patented ITW Online Cleaning can remove any type of fouling from equipment, including polymers, without the need to open
or enter hazardous process equipment.
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Price comparison for fouling cases under different constraints fouling, as expected. The maximum
fouling case has no restrictions on
duty for the furnace and condenser
Price, $/t Case 1: min fouling Case 2: max fouling Case 3: adjusted conditions
Crude -309 825 -306 850 -298 563 which does not represent a realis-
Condensate vapour 19 0.00 1441 tic case. Therefore, Case 3 has been
Naphtha 55 480 64 363 52 167 discussed with given limitations to
Kerosene 47 078 35 078 44 407 replicate real life scenarios.
LGO 63 804 65 208 60 728
HGO 50 317 48 674 48 423 The data show that the realis-
Vacuum overhead 224 226 221 tic case (Case 3) has even lower
LVGO 7582 7578 7590 profits than the maximum fouling
HVGO 34 643 34 823 33 164 case. The maximum fouling case
Vacuum residue 56 430 55 800 54 310
Furnace duty -1270 -1370 -1333 is a hypothetical case where the
Profit 4481 3529 2555 exchangers are fouled to the max-
Profit per unit crude flow 6.2 4.9 3.6 imum level and no restrictions on
duties have been applied. Such a
Table 3 case would never exist in real life.

Mass flow rate of various components after cleaning individual exchangers Heat exchanger with maximum
An analysis was performed compar-
Flow, t/h HX-1 HX-2 HX-3 HX-4 HX-5 HX-6 HX-7 HX-8
Crude (-) 702.5 702.5 702.5 702.5 702.5 702.5 702.5 702.5 ing the different exchangers after
Condensate vapour 4.5 5.3 5.3 5.3 4.0 4.8 6.8 7.1 cleaning them one by one to under-
Naphtha 109.3 109.4 109.4 109.4 109.2 109.3 109.5 109.5 stand which exchanger has the
Kerosene 91.3 89.9 89.9 89.9 90.5 90.0 89.0 88.8 biggest impact on profits. Similar
LGO 115.9 116.1 116.1 116.1 118.7 116.0 116.7 116.8
HGO 96.6 95.2 95.2 95.2 99.7 98.0 98.8 99.4 conditions were applied for each
Vacuum overhead 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 scenario as discussed for Case 3;
LVGO 17.9 17.9 17.9 17.9 17.9 17.9 17.9 17.9 that is, we obey the constraints on
HVGO 86.1 88.2 88.2 88.3 80.5 85.5 82.7 81.7 furnace duty and condenser duty
Vacuum residue 181.4 181.1 181.1 181.0 182.1 181.4 181.8 182.0
Table 4 shows the mass flow data
of various components for all eight
Table 4 heat exchangers next to each other.
Table 5 shows the data for all
are unable to condense all the over- ucts, it is a challenge to obtain such eight heat exchangers next to each
head gas and it stays in the gaseous prices, though we could get them other, along with the individual rev-
state. The economic value of over- based on shadow prices from a enue generated after cleaning them
head gas is generally lower than refinery linear programming model. one at a time.
that of liquid product naphtha. An energy cost value of $4/MMBtu After comparing the profits
Table 3 compares these three cases is assumed. Such a profit compar- across all exchangers, it is evident
on the basis of notional profits from ison is for indicative purposes to that cleaning of HX-5 will have the
this process using typical represent- assess quantitative impact. largest impact economically. The
ative prices ($/t) for components According to the calculations pro- profit value per unit flow of crude
(see Table 2). Since in refineries vided in Table 3, the most profitable is almost the same as Case 1 with
these are only intermediate prod- scenario is the one with the least no fouling. It is also clear that by

Price comparison to identify the heat exchanger with largest impact after cleaning

Price, $ HX-1 HX-2 HX-3 HX-4 HX-5 HX-6 HX-7 HX-8

Crude (-) 298 563 298 563 298 563 298 563 298 563 298 563 298 548 298 548
Condensate vapour 899 1062 1061 1056 801 954 1354 1428
Naphtha 51 918 51 965 51 965 51 965 51 870 51 918 52 009 52 027
Kerosene 46 568 45 834 45 844 45 854 46 170 45 890 45 405 45 270
LGO 60 268 60 372 60 372 60 372 61 724 60 320 60 669 60 734
HGO 49 266 48 557 48 562 48 527 50 862 49 985 50 372 50 679
Vacuum overhead 218 221 221 221 212 218 214 213
LVGO 7599 7591 7591 7591 7625 7603 7623 7623
HVGO 32 276 33 079 33 071 33 113 30 195 32 078 31 002 30 655
Vacuum residue 54 420 54 330 54 330 54 300 54 630 54 420 54 553 54 591
Furnace duty -1333 -1333 -1333 -1333 -1333 -1333 -1333 -1333
Profit 3538 3115 3122 3102 4194 3490 3320 3337
Per unit crude flow 5.0 4.4 4.4 4.4 6.0 5.0 4.7 4.8

Table 5

32 PTQ Q3 2020 www.digitalrefining.com

q3 anukoolan.indd 3 13/06/2020 14:53

cleaning any one exchanger, the improving the economics of the pro- of higher value products and higher
profits can increase significantly. cess and one of them has the largest energy consumption. This amount
The profit value per unit flow of impact. This particular exchanger could add up to a huge value when
crude for fouled exchangers was can be different for a different pro- considering the annual income of
about $3.6/t/h, which has increased cess layout or even different pricing the plant.
by approximately $1 for each case. conditions. The hot side fluid could
Such an analysis also helps us in
deciding which exchanger to prior- Mohammad Umar is a Process Simulation
itise for the purpose of cleaning and The economic and Engineering Contributor with Anukoolan
maintenance. Solutions where he works on building
analysis showed that optimisation models for the chemical process
and petroleum industries, including refinery
An ideal case with all clean heat at least $1/t of crude systems such as crude and vacuum distillation
and delayed coker units. He holds BEng in
exchangers in a preheat train with
the right conditions is extremely
could be saved every chemical engineering and MSc in energy and
environment from the University of Leeds, UK,
hard to achieve in real life except hour by cleaning an and is a member of the Institution of Chemical
when the equipment is brand new. Engineers.
A maximum fouling case with no exchanger Hiren Shethna is the Founder and Director
restrictions on furnace and con- of Anukoolan Solutions which specialises
denser duties was modelled but not in developing and deploying model based
practical in real life. Therefore, a also potentially affect the outcome optimisation solutions across the chemical
case with realistic duty values and of the simulation as it is recycled industry. With more than 25 years’ experience
in refining and oil and gas systems modelling,
fouling conditions has been dis- back to the distillation column.
he previously worked with Saudi Aramco and
cussed in this article which shows The economic analysis showed
Aspen Technology as an expert contributor in
that fouling cannot only adversely that at least $1/t of crude could be modelling and optimisation. He holds a PhD
affect energy use but also the profits saved every hour by cleaning an in chemical engineering from the University
of the refinery. In the case of a pre- exchanger, especially in cases where of Manchester, UK and a master’s degree in
heat train, cleaning each exchanger equipment limitations result in chemical engineering from Indian Institute of
has a marginally different impact on reduction in crude flow or creation Technology, Bombay, India.

www.digitalrefining.com PTQ Q3 2020 33

q3 anukoolan.indd 4 15/06/2020 13:04


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11/06/2020 12:13
Planning to counter economic turbulence
Synchronising engineering and planning models should be a key aim to support the
resilience and agility needed for economic recovery


lobal economic disruption has
upended the refining indus- Executive requests for scenario
try. Not only are the dynam- planning (daily or more)
ics of the situation difficult, but they
seemingly change on a weekly or
Planners test ability of model
even daily basis. Process engineers Collaborate on new operating
to handle scenarios
update and run objectives and limits
In this territory of future price and HYSYS unit cases >

demand uncertainty, refinery plan- provide updated

ners and schedulers are in the hot HMB and limits to
planners Updated planning models for
seat. Refinery executives and man- (Aspen HUSYS) Update unit submodels work flow new operating regimes
agers are forced to examine new
scenarios daily, and each scenario
needs to be evaluated for safety, Run spectrum of scenarios and
make robust decisions quickly
logistics, and economics. The organ- (PIMS-AO)
isation’s planners are at the nexus of
They will be the key to a refinery’s Figure 1 Collaborative planning and engineering for scenario planning in today’s environment
economic resiliency and agility in
the future. They require advanced available at low prices, which can There are many cascading, related
technology to ensure the accuracy be enticing, but future demand and refining operational questions that
of their digital models in non-stand- pricing are uncertain, and refineries planners and engineers are asked
ard operating regimes, and ability to can potentially lose a lot of money if to answer. What is our lowest
examine many scenarios quickly to wrong choices are made. With die- throughput safe operating level?
optimise across a wide envelope of sel prices holding better than other Should we order catalysts early due
options and opportunities. product prices, maximising diesel is, to supply chain interruption? Can
in the short term, a key objective. Jet we make minor process reconfigu-
The business challenge fuel demand is likely to be the slow- rations to better utilise our interme-
Refineries are typically set up to pro- est to come back. This focuses atten- diate products? What other moves
duce predominantly a mix of gaso- tion on several key refining units, can we make to take advantage
line, diesel, naphtha (as gasoline and especially the CDU and VDU, where of crudes that may be available at
petrochemicals feedstock), and jet the fractions that yield diesel can lower prices? Which operating plans
fuel. In today’s market, with gaso- be maximised. Further, with main- give us better flexibility in face of
line and jet fuel in slowly recovering tenance crews having been largely extreme volatility of prices, supply,
demand and over-supply, and die- taken out of the asset for health rea- and demand?
sel the preferred transportation fuel sons, the integrity and safety of the
output, planners and engineers are process units must be reassessed Collaboration to respond to the
being asked by executives to rapidly when flows and parameters are challenge
develop refinery plans that maxim- changed significantly. This calls for Close collaboration between plan-
ise diesel. In tomorrow’s market, engineering advice relative to sce- ners and process engineers is
with the energy mix in transition, narios that may look advantageous required to answer these ques-
most rapidly in Europe, planners to planners. tions. A digital solution is the best
can be strategic in advising execu- It is now clear that assets may enabler of rapid response to this
tives as to the best capex and pro- need to be operated in a new nor- challenge. The modelling systems
cess strategies to achieve agility and mal, with lower staff density on site. (for instance, the Aspen PIMS sub-
resilience in the face of uncertain This requires looking at the inter- models used in about two-thirds
future market evolution. Both ques- action between production, cata- of all refineries) used in planning a
tions are being asked now. lyst lifetime, and asset health and typical refinery were not originally
Today, a wider range of crudes are integrity. implemented or tuned for the kinds

www.digitalrefining.com PTQ Q3 2020 35

q3 aspentech.indd 1 15/06/2020 10:35

of eventualities being encountered cracker, hydrotreater, and/or FCC planner while working remotely. By
dynamically today. Before the sce- submodels in the planning model running a sensitivity analysis of the
narios can be run with accuracy, were most probably not developed planner’s desired options, Hysys
the models of these key economic with the requirement in mind to will inform the safe operating limits
units must be changed to reflect look at these ‘extreme’ situational for the CDU and VDU and physical
accurately the proposed operating plans with any accuracy. When properties that need to be used for
regimes. The engineering digital these linear submodels are pushed these new operating regimes.
twin models of key units are a cru- to outside the expected limits, the Next, those CDU and VDU model
cial competitive advantage to obtain accuracy of the prediction will go results must inform an updating of
a fast, actionable answer. And an way down. The scenarios are out- the planning submodels. This can
automated workflow to enable side the existing model’s range of be done by communicating to plan-
the engineering model prediction accurate predictions. These model ning the new safe operating limits,
to inform the planning submodel, elements need to be quickly and effi- correct assay information, and new
without significant manual time, ciently rebuilt based on a new range base delta vectors for the PIMS-AO
provides a critical advantage. of expected operating limits. (or similar) submodel. AspenTech
Figure 1 shows the collaborative First, the simulation (Hysys has available a convenient and effi-
work process required to respond Refining or similar) models need to cient workflow for updating the
rapidly to the need to scenario be quickly updated, to match cur- various PIMS submodels and is pro-
plan in this environment of vola- rent operating data, and the process gressively automating that.
tility, uncertainty, complexity, and alternatives for maximising diesel Using the PIMS-AO planning
ambiguity. cuts and minimising jet and gasoline model, a wide range of crude and
The following are typical steps cuts need to be created and mod- pricing products and demand sce-
needed to answer executives’ ques- elled. Working remotely, as most narios can be run, to identify the
tions about scenario planning for are today, the engineer sets himself optimal operating plan. Leveraging
increased diesel, low jet demand, up for cloud access to the models, high performance computing, many
rapidly changing prices, and flexibil- then obtains current data sets to scenarios can be run, and in this eco-
ity for the future. recalibrate and update the model. nomic environment the planner may
Address dramatically different The calibration can be accelerated wish to run thousands of sensitivity
product mix scenarios (maximising using today’s technology, with cases across a range of possible sce-
diesel and minimising jet and gaso- recent innovations in performing narios on a daily basis.
line cuts; be prepared for increased calibration assisted by data science, Address low maintenance operat-
naphtha demand as olefin feedstock). step-by-step widgets, and in-soft- ing scenarios (running without heat
The CDU and VDU submodels ware advice. This needs to be done exchanger cleaning and other rou-
most importantly, but also hydro- with constant collaboration with the tine maintenance):

Light dist.
Kero C3/C3–
CDU 1 PP split
Gasoil C4 Olefins ALKY
processing Gasoline
Atm. residue FCC MCN

Naphtha Merox
Slurry Jet fuel
Kero HDS 1

HDS 2 Diesel
HGO Naphtha (ULSD)
Kero blending
VDU Naphtha
Atm. residue VCO


Figure 2 The CDU, VDU, HCU and cokers are all involved in rebalancing a refinery to produce more diesel

36 PTQ Q3 2020 www.digitalrefining.com

q3 aspentech.indd 2 15/06/2020 10:35

• The engineering team runs Hysys but these two earlier cases will give in particular volatile demand and
through a range of reactor/pre- a strong indication of the benefits economics.
heat train modelling scenarios to available. This ability to optimise across
identify operating yields attaina- The Korean refiner, Hyundai multiple assets at speed is a strategic
ble under different heat exchanger Oilbank, found that as feed qual- advantage with multiple future sce-
fouling cases consistent with dif- ity had changed from when their narios for recovery of hydrocarbon
ferent lengths of time that may be planning models were built, due to product demand over the next 12-18
necessary to run while deferring changed crude slates or changed months.
all but the most essential plant process conditions, the accuracy of
maintenance. their planning models when back- Conclusion
• Update planning models with a casted against their actual monthly Technology can help refining com-
new operating yields model. operations had fallen as low as 90%. panies to evaluate more scenarios
• Run refinery operating scenarios The refiner diagnosed the problem faster in a time of economic transi-
under different maintenance and as being centred on the main FCC tion. In these unusual circumstances,
production scenarios. unit and worked with us to build technology providers are working
and calibrate a Hysys FCC digi- more closely than ever with the
Use cases in a volatile pricing and tal twin engineering model of this refining industry.
demand environment economic unit and then, through a Here are some things companies
Here are a few typical use cases in semi-automated workflow, updated could be doing in the short term:
which collaboration between engi- their PIMS-AO planning submod- • Putting both planning and engi-
neering and planning can provide els of the same unit. The accuracy neering models in the cloud to ena-
rapid scenario planning for a refin- of the FCC planning submodel was ble remote working scenarios and to
ery’s executive team: improved to 98%, resulting in better empower planning and engineering
• Maximise diesel production while plans increasing the ability to oper- teams to collaborate.
minimising kerosene and gasoline ate the FCC with a higher effective • Taking advantage of e-learning
output. Using Hysys and PIMS-AO capacity and with a net annual mar- opportunities to help knowledge
together, quickly update the plan- gin benefit of $36 million. workers improve their skills in
ning model, identify safe operating Energy producer and refiner some of the advanced optimisation
limits, understand feasible changes Shell operates a network of over techniques. Uncertainty in the mar-
to the CDU, VDU, and kerosene 15 major global refineries, interna- ket will continue for some time and
hydrotreater, and understand the tional trading markets, and many skilled workers will empower organ-
impact on catalyst life (see Figure 2). associated assets, (for example, in isations to conduct better analysis.
• Evaluate crudes that are availa- Canada alone the planning net- • Review your coverage of your key
ble at low prices and have not been work includes upgrading, blending, economic units with digital twin
used in the refinery previously. refining, chemicals, CCS storage, models. Construct or update those
• Evaluate multi-plant economics to and terminal operations spanning key models that are current gaps in
make decisions about which refiner- multiple pathways to market). your digital arsenal.
ies to run at which turndown levels, Employing the high performance • Provide the incentive for better
and product mix options across the computing capabilities of PIMS-AO planning-engineering collaboration.
circuit of plants. planning technology implemented Through the types of collaborative
• Evaluate catalyst lifetime and or in the cloud, Shell has applied an efforts discussed in this article, your
substitutions that will better fit the agile value chain decision-making organisation’s agility will be sup-
new operating objectives, and make approach spanning operations and ported by an accurate and flexible
catalyst decisions with the best markets. The company’s multi-asset planning model.
economics. model runs at high speed to enable At the highest levels, an aware-
• Thorough scenario planning, better operational efficiencies, can ness of the key technology tools
advised on lowest feasible operat- anticipate movements of crude and in your arsenal is key to achieving
ing levels: PIMS-AO scenarios can products through their network, and competitive advantage. If the engi-
identify the economics of different is able to run a complete scenario neering digital twin and planning
operating levels; HYSYS can identify in minutes to react to dynamic con- models are not synchronised and
safety and operating risk issues. ditions. By optimising this model, working accurately, this should be
Shell has achieved improved opti- a key target for digitalisation to sup-
Case studies misation at each facility, enabled port resilience and agility in 2020
Here are a few typical case studies workers to focus on more strategic and 2021.
to spur your thinking on the oppor- work, make better crude purchases
tunities and possibilities that are and sales, improve planning across
Ron Beck is the Industry Director of
available today to improve deci- facilities, and better react to volatile AspenTech. He has over 20 years’ experience
sion-making. None of the organisa- and unexpected market conditions, in providing software solutions to the process
tions we are working with during as well as maximising economic per- industries and 10 years’ experience in the
this current economic disruption formance across the global and sea- commercialisation of chemical engineering
time period wants to be named yet, sonal variability they work within, technology.

www.digitalrefining.com PTQ Q3 2020 37

q3 aspentech.indd 3 15/06/2020 10:35

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IMO 2020: meeting the challenge
Developments in fuel additive technology address challenges and uncertainties raised
by the IMO 2020 regulations


n one of the largest changes to given the mix of lower and higher causing these LSFOs to vary greatly
environmental regulations in the sulphur in oil production across in composition and quality.
shipping industry for decades, that continent. Before the new IMO 2020 regu-
new rules reducing the sulphur con- Six months in, questions still lations came into force, the main
tent of marine bunker fuels came remain as to how the balance blend component for high sulphur
into force, beginning 1 January 2020. between environmental improve- fuel oil (HSFO) was high sulphur
Before these rule changes, ship- ments and the potential impact on residue. The residue was blended
pers used low grade bunker fuel, the bunker fuel and shipping indus- with various cutter stocks to cre-
the world’s dirtiest diesel and a tries is going to be achieved and, ate the final HSFO composition.
byproduct of the refining process. furthermore, how this first move to With the new regulations, high
This bunker fuel had high sulphur LSFO will be implemented in the sulphur components will need to
content and was a major contributor longer term. be replaced. In principle, refin-
to air pollution, as the exhaust from Though it is still early, concerns ers have three options available to
sulphur that is burned can be harm- have already been raised. Since them to accomplish this: additional
ful to both humans and the environ- desulphurisation, blending with
ment. Now ships are required to use Questions still low sulphur distillates, or the use
fuels with sulphur content capped of low sulphur crude oils as feed-
at 0.5% compared to the previous remain as to how stock. Which option is preferred is
limit of 3.5%. As the biggest reduc- dependent on the set-up of the indi-
tion in the sulphur content of a the balance between vidual refinery and the availabil-
transportation fuel that has ever ity of blend components and crude
been undertaken at one time, this environmental grades.
move will drastically improve air Crudes and heavy fuel oils are
quality and human health, particu- improvements and the complex mixtures of various hydro-
larly for those living close to ports carbons ranging from paraffins,
and coastlines.
potential impact on aromatics, naphthenes, and resins
More broadly, the new regula- the bunker fuel and to asphaltenes. While aromatic type
tions are part of a more ambitious, LSFO bears a higher risk of insta-
and longer term, sustainability strat- shipping industries is bility, and incompatibility, when
egy by the International Maritime comingled with other fuel types,
Organization (IMO), the United going to be achieved paraffinic type LSFO might show
Nations shipping agency. For the cold flow challenges like increased
IMO, the year 2020 marks the begin- the new regulations have come pour points. Put simply, paraffins
ning of the Sustainable Shipping for into force, Standard Club, a spe- will precipitate when cooled down
a Sustainable Planet initiative. This cialist marine and energy insurer, whilst asphaltenes will precipitate
includes the goal of reducing green- says that it has been notified by when destabilised. Diluting high
house gas emissions from shipping some concerned members of the sulphur streams by using low sul-
by at least 50% by 2050 compared non-availability of compliant fuel phur distillate streams like marine
to 2008, whilst pursuing efforts at some ports, although it was not gasoil will also have an effect on the
towards phasing them out totally. specific as to which ones.1 Likewise, cold flow characteristics.
Leading up to the introduction ship owners have warned of com- So what are the key challenges
of the new regulations, industry plications around LSFO, particu- with fuels that contain paraffins?
experts and analysts tried to fore- larly in relation to sediment and Paraffins in the fuel tend to crys-
cast the impact on the shipping and wax formation.2 In addition, the tallise when cooled down, leading
bunker fuel industries – from cost ISO Standard 8217 that specifies to severe increases in viscosity and
implications and potential shortages the requirements for fuels for use solidification. They could be redis-
of low sulphur fuel oil (LSFO) to oil in marine diesel engines does not solved through heating; however,
comingling challenges and regional provide specific guidance on the this requires a tremendous effort in
impacts, for example in Africa, composition of low sulphur fuels, terms of cost and time. Changing

www.digitalrefining.com PTQ Q3 2020 39

q3 clariant.indd 1 15/06/2020 10:41

a blank pour point of 39°C, it would
40 be recommended to dose the PPD
at 60°C.
35 As a leading provider of marine
33 fuel additives, Clariant Refinery
30 Services has developed two PPD
Pour point, ˚F

27 additive solutions for new types of

25 24 marine fuels including Dodiflow
21 8421 and Dodiflow 6087, to ensure
that the bunker industry can be con-
Dodiflow 8421 fident in low sulphur blended fuels
15 Specification being compliant and safe.
Dodiflow 8421 is a specialised
Blank 100 200 300 400 500 1000 pour point depressant designed
Dose rate, ppm to improve cold flow properties
of 0.5% sulphur fuel oils and has
Figure 1 Pour point response of very low sulphur fuel oil with Dodiflow 8421 been tested to lower the pour point
of the LSFO to the specification of
30°C. For the test results provided
Characterisation of LSFO
here, the LSFO and PPD had a tem-
perature of 50°C. Considering the
Pour point, °C ASTM D 97 39 high blank pour point of the LSFO
API@15°C DIN 51757 17.3
WAT, °C In-house method 38.5 sample, Dodiflow 8421 showed an
WDT, °C In-house method 42.4 excellent response behaviour with
SARA-Analysis IP 469 a very low dose rate to achieve
Saturates, % 52.0
the target. Using only 200 ppm of
Aromates, % 26.0
Resin, % 18.0 Dodiflow 8421, the pour point of
Asphaltene, % 4.0 LSFO was reduced from 39°C to
GC-Analysis 27°C, allowing the ISO 8217 spec-
Paraffin content, % In-house method 31.4
ification of 30°C to be achieved.
<C10 0.02
C10-C17 0.79 The tests found that increasing the
C18-C35 22.3 dose rate continued to improve the
C36-60 8.32 PPD response, up to 12°C at a dose
>C60 0
rate of 1000 ppm (see Figure 1 and
Table 1).
Table 1 Dodiflow 6087 is a premium fuel
additive pour point depressant
the crude slate towards low sulphur thus modifying the wax crystal designed specifically to improve the
crudes like ‘sweet light’ will ulti- structures to one more favourable cold flow properties of low sulphur
mately also increase the amount of to flow. Further, the wax crystals marine distillate to the required
paraffins processed. Hence a higher are kept isolated by the PPD back- specification. Table 2 shows the
pour point of the resulting fuel oil bone and, because of this steric characterisation of the marine diesel
can be expected. hindrance, the wax crystals are no including the cold flow properties.
A pour point is the lowest tem- longer able to form the 3D struc- In testing, the used marine distillate
perature at which a fuel or oil will tures responsible for gelation and had a blank pour point of 12°C. The
pour and, through additives called flow inhibition. summer and winter specifications,
pour point depressants (PPDs), the Crucial to its application is that which are required by ISO 8217,
pour points of fuel oils can be sig- the PPD is dosed above the ‘wax were easily met with dose rates of
nificantly reduced without chang- appearance temperature’ (WAT) 65 ppm and 75 ppm, respectively.
ing the combustion behaviour of the of the fuel. The WAT describes the Figure 2 shows that increasing the
LSFO. PPDs are polymer-like addi- temperature at which the first par- dose rate leads to further improve-
tives which are dosed to the LSFO affin crystals start to form when a ment of the pour point, which
ideally right after the blender fuel fuel is cooled down. The WAT can leaves additional options for the
outlet, when the temperature of the be determined by different meth- refiner to blend heavier components
fuel is high. ods like differential scanning cal- into the marine diesel.
PPDs do not change the temper- ometry or viscosity measurements; In addition to pour point chal-
ature at which wax crystallises or however, such methods usually do lenges, mixing paraffinic and
the amount of wax that builds up. not exist in refinery laboratories. A aromatic fuels can lead to fuel insta-
Their application relies on the PPD general rule of thumb is to dose the bility and incompatibility that can
co-crystallising with the targeted PPD 20°C above the pour point of cause bottom sludge formation and
paraffin species present in the oil, the fuel; for example, if the fuel has increase the risk of engine failure.

40 PTQ Q3 2020 www.digitalrefining.com

q3 clariant.indd 2 15/06/2020 10:41

sinopec.indd 1 11/06/2020 12:17
same test, untreated blank LSFO
15 showed an increasing transmission
Marine distillate
over the length of the tube, reflect-
Specification winter ing precipitation of insoluble mat-
5 Specification summer ter and indicating the formation of
Pour point, ˚C

Both the pour point depressant
-5 and marine fuel compatibility
-10 enhancer solutions have been the
focus of research and development
at Clariant’s new Crude and Fuel
-20 Oil Center of Excellence in the UK.
The new laboratory is equipped
0 50 65 75 85 100 125 150 with advanced technology, a wide
Dose rate, ppm selection of testing regimes, modern
methods of crude oil analysis and
Figure 2 Pour point response curve of marine distillate with Dodiflow 6087 performance testing, and the ability
to replicate field conditions within
the laboratory.
Characterisation of marine diesel (DMA 89 type)
Specifically, Clariant has adopted
the use of high throughput exper-
Properties Method Result
CP, °C EN 23015 +15.5 imentation (HTE) methods for sci-
CFPP, °C EN 116 +15 entific experimentation alongside
PP, °C ISO 3016 +12 advanced analytics. Originally
Density, g/cm³ ISO 12185 0,876
developed for use in pharmaceu-
Aromatics, wt% EN 12916 41.3
n-Paraffin content, wt% Gas chromatography 23.4 ticals, the HTE method rapidly
improves upon classical experi-
mentation methodology. Over the
Table 2 last three years, Clariant has uti-
lised its HTE laboratories to per-
Clariant’s LSFO compatibility blend containing Dispersogen 2020, form feasibility studies to prove
enhancer Dispersogen 2020, formu- measured according to ASTM D that this new research approach is
lated for the IMO 2020 regulations, 7061 using a Turbiscan MA 2000, useful in formulation development
is an additive designed to improve showed a consistent transmission for the oil and gas industry. Using
the stability of aromatic low sul- throughout the test tube, indicating HTE, Clariant can identify more
phur marine fuel. When aromatic homogenous distribution of parti- precise chemical formulations that
fuel compositions are comingled go through the application devel-
with more paraffinic blends, bot- In addition to pour opment far quicker than traditional
tom sludge can form, destabilising manual laboratory methodologies.
the fuel. This destabilisation has point challenges, HTE methods have been particu-
the potential to do serious damage larly important in developing new
to engines. As well, asphaltenes mixing paraffinic and pour point depressants. The first
can separate, also forming a sludge development step for a PPD is to
inside engine filters and separators, aromatic fuels can measure the interaction it has with
with the potential for loss of propul- the viscosity of crude oil. The classic
sion and auxiliary power. As there
lead to fuel instability way to measure viscosity in a labo-
is no universal refining method for and incompatibility ratory is with a technician operat-
LSFO, neither ship owners nor fuel ing a viscometer or rheometer. This
suppliers will know when, where or that can cause bottom method takes 30 to 40 minutes per
how different LSFO qualities have measurement.
been mixed. sludge formation and At the heart of HTE is a mix-
By dispersing asphaltenes and ture of robotics, data processing,
other fuel oil components to sup- increase the risk of control software, liquid handling
port the compatibility of fuel oil devices, and sensitivity detectors.
mixes, Dispersogen 2020 is used as engine failure Its development comes on the back
a preventative measure to ensure of advances in smart automation,
that global refiners can meet new cles and a low separability number. miniaturisation, parallelisation, and
standards with fuel oil blends that This test demonstrated the success statistical design. It decreases time
will remain stable and compatible. of Dispersogen 2020 in preventing to market, enabling faster discovery
Recent testing of the asphaltene sludge from forming and keeping of new technologies, and delivers
dispersion of an aromatic LSFO the LSFO blend stable. Using the greater understanding of existing

42 PTQ Q3 2020 www.digitalrefining.com

q3 clariant.indd 3 15/06/2020 10:41

technology. In the laboratory for mulation using HTE by quickly There will be ongoing challenges
PPD development, a series of disseminating formulations from within the framework of this ‘new
robotic arms enable the movement one another. The result is a high normal’, as well as new additives
of crude oil samples to miniaturised degree of accuracy and, speed ena- and solutions that will ensure that
and parallel viscometers. As this bling customised formulations to be ships can continue to sail.
machinery will continuously work developed for every application that
day and night, the testing process is requires it. DODIFLOW and DISPERSOGEN are marks of
accelerated while datapoints can be Ship owners and refineries under- Clariant.
provided that otherwise would not stand that they face potential qual-
be possible. ity issues in the near term from the References
1 w w w . s t a n d a r d - c l u b . c o m / r i s k -
When HTE is combined with impact of mixing together LSFOs
computational experimental design that still have not been fully tested
software, it becomes even more on ships’ engines for composition, availability-issues.aspx
effective. The Design of Experiment compatibility, and performance. 2 https://validere.com/imo-2020-lsfo-
software mathematically analy- Clariant’s research and product complications-potential-long-term-positive-
ses the space in which fundamen- development advances are helping for-heavy-differentials/
tal properties are being measured. to overcome this nervousness and
Instead of having to make 100 uncertainty around solutions, and
measurements to cover this space, has led to increased interest from Kerstin Müller is Clariant Refinery Services’
it mathematically deconvolutes the refiners to use PPD and other fuel Product Expert in Pour Point Depressants,
data so that fewer measurements stabiliser technology, as these are supporting refiners and fuel trading companies
are required as it predicts the white critical additives for ships without with their crude and fuel oil additive challenges.
space it leaves behind. scrubbers to prevent pour point She coordinates product development, field
trials, as well as research projects related to
Although the software is commer- problems, fuel incompatibility,
crude and fuel oil additives specifically related
cially available, Clariant’s process breakdowns, and significant finan-
to transport and storage. Currently, she focuses
of taking existing technologies and cial losses. on the fuel stabilisation and compatibility
combining them in novel solutions Ship owners and the marine bun- issues that have arisen due to the recent IMO
is unique for the development of ker fuel industry will continue to 2020 standards introduced for bunker fuel and
PPDs. It is now possible to explore assess the impact of the IMO 2020 holds a PhD in polymer chemistry from the
multiple options for potential for- regulations for some time to come. University of Marburg, Germany.

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www.digitalrefining.com PTQ Q3 2020 43

q3 clariant.indd 4 15/06/2020 10:41


100 % Zero Leakage

zwick.indd 1 12/06/2020 15:02

Protect control valves when production slows
With many plants running at reduced rates or on shutdown, control valve operation
faces severe challenges to maintain throughput. Solutions are at hand



ovid-19’s effects have forced
many petrochemical and
refinery units to run at
reduced rates or shut down tempo-
rarily. Abnormally low production
rates, extended shutdowns, and
reduced staff all create significant
challenges for continued control
valve reliability. This article will
focus on the problems that each
of these situations cause and offer
solutions to deal with the issues in a Figure 1 Valve cavitation often occurs at low production rates and can cause significant
cost-effective manner. damage to valve internals

Falling output and rising problems occurs below the minimum control- valve maintenance cycles, but this
Most petrochemical and refin- lable flow because the plug is not is rarely the case. Valves exposed
ery units are designed to run at fully seated. to corrosive conditions will con-
maximum rates, and many have tinue to corrode at the same or even
undergone numerous debottle- Cavitation accelerated rates. Flow phenomena,
neck projects to push capacity At low production rates, line pres- such as cavitation and flashing, can
even higher. However, decreased sure losses may be significantly also cause accelerated erosion. SIL-
demand now calls for many units reduced and a larger than normal rated safety valves will still require
to produce just enough to keep the pressure drop could appear across periodic testing regardless of the
plant operating. Such abnormal con- the valve. This condition tends to production rate, and high pressure
ditions can have unexpected effects create or exacerbate cavitation in the drop valves may sustain damage
on the control valves that are crucial valve, which can cause significant faster than normal. Therefore, crit-
for plant operation. The following damage to the plug, seat, and valve ical valves should continue to be
problems may arise. internals (see Figure 1). inspected, maintained, and tested
at the same frequency as they were
Poor control Anti-surge valves during normal production rates to
A control valve is normally sized to During normal plant operation, a avoid unexpected downtime.
operate around 40-60% open, with compressor anti-surge valve runs
a minimum opening of 10-15% and closed since the flow through the Extended shutdown Issues
a maximum opening of up to 90%. compressor is well above surge con- When a plant shuts down temporar-
Under these conditions the valve ditions. Low production rates often ily, the operational condition of the
will provide consistent, stable flow reduce the compressor load and control valves must be maintained
control. However, low production force the anti-surge valve open to and preserved so the unit can come
rates can drop the minimum open- maintain flow through the compres- back online quickly when product
ing to 10% or less, forcing the valve sor stages. These continuous high demand recovers. If specific precau-
to control with the plug very close flow, high noise, and high pressure tions are not followed, many of the
to the seat. Under this condition, drop conditions can damage the critical valves may not operate as
the flow will be erratic and difficult anti-surge valve over time and force expected when recalled to duty. Any
to control since a minor stem move- an unexpected outage should the or all of the following situations can
ment can generate a very signifi- valve fail. occur during an extended outage.
cant and non-linear flow response.
Additionally, extremely low travel Low flow rates rarely extend critical Damaged valves will not fix
operation under a clearance flow valve maintenance themselves
condition may cause additional It is easy to assume that reduced When a unit is shut down, there
damage to the seat. Clearance flow production rates will extend critical is often little incentive to focus

www.digitalrefining.com PTQ Q3 2020 45

q3 fisher.indd 1 13/06/2020 15:09

on the current state of the Prevent cavitation
equipment. Leaking and/ If a valve was already cavi-
or poorly performing valves tating at normal rates, then
are often forgotten until the the valve has likely been
unit is restarted, and the selected for those condi-
same problems reappear. In tions and there is little that
many cases, the valves may must be done, other than
perform even less effectively occasionally inspecting the
than prior to the shutdown. valve. However, if a valve
was not cavitating signif-
Bad instrument air icantly before rates were
If the instrument air system reduced, then it is wise
is shut down during an out- to have the valve vendor
age, dust, rust, and water perform an evaluation to
can collect in the air head- determine if the valve can
ers. When the air pressure handle the new service
is restored, the collected conditions. Cavitation can
particulates and water will severely damage control
often be blown through Figure 2 The Fisher FlowScanner QL valve diagnostic system can valve internals, and special
the tubing, plugging valve be used to analyse a control valve’s dynamic response, trend valve designs and/or hard-
positioners and damaging valve performance, and isolate repair needs. The system is used ened materials are required
sensitive pneumatic valve to evaluate current operating conditions without having to to avoid catastrophic
disassemble or remove control valves from the process
components. failure.

Stuck valves Providing solutions Ensure anti-surge valve

If a valve is left in a closed position While difficulties are significant, performance
for an extended length of time, this there are a number of ways to mit- Anti-surge valves are designed to
can damage the seat, or corrosion igate or eliminate these issues and take the full pressure drop at full
may set up on the trim and keep the keep control valves operating relia- flow, so operation in a throttled
valve from opening. bly when running at reduced rates condition should not be a problem
or when service is resumed after in the short term. Plants should
Packing leaks a shutdown. Solutions include the inspect these valves more often if
When a valve stem does not move following. the valve is running at a throttled
for a prolonged period of time, the state continuously, as long term
packing can lose elasticity and leak damage is inevitable under these
when process pressure is restored. If a plant is going conditions.

Diaphragm problems into a shutdown Provide effective maintenance

When a valve actuator is immo- Do not assume that critical valve
bile for an extended time, the dia- (extended or inspections can be delayed and
phragm can become brittle and may extended just because the plant is
leak when brought back into service. otherwise), running at reduced rates. It is best
Similarly, O-ring seals in the actu- to inspect critical valves, safety
ator, positioner, and/or the valve
diagnostic and leak valves, and severe service valves on
body can become brittle with age. tests should be run the same frequency if at all possible.
During difficult economic times,
management tends to reduce staff in advance Prepare for restart before shutting
to cut operating costs. However, the down
effort required to run and maintain If a plant is going into a shutdown
the plant at low production rates is Improve control (extended or otherwise), diagnos-
often nearly the same as required to Sometimes poor control can be tic and leak tests should be run in
run the plant at full capacity. Under resolved by simply retuning the advance (see Figure 2). Test systems
such conditions, the staff can only loop to operation under the new are available to run a variety of tests
do so much and maintenance activ- flow conditions, with existing tun- on control valves supplied by dif-
ities are deferred or eliminated. ing constants saved for return to full ferent vendors, including dynamic
To keep the plant operating, the production. However, if the valve scan, static point scan, step change,
remaining staff must focus on the is throttling too close to the seat, it stepped ramp, stepped study, and
most critical issues, leveraging the may require a reduced trim for reli- sine wave response. This type of
product and application expertise of able operation. Valve vendors can expert diagnostic data analysis
the control valve vendor whenever evaluate troublesome valves and helps identify problems and deter-
necessary. offer solutions. mine appropriate maintenance.

46 PTQ Q3 2020 www.digitalrefining.com

q3 fisher.indd 2 13/06/2020 15:09

Cap screw (key 12) Vent assembly (key 17)

Upper diaphragm Upper diaphragm

case (key 1) plate (key 4)
Spacer (key 2) Cap screw (key 13)

Hex nut (key 14)

Diaphragm (key 3)
Lower diaphragm
Lower diaphragm plate (key 71)
case (key 64)

Cap screw (key 30)

Pipe bushing (key 92)
Gasket (key 70) Snap ring (key 72)
Travel stop (key 84) O-ring (key 9)
O-ring (key 8)
Seal bushing (key 7)

Figure 3 Actuator diaphragms and associated O-rings (above), as well as O-rings and packing in the valve body, can become brittle over an
extended outage. Plant personnel should plan for thorough testing and possible replacement before bringing the equipment back online

Many of these tests can be con- possibility of the valve plug and Conclusion
ducted without impacting oper- seat corroding and becoming stuck The current economic environment
ations, and the data generated to each other. has forced many manufacturers
can be analysed to prevent signif- to operate in unfamiliar territory.
icant financial impact. By focus- Test for leaks Rather than pushing for maximum
ing maintenance efforts on pulling Well in advance of any start-up, plant capacity, many units are run-
and repairing the valves in need plant personnel should pressure ning at very low production rates,
of service, instead of simply pull- test as many valves as possible and or even taking extended shutdowns.
ing every valve, the turnaround ensure any required replacement In these times, the unit has to run
budget can be significantly reduced. packing is available. Personnel as efficiently as possible, or restart
Diagnostic tests also provide an should check to make sure parts are from suspended operations with
‘as-left’ valve signature that can on-hand or can be readily acquired limited issues. An initial identifica-
be used to identify deteriorating from valve vendors. tion of needs within the plant, a crit-
valve performance in the future. ical asset review, a comprehensive
Outsourcing the diagnostic and Deal with diaphragms plan for valve preservation, and
valve leak detection effort may be Similar to packing, diaphragm an understanding of key start-up
a wise option as it requires special failures in the actuators should be actions are essential for efficient
equipment and expertise to inter- anticipated after an extended out- operation and maintenance.
pret the test results. age (see Figure 3). Plant person- Control valves are critical for
nel should stroke valves well in plant operation and product qual-
Address instrument air issues advance of a restart to confirm there ity. Taking the time to address
If at all possible, plant personnel are no problems, and make sure valve problems or anticipate issues
should leave the air system pres- spare parts are readily available if brought on by running at reduced
surised during an extended outage an actuator leak has developed. rates or temporarily shutting down
to keep moisture and other partic- Many of these solutions can be will pay huge dividends upon
ulates out of the system. If this is resource-intensive at a time when return to full production.
not possible, then the entire system plants are light on staff. However, Zane Bodensteiner is an Applications
should be drained and blown down advanced diagnostic tests and leak- Engineer in the refining industry for Emerson
before opening the air supply to the age tests can reduce shutdown Automation Solutions’ flow control products.
control valves. Failure to do so will valve repair costs significantly and He began his career as an applications engineer
likely damage the valve positioners, help plant personnel focus on the in the power industry and has been in the
refining industry in recent years. In his current
adding costs and time delays upon most critical items. Most of these role, he specialises as the Control Valve SME for
restart. recommended actions can be out- the refining industry.
sourced if plant personnel are una- Matthew Gulleen is the Refining Industry
Set correct valve position vailable. The cost of an unexpected Manager for Emerson Automation Solutions’
As many control valves as possi- production outage upon return to flow control products. He began his career as
a Fisher control valve design engineer before
ble should be left slightly open and full production or a restart from
transitioning to application engineering for the
off their seat during an extended shutdown will quickly eclipse the oil and gas industry. He is now responsible for
outage. This avoids long term seat cost of implementing many of these providing industry focus and expertise in the
damage, and it helps reduce the solutions. refining segment.

www.digitalrefining.com PTQ Q3 2020 47

q3 fisher.indd 3 13/06/2020 15:09

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art.indd 1 11/06/2020 12:11

Real-time crude and desalter monitoring
An analyser array supports corrosion management through continuous insights into
changes in crude quality


KEVIN CLARKE CREAS Energy Consulting

o maximise profits and remain
competitive, refineries regu-
larly reoptimise their crude Crude oil tanks
slate with changing market condi- preheat train
exchangers Mix valve
tions. As a result, crudes change Crude oil
frequently, and the plant is driven
towards processing cheaper, heav-
ier, and lower quality crudes. Many Wash water Wash water

of these lower quality crude oils

contain higher levels of salts (chlo- Desalted
crude oil
rides), organic chlorides, sulphur,
nitrogen, metals, tramp amines, as Brine
well as high solids and acidity. All
of these factors can drive up corro- Figure 1 Typical crude unit cold preheat train and desalter configuration
sion within the crude processing
complex without proper condition- transportation. The salts in crude oil $0.45-0.50/bbl of total global crude
ing which, in turn, can be hampered consist primarily of sodium, magne- oil processed. Processing of these
by the difficulty in determining the sium, and calcium chlorides. lower quality crude oils is concen-
precise crude mix hour-by-hour While some of these lower qual- trated within a subset of the global
(inadequate tankage for proper ity crudes can be priced at a $2-$3/ refining population, so there is
segregation, layering, tank heels bbl discount to Brent, most refin- clearly considerable commercial risk
of unknown composition, slops ers would not be able to process to processing these crudes without
reprocessing, tight crude oil inven- these at more than 25% of their adequate monitoring of contam-
tory controls to minimise working total crude slate – implying a com- inants, operations, and corrosion
capital, and the frequency of crude mercial incentive of approximately rates to mitigate the potential for
tank changes). Many refiners report $0.50-$0.75/bbl or $37-55 million/y integrity problems.
crude changes as often as every two for a typical 200 000 b/d refinery. Magnesium and calcium chlorides
to three days. Recent studies have suggested that have a higher tendency to remain
A critical element of corrosion the annual cost of corrosion in refin- in the oil phase than sodium chlo-
control within the crude complex ing is approximately $15 billion or ride, so sodium chloride removal by
is the desalter (see Figure 1). The
desalter serves several purposes:
• Reduces the salt (inorganic chlo- 100
ride) content of the crude oil 90 Magnesium chloride
• Dehydration 80 Calcium chloride

• Solid separation
% of chloride hydrolysed

• Recovery of phenols from
Salt occurs naturally in crude
oil, so a certain amount of brine is 40
produced with crude which is sep- 30
arated in the field and relatively 20
dry crude oil is sent to the refin- 10
ery. Chlorides introduced into an 0
oil well during a workover or well 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
stimulation will also appear in the Temperature, ˚F
produced crude. Salt can also enter
crude oil from seawater during Figure 2 Hydrolysis of magnesium chloride and calcium chloride with temperature

www.digitalrefining.com PTQ Q3 2020 49

q3 Hobre.indd 1 13/06/2020 15:13

ride content of the desalter efflu-
90 ent crude oil is therefore critical
to mitigating corrosion. Chlorides
(NaCl, MgCl2 and CaCl2) in excess
FACT, wt%

of 20 ppm are known to cause seri-
70 ous corrosion issues due to the
liberation of chloride ions which
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 travel to the top of the crude tower
V+Na, ppm (see Figure 5) and condense with
the first drop of water at the water
dewpoint, with a very low pH (1-3).
Figure 3 FCC catalyst activity, Ecat wt% vs Ecat V+Na Source: BASF This highly localised point of cor-
rosion can move around within the
effective desalting is usually nearly heat exchanger train and oil con- overhead system, depending on
complete. In most cases, magnesium tent of the desalter effluent water. the water content, top temperature,
and calcium chloride levels in crude However, many refineries have functioning of the condensers, and
are low. increased processing capacity over vapour flow rate. Refiners inject
As crude is processed through time and are running a progres- ammonia or amines into the over-
the crude tower and then the vac- sively heavier crude slate, without head system to neutralise the acid,
uum unit and downstream residue making the corresponding mod- as well as filming amines which
upgrading units such as delayed ifications to their desalters, with cover the internal surfaces of the
cokers, residual magnesium or cal- the result that desalting and dehy- exchanger tubes to prevent the acid
cium chlorides will hydrolyse in the dration efficiencies have declined, from reaching the metal surface.
presence of trace water, releasing thereby driving up the risk of Frequent crude changes and vari-
hydrogen chloride. The hydrolysis downstream reliability issues. ations in desalter performance can
to temperature relationship is illus- In addition, normal build-up result in under-dosing of neutralis-
trated in Figure 2. of sediments in the bottom of the ing amine. Filming amines can also
Sodium chloride will not decom- desalter during the run (see Figure be stripped by high vapour veloc-
pose to any significant extent, but 4 for typical desalter internals) can ities or may fail to coat all surfaces
passes into the atmospheric residue also serve to reduce residence time, evenly. As a result, dewpoint cor-
where it can accelerate coking in the so desalting efficiency can reduce rosion remains an ongoing issue
vacuum unit and downstream res- across the cycle. Within these tight within many crude towers.
idue conversion units (visbreaker, net margin environments, it is sur- This difficult situation is further
delayed coker, and so on), shorten- prising that the operation of many exacerbated by two other factors:
ing the run length between heater crude oil desalters is not rigorously • The declining demand for gaso-
decokes. In addition, sodium in the adjusted following changes in the line, particularly in European and
FCC feed serves to exaggerate the crude slate, and there has been lim- Asian economies where refiners
conversion impact of any vanadium ited investment in tracking desalter typically aim to maximise middle
in the FCC feed, with implications operating performance in real- distillate (jet fuel and diesel) pro-
for fresh catalyst use and yield per- time to provide advance warning duction. This drives down the opti-
formance (see Figure 3). of sub-optimal performance and mum temperature for the crude
Hydrogen chloride generated potential downstream issues. tower overhead, further raising the
from the magnesium and calcium Clear understanding of the chlo- risk of dew point corrosion, as well
salts will move upwards as the exposure of larger
in the distillation columns areas of the crude overhead
until it finds ammonia or system to the potential of
amines to combine with, or dewpoint corrosion, such
until a liquid water phase as the tower dome itself.
forms, or until the hydro- • Presence of organic
gen chloride is drawn into chlorides in the crude oil,
a product. The corrosive from upstream oil produc-
impact of the chlorides tion chemicals, particu-
will then be observed in larly with ageing oil fields.
the crude tower and the Organic chlorides are not
overhead heat exchang- removed in the desalter,
ers. Therefore good con- preferring to remain in the
trol of the desalter can oil phase, but can release
substantially reduce cor- chloride ions in the crude
rosion within the crude distillation tower just
tower overheads, as well the same. These chloride
as fouling in the pre- Figure 4 Desalter schematic ions usually appear in the

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naphtha streams and react in the
naphtha hydrotreater(s) to release Offgas
hydrogen chloride, causing corro-
sion and fouling problems. The con- Condensers Air coolers

tamination of the Druzhba crude oil Crude

pipeline network with organic chlo- distillation Crude overhead drum
rides in April 2019 is a case in point (top section)
which caused severe disruption to
refinery operations in Central and Reflux return

Eastern Europe. Water

Naphtha product

Real-time corrosion management

Good single-stage desalter perfor- Figure 5 Typical crude unit overheads configuration
mance achieves a desalting and
dehydration efficiency of more than water. This enables tighter track- ters, and additional measurements
90%. More than 95% salt removal ing of chemical injection rates in for oil-in-water and water-in-oil
can be achieved with double desalt- case of unit upsets, fluctuations, analysis), providing the measure-
ing. Absolute performance depends during start-up, or processing of ment of chlorides in real-time, offer-
on various key parameters such as: crude oil with high organic chloride ing the potential for continuous
• Crude oil properties (API, asphal- content. corrosion control (see Figure 6).
tene content, and so on) In addition, real-time meas- By accurate, sensitive, and con-
• Desalter temperature urement of metals in crude oil tinuous measurement upstream
• Desalter pressure can bring considerable value in (Position 1 in Figure 6) of the
• Wash water pH predicting imminent changes in desalter, the analyser enables oper-
• Oil residence time downstream unit feeds, where con- ators to track changes in total chlo-
• Effectiveness of the demulsifier taminants are either poisons or key ride levels, to proactively adjust
chemical final product quality specifications desalting operating conditions and
• Wash water mixing (such as chloride load to naph- chemical addition rates to ensure
With relatively low levels (>20 tha hydrotreating units, FCC feed good desalting and dewatering
ppm) of chloride content in desalted nickel, vanadium, iron or delayed performance.
crude having the potential to lead coker feed nickel, vanadium, sul- A second analyser downstream of
to significant corrosion issues in phur). The system can also provide the desalter unit (Position 3) tracks
the overhead condensation system insight into incoming iron in crude, the desalted crude chloride content
of the crude distillate unit (Palash which is a problem widely observed to verify desalting performance
Kumar Bhowmik, 2012), the Hobré during processing of light tight and minimum chloride entering the
solution employing the C-Quand oils, to enable optimisation of iron crude tower.
XRF analyser comes into play. The removal chemicals. For systems employing dou-
C-Quand XRF analyser provides With over 40 years’ experience in ble desalting vessels, the desalted
on-line measurements of crude con- designing and engineering online crude C-Quand analyser in Position
taminants (such as total chlorides, process analysers, Hobré Analyzer 3 could be multiplexed to meas-
sulphur, magnesium, iron, nickel, Solutions offers a turn-key total ure chloride entering the second
vanadium, arsenic, and other ele- package solution tailored to specific desalter.
ments) to enable the realisation of layouts. The proposed solution con- To provide a complete picture
a real-time corrosion management sists of a set of C-Quand ED-XRF of desalter performance, installa-
strategy for the crude distillation non-destructive analysers (and tion of a water-in-oil analyser at
unit, by: optionally sample handling, shel- Position 2 provides early warning
• Ensuring effective crude desalt-
ing, by enabling reporting of desalt-
ing efficiency in real-time and Water-in-oil
alerting any exceptions caused by Crude oil tanks
preheat train
performance degradation during meter exchangers Mix valve
and following crude switches or Crude oil
due to slops reprocessing (with an C-Quand Multiphase
undetermined and highly variable
XRF analyser
S, Cl, Ni, V, Fe, As, Si, Pb Desalter water-cut
1 Wash Wash meter
chloride content). water water

• Alerting to changes being Desalted

crude oil
required in overhead chemi- 4
cal dosage (ammonia or neu- Mirmorax
XRF analyser

tralising amines and filmer) by Oil-in-water S, Cl, Ni, V, Fe, As, Si, Pb

real-time measurement of the

chloride content in the overhead Figure 6 System for real-time desalter chloride measurement for corrosion control

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catalyst fouling and deactivation,
Offgas and increased reactor pressure drop
Condensers Air coolers
(not evaluated)
• Shorter run lengths between
Crude overhead drum heater decokes on the vacuum
heater and any downstream residue
Reflux return
conversion units (not evaluated)
Crude Water • FCC yield impacts from higher
Na+V in the feed, requiring higher
S, Cl, Ni, V, Fe, As, Si, Pb
tower C-Quand
(top section) XRF analyser 6
fresh catalyst addition to restore
Naphtha product
S, Cl, Ni, V, Fe, As, Si, Pb yields, and/or economic penalty
from yield degradation (≈€100k/
Figure 7 Proposed system for real-time desalter chloride measurement for corrosion control year for a 1% increase in fresh cata-
lyst usage)
of excessive water levels coming yields at the expenses of naphtha/ A fully installed and operating
from crude tankage, in the event gasoline, without unnecessarily risk- analyser system, as specified in
that the crude oil has not had suf- ing increased corrosion rates. Figures 6 and 7, would generate a
ficient settling time. Operators can payback within just two to three
use this measurement to anticipate Economic justification months of operation, based on the
an increase in water by trimming For a mid-sized refinery of 200 000 operations savings evaluated above.
the wash water rates to avoid over- b/d, the estimated annualised costs A much shorter payback would be
loading the desalter and could be due to a crude overhead failure achieved if the system prevented
incorporated into a closed-loop caused by corrosion alone are of the an unplanned shutdown caused by
control scheme. order of €1 to €2 million/y (five- crude overhead corrosion.
A second water-in-oil analyser year run between turnarounds).
is proposed for the desalted crude A single 10-day shutdown event C-QUAND is a mark of Hobré Analyzer
(Position 5) to ensure that the unit would cost approximately €5-10 Solutions.
is performing to optimal dehydra- million in lost processing capac- Further reading
tion levels. Next, an oil-in-water ity, replacement equipment (often 1 Xiaohui Li B W, Hazards of Organic Chloride
analyser is recommended for the ordered at short notice with pre- to Petroleum Processing in Chinese Refineries
desalter effluent water (‘brine’) mium pricing for rapid delivery), and Industrial Countermeasures, Progress
to ensure that this is minimised subcontract personnel, staff over- Petrochem Sci .2, 2018.
(Position 4), to avoid losses of crude time, and crane costs. This figure 2 American Petroleum Institute, Understanding
oil to the effluent water treatment would be further increased by an crude oil and product markets, Digital Media,
system that then consume crude amount of the order of €4.5 mil-
3 Palash Kumar Bhowmik M E, Corrosion and
processing capacity when they are lion/y, comprising:
its control in crude oil refining process, Dhaka:
later reprocessed. • Reduction in crude tower over- IMEC&APM- ABS-000, 2012.
Finally (see Figure 7), a C-Quand head temperature (≈0.5°C) to
analyser measuring the chloride increase jet kerosene production by Albert Mouris is Chief Technology Officer
content of the crude overhead drum 0.1 vol% (at the expense of naphtha) with Hobré Instruments BV and is responsible
water (Position 6) enables real-time without increasing the risk of dew for the R&D programme. He has more than
tracking of chloride excursions and, point corrosion (≈€3.6 million/y for 25 years’ experience in process analysis and
sampling systems and holds a MS degree in
particularly, any organic chloride a 200 000 b/d refinery)
chemical engineering from the University of
breakthrough, providing guidance • Demulsifier over-dosing costs
Twente, The Netherlands.
to optimise filming and neutralis- (≈€20k/y for a 10% saving) Email: a.mouris@hobre.com
ing amine dosages. In addition, the • Filming and neutralising amine Etienne Hunt is Product Manager of C-Quand
analyser provides measurements over-dosing costs (≈€7000/y for a at Hobré Instruments. He started working for
of metallic corrosion products such 10% saving) Hobré in the Service team before moving to
as iron. This analyser can be mul- • Preheat exchanger network foul- his current role. He holds a bachelor’s degree
tiplexed to also survey chlorides ing increasing energy costs and/or in aeronautical engineering and is finalising
in the naphtha product, to provide increased preheat train antifoulant his masters in product development and
early warning of carry-over into the dosage (≈€300k/°C/y) management from Cranfield University, UK.
naphtha hydrotreater feed. Tighter • Costs for reprocessing of recov- Email: HuntE@hobre.com
Kevin Clarke is CEO of CREAS Energy
understanding of the total chloride ered oil from effluent water treat-
Consulting. CREAS supports downstream
balance across the desalter and the ment (≈€300k/500 b/d/y)
industries in digital and energy transitions.
tower overheads, in combination • Savings in laboratory analysis, He has 34 years’ experience in refinery and
with an on-line overhead corrosion equipment and consumables costs petrochemicals operations, optimisation
monitoring system, allows opera- (≈€100k/year) and consulting, and holds a MBA and a BEng
tors to drive the top temperature to a • Impact of chloride carry-over into degree in chemical engineering and chemical
minimum, thereby driving up com- the naphtha hydrotreater feed from technology from Imperial College, London.
mercially attractive middle distillate corrosion, heat exchanger fouling, Email: kevin.clarke@creas.co.uk

52 PTQ Q3 2020 www.digitalrefining.com

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Improving turnarounds and operations with
online cleaning
Case histories illustrate the financial and operational gains achieved by replacing
mechanical cleaning with online, closed-loop operations



he conventional perception of
the cost of mechanical cleaning 300
is that it amounts simply to the 280
Limit for unit shutdown Average recovery
from ITW
cost of cleaning or hydroblasting. 270
In reality, the cost of mechanical 260
Mechanical Scheduled
250 Unscheduled
cleaning is more than 30 times the 240
turnaround turnaround
of 2 shells
cost paid to the mechanical cleaning

company. 220
Consider a preheat train to be 200
cleaned in a major turnaround 190
when it is usual to replace gaskets 180 ITW cleaning
and bolts after bundles are extracted 160
and cleaned. In a 40-exchanger pre- 150
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
heat train, this alone can amount to
Days on stream
more than $200 000. This amount
could be saved simply by not open-
ing the bundles during cleaning. Figure 1 Avoiding an unscheduled shutdown and increasing the run length of a visbreaker
However, not opening the bun-
dles will mean a saving in down- The washing fluids arising from the run by using conventional
time. A 100 000 b/d refinery can ITW Online Cleaning are fully reus- mechanical cleaning.
make a profit of around $2 mil- able/reprocessable, which means For instance, if a 1°C furnace inlet
lion/d, so a saving of seven days in no waste will be generated by the temperature (FIT) loss in a 100 000
downtime equals a preserved $14 cleaning operations. By operating b/d crude distillation unit costs,
million of profit. on a closed loop basis, the process say, $1 million/y, the recovery of
We believe that a reduction in generates no airborne emissions 10°C FIT will have a value of $10
overall costs and an increase in during cleaning. million/y. If fouling is impact-
margin can be achieved by a shift ing the capacity of the unit (by
in refiners’ approach to operations. A reduction in overall increased delta P, for instance) then
Recovery of losses will allow oper- the gain in value is given by the
ators to meet and even reduce their costs and an increase recovery in production. And if the
budgets. crude unit has reduced capacity by
in margin can be 5% and is making $8/bbl, the daily
The online cleaning approach recovery in margin (over losses) will
ITW Online Cleaning is a pat- achieved by a shift in be $40 000.
ented technology for cleaning heat This does not take into account
exchangers and process equipment
refiners’ approach to the savings achieved through many
in a closed loop, in the hydro- operations other factors, including reduced
carbon phase. The technology pumping costs, reduced energy con-
includes a cleaning method and sumption, and avoiding the many
process steps, chemicals, and a The gains in value which can be costs of preparing and implement-
monitoring system, all covered by achieved with online cleaning can ing a mechanical cleaning operation.
patent. The technology cleans an be identified by measuring key per-
entire production unit in as little formance indicators before and after Online cleaning of refining plant
as 24 hours on a feed-out/feed-in the cleaning operation and loading In the refining industry, most foul-
basis, thus reducing downtime into a spreadsheet all of the cost ing is related to the precipitation of
during a turnaround. items which would have impacted asphaltenes. This occurs because of

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Figure 2 Vacuum tower bottom Figure 3 Vacuum tower bed #4 Figure 4 Vacuum residue heat exchanger
just opened

destabilisation of the asphaltenic The problem was related to an Case history: eliminating mechanical
micelles, which can be driven by increase in vacuum section bot- cleaning during a turnaround (1)
chemical or thermal factors. tom train outlet temperature (tag The atmospheric and vacuum dis-
Among the causes of chemical TI1826). The refinery’s proce- tillation units of a refinery had
destabilisation, the most common dure was to clean the exchangers scheduled a turnaround and the
is the incompatibility of different when the outlet temperature was refiner wanted to validate ITW
feedstocks. It is well known that approaching 280°C. During a run, Online Cleaning and ITW Improved
when a paraffinic feed is blended the refinery normally mechanically Degassing/Decontamination on
with an asphaltenic feed, cleaned two exchangers in order to the vacuum section. The units were
asphaltenes will precipitate out of reach the targeted run length. under end-of-run conditions.
the blend and will deposit in the Before the application of ITW Cleaning took place during shut-
equipment. Technology, mechanical cleaning down operations. Cleaning all of
The current trend in the refining did not help in recovering the tem- the vacuum section required about
industry of processing opportunity 16 hours, excluding filling and emp-
crudes (which are normally heavy Among the causes tying operations. The wash fluids
crudes) makes this problem even were sent to a slop oil storage tank
more evident in that refineries can- of chemical and reprocessed with no issues at
not have enough storage capacity unit start-up.
to segregate the many crudes which destabilisation, the On completion of ITW Online
are processed on a daily basis. Cleaning, the unit was deinvento-
Another type of fouling occurs most common is the ried. After removal of the hydrocar-
when processing tight oils, which bons, ITW Improved Degassing/
are basically very light oils, mostly
incompatibility of Decontamination took just seven
of a paraffinic nature. In this case, different feedstocks hours and safe entry conditions
heavy paraffins may separate out were achieved (for instance, LEL=
and precipitate, together with 0%, H2S = 0 ppm, benzene = 0 ppm).
the relatively small amount of perature, so there was a steady Upon inspection, the vacuum
asphaltenes which are present in the increase of outlet temperature val- tower bottom, wash bed grid,
oil. ues, reaching the shutdown limit bottom packing, bottom packing
Online cleaning technology can six months before the scheduled pre-distributor, VEP distributor and
effectively address both types of turnaround. vacuum residue exchangers were in
fouling. The following case histo- The visbreaker unit therefore a clean condition (see Figures 2-4).
ries will better illustrate the results required an unscheduled shutdown The refinery checked the most crit-
achievable by ITW Online Cleaning. to clean all of the vacuum section ical vacuum residue heat exchanger
bottom. To solve the problem, ITW and decided to eliminate mechan-
Case history: avoiding unscheduled Online Cleaning was applied in the ical cleaning of the vacuum tower
shutdown of a visbreaker vacuum section, and the visbreaker and the vacuum residue loop from
ITW Technology has been applied resumed production immediately the turnaround scope, even if it was
on the vacuum section of a vis- afterwards. already scheduled. This helped the
breaker unit. The refinery layout Outlet temperature recovery was refinery to reduce downtime.
features a CDU, VDU, VBU, the an average 45°C, which remained
vacuum section of the VBU, storage stable (see Figure 1). The unit could Case history: eliminating mechanical
for visbreaker residue, and an inte- run easily for five more months cleaning during a turnaround (2)
grated gasification combined cycle without any issues up to the sched- A refinery wanted to validate ITW
unit. uled turnaround. Online Cleaning to use it strategi-

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cally for future turnarounds/slow-
downs and during the run, for itself, 260
and for other refineries in the group. 255 Before
The scope of work was to avoid 250 After ITW Online Cleaning

mechanical cleaning of the preheat 245

train during the turnaround.
Online cleaning was performed
on the entire crude unit over a

period of about 24 hours.
Based on ITW’s proprietary 225
model, about 20 000 kg of foul- 220
ing was removed from the unit. 215
Washing fluids were routed to 210
slop, then fully reprocessed at unit Time
start-up. There were no quality or
operational issues during reprocess- Figure 5 Furnace inlet temperature increased following online cleaning (end-of-run
ing. The CDU started up with no conditions)
mechanical cleaning of the exchang-
ers which were cleaned online by
ITW, with the following results: 6000
• Average FIT increased by 21°C
(see Figure 5) 5500
• Normalised FIT increased by 37°C
• Specific fuel consumption decre-
ased by 0.011 Gcal/d/t of feed

• Feed rate increased by 780 t/d

The cleaning operation resulted in 4500
the same furnace duty (even slightly
lower) to process about 10% more 4000 Before

feed, with no waste produced. After ITW

Case history: eliminating mechanical 1
145 163
154 172
199 217
208 228
cleaning during a turnaround (3) Hours
A refinery needed to perform a
quick shutdown of its amine (MEA) Figure 6 Steam consumption at regenerator reboiler
unit to make repairs to parts of the
system. The refiner chose ITW’s
cleaning and decontamination solu-
tion because it does not require tube
bundles to be removed for clean- 70
ing. The lean/rich heat exchangers
are in a tight space so removing the
bundles for cleaning is difficult and 50
dangerous for maintenance and 40

contractor personnel.
Management decided to clean Before
After ITW
the regenerator as well as the lean/ 20 Lineare (before)
rich exchanger to improve unit effi- 10 Lineare (after ITW)
ciency upon restart. Online/in-situ
cleaning and decontamination were 0
1 19 37 55 73 91 109 127 145 163 181 199 217 235 253
successfully completed in less than 10 28 46 64 82 100 118 136 154 172 190 208 228 244 262
24 hours, significantly faster than
the usual mechanical cleaning.
Upon resuming production, the Figure 7 Lean/rich exchangers delta T
following immediate benefits were
observed: Case history: recovery of vacuum opportunity crudes and other crudes
• Reduced steam consumption at unit performance with a high fouling propensity. In
the regenerator reboiler by about A refinery was experiencing severe addition, the vacuum unit processes
500 kg/h (see Figure 6) fouling problems in the preheat unconverted paraffinic oil from the
• Increased delta T (about 10°C, see train of its vacuum unit. The unit hydrocracker. This particular pro-
Figure 7) in the lean/rich exchangers processes atmospheric residue from cessing is performed in dedicated

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around so it turned to ITW to apply
280 it as a process optimisation tool that
270 replaces mid-run mechanical clean-
260 ing shutdowns and slowdowns.
ITW Online Cleaning of the entire
ITW Online Cleaning VDU was performed in 24 hours

240 recovery @ start-up = 47˚C

on an oil-to-oil basis and the VDU
altogether went from spec-out to
220 UCO campaign
spec-in within 48 hours.
210 Upon resuming production,
the following performances were
Figure 8 Normalised recovery in furnace inlet temperature recorded:
• Normalised FIT increase at
start-up = 47°C (117°F, see Figure 8)
15.5 • Average specific fuel gas reduc-
15.0 UCO campaign tion = 1.67 Nm3/h/t of feed (3.4
MMSCFD/lb, see Figure 9)
14.5 After ITW Online Cleaning
14.0 Another accomplishment was

13.5 that the overhead temperature of

Average delta =
13.0 1.67 Nm3/h/T the vacuum tower decreased from
12.5 160°C (320°F) down to 70°C (158°F)
12.0 and wild naphtha production
11.5 decreased from 2500 kg/h (5500
lb/h) down to 200 kg/h (440 lb/h);
Figure 9 Specific fuel gas consumption diesel production was increased
accordingly. This further vali-
dates our consolidated results on
Mechanical cleaning vs ITW Online Cleaning: operational items (CDU)
the cleaning of the vacuum tower.
Furthermore, no waste was gener-
Mechanical ITW Online Cleaning Delta value ated and all of the washing fluids
(100 Kbbl @10 $/bbl)
Effectiveness Proven To be validated by new users 0 were routed to a fuel oil tank with
Downtime 15-20 days 1 day 14-19 MM$ no quality or operational issues.
Required manpower 50+ 1 0.3-0.6 MM$ Based on the natural gas price
Equipment Massive Negligible 0.3-0.6 MM$ delivered at the refinery, there
Preparatory jobs Massive Negligible 0.3-0.6 MM$
Organisation Massive Negligible 0.1-0.2 MM$ was a saving in fuel consumption
Co-ordination Massive Negligible 0.1-0.2 MM$ exceeding $25 million on an annual
Control Massive Negligible 0.1-0.2 MM$ basis. Additional returns came
from reduced payment of emission
Table 1 taxes, and from the avoidance of
lost opportunity for profit. If online
Mechanical cleaning vs ITW Online Cleaning: turnaround case (CDU) cleaning had not been performed,
the refinery would have experi-
Mechanical ITW Online Cleanlng Delta value
enced an additional capacity reduc-
(100 Kbbl @10 $/bbl) tion with related loss of margin and
Decontamination Always necessary Only for turnaround 0.2-0.4 MM$ opportunity.
Reliability Concerns No concerns 0.4-4 MM$
Pyrophorics Need to be addressed No need to be addressed 0.2-0.4 MM$
if applied proactively
Online Cleaning in the oil and gas
Equipment opening Necessary No need if applied proactively 0.5-1 MM$ industry
Weather/contigency Impacting Not impacting 0.5-10 MM$ Online cleaning can address all
Applicability Turnaround Proactive or turnaround 0.5-10 MM$ fouling in the oil and gas industry.
Cleaned equipment Straight tubes/flat Any, including 0.5-10 MM$
surfaces packings
In particular, a specific proprietary
chemistry is used to dissolve/mod-
ify polymers in the petrochemical
Table 2 industry, which makes possible the
cleaning of almost all petrochemical
campaigns wherein the VDU is fed processing the high fouling res- plants.
with 100% of the feedstock. idues. The unit was limited by Online cleaning is also appli-
As a result, the FIT decreased furnace duty and had to reduce cable for cleaning storage tanks,
dramatically at a rate far greater capacity accordingly. thereby enabling recovery and reuse
than the ‘normal’ downward trend The refinery had already validated of sludge. Application at oil and
(which is very steep) as a result of ITW Online Cleaning during a turn- gas fields includes the cleaning of

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j matthey.indd 1 13/03/2020 12:33
lises hydrocarbons in water, thereby
Mechanical cleaning vs ITW Online Cleaning: HS&E (CDU)
removing them from metal surfaces
and achieving LEL = 0%. Whilst
Mechanical Online Cleaning Delta value quickly removing hydrocarbons
(100 Kbb l@10 $/bbl)
Safety Concerns No concerns 0.5-10 MM$
from the equipment, the chemical
VOC emissions Concerns No concerns 0.1-0.2 MM$ will simultaneously:
Waste Fully disposed No or minor 0.5-1 MM$ • Eliminate H2S/mercaptans emis-
Hazards Concerns No concerns 0.5-1 MM$ sions/noxious odours
Handling Waste Chemical 0.2-0.4 MM$
PPE Special needs Normal 0.05-0.1 MM$
• Eliminate hydrocarbons emis-
Confined space Required sometimes Not necessary for 0.2-0.4 MM$ sions/noxious odours
entry proactive application • Reduce benzene inside the equip-
ment down to <1 ppm
Table 3 • Eliminate pyrophoric solids
production units as well as tanks, sing chemical is introduced to the The chemistry is capable of trans-
FPSOs, FPOs, and so on, while in steam-out line connected to the forming steam/water into a tem-
the maritime industry, use of the equipment, then the steam-out porary ‘solvent’ for hydrocarbons
technology in oil tankers and prod- operation is performed. This pat- and is designed to be carried by
uct tankers is particularly useful to ented chemistry is injected into the the steam. Importantly, it does not
reduce downtime and to improve unit, together with the steam, to create emulsions with hydrocar-
operational HSE. bons and is biodegradable. This
During turnaround means that no additional de-emul-
The value of online cleaning sification step is needed and water
Tables 1-3 summarise some of the operations, safe can be routed directly into the oily
key items to be evaluated when sewage.
considering online cleaning against entry conditions for The effects of the patented chem-
mechanical cleaning. A full evalu- istry are shown in Figures 10 and 11.
ation should be run (including reli-
maintenance and In Figure 10, note that the water
ability, safety, loss of opportunity, inspection personnel containing the patented chemistry
proactive application, energy costs, is bright and clear (pouring beaker)
and so on) in order to capture the are required and safe and the hydrocarbons are ‘solubi-
value and opportunities offered by lised’ (lower beaker). In Figure 11,
the technology. entry of the equipment the hydrocarbons are clearly sepa-
rated and the water which separates
Improved degassing/ is mandatory after some seconds is bright and
decontamination clear.
During turnaround operations, remove hydrocarbons and to decon- As a comparison, Figure 12 shows
safe entry conditions for main- taminate the equipment. Chemical the effects of using an emulsifier:
tenance and inspection person- injection together with steam will water containing the emulsifier is
nel are required and safe entry avoid water circulation and related itself emulsified (pouring beaker),
of the equipment is mandatory. pitfalls. and the hydrocarbons become
ITW’s decontamination and degas- The chemistry temporarily solubi- emulsified (lower beaker).

Figure 10 Applying an aqueous solution of Figure 11 Separation of hydrocarbons and

the patented chemistry water using the patented chemistry Figure 12 Effect of emulsifiers

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Operators have been known to for removing hydrocarbons and cleaning equipment in the oil and
use acid or strong bases to accom- contaminants and, therefore, the gas industry create many concerns,
plish the task; some even use toxic equipment will be decontaminated including HSE issues and high over-
permanganate, all of which oblige within a few hours. all costs. Evaluation of cleaning
the user to dispose of the waste The chemistry also contains com- costs should include all of the items
water and not to dump it in oily pounds capable of neutralising and activities involved in cleaning,
sewage. the effects of sulphur compounds. not simply the cleaning cost.
ITW’s patented chemistry also Hydrogen sulphide and mercaptans This creates a new paradigm
eliminates any problems related to will react with the patented chem- in the industry, in that the clean-
pyrophoric solids ignition. istry and no noxious odours are ing can be value driven rather
Therefore, no potassium perman- released during steam-out and/or than performing it after ‘running
ganate or sodium percarbonate will manway opening. to death’, with related losses and
be used after the use of the patented inefficiencies.
chemistry. On-stream cleaning of oil and gas
Note that the water containing plants
permanganate is toxic and cannot A new patent has been granted to
be dumped in the oily sewage. ITW for cleaning oil and gas plants Marcello Ferrara is the Chairman of ITW. He
The above features are particu- during a run. The technology uses has 34 years’ experience in the petroleum
larly important in that, by simply the chemicals that have proven to business, holds international patents for
settling, a spontaneous and imme- be effective for online cleaning. new processes and additive compositions
diate separation of hydrocarbons The chemicals are completely for environmental control and for improving
from water will occur. No emulsion safe for any equipment and/or for petroleum/petrochemical processes, and holds
breaker or calcium chloride is there- any catalyst and therefore can be a PhD in industrial chemistry.
Email: mferrara@itwtechnologies.com
fore necessary to separate hydrocar- injected while the unit is running.
bons from water. Under ITW’s patent, some plant
Cristina Ferrara is a Process Engineer with
Moreover, the wastewater treat- modifications need to be imple- ITW. She has eight years’ experience in the
ment plant will not be overloaded mented to apply the technology. oil industry and in the design of cleaning
by hydrocarbons, as they will be programmes and holds a chemical engineering
easily separated. Conclusion degree from Palermo University, Italy.
The chemistry is very fast acting Current methods for mechanically Email: cferrara@itwtechnologies.com



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haldor.indd 1 11/06/2020 12:14

Molecular management for refinery-
petrochemical complexes
Designing a digital twin for process simulation of an integrated complex enables
enhanced molecular management to deliver higher margin


KBC (A Yokogawa Company)

he future comprises a world
of fuels refineries, refinery-
integrated petrochemical com- 50
plexes and crude oil to chemicals. Ethylene Butadiene
Once-through cracking yield, wt%

Propylene BTX
Through the energy transition, the 40
latter two will no doubt be more
resilient toward future demand-
and/or supply-side dynamics. 30
The potential for incremental
improvement with increased con- 20
version capabilities of a fuels refin-
ery with added petrochemical
integration is $1.5-2/bbl of crude 10
processed. The value gained from
effective molecular management is 0
significant. Key objectives of molec- Ethane n-butane
Propane i-butane
ular management for the overall Cracker feed components
complex are:
• Improvement in gross product Figure 1 Once-through steam cracking yield for feed components
worth by maximising high value
products as well as ongoing sustainment of yields from both the specific units as
• Reduced cost of feedstock by benefits through real-time monitor- well as reducing operating expenses
replacing expensive imports with ing and re-optimisation. such as energy consumption, other
low value streams utilities, catalyst, and chemicals.
However, with the increase in Why manage molecules? The yields from a steam cracker
complexity of refinery-integrated To recognise the need for molecular can vary extensively depending on
petrochemical complexes, a gap has management and carbon number the feedstock carbon number and
developed in the tools needed to level simulation, it is important to different isomers (see Figure 1).
effectively drill down to the stream understand the difference in nature Yield of ethylene and propylene
carbon number level on a contin- of refining and petrochemical pro- is expected to reduce while yield
uous basis. Traditional tools used cesses. The purpose of refinery of heavier products is expected to
for refinery optimisation rely on naphtha processing units is to max- increase with an increase in the feed
bulk properties such as cut point for imise octane barrels which can be carbon number. Even for feeds with
stream optimisation. Such methods blended into gasoline. Isomerisation the same carbon number, crack-
have been found to have limitations and dehydrocyclisation reactions ing yields change with changes in
in fully achieving the objectives of improve octane, with thermal crack- C/H ratio, for instance paraffinic
molecular management. The latest ing a side reaction that is minimised feeds have higher ethylene yield.
process simulation tools address to prevent yield loss. However, for Different feeds can be cracked sep-
this by enabling detailed carbon steam cracking in petrochemicals, arately or co-cracked, all having an
number breakdown from crude thermal cracking of naphtha is opti- impact on the cracking yields and
assays through to blending and pet- mised to produce olefins. furnace run length. Aromatics com-
rochemical units, for the whole inte- Due to differences in the units’ ponents in the feed rarely crack to
grated complex. These enhanced reactions, selection of molecules to produce ethylene and propylene,
capabilities enable identification of be processed is extremely impor- but these may be too costly to sepa-
site-wide optimisation opportuni- tant. Replacing molecules from one rate prior to processing.
ties across the integrated complex, process unit to another can improve The profitability of the aromatics

www.digitalrefining.com PTQ Q3 2020 63

q3 kbc.indd 1 13/06/2020 15:37

ery naphtha only, as the optimised
Order of preference
routings are applicable for streams
from the petrochemical complex as
C4 SC MS LPG SC – Steam cracker

C5 SC ISOM MS MS – Gasoline

ISOM – Isomerisation unit

CCR PX – Naphtha reformer
Quality parameters measured and
for p-xylene analysed by the refinery engineers
CCR MS – Naphtha reformer are usually based on bulk prop-
C8 CCR PX SC CCR MS ATF/HSD for gasoline
erties. Distillation and density
C9 CCR PX SC CCR MS ATF/HSD ATF / HSD – Jet or diesel
are considered the most impor-
C10+ SC ATF/HSD tant properties for refining units.
High preference Low preference Though gas chromatography is
performed for selected streams in
Figure 2 Feed selection criteria naphtha processing units, compo-
nents routed to refinery products
is driven by the reformate yield and any of the process units, they can are seldom analysed. The molecules
distribution of components in the be blended in middle distillates die- lost in jet from the crude unit and
reformate. Higher yield of xylenes sel rather than selling them as open the composition of hydrocracker
over benzene is preferred from the grade naphtha. naphtha are occasionally analysed
aromatics, which could be achieved • C8s are preferred feedstock for an in the refinery. On the other hand,
by selecting the right feed for the aromatics reformer as they reduce the focus for petrochemicals is usu-
naphtha reformer. the throughput of most of the pro- ally on pure components rather
Selection criteria for differ- cess units in the aromatics and recy- than bulk properties. Some of these
ent feeds in refinery process cles as well. This reduces cracking components can be lumped together
units depends on the predicted to light ends and the opex of the for monitoring purposes but detail
octane barrels produced by feed to the level of isomers is required
components. for a few units. For example, N+2A
Figure 2 explains typical prefer- The latest process is used as a feed quality indicator
ences which can be used to select for a gasoline reformer, however
feeds for different process units and
simulation tools are C7/C9 distribution is important for
product blending: critical for estimating an aromatics reformer.
• Lighter hydrocarbons like C2 Simulation tools for refinery and
components in off-gas and LPG optimum steam or petrochemical units are developed
are preferred feedstock for a steam based on the information available
cracking unit as these molecules molecule routing – bulk properties for a refinery and
provide higher yield of lighter composition for petrochemicals.
olefins. based on stream Integrating these tools to create a
• First preference for routing C5/ complex-wide process model has
C6 molecules should be the steam composition been a challenge for process engi-
cracker due to the significant pre- neers in the past.
mium for light olefins over gaso- Tools based on linear program-
line. C6 naphthenes and benzene in units, and improves p-xylene yield. ming (LP) are a solution for bigger
the reformer feed will contribute to • C9s in aromatics reformer feed optimisation problems such as crude
benzene product for an aromatics reduce the A7/A9 ratio of a selection, however they are rarely
reformer and can produce off-spec transalkylation unit which improves configured for molecular manage-
product for a gasoline reformer. the yield of xylenes and reduces ment. Even when they are used,
• C7s tend to crack more in the benzene yield. LPs have their own limitations.
ISOM unit compared to C5/C6 and • C10+ components are generally Organisations focused on refining
therefore should be minimised. not preferred in aromatics, but these operations use comparatively sim-
Routing of C7 molecules to the aro- can be processed in a steam cracker. plistic techniques to simulate petro-
matics reformer is preferred over Apart from the reactions and chemical units in LPs; petrochemical
the gasoline reformer. This routing yields, feed selection criteria operators typically start optimisation
leads to a reduction in the A7/A9 strongly depend on opex and the at the naphtha feed and do not simu-
ratio in a transalkylation unit and relative prices of fuels compared late component based assays and the
improves octane barrels of gasoline with petrochemicals. The latest pro- fractionation efficiency of refinery
pool. cess simulation tools are critical for optimisation.
• C7+ components in heavy and estimating optimum steam or mol- Although LP tools allow some
medium naphtha can also be used ecule routing based on stream com- flexibility to simulate refinery-
for middle distillate blending. If C7+ position. Molecular management is petrochemical integration, utilis-
components cannot be processed in not limited to optimisation of refin- ing simplified LP models can give

64 PTQ Q3 2020 www.digitalrefining.com

q3 kbc.indd 2 13/06/2020 15:37

Figure 3 Petro-SIM model of an integrated refinery-petrochemical complex

erroneous results, for instance feed lation model is understanding the KBC has deep experience of using
quality parameters in the form of interaction between different pro- integrated models for refinery-
bulk PNA, which do not capture cess units and product yield. This petrochemical complexes for iden-
the effect of carbon numbers in the can be quickly and easily done, as tifying and implementing oppor-
steam cracking operating param- the equilibrium and kinetic based tunities for profit improvement for
eters. Also, a significant fraction models for all the refinery, steam the parties involved: re-routing of
of components are continuously cracker, and aromatics units are in streams, changing unit severities,
recycled in aromatics units, which a single Petro-SIM simulation flow- and modifying the degree of frac-
has an impact on unit opex and sheet (see Figure 3). tionation. In joint venture projects,
the maximum feed that can be pro- This combination holistically and a single integrated model is valua-
cessed. Very few refiners simulate seamlessly captures the effect of ble for transfer pricing of interme-
these recycles in an LP based model. feed molecules. The integrated pro- diate streams between respective
cess model carries detailed com- parties, based on stream quality.
Proven basis of the digital twin position and non-linear kinetics After all, it is the streams’ molecular
KBC has developed and improved and can be used to augment the LP nature which ultimately determines
Petro-SIM models for refinery- model to boost profitability through its value in use. The use of the inte-
petrochemical integration over effective molecular management. LP grated model extends to the cost
many years, working on design models are still required for bigger side too, with integrated modelling
configuration and optimisation optimisation problems, however an of utilities.
engagement with clients. Petro-SIM integrated process model is needed The integrated model can be used
has a seamless transition from bulk to routinely validate the opti- to estimate transfer pricing, as well
properties to component based sim- mised solution estimated by an LP. as optimise the overall complex
ulation and vice versa. Information The optimised solution analysed for the mutual benefit of all parties
for components available in crude through the integrated process involved.
assays, as well as generated from model should be used to validate
the refinery reactor models, is car- various constraints and to estimate Case study
ried through to petrochemical mod- operating targets. A KBC client was planning to build
els using Petro-SIM’s infrastructure. Various process streams are a grassroots refinery-petrochemical
Reactor models are calibrated based exchanged between refinery and complex. According to the design
on the performance of the oper- petrochemical units in the com- of the integrated complex, C5 from
ating unit, which allows process plex-wide model. Apart from feeds a cracked gasoline hydrotreater was
engineers to track information at a to cracker and aromatics, many to be routed as a feed to the steam
molecular level that is rarely availa- other streams are also mapped, for cracker. The C5 material was highly
ble at the operating unit. instance off-gases and propylene olefinic and therefore would give
The main function and value of from a refinery, integration of the poor cracking yields unless it was
the complex-wide process simu- hydrogen network, and so on. hydrogenated to saturate the ole-

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q3 kbc.indd 3 13/06/2020 15:37

tion model can be put into opera-
tion with real-time operations data
from sites’ DCS, historian (OSIsoft,
Cracker Hydrotreated Aromatics BTX PI or other), and laboratory infor-
mation systems (LIMS) to deliver
complex Extraction
Pygas Fractionation
To cracker real-time, high-fidelity virtual rep-
Raffinate to cracker
resentations of hydrocarbon mole-
Raffinate to blending cule transformation and associated
gasoline C5s
Surplus for
operating conditions. This involves
Refinery activating the in-built capabilities of
Change after implementation the process simulation model with-
Gasoline blend Increased Reduced out middleware being required.
Gasoline No change Discontinued To track unit performance,
well-defined KPIs are used for
ongoing scrutiny by unit operations
Figure 4 Case study for refinery and cracker complex integration engineers. For each KPI identified,
actionable recommendations and
fins. Based on the relatively small resulted in an economic benefit of procedures for correcting the poor
quantity of C5, a dedicated hydro- almost 7c/bbl of crude. An over- or inefficient performance are devel-
genation system was not economi- view of this case study is shown in oped. One of the key KPI measures
cally justified. The next best option Figure 4. is the comparison of reconciled
was to blend C5 into the gasoline data, with results from process sim-
pool as it had relatively high RON A digital twin for unit monitoring ulation and the LP model used to
and would boost gasoline produc- Extending the availability of real- validate the performance of these
tion owing to its lower specific time unit operations data to refinery tools.
gravity. However, routing this and petrochemical process engi- Petro-SIM’s data reconciliation
stream to the gasoline pool with- neers can transform their situational utility assesses the health of raw
out any other change would have awareness of unit performance. data available through the historian
reduced petrochemical yield and With a greater understanding of the and LIMS. This includes raw mass
would therefore have given lower factors affecting unit performance, balancing of sulphur and nitrogen
overall margins. The other poten- in real-time, deeper unit optimisa- for naphtha processing and petro-
tial constraint was the high RVP of tion can be achieved. chemical units, as well as carbon
C5 which would have caused issues and hydrogen.
with the RVP and VLI of gasoline. Extending the The digital twin can estimate
KBC reviewed all available parameters which require complex
streams that can be used to replace availability of real- calculations such as cyclone veloc-
C5 as a cracker feed. Raffinate from ity in a RFCC, chemical hydrogen
the aromatics extraction unit was time unit operations consumption in each reactor, and
partially returned to the cracker remaining catalyst life in hydropro-
as feed, with the balance sent to data to refinery cessing units. Margin improvement
the gasoline pool to meet volume indicators (MII) configured in the
demand for gasoline. The raffinate
and petrochemical digital twin indicate the loss of mar-
was rich in paraffins with C6-C8 gin or gap that needs to be closed
components, an ideal feedstock
process engineers to improve the profitability of the
for steam cracking. KBC proposed can transform their complex. The impact of MIIs on
to replace the C5 feed to the steam margin is estimated using complex-
cracker with raffinate, routing the situational awareness wide digital twin calculations and
C5s to the gasoline pool. is configured in the digital twin of
A complex-wide model was used of unit performance a process unit. Monitoring of MIIs
to capture the impact on the cracker ensures that the process engineers
yield for both feeds and changes in and operators continue to optimise
gasoline RVP/VLI. Due to differ- Utilising the complex-wide the unit. Deviations from target and
ences in the product specifications, Petro-SIM model, with detailed loss associated with this can then
summer and winter operations embedded reactor representations be reported on a continuous basis
were analysed and it was found calibrated using operating data, and acted on, thereby develop-
that all of the C5 could be absorbed allows the integrated model to rep- ing a culture of profitability in the
in the gasoline pool. There was an resent true unit operations over a organisation.
overall increase in petrochemical wide range. To constitute an inte-
yield due to better cracking from grated process digital twin for eval- Case study
raffinate while maintaining gaso- uating unit operations in real-time, KBC worked with a refinery which
line target volume production. This the complex-wide process simula- was designed to produce light and

66 PTQ Q3 2020 www.digitalrefining.com

q3 kbc.indd 4 13/06/2020 15:37

middle distillates for the domestic
market. A new aromatics complex
was commissioned near to the refin- Import naphtha Aromatics Paraxylene

ery which was operated and man- complex

aged by a different organisation. Surplus
Most of the feed for the aromatics Change after
unit was imported naphtha. Refinery
Naphtha for

Although a part of the naphtha Refinery Middle


stream from the refinery was trans- distillates


ferred to the aromatics plant, both Refinery middle

No change

the refinery and the aromatics plant Middle distillate Discontinued

maintained their own production


accounting and reported financial

performance using a naphtha trans- Figure 5 Case study for refinery and aromatics integration
fer price. The refinery was using
naphtha as low flash blendstock for overall profitability. This was due synchronises with the plant model
middle distillates with the surplus to the significant premium paid by inside the enterprise process his-
sold to the aromatics plant. As the the aromatics plant for imported torian to ensure their separate rep-
transfer price of naphtha to the aro- naphtha. resentations of the plant remain
matics plant was lower, blending in The proposed opportunity was aligned. Data gathered from the
middle distillate was profitable for implemented by the refinery and plant in real-time is validated and
the refinery. the aromatics plant. The integrated statistically reconciled to ensure
KBC compared the quality of process simulation model for the that all physical and chemical laws
imported and refinery naphtha and complex calculated the breake- are respected; and electronic noise
found that the quality of refinery ven price of refinery naphtha. A and dynamic effects are eliminated
naphtha was inferior to imported discount to the breakeven price at through filtering, thereby ensuring
naphtha in terms of carbon num- which the aromatics plant would that data quality issues are identi-
ber. The paraffin content of refin- purchase naphtha from the refin- fied and mitigated.
ery naphtha was higher, and it ery was agreed between the two Petro-SIM enables identifica-
was rich in C7 whereas imported organisations. With a revised trans- tion of opportunities for site-wide
naphtha had higher C8/C9 content. fer price, there was improved prof- improvements in performance, as
With this comparison it was agreed itability of both organisations. With well as benefit sustainment through
that the refinery naphtha should the integrated process model able real-time monitoring of the entire
be priced at a discount to imported to monitor the streams for quality complex. The potential for improve-
naphtha. changes, an update to the operating ment of an integrated refinery-
The discount for refinery vs strategies of both plants was able petrochemical unit is significant
imported naphtha was validated to be implemented. An overview of and requires tools that are able to
using the integrated process simu- this case study is shown in Figure 5. analyse accurately for all of the key
lation model. In a sensitivity case, optimisation factors. Additional
a fraction of the imported naphtha Conclusion benefits can be achieved through
was replaced with refinery naphtha. A digital twin aims to be an accu- effective molecular management
Both the refinery and the aromatics rate representation of an asset over for a refinery and petrochemical
plant were considered as one holis- its full range of operation and its complex aided with a detailed car-
tic optimisation for this sensitivity, full lifecycle. It is ideally created bon number breakdown from crude
meaning that a transfer price was during the initial study to evaluate assays through to blending and pet-
not required to estimate the eco- the feasibility of the asset. It is used rochemical units.
nomic impact of this change for the and further developed during the
overall complex. This sensitivity design, construction, and commis- Jitendra Chellani is Senior Consultant with KBC
case showed benefits of >$5 mil- sioning of the asset. It facilitates the (A Yokogawa Company) in Abu Dhabi. He has
lion/y without any investment. optimum design of the asset and the 15 years of experience in delivering consulting
The model indicated that pro- training of the staff who will oper- solutions for refining and petrochemical
cessing the different quality of ate the asset. It works in the present, industry. He is SME for identifying, evaluating,
refinery naphtha reduced p-xylene mirroring the actual plant in sim- and implementing opportunities for margin
production and increased ben- ulated mode, but with full knowl- improvement.
Sachin Srivastava is Petrochemical Consultant
zene yield. With the higher price edge of its historical performance
with KBC (A Yokogawa Company) in Mumbai.
of p-xylene compared to benzene, and accurate understanding of its
He has 11 years of experience in process
there seemed to be an economic future potential. optimisation of olefins complexes with a focus
penalty. The middle distillate pro- KBC’s digital twin is built on on refinery petrochemical integration. He holds
duction was also reduced. Even our rigorous site-wide first prin- a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering
with all these changes, the sensitiv- ciples simulator, Petro-SIM. The from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur,
ity case indicated improvement in plant model inside the simulator India.

www.digitalrefining.com PTQ Q3 2020 67

q3 kbc.indd 5 13/06/2020 15:37

End-to-end systems from receipt of molten sulphur to loading
of solid material - single source supply by IPCO.

• High capacity liquid sulphur degassing

• Large scale block pouring and high capacity melting solutions
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• Downstream storage - silo and open/closed stockpiles
• Custom built reclaimers for any location
• Truck, rail and ship loading and bagging systems


ipco.indd 1 1 12/06/2020 15:24
Remote management of hydrogen production
Remote monitoring and control can improve safety, detect problems early, and promote
efficient operations through modelling and analysis of hydrogen production


Matheson, a Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation company

he use of hydrogen in petro-
leum refining is essential to Greenhouse gases reduction
the production of clean burn-
ing, low sulphur fuels, the hydro-
treating of heavy feedstocks to yield Direct emission sources Fuel consumption in Fuel consumption in
the production process power generation
more desirable products, and also
for the production of second gen-
Leak monitoring Optimise Change to
eration renewable (green) fuels, an consumption renewables
area which has received considerable
Flare emission/
recent attention in the marketplace. relief control Design modifications
Improve fuel
quality (low C/H)
Hydrogen production has increased
significantly in recent decades as Flare gases recovery Energy monitoring CO2 capture
the demand for transportation fuels (e.g. mini GTL plants systems technologies
increases and environmental regu-
lations and product quality consid- Figure 1 Roadmap to reduce greenhouse gas emissions2
erations have become more critical
for lower allowable sulphur content Since the 1990s, many petroleum The role of remote process control
in gasoline, diesel, marine fuel oil refiners have shifted the responsibil- and monitoring
(IMO 2020), and maintenance of high ity of hydrogen supply to industrial Matheson’s SMR based hydro-
cetane in diesel. gas companies (IGC) through over- gen plants worldwide are data-
Hydrogen can be produced in sev- the-fence supply. Refiners under- linked to the HyCO (hydrogen,
eral ways including steam reform- stand that suppliers like Matheson carbon monoxide and syngas)
ing, partial oxidation, autothermal own and operate multiple hydrogen Remote Operations Center (ROC)
reforming, gasification, and elec- plants worldwide and can benefit in La Porte, Texas. The fundamen-
trolysis. Of all these routes, steam from their expertise and the associ- tal role of the centre is to support
reforming of natural gas, commonly ated advantages including a commit- local operations and promote plant
known as steam methane reform- ment to safety, guaranteed efficiency, safety, reliability, and efficiency (see
ing (SMR), is the most widely used improved reliability, infrastructure Figure 2). It also serves as a training
process, primarily due to the effi- maintenance, and predictable and platform for current, incoming, and
ciency, reliability, and lower cost lower overall hydrogen cost. One of future operators. From the ROC,
and evolved experience base with the many beneficial practices imple- hydrogen facilities can either be
the technology. Even though natu- mented by some suppliers is the use controlled or monitored remotely,
ral gas has the lowest carbon content of remote monitoring and operations thus providing expert advice and
of conventional hydrocarbons, it is centres. troubleshooting to operators sitting
important to maximise the efficiency at any of the local plant‘s control
of its use and minimise emissions panels. The remote monitoring sys-
from a sustainability perspective.1 tem enables continual observation,
The importance of doing this is illus- Safety analysis, evaluation, and control of
trated in Figure 1, which presents a what is happening, while in-house
simplified scheme with some actions developed simulation tools visual-
that can be taken to minimise green- HyCO ise what should be happening.
house gas emissions.2 Focusing on ROC Matheson has developed propri-
the central column of Figure 1, the etary models that predict in real
efficient operation of hydrogen Reliability Efficiency time how a plant should be running
plants – via optimised consumption and compare those results to how
and energy monitoring systems – Figure 2 A remote operations centre it is actually running. An example
can significantly contribute to reduc- promotes plant safety, reliability, and interface screen associated with one
ing costs and emissions. efficiency by monitoring plant operations of Matheson’s models is shown in

www.digitalrefining.com PTQ Q3 2020 69

q3 matheson.indd 1 13/06/2020 15:40

Figure 3. This tool is used to identify staff. The centre is equipped with hydrogen delivered to the customer
potential problems. an in-house developed plant simu- versus the amount of hydrogen
The advantages that the ROC can lator that utilises the plant’s control requested by the customer.
offer rely on the expertise leveraged system logic and a human-machine ∑9: 𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 𝐻𝐻2 𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉 𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏 𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼
by owning, monitoring, operating, interface. This means the operator 𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 =
∗ 100

and maintaining multiple sites over can be trained on a generic plant (1)
time. Operators and supporting simulator, before moving on to an (*) exclude the periods of scheduled
maintenance, force majeure, and any
engineering staff have monitored actual operating plant. In-house feedstock/utilities supply shortfalls.
and operated multiple SMRs with calculation simulations have been
various configurations for years, developed to give realistic feedback A reliable supply of hydrogen is
gathering experience and data from to the operators so they can learn the essential for refinery operation. Fuel
real and simulated scenarios. They effects of their actions. Our simula- processing, utilisation, and quality
are able to intervene before minor tor is dynamic, allowing operators depend on hydroprocessing units
issues escalate to become major to train for scenarios involving start- to remove sulphur and other impu-
problems. This adds up to better ups, shutdowns, process upsets, and rities and hydrocrack heavy feed-
safety, improved reliability, and mechanical failures. stock. Days, or even hours, without
enhanced energy efficiency. With proper automation measures hydrogen can represent significant
installed at the local plant (instru- monetary losses and operational and
Safety, training & operational modes mentation and controls), remote logistical challenges for a refinery.
Safety is the first and most important operation centres can maintain a As such, IGCs typically guarantee
objective of plant process design and high degree of operational safety, high annual reliability of hydrogen
operations. The primary commer- while complementing the headcount supply to the end user.
cial goal of a business can be short at the local site. The centre’s support Some of the key advantages asso-
and long term profit optimisation. allows local staff to optimise plant ciated with plant reliability that have
Sometimes these two objectives can operations on each shift. The centre been realised from remote monitor-
appear to be at odds with each other. is staffed with a collection of expert ing and operation include:
The implementation of a remote operators with knowledge across • Reduced locally caused downtime
operating centre can help achieve sites, who a site employee can use as • Reduced cost of downtime
better overall performance with a ‘sounding board’ in the event of an • Efficient operations
respect to all objectives and goals. unusual occurrence. • Ability to ramp up and down auto-
A key element of process safety is matically with customer demand
having well-trained operators. The Annual plant reliability while maintaining stable operations
ROC provides virtual and actual Annual plant reliability can be • Improved operational performance
training platforms for the operations defined as the fractional volume of • Documentation and distribution –

50 psig 280 psig Enthalpy 1.185 MMBTU/klb

Water 50 ˚F 416 ˚F Flow XXX kpph Net efficiency XXX BTU/SCF
Gross efficiency XXX BTU/SCF
Export steam Thermal efficiency XXX %
Efficiency 95% 275 psig XXX mol/mol Excess O2 Y% 300 ˚F
XXX ˚F XXX kpph
ID fan
Duty XXX kBTUH Efficiency 95%
Heat loss XXX%
Efficiency 95%
XXX kSCFH 225 psig
60 ˚F 722 ˚F 722 ˚F XXX ˚F XXX ˚F 1550 ˚F XXX ˚F
Hydro Reformer
Feed treater
Efficiency 95% Efficiency 95% Efficiency 95%

207 psig 722 ˚F ATE XXX ˚F
75 ˚F
100 ˚F Recovery XX% Shift
PSA Combustion
air Duty XXX kBTUH
Efficiency 95% XXX kSCFH

Trim fuel

208 psig
215 ˚F XXX ˚F
Cold Hot
Efficiency 95%
Enthalpy 0.157 MMBTU/klb Enthalpy 0.165 MMBTU/klb
Flow XXX kpph Flow XXX kpph

Figure 3 Sample output screen at Matheson’s HyCO ROC

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among the fleet of plants – of learn-

Increased annual H2 production cost (000 $/yr)

ings (incidents, near misses) and best
practices implemented to prevent 3500
future events NG = 12 US$/MMBTU; H2=50,000 Nm3⁄hr
0 IGCs are in the position of operat-
ing SMRs with remote monitoring 2500
and control capabilities in a reliable
manner due to the extensive expe- 2000
rience gained from multiple plants. 1500
The ROC operations may be able to
NG = 3 US$/MMBTU; H2=50,000 Nm3⁄hr
predict a plant trip before it takes 1000
place. Layers of security on top of
the audio/visual alarms for oper-
ators are able to monitor and ana- 0
Design 1% 2% 3% 4% 5%
lyse an entire plant on a continuous
% increase in Spec Energy (ESp )
basis. This has proven to be valu-
able in preventing plant trips. An Figure 4 Effect of increased specific energy consumption (SEC) on annual hydrogen cost
example occurred when the signal
from a combustion-air flow trans- the development of a heat exchanger and so on, and the volume in normal
mitter started to drift from actual leak. Pressure drops and approach cubic metres (Nm3) or standard cubic
flow. The ROC detected and notified temperatures can be used to predict feet (SCF).
local operations well before this was when a specific heat exchanger may The underlying hydrogen plant
detected by alarms in the field. Had be experiencing fouling/plugging, design (process parameters and
the ROC not alerted the operator of and service can be planned and coor- topology) determines the specific
the issue, the combustion air meas- dinated with the customer at a con- energy consumption target (SEC
urement at the plant level may have venient time as opposed to fixing Design). Once the hydrogen plant
continued to drift, in which case it on an emergency basis and nega- is commissioned and operating, the
the excess oxygen level would have tively impacting plant reliability. day-to-day or actual specific energy
approached zero, thus causing large consumption (SEC Actual) depends
swings in fuel flows, which would Plant efficiency (specific energy on how well the plant is operated
have ultimately led to an unplanned, consumption) and emissions and maintained. Even small devia-
preventable plant trip. The largest variable cost compo- tions from the target specific energy
The ROC has also improved reli- nent of hydrogen production is the consumption (SEC Design) can have
ability through the in-house calcu- hydrocarbon feed and fuel, most a significant impact on the annual
lations that have been developed to typically natural gas in the Americas. cost of hydrogen production. Figure
give realistic feedback to operators Depending on the hydrogen product 4 shows that the economic impact of
so they can learn the effects of their pressure requirement and the rela- deviations in the SEC Actual (1-5%)
actions; they can be used to allow tive economic basis (utility pricing can be in the order of millions of
operators to train in start-ups, shut- basis), the natural gas energy cost dollars per year, and increases with
downs, and process upset mechani- typically exceeds 80% of the varia- natural gas pricing. The cost impact
cal failure situations. The simulator ble hydrogen cost, after taking credit increases proportionally as the plant
can be used to write procedures, for any steam export. Depending capacity increases.
even before the plant is built, to on the underlying design, a mod- Similarly, the hydrogen plant’s
enable a smoother commissioning ern 50 000 Nm3/h hydrogen plant SEC has a direct impact on the
process. will consume $18-20 million per hydrogen plant’s emissions.
year in natural gas (after steam Hydrogen production technology
Maintenance export credit, at $3.00 per MMBTU has evolved substantially over time
Preventive and major turnarounds HHV). The SMR hydrogen plant‘s on at least three fronts: plant front-
are essential to preserve the integ- efficiency can be defined as a spe- end technology developments and
rity of plant equipment and preserve cific energy consumption (SEC) and commercialisation to reduce emis-
reliability and efficiency. Although can be expressed as the net amount sions; plant back-end optimisation
standard maintenance is planned of energy utilised in the process and integration to improve efficiency
ahead of time, constant monitoring divided by the amount of hydrogen and reduce emissions; and plant
of plant performance can help antic- produced: feedstock optimisation to use nat-
ipate if an additional specific main- (𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹 + 𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 − 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒)
ural gas to minimise emissions.
𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑
tenance task is required or if the 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 = 𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑
= However, the plant is still a source
𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑
maintenance plan should be modi- of carbon dioxide emissions, despite
fied. 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆
By =monitoring 𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 certain param- = 𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 (2) this being at a much lower level rel-
(𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹 + 𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 − 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒) 𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑

eters, for example boiler feed water atively, and any scope for mitigating
pressure, flow rate, and output of where the net energy is usually these impacts would be beneficial.
knockout pots, it is possible to detect expressed in BTU, MW, MJ, Kcal, Figure 5 shows the green greenhouse

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gas emissions in a typical refin- hydrogen plant fleet of the operator
ery;3 notice that the H2 production Sulphur plant Flaring is a valued asset for plant operations
1.8% 2.5%
accounts for about 6%. H2 plant
and its fundamental role is to sup-
The primary emissions from the 5.8% port the local operation, promoting
SMR come from the reforming fur- plant safety, reliability, and effi-
nace stack as CO2, SOx, NOx, partic- FCC unit coke ciency. Remote monitoring and con-
ulates, and unburned hydrocarbons, burn-off trol can improve the safety of field
with CO2 emissions being the larg- personnel, detect problems early
est in magnitude and impact. All of reducing downtime hours, and can
the carbon that enters the hydrogen promote efficient operations through
plant as natural gas feed and fuel modelling and analysis, lowering the
ultimately leaves the hydrogen plant Combustion
annual cost of production. The ROC
as CO2. Table 1 illustrates the effect also provides a dynamic platform for
that inefficiently operating an SMR Other virtual and in-person operator train-
can have on incremental CO2 emis- 3.1% ing. Mechanical failures can often be
sions. Similar to the effect on eco- anticipated with tools that help pre-
nomics, the emissions are greater as Figure 5 Greenhouse gas emission profile dict and plan for equipment mainte-
the plant’s capacity increases and the in refining units Source: EPA, 2010 nance during lifecycle operation.
plant is less efficient. Proper moni- Industrial gas companies like
toring of the plant’s efficiency is key modelling tools indicated that more Matheson have leveraged their
to minimising its emissions despite hydrogen was being produced in extensive operating experience in
the improvements in design over the excess of what was predicted based hydrogen plant through the use of
last two decades. on the plant’s operating parameters. the ROC successfully for the last
When refiners or petrochemical By adjusting various inputs into the decade, providing the end customer
producers outsource the hydro- model, the ROC engineers identified with safe, reliable, and cost efficient
gen supply to an IGC, the efficiency that there was likely an error in the hydrogen supply. Constant mon-
(effectively the hydrogen variable measurement of the process steam. itoring of plant performance con-
cost) is guaranteed; this protects the Further investigation and trou- tributes to the refiner’s bottom line
end-user from the operational effi- bleshooting determined that a tap by optimisation of feed and fuel
ciency risk. However, the risk to for a pressure transmitter that was consumption to reduce cost and
hydrogen production efficiency still being used for flow compensation emissions.
exists and is merely transferred to was plugged. The problem was cor-
the IGC. Therefore, it is necessary for rected and the excess process steam References
the IGC to track, monitor, and adjust was adjusted appropriately. The 1 www.eia.gov.aeo (Annual Energy Outlook
the operating parameters that influ- ultimate result was an increase in 2020).
ence the SEC. steam export to the refinery and an 2 Wagner da Silva M (Linkedin.com), Achieving
more sustainable and profitable processes in
Some of the key operating parame- improvement to the plant’s SEC. The
the downstream industry – combining energy
ters that influence the SEC are: local operators would have eventu-
optimization and asset management actions,
• Feed and fuel gas composition ally detected the operational issue, 2019.
• Steam to carbon (S/C) ratio as the problem grew worse, but the 3 EPA report: Available and emerging
• Key process temperatures (reactor connection to the ROC and the fast technologies for reducing greenhouse gas
inlets/outlets, combustion air, syn- response from its staff minimised emissions from the petroleum refining industry,
gas, and so on) any efficiency losses that would 2010.
• Excess oxygen in the flue gas exit- have amounted to approximately
Brian Bumgarner is Director of HyCO and
ing the reformer furnace $300 000 annually (plus any associ-
Energy Solutions with Matheson/Taiyo Nippon
• PSA recovery and operating factor ated increased emissions).
Sanso Corporation, a global industrial gas
• Hydrogen product purity major. He holds a BS in chemical engineering
While these variables are locally Conclusion from Carnegie Mellon University and is a
monitored and controlled, the added A remote operations centre with staff leading hydrogen and syngas expert.
connection and monitoring by the who have expertise on the specific Email: bbumgarner@mathesongas.com
ROC provides significant additional Marco Márquez is Director of Business
benefit in the form of: Effect of increased specific energy Development – Refining with Matheson/
consumption on annual CO2 emissions
• Tracking and trending TNSC. He holds a MSc and PhD in chemical
• Modelling and simulation tools engineering from North Carolina State
% increase in Increase in CO2 emissions
• Lessons learned across a fleet of specific energy (MT/yr) H2 capacity =
Email: mamarquez@mathesongas.com
multiple SMRs consumption (SEC) 50 000 Nm3/hr
Jeffrey Swanson manages Matheson’s
• Extra set of eyes on processes Design Base
1% 3290 HyCO Remote Operation Center. He holds a
3% 9870 bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from
Deep-dive plant analysis 5% 16 445 Lehigh University and a MBA from University
In a case study at one of the plants in of Houston.
the Matheson fleet, the ROC’s online Table 1 Email: jswanson@mathesongas.com

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More petrochemicals with less
capital spending
Even in nations with exceptional dependence on transportation fuels like Brazil, better
integration with petrochemicals production is essential for refiners



ecent market forecasts indicate
a trend of reduction in the pro-
Ethylene Propylene Benzene Paraxylene
portion of transportation fuels
in the energy matrix at the global +4.4%
level. Faced with this, refiners have 210
been looking at closer integration 169
with the petrochemical sector, tak-
ing into account growing demand 185 +3.0% +7.2% 75
for petrochemicals intermediates
(see Figure 1). 152
The current scenario presents
major challenges for the crude oil 127

refining industry: the price volatility 102

of raw materials; pressure from soci- 51 51

ety to reduce environmental impact; 41

and refining margins increasingly 2017 2022 2017 2022 2017 2022 2017 2022
lower. The newest threat to refin-
ers is a reduction in the consumer Figure 1 Growing trend in demand for petrochemical intermediates (million metric
market with news of countries that tonnes) Source: Deloitte, 2019
intend to reduce or ban the produc-
tion of vehicles powered by fossil industries are similar, which leads ical producers (butanes, pyrolisis
fuels in the medium term, mainly in to possible synergies to reduce gasoline, and heavy aromatics) can
the European market. operating costs and add value to be adapted by refiners to produce
The search is on for alternative derivatives produced in refineries. high quality transportation fuels.
products to ensure the survival Figure 2 shows some possibilities Table 1 shows some chief character-
and sustainability of the refining for integration between refining and istics of the refining and petrochem-
industry. Better integration between the petrochemical industry. ical industries and the potential for
refining and petrochemical produc- Process streams with low value synergies.
tion processes appears an attractive for refiners like fuel gas (C2) are The potential for integration and
alternative. The production of pet- attractive raw materials for the pet- synergy between processes relies
rochemical intermediates, beyond rochemical industry, just as streams on refining schemes adopted for
opening new markets for refiners, considered residual by petrochem- the consumer market; for instance,
enables more added value in view
of the higher product prices of these Characteristics of the refining and petrochemical industries
products when compared with
streams dedicated to transportation
fuels. Refining industry Petrochemical industry
Petrochemical production has High feedstock flexibility Raw material from naphtha/NGL
High capacities Higher operation margins
been growing at a considerably Self-sufficient in power/steam High electricity consumption
higher rate when compared with High hydrogen consumption High availability of hydrogen
the transportation fuels market in Streams with low added value Streams with low added value
recent years. Additionally, it rep- (unsaturated gases and C2) (heavy aromatics, pyrolysis gasoline, C4s)
Strict regulations Strict specifications
resents a future for crude oil deriv- (benzene in gasoline, for instance) (hard separation processes)
atives that is less environmentally Demand for transportation fuels declining High demand for products
aggressive. The technological bases
of the refining and petrochemical Table1

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Refining technologies and low cost
alternatives to integration
Pyrolisis gasoline
Benzene Historically, the refining indus-
production Toluene try has optimised its operations
complex Styrene and developed technologies in the
spirit of maximising production of
transportation fuels to meet high

To gasoline pool
demand. Figure 3 shows a typical

configuration for a high complexity
Natural gas
refinery focused on the production
Steam Ethylene
cracking ends Propylene of transportation fuels.
unit recovery Butanes The trend towards falling demand

FCC gases
for transportation fuels, together
Recycle with a growing petrochemical mar-
Recycle ket, have led refiners to search for
Residual ways of optimising their hardware
Naphtha to raise the yield of petrochemicals
to the detriment of fuels, thereby
Crude oil Refinery
Jet fuel
promoting closer integration with
processes the petrochemical sector.
In this sense, flexible refining
Fuel oil
technologies such as FCC and cata-
lytic reforming have gained promi-
Fuel nence in the downstream industry
Power generation
since they are able to maximise the
production of high added value
petrochemical intermediates (ole-
Figure 2 Possible synergies between refining and petrochemical processes fins and aromatics, respectively).
However, some refiners have seen
process units such as fluid catalytic petrochemical intermediates (petro- the high cost of capital as a barrier
cracking (FCC) and catalytic reform- chemical FCC) reduce the generation to further integration with the pet-
ing can be optimised to produce of streams to produce transportation rochemical industry in view of the
petrochemical intermediates to the fuels. However, capital investment is greater need for investment associ-
detriment of streams that are incor- high since the severity of the process ated with units to maximise petro-
porated in the fuels pool. In the case requires the use of expensive metal- chemicals. The installation of units
of FCC, units dedicated to produce lurgy for construction. dedicated to the production of pet-


Hydrotreated naphtha

Naphtha Naphtha Catalytic Reformate

Gasoline pool
hydrotreating reforming

HCC naphtha

Kerosene Jet fuel


Crude oil Light gasoil

Hydrotreating Diesel pool

Heavy gasoil Kerosene

Light gasoil

distillation Diesel


Fuel oil pool

distillation Delayed coking
Atmospheric residue
Vacuum residue Coke

Figure 3 Refinery with a coking/hydrocracking configuration

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rochemical intermediates requires
high capital investment in high
severity FCC units, or complex sep- LN +LPG
Debetaniser LPG
aration units dedicated to the pro-
duction of light aromatics in the
case of catalytic reforming units. NL
Despite the restrictions of capital
investment, there are some alter- K

Crude oil
natives to maximising petrochemi-

cal intermediates through refining LD

hardware with relatively low capital

investment. Fractionating straight- HD LVGO

run naphtha can be an attractive Reduced crude


alternative (see Figure 4).

In this case, the light fraction of AR
Vacuum VR
naphtha may be directed to the
market for higher value added pet-
rochemical intermediates while Figure 4 Crude oil distillation scheme based on fractionating straight-run naphtha
the heavier fraction may comprise
the gasoline, diesel or jet fuel pool,
according to local market demand.
A conventional FCC unit can have Fuel gas (C1–C2)
its process variables optimised for VGO (C20–C40) LPG (C3–C4)
the production of petrochemical Naphtha (C5–C12)
intermediates (see Figure 5). HKGO (C20–C40) FCC Heavy Naphtha (C13–C14)
By changing the reaction sever- Process unit
ity, it is possible to maximise the NK (C5–C12) LCO (C13–C20)
production of petrochemical inter-
mediates, mainly propylene, in con- DO (C20–C40)

ventional FCC units (see Figure 6). COKE (C40+)

The use of ZSM-5 in FCC catalysts

can increase the unit’s propylene
production by up to 8%, although Figure 5 Possible feedstocks and derivatives produced by FCC units
recovery of propylene produced
by the unit requires the installation
of a dedicated separation unit (see Water High-pressure steam

Figure 7).
Air Regenerator CO boiler Flue gases
Despite the higher operating
costs, higher revenues from deriv-

Fuel gas
atives should lead to a positive
financial result for the refiner, Reactor/ Gases LPG
according to current market projec- Feed
Preheating separation
tions. A relatively common strategy vessel area

also applied to improve the yield of

LPG and propylene in FCC units is 1 - Higher temperature (TRX) Light cycle Decanted Cracked
the recycling of cracked naphtha, 2 - Catalyst additives (ZSM5) oil (LCO) oil naphtha

leading to over-cracking of the gas- 3 - Higher cat/oil ratios

oline range molecules.

Another alternative for refiners Figure 6 Optimisation of process variables in FCC units to improve the yield of
with low capital availability is the petrochemicals intermediates
installation of units dedicated to the
recovery of olefins from refinery off- The off-gases from thermal or ing are not used as petrochemical
gases (see Figure 8). catalytic cracking are sent to a com- intermediates and are normally
The off-gases from deep con- pression unit, then pass through a directed to the fuel gas refinery pool
version units such as FCC and nickel catalyst bed where acetylene, with the natural gas supply.
delayed coking have a high olefin which contributes to coke deposi- After removal of acetylene, the
content (>20%). In markets with a tion in petrochemical reactors, is off-gas stream is directed to amine
high availability of natural gas, the hydrogenated to ethane. Due to treatment to remove sour gases,
installation of olefin recovery units their low olefins content, the gases H2S, and CO2, which can poison
tends to be economically viable for from separation or treatment units the catalysts used in petrochemi-
a refiner. such as distillation and hydrotreat- cal conversion and also raise the

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NaOH Water Decanter To FCC unit



LPG C3 splitter
from FCC LPG


Depropaniser Steam
tower Deethaniser
column Finishing


Propane to LPG

Figure 7 Typical arrangement of a propylene separation unit

level of corrosion in transfer pipe- units are optimised to maximise means operating the catalyst regen-
lines. Other common contami- transportation fuels, especially gas- erator in total combustion mode,
nants in refinery residual gases, oline. However, those units which leading to the need to install a cata-
mainly in streams from FCC units, have been optimised to maximise lyst cooler system.
are nitriles, mercury, arsine/phos- the production of light olefins (eth- Installation of a catalyst cooler
phine, oxygen, ammonia, and nitro- ylene, propylene, and butenes) have raises the unit’s profitability
gen oxides. These contaminants, operating conditions which raise the through enhanced conversion and
which also poison petrochemical cracking rate. A reaction tempera- selectivity to products such as pro-
conversion catalysts, need to be ture of typically 600°C and a higher pylene and naphtha, rather than
removed. catalyst circulation rate raises the gases and coke. When the unit is
production of gases, which requires designed to operate in total com-
The petrochemical FCC alternative a scaling up of the gas separation bustion mode, heat is released at a
The majority of catalytic cracking section. Higher thermal demand much higher rate, hence the need
for a catalyst cooler:

Sour gas to SRU C + ½ O2 → CO (partial combustion) ΔH =

- 27 kcal/mol
Refinery Gas Acetylene Acid gas Drying
Off-gas compression treatment removal step C + O2 → CO2 (total combustion) ΔH =
- 94 kcal/mol
Petrochemical industry battery limits

Fuel gas
Deethanisation Adsorbents In such a case, the temperature
of the regeneration vessel can reach
C2 mixture C3+ values close to 760°C, leading to
Ethane a higher risk of catalyst damage
Ethylene fractionation Ethylene
which a cooler avoids. The total
combustion mode option needs to
allow for the refinery’s thermal bal-
Figure 8 Typical arrangement to recover olefins from refinery off-gases ance. Moreover, higher tempera-

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tures in the regenerator require high
specification metallurgy, which
raises installation costs significantly.
10% Transportation
Non energetic use
Petrochemical integration in Brazil 1%

Despite the trend of reduced 65%


demand for transportation fuels at 13% Home use

the global level, some markets are Agricultural use

still strongly dependent on them Industrial

to sustain economic development.
This is especially true of developing
economies like Brazil’s.
Brazil is a country of continen-
tal dimensions that depends on Figure 9 Consumption of crude oil derivatives by final use in Brazil’s domestic market
road transport to meet its logis- Source: EPE, 2019
tical needs. It is the world’s sev-
enth largest consumer of crude oil Brazilian refineries, eight rely on medium term. In this case, max-
derivatives, the major component propylene splitter units. imising petrochemical intermedi-
of which is transportation fuels. Brazil’s refineries rely on straight- ates from refining hardware, and
Hence the nation is the third larg- run naphtha fractionating sys- closer integration with petrochemi-
est consumer of transportation tems. Normally, the light naphtha cal assets, should be a downstream
fuels, mainly middle distillates is directed to the petrochemical industry trend in the coming years.
(diesel and kerosene). According industry while the heavy naph- Refiners with capital investment
to the Brazilian Petroleum Agency tha is blended to diesel or jet fuel constraints risk losing market share
(ANP), national demand for crude according to market demand and and competitiveness, hence action
oil derivatives will rise 19% up to restrictions in derivative specifica- at low relative cost to maximise pet-
2026 from a current 2.4 million b/d. tions. In São Paulo state, the biggest rochemical output should be eco-
Figure 9 shows the distribution of Brazilian market, there is a refinery nomically attractive.
crude oil derivatives by end use in off-gas recovery unit with capac-
Brazil. ity to process 1 million Nm3/d to
As a result of the internal mar- recover ethylene.
ket’s characteristics, Brazilian refin-
eries are optimised to maximise the Conclusion Further reading
yield of transportation fuels rather Synergy between refining and pet- 1 Gary J H, Handwerk G E, Petroleum Refining
than petrochemical intermediates. rochemical processes raises the – Technology and Economics, 4th ed., Marcel
The crude oil refining sector has availability of raw material for pet- Dekker, 2001.
2 Robinson P R, Hsu C S, Handbook of
an installed processing capacity of rochemical plants and makes the
Petroleum Technology, 1st ed., Springer, 2017.
2.3 million b/d of which 98% com- supply of energy in these processes
3 Oyekan S O, Catalytic Naphtha Reforming
prises state company Petrobras’s more reliable, while at the same Process, 1st ed., CRC Press, 2019.
assets. The infrastructure of the time ensuring better refining mar- 4 Deloitte Company, The Future of
Brazilian downstream sector is gin through the higher added value Petrochemicals: Growth Surrounded by
composed of 17 crude oil refiner- of petrochemical intermediates Uncertainties, 2019.
ies, four petrochemical plants, 51 compared with transportation fuels. 5 Energy Research Company (EPE), Prospects
biodiesel plants, 382 ethanol pro- Another advantage is the reduced for the implementation of small refineries in
duction mills, and close to 5000 km risk of over-supply of transporta- Brazil – Technical Note 01/2019.
of pipelines to ensure the distribu- tion fuels during the current decline
tion of derivatives throughout the in demand and restrictions in the
country. supply of fossil fuels. Marcio Wagner da Silva is a Process Engineer
Despite the Brazilian down- It is important to consider that and Project Manager based in São José dos
stream sector’s focus on transpor- integrated processes lead to higher Campos, Brazil, with extensive experience
tation fuels, some relatively low operational complexity. However, in research, design, and construction in the
cost options have been adopted in given the current and medium term oil and gas industry, including developing
recent years to improve the yield scenarios facing the refining indus- and coordinating projects for operational
improvement and debottlenecking bottom of
of petrochemical intermediates try, integration between refining
the barrel units. He holds a Bachelor’s degree
in refineries. The higher capacity and petrochemical processes is fun-
in chemical engineering from the University
refineries installed propylene sep- damental to the economic sustaina- of Maringa (UEM), Brazil, a PhD in chemical
aration units, to recover the pet- bility of the downstream industry. engineering from the University of Campinas
rochemical from LPG produced Recent forecasts indicate that (UNICAMP), Brazil, and an MBA in project
in FCC units. Installed capacity to the production of petrochemi- management from the Federal University of
produce propylene from FCC LPG cal intermediates will account for Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).
in Brazil is 1 300 000 t/y. Of 17 most crude oil consumption in the Email: marciows@petrobras.com.br

www.digitalrefining.com PTQ Q3 2020 79

q3 petrobas.indd 5 13/06/2020 15:44


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Types of corrosion and materials to
combat them
A review of corrosion problems in fluid systems and how to prolong their life in one of
the oil and gas industry’s most challenging environments

Swagelok Company

arge offshore platforms feature
thousands of installed fluid
system components and miles
of tubing. Valves, tubing, and fit-
tings are used in process facilities,
seawater systems, and utility lines.
These components face many cor-
rosive threats, which can come
from internally contained fluids or
externally from seawater that forms
chloride-rich deposits on equip-
ment upon drying. Corrosion, if not
detected in its early stages, can lead
to costly shutdowns, repairs, and,
in worst case scenarios, accidents. b. Corrosion occurs when a metal atom
is oxidised by a fluid, leading to a loss of
Therefore, regular inspections
material in the metal surface. It may appear
should be performed to assess the in the form of general corrosion (rust), pitting
integrity of fluid systems. Systems corrosion, crevice corrosion (all shown), or a
a. In stainless steels, a passive, chromium-rich
should be constructed with readily oxide layer automatically forms on the surface
variety of other types of corrosion
available materials, have optimal in ambient air (top), protecting the material
corrosion resistance to the particu- from corrosion. If this outer layer is damaged
lar environment in which they are by machining or in the field (middle), it will
used, and be cost effective. reform automatically (bottom)
Historically, 316/316L stainless
steel (SS) has been the preferred
choice for constructing typical fluid
systems. However, as more assets
began operating in hot and humid
climates, the limitations of this
material became increasingly evi- d. Localised pitting corrosion
dent – most notably in the form of
pitting corrosion on tubing, which
can lead to perforations and leaks.
When the advent of deep water
well injection technology required c. General (uniform) corrosion
fluid systems to operate at higher
pressures, it became evident that
alloys with better mechanical prop-
erties than 316/316L SS became
preferred candidates for the mate- e. Localised crevice corrosion is likely to form
between tubing and tubing supports (shown),
rial of construction of components. as well as when tubing is installed close to
Finally, the production of oil and other surfaces, due to accelerated reactions
gas from increasingly sour reser- that take place within the confines of a crevice
voirs has led to the use of nickel
alloys as preferred materials of Figure 1 Types of corrosion
f. Stress corrosion cracking
construction. All images Swagelok

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q3 swagelok.indd 1 13/06/2020 16:06

that takes place as a metal physi-
cally degrades due to interactions
with its environment. It occurs
when a metal atom is oxidised by
a fluid, leading to a loss of material
in the metal surface (see Figure 1b).
This loss reduces the wall thickness
of a component and makes it more
prone to mechanical failure. Many
types of corrosion exist and several
g. Sour gas or sulphide stress cracking corrosion
h. Intergranular corrosion of hydrogen are detailed in this article, with each
embrittled Inconel X-750 diaphragm
posing a threat that must be evalu-
ated when selecting optimal materi-
als for platform applications.

General (uniform) corrosion

General, or uniform, corrosion (see
Figure 1c) is the easiest to spot and
predict. It forms relatively uni-
formly across the surface of carbon
i. Intergranular corrosion or low alloy steel and appears as
iron oxide scale, or rust, as the sur-
j. Galvanic corrosion of carbon steel cap face begins to break down. General
Figure 1 Continued Types of corrosion attached to a brass pipe containing a sodium corrosion rarely leads to disastrous
All images Swagelok chloride solution failures – but it is not unheard of
– and therefore is often regarded
Stainless steels and many nickel Various forms of corrosion, which as an eyesore rather than a serious
alloys consist of roughly 10 differ- are described in this article, threaten problem.
ent elements, each of which pro- the integrity of materials. To select When protective paint no longer
vides the material with a distinct optimal materials of construction protects the structural carbon steel
characteristic or property. The most for fluid systems on offshore plat- components of a platform, steel oxi-
important alloying additions to iron forms, it is important to first under- dises quickly. Water may transport
are nickel, chromium, and molyb- stand the internal and external rust and redeposit it on stainless
denum – and, in some cases, nitro- environments the components will steel parts. In such cases, stainless
gen. The importance of chromium is see. Then, candidate materials can steel parts themselves may appear
illustrated in Figure 1a, which shows be identified and evaluated against to have corroded, but they actually
how this element reacts with ambi- different corrosive threats. have been contaminated with the
ent air to form a very thin, adherent, corrosion products of carbon steel.
and protective oxide layer on stain- Identifying types of corrosion Excessive contamination may ulti-
less steel. Corrosion is a natural phenomenon mately initiate corrosion of stainless

194 (90) Localised corrosion: pitting and

176 (80) CCCT crevice corrosion
158 (70) CPT
Localised corrosion occurs in a con-
140 (60) centrated area where the metal’s
122 (50) protective layer breaks down when
Temperature ˚F (˚C)

104 (40) exposed to fluids that contain chlo-

86 (30)
rides. It is common in chloride con-
taining acidic environments and in
68 (20)
installations with crevices between
50 (10)
metals or between a metal and a
32 (0) non-metal. Localised corrosion may
14 (-10) occur in the form of pitting corro-
-4 (-20) sion (see Figures 1b and 1d) or crev-
304L 316L 317L 317 LMN 904L 6Mo 2304 2205 255 2507 ice corrosion (see Figures 1b and 1e),
Measured by ASTM G48 in 10% ferric chlorideMaterial both of which are more difficult to
detect than general corrosion. As a
Figure 2 Crevice corrosion can occur at lower temperatures than pitting corrosion. For instance, result, these types of corrosion can
for 316L SS in a 10% ferric chloride environment, pitting corrosion can start to occur at 10°C be more challenging to identify, pre-
(50°F), whereas crevice corrosion can begin at -10°C (14°F) dict, and design against.

82 PTQ Q3 2020 www.digitialrefining.com

q3 swagelok.indd 2 13/06/2020 16:06

Materials with higher critical pit-
ting temperatures (CPT) and criti-
cal crevice corrosion temperatures C-276
(CCCT) are more resistant to local- 625
ised corrosion. Potential solutions
to combat both pitting and crev- 6HN
ice corrosion include using 6-moly 254 SMO R

stainless steel, 2507 super duplex 2507

stainless steel or nickel alloys 625,
C-276, or 400 (see Figure 2).1 Sanicro 28

Pitting corrosion
Common in high-chloride environ-
ments at elevated temperatures, 316
pitting corrosion causes small cav- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
ities, or pits, to form on the surface PREN = %Cr + 3.3 x (%Mo = 0.5W) + 16 x %N PREN
of a material (see Figures 1b and 1d).
It begins when the passive oxide
layer on the metal’s surface breaks Figure 3 Higher PREN values indicate greater pitting corrosion resistance. 6HN denotes
down, making the metal suscepti- 6-moly alloy UNS N08367
ble to the loss of electrons. When
an electron from the metal escapes, Crevice corrosion occurs due to are exposed to corrosive media. It
iron in the metal dissolves into a accelerated reactions that take place can be induced by chlorides on aus-
solution in the bottom of the pit, dif- within the confines of a crevice. tenitic stainless steels, alkalis on mild
fuses toward the top, and ultimately When seawater diffuses into a crev- steel, and ammonia on brass. The
oxidises to rust. As the pit gets ice, some positively charged ferrous ions interact with the material at the
deeper, the iron chloride solution ions dissolve and cannot rapidly tip of a crack where tensile stresses
concentration in the pit can increase diffuse out of the tight area, attract- are highest, making it easier for the
and become more acidic, which ing negatively charged chloride ions crack to grow. SCC is a dangerous
in turn accelerates the pit growth. from seawater into the crevice. As form of corrosion because it cannot
Eventually, the corrosion may lead the chloride concentration increases, be detected visually and can be dif-
to perforation of tubing walls and ficult to detect with non-destructive
leaks. Stress corrosion testing methods. SCC can destroy a
Pitting corrosion is best prevented component at stress levels below the
by selecting alloys with higher pit- cracking can destroy yield strength of the component’s
ting resistance equivalent number material of construction and may
(PREN) values. Different metals and
a component at cause the material to fail suddenly.
alloys can be compared using their SCC-resistant materials include
PREN, which is calculated from the
stress levels below 6-moly alloys and alloys 2507, 825,
chemical composition of the mate- the yield strength 625, C-276, and 400.
rial (see Figure 3). PREN values
increase with higher levels of chro- of its material of Sour gas cracking or sulphide stress
mium, molybdenum, and nitrogen, cracking
and higher values indicate greater construction and may Sour gas cracking (see Figure 1g),2
pitting corrosion resistance. also known as sulphide stress crack-
cause the material to ing (SSC), is very similar to SCC.
Crevice corrosion The primary difference is that the
In a typical fluid system, crevices
fail suddenly metal deteriorates due to exposure
exist between tubing and tube sup- to hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and
ports or tube clamps, between adja- the crevice solution becomes more moisture. SSC may occur in new
cent tubing runs, and underneath corrosive, causing more iron to dis- sour reservoirs and aging reservoirs
dirt and deposits on component sur- solve, which in turn attracts more where seawater has been injected
faces. The breakdown of the materi- chloride ions to diffuse into the for enhanced oil recovery.
al’s protective oxide layer in these crevice. Ultimately, the crevice solu- In the presence of water, H2S
areas leads to the formation of small tion turns into an acidic and highly becomes severely corrosive, which
pits, which grow larger and deeper corrosive solution. can lead to embrittlement of metal
until they cover the surface of the and subsequent cracking under
entire crevice (see Figures 1b and Stress corrosion cracking the combined action of tensile
1e). Crevice corrosion can occur at Stress corrosion cracking (SCC, see stress and corrosion. SSC poses an
far lower temperatures than pitting Figure 1f) can occur when compo- increased risk when the metal has
corrosion. nents that are under tensile stress a higher material hardness/tensile

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strength, when the environment has voltage difference of metals meas-
a higher hydrogen ion concentra- Volts Surface ured in seawater against a standard
tion (which equates to a lower pH vs SCE classification Material electrode, is helpful for determining
value), and when the H2S partial -1.60
Magnesium the compatibility of metals. Highly
-1.00 Zinc
pressure is high. In addition, higher -0.95 Aluminium noble materials are not as suscep-
total tensile stress, which includes -0.70 Cadmium tible to galvanic corrosion as less
applied and residual tensile stress, -0.60 Steel noble ones. Likewise, a material
-0.50 Type 304 (Active)
longer exposure times, and lower with its passive surface intact has
-0.40 Type 316 (Active)
temperatures contribute to an -0.35 Naval brass higher resistance to galvanic cor-
increased potential for SSC. -0.30 Muntz metal rosion than the same material with
The NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 -0.30 Copper an active surface. An active surface
-0.30 Manganese bronze
standard describes requirements -0.25 90-10 Cu-Ni of a metal is present when its pas-
for the condition of many materials -0.20 70-30 Cu-Ni sive, protective surface oxide film is
used in sour environments in oil -0.20 Nickel removed by erosion or fretting.
-0.15 Lead
and gas production, including 316 -0.10 Type 304 (Passive)
To avoid galvanic corrosion,
and 6-moly stainless steel, super -0.05 Type 316 (Passive) choose materials with a voltage
duplex stainless steel 2507 and 0.00 E-BRITE alloy
difference that does not exceed
nickel alloys 825, 625, C-276, and 0.00 AL 29-4C alloy 0.2V. For example, a 316 SS fitting

0.00 AL-6XN alloy


400. This standard also describes the 0.05 Alloy 625, alloy 276 (-0.05V) combined with 6-Moly tub-
environmental limits – maximum .010 Noble Titanium ing (0.00V) would result in a voltage
temperature, chloride concentra- .025 Graphite difference of 0.05V between the two
tion, and H2S partial pressure – to alloys. This voltage is significantly
which these alloys can be used. Figure 4 Highly noble materials with less than 0.2V, so the risk of gal-
‘passive’ surfaces are not as susceptible to vanic corrosion is low.
Hydrogen embrittlement galvanic corrosion as less noble materials
Hydrogen atoms can diffuse into or as noble materials with ‘active’ surfaces. Selecting materials
In this anodic index chart, magnesium is
metals, causing them to become Selecting the proper materials can
the least noble material, and graphite is
brittle (see Figure 1h).3 The dis- the most noble material. SCE = saturated
help mitigate corrosion and pro-
solved hydrogen atoms can cause calomel electrode mote asset longevity and safety.
changes in the mechanical prop- Selections include stainless steels
erties and behaviour of the metal, and nickel alloys, as well as tita-
including reducing its ductility, distribution of elements within the nium alloys and engineered combi-
impact strength, fracture toughness, metal by robbing material adjacent nations of components made from
and resistance to failure by fatigue. to grain boundaries of important two different materials.
Subjected to sufficient static or elements, such as chromium. When
cyclic tensile stress, the embrittled corrosive fluids attack the chromi- Stainless steels
metal is at a greater risk of failure. um-depleted regions, intergranular In austenitic stainless steels, chro-
Hydrogen embrittlement can be cracks can form. Such cracks can mium and nickel are critical for
avoided by selecting materials that propagate throughout a material and corrosion resistance and ductility,
are resistant to hydrogen. For exam- remain undetected, making IGC a respectively. Adding more than
ple, austenitic stainless steels (such dangerous form of corrosion. 10% chromium to steel transforms it
as 316/316L SS and 6-moly) with Selecting a stainless steel with low into stainless steel, as the chromium
nickel content between 10% and carbon content, such as 316/316L, creates an adherent and invisible
30% show relatively little embrit- will help to minimise the potential passive oxide layer on the metal’s
tlement. Conversely, ferritic alloys for IGC. surface. This oxide layer forms when
with very low nickel contents can chromium in the alloy reacts with
become significantly embrittled Galvanic corrosion oxygen in ambient air, giving steel
when hydrogen atoms diffuse into When two dissimilar metals are its stainless characteristics and its
these materials. combined in the presence of an corrosion resistance. The addition of
electrolyte, galvanic corrosion (see nickel provides good ductility and
Intergranular corrosion Figure 1j)3 can occur if the potential ease of forming and welding.
Common in welding operations, (voltage) difference between the The following stainless steels are
heat treatments, and high temper- materials is too great. Too high a commonly specified for corrosion
ature applications, intergranular potential difference causes the pas- resistance:
corrosion (IGC) may occur when sive layer of the less noble material
chromium and carbon react to form to break down, leading to its cor- 316 SS
carbides on the metal’s grain bound- rosion. A more noble material has Among stainless steels, 316/316L SS
aries (see Figure 1i). The latter are the higher resistance to corrosion and is a widely used material with sat-
microscopic interfaces between the oxidation than a less noble one. isfactory resistance to various types
individual grains in a metal. The car- The anodic index (see Figure 4),4 of corrosion in moderately corro-
bide formation affects the uniform which describes the potential or sive fluids. Most raw materials and

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products contain not much more • Its high yield and tensile strength molybdenum content makes it
than the minimally required con- allow for the construction of prod- exceptionally resistant to local-
centration of 10% nickel and 16% ucts with much higher pressure rat- ised corrosion. It is one of only a
chromium. However, components ings, especially when compared to few materials that can withstand
featuring a more highly alloyed 316 SS. the corrosive effects of wet chlo-
material with at least 12% nickel • Alternatively, the wall thick- rine gas, hypochlorite, and chlorine
and 17% chromium resist corrosion ness of a product such as tubing dioxide. In addition, it is suitable
far better. The greater nickel content can be decreased, which allows for for highly sour gas environments.
provides the austenite with added increased fluid flow. Alloy C-276 is resistant to oxidising
stability against the undesirable and reducing media, as well as SSC
formation of martensite when the Nickel alloys and IGC. It is not recommended
material is cold-formed, for instance Nickel alloys feature nickel as an for use in highly oxidising environ-
by cold-drawing, machining, and important element and commonly ments such as hot and concentrated
burnishing. The higher chromium offer ductility, toughness, and nitric acid.
content translates into a higher strength. Some nickel alloys offer
PREN value, giving the material exceptional mechanical properties Alloy 400 is a nickel-copper alloy
added resistance to localised cor- at very high temperatures, while known for its exceptional resist-
rosion. The lower carbon content others feature superior corrosion ance to hydrofluoric acid. It is also
of the dual-certified 316/316L SS resistance in concentrated acids at resistant to SCC and pitting in most
material provides for higher resist- elevated temperature. Nickel alloys fresh and industrial waters; stag-
ance to IGC as compared to a 316 that offer outstanding corrosion nant seawater, however, can induce
alloy with high carbon content. resistance in offshore environments localised corrosion. Alloy 400 offers
include the following: strength and corrosion resistance in
6-Moly alloys a wide range of temperatures and
Significantly higher levels of chro- Alloy 825 is a nickel-iron-chromi- media and retains mechanical prop-
mium, molybdenum, nickel, and um-molybdenum alloy designed to erties at sub-zero temperatures.
nitrogen provide 6-moly super aus-
tenitic stainless steels with much Titanium alloys
higher resistance to various types of
Titanium and its Titanium alloys have excellent
corrosion than 316 SS. The 6-moly alloys are highly resistance to microbiologically
alloy 6HN (UNS N08367) has been induced corrosion (MIC) . Titanium
found to have better corrosion resistant to and its alloys are highly resistant to
resistance in chloride containing oxidising acids over a wide range
media than 6-moly alloy 254 SMO oxidising acids over of concentrations and tempera-
(UNS S31254).5,6 Considered super tures. Common acids in this cate-
austenitic stainless steels, 6-moly a wide range of gory include nitric (HNO3), chromic
alloys contain at least 6% molybde- (H2CrO4), perchloric (HClO4), and
num and have a PREN value of at concentrations and hypochlorous (Cl2 gas dissolved in
least 40. Their yield strength is 50% water) acids. However, titanium
greater than that of 316 SS.
temperatures will sometimes corrode in aqueous
chloride environments.
2507 super duplex resist general corrosion, localised
As another option, 2507 super corrosion, SCC, and SSC in a wide Engineered combinations
duplex, ferritic-austenitic stain- range of media. Stabilised with tita- In marine installations in which
less steel is well suited to service in nium, alloy 825 is resistant to IGC. 316/316L SS fittings have per-
many very corrosive environments. In addition, it has high chemical formed well but the surface of
Its composition includes chromium, resistance to sulphuric and phos- 316/316L tubing has experienced
nickel, molybdenum, and nitro- phoric acids. crevice corrosion where it was in
gen, which provide the material contact with tube clamps or tube
with excellent resistance to gen- Alloy 625 is a nickel-chromium-mo- supports, it may be cost effective to
eral corrosion, localised corrosion, lybdenum alloy with a small quan- use 316/316L fittings in combina-
and SCC. The material is weldable, tity of niobium to reduce the risk tion with tubing from a more corro-
but proper procedures must be fol- of IGC in a wide variety of severely sion resistant alloy instead of using
lowed. Duplex stainless steels have corrosive environments. It also the more expensive alloy for all
a two-phase microstructure of aus- resists hydrochloric and nitric acids, components. Such engineered com-
tenite and ferrite grains, which lead providing protection from localised binations of 316/316L tube fittings
to high strength, good ductility, corrosion in high temperature uses, with tubing made from alloys 254
and good resistance to chloride-ion as well as SCC and SSC. SMO, 904L, 825, or Tungum (copper
induced SCC. The use of a super alloy UNS C69100) would reduce
duplex alloy as material of construc- Alloy C-276 contains nickel, chro- the cost of fittings throughout the
tion brings about many advantages: mium, and molybdenum. Its high installation, while maintaining the

86 PTQ Q3 2020 www.digitialrefining.com

q3 swagelok.indd 5 13/06/2020 16:06

The PIONA characterisation and
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and paper maximis-
is for
no. not 69 Z factors
calcium close
carbonate waste toparticles
1.0. and vs. the sand, cost Society involving
of compressor,
2016. as
work the
Compressor when
tial monetary
recycle the toPsaving
flow. Forchoose
Preventative actions that are taken
versus this byscale,
and reducing
the number,
data the couldthe should
internals 1.0
Z the considered.
CCTthe to •
other Hot
in heating
relief tubes,
cases. which
need feed
run rates
and to that
1993. the when
experiments. operated oper-
w Outokumpu
= wear grade
(m) Engineers CPT SPE-188531-MS, near
E-BRITE,J AL atmospheric
D, 29-4C, Inhull pressure
and AL-6XN it are and
A and
is amena-
packing marks an
H2S in treated gas

6 Elliott Impact of feed properties

be cle more
flow andErate F,arrangement
accurate would betower
relative 2units
vol%of and
to piston
ofFCCU in Safety
the 1.0,
the Indirectthe Analyser
effortASTM to ASTMbecome method
ASTMself- 1986. reduces their operational
185 drop life
and Ehmkecatalytic
continuously reforming
with very
infrequent Design
presented = rate, att/h
the gap
Abu(m) Dhabi
of the
FLNG excessive
ATI 185
astrophic pressure
tank failure couldcan 255require

effluent, costs.
often and
100 to
the overhead system do not replace
b/d. system
1981, that
3. Moreover,
compo- will and
Petroleumoil The use of optimal
=cut non-ideal
0.5(m) isentropic
Exhibition and refinery
methodmar- ble
• Reduced welding
Ruddy BJames
Dowson and
operating parameters on delayed coker petcoke
Abu 6quality, presented at the ERTC 2008 Coking and
Robert is Vice duty
President the
a suita-
the need being Power’s
to However,
remove the an
leakage increase
affected Energy
maximum one
perfor- by facilities
Benzene,Alloy present
wt% anot set(m
58 of
<4.0 safety
25 chal-
3.36 in
loads subsequent
pumping large
filler. units,
2.6 scale
making discharge
this cost P versus ν could eliminate result
is: starts kgins = in
alonewear aboutwt%
will 1%20difference
coefficient sustain
/Nm) the in
<0 the Gasification Conference.
ris- prediction of pressures within the ring packs
6 Ehmke, E F, Use ammonium polysulphide to Dhabi, UAE, Nov 2017. Marketing, Oil & Gas/Refining with Pall Canada.
in operational
important Madison
aspect interruptionsUnit
consider 3,from should
is that G lengesWash
materials will lead to
below: <10.020 ofrecovery
InLNG into
terms unit theof (SRU)
sea. This tometallurgy,
would be
mance of I,its
1 various
Liang X, over
Yan W,aThomsen
ofcontent K,operating
Kontogeorgis in life.
off- C6 naphthenes, 8.41 7.95 bore 6.5 8.08
the need of for salt estimating n usingthe discharge
ping cost
=DX of areas.
R,crude pressure 52This
refining.(N/m ) difference
Including ofless efficient
large diesel engines, Proceedings with of
stop corrosion and hydrogen blistering, paper 13waterJames Arshad A, High efficiency 71WithEq. 2over
of API35 years
520 Part experience
Eighth Edition, Pall
M, Revamp
petroleum capexoffshore,
to troublesome
fluid ofcan$3and
characterization USA,
be millionthis
compres- withis •
+, wt%
2205 0
large <3.0 40
of flow.
1 U.S. Energy Information Administration, India
a rapid
2.2 for
the Fabrication
crude environments
oil before
3, at least in it can
some be the reduced
cases. crude vthe 7
= sliding velocity of ring against liner •
IMechE Journal
in of
which lowers
Phase essentially reduces <80 to zero when
no. 59, b/d
NACE recycle
Corrosion/81, * 365 * $1.0/
Ontario, b/d
Canada, = Ultra installation
contaminant 904L removal of 58theimproves GES40 to
new exist-
10 andVR Corporation
density in fluid
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Oil separation and clarification
& Gas
distillation unit.
6-10 36Apr500
example million
to equation
it 1981.
substantially results in:impact
by ofof foran
state, installation
open optimal hydrocarbon
Fluid mar-
theoretical ing
existing substantial long
D86 95%V, °C
254 (m/s)
wt% B Desalter
of feed refrigerants
and 87 control
isentropic Max. 65
processes, with (such
35 as Science,
42.9 2
Journal, FGE.
Assoc., could
API295-304, cause
their capacities and efficiencies.
across broad range
34.1 heavy
I, Eighth
46.2 heDec
Edition, has
of aSubstantially
2014, 375, 254-268.
•The salt content of crude oils var-
ket PetroPower
7materials This is
plant lower
why many
(see discharge
duplex 6). propane) represent a hazard which Green-
78 Paraskos and
M, Reibungs- thebrownfield
und carbon benefits
Undichtigkeitsverluste with is
NACE of construction.
2 Riazi M, Characterization and properties of uses
of Regular
Corrosion t Mid-cut
= time
the nwt%
value filtrationderived
Conferencecould from10.2
effec- been
plot- anCompared Optimised J, Ziaei, in Kokabi
Scalco the development
V, value offrom
processes many
The temperatures
stainless 660
ies with
Ignoring steels
origin, of have
theASTM installedbeen
labour water shown of
andcontent two
mate- to may
CD Benzene,
tively 1 term payback for
= Oklahoma,
2.5 coefficient
adding Feb
India’s 2017.to
Max. safety
energyν0.01 miti-
sup- 3
2 S
M, Sulfide 3,
11.7 4,
stability titanium
5 are
Stress to
Prevention avoid
Corrosion 5.3
Cracking advance of
petroleum sizing calculation
fractions, results
international, for the
2005, ting
CE Toluene,the isentropic
wt% P<2.0 versus data Deutscher
0.01 Ingenieure, of No.catalyst
1.78 371, 1935. and 1.8 amine
• Increased
Availability is gooda
Cracking unit
Sumitomo service
highly capacity
Resistant SHI in
materials sour
FW forgas
CFBs Oil gation
14 = crank
Fontana in Mend
terms G, of separation
Greene N D, Corrosion or fire such
B-14, andan
and occurrence
C-9 of
API is
520 Part a key
I,of safety
Eight holds
three the
• Greater
50. relief of tank
isMTBF and the
cleaning, amount
in ply,
HE = the
Figure Yield, owner companies
1 relief
head ofend environmental
feed path.
of Min. Plotting
salt-in-crude wastethis 8Dec
Disconzi of
TGT carbide.
Deschamps and
line-ups, maintenance
C J, Pereira
E L,
Njiprocess atechnology options cho- of walls. requirement of anofin-cylinder offshore designs.
Manish Bhargava the Founder and Director
practice. cost
emulsion-forming toIn of which
landfill 660 illustrates
particles MWe thein in steam
the copper
and and
create is
a more
2.0 partefficiency
McGraw-Hill, of NY, theNY, firm’s1967.Ultra
in ofcrude due
of to chromium
Flow Control
Case McGill
can be
3DWC article
components. 0Svrcek
Innovations suggestW,
5 Craig
in 10B, the
Houston, following.
15 Texas.H, Satyro
20 He has25 M,
17 30data Bottom
analysers 35 improves
40 45the 50
desalter accuracy the refineries
and gas plants heat
can ben-
8 forofthe
Friedman FLNG
B, facility
that isshould
Understandingconnected takethe •range
15 Process
Lagad of alloys
V related
V, Cayard for accidental
M S, hydro-
Srinivasanenvi- S, The For use
4inEq. ofofAPIconcrete
C2operatorsEmail: for
of Global
520 98 Part the
Eighth gashull pro-
98 facili-
Edition, Dec

Reactivity index
ideal steel
corrosion like
gas with
of components
heavy oilslandfill
in sweet
and resins
method appear
the highest
minutes oil
gas estimated
and operators
nof feedvalue
assessment and
of of
rich 44.8 the 2008;
P0 is pressure
Failure Analysis
III is
1, 223-224,
inlet to41.4
of costs,
the nozzle,
to the Entergy power grid. Behind 1 Goebelreleases
ronments where (both Pitting refrigerants
Resistance vides
ties, benefits
the main in the
advantage storage of cryo-
Yield, wt% Max. with permission
41.8 from 41.8
Vapor the
andand by
asphaltenes. To prevent corrosion, it rust,
critical samecorrosion
constant relief has
prediction content
He isentropic andexpansion
D, emulsion
profile properties
verify- International
compressor As
ρlower the cost
Business ofDevelopment
Compressor desalting depends
each CFB
possible. is a CFB
polishing this
Equivalent partially
27 or higher.
3 Arshad
Swagelok emissions,
is Senior
is its retains
good improved

resistance oper-
previously occurred,
essential 825
areas thefor
advanced orthe
separation corrosion
the crude
& will
Feb ing
group suction
6 Cleco’s
the and discharge
valve according
3 is a multi-fuel
Conference, CFB
Purdue power
primarily on crude oil quality, refin-
monitoring, Gulftronic t
Electrostatic Separators with that
2012. typically
Figure result
2 Upset(LRGCC),
that a
resilience Norman,
produces efficient
of Oklahoma,
very design
low or
Table Corrosion
3 alloy are
isalsosuitable considered
Source: and
Shell 2010.
analysisbe ability
(Fluid and
when increased
with capacity.
as LNG,
it has
2005.. in gas
the from (Houston)
22, 1,
Technology carbon
455-462.* $which 2000/ton
or with steel
and Z=struc-
worked $the
close 3.2 burns
at tinuity
16 the
Further reading
two B,1.0 feed
Jun 2014.
coal mix.
the desalter.
is located
the Group. with
make With
a facilities,
over 26
ed.years of
acidm ̇ will
However, gas = H,andenable
mass when metal
flow (kg/s) robust
stack operations
emissions.a mate- key
Center, safetyBoyce,N,risks. for
Louisiana sour gas ringopera- Additionally,
4 Alloy
superior traditional resistancefor
steel new literature,
ship to designs than cap-
4, 2010,
4 tural
oil/water elementsFroment
emulsion, of G F,a Mechanistic
separating have
the derivedThis
2 Feistel
1 Guercio V article provides
J, Influence
US of a
producing, range
exporting of can-
He has
for more 20
to φ 1.0 = when alternate but ) ofsuitable Some crudes
n& value are is difficult
closeactivity, to to the desalt,
ideal to allowable
9 NACEas a principal
MR0103-2003, technical professional.
Materials Resistant He gas treating: findings of laboratory simulations extensive separation and fluid clarification
during forandchanging treated
effective flowgas
sea specifications.
area (m
25 •
Control of C-834
process high related hazards low years ital
Alleghenycosts are
Technologies expected Inc., Pittsburgh, beManager
rial the most corrosive sour gas tions, and cheaper Jto build.
modeling multi-fuel
of tothe plant
burns complexpri- on the offshore
slurry oil, Oilcapacity Gas oil
of a anddry-running
Journal, 4 Oct 2010.gas pipelines,
hydrogen and in hydrogen
the design sulphide-induced
and implementation
has helped
to deposited
Sulphide the
Stress on
available 2 stainless
Cracking oil, inand
more than
property steel.
Corrosive didate
of richk as
amine materials
conditions, with
extra resist-
Science India salt
Tek content
5 Drugli Min etand
dividing aal, Process
gas lowest
Corrosion column cost
’93, of
Paper No. and
feedstocks, = to many
such achieving
pressure (N/m
as vacuum ) agas step
but change
a also
oils, has
Industrial to temperature
remains instance,
2 Platts, Methodology within
Cleco’s SCOT
0.5 petroleum
and catalyst.
most undated.
integrity With of
Specifications Guide, owing
17 cracking. to aSHI
hydrocarbon the issmaller
filtration equipment
and Manager separation size
removing the salt. case,
are thesavings affected
are stainless
MS mil-
even ance
For to various
relief Houston
crude forms
TX, Innovations.
where and of corrosion.
the gashas
ing when
or Hoerbiger
NACE, holds8-12 Marand
choosing FW.a He
1993. Professional
is responsible
degree crude
applications, in Engineer
chemical for
in the = performance
density (kg/m )Research, of$3.2 the estab- The Jefftreat Ultra solvent and reduced equipment count
2007, 3 Brandl
46,= process A, Efficient
Product & Gas cooling
Liquids: USin cylinder
Caribbean systems, Service
involved Inc.,
in Houston,
technical development
κTo NACE – higher
componentsand Chemistry
increase fire
efficiency bituminous
the +
refining to
Illinoisthe corro-
million and
cleaned vapour
margin, ies,
crudes, heating
of equipment,
and Boniscoils,
form M, its
in heat
HCl ignition
Perdu exchangers,
in source
design will Bruce
pre- Vessel
blend. motion
from US states
Malviya with
National over 27 years
for a gas or
= isentropic vapour exponent relief expansion Z factors
Sscrubbers. are well below 6 Kain, 12th Int.is Corrosion Congress, Vol. 3B,
0 selectivity over car- Principal Project Engineer
sion process
Designing mechanism
of$6.7 million/year
Technology FLNG and has
coals, been
SSC. the
bachelor’s devel-
degree superior
in control
air Hsweet
America, Jan 2012.
Itatermalso the
has worldwide.
of enhanced
experience in process.
and training with EPC and FCC/RFCC licensors
Vessel motion the due process toin industries.
wind andHe
pathVQuann protected
= Rvolumepurchase
J, the from
(m Z)from further
factors contam-
are and
for lead
corrosion to0.8 substantial
heater of the desalter.
of API’s
her 2 main
and long
of interest
Conference, discharge pay-
J A, with
Purdue Oil
NACE, processing
of Technology
Hoerbiger courses
1993. With
Service at technical
waste, receive
chemical demand,
and jointly
engineering Modeling
paper with the
MNIT, Huntsman
(m /s) back
potential dioxide
3 Silverman
distillation, uses
refinery (CO
L D, Winkler
in the) at
S, Tiethof
more VR temper-
and energy
density waves
holds C BSc, is
its MSc,the
asphaltenes and key
introduction DEngr limiting
degrees in factor
in chemical in
ination. In some cases, especially isfor owner companies and
Resistance to Hydrogen Induced Cracking. between laboratory data
2 and field survey, presented
forecasting his
for work
all at
business various units. conferences.
With over He
dV =blends incremental
change lowest
volume cost, High salt content in heavy and
to 1.0, suggesting ideal gas behav- fluid in the two phase region, the John Ladd isfor ofaSolutions REE Engineer/
University, 2010. 7
development commercial applications,
complex petroleum the highly selec-
atures and
A, Matrix
is therefore
effects in catalytic
capable of Significance
engineering plants
and on-line
MBA degree, crude oil
all from the
m introduces
C E, Alloy
heavy the
Hatcher the
and 825
mass Nneed
flexibility to
is Suppl
sour for
into or
opportu- addi-
of G ofS designs
1441.to direct
out and
operators nuclear
4 and
C D, operating
C591/057/2001 systems.
Development deploying
Compressor a adopter
experience, floating
analyst chemical
an scoping studies and commissioning, he holds used LNG
holds Ultra
Hoerbigera facilities
Service Alloy
Health the non-ideal
Perspectives, 1998, isentropic
106, expan-
6, cracking,
achieving integrationultra low method
at the
NPRA stated
emissions. by
annual analysis
Gerhard Schiroky
Smaller for
plants optimised is Principal
costindex desalting
less Scientist with
tive Jefftreat Ultra solvent and •Robert abuild.
University of Kansas.
many The
Weiland gas
is alloy
cycles conditioning
looking ofcontains
R consideredPredicting Unit
salt further
fog a and high
3 facilities
deposition Control
of piston a
Giglio of isvessel
for Oklahoma,
Vice collision
President lengthy hazards
Feb 2014.
2vs of shut-
Strategic In USA.harsh
in in
mechanical environments.
of Oklahoma.
a MA degree from the University of San Diego.
The Once
from aa function
Massachusetts dis-
nity crudes which are blended with important Email:desalting if process comprises the
Figure 8 (A)
a in index
accumula- residue density (B) Reactivity as
meeting, 23-25 Mar 1986, W estin Bonaventure
6 Quann
corrosion coefficient
J, Jaffe
in Catalysts
units,various results
Technologies’ Reid as API
in Gas The
18 van results
Roji incatalyst
J, Klinkenbijl significantly adds
Nellen larger Email:
P, Sourisseau
ali_arshad@pall.com there is andsubstantial
ofand nickel,
and drying,
crude as well its
pitting as intitanium
corrosion 2010 renewa- and
may Ultra
of density
Planning Alloy 825
andand provides
Hotel Los Angeles, California. C asphaltenes
Business Developmentgood
and yield
with tillation
of column
operations: application that
lumping: 15%oils.
asdescribing theTherefore
larger relief
chemistry ofthe
complex salt required
tion in heat exchanger
area tubes due
compared to teksutikno@aol.com
Email: gerhard.schiroky@swagelok.com

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108 PTQ Q4 2018
www.digitialrefining.com PTQ Q3
Q4 20206959
Q3 2019 29
64 www.eptq.com
PTQ Q1 2018
www.eptq.com PTQ
PTQ 2019 55 51
38 PTQ Q4 2017 PTQ
PTQQ2 2020 77
www.eptq.com 45
q2 vmg.indd 7 13/03/2018 14:35

q1 Q3 GA.indd 55 2
foster.indd 13/06/2017
14/09/2018 09:02
q1 outokumpu.indd
q3modcon.indd 9 2 638
swagelok.indd 17/09/2019
13/06/2020 13:34
q2 q3 hoerbiger.indd 13/06/2019 19:19
q1 fluor.indd
q4 shell.indd
20 dwc.indd52 5 11/03/2019
16/12/2019 20:58
15/09/2017 14:39
Measurement in the Hydrocracker
Hydrocracking is a process used to process
heavy feedstock residues, such as atmospheric
and vacuum residue. Fresh catalyst is
continuously added and used catalyst is
withdrawn, improving product quality over
time. To promote safe and efficient heavy oil
processing, a reliable measurement and
density profiling is needed for control of
critical process stages.

+1 800 FOR LEVEL


Reliable Convenient Cost-effective

Safe measurement unaffected Compact design Continuous measurement
by process characteristics allows effective process control

vega.indd 1 11/06/2020 12:18

Boosting mild hydrocracking performance
Optimising its mild hydrocracking operations using new catalyst developments
enabled a refinery to meet more complex targets for fuel quality



ue to more complex refinery
targets, increasing demand 160 200
for high quality fuels, and 188

Full-range FCC naphtha sulphur, wt ppm

MHC diesel sulphur
140 175
reduced refinery operating mar- FCC naphtha sulphur
gins worldwide, many refiners
MHC diesel sulphur, wt ppm
120 163
are looking for opportunities to 138
expand (either with new units or 100 125
via revamps of existing units), or 113
80 100
are considering innovative, high
efficiency catalyst solutions for their 60 75
current processes. 63
Implementation of new Inter- 40 50
national Maritime Organization reg- 38
20 25
ulations (IMO 2020) has also pushed
refineries to operate under more 0 0
stringent conditions in order to pro- 0 200 400 600 800 1000
duce bunker fuels with less than FCC feed 360˚C + (TBP) sulphur, wt ppm
0.5 wt% sulphur, while balancing the
refinery yields of middle distillate Figure 1 Relationship between MHC diesel, FCC naphtha and FCC feed sulphur content
and the feed streams to fluid cata-
lytic cracking (FCC) units. and a less than ideal density for the illustrates the feed sulphur require-
For many years, the mild hydro- middle distillate fractions. ment to meet MHC diesel and FCC
cracking (MHC) process has been a Recently developed MHC technol- naphtha specifications. This also
key conversion technology used to ogies have become available to coun- clearly shows the need for a deep
increase yields of middle distillates terbalance this requirement as well hydrodesulphurisation (HDS) con-
and improve downstream conver- as to minimise capital requirements version (>99%) for a medium to
sion and product quality in FCC and operating costs compared to a high VGO sulphur feed (>2 wt%) in
operations. However, the contin- conventional MHC unit. order to comply with the 10 wtppm
ued development of new, improved This article presents ways to opti- ULSD specification.
catalysts for hydrotreating and mise MHC operations as well as pro- Furthermore, when a refinery
hydrocracking is crucial in mak- viding an overview of industrial and is targeting Euro V product spec-
ing it possible to comply with sul- research experience within the field ifications, the operating pressure
phur specifications in gasoline and of MHC. has a huge impact on reaching
ultra low sulphur diesel (ULSD). The article also examines the the required maximum density of
Improved hydrocracking technology practical results obtained from an 845 kg/m3.
and catalyst solutions are emerging MHC revamp using Topsoe cata- A minimum conversion of 40%
all the time to help refineries over- lyst technology undertaken in 2019 and a hydrogen partial pressure
come these challenges. by a European refinery company above 110 barg are required to
– Compañia Española de Petróleos obtain a minimum specific gravity
Background S.A. (Cepsa) – and explains the sig- of 0.845 in a full-range diesel prod-
A conventional MHC unit operates nificant new conversion capabilities uct (see Figure 2). If the refinery’s
at a design hydrogen partial pressure that have been achieved with this diesel hydrotreating capacity makes
of 50-100 barg and a space velocity of set-up. it possible, blending the MHC die-
0.5-1.2 h-1 normally provides a true sel with a low density diesel is nor-
conversion within the 5-30% range. Process limitations in MHC mally feasible. However, doing so
However, high operating temper- Partial conversion – also known as would then be at the cost of reduced
atures are required to achieve any MHC – has been the main source kerosene (Jet A-1) output and the
specific conversion target, resulting of feed preparation for refinery ability to meet specifications for the
in overtreating of the heavy products FCC units for many years. Figure 1 smoke point.

www.digitalrefining.com PTQ Q3 2020 89

q3 haldor.indd 1 15/06/2020 13:11

Technical and geographical
Full-range diesel (150–360˚C) specific gravity
0.90 differences abound
MHC units are all designed differ-
ently, especially in terms of space
0.88 velocity and hydrogen partial pres-
0.87 sure. The crude slate and feed qual-
ity also vary considerably. Any
refinery’s ability to reach desired
0.85 product specifications depends
0.84 heavily on factors that include crude
availability and refinery location.
130 barg
110 barg
The differences in operating
50 barg parameters for MHC units fre-
0.81 Euro V specification quently encountered on different
continents are shown in Figure 3.
30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 European Refineries Group A is
Conversion 360 ˚C +, wt% normally characterised by low feed
sulphur and high space velocity,
Figure 2 Full-range diesel specific gravity mapped against conversion which makes it difficult to achieve
MHC mode, while European
Refineries Group B has good poten-
tial for increased conversion due
45 to the designed-in low space veloc-
40 ity. North American refineries
Conversion 360˚C + wt%

are usually configured for a low

space velocity and high pressure,
30 while aiming for low sulphur (<300
25 wtppm) FCC production. This
enables these refineries to achieve
high conversion. Refineries in Asia
Europe Group A
Europe Group B
and Latin America usually process
10 North America mid-to high sulphur vacuum gasoil
Asia (VGO >1.8 wt%), paving the way to
5 Latin America increases in conversion despite the
0 low space velocity design.
355 360 365 370 375 380 385 390 395 400 405
Reactor WABT, ˚C
Topsoe catalyst and technology
Figure 3 Conversion performance in commercial MHC units used in different parts of the world solutions
Conventional MHC technology tar-
gets a higher cetane index and bet-
Comparison between a conventional MHC and Topsoe technology
ter kerosene properties, which can
only be achieved in a MHC conver-
Feed composition HVGO
Specific gravity, sg 0.913 sion if the hydrogen partial pressure
Sulphur, wt% 1.33 increases by 60%.
Nitrogen, wt ppm 1122 Topsoe, on the other hand, has
Distillation D-1160°C
invested significantly in developing
IBP 315
10% 378 innovative catalyst technology solu-
50% 434 tions for MHC processes. Topsoe
90% 505 configurations are able to maximise
FBP 548
the diesel uplift, while still maintain-
Reactor conditions Conventional MHC Topsoe technology
Reactor hydrogen partial pressure, barg 100 100 ing the HDS requirement at lower
Gross conversion, vol% 30 30 conversion levels and with lower
Overall LHSV, h-1 0.63 0.7 hydrogen consumption than any
PT/HC catalyst, vol% 75/25 65/35
conventional high pressure MHC
Kerosene, 150-250°C, vol% FF 8 10
Diesel, 250-360°C, vol% FF 23 18 technology. A typical comparison is
UCO, 360°C, vol% FF 8 10 shown in Table 1.
Kerosene smoke point, mm 15 20 Topsoe provides selective, top tier
Kerosene specific gravity, sg 0.84 0.825
catalysts that enhance catalyst sta-
Diesel specific gravity, sg 0.874 0.845
Diesel cetane index, adim 46 48 bility in a wide range of operating
conditions. The ratio between hydro-
Table 1 treating catalyst and hydrocracking

90 PTQ Q3 2020 www.digitalrefining.com

q3 haldor.indd 2 15/06/2020 13:11

catalyst is also a factor to take into
consideration when selecting the 60
most effective catalyst loading for a
particular unit, because an optimised 50
loading will determine levels of prof-

True conversion 360˚C+, wt%

itability in the refinery complex as a 40
Hydrocracking catalyst
whole – and specifically the operat- sub-utilisation
ing synergy between the MHC and Hydrocracking catalyst
FCC units. utilisation
The HDS and hydrogenation
capacities of the catalyst are cru- 20
cial to keep product sulphur levels
low for as long as possible. When a 10
100% Hydrotreating loading performance
50% Hydrotreating + 50% hydrocracking
hydrocracking catalyst is required in loading performance
this process, nitrogen slippage and 0
ammonia partial pressure are the Reactor WABT, ˚C
deciding factors. High nitrogen slip
hinders aromatic saturation capabil- Figure 4 100% Hydrotreating vs 50% hydrotreating – 50% hydrocracking loading
ity, which considerably suppresses performance in a low to medium pressure MHC unit
the capabilities of the cracking cata-
lyst. An illustrative example of opti- hourly liquid space velocity of 1.3 h-1 from 12 wt% to 27 wt% with 1.8 wt%
mal hydrotreating vs hydrotreating/ and hydrogen partial pressure of 50 sulphur in the feed.
hydrocracking utilisation in a low barg, aiming at a maximum true con- The unit installed at Gibraltar San
to medium range hydrogen partial version of 12 wt%. The unit has oper- Roque is designed to process 4900
pressure is shown in Figure 4. ated using Topsoe catalysts for more t/d of a blend of 20 vol% heavy gas-
This is why Topsoe has launched than 10 years. oil (HGO) from an atmospheric dis-
new catalyst formulations based on Due to an increase in market tillation unit (ADU), 15 vol% light
the HyBRIM and HySwell technol- demand for middle distillates, Cepsa VGO (LVGO), and 65 vol% heavy
ogies, including individual prod- launched a project to investigate VGO (HVGO) from a vacuum distil-
ucts such as TK-564 HyBRIM and how to maximise conversion. This lation unit (VDU). The layout of the
TK-6001 HySwell to enhance catalyst resulted in a revamp, consisting of new MHC unit at the Gibraltar San
activity and stability along the tar- installing a new reactor in series Roque refinery is shown in Figure 5.
geted cycle. with the existing reactor, along The main heater only heats the
with other modifications in order treat gas phase, so the unit is con-
Case study to adapt the unit to the new middle figured with a stripper downstream
The following case study is based on distillate yield. The installation of a from which naphtha and kerosene
the MHC unit at the Cepsa-owned second reactor also made it possible cuts are drawn, while the diesel and
Gibraltar San Roque refinery. This to reduce the space velocity from sweet VGO fractions are drawn from
particular MHC unit was originally 1.3 to 0.65 h-1, paving the way to an the vacuum tower. The naphtha cut
designed with a single reactor for an increase of true conversion at 383°C+ produced from the MHC is sent to

Cepsa MHC unit

Amine Fuel gas Gas unit

Make up Make up/recycle Hot
H2 gas compressor separator
separator Splitter/
Splitter Naphtha platforming

Reactor Reactor
Reactors No. 1 No. 2 Furnace
Stripper Kerosene
furnace No. 2

ADU HGO blending
tower Diesel
Filtration Feed
system drum
VDU Feed/effluent
HVGO heat exchanger

VGO FCC unit

Figure 5 Layout of new MHC unit at Cepsa Gibraltar San Roque refinery

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the platforming unit after the lighter
34.00 45.00 part is drawn, while the diesel and
kerosene cuts are sent to the blend-
40.00 ing pool. Pretreated VGO from the
unit is combined with straight-run
True conversion 383˚C+, wt%

Full-range diesel (150–383˚C)

30.00 VGO from the storage tank and pro-
30.00 cessed in the FCC.
28.00 25.00 After the revamp, Cepsa had two
catalyst loading options to choose
26.00 20.00 between: a 100% hydrotreating load-
Feed 383˚C+ : 82 wt% 15.00 ing or a loading split between hydro-
treating and hydrocracking catalysts.
Feed sulphur: 1.6 wt%
Feed nitrogen: 998 wt ppm
True conversion
Feed final boiling point (TBP): 598˚C
Hydrogen partial pressure: 50 barg
Cepsa evaluated the Topsoe catalyst
22.00 Middle distillate yields Hydrogen to oil ratio: 320 Nm3/m3 5.00 proposal against those from several
competitors, resulting in Topsoe
20.00 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 being awarded the contract for the
dWABT, ˚C full hydrotreating solution for two
consecutive cycles.
Figure 6 Revamped MHC unit with fully hydrotreating Topsoe catalyst This technical decision was based
on pilot plant tests conducted at the
Cepsa Research Center in Madrid,
140 450 where the full hydrotreating con-
Full-range diesel and heavy gasoil sulphur, wt ppm

figuration proposed by Topsoe was

120 found to provide the required true

Heavy gasoil nitrogen, wt ppm

350 conversion at 383°C+, which was
comparable to the combined hydro-
treating and hydrocracking option
80 250 from other catalyst suppliers. The
full hydrotreating loading provided
lower naphtha yields, while the sul-
150 phur and density in the diesel and
100 HGO fractions were slightly better.
Full-range diesel sulphur
Heavy gasoil sulphur
The overall findings are that in
Heavy gasoil nitrogen
50 units that operate with a hydrogen
0 0 partial pressure below roughly 80
23 25 27 29 31 33 barg, the zeolite and amorphous
True conversion 383˚C+, wt% silica-alumina catalyst are largely
affected due to organic nitrogen slip
Figure 7 Product sulphur from the different fractions and generated ammonia partial pres-
sure, which together lead to a high
deactivation and loss of conversion.
Once the new unit had been com-
50.0 10.0 missioned and operating steadily for
several weeks, Cepsa and Topsoe
conducted a performance test run
Diesel total and monoaromatic, wt%

45.0 guarantee (PTRG) in order to secure
a detailed evaluation of the catalyst
Di, tri+ aromatics, wt%

Total aromatic, wt%

Monoaromatic, wt%
8.0 performance in terms of conversion
Diaromatic, wt% and selectivity at the closest design
Tri+ aromatic, wt% 7.0 condition.
35.0 The true conversion and total
6.0 middle distillates (full-range die-
sel) results are shown in Figure 6.
The catalyst performance was as
expected from the pilot plant test
and technical recommendations
25.0 4.0
23 25 27 29 31 33 from Topsoe. Significantly, the unit
True conversion 383˚C+, wt% was able to exceed the predicted
true conversion targeted by Cepsa
(27 wt%) and to achieve much higher
Figure 8 Diesel aromatic distribution mapped against true conversion true conversion (33 wt%). This result

92 PTQ Q3 2020 www.digitalrefining.com

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provides an indication that Cepsa is
now able to produce approximately 30.0 2.0
4 wt% higher middle distillate with

Kerosene total and monoaromatic, wt%

a small reduction in cycle length, 25.0
amounting to a couple of months. 1.6
Furthermore, the unit was able to

Di, tri+ aromatics, wt%

achieve total product sulphur below 1.2
100 wtppm in the heavy fraction and
less than 40 wtppm in the full-range 15.0 Total aromatic, wt%
diesel at the targeted conversion (see Monoaromatic, wt% 0.8
Figure 7). The lower diesel sulphur 10.0 Diaromatic, wt%
Tri+ aromatic, wt%
content increased flexibility in the
refinery´s diesel pool because it is 5.0
now possible to blend MHC diesel 0.2
with low density diesel in order to 0.0 0.0
optimise the refinery’s diesel hydro- 23 25 27 29 31 33
treating capacity in accordance with True conversion 383˚C+, wt%
current operating requirements.
A huge improvement was also Figure 9 Kerosene aromatic distribution mapped against true conversion
observed in HGO nitrogen, which
was less than 400 wtppm, resulting of 0.6 kg/m3 per 1% conversion (see mode, the unit achieves the best
in a notably positive impact on FCC Figure 10). delta product value per barrel per
conversion results. The observed reduction in mon- stream day (b/d) in comparison to
Aromatic distribution as a func- oaromatic is crucial in the devel- before the revamp. This amounts
tion of applied true conversion in opment of new catalysts to boost to approximately $0.75/b/d, based
the various fractions was also care- hydrodenitrogenation (HDN)/HDS on average 2019 prices, due to the
fully monitored during the test run. activity in order to remove the most higher middle distillate added value
Details of the results are shown in refractive compounds and maximise versus HVGO products.
Figures 8-10. aromatic saturation. • Secondary mode – HDS mode,
A slight increase in the total aro- aiming at middle distillate sulphur
matics wt% was observed in the Cepsa MHC operation and its impact specification and maximising pre-
diesel fraction (see Figure 8). This on FCC conversion treated FCC feed flow rate. In HDS
increase is mainly the result of an After the PTRG had been carried mode, a slightly lower basic nitrogen
accumulation of polyaromatics out, operation of the MHC unit compared to before the revamp was
caused by the thermodynamic equi- was alternated between three dif- observed. This also provides benefits
librium between paraffins/naph- ferent modes, in accordance with for FCC operations.
thenes at a given unit operating the refiner’s day-to-day planning • Alternative mode – maximum
pressure and temperature. However, optimisation: hydrodearomatisation/hydrode-
the mono-aromatic content remains • Primary mode – maximum con- nitrogenation mode (HDA)/HDN,
similar – as expected – due to equi- version mode, aiming to maximise aiming at the optimal MHC conver-
librium limitation. middle distillate production. In this sion range to maximise FCC total
The density penalty due to the
increase in aromatics was found
to be approximately 1.5 kg/m3 per 50.0 11.0
1% conversion. However, the diesel
density was lower than before the 45.0 10.0
VGO total and monoaromatic, wt%

The kerosene fraction shows a 9.0
Di, tri+ aromatics, wt%

more significant increase in the total
aromatics wt% (see Figure 9). The 8.0
Total aromatic, wt%
accumulation of diaromatic is the 35.0
Monoaromatic, wt%
result of the polyaromatic content Diaromatic, wt%
being higher than 10 vol%, which 30.0 Tri+ aromatic, wt%
creates a challenge to produce A-1
quality jet fuel. The density penalty 25.0 5.0
was observed to be approximately
1 kg/m3 per 1% conversion.
20.0 4.0
In the VGO fraction, low product 23 25 27 29 31 33
nitrogen promotes monoaromatic True conversion 383˚C+, wt%
saturation, which in turn reduces
the density of the fraction by a factor Figure 10 HGO aromatic distribution mapped against true conversion

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partial pressure is clearly affected by
3000 50 equilibrium constraints at different
HDS zone Max HDA + HDN zone Max conversion

Aromatic content FCC combined FCC, wt%

(tank+pretreated from MHC), wt ppm 2800
As Figure 11 shows, the reac-
Nitrogen content FCC combined feed

2600 tor dWABT has to be increased by
2400 approximately 55°C in order to
switch from HDS to MHC mode –
which substantially affects removal
2000 35 of both nitrogen and aromatics.
1800 Optimised MHC and FCC oper-
30 ations therefore depend strongly
on the combination of nitrogen and
25 aromatic content. To deal with this,
1200 Cepsa has developed three specific
customised FCC correlations, as a
1000 20
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 function of the following parameters:
dWABT MHC unit, ˚C • Feed total aromatic content,
Nitrogen content crude type 2, ppm wt Nitrogen content crude type 1, ppm wt hydrogen content, UOP K factor
Nitrogen content crude type 3, ppm wt Aromatic content crude type 3, wt% • Feed total nitrogen, FCC
Aromatic content crude type 2, wt% Aromatic content crude type 1, wt%
• Feed UOP K factor, FCC
Figure 11 Correlation between feed nitrogen and aromatic content to the FCC with conversion
respect to different MHC operating mode zones An example is shown in Figure
12 for crude type 3, showing the
conversion. In light of the imple- delta WABT (dWABT) are shown correlation of FCC conversion and
mentation of IMO 2020 require- in Figure 11. Three different typical delta FCC profit (b/d) against dif-
ments featuring low sulphur and crudes (types 1, 2 and 3) that were ferent operating modes and two dif-
high nitrogen crudes, a third operat- processed in the unit had different ferent FCC feed quality cases. The
ing mode was considered by taking levels of nitrogen and aromatics. blue lines consider a pure feed from
into account FCC total yields versus The lowest combined feed nitrogen MHC, while the green lines corre-
MHC performance. and aromatic content are directly spond to the combined straight-run
The compromise between FCC dependent on the feed content from VGO from tank and feed MHC.
feed nitrogen and aromatic content the tank and the applied MHC gross The dotted lines show the isolated
(combined straight-run VGO from conversion. MHC product nitrogen nitrogen impact on FCC yields. On
the tank and pretreated VGO from removal is driven by kinetics, while the one hand, the green case pre-
the MHC) and the required reactor aromatic saturation at unit hydrogen sents maximum FCC conversion at
the highest HDN range, where the
combined feed nitrogen balance
2.5 0.25
HDS zone Max HDN + HDA zone Conversion to FCC is the lowest. On the other
hand, when only MHC feed is pro-

2 0.2 cessed, the data shows maximum

FCC conversion at the highest MHC
Delta FCC conversion, wt%

WABT, corresponding to maximum


1.5 0.15 nitrogen removal.

The straight lines show the com-
bined nitrogen and aromatic impact
1 0.1
on total FCC yields for the two cases
explained here. Maximum FCC con-
0.5 0.05 version is seen at the higher MHC
WABT over the HDA/HDN zone.
By contrast, the combined feed case
0 0 gives a best result at the lowest
0 10 20 30 40 50
WABT range within the HDA/HDN
zone, as the result of the impact of
US$/BPSD FCC (MHC feed) US$/BPSD FCC (combined feed: MHC+tank) lower aromatic balance content on
FCC yields.
dConversion FCC Aro+N contribution dConversion FCC Aro+N contribution
(MHC feed), wt% (combined feed MHC+tank), wt%
dConversion FCC - N contribution
(MHC feed), wt%
dConversion FCC - N contribution
(combined feed MHC+tank), wt%
The best delta FCC profit (b/d)
for each mode corresponds to the
same observed peaks, showing an
Figure 12 Correlation between FCC conversion and FCC delta profit with respect to optimum operational MHC WABT
different MHC operating mode zones window for the following scenarios

94 PTQ Q3 2020 www.digitalrefining.com

q3 haldor.indd 6 15/06/2020 13:11

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11/06/2020 AM
compels refineries to look for new
60 52 solutions.
47 In this respect, Cepsa is working
50 on the following alternatives:
Normalised F/E heat exchanger outlet


True conversion 383˚C+, wt%

• Co-processing of high sulphur and
40 37 cracked feed to compensate for the
temperature / dWABT, ˚C

32 low sulphur scenario, which will

lead to a higher deactivation rate.
• Collaboration between Topsoe,
20 IMO 2020: Low
sulphur scenario
22 Cepsa Refinery, and the Cepsa
10 17 Research Center to consider load-
ing new catalyst formulations based
0 on Topsoe HyBRIM technologies in
7 order to boost HDN/HDS activity
-10 2 and to be able to remove the most
0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 refractive compounds, while max-
Run days
imising aromatic saturation at the
F/E heat exchanger fouling, ˚C dWABT, ˚C same time.
True conversion 383˚C+ model prediction, wt% True conversion 383˚C+, wt% • Evaluating new, sweeter crude
blends – such as CPC, Azeri light,
Figure 13 Delta WABT change and true conversion at 383°C + cut point Bonny light, Saharan, and Eagle
Ford – in order to identify those
at the Cepsa Gibraltar San Roque MHC feed blend has fallen from 1.8 that cause severe fouling problems
refinery: wt% to 0.8 wt%. This feed change in feed/effluent heat exchanger
• Maximise FCC conversion depend- has been a challenge in maximising networks.
ing on FCC/MHC margins and the unit’s profit margin because of • Developing different customised
VGO prices/availability its impact on general unit perfor- correlations in the fluid catalytic
• Maximise nitrogen removal when mance, product yields, and product cracker in order to identify the MHC
processing high nitrogen content quality. The lower sulphur content operations that are most effective for
crudes, avoiding basic nitrogen in has also reduced the conversion to maximising FCC conversion under
FCC products with minimum FCC middle distillate as a result of less different feed scenarios.
yields impact. HDS contribution. Moreover, lower
Under the current scenario and mean average boiling range shift in Future considerations
with installation of Topsoe cata- the feed had forced the refinery to In order to overcome potential
lysts after the revamp, a huge ben- operate the unit at a higher severity refinery limitations resulting from
efit is seen when MHC and FCC in order to compensate for conver- implementation of the new IMO reg-
units are operated integrally. Cepsa sion losses. ulations, refiners need to optimise
has registered a benefit from low- The temperatures involved in MHC units to maintain or maximise
ering the basic nitrogen by 150 wt operating the unit at a higher sever- refinery operating margins.
ppm and the aromatic content by ity had a negative effect on the cycle Simply switching to sweeter
1.6% wt on average over 2019. The length, especially when processing crude slates to meet the new bun-
FCC unit performance shows 1.5–2 heavy feed blends due to the higher ker fuel limitation within the new
wt% higher conversion compared risk of coking, and has forced the sulphur specification (0.5 wt%) rep-
to before the revamp, equivalent reactor furnace to operate near its resents a high cost in refinery opex,
to approximately $0.15–0.2/b/d in design limits. As Figure 13 shows, because the lower middle distillates
refinery delta profit. increased fouling of the feed/efflu- yields thus obtained are heavily
In addition, the lower sulphur ent heat exchanger (resulting in affected by:
content observed in gasoline from lower normalised heat exchanger • More frequent heat exchanger
FCC has relaxed the hydrotreating outlet temperature) was observed fouling
requirements to meet the sulphur with the low sulphur scenario in • Heater and heat exchanger limi-
specification gasoline pool. Lower compliance with IMO 2020. This tations in units that depend on heat
NOx and SOx were also observed. imposes a new operational limit that integration
prevents the unit from reaching the • Higher deactivation rates when
IMO regulations and their impact required end-of-run temperatures. processing high density crudes
on MHC unit operation This new scenario – along with This makes it important to imple-
Since the new IMO regulations came more complex refinery targets due ment innovative catalyst and tech-
into force in 2020, crude baskets at to the demand for higher fuel qual- nology strategies to buffer the
Cepsa refineries have shifted sig- ity, volatile oil prices, and reduced impact of the IMO 2020 regulations
nificantly, from medium sulphur to refinery margins worldwide – repre- and ensure long, uninterrupted
very low sulphur feeds. As a result, sents a key challenge with regard to operation in order to remain profit-
the average sulphur content of the meeting refinery targets. This in turn able in the volatile oil market, while

96 PTQ Q3 2020 www.digitalrefining.com

q3 haldor.indd 7 15/06/2020 13:11

Maximise availability-to-plan for optimum operations
Beyond with
complying the all sustainability implications, and
appropriate environmental compa-safety
nies also
stand to
gain financially
that answers
want clear comes with
as a result
more uptime.
to questions
of the
such as:
• What the mosthavedifficult
optimisedfeed Itheir maintenance
can process in my existingpro-
unit, to reduce
without needing unplanned
to revampshutdowns
it? have realised
• Do I need payback
to incorporateon their investment incatalyst
a hydrocracking predictiveif my
unit operates technology.
at 60–70 barg?
• WhatFor example,
is the minimum one refinery
capex suffering
if I wish to from repeated
maximise our
conversion compressor failures was able to reduce
• What is thetime maximumby eight days thanks
conversion to a with
I can obtain 35-day low
sulphur by only using prediction.
hydrotreating In addition,
catalysts?the cost for
For instance,
planned careful was
maintenance consideration
less than 30% of the of thefollowing
aspects is highly recommended:
of emergency repairs. Other oil and gas companies
• New
predictive and maintenance
technology solutions:solutions newhave catalysts,
stories.combinations, are available for a broad range of
Unplanned conditions
shutdownsand specific
cost oil feedand compositions.
gas companiesIn
the MHC field,
significant sums Topsoe
year. One technologies
source estimatesand catalyst
equipment to meet refineries’
failures causingtargetsunplanned with the ideal capex/
downtime cost
oil balance
opex and gasincompanies
a challenging era where
an annual new investments
average of $42 mil-in
lion expansions
and up to $88 (greenfield
million in installations)
the worst case or unit revamps
areThe required
US Departmentin order to of overcome
Energy reported increasing 1700 operating
downs at refineries between 2006 and 2017; 46% were
• Challenges
due to mechanical breakdown.
from processing new feed blends within design
Just eliminating a portion
boundaries: a new feedof can
the be highly beneficial
abnormal events
andthat rob an operation of productivity (IRR).
yield a higher internal rate of return can add However,
lionsareofalso lots of
dollars tobenefits
the bottom to be line.
gained Andfrom whenfactoring
panies are able in terms of fouling,
to quantify higherhow
exactly deactivation,
much any and
catalyst volume requirements, in addition
particular event affects revenue, they know exactly to process impacts
at where
the back toend.
targetTo deal
theirwith these concerns,
technology strategy it isfor
impact. with suppliers of the most effective technolo-
gies and catalysts in order to achieve the best results.
• In-depth experience with the practical details of refinery
operations: every refinery works differently due to the spe-
Companies that implement this technology first can
cifics of unit integrations. This almost always means that
put themselves at a distinct competitive advantage,
there is a strong need for customised solutions in order to
reaching new levels of profitability while also main-
maximise refinery operating margins.
taining their ‘social licence to operate’ with improved
Despite refineries currently navigating unprecedented
safety and sustainability performance. Many are
market uncertainties and with unknown future operating
already putting the solutions in place to help them
scenarios throughout all forms of business derived from
avoid the most dangerous conditions, reduce green-
fossil fuels, an optimised refinery integration, stream man-
house gas emissions and maintain the most efficient
agement, and working side by side with an experienced,
expert catalyst supplier should all be taken into considera-
tionAs companies
in order to stayfaceahead growing
in a fiercelypressures from share-
competitive market.
holders, regulators, and consumers alike, the need for
Xavier may
Enrique well
Ruiz be greater
Maldonado than ever
is a Principal butService
Technical so tooEngineer
is the in
theneed forBusiness
Refinery sustainability
Unit of Haldorand environmental
Topsoe A/S, Denmark. Heefficiency.
is responsible
forBy Tailor-made performance begins by putting
providing risk
technical and uncertainty
assistance on hydrotreating through the imple-
and hydrocracking units.
He holds a master‘s degree in chemical engineering from Simón Bolívar
mentation of the advanced technology solutions avail- your needs center stage. Services offered by
University in Venezuela and a petroleum studies degree from the French
able today, companies can put themselves in the best HOERBIGER provide long-term improvements
Institute of Petroleum. Email: xerm@topsoe.com
Carlos Mostaza to Prieto
win in is the marketplace
a Senior of tomorrow.
Process Engineer at Cepsa Gibraltar San in reliability, efficiency and environmental
Roque refinery. He graduated in chemical engineering from Complutense soundness. The goal: to make your plant run
University, Madrid, and holds a master‘s degree in chemical process even more profitably.
John Hague
engineering is Executive
from the Vice Email:
same university. President, Operations, at Aspen
José Inc. HeUtrera
Carlos Espinazo is responsible for the Manager
is an Operations Global Sales, Customer
at Cepsa Gibraltar
SanSuccess, Product His
Roque refinery. Marketing and Partners include
main responsibilities organisations, as long-term
daily and well as px.hoerbiger.com
the Asset turndowns
operations, Performance andManagement
start-up unit (APM) business and
supervision, unit.maintenance
He joined
AspenTech He
coordination. in graduated
1995 andinhas previously
chemical held afrom
engineering number
Spain. roles, including senior vice president, Middle East
Email: josecarlos.espinazo@cepsa.com
and Pierna
Javier head ofRodríguez
global accounts.
is a FCCPrior to joining
Process EngineerAspenTech, he worked
at Cepsa Gibraltar San
for Conoco,
Roque refinery. Inc., Advanced in
He graduated Pipeline Technologies,
chemical engineeringInc.
University, Madrid, and holds
Software-Intercomp (SSI). aHemaster‘s degreeBSfrom
holds both andthe
MBA French Institute
degrees fromof
Oklahoma Email:

www.digitalrefining.com PTQ Q3PTQ
2020 97
Q2 2020 91

q3 Q2
haldor.indd 8
aspentech.indd 3 15/06/2020 13:11 12:43
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Troubleshooting premature tower flooding
Thorough analysis of field data and tray hydraulics together with gamma scanning were
key factors in the successful troubleshooting of premature flooding in a debutaniser



looding is defined as an oper-
ating condition where liquid
accumulates in a column. It is Overhead

the most common cause of capac- Condenser

ity limitation of a separation col- Tray 48
umn.1 The build-up of liquid in a
column can initiate from a vari- C4+ from Tray 32 PD / TOP
ety of mechanisms, for instance jet depropaniser

flooding, downcomer choking, and Tray 31

backup flooding. Flooding is usu- Reflux drum
ally revealed by a sudden increase
in the column differential pressure. Tray 21

Several reasons for column mal- C4 product

functions have been reported in the C4+ from
pre-separation Reflux pump
literature. Many column malfunc-
tions related to flooding are caused Tray 20
by fouling.2 Tray 19
This is a case study of successful
troubleshooting of the premature Tray 2 PD /BTM
flooding of a debutaniser in a steam Tray 1
cracker unit. The column has been
operating well for decades and usu-
ally did not have serious problems Reboiler
during the typical five-year turn- Sealbox with downpipes

around cycle. However, during a

C5+ product to gasoline train
recent cycle the column had been
in operation for only two and a half
years since its last shutdown when
flooding was detected. Figure 1 Simplified process scheme of the debutaniser (courtesy of Linde AG)
A rapid rise in pressure drop was
measured by the plant owner in standard valve trays in the bottom of 4.75 bara (68.9 psia) and a bottom
October 2017. Shortly after that, the section below the lower feed inlet, temperature of 105°C (221°F). The
bottom product purity deteriorated, 11 one-pass standard valve trays in debutaniser is instrumented with
followed by the overhead product the middle section below the upper two differential pressure (ΔP) meas-
purity deteriorating and the column feed inlet and 17 one-pass standard urements: one ΔP measurement
operation became unstable. The feed valve trays in the top section. Each covering the top trays, Trays 21-48,
rate to the debutaniser had to be section has straight downcomers on and the other covering the bottom
reduced to achieve steady-state oper- a tray spacing of 600 mm (~24 in). trays, Trays 1-19. Polymerisation
ation again. Due to this, the column A C4+ fraction from an upstream inhibitor is fed to the upstream frac-
ultimately became a bottleneck, lim- pre-separation column is fed to the tionators to avoid polymer fouling
iting ethylene production to approx- debutaniser’s lower feed inlet and in the debutaniser.
imately 80% of plant capacity. Thus, a C4+ fraction from an upstream
it was necessary to urgently identify depropaniser is introduced to the Root cause analysis
the root cause of premature flooding debutaniser’s upper feed inlet. The First, the plant owner analysed the
and to develop a solution to over- feeds are separated into a C4 over- operational data to better under-
come the capacity bottleneck. head product and a C5+ bottom stand the flooding phenomena. A
As Figure 1 shows, the debutan- product. The column is normally sudden increase of the differen-
iser is equipped with 20 two-pass operated at an overhead pressure tial pressure across Trays 1-19 in

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could have caused blockage of the
400 160
tray active area and/or plugging in
the downcomers. Nevertheless, sev-
Load reduced by operator
eral aspects of the tray design were
350 140
studied before the entire investiga-
tion was focused on flooding caused

Pressure drop, in H2O

300 120 by fouling.
Pressure drop, mbar

Second, a hydraulic rating of the

250 100 trays was performed using plant
data from a past high load oper-
200 80 ation of the column. The results
proved that the valve trays have
sufficient capacity to accommo-
150 60
date the normal flow rates when
no plugging occurs. The calculated
100 40 overall pressure drop, including the
2: m

4: m

6: m

8: m
10 pm

12 m




10 am

12 am

2: m

4: m
static head and the pressure drop













of the overhead nozzle, matched




Time, h
the measured pressure drop of 290
Differential pressure across bottom section (Trays 1–19)
mbar (116 in H2O) for the high load
Differential pressure across middle and upper sections (Trays 21–48)
operation and hence proved the
validity of the simulation. It could
Figure 2 Differential pressure measured 4-6 October 2017 (courtesy of Linde AG) be concluded that the valve tray
design was not limiting the capacity
the bottom section was noticed in tion fouling. Hence, this observation of the column. However, there was
October 2017 (see Figure 2). Shortly was a strong indication that poly- still the possibility that the trays
after the bottom pressure drop had mer fouling in the bottom section were collapsed, which could only be
established a plateau, the pressure verified by gamma scanning.
drop across the middle and upper Gamma scanning is a non-

sections, Trays 21-48, started to Trays 21–48 intrusive investigative technique to
increase significantly. As Figure 2 diagnose malfunctions of process
shows, the pressure drop in the bot- equipment while it is in operation.
tom section went from 180 mbar to During the measurement, a gamma
350 mbar (72 in H2O to 141 in H2O), ray emitting radioactive source,
followed by the pressure drop in the 270˚ 90˚ along with a radiation detector,
middle and upper sections which are synchronously lowered down
rose from 160 mbar to 370 mbar (64 opposite sides of the column. The
in H2O to 149 in H2O). After the feed radiation beam passes through the
rate to the column was reduced, liq- process equipment and its inten-
uid build-up on the trays appeared 180˚ sity is measured by the radiation
to have immediately stopped and detector in terms of a count rate.
Detector Active area
then receded. The pressure drop Source Downcomer Interaction of the gamma ray beam
in the middle and upper sections with the column shell, internals,
decreased until the initial value was Trays 1–20
0˚ and the process fluid cause attenu-
reached again. Shortly afterwards, ation of the gamma ray, correlating
a reduction in the pressure drop to the average material density.3
in the bottom section was seen. A baseline scan had already been
Steady-state operation and a normal conducted by Tracerco on behalf
pressure drop were achieved after 270˚ 90˚ of the plant owner under normal
all the accumulated liquid receded operating conditions in August
from the trays. 2017, three months before prema-
Investigation of the pressure drop ture flooding occurred for the first
data was the first indication that the time. All trays were scanned, but
root cause of the premature flood- 180˚
only the western active areas of the
ing was in the bottom section of two-pass trays in the bottom section
the column, the reason being that Figure 3 Scanline orientations: August were scanned. The orientation of the
liquid accumulation and hence an 2017 baseline and December 2017 scanline is shown in Figure 3.
increased pressure drop always flooding scan – blue scanline; December The results of the baseline scan
take place above the liquid flow 2017 east active area and downcomer are shown in Figure 4. All 48 trays
scans at normal conditions – black, orange
restriction. The debutaniser is well were holding adequate levels of
and green scanlines
known for butadiene polymerisa- aerated liquid, hence the good

100 PTQ Q3 2020 www.digitalrefining.com

q3 tracerco.indd 2 13/06/2020 16:17

mechanical condition of the trays
was confirmed. The one-pass trays
100 1000

in the top section were uniformly

34000 mm Tray 48 190 ± 25
Tray 47 31 ± 4%
33000 mm
loaded, with tray froth levels rang- 32000 mm
Tray 46
Tray 45
34 ± 4%
31 ± 4%
ing from 31-48% of the tray spacing. 31000 mm
Tray 44
Tray 43
40 ± 4%
31 ± 4%
In the lower section, Trays 3 to 20 30000 mm
Tray 42 31 ± 4%

and Tray 1 were holding uniform

Tray 41 48 ± 4%
29000 mm Tray 40 31 ± 4%

froth levels ranging from 33-41% of

Tray 39 31 ± 4%
28000 mm Tray 38 31 ± 4%

the tray spacing. But another obser- 27000 mm

Tray 37
Tray 36
31 ± 4%
31 ± 4%
vation was noticed by Linde AG – a 26000 mm Tray 35
Tray 34
31 ± 4%
40 ± 4%
higher froth height was detected on 25000 mm Tray 33 48 ± 4%
Tray 32 Feed Pipe
Tray 2 compared to the other sur- 24000 mm
Tray 31 40 ± 4%

rounding trays, particularly Tray

23000 mm Tray 30 48 ± 4%
Tray 29 31 ± 4%
22000 mm
1. Tray 2 appeared to hold a froth 21000 mm
Tray 28
Tray 27
40 ± 4%
40 ± 4%
level approximately 66% of the tray 20000 mm
Tray 26
Tray 25
40 ± 4%
31 ± 4%
spacing. An isolated high or low 19000 mm
Tray 24
Tray 23
40 ± 4%
31 ± 4%
froth height detected on a single 18000 mm
Tray 22 48 ± 4%
Tray 21
tray is very frequently a result of a
31 ± 4%
17000 mm

measurement anomaly caused by 16000 mm

Feed Pipe
obstructions in the scanline, most 15000 mm
Tray 20 Platform
Tray 19 33 ± 4%
typically an external interference 14000 mm Tray 18
Tray 17
33 ± 4%
33 ± 4%
such as a support ring, pipe sup- 13000 mm Tray 16
Tray 15
33 ± 4%
33 ± 4%
port, weld pad for a manway, or 12000 mm
Tray 14 33 ± 4%

nozzle. However, no notation of

11000 mm Tray 13 33 ± 4%
Tray 12 33 ± 4%
10000 mm
potential external interference was
Tray 11 33 ± 4%
Tray 10 33 ± 4%
9000 mm
made by the scanners in the vicinity 8000 mm
Tray 9
Tray 8
33 ± 4%
41 ± 4%
of Tray 2. In fact, the same higher 7000 mm
Tray 7
Tray 6
50 ± 4%
41 ± 4%
froth height on Tray 2 was observed 6000 mm
Tray 5
Tray 4
33 ± 4%
33 ± 4%
by Linde AG in a previous trouble- 5000 mm Tray 3 33 ± 4%

shooting scan. In this earlier inves-

Tray 2 66 ± 4%
4000 mm Tray 1 33 ± 4%

tigation, the cause was physical 3000 mm

blockage of Tray 2’s downcomer 2000 mm

Vapour inlet
clearance due to fouling causing liq- 1000 mm

uid to stack on the tray active area.

0 mm

A normal froth height was

Baseline active area Clear vapour bar
detected on Tray 1 due to specific
sealing of the centre downcomer.
A seal box was attached to the cen- Figure 4 August 2017 baseline scan of tray active areas at normal operating conditions
tre downcomer of Tray 1 instead
of a commonly used seal pan (see the baseline scan of the entire col- the black data curve in Figure 6.
Figure 1). Downpipes bolted to the umn was repeated (blue scanline The east side active area of Trays
seal pan and submerged below the in Figure 3) under flooding condi- 1-20 showed the trays holding ade-
liquid level routed the process fluid tions. The scan results are shown in quate froth levels, thus tray dam-
into the column sump. Unlike a Figure 5. The blue scan data curve age was not causing the column to
seal pan, a seal box does not have represents the baseline scan results flood. As observed in the baseline
a clearance under the downcomer. while the red scan data curve rep- scan from August 2017 on Tray 2’s
Accumulation of fouling material resents the flooding scan results. western active area, an increased
in the downcomer exits of Tray 1 The red scanline revealed that the froth height was also detected on
was not possible since all the solid column was flooding, starting from the eastern active area of Tray 2,
material was washed away via Tray 2. Tray 1 still showed a nor- approximately 80% of tray spacing.
the downpipes. Therefore down- mal froth height. This conclusively Additionally, scans were done
comer backup flooding would start proved that the flooding originated at normal operating conditions
from Tray 2 or the above trays at Tray 2. through the outside downcomers in
only. Further gamma scans were Feed rates were reduced to alle- the bottom section. These scanlines
performed in December 2017 at viate the flooding. Another gamma are shown in Figure 3 as the green
flooding conditions to prove the scan, but of the eastern active and orange scanlines. Depicted in
proposed hypothesis. The scan area of the two-pass trays, was Figure 6 by the green and orange
results for this operation are shown performed at normal operating data curves, the downcomer scans
in Figure 5. conditions to finally confirm the showed that the side downcomers of
For the December 2017 scan, mechanical integrity of all trays. Tray 2 were liquid full, further proof
the scanline orientation used for These scan results are shown with that the flooding was originating at

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the total tray pressure drop con-
100 1000
tribute to the liquid backup in the
34000 mm Tray 48
Tray 47
190 ± 25
31 ± 4%
150 ± 25
30 ± 4%
downcomer.4 A downcomer backup
of 326 mm (13 in or approximately
33000 mm Platform
Tray 46 34 ± 4% 32 ± 4%
32000 mm Tray 45 31 ± 4% 28 ± 4%

31000 mm
Tray 44 40 ± 4% 43 ± 4% 53%) was calculated for the aer-
ated liquid. This was the observed
Tray 43 31 ± 4% 33 ± 4%
Tray 42 31 ± 4% 33 ± 4%
30000 mm
29000 mm
Tray 41
Tray 40
48 ± 4%
31 ± 4%
50 ± 4%
33 ± 4% downcomer liquid load from Trays
28000 mm
Tray 39
Tray 38
31 ± 4%
31 ± 4%
33 ± 4%
33 ± 4%
6-20, presumably not affected by
27000 mm
Tray 37
Tray 36
31 ± 4%
31 ± 4%
72 ± 4%
fouling. The gamma scans showed
26000 mm Tray 35 31 ± 4% Flooding that the downcomers from Trays 2
through 4 were close to or already
Tray 34 40 ± 4%
25000 mm Tray 33 48 ± 4% Flooding
Feed Pipe
full under these loading condi-
Tray 32 Flooding
24000 mm
Tray 31 40 ± 4% Flooding
23000 mm Tray 30
Tray 29
48 ± 4%
31 ± 4%
Flooding tions. In other words, the aerated
22000 mm Tray 28
Tray 27
40 ± 4%
40 ± 4%
liquid backup in the downcomers
was approaching the 600 mm (~24
21000 mm
Tray 26 40 ± 4% Flooding
20000 mm Tray 25 31 ± 4% Flooding

19000 mm
Tray 24 40 ± 4% Flooding in) tray spacing. This meant that
increased tray pressure drop con-
Tray 23 31 ± 4% Flooding
Tray 22 48 ± 4% Flooding
18000 mm
tributed only partially to the overall
Tray 21 31 ± 4% Flooding
17000 mm
16000 mm
liquid backup in the downcomers.
15000 mm
Tray 19
Feed Pipe
Tray 20 Platform
33 ± 4% Flooding
Hence the remaining liquid backup
14000 mm Tray 18 33 ± 4%
33 ± 4%
was mainly caused by plugging of
Tray 17
13000 mm Tray 16 33 ± 4% Flooding the clearance under the downcomer.
Reducing the liquid load would
Tray 15 33 ± 4% Flooding
12000 mm
Tray 14 33 ± 4% Flooding

reduce the downcomer backup. This

11000 mm Tray 13 33 ± 4% Flooding
Tray 12 33 ± 4% Flooding

was the rationale for installation of

10000 mm Tray 11 33 ± 4% Flooding
Tray 10 33 ± 4% Flooding
9000 mm
8000 mm
Tray 9
Tray 8
33 ± 4%
41 ± 4%
a liquid bypass line. A process sim-
7000 mm
Tray 7 50 ± 4% Flooding
ulation was conducted by Linde
Tray 6
AG to demonstrate that the desired
41 ± 4%
Tray 5 33 ± 4% Flooding
6000 mm
bottom and overhead product spec-
Tray 4 33 ± 4% Flooding
5000 mm Tray 3 33 ± 4% Flooding

4000 mm
Tray 2
Tray 1
66 ± 4%
33 ± 4%
30 ± 4% ifications could still be achieved,
3000 mm while bypassing a portion of the liq-
2000 mm uid into the sump.
1000 mm Vapour inlet

0 mm
Solving the flooding problem
The column should be capable
Baseline active area Clear vapour bar Dec 2017 Active area scan - Flooding
of working at desired plant load
conditions after installation of the
Figure 5 December 2017 scan of tray active areas under flooding operating conditions. bypass. Therefore, two different
Blue curve is the baseline scan; red curve shows flooding started at Tray 2 and had actual operating cases of the col-
propagated up the column to Tray 38 umn were simulated. Case one rep-
resented the recent highest load
Tray 2. The downcomers from Tray AG and the plant owners decided to operation of the column. Case two
4 also appeared to have high liquid investigate a liquid bypass around simulated the normal operating
levels, the east side outside down- the problem area. conditions of the column at the time
comer appearing liquid full; the west of the downcomer gamma scans,
side outside downcomer appear- The observations just below the flood point. As is
ing to hold an 80% liquid level. The typical for a distillation column, the
other outside downcomers in the described from these process simulation showed that the
lower section appeared to hold liq- highest gas and liquid loads occur
uid levels at 50-58% full. scans provided strong in the bottom section, especially
The observations described from on Trays 1 through 5. The liquid
these scans provided strong evi-
evidence for plugging load that could not be processed
dence for plugging of the trays and by the column due to plugging
downcomers caused by polymeri-
of the trays and of the clearance under the down-
sation fouling. However, cleaning downcomers comer was determined to be 20.9
the trays and downcomers was not m3/h (92 gal/m). It was necessary
a viable option since this would to overcome the column bottleneck
have required a costly shutdown The relative froth density, the by bypassing at least this amount of
of the entire steam cracker unit. height of the liquid on the tray liquid around the affected trays.
Therefore, the load in the bottom deck, the pressure drop due to liq- Figure 6 shows that at normal
section needed to be reduced. Linde uid flow under the downcomer, and operating conditions the outside

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downcomers of Trays 2 through
100 1000 4 were liquid full or very near so.
The side downcomers of Tray 6 and
Feed Pipe
15000 mm Tray 20 Platform the above trays were operating at
50-58% downcomer backup. This
28 ± 4% 33 ± 4%
Tray 19

14000 mm Tray 18
35 ± 4% 33 ± 4% means that the liquid load on Trays
28 ± 4% 33 ± 4% 1 through 5 needed to be reduced.
Tray 17
13000 mm 35 ± 4% 33 ± 4% A hot tap in the centre downcomers
was not feasible due to poor acces-
Tray 16
35 ± 4% 33 ± 4%
12000 mm Tray 15
sibility and the narrow downcomer
width. Therefore, two bypass lines
30 ± 4% 33 ± 4%
Tray 14
11000 mm Tray 13
28 ± 4% 33 ± 4%
were installed, one in each side
Tray 12
32 ± 4% 33 ± 4%
downcomer of Tray 8.
10000 mm
A further process simulation
30 ± 4% 33 ± 4%
Tray 11

Tray 10
32 ± 4% 33 ± 4% proved that the desired bottom
and overhead product specifica-
9000 mm
27 ± 4% 33 ± 4%

tion could still be achieved at high

Tray 9
33 ± 4% 41 ± 4%
8000 mm Tray 8
58 ± 4%
41 ± 4% 50 ± 4% 50%
load operation when bypassing
7000 mm
Tray 7
20.9 m3/h (92 gal/m) liquid. Only
a minor change of the reboiler and
33 ± 4% 41 ± 4%
Tray 6

condenser duty of less than 1% was

58% 56%
27 ± 4% 33 ± 4%
Tray 5
6000 mm
Tray 4
33 ± 4% 33 ± 4% predicted by the process simulation,
5000 mm Tray 3
42 ± 4% 33 ± 4%
the reason being that the debutan-
80 ± 4% 66 ± 4% iser has a relatively big margin in
Tray 2
4000 mm Ful
26 ± 4% 33 ± 4%
Ful the number of trays and theoretical
stages. The slightly increased reflux
Tray 1

3000 mm and reboiler rate could be accom-

modated by the existing trays.
2000 mm Bypass lines had to be installed at
Vapour inlet the bottom of the side downcomers
1000 mm
to ensure degassing of the two-phase
mixture. However, due to turbulence
in the downcomers it was likely
0 mm

that there was no ‘clear’ liquid at

Baseline active area Dec 2017 East active area Dec 2017 East side downcomer
the bottom of the side downcomers.
Dec 2017 West side downcomer Clear vapour bar Therefore, sizing of the bypass lines
was done to accommodate self-vent-
ing. An additional safety margin was
Figure 6 December 2017 scans of two-pass tray eastern active areas (black data curve), considered during the design of the
east side outside downcomers (green data curve) and west side outside downcomers bypass lines in case more liquid than
(orange data curve) at normal operating conditions. Original two-pass western active calculated would need to be drawn
area baseline scan data shown by dashed blue curve from the column. The bypass lines
needed to be tied in below the col-
umn sumps liquid level to prevent
vapour bypass. It was necessary to
provide a hand valve in each line to
control the amount of liquid drawn
from the column. The detail engi-
neering, including a risk assessment
and the installation of the bypass
lines by hot tapping, was done by
the plant owner.
Hot tapping is a technique to
make a connection to a pressure
vessel while it remains in service.
An extra gamma scan was per-
formed around Tray 8 in prepa-
ration for the hot tapping, to
determine the exact orientation of
the downcomer bolting bars and the
Figure 7 Active area of Tray 1 showing polymer plugging the valve units precise elevation of the support

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ring. In total, four hot taps were installed on the
pressure shell, two in the side downcomers of Tray 8
and two below the normal liquid level in the column
The bypass lines were put into operation in mid-
2018. The steam cracker unit operating rate could
be increased to 97% ethylene production capacity. EFFICIENCY?
On-specification overhead and bottom products were
produced while the bypass was in operation. The debu-
taniser was opened in a later turnaround and severe
polymerisation fouling was found on the bottom tray
active areas and in their downcomers (see Figure 7).

In summary, thorough analysis of field data and tray
hydraulics together with gamma scanning were key
factors for a time- and cost-efficient troubleshooting.
Close collaboration between the plant owner, Tracerco
scan experts, and engineering company personnel
made the troubleshooting discussed here a success.

1 Perry R H, Green D W, Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook, New
York, McGraw-Hill, 2008.
2 Kister H Z, What caused tower malfunctions in the last 50 years,
Trans. Inst. Chem. Eng., 2003, Vol. 81, 5-26.
3 Pless L, Simon Xu, Distillation tower flooding – more complex than
you think, Chemical Engineering, Jun 2002.

4 Lockett M J, Distillation Tray Fundamentals, Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, 1986.

Lowell Pless was the Business Development Manager – Distillation The know-how of more than 60 years empowers Böhmer
to build Ball Valves that help customers to realize their
Applications with Tracerco, located in Pasadena, Texas, and is now projects efficiently & successfully for the long term.
a consultant for the company. He has been applying radioisotope
techniques in process troubleshooting for over 30 years, originally
with Tru-Tec Services (acquired by Tracerco in 2006) and started 1/8 TO OIL, GAS, STEAM, CHEMICALS UP TO
the tower scanning service for Tru-Tec in Western Europe and the
Middle East. He holds a BS degree in chemical engineering from the
University of Texas at Austin, is a registered Professional Engineer
in the State of Texas, participates on the Design and Practices
committee for Fractionation Research (FRI), and is a member of the
American Institute of Chemical Engineers.

André Perschmann is an equipment process design expert with Linde

Engineering for eight years. He designs all types of columns and
separators for petrochemical, natural gas, hydrogen, and synthesis gas
plants. He is also involved in root cause analysis, troubleshooting, and
revamp activities. He holds a diploma degree in bioprocess engineering
from the Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany.

David Bruder is a process and operation expert for petrochemical

plants with Linde Engineering, planning, simulating, and optimising
all relevant processes within the Linde petrochemical portfolio with
a focus on steam cracker separation technology. He is involved in
brownfield/revamp projects such as capacity increase, optimisation,
life cycle, energy, or troubleshooting existing plants, and in the analysis
of process and operation performance/optimisation of running plants.

Thomas Walter heads the Equipment Process Design &

Computational Mechanics department of Linde Engineering where
his group is responsible for the process design of static equipment for
petrochemical, natural gas, air separation, and hydrogen/synthesis gas
plants. He holds a master’s degree in process engineering from the
Technical University, Dresden, Germany.


q3 tracerco.indd 6 13/06/2020 16:17

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Managing the life cycle of coke drums
Coke drums have finite lives. Understanding where they are in their life cycle is key to
managing spending on repair or replacement



oke drums are fatigue
machines. Fatigue damage
accumulates with every cycle
and cannot be reversed. Fatigue
damage is not easily measured
like corrosion, and will manifest in
cracking over time, occurring first
at the highest stress areas. The loca-
tion and rate at which this fatigue
damage occurs is different for
every coker and is dependent upon
numerous factors such as the design
and operation of the drums (see
Figure 1). Understanding how much
fatigue damage has accumulated
along with how quickly it will con-
tinue to accumulate and when to
take action is critical to managing
the life cycle of coke drums.
As fatigue accumulates in coke
drums, more frequent inspection
and repairs are needed. There is no
true ‘end of life’ for coke drums,
instead there is a turning point
when outages for inspection and
repair or unplanned downtime with
reactive repairs outweigh the cost of
replacing the drums. Predicting the
point when these costs will increase Figure 1 Two drum coker unit
allows time to weigh the economic
benefits of the repair and/or the process to save clients the time and discussions between site personnel.
replacement options. Without this expense of other methods of analy- Reliable operation of coke drums
forward looking assessment, many sis to understand the current phase requires good communication across
sites have found themselves hav- of life of their drums (see Figure 2). disciplines to understand the impact
ing to react by making very costly As part of this assessment, a life of operational changes to the life
repairs, not necessarily because they cycle view is created for the coke cycle of the drums and the resulting
are the best option but to buy time drum from the day that it is placed changes that need to be made to the
to plan for drum replacement. in service. That allows proactive inspection and maintenance plans.
For these reasons, it is critical to optimisation of the economic trade- Becht’s approach uses a ranking of
know where in the life cycle coke off between coke drum fatigue life critical factors to benchmark drums
drums are, although this step is and operating costs and the margin at a single site or across several sites’
easier said than done. Coke drums value realised. drums versus the historical perfor-
fall outside of programmes that Since this approach directly links mance of other drums in industry.
are used for other pressure ves- design, condition, and operation of This benchmarking allows us to
sels, tanks, and piping, such as the drums, Becht’s team includes establish the phase of life and the
risk based inspection. Recognising process, mechanical, materials, estimated life fraction consumed to
this gap, Becht developed a coke inspection, and reliability subject date as a percentage. This approach
drum reliability assessment tool, matter experts. The work process also provides a predictive model for
BechtCokers, and associated work also facilitates multi-disciplinary estimated remaining life in number

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q3 becht.indd 1 13/06/2020 15:05

However, historically a large num-
SMEs - process, operation, inspection, Present operating and process
mechanical for site review practices condition ber of drums had been built with
thickness transitions, sometimes
1 2 several of these. In this case, the
thickness transitions from thicker
“Actionable” plan for inspection, 7 Reliability,
Measure local stresses and
material at the bottom of the shell
maintenance and repairs
safety and 3 temperature gradients - HMS
to thinner sections nearer the top
of the drum. This was done to
6 minimise materials manufactur-
Proactive planning maintenance 4 ing cost and to reduce the weight
Reliability “score” ranking provides
and capital spending 5 guidance on damage of the drums, reducing structural
steel costs. The stress risers due to
Optimise daily operations
versus drum damage the thickness changes results in a
greater propensity for cracking than
Figure 2 Becht’s coke drum reliability assessment work process in drums of consistent thickness.

of cycles and years, depending upon For the purposes of this article, we Feed inlet design
current and future operations. will focus on the critical factors used Traditionally, the feed entered a
Equipped with this knowledge, to evaluate the shell girth seams. coke drum at the bottom of the
an owner can plan inspection and The two major categories of factors cone. This configuration is referred
maintenance activities that will help that affect the life of girth seams to as true centre feed. This design
ensure reliable operation of the are the design and operation of the was typical for coke drums in the
drums by reducing the likelihood drums. The design is a fixed condi- 1940’s to 1970’s, since sponge coke
of through wall cracks, and struc- tion, so let us first examine the crit- was produced and there was very
tural skirt damage. As the end of life ical factors of design that have the little safety risk of coke fallouts or
approaches, economic analysis can greatest impact on drum life. incomplete drains. As the industry
be applied to the factors that affect shifted to shot coke production, the
the life of the drum, such as opera- Material of construction risk of injury during bottom head
tional changes, skirt replacements, The most common materials for removal increased.
structural weld overlay, and drum the shell and cone of coke drums To reduce the risk to operators,
replacement to make the best finan- are 1 Cr – ½ Mo and 1-1/4 Cr – ½ slide valve technology was intro-
cial decisions. In some cases, owners Mo, with almost all drums being duced, which eliminated signifi-
have found they can defer signifi- constructed in low chrome alloys. cant safety risks during opening
cant coke drum replacement capital The vast majority of drums in of the coke drum. This technology
investment with the right strategies. industry have a 410 SS lining. The requires that feed come in from the
BechtCokers tool is calibrated side, above the slide valve. There
Life cycle analysis for those materials as well as car- are now three typical feed entry
When projecting the life of coke bon steel, C – ½ Mo and 2.25 Cr, arrangements: single side entry,
drums, we evaluate individually although they are less common in dual side entry, or centre feed.
three parts of the drum: shell girth industry. For materials outside this The centre feed configuration
seams, cone, and skirt. This helps envelope, materials engineers are results in the most uniform filling,
identify the limiting component and consulted for additional calibration heating, and cooling of the drum,
customise the mitigation plans for as necessary to determine the effects thus minimising thermal gradients
different life profiles. The evaluation on the fatigue life of the drums. that cause high localised stresses.
includes classifying the drums into Symmetric dual-opposed designs
one of the following three phases Effects of drum thickness and can produce similar results. Single
of life: changes in thickness side entry configurations gener-
• Phase 1: Minor problems In simplistic terms, the thicker the ate preferential asymmetric flows
Proactive minor maintenance shell is the longer the fatigue life into the drum. Depending upon
Baseline and routine inspection, the drums will have. This is due coke morphology, this can result
as justified to a number of factors but can be in high thermal stresses and what
• Phase 2: Predictable crack growth summed up by saying that once is called the ‘banana effect’, when
Increased inspection cracks are initiated they will take drums will bow to one side during
Planned repairs longer to propagate through a wall. operation. Localised high thermal
Optimised repairs during The BechtCokers tool gives credit stresses also commonly cause local-
planned shutdowns for thicker shells and reduces the ised bulging.
• Phase 3: Maintenance intensive number of estimated cycles in life Asymmetric flow entry can result
More frequent shutdowns for thinner wall drums. in preferential flow channels in
Higher risk of unplanned outages Some drums have a constant shot coke beds. When this happens,
Repair vs replace economic thickness which is the case for there is a higher probability of cold
evaluation most recently constructed drums. quench water contacting hot metal,

108 PTQ Q3 2020 www.digitalrefining.com

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creating high thermal stress which in the drum during the quench.
reduces the fatigue life of the drum. Directionally, the higher the ini-
The BechtCokers tool accounts for tial quench rate is, the higher the
the configuration of feed inlet noz- stresses will be, resulting in a shorter
zle and adjusts the projected cycle Vapour projected drum life. Reducing the
life accordingly. The largest debit to initial quench rate either by length-
life is for single side entry; the next ening the quench duration or max-
largest is for dual side entry, and the imising the flow rates later in the
least is for centre feed (see Figure 3). Foam
quench, depending upon the oper-
ational constraints, is beneficial for
Delayed coker operations Reacting prolonging the life of the drum.
liquid pool
Cycle time Initial quench rates vary from
The coking cycle time is the time <50 gpm to >300 gpm for up to an
during which the feed is filling up hour, with rates increasing to the
the coke drum. Coke drums operate maximum output of the pumps
in pairs, with one drum being filled towards the end of quenching. Most
at a time, while the coke in the other Formed
quenches are automated to ensure
drum is being quenched, cut, and coke bed consistent flows and duration for
emptied from the drum. The cok- the quench portion of the cycle.
ing cycle is roughly half the time of Becht benchmarks quench rate data
the complete operation. Cycle times by comparing the rates to over 50
vary from 12 hours to over 24 hours. other coking units worldwide (see
The difference in the cycle time is Figure 5). As we will discuss later
accounted for in BechtCokers, with on, quantifying the stress levels in
faster cycle times resulting in a short- the drum during the quench signif-
ened life, and the longer the cycles Figure 3 Coke drum with centre feed icantly improves the accuracy of the
the longer the life. In the absence of life estimate significantly and ena-
stress data, the model uses a correla- The feed nozzle configuration and bles a more accurate understanding
tive approach to relate fatigue life to type of coke produced can greatly of how the changes in operation
cycle time (see Figure 4). affect the amount of stress seen can affect the drum life rather than

Operations and current condition

Quench is when water is introduced 800
to the drum through the feed nozzle, 700
and sometimes above the coke bed,
in order to cool the coke. There are 450˚F target
for switch
two key areas where stress mani- 500

to feed
fests itself: 400 steam preheat Steam
• Skirt-to-shell weld area
• Coke drum shell circumferential Vapour
Fill / coking Quench
welds 200
The skirt-to-shell weld area is the 100
most responsive and sensitive area,
since it achieves the lowest warm-up 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
temperature and can rapidly see the Time, hr
effects of early quench water flow
rate. The drum shell life is most Figure 4 Example of a coker cycle (14 hours)
greatly affected by quench water
stresses and secondarily by extent
of warm-up in the coke drum cylin-
der. Stresses during quench can be
as high as twice the yield stress of
the material. The initial rate at which
the water is introduced plays an
important role in the accumulation
of damage, especially in the cone,
lower drum, and skirt. The overall
Co D


Co I


Co O


Co U




rate of quench water flow increase is


also very significant, and primarily

affects cylinder life. Figure 5 Benchmarking initial quench rate

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providing a directionally ‘good’ or tion of the drums to determine if
‘bad’ assessment. the rate that damage is occurring is
faster or slower than the norm. The
Switch temperature inspection history of the drums is
Switch temperature is the target reviewed to determine if cracking
temperature at which the drum is or bulging has occurred and, if so,
heated before introducing hot feed to what extent. If damage has been
into the drum. The higher the switch found, what repairs have been made
temperature, the lower the thermal and what is the quality of those
stresses will be when introducing repairs?
the feed. The impact of switch tem- Common inspection techniques on
perature is greatest at the skirt-to- Figure 6 Sponge coke coke drums include laser scans and
shell junction. Optimisation of high definition video on the internal
switch temperature is often intended and rapid accumulation of fatigue diameter of the drum. These scans
to mitigate cracking in the skirt to damage. document the size and depth of any
shell; however, when cycle times Shot coke beds can result in what bulges and will document the rate at
need to be reduced, there is often a is called ‘channeling’. The number which the bulges are progressing, if
trade-off between the time allotted of flow paths is greatly reduced in the inspections are done regularly.
to warm-up and to quench. comparison to sponge coke. This Visual and other types of NDT
results in quench water either flow- are used, including advanced ultra-
Coke morphology ing preferentially to certain areas sonics to identify and size cracks
The two most commonly produced of the coke drum or in cold water at welds. Depending upon the rate
types of coke are shot and sponge. contacting hot metal. This results and extent of damage, the team will
Sponge coke is a porous material in either a higher frequency of high adjust the cycle life estimate accord-
and shot coke resembles small peb- stress in preferential areas or rapid ingly to ensure as accurate an esti-
bles. Shot cokers in industry typi- quenching of metal throughout the mate as possible.
cally have at least a ~20% shorter circumference with large tempera- If little or no inspection is done,
life than sponge cokers. This is ture gradients and high stresses. the band of uncertainty around the
most commonly attributed to the The cycle life of delayed coke estimated cycle life increases. The
porous nature of the sponge coke drums in industry varies between higher the number of cycles with-
that results in an even distribution 4000 and 14 000 cycles. Shot cokers out collecting inspection data, the
of quench water, allowing steam to have an average life of 8000 cycles, greater the band of uncertainty.
more likely contact the metal before while a sponge coker’s average life
water, which reduces the stress, is 10 000 cycles. Operational changes
when water arrives (see Figure 6). It is common in industry to change
Metal temperatures in the drum Condition assessment the operational parameters of a
will cool more evenly than in shot With a wide range of cycle lives in coker unit. These changes can
cokers, reducing the thermal gra- industry, our estimate takes into include almost any variable, from
dients that produce high stresses account the current known condi- the type of coke produced, the
length of the cycle, the switch tem-
perature, to the initial quench rate.
I II III These changes can have a signif-
icant impact on the cycle life of
Many Minor problems Predictable crack growth Maintenance drums. BechtCokers takes this into
cracks intensive
account by reviewing the historical
changes and bucketing the cycles
into different periods of opera-
Cumulative cracks

tion. This enables accounting for

periods of time when more or less
damage has accrued. The output of
2023 the tool shows the life fraction con-
sumed for each of the periods of
range operation, and projects behaviour
2012 2015
range 2023 into the future, allowing planning
Bulging and Through-wall for upcoming major events, typi-
cracking cracking
possible more likely cally the next two turnarounds (see
35–50% 65–85% Figure 7).
0 20 40 60 80 100 Some coker units have been in
% cycles to retirement service for many years. As a result,
a site’s historian may not have oper-
Figure 7 Coke drum life curve ational data for the whole life of the

110 PTQ Q3 2020 www.digitalrefining.com

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drums. This is one of the important
reasons for engaging with experi- Value of lost production capacity ($/B)

enced operators on the unit. They Decrease Increase

can provide valuable input on the Cost of repairs

history of operations and repairs to Decrease Increase
the drums. Replace
Project escalation rate (%)
later sooner
Decrease Increase
Mitigation of risk and life extension
Understanding where the drums Life extension of the repairs

are in life is the stepping stone to Increase Decrease

mitigating the risks of through wall

cracks and unplanned outages, as Figure 8 Sensitivities on repair vs replace
well as steps that can be taken to
extend the life of the drums if this is in advance of turnarounds can be life cycle of any drum depends
economically justified. used to develop inspection scope on the design, operation, inspec-
and repair estimates to minimise tion, and maintenance of the drum
Phase I drums discovery work. Phase I is also when and requires a multi-disciplinary
For drums that are in phase I of proactive inspection of weld seams approach to reliability.
their lives, there is ample oppor- is recommended to identify cracks. Understanding the fatigue life of
tunity for developing proactive Developing repair criteria before coke drums and where they are in
inspection and maintenance plans cracks are found is a useful way the life cycle is the key to optimis-
and applying life extension actions. to manage discovery work during ing the cost and margin trade-offs.
The earlier that life extension steps turnarounds. Once cracks are iden- Without this knowledge you are
are taken the more successful they tified, they can be sized using NDT, essentially flying blind and are risk-
will be. For example, optimising the allowing a proper repair rather than ing costly unplanned downtime and
warm-up and quench steps utilising a monitoring decision to be made. repairs. Proactively assessing the
data gathered from a health moni- Optimising operations during life cycle of drums enables planning
toring system (HMS) that includes phase II can still make a signifi- for the most cost effective scope and
strain gauges and thermocouples cant impact on extending the life timing for inspection, repairs, and
installed on the drum can easily of the drums, and data from HMS replacement. The reliability assess-
extend the life of drums for two can inform the timing and extent ment using BechtCokers and a work
turnaround cycles if it is applied of inspection. There is an economic process implemented with subject
early and the data is utilised. If trade-off for changes in operation. matter experts accomplishes this
HMS is applied during phase III, As an example, when cycles are through industry benchmarking and
the goal is more likely to be relia- shortened to increase throughput, analysis of site specific factors.
ble operation up to the next oppor- this should be expected to shorten
tunity for drum replacement and the life of the drum. Understanding
helping with the design and opera- the impact on drum life versus eco- Abby King is Manager of Becht Reliability
tion of new drums, rather than life nomic gains is critical to the deci- Services, focusing on turnarounds and reliability
extension. Optimisation of the cycle sion making process, and again data initiatives. He has developed risk based work
includes gathering data for base from HMS can be used to directly processes and tools and has led teams in the
development of tens of thousands of risk
case operations and for adjusted measure the effect on drum life.
based reliability plans. He graduated from
cases to quantify the reduction (or
Carnegie Mellon University with a mechanical
increase) in stress levels and to min- Phase III drums engineering degree.
imise fatigue damage. Often, these As drums progress into phase III
optimisations can be made within of life, which is the maintenance N. Chithranjan (Ranjan) has over 25 years of
the normal cycle time without intensive phase, inspection and experience in petroleum refining with ASME/
affecting the throughput of the unit. repair activities should be expected API code experience, and design, analysis
Common inspection activities to increase. Aggressive inspection and troubleshooting in pressure vessels heat
in phase I include laser scanning, plans and proactive repairs will exchangers, storage tanks and piping. His skills
which can be done between cycles, be required to prevent unplanned include fitness for service evaluations, finite
visual inspections of the skirt, and shutdowns from through wall element analysis (FEA), piping stress analysis,
re-rating of pressure vessels and development
NDT of common areas of failure cracks. This phase of life is about
of risk based inspection and equipment
such as thickness transitions. managing end of life. Economic
strategies. He holds PhD and bachelor of
analysis is a powerful tool to inform mechanical engineering degrees from the
Phase II drums repair versus replace decisions (see University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Phase II is when inspection activi- Figure 8).
ties increase, with the progression Mitch Moloney supports Becht’s delayed
of tracking of bulges over time and Conclusion coking area. He graduated from Princeton
follow-up inspection on the more It is not a question of will your University with a bachelor’s degree in chemical
severe bulged areas. Laser scanning coke drums crack, but when. The engineering and is a registered PE in Texas.

www.digitalrefining.com PTQ Q3 2020 111

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• Ref ining Post-COVID-19: Taking the Pulse of the
European Market Josu Jon Imaz San Miguel
• European Commission Keynote: The European Green
Deal Shaping the Future of Ref ining

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Juan Antonio Carrillo de
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Embracing change: Gaining a greater

understanding of upcoming digitalisation and Lukasz Kolinski
disruptive technologies in the move towards a Head of Unit at DG Energy
sustainable future European Commission

• In-Focus Workshop Day: We have extended the

Sølvi Bjørgum
in-depth conversations on new technologies and
Managing Director
digitalisation workshops including CCUS, biofuels, big
Equinor Refining
data and artif icial intelligence. Denmark

• Future Assets Stream: What will the future ref inery Jean Sentenac
look like and what technologies will promote this Chairman/CEO
change? Our new plenary stream will hear f rom the Axens SA

leading ref ineries investing into hydrogen, recycling

and low-carbon technologies.

If you want to discuss how to get involved in Madrid, please

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Sandil Sanmugam | Portfolio Director, Europe | World Ref ining Association

Sandil.Sanmugam@Wraconferences.com | + 44 207 384 7744

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ertc.indd 1 11/06/2020 12:14

Technology in Action

Both expanded and revamped modules enable the

Revamp raises crude flexibility and profits refinery to upgrade low value hydrocarbons, vacuum
residue in this case, into valuable products which are
Hyundai Oilbank (HDO) has been operating an atmos- expected to deliver higher margin/profit to HDO. The
pheric residue desulphurisation (ARDS) unit, produc- revamps will help HDO to achieve several objectives:
ing feed for the RFCC unit, at its Daesan, South Korea, • Increase crude processing flexibility with the ability
refinery since May 2011. The unit consisted of two iden- to process cheaper, heavier crudes as a lever to increase
tical reactor trains (modules), with each module having a refinery profit margin
fully independent, high pressure section, but with a com- • Capability to meet IMO 2020 by producing marine
mon work-up section. HDO recognised that the ARDS low sulphur fuel oil (<0.5 wt% sulphur)
process was constraining both the refinery crude diet and • Provide sustainable feedstock to HPC
capacity and requested Shell Catalysts & Technologies to • Maximise RFCC feedstock and produce more valua-
implement an expansion revamp to increase crude flex- ble products such as propylene, gasoline, and distillate
ibility, especially to heavier, lower cost crudes, to make Since the first phase revamp, HDO has had success
the refinery more competitive in the marketplace, creat- in improving refinery margins by significantly reduc-
ing an opportunity for increasing profits. ing its crude acquisition costs by processing very diffi-
The technical team at HDO determined that they cult heavy crudes. A third revamp phase is in develop-
could leverage the combined power of SDA (the biggest ment, designed to fully support the competitive crude
C5 SDA globally) plus deasphalted oil (DAO) in mild sourcing objectives by further optimising the unit’s
hydrocracker (MHC) technology to increase conversion performance.
of residue in the refinery. They looked to their long-time
technology provider, Shell Catalysts & Technologies, Changduk Cho, Manager of Business Development Team of Corporation
which has offered reliable technical service and the Planning Office, Hyundai Oilbank
John Baric, Hydroprocessing LTM, Shell Catalysts & Technologies
delivery of process and catalytic solutions in several pre- Chee Long Hoh, Principal Sales Manager Licensing APR, Shell Catalysts &
vious refinery projects, to work with them on the neces- Technologies
sary improvements.
The project’s goal was to increase the overall unit Shell Catalysts & Technologies
capacity and at the same time enable the refinery to pro- For more information: www.shell.com/CTconnect
cess more difficult crudes. The project has been success-
fully executed over a series of expansion revamps.
The first phase revamp began in 2016, where Shell Analyser delivers fast quality checks for
Catalysts & Technologies provided the technical sup- biorefinery
port for HDO to expand the capacity of ARDS Module
1 and revamp Module 2 to a DAO MHC, with a com- The demand for biofuels has increased in recent years,
bined capacity increase of 50%. The project achieved an with the EU requiring that 10% of the total transport
increase in capacity needed to process the additional fuel in its member countries is to come from a renewa-
vacuum residue generated from a change to a heav- ble energy source in 2020.1 In addition, the US Energy
ier crude diet. Overall, an increase in capability was Information Administration anticipates between 18%
achieved for upgrading high sulphur residue into low and 55% growth in biofuels production over the next
sulphur fuel oil and more valuable light products (such 30 years.2 While biodiesels typically contain little sul-
as distillates) from heavy crude processing. phur, they are still required to meet compliance speci-
It took only 16 months from the beginning of the feasi- fications for fuel quality, either for use in vehicles or as
bility study to start up in September 2018. a blending feed for traditional refinery fuels. As such,
HDO began phase two of the revamp in 2018 with biorefineries must measure the sulphur in their prod-
Shell Catalysts & Technologies, starting with a feasibility uct to ensure it is below regulatory limits, typically less
study plus basic engineering design package, with com- than 15 wtppm. In addition to this, due to the variety of
pletion in 15 months. This revamp will accomplish the feedstocks online, analysis of biofuels can be challenging
following in the two modules: due to changing sample composition.
• Module 1 – capacity will be further increased by 30% XOS’s Sindie 6020 online total sulphur analyser uses
with revamp of the existing single train to two parallel monochromatic wavelength dispersive x-ray fluores-
trains. The design cycle length will be increased by 50% cence (MWDXRF) to measure a sample stream contin-
• Module 2 – capacity will be further increased by 10%. uously and non-destructively, and to deliver results
The design cycle length will also be increased by 50%. at user defined intervals. The analyser uses a dynamic
The revamp project will also enable further integration window module (DWM) to automatically replace
of the refinery with the new heavy feed petrochemical the sample window, which effectively eliminates any
complex (HPC) drift and significantly reduces the frequency of required

www.digitalrefining.com PTQ Q3 2020 113

tia copy 9.indd 1 13/06/2020 16:23

Automated level measurement cuts desalter
The path from crude oil to high quality, usable prod-
ucts involves complex technical production and process-
ing procedures in refineries, whereby several challenges
have to be mastered, not only those of process measure-
ment technology. Before the crude oil passes through
the various process steps, starting with distillation, it
must be desalted. Therefore, desalting is the first stage
treatment in a refinery, whereby the correct and efficient
performance is essential to ensure smooth operation in
Figure 1 ecoMotion biodiesel plant in Malchin, Germany all subsequent process steps.
With refiners trying to maximise their margins, they
calibrations. This, in addition to the rugged design of turn to the use of lower cost opportunity crudes. The
the analyser, reduces the time and frequency of required increased use of such opportunity crudes can cause
maintenance, leading to an uptime as high as 98%. issues with the proper operation of the desalter and
In August 2019, a Sindie 6020 online total sulphur leads to the formation of greater emulsion layers inside
analyser was installed at the Malchin biofuels refinery the vessel. This emulsion robs the operator of valuable
of ecoMotion GmbH by 360KAS, XOS’s exclusive dis- volume inside the vessel used to separate the oil and
tributor in north-west Europe. This site is one of the first water. In turn, this decreases residence time inside the
biodiesel pilot plants built in Germany and has been in vessel, leading to increased carry-over of water, salts,
operation since 2001. The primary feedstocks for this and minerals. However, these can cause various issues
plant are animal fats, vegetable oils, and waste cooking downstream from tray damage, fouling of heat exchang-
oil. The site produces 10 000 tonnes of biodiesel annually ers/furnaces, corrosion issues, and catalyst deactiva-
(see Figure 1). tion. In addition, large quantities of expensive chemi-
The core process in biodiesel production is transester- cals are often added to prevent the excessive formation
ification. In this chemical exchange reaction, the glycer- of emulsion. For these reasons, control of the emulsion
ine contained in the primary material is replaced with layer is of great importance. With a reliable interface
methanol. This leads to the formation of fatty acid meth- measurement, it is possible to react better and faster to
ylester (biodiesel) and glycerine. When converting ani- the formation of the emulsion and thus to optimise the
mal fats and waste frying fats, the production process desalting process, which saves high consequential costs.
has two additional steps that are not required in con- Various technologies can be used for level and interface
ventional biodiesel production. In the first step – prior to measurements on desalters. These include, for example,
transesterification – the free fatty acids contained in the differential pressure, RF absorption probes, and radia-
primary material are esterified. After transesterification, tion based density profile measurements.
the product is distilled. The result is a pure, crystal-clear Radiometric based multiphase level measurements are
and almost colourless product. among the most reliable and durable measuring meth-
The expectation was to continuously measure the sul- ods for an application under extreme conditions such as
phur concentration in the biodiesel to confirm that the those prevailing in desalters. Berthold’s measurement
site was producing a product compliant with the cli- solution EmulsionSENS consists of several detectors
mate protection targets set by the European Union. mounted on the vessel’s outside and multiple sources
Previously this required the site to send samples to a inserted into a dip pipe (see Figure 1). A shield mounted
remote lab which introduced delays and uncertainty in
their production. By installing Sindie 6020 online sul-
phur analyser, the site obtains a measurement every five
minutes, enabling operators to optimise their produc-
tion, be confident their product is compliant and of high
quality, and reduce their gas consumption by 5%.
Almost a year after installation, the site has reported
that expectations for the performance of the analyser
continue to be met, the analyser continues to operate
without any problems, and the measured values match
laboratory cross checks.

1 https://ec.europa.eu/energy/topics/renewable-energy/biofuels/overview_en
2 www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=43096

For more information: info@xos.com Figure 1 Measurement with EmulsionSENS

114 PTQ Q3 2020 www.digitalrefining.com

tia copy 9.indd 2 13/06/2020 16:23






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afpm.indd 1 12/06/2020 15:26

on the top of the dip pipe ensures safe handling and stor- neer retire and everybody wonder where are her notes
age of the sources, not only during transportation but and learnings? The unfortunate reality is that prior expe-
also during maintenance where entering the vessel is rience would say the majority of knowledge leaves when
unavoidable. EmulsionSENS is available in two different that person departs. This is the real problem that this
arrangements and can therefore provide exactly the val- refiner was seeking to solve.
ues needed. With the so-called aligned arrangement, you The Knowledge-on-Demand Network is a web based
obtain very precise density information on each detec- platform for capturing and institutionalising knowledge,
tor elevation. Using the so-called staggered arrange- share learnings between plant sites and keep us from
ment provides not only the density values in the area learning lessons of the past. The platform is built with
between the detectors but also the position and thickness easy searchability based on plant discipline (for instance
– in other words, the level values – of all the layers. In the fixed equipment), technology (such as FCC), and equip-
desalter process, level monitoring is of great importance, ment type (for instance drum) tagging. Becht trav-
especially in the area of the water outlet. elled onsite to meet with key representatives from pro-
Refiners have experienced a decrease in the number of cess technology & operations, maintenance & reliability,
upsets in the desalters from two to six upsets per year turnaround & projects and other departments to educate
to none in the two years in which they operate with a them on the tool and methodology. Especially important
nuclear density profiling system. The main reason for was alignment with the refinery’s IT department on a
this reduction of upsets is the ability to provide auto- single-sign on (SSO) solution which allowed the client to
matic control and a continuous adjustment of the water build access directly into their Intranet.
outlet valve to maintain proper control and minimise The client engaged Becht directly as an outsourced
the risk of having salt, water, or mineral carry-over. central engineering organisation through the platform.
Another advantage of level measurement is the moni- Requests for support are entered either by email or
toring of chemical usage, its optimisation, and the asso- through the web platform with responses typically pro-
ciated cost savings. In addition to reducing the number vided in less than 24 hours. In one instance, the client
of upsets and the chemical savings, a refiner can greatly had significant vibrations associated with boiler obser-
increase the reliability of downstream equipment of the vations; a multi-disciplined team of burner, boiler, and
desalters by severely limiting corrosion caused by salt rotating subject matter experts was assembled to review
carry-over and extending the catalyst life by increasing plant operational data and provide guidance. The team
the efficiency of the desalter. All in all, the profitability reviewed past and current operation including fuel gas
of a refiner can be significantly increased. variability, air flow control, burner operation, support
design, and other aspects. Practical guidance was issued
Berthold capturing the primary and secondary causes with action-
For more information: Sabrina.Nees@Berthold.com able advice on how to mitigate vibration.
All responses and technical writings were documented
in the platform. History would tell us that this issue will
repeat itself within 5-10 years and the people who pre-
Captured knowledge delivers expertise on
viously solved it will either have rotated to new roles
within the refinery or moved externally. This refiner
Refining and petrochemical companies around the wanted to make sure that did not happen to them.
world are asking the same question; how do we institu-
tionalise knowledge that is quickly retiring? The chal- Reference
lenge stems from a wave of retirements with nearly one- 1 www.themanufacturinginstitute.org/Research/Aging-of-the-Manufacturing-
quarter of the sector’s workforce being age 55 or older. Workforce/~/media/7C49C34926E14737A9029C7 7F758EE0E.ashx

The energy industry has worked diligently to deal with

an aging workforce through early awareness, knowl- Becht
edge transfer, retention and productivity maximisation, For more information: solutions@becht.com
and boosting of recruitment. An energy industry survey
by The Manufacturing Institute found that firms seek-
ing to enhance knowledge transfer implemented three
Slug catcher debottleneck protects
best practices: establish and strengthen mentorship and
downstream processing
apprenticeship programmes; collect and archive older
workers’ knowledge using centralised electronic records; Effective separation of oil and gas from different impu-
and hire older workers with needed knowledge.1 rities in upstream operations is a matter of paramount
One US refinery selected the Knowledge-on-Demand importance. All downstream activities and the process-
Network as a platform to capture and institutionalise ing equipment’s service life depend on the purity level
knowledge throughout its facility and access an expe- obtained in these first steps. When three slug catchers
rienced third party workforce. Its objective was to have at a major oilfield were struggling to effectively process
quick access to the right experts while capturing both crude oil, Sulzer Chemtech promptly created a designed
external and internal expert opinions on an ongoing solution to restore peak performance. The revamp was
basis. War stories were shared during preliminary dis- completed quickly during a planned downtime period
cussions with the refiner: who has seen the senior engi- and minimised future regular maintenance.

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Located between the outlets of pipelines and process- in the slug catchers we were investigating, which oper-
ing units, slug catchers are the first stage in upstream ate at 72 bar (464 psi). In these situations, they tend to
processing trains and plants. The fundamental purpose feature lower separation efficiencies. Conversely, axial
of such large vessels is to hold the slugs temporarily cyclones are ideal as they can withstand these harsh
and then direct them into downstream equipment and operating conditions better.
facilities at a rate at which the separated gas and liquid The ideal horizontal flow axial cyclone was identified
stream can be properly handled. In addition, they sup- to be the Shell VersiSwirl, which is a high-capacity sys-
port degassing and bulk solid removal from the liquid tem able to remove all liquid droplets while withstand-
phase as well as the delivery of a more even supply of ing fouling. To further increase the slug catchers’ per-
liquid to downstream facilities. This in turn prevents formance, Sulzer’s team suggested equipping the top
any overload in the plant’s gas/liquid handling capac- section of the second baffle with its Mellachevron vane
ity, especially during pigging operations. pack pre-conditioner. This supports demisting opera-
Key components of slug catchers are mist elimina- tions by coalescing the liquid droplets to form larger
tors. These may be pushed to their limits by increasing aggregates that are easier to capture.
the unit’s capacity, because of the arrival of a liquid slug Happy with the design suggestions proposed by
or gas surge, or when fouling materials accumulate on Sulzer’s engineering team, the oil company asked the
them. In these situations, the slug catcher’s demisting specialists to plan the installation of the three demist-
devices may be exposed to fouling as well as corrosion ing devices. Key requirements for this phase of the pro-
and become inefficient. As a result, downstream facil- ject were the completion of the revamp within the plant
ities may be exposed to high liquid and solid entrain- shutdown period, two weeks for each slug catcher, and
ment in the gas outlet stream. the avoidance of any welding activity on the vessels.
As the slug catchers operate at high pressure, weld-
When liquid droplets get away from separators ing would require post-welding heat treatment and
One of the world’s top 10 oil producers was experienc- vessel rectification. These would not only result in pro-
ing these issues in three identical high pressure slug longed downtime but would also need large volumes of
catchers at one of its oilfields. The liquid carry-over water for hydrotesting that would not be easily acces-
from the slug catchers was impacting downstream sep- sible to the plant due to its remote location. To address
aration processes such as the company’s amine unit. this issue, Sulzer’s engineers utilised support expansion
Simultaneously, the entrained solid particles were caus- rings that would not require any welding and could be
ing fouling of demisting mesh pads and other down- installed quickly.
stream components. After the first slug catcher was successfully upgraded,
To minimise the impact of these negative effects, the the downstream scrubber needed to be drained only
company had to drain liquids being accumulated in a once a week rather than every 13 hours. In addition, the
downstream scrubber every 13 hours. In addition, the performance tests, conducted by an external independ-
overall production capacity had to be reduced to mini- ent laboratory, showed that the total carry-over was
mise liquid carry-over and solid particle entrainment. way below 0.1 USgal/MMSCF, exceeding the expecta-
The oil producer contacted Sulzer to develop a suita- tions of the oil company.
ble solution that would address these issues and debot- Fully satisfied with the results obtained, it asked
tleneck its operations. In particular, the company Sulzer to repeat the same revamping activities on the
wanted a revamped system to keep the liquid carry-over remaining two slug catchers. After completion, drain-
from the slug catchers equal to or below 0.1 USgal/ ing intervals further lengthened, requiring interventions
MMSCF (14 lt/MMNm3). only every one or two months.
The revamp project conducted for this oil producer
Designing mist elimination showed comprehensive capabilities as a full-service pro-
Sulzer’s specialised engineers began by conducting com- vider of mass transfer and separation solutions and spe-
putational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. These cialised field services.
would support root cause analysis (RCA) and iden-
tify key improvements in the slug catchers’ design that Shadi Aoun, Head of Sales & Technology – Upstream Components, Sulzer
could lead to enhanced separation performance.
This investigation revealed that the demisting capabili- Sulzer Chemtech
ties of the existing wire mesh pads could be improved by For more information: dorota.zoldosova@sulzer.com
using additional pieces of equipment, one of them being
a T-shaped, half-open inlet device. While other items
commonly installed in such vessels might be based on New boilers lower emissions, raise reliability
vane packs, Sulzer’s CFD study revealed that two perfo-
rated inlet distribution baffles, coupled with a horizontal Refineries are under constant pressure to lower emis-
flow axial cyclone deck at the outlet nozzle of each slug sions. This includes National Ambient Air Quality
catcher, would provide a better demisting performance. Standards, New Source Performance Standards (NSPS),
While vane packs work properly under normal atmos- and National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air
pheric conditions, they are generally not recommended Pollutants (NESHAP). Additionally, new or upgraded
for hydrocarbon processing at high pressures, such as refinery equipment and technology is often subject to

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requirements such as lowest achievable emission rate ability: too much water carry-over from the steam drum
(LAER), best available control technology (BACT), and can eventually blow out the superheater. In addition, if
maximum achievable control technology (MACT). 2015 there is a loss of feedwater flow to the boiler, the larger
EPA regulations, for example, require refineries to con- drum gives personnel more time to take corrective action
duct analyses of the causes of the toxic emissions, then before steam levels drop – specify too small a steam
take action to reduce the level of toxins such as benzene. drum and refinery operators might only have a minute
Faced with an aging infrastructure, some parts dating or so from the time of loss of feedwater flow to prevent
back more than 70 years, one US refinery decided to up a trip.
its environmental game via a series of upgrades. This The Rentech boiler design also minimised the amount
included replacement of critical items such as fluid cata- of refractory. This means that operators do not need to
lytic crackers and boilers. Management decided to intro- worry about replacing refractory seals or rebuilding
duce the latest technology to eliminate unscheduled refractory walls. By placing the superheater behind the
outages and bring emissions levels well below current convection section, they are more protected from the
standards. high temperature of the exhaust gas. This extends the
The facility processes over 100 000 b/d of crude oil for life of the superheaters and boosts reliability.
gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, and petrochemicals. It wanted The boiler burns refinery gas, supplemented by pipe-
boilers that would combine high efficiency and reliabil- line gas. This 250 000 lb/h unit was designed to fol-
ity with low emissions. Accordingly, it specified a fur- low steam load. It can fire up and reliably run at low
nace and steam drum that were larger than its immedi- fire then ramp up or down when needed, in accordance
ate needs. Further, the refinery demanded a design that with demand, producing steam at around 750°F (400°C)
could operate in tandem with selective catalytic reduc- at a pressure of 450-650 psi.
tion (SCR) technology and Coen LoNox burners as a According to the plant manager, the new boilers
means of minimising NOx production. Facilities oper- increased efficiency from around 85% to 92% and meet
ating a larger furnace and steam drum find it easier BACT standards. He added that they have been oper-
to meet or exceed NOx requirements. More conserva- ating reliably since installation, providing the required
tive sizing also helps to minimise problems with flame steam. Unplanned shutdowns due to aging boiler
impingement. When augmented by Coen LoNOx burn- issues have been eliminated. Overall efficiency has
ers and SCR, NOx production from boilers has been been increased while helping the facility to conform to
brought down below 5 ppm in some cases. stricter environmental standards.
Additionally, a large steam drum allows better separa-
tion to remove water from the steam before it goes to the Rentech Boilers
superheater. This is an important aspect of refinery reli- For more information: Harry.Kumpula@rentechboilers.com


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Alphabetical list of advertisers

Advanced Refining Technologies 48 Johnson Matthey 59

AFPM Summit 115 Johnson Screens 98
Ariel Corporation 54 MAN Energy Solutions 53
Asian Downstream Summit / ARTC 117 NALCO Water 22
Atlas Copco Gas and Process 73 Neste Engineering Solutions 27
Axens OBC OHL Gutermuth 87
Becht 85 Process Consulting Services 4 &6
Bohmer 105 Rentech Boiler Systems 103
Borsig 19 Sabin Metal Corporation 95
Burckhardt Compression 34 Shell Catalysts & Technologies 2
Chevron Lummus Global 9 Sinopec Tech 41
CS Combustion Solutions 33 Solar Turbines 80
DYNAMICS Scientific Production Sulzer Chemtech 106
Center USA IBC VEGA 88
ERTC Annual Meeting - Madrid 112 W. R. Grace & Co 11
ExxonMobil Catalysts and Technology IFC Watlow 28
General Atomics Electromagnetic Webinar: A layered approach to achieving
Systems Group 61 plant-wide optimisation goals 15
Haldor Topsoe 62 Webinar: Ensuring business continuity in
HCPect 13 industrial operation 119
Hoerbiger 97 WEKA 43
IPCO 68 XOS 20 & 21
ITW Technologies 31 Yokogawa 74
John Zink Hamworthy Combustion 38 Zwick Armaturen 44

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