Classification of Rice Leaf Diseases Based On Morphological Changes
Classification of Rice Leaf Diseases Based On Morphological Changes
Classification of Rice Leaf Diseases Based On Morphological Changes
3, May 2012
International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 3, May 2012
preprocessing step is to reduce the difference among the Fig. 5 (a) and (b) are the segmented images of Figure 1 (b)
intensity value of pixels of the uninfected image while and (c) respectively, obtained by applying Otsu’s
increase the difference among the pixels of the diseased segmentation algorithm in the Hue plane and taking the color
image. The processed gray image has been obtained using (1) values corresponding to the segmented region.
B. Feature Selection and Extraction
MG=2×(G-(0.75×R-0.25×B)) (1) The morphological changes caused by the diseases are
studied extensively and it has been observed that the brown
spots are oval shaped while the blast spots are elliptical
where, R, G and B are Red, Green and Blue plane shaped. The shapes are distorted with the severity of the
respectively in the RGB color image. The processed images disease. The spots have different color at the center and the
are shown in Fig. 2. boundary. Radial distribution of the hue from the center
The quality of the image is enhanced further applying towards the boundary of the spot has been considered as
the[mean filtering technique [10] and the resultant images are feature to distinguish the spots since the color of the spots
shown in Fig. 3. vary from center towards the boundary. Hue represents the
true color and the hue distribution values are stored in vectors,
denoted as H = {h1, h2,…….h8}, where hi is the vector
containing the hue value of the spots corresponding to the
line number shown in Fig. 5.
Following two different phases of classification is
Fig. 3. Enhanced images corresponding to Fig. 2. obtained by performed.
applying the mean filter of size 3X3 • Classification of uninfected and diseased leaf
• Classification between diseased leaf
A. Classification of Uninfected and Diseased Leaf
Histogram represents the probability of occurrences of
different gray levels in the image. The high probability of a
particular gray level corresponds to a peak in the histogram.
For an uninfected image, the probability of a particular gray
level is very high since all the pixels have similar gray level
Fig. 4.(a) and (b) are the segmented images of Fig. 1(b) and (c) values. On the other hand, a diseased image exhibits high
respectively, obtained by applying Otsu’s segmentation algorithm in the Hue
plane and taking the color values corresponding to the segmented region.
probability for at least two sufficiently different gray levels,
one for the diseased region of pixels and other for the
uninfected region of pixels. Therefore, the histogram of an
A. Image Segmentation image with single peak is treated as uninfected and more than
Image segmentation is the process of subdividing the one peak is treated as the diseased leaf.
image into its constituent parts [10] of interest. There are
several methods [10], [11] of image segmentation like
thresholding [12] - [14], region based [15]-[18] methods,
morphological operation [10] and soft computing techniques
[12], [19], [20]. The selection of the algorithm generally
depends on the problem being solved. Here, Otsu’s threshold
based segmentation algorithm [13] has been applied which Fig. 6. Histogram of the images corresponding to Fig. 3
maximizes the between class variance parameter to detect the
threshold value. First, the number of peak is determined by translating the
Hue plane of the image has been used for the threshold histogram upward with the factor (m×n/250), where m×n is
selection. Using that threshold value the image has been the size of the image. It has been observed that in order to
segmented into two parts. Fig. 4 (a) and (b) show the reduce the noise, and to obtain clarity of the image size of the
segmented images correspond to Fig. 1 (b) and (c) infected portion of the leaf must be at least greater than
respectively obtained by taking the color values (1/250)th of the original image size. The histograms of the
corresponding to the black pixel of the segmented images. images are shown in Fig. 6. The number of peak is counted
International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 3, May 2012
International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 3, May 2012
in the higher dimensional space too. feature vector and N is the number of training samples. Since
number of samples generally much larger than the dimension
of the feature vector, therefore the proposed system is time
efficient compare to SVM.
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