Holy Angel University: The Experiences of Heat-Sensitive Individuals Regarding Health Ailments in High Temperature
Holy Angel University: The Experiences of Heat-Sensitive Individuals Regarding Health Ailments in High Temperature
Holy Angel University: The Experiences of Heat-Sensitive Individuals Regarding Health Ailments in High Temperature
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the requirements in
Practical Research I
12 – Judah
October 2019
Health Ailments in High Temperature of Heat-sensitive Individuals 2
12 - Judah
Authors’ Note
Lagman, Senior High School, Strand, Basic Education Department, Holy Angel University,
#1 Holy Angel Avenue, Sto. Rosario, Angeles City, 2009, Philippines, Email:
Health Ailments in High Temperature of Heat-sensitive Individuals 3
As the climate turns for the worse, the temperature experiences are becoming to
extreme. In which it is becoming too hot or too cold. There have also been cases all around
the world about high temperatures, heat waves and the like. Due to this, there have been
cases that have affected friends, family, and other people in the community. The researchers
are motivated to obtain the reason as to why these people experience these cases of
hyperventilation, nose bleeding, and fainting and to shed light on the phenomenon that keeps
plaquing this people these may also lead to the understanding of heat sensitive people to be
able to empathize and help these individuals during the times of emitting high temperature.
The study centers around the extreme heat or high temperatures in the PGN building
which may cause problems such as asthma, hyperventilation, and to heat sensitive
individuals in which it focuses to the understanding the very cause of heat-related ailments
and experiences of heat sensitive students in order to find solution to the problems.
states that relief in residential building warrants nominating the correct air parameters,
temperature, humidity, as well as the concentration of gas may fall under the parameters.
Factors greatly influence the wellness and welfare of an individual, negligence to deliver
proper air quantity could lead ailments such as fainting, as well as other symptoms.
this two fields of the study. Both cities were exposed in an increase in heat-related dispatches
Health Ailments in High Temperature of Heat-sensitive Individuals 4
with rise in temperature and heat index, but with a higher in the development of people in
The most heat illness occurs when a person is exposed to heat too long, outdoor
activities exposed to high heat can lead to heat-related ailments because the air is very humid.
Most patients experience heat-related ailments are older adults and young children,
To protect and help people prevents heat or high temperature, and having heat-related
illness, we may apply air conditioning, used of specific building materials, thicken walls,
shading from direct sunlight, natural ventilation, and to increase the motion of air, to make
Heat related ailments are diseases that may occur when a person is exposed to high
temperature, caused by low air quantity, humidity, or the environment alone. This can be
According to Sundell, J.et al. (2014) studied, a rise of ventilation rates should produce
open air.
Natural ventilation can be utilized to forestall overheating issues during summer. This
detached cooling strategy, driven by wind and thermally created weights, chills off the
uncovered structure during the evening and lessens and defers subsequently the indoor
first step to oxygenation, the passage of air going to and out of the lungs, the aim being to
transport clean air into the lungs’ alveoli. The rate of, as well as the depth of ventilation is
Health Ailments in High Temperature of Heat-sensitive Individuals 5
determined by the saturation of hydrogen ions and carbon dioxide in the body' fluids,
ventilation adjust accordingly to any change brought about in the concentrations of these
components in the body. An increase in carbon dioxide, or decrease in the pH level of the
body can stimulate faster and deeper ventilation, hyperventilation in some cases.
Natural ventilation is a good remedy to lessen the effects of health illnesses as this is
outrageous high temperature and should be wary in high temperature, particularly when there
are other hazard wellbeing diseases identified with warmth related ailment. Individuals may
create maladies equipped for causing death, for example, heat stroke.
condition when the standard to elements of the body to chill itself off are not working
appropriately, in this way, the individual can't modify in like manner to changes in the
hypersensitivity to heat. When you have heat intolerance, it's frequently on the grounds that
your body isn't directing its temperature appropriately. Your body directs its temperature by
Heat intolerance is the inability of the human body to adapt to the ever increasing
illness such as heat stroke, heat exhaustion and heat stress are experienced. Heat stress is the
Health Ailments in High Temperature of Heat-sensitive Individuals 6
temperature condition. Based on what has been said, there are consequences to being in a hot
environment, these is due to the interfering of heat in the bodies of people, causing illness,
knowing what heat can do can shed light to what students experience on a daily basis.
While in another study conducted by Scharf (2008), has stated that mean skin
temperature in cattle for both hot and cold rooms have resulted in dramatic change in body
temperature causing psychological stress to the human body. It is evident in the study that
extremes can affect the body of an organism, much more a human, these extremes cause
dramatic changes in the body of an organism, disrupting the body with physiological stress.
Hosokawa, Stearns, and Casa (2019), put into question to what the cause of heat
sensitivity, using present evidence it was suggested that there are two points in defining heat
sensitivity, which are sensitivity to heat either as state or a trait. Although, there are also
individual’s ability to cope with stress created by heat. Whether or not genetics have a
bearing on the sensitivity of people to heat, it is undeniable that there is evidence that heat
does cause problems for individuals since some are more vulnerable to high temperature than
concluded that warm sensitive neurons and temperature insensitive neurons in the
These sensitive neurons can become overly sensitive due to those genetic variation, these,
whether they contribute to the sensitivity of a student to heat, is known that these are overly
. While Andaman, Soebarto, and Williamson (2006) aimed to find what range are
people thriving in, rather than suffering in. That study put into light various explanations,
ideas, opinions, and other concerns regarding one’s disposition to heat and its relation to how
people interact, and function with each other, with machines, and with the self. It put into
question what the scope of the temperature people are comfortable in, with regards to the
setting, Makati City. Results have shown that people whom have been in contact with the
tropical climate for most of their lives have been observed to be more comfortable in lower
temperatures. Focusing on what thermal comfort is to the perception of the Filipino people,
the environment is directly related to what people feel, whether it is thermal comfort, or
discomfort, given that some individuals are predisposed to be weak or sensitive to heat, the
importance of thermal comfort should be emphasized, by the air quality surrounding the
Pryor, Bennet, O’Connor, Young and Asplund (2015) have also deduced that, in
doing activities such as sports, or exercise, in a hot environment, it poses a possible outcome
that includes a detrimental illness, appropriately called exertional heat illness. Individuals
may suffer from both internal, and external factors, and may boost the chances for heat
illness. Exploring upon the end result of functioning in a hot environment, individuals,
student or not, can and will experience heat illness in the setting of a hot environment, and
the few who are sensitive to heat are more vulnerable as the temperature rises.
To find out the effects of temperature on human health, Ikäheimo (2014) , have discussed
that the exertion of heat stroke may affect people to have chronic mental disorders or
effects of heat, the danger of a heat-sensitive student is put in is enough to cause severe
Health Ailments in High Temperature of Heat-sensitive Individuals 8
detrimental effects, with the access to the air conditioner it can be prevented, but due to its
absence, it cannot be denied that it is wholly possible for a student to experience the
Chua, Dorothan, Estanislao, Hashizome, and Salazar (2019) have also expanded on
the possible factor that climate change, on the cases of hyperventilation. There, the impact of
climate change on human health have been observed and projected in the Philippines as
vector borne and heat ailments that continue to increase. Mentioned in this study would be
the impact of climate change, especially the heating of the country, it heightens the risk of
heat related illnesses, and being in an environment, such as the PGN building, can become a
factor in the accumulation of heat stress, and physiological strain, causing disorders, and
In a study conducted by Sepson, Dang, and Honda (2016), it has been concluded that
related diseases in individuals. This addresses the high temperatures as a factor that causes
To expand on another factor of stress caused by heat, Carter (2015) has connected the
relationship between radiation and daytime temperature stress, there is concern that radiation
could be masking potential temperature stress to a person’s body. Shown here is that it is
possible for the increase in radiation absorbed by a person can have ill effects such as
While Reardon, and Clarke (2013), have reasoned out that the factors that affect the
comfort for people (Human thermal comfort) are based in Design for climate and involve
Health Ailments in High Temperature of Heat-sensitive Individuals 9
physiological and psychological effects. In this study, it has provided reasons as to what
could have caused the disruption of the comfort of a person due to heat, solving problems
concerning the heat stress gained by the students, there should be something in the building
preventing this discomfort, it is also possible that students may complain about lack of
To add onto that, Lu, Tsai, Muo, Kuo, Sung, and Wu (2017) have acknowledged that
there are a selection of expressed symptoms attributed to the exposure to specific building
conditions, this combination of symptoms, called Sick Building Syndrome, are caused by
some factors that may include low indoor airflow, are linked to the ailments such as
dizziness, among others, it also stated that psychological factors have significant links with
lower respiratory symptoms. Knowledge on what students might experience due to heat can
be helpful as to explain and shed light to the problems and experiences of the students take
in. It also takes into account that the mentioned symptoms are a result of the current air
parameters, students can express these symptoms when exposed to a hostile environment,
Mendell, Eliseeva, Chan, Sullivan, Russell, Satish, and Fisk (2015), have concluded that
changes in ventilation rates performed in the study affect the performance in healthy young
adults even though some symptoms are not expressed. Stated above is the fact that, even
though ventilation rates change, the effects to young adults may not be expressed in the
perceived symptoms, but can still affect the performance of students, even though heat-
sensitive individuals cannot properly function in the heat, even the slightest irritation, or
The reason why changes in ventilation would affect an individual was explored by
Seppanen, and Kurnitski (2009) in their study where they have concluded that ventilation
helps to remove pollutants and to make the thermal environment and humidity in the
buildings stable. This ventilation must be adequate to expel or decrease contaminations and
moistness to think about the wellbeing and solace of the individuals in the structure.
According to this study, illnesses and heat-related ailments can stem from the lack of
ventilation, in the students, it can be deduced that at times, students can be surrounded by too
many people, creating more carbon dioxide, and lessening oxygen or be overwhelmed by the
heat, these factors are said to be a result of lack of ventilation in the building.
helpful and appropriate in reducing energy use, cost and for maintaining indoor
that can affect what a student experience in a given situation, such as hot afternoons, or in the
case of a heat wave, these factors can affect the experiences of students, and to know what
Suggs (2016) also approved of that type of ventilation and has exclaimed that passive
cooling is a necessity for their state, Utah, as well as for any climate that may require the
means of cooling. Necessities in other places can be a helpful clue in finding out and
exploring the cases of hyperventilation, and other heat-related ailments, the students might
suffer due to the lack of facilities, such as air conditioning, this would explain in more depth
- Transcribing Sensitive
ents that have
Ailments in
The theory of heat by James Clark Maxwell, M.A. said that the condition of the body
may fluctuate persistently from cold to hot, we should concede the presence of an uncertain
number of moderate states, which we call transitional temperatures. The impressions of each
sort rely on such a significant number of variable conditions. Serve to indicate particular
related ailments for heat sensitive individuals at PGN building, at this stage in the research ,
Health Ailments in High Temperature of Heat-sensitive Individuals 12
health-related-ailments will be generally defined as the negative reaction of the body to rise
of temperature.
2. How would people with high temperature sensitivity describe their experiences when
3. How would people with high temperature sensitivity describe their experience when
Health-related ailments Discrete Exhaustive
Temperature Continuous Mutually Exclusive
The researchers will gather data to individuals with heat related ailments particularly
Grade 12 students who are in Peter G. Nepomuceno building with a time frame of 2 months
Focused: this is only focused on the person who have heat-related ailments more
specifically persons who have experienced hyperventilation, nose bleeding, nausea and
fainting. For this study doesn’t cover people with over extensive sweat and other heat
The scope and limitation of the study will only revolve around students that take
strands are allowed to participate in the study, to lessen the participants, the researchers
would only interview Grade 12 students that are heat sensitive and have any past cases of
Health Ailments in High Temperature of Heat-sensitive Individuals 13
health ailments caused by high temperatures. In regards to what considers as health ailment,
the researchers have limited these health ailments to only consider hyperventilation, nose
sensitive individuals, would be significant, and would benefit few specific groups of people
To the students. With the examination and the experiences of the heat-sensitive
individuals that will be put into writing, the students may use the results, and the discussion
included in this paper, to reflect that on which also applies to them. Knowing that there are
individuals that experience health ailments due to high temperatures in the PGN building,
students may develop and understanding to the position they are in in high temperatures, and
the health ailments they may experience can be easily detected earlier by following what has
been said by the former students that are the subjects of this study.
To the teachers. As students and teachers both occupy the PGN building, it is
unsurprising when the teachers also experience health ailments due to the high temperatures,
but this study is also important to them as it is they who monitor and lead the students. In the
event a student is afflicted by health ailments caused by the heat, using knowledge provided
by the study, the teachers can weigh the possible actions to do, and reflecting on the
experiences of past heat-sensitive individuals, coming up with the best decision is easier, and
To the parents. The children they send to be educated at any esteemed school will
surely be loved by their parents, sending children away to school may give the parents
concern, and worry, especially how they have doubts on the health of their children. The
Health Ailments in High Temperature of Heat-sensitive Individuals 14
study can be beneficial for them as this study exemplifies the experiences of heat-sensitive
individuals, the symptoms of health ailments, what quick cure these individuals may possess
knowledge of, and perhaps even the dangers of prolonged exposure to high temperatures
without the proper safety measures, these can be given by the study, giving the parents
knowledge on how to prevent and rectify the children’s behavior and actions as to lessen the
To the future researchers. This study can give much guidance to the researchers
who plan to commit to similar studies ot perhaps expand on this particular study. Giving
great analysis on the experiences of the heat-sensitive individuals may be in great use by the
researchers in the medical field or the researchers that reside where the study has taken place.
May the study become a stepping stone in the achievement of higher education, and the
The study would cover Grade 12 students of the Holy Angel University as that whole
population resides at the Peter G. Nepomuceno building, where the research would take
place. It is this population that would be most representable to the environment at the PGN
judge mental sampling in which the subjects will strictly be Grade 12 students who
Among the population of Grade STEM students, the number of sample will be limited
to 15 Grade 12 student participants because the study covers only in the individuals with heat
sensitivity and had experience in having heat-related ailments. For by this number we can
Since the study include the Grade 12 STEM student participants, the researchers will
therefore use the purposive or judgmental sampling method, and by this number we can
The qualifying criteria in the selection of sample are the grade 12 STEM students that
are heat sensitive that had already acquired heat-related ailments due to high temperature in
the environment.
Health Ailments in High Temperature of Heat-sensitive Individuals 16
Research Design
The most applicable research design for this study would be the phenomenological
design as this design would be the most effective in deepening the understanding of the
students’ experiences as the phenomenological design aims to out importance into the
The researchers would apply and individual interview that is structured in form, with
the use of an interview guide, the design emphasizes the individual experiences and explores
the ideas, opinions, orally combination of said variables, by giving depth to the
understanding of these experiences by probing and putting aside prior knowledge on the
The researchers are will be using semi-structured individual interview to gather data
to answer the research problem. The researchers will interview the individuals one-by-one
asking a specific set of questions but also add additional or follow-up questions that are still
related to the study in which this would help understanding to the findings (Cristobal, A. and
The researchers chose the semi-structured as a method to gather additional data that
would add depth to the answers. By an individual interview, the researchers can focus on
These will be divided into three statement of the problem which are how would they
deal with high temperature, describe their experiences, and to what health ailments they
The first to be done in the research is to identify the individuals who are sensitive to
heat, hence heat-sensitive, that spend most of their time, either teaching or studying, or
perhaps an office job, inside the PGN building. With the ten (10) identified individuals
spotted using the purposive type of sampling, the researchers would implore their
participation in the study as respondents that would share experiences concerning the high
temperatures in the PGN building, and what health ailments are caused by it. The subsequent
individual interviews of the heat-sensitive individuals would then be held with the use of the
interview guide, coupled with the use of a voice recorder to remove any hindrance of a
barrier to the answers of the interviewees, unlike in the use of pen and paper. Pictures with
the participants would be taken to serve as evidence that the interviews are not fabricated, the
researchers would then blur out the faces, IDs, and anything that may endanger the
participants’ anonymity. After the interviews, the recordings would then be transcribed word-
for-word, to not change the respondents’ answers regarding the questions to be asked. These
transcriptions would then be given the proper interpretations by the researchers to be able to
effectively satisfy the mentioned research questions, and to make the objective of the study
come to fruition.
Health Ailments in High Temperature of Heat-sensitive Individuals 18
Data Analysis
In this research, to construct conclusion from the collected data, content analysis is
needed, there are specific questions formulated to be answered to give more emphasis to
major variables. On this coding of data, finding the pattern will be identifying the related
words or phrases and sections of the text terminologies, ideas, and concepts of the data are
mainly observed.
This way of data analysis is used to identify the relevance of answers of the
Category Sub-category #
What to do (WD) Fan (WD-F) 5
(WD-SW) 1
Fan (AC-F) 2
How to cope in heat (CH) Towel (CH-T) 2
Fan (CH-F) 2
Bath (CH-B) 3
Handkerchief (CH-H) 1
Umbrella (CH-U) 1
The respondents shared their experience regarding what to do when the temperature is
high, they have also shared on how to achieve comfort in order to cool down, as well as how
to cope when the temperature rose. Majority of the answers, drinking cool water has become
the most common response, participant G has stated that “When the temperature increases, I
usually drink three bottle of w-water.” Implying that it helps to stay hydrated, participant E
said that “I would normally either drink water to hydrate myself.” And also stay refreshed
which participant I stated that “I usually try to drink lots of water to feel refreshed.”
The researchers also asked about how to achieve comfort in high temperature as
participant F has said that “So if there are opportunities na mas merong malamig na lugar, I
will move there.” (So if there are opportunities that there is a cool place, I will move there._
while participant A said that “Ah kapag mainit, kailangan kase, ano parang, walang nakadikit
sakin ganun, kase parang masmainit pag masmadaming nakapalibot sayo.” (Of its hot, it
needs to be, like, there’s nothing sticking on me because it gets hotter when there’s a lot of
Concerning about on how to cope in heat, participant G stated that “To cope by
drinking plenty of water or cold drinks or if I’m at home, I take a bath or wash my face to
cool down.” Which is the same to what participant D said that “I try to cool myself down like
The aforementioned experiences imply that drinking water when the temperature is
high is something to do, to achieve comfort, one must go to an open space to breathe fresh air
Health Ailments in High Temperature of Heat-sensitive Individuals 21
in order to cool down, and to cope in heat is by drinking cool water and taking a bath using
cold water.
The aforementioned experiences imply that drinking water and fanning oneself when
the temperature is high is something to do, to achieve comfort one must go to an open space
to breathe fresh air in order to cool down, and to cope in heat is by drinking cool water and
taking a bath using cold water. According IN Home BT (2018) stated that cold water should
be avoided as the body can receive shock yet even it oppose to the respondents’ answer, it
can still connect that one must drink water especially dehydrated.
How would people with high temperature sensitivity describe their experiences when the
temperature is high?
Discomfort (D-D) 1
Fainting (D-F) 1
Dizziness (D-DZ) 4
Nosebleed (D-N) 1
Sweating (D-S) 2
Feeling in Heat (F) Dizziness (F-D) 3
Weakening (F-W) 1
Suffocated (F-S) 2
Health Ailments in High Temperature of Heat-sensitive Individuals 22
Irritable (F-I) 1
Sweating (F-SW) 1
Nauseous (F-N) 2
Uncomfortable (F-U) 1
Nosebleed (F-NB) 1
Uncomfortable (U-U) 2
Headache (U-H) 2
Blackout (U-B) 1
Sweating (U-S) 4
Dizziness (U-D) 1
Hyperventilation (U-H) 1
experience in the heat is usually my face and hands starts to sweat, my body temperature
slowly increases as well, and sometimes my head starts to get a headache.” And another
respondent said, “I usually can’t focus on what I’m doing the heat makes me dizzy and weak
Another respondent also said, “I usually feel dizzy and feel kong lalagnatin ako
ganon. Tapos minsan I experience na dumugo ilong ko yun.” (I usually feel dizzy and I feel
Health Ailments in High Temperature of Heat-sensitive Individuals 23
like I will have a fever. Sometimes I experience nose bleeding). And an additional statement
from another respondent: “When I’m already starting to sweat all over, that’s the time I get
and nosebleed. These ten(10) respondents commonly described that they are starting to
notice that they are uncomfortable due to high temperature is when they started to sweat,
followed by being irritable, uncomfortable, headache, and blacking out. And through the
given statement of the respondents it is easy to assume that when there is a high temperature
they experience headache and feel dizzy and they are starting to realize that they are
most common experience is headache. This is supported by the study of Erica Roth (2018).
Sweating is a bodily function that helps on maintaining the body’s temperature, it releases a
salt-based liquid from the sweat glands. Common triggers of sweat are changes body
What health ailments affect heat-sensitive students suffer from when exposed to high
category Sub-category #
Health Ailments (HA) Asthma (HA-A) 1
Palpitation (HA-P) 1
Health Ailments in High Temperature of Heat-sensitive Individuals 24
Asphyxiation (AP-AX) 1
Hyperventilation (HA-HV) 2
Nose-bleeding (HA-NB) 2
Dizziness (HA-D) 3
Headache (HA-H) 5
Dehydration (HA-D) 2
Fever (HA-F) 1
Effects of heat in the body Weakness (EV-W) 1
Sweating (EB-S) 2
Effects of Heat on Cognitive Loss of focus (EC-LF) 7
information (EC-IA)
Inability to understand 1
information (EC-IU)
The respondents have shared their experiences regarding the health ailments they
experience when exposed to high temperatures, they have also shared the effects of heat in
regards to their physical body, as well as their cognitive functions. Having the most majority
Health Ailments in High Temperature of Heat-sensitive Individuals 25
answers, headache has become the most common response by the interviewees, Participant A
has stated that “yon, sumasakit yung ulo ko.” (Yeah, my head hurts), implying headaches and
head pain caused by the high temperatures they are present in, Participant B simply answered
“Headache when asked what is health ailments are affecting them when in the heat,
Participant E also had a similar experience in the heat exclaiming, “Headaches often occur to
me when I’m in a place with high temperature”, Participant F have also shared having
headaches along with having other symptoms saying “Ah, nose-bleed, dizziness, and
headache.” when asked about the health ailments they feel, Participant H also shares the
same sentiments answering “Headache tsaka palpitate o kaya hinihingal ako.” (Headache and
In regards to the physical body, specifically, the majority of the respondents have
answered the loss of energy. Participant C stated, in regards to the effects of high
temperatures on their body, “Parang naubos energy ko.” (It’s like my energy is depleted.),
while Participant F went deeper in their experience saying “Kapag naman sobrang init, super
bilis kong mapagod, like, hindi pa ako nakakadami ng parang kilos ganyan napapagod ako
bigla” (If it is very hot, I get tired really easily, like, I have not yet done that many actions but
I suddenly feel tired), while Participant H just said “I get exhausted easily” when confronted
Concerning cognitive functions, the most common answer there was, with it being
unanimous, is the loss of focus. Most participants have answered similar responses, most can
be summarized by the answer of Participant B, which is, “Medyo kase nawawala ako sa
focus.” (I lose my focus.), and Participant D who said “I can’t get my mind off the heat I’m
Health Ailments in High Temperature of Heat-sensitive Individuals 26
exposed to” lowing focus at the task at hand and instead paying attention to the high
With the completion of all interviews, the overarching effect of high temperatures on
the body of an individual is the rapid loss of energy, high temperatures affect the bodies of
these individuals by taking more energy to function normally, causing strain and exhaustion
on the body of the individual. After interviewing ten (10) heat-sensitive individuals, it is clear
that the highest reoccurring health ailment experienced are headaches, followed by dizziness,
and a tie between hyperventilation, nose-bleeding, and dehydration. With what has been said
and recorded, it is easy to assume that these health ailments are effects of high temperatures,
and are also widely felt by a lot of heat-sensitive individuals. High temperatures also have
various effects on the cognitive functions of an individual, these include loss of focus,
these, the majority of the interviewees would say that the loss of focus is an effect of high
temperatures on the body of an individual is the rapid loss of energy, high temperatures affect
the bodies of these individuals by taking more energy to function normally, causing strain
and exhaustion on the body of the individual. After interviewing ten (10) heat-sensitive
individuals, it is clear that the highest reoccurring health ailment experienced are headaches,
With what has been said and recorded, it is easy to assume that these health ailments are
effects of high temperatures, and are also widely felt by a lot of heat-sensitive individuals.
Health Ailments in High Temperature of Heat-sensitive Individuals 27
With the completion of all interviews, the overarching effect of high temperatures on the
body of an individual is the rapid loss of energy, high temperatures affect the bodies of these
individuals by taking more energy to function normally, causing strain and exhaustion on the
body of an individual, these includes loss of focus, inability to retain/absorb information, and
inability to understand information, but among these, the majority of the interviewees would
say that the loss focus is an effect of high temperatures. It is felt by most of the individuals.
Much like the responses of the interviewees, the results from a study conducted by Seposo,
Dang, and Honda (2017) supports the results, as it states that the health effects manifest in
the population when the temperature increase, posing great risk for the health of the people.
According to what the participants have explained, they deal with high temperatures
through cooling themselves by means of fresh air from fanning themselves or through the
help of electric fans as well as drinking cold water to lower their temperature and to achieve
the comfort that they seek. ===== Most of the participants experience headaches or dizziness
It is therefore conclude that high temperatures are detrimental health ailments and
negative effects on the body, these negative effects include a few symptoms, the majority
being headaches, and dizziness, effects on the physical body that is manifested as the rapid
loss of energy, and strain on the cognitive functions in the form of losing focus.
Health Ailments in High Temperature of Heat-sensitive Individuals 28
The researchers recommend to future researchers to expand upon the health ailments,
to possibly explore further into the different health ailments caused by the high temperatures,
it would also be better to raise the number of participants, the heat-sensitive students, to have
a better understanding on the commonalities found between those people who are sensitive to
heat. It would also be best to include other factors into the study to find out whether it can
affect the health ailments, factors may include humidity and air pollution in the presence of
heat. If it is possible, the researchers would like to recommend the continuation of the study
at Holy Angel University, to include more subjects, and to perform the study in other
locations that have different climates and environments, other countries for example.
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DOI: 10.1080/16549716.2017.1368969
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Sloan, J. (2019) Heat intolerance symptoms & top 4 causes of heat intolerance. Retrieved
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Interviewee: Participant A
“Uhm usually kase, pag mainit ganyan, ano, tumututok lang ako sa blower o kaya
nagpapaypay ganon.”
Health Ailments in High Temperature of Heat-sensitive Individuals 33
“Ah kapag mainit kailangan kase, ano parang, walang nakadikit sakit ganun, kase parang,
“Uhm magpapaypay lang talaga as in yung, parang, biglang uminit kailangan lang talaga
“Uhm, pag mainit, nahihilo ako madalas, tapos, sumasakit yung ulo ko, yung parang biglang
“Yun yung nahihilo, tapos minsan nawawalan din ako, nagkukulangan din ako ng oxygen.”
“Ahm ano, yung pag ganyan, na aalibadbaran ako, yung di ako mapakali, ganon, yung di ka
“Sakin hindi naman, ano lang, yung lang talagang di ka komportable yun.”
Interviewee: Participant B
Health Ailments in High Temperature of Heat-sensitive Individuals 34
“Nagpapaypay. “
“Yung kunwaring galing sa school, since wala naman tayong choice kundi mainitan,
“Kapag kumikirot na yung ulo ko, tsaka nandidilim na yung paningin ko.”
“Headache. “
Interviewee: Participant C
Health Ailments in High Temperature of Heat-sensitive Individuals 35
“Normally nag aano ako nag stay put ako in one place p-para mag pahangin.”
“Ah I look for cool places o kaya something like kahit mahangin pa.”
“Sobrang nakakairita.”
Interviewee: Participant D
“I’ll just open up the air conditioning or get a glass of cold water”
Health Ailments in High Temperature of Heat-sensitive Individuals 36
“I actually don’t get comfortable when the temperature’s high, so I don’t know how to
“I try to cool myself down, like I said before drink a cold glass of water or maybe take a
“When I’m already starting to sweat all over. That’s the time I get really irritated by it.”
“I would start to sweat in under a minute or so, and then get dehydrated.”
“I think it kind of affects my cognitive functions in a way like, I can’t get my mind off the
Interviewee: Participant E
“When the temperature increases, I would normally either drink water to hydrate myself or
“The only time I would say I achieve discomfort in high temperatures is when I stop
“I can only really cope with increase in temperature if I have water with me to drink and a
“I experience in the heat is usually my face and hands starts to sweat, my body temperature
“I feel nauseous and uncomfortable because my body is used to air conditioned places.”
“I realize that I’m uncomfortable once my body starts to hurt, whether it be from my head to
my stomach.”
“If the temperature is too high, I would most likely be experience heat-exhaustion, but it’s
“As I’ve mentioned earlier, headaches often occur to me when I’m in a place with high
Health Ailments in High Temperature of Heat-sensitive Individuals 38
“It greatly affects my cognitive functions because it’s harder to concentrate when you feel
Interviewee: Participant F
“Usually either bibili akong malamig na water o kaya kuwa akong malamig na water sa
bahay namin tapos I sprinkle little all over on my face tas pati na din arms ko and wala hindi
“So if there are opportunities na mas merong malamig na lugar I will move there or kaya is if
circumstances like yung place is super init talaga, I try not to move a lot para mas hindi
uminit and hindi ako pawisan and kung may pamaymay ako yun papaypay ako, yun.”
“So since I have already experienced being dizzy under a hot temperature and dumugo pa
ilong ko nun ,narealize ko na I have to always be ready kaya tuwing aalis kami and sobrang
init either magdadala nalang ako payong, pamaypay and towel. what’s the purpose of towel?
So kapag ano sobrang init, hindo ko na kaya, babasain ko yun ng tubig tas punas sa mukha
ko ganyan para medyo maibsan yung init na nararamdaman ko, yun lang.”
“Ano ahm, traumatic? And ano ih, oo ganun, ewan ko kase pag talagang mainit naano ako
naano naalibadbaran ako, ganun napapawisan syempre tas minsan nahihilo pa ganun.”
Health Ailments in High Temperature of Heat-sensitive Individuals 39
“I usually feel dizzy and feel kong lalagnatin ako ganon. Tas minsan I experience na dumugo
“Ahm normally pag nag p-pe kami and yung temperature hindi siya ganun katas di ako
mabilis mapagod and ayun nakakagalaw ako ng maayos and kapag naman sobrang initsuper
bilis kong mapagodlike hindi pa ako nakakadami ng parang kilos ganyan napapagod ako
bigla, yun.”
“Yes and no well it depends upon the situation because sometimes when I study I prefer
studying in warm placesmost especially my brain dfunctions well kapag ganun kasekapag
malamig nakatulog lang ako andif ever man na there’s a circumstance thatyung heat
unbearable na siya tas supper taas nathat’ss the time na nakakaramdam ako and kapag
nakaramdam na ako ng hilo, hindi na nag ffunction ng maayos yung utak ko kase hindi na
siya nakarecieve ng info ng maayos. Tough nakakabasa ako nakaka nakikita ko yung notes
ko ganyan but hindi ko na matatandaan yun kase yun ng hindi na nagffuction utak ko and
Interviewee: Participant G
Health Ailments in High Temperature of Heat-sensitive Individuals 40
“When the temperature increases, I usually drink three bottles of wa-water and I usually use
“By wearing comfortable clothes like sleeve less and take a walk where there are a lot of
“To cope by drinking plenty of water or cold drinks or if I’m at home I take a bath or wash
“When I experienced heat I usually can’t focus on what I’m doing the heat makes me dizzy
“I feel suffocated and it was like I’m being steamed and all I want to do is take a bath using
cold water.”
“When I’m sweating a lot and I can feel that my skin was sticky already because of the
“I usually experience asphyxiation, it means that I have a trouble on breathing because of the
lack of oxygen.”
Health Ailments in High Temperature of Heat-sensitive Individuals 41
“Yes, because I usually get distracted and can’t concentrate on what I’m doing. I find it
Interviewee: Participant H
“Kumakain ako lagi ng ice cream or basta malamig na food tapos water din.”
“Naliligo ako ng ilang beses sa isang araw tapos mag aaircon ako kapag di kaya.”
“Ganon pa rin, maliligo ng ilang beses tapos puro ako hilamos ng mukha.”
“Hinihingal ako tapos sumasakit din yung ulo ko na para akong magkakasakit.”
“Kapag nag start na akong pawisan kase normally hindi ako masyadong pinagpapawisan e.”
Health Ailments in High Temperature of Heat-sensitive Individuals 42
productivity ko.”
“Oo, sumasakit ko e dahil sa init tapos hirap na magfocus kaya di ako nakakapag isip ng
Interviewee: Participant I
“If I’m outside, I try to find a shaded place to rest for a while, and if I’m at home I usually
“If it gets really hot, I use a damp towel or wet wipes to wipe my face every now and then.”
“My chest begins to tighten and begin to breathe a little faster than I should.”
Health Ailments in High Temperature of Heat-sensitive Individuals 43
“Somehow the heat takes over me that all I can think about is that.”
Interviewee: Participant J
“Ah, in school I normally do is, I tutok (aim) the electric fan. In the house, ahm sometimes I
“I simply, open the aircon at house ahm, or in school I don’t do unnecessary moves.”
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