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CIMA 2010 Chartered Management Accounting Qualification - Specimen Examination Paper P2

P2 – Performance Management
Pillar P

P2 – Performance Management
Specimen Examination Paper

Instructions to candidates

You are allowed three hours to answer this question paper.

You are allowed 20 minutes reading time before the examination begins
during which you should read the question paper and, if you wish, make
annotations on the question paper. However, you will not be allowed, under
any circumstances, to open the answer book and start writing or use your
calculator during this reading time.

You are strongly advised to carefully read ALL the question requirements
before attempting the question concerned (that is all parts and/or sub-
questions). The requirements for all questions are contained in a dotted box.

ALL answers must be written in the answer book. Answers written on the
question paper will not be submitted for marking.

Answer ALL FIVE compulsory questions in Section A on pages 2 to 6.

Answer the TWO compulsory questions in Section B on pages 7 to 10.

Maths Tables and Formulae are provided on pages 11 to 13.

The list of verbs as published in the syllabus is given for reference on page

Write your candidate number, the paper number and examination subject title
in the spaces provided on the front of the answer book. Also write your
contact ID and name in the space provided in the right hand margin and seal
to close.

Tick the appropriate boxes on the front of the answer book to indicate which
questions you have answered.

© The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants 2008

CIMA 2010 Chartered Management Accounting Qualification - Specimen Examination Paper P2


[Note: The indicative time for answering this section is 90 minutes.]



Question One

SW Limited supplies its cleaning liquid to AL Limited, another company in the SWAL group,
as well as selling to its external market.

SW Limited has capacity to produce up to 500,000 litres of cleaning liquid per week. The
external market demand is 350,000 litres per week, and previously AL Limited demanded
100,000 litres per week. AL Limited has now advised SW Limited that it will require 250,000
litres per week from January 2009.

SWAL group policy:

• evaluates the performance of group companies on the basis of their individual profits;
• is to set transfer prices that will encourage the maximisation of group profits.

Prepare a report to the SWAL group Management Team outlining how an appropriate
transfer pricing policy would provide a satisfactory basis for appraising the performance
of individual companies. Comment on the implications of this policy for the
maximisation of group profits.
(10 marks)


Performance Management 2 Specimen Exam Paper

CIMA 2010 Chartered Management Accounting Qualification - Specimen Examination Paper P2

Question Two

Z Limited produces signs and labels for a number of businesses. Some of the signs are
produced on vinyl and then fixed to vehicles and display panels whereas others are produced
on metal and fixed to machinery and equipment to indicate how they are to be operated

For some time the managers of Z Limited have complained that the responsibility accounting
system is unfair. Managers are given targets that have been set by the Board of Directors and
are expected to achieve the targets regardless of the level of actual activity and any changes
that may have occurred since the targets were set.

(i) Explain the meaning of responsibility accounting.
(3 marks)

(ii) Discuss the implications of the scenario described above and describe the
changes that could be made to improve acceptance by managers of the
responsibility accounting system.
(7 marks)

(Total for Question Two = 10 marks)


Specimen Exam Paper 3 Performance Management

CIMA 2010 Chartered Management Accounting Qualification - Specimen Examination Paper P2

Question Three

A company has developed a new product that it will manufacture in its workshop. The product
is highly specialised and initially will be produced to order only. The product will be
manufactured in batches. The estimated time required for the first batch is 40 person hours,
but due to the nature of the product and the manufacturing method being used, it is expected
that an 80% learning curve will apply.


(a) Calculate the expected time for the eighth batch.

(3 marks)
(b) When production commenced the first batch took 45 hours. The actual learning
rates that were observed were as follows:

Month Total batches produced Actual learning rate

to date
1 1
2 2 75%
3 4 75%
4 8 90%

Explain reasons why the learning rates observed could have differed from the
expected rate.
(3 marks)

(c) The total time taken to produce the first 8 batches was 182⋅25 hours.
Calculate the cumulative learning rate up to the end of Month 4.
(Remember that the first batch took 45 hours)
(4 marks)

(Total for Question Three = 10 marks)


Performance Management 4 Specimen Exam Paper

CIMA 2010 Chartered Management Accounting Qualification - Specimen Examination Paper P2

Question Four

A company experiences changing levels of demand, but produces a constant number of units
during each quarter. The company allows inventory levels to rise and fall to satisfy the
differing quarterly demand levels for its product.

(a) Identify and explain the reasons for three additional costs/cost savings that
would occur if the company were to change to a Just In Time (JIT) production
method for 2009. Assume that there are to be zero stocks at the start and end of
the year.
(6 marks)

(b) Briefly discuss the importance of Total Quality Management (TQM) to a company
that operates a JIT production method.
(4 marks)

(Total for Question Four = 10 marks)


Specimen Exam Paper 5 Performance Management

CIMA 2010 Chartered Management Accounting Qualification - Specimen Examination Paper P2

Question Five

W manufactures a variety of products from a range of different raw materials. Typically, each
product takes six months to research and design and thereafter has a sales period of a further
two years before it is replaced by a more efficient newer product. Consequently, the company
is constantly reviewing its products to see how they can be improved to create the
replacements for its current product range.

The company has recently completed the testing of a new product which has cost $400,000
to develop and test over the last six months. It has bought a machine costing $150,000 that
has been specially manufactured by a local engineering company. The machine is capable of
producing 1,000 units of the product per week. It is not expected to have a residual value due
to its specialised nature.

The company has decided that the unit selling prices it will charge will be as follows:

First 2,000 units 100
First 5,000 units 80
First 7,500 units 70
First 40,000 units 60
Thereafter 40

Based on these selling prices, it is expected that demand will initially be 200 units per week,
but this will then increase to 500 units per week after 10 weeks, and to 750 units per week
after 20 weeks before stabilising at 1,000 units per week after 30 weeks. This level of demand
is then expected to continue until after 70 weeks the demand will reduce to 800 units per
week with further reductions of 200 units per week occurring every ten weeks so that the
demand is zero by week 110.

Unit variable costs are expected to be as follows:

First 2,000 units 50
First 12,500 units 40
First 20,000 units 30
First 20,000 units 25
Thereafter 30


(a) Explain how W could use Life Cycle Costing to evaluate the profitability of its
(4 marks)

(b) Prepare a columnar profit statement showing the cumulative profitability of the
product after each of the four stages of the product’s life cycle.
(6 marks)

(Total for Question Five = 10 marks)

Total for Section A = 50 marks

End of Section A
Performance Management 6 Specimen Exam Paper
CIMA 2010 Chartered Management Accounting Qualification - Specimen Examination Paper P2


[Note: The indicative time for answering this section is 90 minutes.]



Question Six

QBD plc produces souvenirs for a number of international airlines. The company uses a
standard absorption costing system and prepares a standard cost card for each of its items.

The standard cost card for one of QBD's souvenirs is as follows:

Materials 1⋅5 kg 6⋅00
Labour 1⋅6 hours 8⋅00
Variable 1⋅6 hours 4⋅00
Fixed 1⋅6 hours 12⋅00
Total cost 30⋅00
Profit 10⋅00
Selling price 40⋅00

Budgeted production and sales for April 2009 was 5,000 units of this product.

Actual production was 6,000 units of this souvenir, but only 4,300 were sold with actual sales
proceeds being $164,800.

Actual data for April 2009 was as follows:

Materials 10,300 kg 6⋅00
Labour 11,420 hours 8⋅00
Variable 4⋅00
Fixed 12⋅00

The 11,420 labour hours include 2,270 hours of idle time caused by an unexpected machine

Specimen Exam Paper 7 Performance Management

CIMA 2010 Chartered Management Accounting Qualification - Specimen Examination Paper P2


(a) Calculate the budgeted profit for April 2009.

(3 marks)
(b) Calculate the actual profit for April 2009.
(6 marks)

(c) Prepare a statement that reconciles the budgeted and actual profits for April
2009 in as much detail as is permitted from the above information.
(16 marks)

(Total for Question Six = 25 marks)


Performance Management 8 Specimen Exam Paper

CIMA 2010 Chartered Management Accounting Qualification - Specimen Examination Paper P2

Question Seven

H plc, a printing company, uses traditional absorption costing to report its profitability to a
management team.

It is seeking to increase its business by winning work from new customers. It now has the
opportunity to prepare a quotation for a large organisation that currently requires a new
catalogue of its services.

A technical report on the resource requirements for the catalogues has been completed at a
cost of $1,000 and its details are summarised below:

Production period
It is expected that the total time for printing and despatch of the catalogue will be one week.

Material A
10,000 sheets of special printing paper will be required. This is a paper that is in regular use
by H plc and the company has 3,400 sheets in inventory. These originally cost $1⋅40 per
sheet but the current market price is $1⋅50 per sheet. The resale price of the sheets held in
inventory is $1⋅20 per sheet.

Material B
This is a special ink that H plc will need to purchase at a cost of $8 per litre. 200 litres will be
required for this catalogue but the supplier has a minimum order size of 250 litres. H plc does
not foresee any other use for this ink, but will hold the surplus in inventory. H plc’s inventory
policy is to review slow moving items regularly. The cost of any inventory item that has not
been used for more than six months is accounted for as an expense of the period in which
that review occurs.

Direct labour
There are sufficient people already employed by H plc to print the catalogue, but some of the
printing will require overtime working due to the availability of a particular machine that is
used on other work. The employees are paid $8 per hour, the order will require 150 hours
work and 50 of these hours will be overtime for which a rate of $10 per hour is paid.
Employees are paid using an hourly rate with a guaranteed minimum wage.

An existing supervisor will take responsibility for the catalogue in addition to her existing
duties. She is not currently fully employed and receives a salary of $500 per week.

Two different types of machine are to be required:

Machine A will print the catalogues. This is expected to take 20 hours of machine time. The
running cost of machine A is $5 per hour. There is presently 30 hours of unused time on
machine A per week that is being sold to other printers for $12 per hour.

Machine B will be used to cut and bind the catalogues. This machine is being used to full
capacity in the normal working week and this is why there is a need to work overtime. The
catalogue will require 25 machine hours and these have a running cost of $4 per hour.

There will be a delivery cost of $400 to transport the catalogues to the customer.

Fixed overhead costs

H plc uses a traditional absorption costing system to attribute fixed overhead costs to its work.
The absorption rate that it uses is $20 per direct labour hour.

Specimen Exam Paper 9 Performance Management

CIMA 2010 Chartered Management Accounting Qualification - Specimen Examination Paper P2

Profit mark-up
H plc applies a 30% mark up to its costs to determine its selling prices.

In order to assist the management of H plc in preparing its quotation,

(a) Prepare a schedule showing the relevant costs for the production of the
catalogues. State clearly your reason for including or excluding each value that
has been provided in the above scenario.
(15 marks)

(b) Explain how the use of relevant costs as the basis of setting a selling price may
be appropriate for short term pricing but may be inappropriate for long term
pricing. Your answer should also identify the conflict between reporting
profitability within a traditional absorption costing system and the use of relevant
cost based pricing.
(10 marks)

(Total for Question Seven = 25 marks)

(Total for Section B = 50 marks)

End of Question Paper

Maths Tables and Formulae follow

Performance Management 10 Specimen Exam Paper

CIMA 2010 Chartered Management Accounting Qualification - Specimen Examination Paper P2


Present value of 1 unit of currency, that is (1+ r )

where r = interest rate; n = number of
periods until payment or receipt.

Periods Interest rates (r)

(n) 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10%
1 0.990 0.980 0.971 0.962 0.952 0.943 0.935 0.926 0.917 0.909
2 0.980 0.961 0.943 0.925 0.907 0.890 0.873 0.857 0.842 0.826
3 0.971 0.942 0.915 0.889 0.864 0.840 0.816 0.794 0.772 0.751
4 0.961 0.924 0.888 0.855 0.823 0.792 0.763 0.735 0.708 0.683
5 0.951 0.906 0.863 0.822 0.784 0.747 0.713 0.681 0.650 0.621
6 0.942 0.888 0.837 0.790 0.746 0705 0.666 0.630 0.596 0.564
7 0.933 0.871 0.813 0.760 0.711 0.665 0.623 0.583 0.547 0.513
8 0.923 0.853 0.789 0.731 0.677 0.627 0.582 0.540 0.502 0.467
9 0.914 0.837 0.766 0.703 0.645 0.592 0.544 0.500 0.460 0.424
10 0.905 0.820 0.744 0.676 0.614 0.558 0.508 0.463 0.422 0.386
11 0.896 0.804 0.722 0.650 0.585 0.527 0.475 0.429 0.388 0.350
12 0.887 0.788 0.701 0.625 0.557 0.497 0.444 0.397 0.356 0.319
13 0.879 0.773 0.681 0.601 0.530 0.469 0.415 0.368 0.326 0.290
14 0.870 0.758 0.661 0.577 0.505 0.442 0.388 0.340 0.299 0.263
15 0.861 0.743 0.642 0.555 0.481 0.417 0.362 0.315 0.275 0.239
16 0.853 0.728 0.623 0.534 0.458 0.394 0.339 0.292 0.252 0.218
17 0.844 0.714 0.605 0.513 0.436 0.371 0.317 0.270 0.231 0.198
18 0.836 0.700 0.587 0.494 0.416 0.350 0.296 0.250 0.212 0.180
19 0.828 0.686 0.570 0.475 0.396 0.331 0.277 0.232 0.194 0.164
20 0.820 0.673 0.554 0.456 0.377 0.312 0.258 0.215 0.178 0.149

Periods Interest rates (r)

(n) 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% 18% 19% 20%
1 0.901 0.893 0.885 0.877 0.870 0.862 0.855 0.847 0.840 0.833
2 0.812 0.797 0.783 0.769 0.756 0.743 0.731 0.718 0.706 0.694
3 0.731 0.712 0.693 0.675 0.658 0.641 0.624 0.609 0.593 0.579
4 0.659 0.636 0.613 0.592 0.572 0.552 0.534 0.516 0.499 0.482
5 0.593 0.567 0.543 0.519 0.497 0.476 0.456 0.437 0.419 0.402
6 0.535 0.507 0.480 0.456 0.432 0.410 0.390 0.370 0.352 0.335
7 0.482 0.452 0.425 0.400 0.376 0.354 0.333 0.314 0.296 0.279
8 0.434 0.404 0.376 0.351 0.327 0.305 0.285 0.266 0.249 0.233
9 0.391 0.361 0.333 0.308 0.284 0.263 0.243 0.225 0.209 0.194
10 0.352 0.322 0.295 0.270 0.247 0.227 0.208 0.191 0.176 0.162
11 0.317 0.287 0.261 0.237 0.215 0.195 0.178 0.162 0.148 0.135
12 0.286 0.257 0.231 0.208 0.187 0.168 0.152 0.137 0.124 0.112
13 0.258 0.229 0.204 0.182 0.163 0.145 0.130 0.116 0.104 0.093
14 0.232 0.205 0.181 0.160 0.141 0.125 0.111 0.099 0.088 0.078
15 0.209 0.183 0.160 0.140 0.123 0.108 0.095 0.084 0.079 0.065
16 0.188 0.163 0.141 0.123 0.107 0.093 0.081 0.071 0.062 0.054
17 0.170 0.146 0.125 0.108 0.093 0.080 0.069 0.060 0.052 0.045
18 0.153 0.130 0.111 0.095 0.081 0.069 0.059 0.051 0.044 0.038
19 0.138 0.116 0.098 0.083 0.070 0.060 0.051 0.043 0.037 0.031
20 0.124 0.104 0.087 0.073 0.061 0.051 0.043 0.037 0.031 0.026

Specimen Exam Paper 11 Performance Management

CIMA 2010 Chartered Management Accounting Qualification - Specimen Examination Paper P2

Cumulative present value of 1 unit of currency per annum, Receivable or Payable at the end of
1− (1+ r ) − n
each year for n years r

Periods Interest rates (r)

(n) 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10%
1 0.990 0.980 0.971 0.962 0.952 0.943 0.935 0.926 0.917 0.909
2 1.970 1.942 1.913 1.886 1.859 1.833 1.808 1.783 1.759 1.736
3 2.941 2.884 2.829 2.775 2.723 2.673 2.624 2.577 2.531 2.487
4 3.902 3.808 3.717 3.630 3.546 3.465 3.387 3.312 3.240 3.170
5 4.853 4.713 4.580 4.452 4.329 4.212 4.100 3.993 3.890 3.791
6 5.795 5.601 5.417 5.242 5.076 4.917 4.767 4.623 4.486 4.355
7 6.728 6.472 6.230 6.002 5.786 5.582 5.389 5.206 5.033 4.868
8 7.652 7.325 7.020 6.733 6.463 6.210 5.971 5.747 5.535 5.335
9 8.566 8.162 7.786 7.435 7.108 6.802 6.515 6.247 5.995 5.759
10 9.471 8.983 8.530 8.111 7.722 7.360 7.024 6.710 6.418 6.145
11 10.368 9.787 9.253 8.760 8.306 7.887 7.499 7.139 6.805 6.495
12 11.255 10.575 9.954 9.385 8.863 8.384 7.943 7.536 7.161 6.814
13 12.134 11.348 10.635 9.986 9.394 8.853 8.358 7.904 7.487 7.103
14 13.004 12.106 11.296 10.563 9.899 9.295 8.745 8.244 7.786 7.367
15 13.865 12.849 11.938 11.118 10.380 9.712 9.108 8.559 8.061 7.606
16 14.718 13.578 12.561 11.652 10.838 10.106 9.447 8.851 8.313 7.824
17 15.562 14.292 13.166 12.166 11.274 10.477 9.763 9.122 8.544 8.022
18 16.398 14.992 13.754 12.659 11.690 10.828 10.059 9.372 8.756 8.201
19 17.226 15.679 14.324 13.134 12.085 11.158 10.336 9.604 8.950 8.365
20 18.046 16.351 14.878 13.590 12.462 11.470 10.594 9.818 9.129 8.514

Periods Interest rates (r)

(n) 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% 18% 19% 20%
1 0.901 0.893 0.885 0.877 0.870 0.862 0.855 0.847 0.840 0.833
2 1.713 1.690 1.668 1.647 1.626 1.605 1.585 1.566 1.547 1.528
3 2.444 2.402 2.361 2.322 2.283 2.246 2.210 2.174 2.140 2.106
4 3.102 3.037 2.974 2.914 2.855 2.798 2.743 2.690 2.639 2.589
5 3.696 3.605 3.517 3.433 3.352 3.274 3.199 3.127 3.058 2.991
6 4.231 4.111 3.998 3.889 3.784 3.685 3.589 3.498 3.410 3.326
7 4.712 4.564 4.423 4.288 4.160 4.039 3.922 3.812 3.706 3.605
8 5.146 4.968 4.799 4.639 4.487 4.344 4.207 4.078 3.954 3.837
9 5.537 5.328 5.132 4.946 4.772 4.607 4.451 4.303 4.163 4.031
10 5.889 5.650 5.426 5.216 5.019 4.833 4.659 4.494 4.339 4.192
11 6.207 5.938 5.687 5.453 5.234 5.029 4.836 4.656 4.486 4.327
12 6.492 6.194 5.918 5.660 5.421 5.197 4.988 7.793 4.611 4.439
13 6.750 6.424 6.122 5.842 5.583 5.342 5.118 4.910 4.715 4.533
14 6.982 6.628 6.302 6.002 5.724 5.468 5.229 5.008 4.802 4.611
15 7.191 6.811 6.462 6.142 5.847 5.575 5.324 5.092 4.876 4.675
16 7.379 6.974 6.604 6.265 5.954 5.668 5.405 5.162 4.938 4.730
17 7.549 7.120 6.729 6.373 6.047 5.749 5.475 5.222 4.990 4.775
18 7.702 7.250 6.840 6.467 6.128 5.818 5.534 5.273 5.033 4.812
19 7.839 7.366 6.938 6.550 6.198 5.877 5.584 5.316 5.070 4.843
20 7.963 7.469 7.025 6.623 6.259 5.929 5.628 5.353 5.101 4.870

Performance Management 12 Specimen Exam Paper

CIMA 2010 Chartered Management Accounting Qualification - Specimen Examination Paper P2


Time series

Additive model:
Series = Trend + Seasonal + Random
Multiplicative model:
Series = Trend*Seasonal*Random

Regression analysis

The linear regression equation of Y on X is given by:

Y = a + bX or Y – Y = b(X – X ),
Covariance ( XY ) n ∑ XY − ( ∑ X )( ∑ Y )
b= = 2 2
Variance ( X ) n ∑ X − (∑ X )

and a= Y –bX
or solve
∑ Y = na + b ∑ X
∑ XY = a ∑ X + b ∑ X2

Exponential Y = abx
Geometric Y = aXb

Learning curve

Yx = aXb
Yx = the cumulative average time per unit to produce X units;
a = the time required to produce the first unit of output;
X = the cumulative number of units;
b = the index of learning.

The exponent b is defined as the log of the learning curve improvement rate divided by log 2.

Specimen Exam Paper 13 Performance Management

CIMA 2010 Chartered Management Accounting Qualification - Specimen Examination Paper P2


A list of the learning objectives and verbs that appear in the syllabus and in the question requirements for
each question in this paper.

It is important that you answer the question according to the definition of the verb.
Level 1 - Knowledge
What you are expected to know. List Make a list of
State Express, fully or clearly, the details/facts of
Define Give the exact meaning of

Level 2 - Comprehension
What you are expected to understand. Describe Communicate the key features
Distinguish Highlight the differences between
Explain Make clear or intelligible/state the meaning or
purpose of
Identify Recognise, establish or select after
Illustrate Use an example to describe or explain

Level 3 - Application
How you are expected to apply your knowledge. Apply Put to practical use
Calculate Ascertain or reckon mathematically
Demonstrate Prove with certainty or to exhibit by
practical means
Prepare Make or get ready for use
Reconcile Make or prove consistent/compatible
Solve Find an answer to
Tabulate Arrange in a table

Level 4 - Analysis
How are you expected to analyse the detail of Analyse Examine in detail the structure of
what you have learned. Categorise Place into a defined class or division
Compare and Show the similarities and/or differences
contrast between
Construct Build up or compile
Discuss Examine in detail by argument
Interpret Translate into intelligible or familiar terms
Prioritise Place in order of priority or sequence for action
Produce Create or bring into existence

Level 5 - Evaluation
How are you expected to use your learning to Advise Counsel, inform or notify
evaluate, make decisions or recommendations. Evaluate Appraise or assess the value of
Recommend Propose a course of action

Performance Management 14 Specimen Exam Paper

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