Copaiba: DIY: Chocolate Delights
Copaiba: DIY: Chocolate Delights
Copaiba: DIY: Chocolate Delights
4 Ask Dr. Hill
do-TERRA InTune
Focus Blend
41840001 10mL
$46.00 retail $34.50 wholesale 34.5 PV / 3
Executive Vice President, Chief
Medical Officer/Chairman, Scientific
Advisory Committee
What makes Copaiba is high in the sesquiterpene caryophyllene, which is also found in Clove, Black
Copaiba different Pepper, Melissa, and several other essential oils. However, it is the breadth of its benefits that
make Copaiba a unique essential oil. Like Black Pepper, it is effective as a surface cleaner and
from Black Pepper
has high value as an antioxidant, but probably Copaiba’s most researched and valued property
or other essential is its benefits to your skin. Along with supporting overall health and having the ability to reduce
oils high in the appearance of minor skin blemishes, there is evidence to suggest that topical application
caryophyllene? of Copaiba may have biological activity in supporting health at the cellular level and in tissue
remodeling. Try adding a drop or two to your skin moisturizer to boost its soothing and health-
supporting benefits, and enjoy the distinct woody aroma.
I am so excited We are all excited about the newly released Rose Touch, it will provide an opportunity for
about the new many more people to experience this amazing and rare oil. The best thing about it is that the
pre-diluted application model provides the perfect combination of Fractionated Coconut Oil
Rose Touch! What and Rose essential oil to deliver the most benefit while minimizing waste. Rose is one of the
are some of your best essential oils for skin health and it only gets better when combined with the amazing
favorite ways to emolliating benefit of Fractionated Coconut Oil. My wife carries around a bottle of Rose Touch
use it? in her purse to use throughout the day for moisturizing and to apply directly to minor skin
irritations, and sometimes she just likes to pop the cap and smell the relaxing aroma.
In a daily use The most distinct characteristic of Blue Tansy essential oil is its concentration of bicyclic
model, how would sesquiterpene chamazulene, which provides its blue-violet color, but it also contains several
more commonly known constituents such as the monoterpene, sabinene. In a daily use model,
Blue Tansy benefit
Blue Tansy is great for skin care as experimental research has shown that chamazulene has
me? a multitude of skin health benefitting properties. Sabinene rich oils have been reported to
reduce the appearance of blemishes and chamazulene can be soothing. Add Blue Tansy to
your lotion or daily skin toner, and don’t be alarmed that it will change the color. For a soothing
massage, try diluting it in Fractionated Coconut Oil and combining with a few drops of
Lavender or Helichrysum and massaging into shoulders and neck.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Rose oil, one of the most precious essential oils in the world, has one of the most labor-
intensive production processes and yields very little oil per petal. Because of this, Rose oil
commands a high price. do -TERRA Rose Touch combines Fractionated Coconut Oil with
Rose essential oil. This provides the user with myriad applications and usage options that
are both affordable and convenient.
How to use :
Apply to the palms of your hands, cup your hands over your nose, and inhale deeply
for an uplifting sensation.
Apply to neck and wrists for a beautiful and romantic personal fragrance.
Apply to pulse points to uplift mood throughout the day.
Use on skin to aid in balancing moisture levels and reduce the appearance of skin
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. / 5
Essential oil of the Amazon
Brazil occupies roughly half of South America, covering a total area of 3,287,357 square miles.
Within that area is 60 percent of the Amazon rainforest. Representing over half of the planet’s
remaining rainforests, the Amazon is comprised of the largest and most biodiverse area of tropical
rainforest in the world, with an estimated 390 billion individual trees. Therein lie the trees from
which we source Copaiba oleoresin, which is distilled to produce Copaiba essential oil.
Copaiba has been used in traditional and the oleoresin collector is put in place.
health practices. We now use it to help The harvester will generally be able to
support the health of the cardiovascular, collect some oleoresin immediately.
immune, digestive, nervous, and Once the oleoresin has been collected
respiratory systems.* It’s also a powerful from the initial tap, a plug is inserted into
antioxidant that promotes immune health.* the hole and the harvester will return to
the tree every few weeks to collect
Copaiba essential oil is derived from the
additional oleoresin.
oleoresin of the copaiba tree, which can
grow from 60 to 100 feet tall. The process The Amazon rainforest is very dense and
of harvesting the copaiba oleoresin is nearly impossible to travel through with
Copaiba essential oil is so unique and similar to how one would tap a maple conventional vehicles. As such most
effective because of its high level of tree. A harvester will look for healthy trees travel for both personal and commercial
beta-caryophyllene. Copaiba has the that have large diameter trunks. They purposes is done by boat. The complex
highest levels of beta-caryophyllene that then drill a small hole approximately three network of smaller tributaries and larger
we are aware of. Beta-caryophyllene, feet from the ground. Once the hole has rivers become the roads and highways by
also known as BCP, is a terpene. In 2008, been drilled, the sawdust is cleaned off which goods are delivered.
European scientists learned that beta-
caryophyllene had cannabinoid-like
properties. Like many other cannabinoids
and terpenes, BCP targets the body’s
CB2 receptors, ignoring the CB1
receptors that are involved in supplying
the high associated with cannabis and,
more specifically, the THC cannabinoid.
Thus Copaiba essential oil has the ability
to deliver major benefits without giving
you the high. For this reason Copaiba
essential oil has become an invaluable
part of the dōTERRA collection. / 7
learned to walk, run, and play became one reached out to others for suggestions, and
of the main motivations for CJ to push his the addition of community helped motivate
body in hopes to gain energy, reset bad me through the challenge.
habits, and ultimately lose weight. He says,
“I don’t just want to watch her do these The first month was the hardest, especially
things. I want to be there with her and be with the cravings. I craved something sweet
the one who gets to show her all the exciting at the end of a meal. A drop of Fennel, a
things that this beautiful world has to offer.” large glass of water with some Slim and
Sassy in it, or a bowl of fruit would help
CJ’s Story reprogram my cravings. We had to plan
Going over 250 pounds was the largest I’ve social outings well in advance to prepare
ever been, and as much as I kept convincing ourselves for any temptations.
myself that I was going to make a change,
Alcohol was another tough one to cut back.
I kept eating fast food and not working out.
I knew there were a lot of empty calories in
CJ HUELSAM once had the motivation I’ve tried many times to jump-start a new
beer, but I got so used to having one or two
and energy to work out, but over the past healthy lifestyle, but it always seemed to
after getting home from work. It was hard
few years, bad habits crept in, leading to burn bright in the beginning, and then
going out with friends and only drinking
more snooze buttons, fewer workouts, and burn out quickly.
water. I did find that sparkling water is a
more junk food. The birth of his daughter in
My wife tried having multiple conversations great replacement, or water with a drop of
November 2015 made it challenging for CJ
with me about wanting to cut processed Peppermint and/or Lemon.
and his wife to find any spare time. Meals
became “on the go” and time after work foods from our diet or quit sugar for a
Trying to balance time was no easy task—
was time spent with family before putting month, and I was onboard but I never
time for work and time for family. My wife
the baby to bed. After working all day, the fully committed. When she suggested
wakes up at 4:30 a.m. to work out, and I get
only thing CJ had the energy to do was sit, I do the dōTERRA Slim and Sassy challenge,
up and make our TrimShakes for breakfast
and maybe catch up on a TV show, before she appealed to my competitive nature,
and lunch along with packing fruit, veggies,
going to sleep. As a result, CJ ended up and suddenly we were both onboard and
and some nuts. When she gets home, I head
packing on a significant amount of weight. fully committed!
to work out at 6:45 a.m. and she gets our
Breaking the Old Habits daughter up.
While weight loss was the ultimate goal,
CJ needed to address the underlying
When we first started the challenge my wife Steps to Change
created a Facebook group to help keep me
problems caused by poor health and Between a good night’s sleep with the
motivated. We invited friends, family, and
lifestyle choices. Seeing his daughter dōTERRA Serenity® Softgels, taking the
other Wellness Advocates to join us on this
become more and more active as she Mito2Max®, and getting to the gym, my wife
journey. We posted progress updates, as
and I found that we had more than enough
well as what we found most helpful about
energy in the morning and well into the day.
each of the products we were using. We / 9
dōTERRA® Performance Advocate Jamie Mitchell grew up in a small town in the Northern New
South Wales in Australia. Since his dad was a surfer, Jamie spent the majority of his childhood on
the beach. For Jamie, the ocean became his playground, gym, office, home, and a way of life.
His fearless attitude, passion for the water, people who are doing amazing things in HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT dōTERRA?
and competitive nature made him one of the world so it’s easy to be inspired. My wife Cassandra loves the oils and
the world’s elite ocean athletes. Throughout became a Wellness Advocate two years
his career Jamie has had many victorious HAT GOES THROUGH YOUR HEAD AS
W ago. Funny story, she walked into the house
achievements, but his most memorable YOU ARE RIDING THE BIG WAVE? WHAT with an Every Oil Kit and I freaked out, not
moments were winning 10 consecutive really knowing anything about essential
I just try to stay as calm as I can. I try not
Molokai to Oahu World Championship oils. But it has become a huge part of our
to overthink the situation and do what I
Paddleboard races, and World Surf League family’s life, as well as a huge part of my
have trained to do and have done many
Big Wave Event in Portugal, as well as every day health. I use
times over. As for wiping out, you have to
surfing in the Eddie Aikau Big Wave the oils every day and especially when
stay calm and collected. Find your happy
Invitational in 2016. However, he says his I’m travelling. They keep me healthy and
place and relax. If you fight and stress, you
biggest accomplishment in life is being a ready to surf.
are basically killing yourself as you will lose
husband and being a father to his little girl.
your oxygen and deplete your levels, so it’s HAT ARE YOU FAVORITE dōTERRA
WHAT COUNTRIES HAVE YOU all about conserving every bit of energy PRODUCTS AND HOW DO YOU
FAVORITE PLACE? I love so many products. But I came up with
I have surfed in Australia, Fiji, Solomon WHAT WOULD YOU SAY WAS YOUR what I call a Surfer’s Travelling Kit;
Islands, Tahiti, Indonesia, Hawaii, Mexico, MOST DANGEROUS EXPERIENCE? Peppermint, Lemon, Oregano, dōTERRA
France, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Morocco, What we do is very dangerous. My worst On Guard®, DigestZen®, Deep Blue®,
South Africa, and Monaco. wipeout was in Western Australia a few Melaleuca, Lavender, Peppermint and
But my favorite has always been and years ago when I went over the falls with dōTERRA On Guard Beadlets, and
will be Hawaii. the lip of a wave, and hit so hard that I dōTERRA Serenity® Softgels.
blacked out underwater. When I was able to
I F YOU COULD GO ANYWHERE RIGHT make it to the surface, I had torn the MCL
NOW TO SURF, WHERE WOULD IT BE? of my right knee, fractured my left elbow,
It would be somewhere I haven’t been, so and hurt my shoulder. So it wasn’t a fun
maybe Micronesia. flight back home. / 11
Chocolate Cake Peppermint Lavender
with Wild Orange Ganache Mousse Chocolate Disks
Ingredients: Directions: Ingredients: Ingredients:
2 cups granulated sugar 1. Preheat oven to 375˚ F. ¼ cup milk chocolate chips 2/3 cup bittersweet chocolate
1 cup oil 2. Butter
bundt pan, and dust with ¾ cup semi-sweet chocolate chips 1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste
2 eggs cocoa powder. 1 ¾ cups heavy cream (separated) 1 drop Lavender oil
1 teaspoon vanilla 3. I n large bowl, combine wet 2 drops Peppermint oil
1 cup of buttermilk ingredients except for hot water. 3 tablespoons granulated sugar Directions:
½ cup cocoa 4. In a separate bowl combine dry ½ teaspoon vanilla 1. Place parchment paper on a baking sheet.
2 cups allpurpose flour ingredients. 2. M elt chocolate in the microwave,
½ teaspoon salt 5. S lowly sift dry ingredients into the Directions: stirring every 30 seconds.
2 teaspoons baking soda wet ingredients, stir until smooth. 1. Combine chips and ½ cup heavy 3. Once melted, stir in vanilla.
1 cup hot water 6. S tirring slowly, add hot water. Once cream in bowl, and melt in the 4. Use a large spoon to dollop rounds onto
combined stop, do not over mix. microwave for 2 minutes, stirring parchment paper.
Ganache: 7. Bake for 30-35 minutes, or until a every 30 seconds. Refrigerate for Hint: Leave room for mixture to expand.
up semi-sweet toothpick comes out clean. 10 minutes. 5. H it baking sheet on the counter, to
chocolate chips 8. While baking, combine ganache 2. Whip the remaining heavy cream flatten into disks.
½ cup heavy cream ingredients in a bowl. Microwave for with 3 tablespoons granulated sugar, 6. Garnish with walnuts, pistachios, honey,
2 drops Wild Orange oil 2 minutes, stirring every 30 seconds. ½ teaspoon vanilla, and 2 drops edible lavender, and edible rose petals,
9. Allow cake to cool for 1 hour. Drizzle Peppermint oil. Once peaks are or as desired, and let rest to set
ganache over the cake. formed, fold in chocolate mixture.
3. S erve immediately, or refrigerate.
................................................................ / 13
Healing Hands
A dōTERRA Healing Hands Foundation™ update in Bulgaria
Making it Possible
The volunteers took some time to go to the Bulgarian Esseterre
Distillery, the operation that makes all the efforts to build up Bulgaria
through industry and humanitarian projects possible. The distillery
currently produces Lavender, Melissa, and Frankincense essential
oils for dōTERRA.
While the program is just beginning, dōTERRA Science for Kids has understand nutrition and why it’s so important. dōTERRA Science
made significant progress in its first few months. Currently the focus for Kids can help as you work with your kids to assist them in learning
is on local schools and community efforts, but as the program about the world around them. Your inner child might even learn a
continues growing the dōTERRA Science for Kids team hopes to thing or two as you participate in simple and enlightening
expand into new schools, to increase summer day camp possibilities, experiments with the children in your life.
and to explore new options that will help kids gain a passion for
science. The program is even looking into junior high and high school To learn more about dōTERRA Science for Kids or to find your
presentation options in addition to volunteering with established kid’s next science experiment, check out the “Science for Kids”
science programs. section on the dōTERRA Science Blog. With units spanning a variety
of topics, dōTERRA Science for Kids provides the perfect boredom
buster, allowing kids to learn and have fun at the same time. If you
How to Get Involved have any questions about the dōTERRA Science for Kids program or
if you have suggestions for future units to include online send them
With all of these awesome efforts, you may be wondering how you
an email at The dōTERRA Science for
can get involved. A great place to start is by using and sharing the
Kids program is just beginning, but it’s off to a great start that has
online materials dōTERRA Science for Kids has already produced. Do
endless possibilities the dōTERRA Science for Kids team can’t wait
you have a child curious about how memory, emotions, or even
to share with you.
senses work? Or maybe you need some direction in helping your kids / 17
The Changes of
By Dr. Brannick Riggs, MD
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.
range of disorders. It is important for us to eat the right kinds of where, in Eastern Medicine, the pineal gland is connected, can
foods to support a healthy gut microbiome. This is not always help prepare for a restful night’s sleep. There is nothing better
easy to do with the schedule of family activities and school as a parent than to take a few moments at the end of the day
lunches. PB Assist® Jr. is like candy in my house. My kids have and sit on the edge of the bed rubbing oils into your children’s
a tube every day and would have several if we would let them. feet and talking about their day. This not only promotes sleep,
They love it and I feel confident that I am helping support but promotes good relationships in your home as well.
the brain function for memory and cognition needed for the
rigors of school.* Supporting Healthy Immune System
Of course, fall and winter are the times of the
Getting Quality Sleep year we are concerned about environmental
Sleep becomes especially important as we try threats. Previous articles have mentioned the
to learn new information and retain that dōTERRA On Guard® products. These are
information for recall. Several studies have especially important as children are now in classrooms with
shown that lack of sleep leads to worsening 20–30 other students. As children are not the best at hygiene,
memory. Children ages 6 to 13 need 9 to 11 hours of sleep per problems spread quickly in that environment. Taking dōTERRA
night. Teenagers ages 14 to 18 need slightly less, about 8 to 10 On Guard beadlets daily can support your child’s healthy
hours. Adults need anywhere from 7 to 9 hours of sleep. immune system.* dōTERRA On Guard Foaming Hand Wash
This is often difficult as we lay down at night after finishing cleans and softens skin while providing protection from the
homework, studying for a test, or working on a group common threats found in the fall and at school. If your children
assignment for class. Our brains seem to want to continue are too young to take the beadlets, you may include the
working on the problem at hand despite needing to sleep. dōTERRA On Guard oil to rotate into your nightly rub routine
Petitgrain, Vetiver, and Lavender oil applied to bedding or with your children.
pillows as well as applying to the bottom of the big toe,
Fall is a beautiful time of year with the amazing color
changes of leaves, the crisp air of morning or evening
walks, sweaters, bonfires, and being thankful. Summer
is fun, but the fall grounds us, allowing us to reconnect
with those most important in our lives over a cup of
peppermint hot chocolate. / 19
“Never underestimate the valuable and important difference you make in every life you touch.
For the impact you make today has a powerful rippling effect on every tomorrow.” —Anonymous
ach of us has our plate filled with all the things we need to do each day. We are often wrapped up in how “we don’t
have time” or “we’re too busy.” We may wonder if we are truly able to make a positive impact on another’s life when
we have such busy schedules. There are many times when we are too busy and don’t have time to share, but we
shouldn’t hesitate to use the time we do have to make an impact in the lives of others. So what can we do when we only
have a few minutes to serve those around us? Sharing the AromaTouch® Hand Technique is a powerful act of service that
doesn’t require much time. We have been touched with how many of you have already taken this to heart and have been
constantly using the AromaTouch Technique to make a positive impact on those around you. We are honored to share
your stories and see the impact you have made on “every tomorrow.”
Would you like to share more of your stories with us? Tag us on Instagram with @sharearomatouch and use the
hashtag #sharearomatouch or email us your story along with photos at
Elevate the “Scentses”
Essential Oils & Perfumes
Throughout history, perfumery has been used for and associated with many things. Essential oils have been a part
of perfumery since early 2000 BC, when they were used by the ancient Egyptians. They used them as a status sym-
bol for superiority, used by aristocrats, politicians, athletes, and royalty. Oils were also specifically sought after for
their health benefits. These powerful aromatic fragrances played a major part in ritual, beauty, and commerce, just
as they do today. Here is a simple guide to creating and customizing your own toxin-free essential oil fragrance.
Essential oils can be separated into three categories or notes:
base, middle, and top. It is important to remember that when Basil Lemon Spearmint
you are blending, top notes are the first thing you smell and Bergamot Lemongrass Tangerine
last a relatively short amount of time. Top notes make up Clary Sage Lime Melaleuca
between 5–20 percent of the perfume blend. Middle notes Coriander Wild Orange Wintergreen
are the next group of oils you will smell. Once the top note Eucalyptus Peppermint
wears off, middle notes start to become more prominent; this Grapefruitt Petitgrain
can happen anywhere from 20–60 minutes after application.
These are known as the body, bouquet, or heart of the MIDDLE
fragrance and make up between 50–80 percent of the perfume
blend. After an hour or two, you will begin to smell the base Black Pepper Juniper Berry Rosemary
notes. Base notes are the oils that last the longest and are Cardamom Lavender Spikenard
usually floral or woody scents. Base notes, like top notes, Cilantro Marjoram Thyme
make up between 5–20 percent of the perfume. When Cypress Melissa Siberian Fir
creating your own natural perfume fragrance, adding alcohol Douglas Fir Oregano Yarrow
Fennel, Sweet Roman Cham-
or carrier oils such as Fractionated Coconut Oil, can help tone
Geranium omile
down overpowering oils and even prolong the life of your
custom fragrance.
50%–80% PROFILES
Floral: Geranium, Lavender, and Ylang Ylang
Oriental: Ginger, Patchouli, and Frankincense
5%–20% Woody: Cedarwood, Sandalwood and Vetiver
Fresh: Bergamot, Grapefruit, Wild Orange
When you are ready to create your own essential oil perfume blend remember, the middle is the heart but the base
ties it all together. So, choose your favorites from the base and middle oils first, and then “top” it off. For example,
let’s say you want a blend that is both woody and masculine but is versatile enough to be light and feminine. You
would want to choose oils from the base and middle note sections that have deep, rich aromas but are still fresh and
clean like Cedarwood, Sandalwood, and Juniper Berry. Next you will want to choose one or more oils from the top
note section that are consistent with the theme but also give the blend that extra kick, like Siberian Fir and Grape-
fruit. Now, you want to blend them. Add 4 drops Cedarwood, 5 drops Sandalwood, 4 drops Juniper Berry, 5 drops
Grapefruit, and 2 drops Siberian Fir to your bottle (we liked the 10mL amber bottle for this blend). Once you have
the oils in the bottle, cap and shake to combine. Make sure the blend is what you were going for, then top off with
dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil.
F O R H E R - T h e Tr a v e l e r
Top Base
SSS Wild Orange SSSS Frankincense
SSS Juniper Berry
SSS Cinnamon Bark
Top off with dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut
Oil (or carrier oil of choice).
1-2 drops dōTERRA Rose, Neroli, or Jamine Touch
To be sure that your unique essential oil perfume lasts,
store in a cool dry place in a dark glass container. / 23
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Why Supplement? By Dr. Damian Rodriguez, DHSc, MS
Dietary supplementation is one of the makes sense, as our concerns regarding recommended dietary allowances (RDA)
most hotly debated topics in nutrition, bone and heart health tend to increase for vitamins D and E, with approximately
and that isn’t likely to end anytime soon. with the natural aging process and recent half of American adults also deficient in
Depending on the study you are research suggests that full spectrum magnesium, vitamin A, calcium, and
examining or the person you ask, multivitamin/multimineral and omega-3 vitamin C. Even more alarming, as a side
supplements are either absolutely critical supplementation may be of benefit when effect of the contemporary Western diet
for optimum health or are not likely to addressing these issues. rich in highly processed foods, omega-6/
make a tangible impact on your health. omega-3 ratio is typically 16:1 (or more)
Designed to be the perfect complement to
What is not disputable is the fact that while recommendations suggest, for
a balanced, whole food diet, LLV is a
the average Western diet promotes optimum health, that we aim for closer to
product that everybody should be familiar
nutrient deficiencies, which have a 1:1. The best solution is to change dietary
with. Consisting of Microplex VMz® Food
definitive impact on countless markers of behaviors, but that is often much easier
Nutrient Complex, xEO Mega® Essential Oil
health. Whether you are an elite athlete said than done. LLV with breakfast and an
Omega Complex, and Alpha CRS® Cellular
or Joe Average just looking for evening meal can be a convenient and
Vitality Complex, LLV has a number of
convenient and cost-effective ways to cost-effective means to address this issue.
clinically supported health benefits.
improve your daily well-being, there are
Accepted for publication in the Journal of
few easier ways to accomplish this than CELLULAR HEALTH
Dietary Supplements, a two-month clinical
by integrating dōTERRA Lifelong Vitality
trial showed that those who supplement Research has shown that daily multivitamin
Pack® (LLV) into your daily routine—and
their normal diet with LLV may experience supplementation may improve cellular
dōTERRA scientists have gathered the
significant improvements in several health in otherwise healthy individuals.
clinical data that explains why.
biomarkers of cardiovascular health, The Physician’s Health Study II, a
Let’s examine why people take dietary antioxidant status, inflammation levels, and randomized, double-blind, placebo-
supplements. According to data collected blood glucose regulation.* Measured via controlled trial involving nearly
from the 2007–2010 National Health and blood sample, participants in the LLV 15,000 participants over
Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), clinical trial showed improvements in LDL/ 14 years, found strong data
most regular users of supplements state HDL cholesterol ratio, fasting insulin, and to suggest that those who
that they do so to maintain overall health, triglycerides.* Furthermore, they reported committed to daily
to sustain bone health, and to support improved subjective measures of well- supplementation
heart health. Interestingly, the use of being, such as mental clarity, energy,
dietary supplements tends to increase motivation, and overall happiness.*
with age, as recent research suggests that
While there is no ignoring that the
approximately 33% of those aged 20–39
foundation of health is a healthy, balanced,
take daily supplements while 67% of U.S.
whole food diet, there are a few reasons
adults over the age of 60 do. The most
we could all benefit by integrating LLV into
common daily supplement? As of 2012,
our daily lives.
the National Institutes of Health reported
that 31% of American adults take a full
spectrum multivitamin/multimineral, with NUTRIENT DEFICIENCIES
an essential fatty acid supplement (such as According to the Centers for Disease
xEO Mega®) ranking as the most common Control (CDC), as much as 95% of
“specialty supplement” at nearly 20%. This American adults do not meet / 27
Wild Orange (Citrus sinensis) can be found in all of our dōTERRA On Guard® collection
due to its high levels of the monoterpene Limonene. This chemical constituent gives Wild
Orange the ability to purify and refresh. It also supports healthy immune system
function.* Citrus sinensis is an evergreen tree, also commonly referred to as the Sweet
Orange tree.
How to use :
Add Wild Orange with Clary Sage for a refreshing invigorating aroma.
Place a few drops into your diffuser to purify the air and invoke feelings of energy.
Combine 5–8 drops of Wild Orange with your French toast batter in the morning
for an extra dose of flavor.
Add a few drops in your water or in a capsule to support a healthy immune system.*
Add a few drops with Fractionated Coconut Oil for a soothing massage.
Add 1–2 drops Wild Orange with the Hand & Body Lotion to clean and leave
your skin feeling soft and smooth.
Other ways
Make an all-purpose cleaner by adding 1 cup of warm water, 1 cup of white
vinegar, and 25 drops of Wild Orange into a spray bottle.
Fun Fact:
Most citrus fruit
essential oils,
including Wild Orange,
Grapefruit and Lemon,
are made up of more
90% Limonene. It is
the remaining minor
components that
determine the pro
nounced difference
between their aromas.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. / 29
“ I like to use Deep Blue Rub every day because
8. Remove from oven and cover with foil. Let turkey rest
for approximately 30 minutes before carving. / 33
Essential Oils: The Ongoing Research
Although the last decade has seen exponential growth of analytical, biological, biochemical, and biomedical
in essential oil research, the science and health worlds methodologies in examining essential oils in ways
are only beginning to scratch the surface in understanding revolutionary within the industry. For instance, dōTERRA is
the biological activity of those gifts of the Earth that the first to produce peer-reviewed research examining the
humans have used for millennia for their health benefits. biological activity of many essential oils in a human skin
In continuing to grow its stake as the science leader in the model. As of yet, the list of examined essential oils ranges
essential oil industry, dōTERRA is proud to announce that its from Arborvitae to Vetiver, and many in between, and
scientists have published 17 studies in peer-reviewed research involving all of the current lineup of CPTG Certified
scientific journals to date in the 2017 calendar year and Pure Therapeutic Grade® oils is planned in the near future.
several more are in various levels of completion.
BioMAP® System
dōTERRA Research Group Much of the recently published research has employed the
Working closely with their rapidly growing list of over 140 BioMAP HDF3CGF system, which uses a cell culture of human
medical facilities and research institutions, the dōTERRA dermal fibroblasts (cells within the dermis layer of skin
research group is committed to developing quality essential responsible for generating connective tissue and playing a
oils, discovering new models of use, and pursuing further primary role in tissue remodeling). This system consists of
understanding of how essential oils impart their health three components: the cell culture, a stimulus, and a set of
benefits. dōTERRA science experts have employed a variety biomarker (protein) readouts, which provide data about how / 35
o t e b o o k
Idea N
Autumn Pinecone Firestarter
Soy wax or beeswax Wild Orange essential oil Cut the string long enough
Pinecones String for dipping into wax to use for dipping the pine-
Cinnamon essential oil Colored crayons (optional) cone into the wax and tie a knot
Clove essential oil Salt (optional) at the top of the pinecone.* In a double
boiler or a metal bowl resting in pot of water, melt
Tip: Depending on the salt, the flames of the starters 2–3 crayons along with enough wax to coat your pine cone.
will burn a certain color (Epsom salts, white flame; Add essential oil; the more drops you put in, the stronger the
table salt, yellow flame; salt substitute, violet flame). scent will be. Holding the string, dip the pinecones and set
*Note: After you are done dipping you pinecone into them on wax paper to dry. Keep dipping and drying to create
the wax, leave 1 inch of wax-covered string to serve as a thick layer of wax on the pinecones. Coat with salt immedi-
a wick for easier lighting. ately after the last wax coat, if desired.
Add all the ingredients to a small spray bottle and shake well. Mist over clean feet
for an all-day cleansing and moisturizing protection. Store in the refrigerator and use
within 2 weeks.
Ō Wall Décor
“I recently made this wall hanging for my wife for her birthday. It is a simple idea, but also
great use of empty dōTERRA essential oil bottles”. —Sean and Melinda Maniates, Colorado
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
email with your favorite essential oil recipe, idea, or time saver.
62 61 60
59 56 55
57 54
58 53
50 52
65 45 48
46 47
32 31 43
41 42
30 27
38 26
28 25
37 33
36 35 24
67 10
7 8 13
6 11 23
15 22
17 20
18 19
1 / 37
The dōTERRA® collection of single essential oils represents the finest aromatic extracts available in the world today. Each oil provides the living essence of its botanical
source, gently distilled from plants that are nurtured and carefully harvested throughout the world. Each oil is natural and passes strict standards of purity and potency.
A beautiful palette of botanical energies, they can be used individually or blended for personalized essential oil applications.
BLEND APPLICATION METHODS Can be used aromatically Can be use topically Can be used internally
Can be used topically with no dilution (NEAT)
SKIN SENSITIVITY Dilute for young or sensitive
31080001 5 mL skin (SENSITIVE) Dilute before using topically (DILUTE)
$32.00 retail $24.00 whl 31460001 15 mL
24 PV $32.67 retail $24.50 whl
24.5 PV
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. / 39
$133.33 retail $100.00 wholesale 100 PV
New packaging available October 2017. New packaging available October 2017.
Through the dōTERRA Healing Hand Foundation™, a $20.00
INTERNAL USE donation is made with every purchase of dōTERRA Hope Touch
or dōTERRA Spa Rose Hand Lotion.
Customize your essential oil supplement regimen with
vegetarian capsules that absorb quickly and easily. dōTERRA® SPA
• Free of preservatives, gelatin, wheat, sugar, starch,
dairy, and animal products
dōTERRA SPA Rose Hand Lotion is a light, alluring
• Made of inert vegetable ingredients that do not lotion with CPTG® Rose essential oil that promotes
interfere with digestion smooth, beautiful skin. Known for its skin-
34100001 160 HPMC capsules beneficial properties, Bulgarian Rose essential oil is
known for its ability to promote smooth, glowing
$5.33 retail $4.00 wholesale 0 PV skin
• Sunflower and macadamia seed oils are known
for their exceptional moisturizing properties
and ability to retain moisture in the skin
TOPICAL USE • Non-greasy formula absorbs quickly leaving
skin looking healthy, soft, and smooth
37520001 3.3 fl oz/100 mL
$20.00 0 PV
The dōTERRA Petal Diffuser is a small, Transform any room into a serene or Small and compact, the Aroma Lite Modern and elegant, the Lotus Diffuser
user-friendly diffuser that delivers a uplifting environment by diffusing diffuser silently purifies and humidifies quickly releases the benefits of dōTERRA®
variety of benefits. This convenient CPTG® essential oils with a custom- the air and has an optional night light, essential oils into the air.
diffuser is stable, light, and easy to use. designed, nature-inspired, ultrasonic making it perfect for travel or nightime • Features three settings—
• 1-, 2-, and 4-hour diffuser settings diffuser. use. 1, 2, and 3 hours
• Optional LED light • Seven lighting color options • Features four LED mist settings and • Covers up to 330 square feet
• Ultra-fine mist reaches up to 330 • Customizable output—2 or 5 hours an optional night light • Provides a decorative piece to
square feet continuous, 10 hours intermittent (4 • Designed to be small and compact— any home or office
minutes on/4 minutes off) perfect for traveling and hotel use
33150001 33160001
• Coverage of up to 540 square feet 33130001
$62.67 retail $47.00 wholesale 20 PV $119.93 retail $89.95 wholesale 40 PV
60203080 $119.93 retail $89.95 wholesale 40 PV
$87.50 retail $70.00 wholesale 40 PV
quick shopping reference for all products
Keep your hands clean and protected with the power of
dōTERRA On Guard essential oil blend.
• Conveniently packaged in a 16-ounce bottle that fills 8-ounce
foaming dispensers
• Formulated with the unique dōTERRA On Guard Protective
• Non-toxic and environmentally safe
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. / 43
60200143 5 mL bottle
$42.67 retail $32.00 wholesale 32 PV
Now Deep Blue has a nutritional supplement
60200144 10 mL roll on
that contains powerful polyphenols clinically
$85.33 retail $64.00 wholesale 64 PV tested to help with occasional soreness and
DEEP BLUE® RUB • Patent-pending, fast-acting boswellia extract
shown to help support joint comfort and
Infused with Deep Blue Soothing Blend, Deep
Blue Rub is a favorite of athletes. • Includes proprietary, standardized extracts of
Ginger, curcumin, resveratrol, and other
• Formulated with the Deep Blue proprietary polyphenols to soothe occasional aches and
blend of essential oils and other powerful discomfort*
• Cools and warms problem areas 34360001 60 vegetable capsules
• Blended in a base of moisturizing emollients $79.33 retail $59.50 wholesale 59.5 PV
that leave your skin feeling soft, not greasy
38900001 4 fl oz
$39.00 retail $29.25 wholesale 29.25 PV
50210001 32 fl oz/946 mL
$252.00 retail $189.00 wholesale 160 PV
36220001 8.34 fl oz
$26.00 retail $19.50 wholesale 19.5 PV
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. / 45
37530001 0.16 oz/4.5 g
$8.67 retail $6.50 wholesale 5 PV
37540001 0.16 oz/4.5g
$8.67 retail $6.50 wholesale 5 PV
dōTERRA SPA Refreshing Body Wash is a natural, Indulge your skin in dōTERRA SPA Hand & Body HERBAL
oil-infused body wash that provides a rich cleansing Lotion—a light, non-greasy formula that contains jojoba 37550001 0.16 oz/4.5g
and aromatic spa experience. and macadamia seed oils, murumuru and cupuassu
seed butters, and nourishing plant extracts. $8.67 retail $6.50 wholesale 5 PV
• Bergamot essential oil purifies and soothes skin
and provides an uplifting, yet grounding aroma • Easily blend with your favorite essential oil for a LIP BALM VARIETY 3-PACK
• Grapefruit is cleansing to the skin and has an customized aromatic experience
energizing scent that uplifts mood • Sunflower and macadamia seed oils are known for 37570001
• Sodium Methyl Oleoyl Taurate is a mild cleanser their exceptional moisturizing properties and ability $20.00 retail $15.00 wholesale 10 PV
derived from essential fatty acids found in to retain moisture in the skin
vegetable fats and oils • Non-greasy formula absorbs quickly leaving skin
looking healthy, soft, and smooth MOISTURIZING BATH BAR
37460001 8.45 fl oz/250 mL dōTERRA SPA Moisturizing Bath Bar is a one-of-a-kind
37510001 6.7 fl oz/200 mL bar that provides a unique feel, lather, aroma, and
$17.00 retail $12.75 wholesale 10 PV
cleansing experience.
$20.00 retail $15.00 wholesale 13 PV
• Bergamot essential oil purifies and soothes skin
Pamper your skin with the rich hydration and HAND AND BODY LOTION • Grapefruit is cleansing to the skin and has an energizing
luxurious feel of dōTERRA SPA Replenishing Body 3-PACK scent that uplifts mood
Butter. The base of this natural formula combines • Jojoba seed oil deeply moisturizes
shea and cocoa seed butters, known for their deep 37450001 4 oz/113 g
moisturization and ability to promote skin $50.67 retail $38.00 wholesale 30 PV
suppleness. $9.00 retail $6.75 wholesale 5 PV
• Wild Orange essential oil is known for its purifying CITRUS BLISS® HAND LOTION
benefits dōTERRA SPA Citrus Bliss Hand Lotion is a light and dōTERRA SPA BATH BAR 3-PACK
• Douglas Fir essential oil is purifying to the skin and silky lotion infused with hydrating seed oils and nourishing
botanicals. This non-greasy formula absorbs quickly yet 37560001
provides uplifting aromatic benefits
• Frankincense essential oil is rejuvenating to the skin provides optimal moisture for healthy-looking hands. $19.33 retail $14.50 wholesale 10 PV
and has a balancing effect on emotions • Citrus Bliss essential oil blend’s refreshing aroma
helps reduce stress and uplifts mood CITRUS BLISS®
37470001 7 oz/198 g • Sunflower and macadamia seed oils are known for INVIGORATING BATH BAR
$23.33 retail $17.50 wholesale 15 PV their exceptional moisturizing properties and ability • Contains dōTERRA Citrus Bliss Invigorating Blend
to retain moisture in the skin
• Perfect for every member of the family
• Convenient size, perfect for travel or for use while
DETOXIFYING MUD MASK at home or work • Gently exfoliates with natural oatmeal
The dōTERRA SPA Detoxifying Mud Mask is a natural
clay mask that provides purifying and detoxifying 37500001 2.5 fl oz/75 mL 36130001 4 oz/113 g
benefits while reducing the appearance of pores, fine $9.32 retail $6.99 wholesale 5 PV
$9.27 retail $6.95 wholesale 5 PV
lines, and wrinkles.
• Infused with Myrrh, Juniper Berry, and Grapefruit
essential oils—known for their cleansing and BODY SCRUB dōTERRA SERENITY®
smoothing benefits dōTERRA SPA Exfoliating Body Scrub is a natural, CALMING BATH BAR
• Shea butter provides moisturization and balances indulgent body scrub that gently exfoliates and • dōTERRA Serenity essential oil blend promotes
the skin polishes skin with sugar cane, leaving a healthy, relaxation and a restful sleeping environment
• Malachite extract is rich in copper and provides natural glow. • Jojoba seed oil is highly regarded in the cosmetic
detoxifying benefits • Wild Orange and Grapefruit essential oils cleanse industry and known for its quick absorption and ability
and purify skin to deeply moisturize
37490001 4 oz/113.4 g • Ginger essential oil is soothing and warming to • Vegetable-derived glycerin hydrates skin and helps
$19.33 retail $14.50 wholesale 12 PV the skin retain moisture while providing a smooth application of
gentle suds
37480001 8 oz/226 g
60201092 4 oz / 113 g
$26.00 retail $19.50 wholesale 15 PV
$9.00 retail $6.75 wholesale 5 PV
TOPICAL BLEND Enjoy a beautiful, smooth complexion with HD Clear
Facial Lotion. This lotion contains natural emollients to
promote healthy levels of moisture in the skin for a
Used as a spot treatment or an over-all application, HD balanced complexion as well as CPTG essential oils
Clear Topical Blend promotes a clean and healthy combined with botanical extracts known to assist in
complexion with essential oils renowned for their achieving blemish-free skin.
skin-benefiting properties. • Features a unique blend of black cumin seed oil as
• Features a unique blend of black cumin seed well as CPTG essential oils of Ho Wood, Melaleuca
oil as well as CPTG® essential oils of Ho Wood, (Tea Tree), Eucalyptus, Geranium, and Litsea
Melaleuca (Tea Tree), Eucalyptus, Geranium, • Natural ingredients help target blemishes for clear
and Litsea and clean skin
• Promotes clear-looking skin by targeting the site of 49410001 50 mL/1.7 fl oz
$45.33 retail $34.00 wholesale 34 PV
49400001 10 mL roll on
$28.00 retail $21.00 wholesale 21 PV HD CLEAR® FOAMING FACE WASH
Discover the perfect solution for problem skin of all
HD CLEAR® KIT ages with the dōTERRA® HD Clear Foaming Face Wash.
This kit contains HD Clear Foaming Face Wash, Topical • Designed to thoroughly cleanse without stripping
Blend, and Facial Lotion for a beautifully balanced away natural moisture
complexion. • Contains CPTG essential oils and plant extracts that
will leave your skin extra clean and soft
42700001 SAVE $40.00 RETAIL
Veráge Moisturizer combines CPTG essential oils with
REVEAL FACIAL SYSTEM plant extracts for natural hydration and skin
Reveal Facial System is a two-step process
nourishment. This light, non-greasy moisturizer
that will give your face a spa-like
absorbs quickly but hydrates deeply, helping to reduce
treatment, bringing the glow of your skin’s
the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles for a smooth,
radiance and beauty to the surface.
even complexion.
• Features dōTERRA citrus essential oils of • Formulated with CPTG essential oils of Juniper Berry,
Lime and Wild Orange to purify the skin Jasmine, Sea Buckthorn Berry, and Geranium—all
• Bamboo silk beads and botanical known to revitalize the skin
enzymes exfoliate dead skin cells for a
fresh face 37410001 30 mL/ 1 fl oz
• Protein-building peptides support $37.33 retail $28.00 wholesale 28 PV
healthy and youthful-looking skin
37340001 2 tubes—1.7 oz each
$80.00 retail $60.00 wholesale 60 PV
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. / 47
New formulas
dōTERRA Anti-Aging Moisturizer combines
FACIAL CLEANSER NEW FORMULA! cutting-edge ingredients with the CPTG® essential oils
dōTERRA Facial Cleanser contains CPTG Certified of Lavender, Jasmine, Geranium, and Frankincense to
Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils of Melaleuca moisturize and soften skin while providing anti-aging
and Peppermint, known for their ability to purify and benefits. Peptides and botanicals target the visible
tone skin and support a healthy complexion. Natural signs of aging by improving skin tone and
cleansers of Yucca Root Extract and Soapbark moisturizing the skin, helping to keep skin looking
Extract gently wash away impurities leaving skin young and vibrant and helping reduce future visible
looking clean, fresh, and smooth.. signs of normal aging.
60201753 4 fl oz/118 mL 60201751 1.7 fl oz/50 mL
$22.00 retail $16.50 wholesale 16.5 PV $46.00 retail $35.50 wholesale 35.5 PV
dōTERRA Natural Deodorant is a safe, natural ESSENTIAL OIL OINTMENT
option for preventing odor throughout the day. Correct-X is an all-natural topical ointment
• Cypress, Melaleuca (Tea Tree), Cedarwood, and using powerful CPTG® essential oils that assist
Bergamot essential oils provide purifying with various skin conditions.
benefits, helping to reduce underarm odor • Petroleum free
• Beeswax provides a protective barrier while • Includes plant-based ingredients that protect
allowing skin to breathe, and contributes to the skin from water and dirt
product’s smooth application
• Safe and easy to use
• Coconut oil contains fatty-acids, known for their
nourishing properties and ability to keep skin • Utilizes CPTG essential oils of Frankincense,
looking smooth and healthy Helichrysum, Melaleuca (Tea Tree), Cedarwood,
and Lavender
37420001 1.7 oz
60110001 15 mL/.5 fl oz
$11.33 retail $8.50 wholesale 5 PV
$16.00 retail $12.00 wholesale 10 PV
Designed for children and adults who have difficulty PB Assist Jr is a powdered probiotic supplement
swallowing capsules, dōTERRA a2z Chewable tablets designed for children or adults who have trouble
provide the nutrients your body needs for optimal swallowing pills. Five billion live cells have been
health.* blended into a delicious powder that can be poured
• Combines a blend of B vitamins with vitamins A, directly into the mouth for a fun and tasty way to
C, and E integrate probiotics into anyone’s daily routine.*
• Features botanical extracts and is formulated to • 5 billion live cells of 6 different probiotic strains
be used with IQ Mega • Strains specifically selected for their benefits
• Supports healthy immunity and provides among children
antioxidant protection* • Microencapsulated to help probiotics survive
• New watermelon flavor until they reach the intestines
• Supports healthy functioning of the digestive
34500001 60 tablets and immune systems *
$26.00 retail $19.50 wholesale 15 PV • Tastes great
34420001 30 sachets
IQ Mega takes the fishy taste out of fish oil and $32.67 retail $24.50 wholesale 20 PV
adds the fresh orange flavor of Wild Orange CPTG®
essential oil.
• Provides over 1,000 mg of concentrated, pure
Omega 3 oils per serving
• Supports healthy brain, cardiovascular, immune,
and joint function*
• Formulated to be used with dōTERRA a2z
Chewable tablets
35320001 150 mL
$46.00 retail $34.50 wholesale 30 PV
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. / 49
$79.50 wholesale
and Save 60 PV
$89.50 wholesale
60 PV
$59.50 wholesale
50 PV
Give your daily intake of fruits and ENERGY & STAMINA
vegetables a boost with this powdered
drink mix designed to be taken with
Mito2Max is a healthier, long-term
water, Slim & Sassy® TrimShakes, or your
alternative to caffeine for increased
favorite beverage.
energy and vitality.*
• Blend of leafy greens and superfruits
• Promotes better microcirculation
• Includes naturally occurring vitamins, with Oligonol® lychee fruit extract,
minerals, and antioxidants quercetin, and other standardized
• Flavored with Lemon and Ginger plant extracts*
essential oils • Potent, full spectrum of
60120001 300 g mitochondrial energy cofactors
supporting cellular aerobic capacity
$37.33 retail $28.00 wholesale 20 PV
and energy production*
• Free of stimulants; not habit forming
34350001 60 vegetable capsules
$52.67 retail $39.50 wholesale 39.5 PV
Oligonal is a registered trademark of Amino Up
Chemical Co., Ltd
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. / 53
METABOLIC BLEND Slim & Sassy Softgels contain the proprietary Slim METABOLIC GUM
& Sassy essential oil blend in convenient softgels There is one drop of Slim & Sassy essential oil blend in
A T I S to promote weight management in a healthy, each piece of sugar-free gum. Slim & Sassy metabolic
Support your weight maintenance goals with the natural way.* The flavorful blend of Slim & Sassy oil blend helps manage cravings throughout the day
proprietary essential oil blend of Slim & Sassy. contains essential oils known to help manage while supporting healthy metabolism.
hunger throughout the day while boosting
• Formulated with Grapefruit, Lemon, Peppermint, metabolism and promoting a positive mood.* • Promotes healthy metabolism
Ginger, and Cinnamon essential oils • Enhances metabolism* • Helps manage hunger cravings
• Promotes healthy metabolism* • Helps manage hunger cravings* • Sugar free with natural sweeteners
• Helps manage hunger cravings* • Promotes healthy digestion* • Long lasting flavor
• Calms your stomach and lifts your mood*
34270001 60 vegetarian softgels 60200347 32 pieces
• Diuretic-, stimulant-, and calorie-free
$46.00 retail $34.50 wholesale 30 PV $11.33 retail $8.50 wholesale 5 PV
31370001 15 mL bottle
$32.67 retail $24.50 wholesale 24.5 PV
Slim & Sassy TrimShake is a convenient, delicious Introducing a vegetarian alternative to weight Four 15 mL bottles Slim & Sassy Metabolic
shake mix that provides essential nutrients. management shakes. Slim & Sassy V Shake Blend and 2 TrimShakes.
TrimShake can help you lose unwanted fat stores provides the same benefits as TrimShake with
through calorie restriction and regular exercise.* the exception of all the ingredients being 100 40770001 1 Chocolate, 1 Vanilla
Includes the patented weight-management percent plant-sourced and vegetarian-friendly. $200 retail $150 wholesale 125 PV
ingredient EssentraTrim®† to help reduce food • Includes Solathin®‡ and EssentraTrim®†
cravings and overeating. Includes Solathin®‡, a • 7 grams of plant-sourced protein 35280001 2 Chocolate
special protein extract that supports increased • Protein sourced from pea, quinoa, and
feelings of satiety. Blends well with nonfat dairy, $200 retail $150 wholesale 125 PV
almond, rice, and soy milk or water.
• Versatile flavor, mixes easily with favorite 35290001 2 Vanilla
35180001 vanilla fruits, milks, or juices
$200 retail $150 wholesale 125 PV
$52.67 retail $39.50 wholesale 25 PV • No artificial sweeteners, flavors, colors, or
60130001 2 V Shake
35200001 chocolate 35440001 $200 retail $150 wholesale 125 PV
$52.67 retail $39.50 wholesale 25 PV $52.67 retail $39.50 wholesale 25 PV
Except as indicated, all words with trademark or registered trademark symbols are
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. trademarks or registered trademarks of dōTERRA Holdings, LLC. / 55
389 South 1300 West PAID
Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 PERMIT #6563
1 800 411 8151 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH
Looks like
Father Time
just went on
$60.00 retail
0.5 fl. oz.
$145.00 wholesale 45 PV
v1 60202703