Marketing Approach and Strateg For Pepsico
Marketing Approach and Strateg For Pepsico
Marketing Approach and Strateg For Pepsico
INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………………………4
Macro-environment …………………………………………………………………………..5
Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………………15
References ……………………………………………………………………………………16
The purpose of this paper is to conduct situation analysis including the micro and macro
environment of PepsiCo, to examine its marketing strategy, segmentation, targeting, and
positioning and develop a marketing strategy for Pepsi which is of its products to expand across
the globe. PepsiCo, an American multinational company that deals with drinks and snacks. In the
snack and beverage sectors, the company is the world's biggest. For example, the profits of the
business reached a high of $66.4 billion in 2017. In terms of sales. A broad range of subsidiaries
are included in the corporate portfolio.
These subsidiaries include: Frito-Lays salty snacks, Quaker Chewy, granola bars, Pepsi soft
drink products, Tropicana orange juice, Lipton Brisk, Gatorade, Propel, SoBe, Quaker Oatmeal,
Cap'n Crunch, Aquafina, Rice-A-Roni and Aunt Jemima Pancake. In certain cases, the products
manufactured by PepsiCo and its subsidiaries are considered to be supplements as they are
consumed together. The company line-up of PepsiCo was $22.1 billion in the 2014 financial
year. (Lucas, 2015).
Pepsi-history goes back a very long time but was just an up until the late 1940s, US domestic
commodity. Thus, Coca-Cola has an advantage in terms of foreign distribution. Nearly 30 years
after Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola entered the German market. However, by launching smart ad
campaigns, Pepsi proved a tremendous adversary. PepsiCo was able to easily select the hearts of
customers during the so-called 'Pepsi-Challenge' in the 70s. The German cocoa market therefore
is much more competitive than the US market behind Coca-Cola.
Pepsico is on a journey with a lot of work ahead, stakeholders should know that moving towards
sustainability and becoming a more forward-looking business will play a key role in PepsiCo's
PepsiCo was created in 1965 following the merger with Frito-Lays. The symbol of the Frito-Lay
snack and of Pepsi-Cola has become a big sweetheart. Pepsi-initial Cola's money was $510
million. Pepsi-Cola, Mountain Dew, Frito-Lays, Cheetos and Ruffles are among the company's
well-known brands. PepsiCo origins can be traced by a pharmacist named Caleb Bradhamm in
1898 to the inventory of a recipe for the manufacture of carbonated soda PepsiCola. The merger
with Frito-Lays merged Doolin and Lay. Five years later, Dorito and Fonyuns joined the Asian
market especially in Japan, following a merger of PepsiCo and the European market. As a result
of its rapid growth in the industry, the business doubled its sales in 1971 to $1 billion. Since the
1970s, its growth has centered on using direction such as the use of a range of acquisitions.
(Kirkpatrick, 2018).
PepsiCo’s vision statement 'this vision declaration is to achieve PepsiCo adds that the Vision
Statement is based on the principle of 'performance with purpose.' PepsiCo, as one of the
priorities in its mission statement, stresses high financial efficiency in a long-term way by
including sustainability in the business plan to give a positive impression to the community and
the world.. This is a fundamental expectation of the business. Moreover, PepsiCo incorporates
sustainability into company practices in the vision statement. Sustainability increases the
reputation of businesses and brands. PepsiCo also incorporates social responsibility in its mission
statement. This factor has a significant impact on corporate policies and strategies, particularly
when it affects stakeholders. All of these points encourage PepsiCo to do exceptionally well in
the vision declarations (PepsiCo Inc. 2015).
PepsiCo's goal is to "provide the consumer from wholesome breakfasts to healthy and fun snacks
and drinks for day-to-day drunkenness to night treatments worldwide with delicious, affordable,
convenient, and beverage-supplementary." We commit ourselves to investing in our staff, our
industry and our communities to help position our company for sustainable and long-term
growth, PepsiCo says (Mullane, J. V. 2012).
The purpose of this paper is to conduct situation analysis including the micro and macro
environment of Pepsico, to examine its marketing strategy, segmentation, targeting, and
positioning and develop a marketing strategy for Pepsi which is of its products to expand across
the globe.
Pepsi's product and branding plan focus on targeting the 'younger generation' with a better taste
than Coke, providing a special flavor. Extensive testing shows that Pepsi tastes better than Coke,
which has been a strong point of sale over the years. Following customers' demand for healthy or
reduced calory beverages, PepsiCo Inc. is consistently involved in the production and the launch
of new products. Pepsi offers, at a fair price, a reliably high-quality product. Depending on the
marketing mix, the price of Pepsi, which is mass-produced, varies. Customer support is given
through services for inquiry/complaint handling. Consumer partnerships are formed and pursued
where consumers are informed and interested in potential promotions (Soares, 2007).
Pestle analysis
Political factors; External influences that place demands on PepsiCo are governments. This
element of the research takes account of the effect of government interference on the remote or
macro climate of companies. In major economies such as the US and Canada, economic stability
provides the PepsiCo with opportunities for growth. The intergovernmental cooperation trend
also increases chances of global expansion. Government action against carbonated sweetened
drinks, however, is a challenge that could limit PepsiCo's revenue from affected segments.
PepsiCo needs to consider changing its products in order to resolve the identified risk of
carbonated beverage (Gillespie, 2017).
Economical factors; PepsiCo's success has a strong economic relation. This segment deals with
the effect Economic conditions on the distant or macro-environment of companies. PepsiCo has
development and expansion prospects focused on the economic stability and high growth rates of
emerging markets such as developed countries such as the U.S. Asia. Nevertheless, China's
current slowdown challenges PepsiCo's potential international growth as China is one of the
largest economies in the world (Murphey & Gause 2014).
Social factors; Socio-cultural patterns are followed by many of PepsiCo's customers. This
research factor describes the effect on the remote or macroclimate of companies of social factors
and improveations. A better awareness of PepsiCo's health is an issue due to concerns about its
products' sugar, salt and fat content. PepsiCo may also take advantage of the busy consumer
lifestyles in the urban and industrial world. Concerning the increasingly discriminating
perceptions of customers regarding product quality, the organization can continue improving
product quality to optimize revenues (PepsiCo Inc. 2012).
Technological Factors; The company of PepsiCo is partially based on technology. This factor is
explored in the relationship between technical development and company remote/macro-
environments. PepsiCo will increase its R&D spending, based on modest investments in research
and development (R&D), in order to increase its market knowledge. In addition, PepsiCo can
help its different business processes, such as product creation and strategic decision-making.
PepsiCo will take advantage of information management systems (Roper, 2012).
Legal Factors; To sustain a successful operation, PepsiCo must obey government regulations
and tax laws. Although compliance with legislation is a facet of company law, the infringement
of copyright is another aspect that must be dealt with periodically. PepsiCo has a lot on its legal
plate along with limits on the use of some products and higher taxes (Leonard, Carl 2013).
Environmental factors; Modification of climate and an environmentally friendly customer base
have to motivate PepsiCo to embrace and carry out its corporate responsibility in all areas of its
business. The organization will build a model that others would follow through on the trend of
raising emphasis on recycling, sustainable waste management, and minimizing their carbon
footprint (Yuksel, 2012).
Microenvironment analysis
The marketing climate of a business consists of forces beyond marketing which affects
marketing management's ability to establish and maintain successful relationships with target
customers. The micro-ecosystem consists of the players close to the business, the company,
vendors, marketing intermediaries, consumer markets, rivals, and the public, who control its
ability to satisfy its customers. The macro-environment consists of broader forces in the
microenvironments that influence the actors (Leonard, 2013).
A consumer, according to the Oxford Dictionary, purchases products or services from a store or
business. In other words, he or she is someone who makes use of or receives a person or
organization's goods or services. Meeting the need or requirements of consumers is crucial to the
existence of a company in a competitive industry. Customers of Pepsi-Cola include wholesale
and other manufacturers, customers of foodservice, grocery stores, supermarkets, convenience
store, discount/dollar stores, big stores, member stores, discount stores for the hard drive,
retailers for e-commerce, and registered independent bottlers. Usually, the exclusive contract
between the bottler and our trademark gives it freedom for the selling and manufacture of such
beverage products in a particular geographical area. These agreements grant independent bottlers
the right to charge (Roper, 2012).
Pepsico holds its manufacturers to the same level of integrity as we hold ourselves to. A
supplier's unethical or illegal act could damage the image of PepsiCo as a world-class business
and trigger a loss of goodwill in the communities we serve. Therefore, as a condition of doing
business with us, our supplier code of conduct and related policies and commitments are required
for any supplier to respect. PepsiCo encourages its manufacturers to comply with their integrity
requirements. Suppliers' unethical or illegal actions can undermine PepsiCo's credibility as a
world-class business and lead to a loss to their communities (Armstrong, 2012).
Therefore, as a condition of doing business with PepsiCo, all suppliers shall comply with the
PepsiCo Supplier Code of Conduct and related policies and commitments. PepsiCo Global
Supplier Code of Ethics, PepsiCo Policy on Climate, Sustained Agriculture, These policies
include the PepsiCo Land Use Policy, the PepsiCo Supervisory Policy, the Sustainable
Packaging Policy, the Human Rights Workplace Policy, the PepsiCo Sugar Cane Pledge and the
PepsiCo Cage-Free Egg Policy (PepsiCo Inc. 2012).
Competitors; In the market, Pepsi purchased a share of Pepsi's coke, Kraft, Dr. Pepper, Britvic,
Cadbury Schweppes (AccuVal, 2010). The success of PepsiCo relies on 'advertising campaigns,
marketing systems, product packaging, prices, manufacturing techniques, development of brands
and trademarks, and protection,' in the present competitive environment (PepsiCo annual report,
The segmentation, targeting and positioing decisions nature of the overall marketing activities
can be defined as PepsiCo. Segmentation involves splitting the population into classes on the
basis of certain unique features, while targeting involves the selection of specific groups
identified by segmentation for sale. The most successful positioning for the target customer
group is the selection of the marketing mix. PepsiCo incorporates multi-sector positions,
approaching more than one customer segment with different products or service bundles at the
same time.
For example, Pepsi-Cola is called a smooth, tasteful, and pleasantly refreshing drink. However,
Pepsi-Cola contains a considerable amount of sugar and does not meet the health hazards of
drinking carbonated soft drinks for consumers who are concerned. PepsiCo provides Pepsi Diet
as a light carbonated drink that has less sugar than Pepsi-Cola and other soft drinks in this
particular community of customers (Dudovskiy, 2016).
Gender Males & Females
Life cycle stage Bachelor Stage young, single people not living at
Newly married couples young, no kids
Full Nest 1 youngest child under six
Full Nest II youngest child six or over
Average, above average and high earners
Students, employees, professionals
Behavioral Degree of loyalty Hard and softcore loyals
Benefits sought Refreshment, enjoying the good taste, the satisfaction
of a habit, spending time
Personality Easygoing/determined/ambitious
User status Regular users
Psychographic Social class The working class, middle class, and upper class
Lifestyle Aspirer, succeeder, Explorer
(Dudovskiy, 2016)
It should be noted that the PepsiCo range consists of 22 brands including Pepsi-Cola, Lay's,
Mountain Dew, Gatorada, Tropicana and others, and table above generally defines the market
target segment of PepsiCo by focusing on common features of the PepsiCo marking. In the
PepsiCo portfolio, there are some variations in nutritional content, pricing, packaging, etc.
between brands, and these differences affect the position of each brand (Yun-sheng, 2015).
Investment channels; traditionally, to expand in the market and to generate more sales,
Pepsico has always made heavy investments in marketing. Pepsi continues to spend on
conventional advertisement tactics such as TV advertising, Over the years, a lot has
changed. It is smart, as Pepsi does, to invest in digital marketing with emerging
innovations already growing. Brands like Pepsi have since social media have become a
trend to communicate with their customers in real-time promotion campaigns. This has
helped them quickly interact with millions of people around the world.. You now
understand that negative feedback and news will easily hit millions of people in the short
term, and are aware of its customer support and product quality (Reuters, 2014).
Digital marketing; It is equally important to have a good and equally important digital
marketing strategy in place to connect digitally with clients. One reason Pepsi is still at
the forefront of its digital advertisements is that it still affects its target market. For
instance, their 20-minute ad 'Bring Home Happiness' has become so viral that individuals
have seen it more than a billion times. Although Pepsi is using social media to connect
with consumers, it is important to note that they still use their power to run its campaigns.
This is very important to build loyalty and dedication to customers today (Rahmani,
Innovation; In the packaging and consistency of its products, Pepsi continues to invest to
keep in mind. They have extended their product range by adding nutritional choices for
their healthy customers. Their wide range of products and their tasty and nutritious
flavors is part of the great marketing strategy. In particular, their packaging and
consistency must be noted as Pepsi continues to innovate. The continually updated
templates helped to make your customers happy while at the same time attracting new
ones. You do this because you know that appealing parcels and additional options can
contribute to greater sales. The needs of people always change, after all, so Pepsi focuses
on adjusting to these needs (PepsiCo Inc. 2017).
Sponsorships; Pepsi also relies heavily on alliances and sponsorships for brand
recognition, apart from its advertising campaigns. They invest extensively in sports
marketing, in particular, by working with different sports bodies around the world to
promote themselves in key markets. For example, the National Basketball Association
partners in 2015 (NBA). They collaborated with the Board of Cricket Control in India in
2016 (PepsiCo Inc. 2017). And in 2017 they partnered for the second time on the market
with the UEFA Champions League. Today, we have a lot of competition, so we need to
continue innovating and experimenting with time.
This is well achieved by Pepsi, which constantly increases in time and adapts the product
options to the demands and budgets of each new generation. Strategies and hope for the
best are not enough to be produced. If you want to grow and thrive like Pepsi, you must
increase aggressiveness and work hard to remain a competition (PepsiCo Inc. 2017).
The advertising campaigns for Pepsi had a lot to do with its popularity. In the form of Coke, the
business climate of Pepsi still provided it with a problem that had already created a niche for
itself. Pepsi's advertisement was targeted at teens and young adults, and Pepsi was quite a
common and popular theme for the beach burst of young people having fun and drinking. It
revealed that Pepsi was a drink for parties and hung with friends, which American youth could
easily remember. The "Pepsi Generation" theme became very popular and the drink began to
grow among young people in the country. At first, the campaign was called "think young." which
later became "come alive." in 1965. This was the first time people were introduced to the word
"generation of Pepsi" (UKEssay, 2018).
PepsiCo has changed its marketing mix over time, especially as a result fusions and transactions.
This 4-Ps marketing mix (product, place, promotion and award) incorporates strategies and
tactics to improve the company's strategy. PepsiCo uses different techniques and methods in this
respect, depending on its variety of products and brands (PepsiCo, 2014).
of the corporate and operational division. Changes in both the external environment and the
business strategy of PepsiCo led to the conclusion that increased emphasis, resources, and
quality would support our compliance activities (Pavlou, 2015). PepsiCo set up the best practices
and enforcement function to address these challenges, which was tasked with formalizing a
compliance and ethics policy suitable for the business and market position of the organization.
This program is intended both to sustain market value and, over time, to produce market value
through the implementation of meaningful compliance with values and ethics culture (Hanssens
et al., 2015).
The organization has a clear and well-articulated set of corporate principles that extend to all of
our staff globally. It is important to incorporate those principles into our curriculum while setting
up a structured compliance and ethics program. The principles of PepsiCo form the backbone of
its compliance program. It is also necessary to ensure that the program for enforcement and
ethics is specifically related to the business goals of the organization. The culture of PepsiCo is
highly dependent on cooperation and coordination across divisions, functions, and geographies.
While the enforcement role must be autonomous and impartial, the measures must be related to
the business practices and strategies of the organization to be successful (Goi, 2009).
PepsiCo also has an executive risk board made up of a cross-functional, geographically diverse
senior management committee that recognizes competitive and reputational risks and assesses
them. PepsiCo has identified and prioritized the main risks facing the company through the
division risk committees and the risk council. The risk management group's role is now focused
on driving ownership and risk management responsibility within the organization (Barrett &
Weinstein 2017).
PepsiCo, with its future efforts, is still thinking bigger. The company has set out a strategy to
incorporate intent into its brands and business strategies. The initiative aims to put a purpose-
driven emphasis through the supply chain of PepsiCo, encompassing sustainable agriculture,
water conservation, reducing the use of plastics and toxic ingredients, and curbing greenhouse
gases. The future is arriving at a time when advertisers are seeking to make sure that their
purposeful drive is sustainable while using socially and politically conscious commercials to
search for headlines instead of satisfying actual customer requirements (Herrera, 2015). PepsiCo
has shown, for the future, real-life marketing is to be implemented. PepsiCo has also cut ties with
the Plastic Industry Association, a lobbying organization representing the packaging industry,
following an assessment by Greenpeace & Break Free of Plastic Movement on the list of
corporate contributors to global plastic pollution (Pepsico, 2012).
To applaud the young, Pepsi had invited designers back in 2007 to create cool designs for their
cans. In 2010, she began to be more socially engaged, meeting the demand for corporate social
responsibility, by initiating a new initiative to work for charities and social reasons (Shannon,
2011). The real challenge for the company, however, is to step beyond cola and to promote its
other products. The challenge is also to cope with evolving markets and develop sales tricks and
goods that continue to attract customers who are interested in the product and who are prepared
to experiment with the new generation. It needs a marketing plan that not only helps grow its
global market share but also retains loyal customers. This will guarantee the company and its
goods longevity and stability (Shannon, 2011).
Pepsico is on a journey with a lot of work ahead, stakeholders should know that moving towards
sustainability and becoming a more forward-looking business will play a key role in PepsiCo's
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