Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction: Quarter 2 - Module 8: Survival Kit
Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction: Quarter 2 - Module 8: Survival Kit
Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction: Quarter 2 - Module 8: Survival Kit
Risk Reduction
Quarter 2 – Module 8: Survival Kit
What I Need to Know
What I Know
Write the letter of the best answer on a separate sheet of
1. It is a bag that contains supplies that one would require to survive
when evacuating from disaster.
A. Carpenter’s Kit C. Survival Kit
B. Convention Kit D. Travel Kit
2. The most basic essential, for when you need something to drink.
A. Juice C. Water
B. Milk D. Protein Drink
3. If you are going to eat, this is the best to put in your emergency kit.
A. Bread C. Crackers
B. Candy D. Energy Bars
4. When you have to go through dark places or travel at night, you need
A. Candle C. Fire Torch
B. Flashlight D. Wand
5. If you need to listen to the Emergency Alert System, this is the simplest
portable device you can use.
A. Battery-powered Radio C. Mini TV
B. Cell Phone D. Tablet Device
6. If you have all the gadgets, then you also need these to make them
A. Batteries C. Food
B. Blankets D. Water
7. If your emergency kit does not have this smaller kit, then getting hurt
may be a problem.
A. First Aid Kit C. Life raft
B. Knife D. Tent
8. When you need to signal people, or let them know you are there, this is
A. Earplugs C. Mask
B. Goggles D. Whistle
9. If you do not want to inhale dust and smoke, you should have this in
your emergency kit.
A. Earplugs C. Goggles
B. Face mask D. Tent
10. Keeping clean is important if you are in an emergency; these are the
best emergency kit cleaning materials.
A. Rags C. Tent
B. Sleeping bag D. Wet towels
Survival Kit
What’s In
What’s New
What is It
3. Tools • Scissors
A. Personal effects and hygiene kit • Hard closed shoe (you may need
B. Important family documents to walk through debris)
and money • Toys, books, puzzle, other
activities for children
C. First aid kit
• A person can survive without food • Store only non-perishable food such
intake for 5 days as long as there is asIMPORTANT
canned foods FAMILY
with indication of water in
Prepare clean crackers, dried fruit, MONEY
DOCUMENTS AND dry cereal
clean airtight sites and routes
containers for • •Juice
these in tetra-pack)
a plastic envelope or
Whistle drinking and cooking: • any
should becontainer
sufficient for three
•• Flashlight
4 liters perwith extra
person perbatteries (or
day (1 liter • Money
days should beofinevery
consumption the form of
self-powered flashlight)
for drinking and 3 liters for cash
member. and loose change (atm
List of Emergency numbers to call • machines
Disposable may not and
plates be working)
• Multi-purpose knife • Prepaid cards
• Matches or lighter and candles • List of important information
• AM radio transistor with extra (security insurance number,
batteries or self-powered driver's license, passport number,
• Blankets bank account details, insurance
• Sleeping bag policy, etc.)
• Important documents: Birth
certificates, passport, marriage
contract, diploma, insurance
certificates, land titles, etc.
Since 2020, additional items needed in their kits to help prevent the
spread of coronavirus or other viruses and the flu.
The Philippine Disaster Risk
2 Reduction
and Management Law
What’s More
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council Organizational
Disaster Risk
Reduction and
Disaster Risk Collectively,
Reduction and these councils
Management are known as
Councils the Local
(PDRRMC) Disaster Risk
City Disaster Municipal Reduction and
Risk Reduction Disaster Risk Management
and Reduction and Councils
Management Management (LDRRMCs)
Councils Councils
C. Incorporate internationally accepted principles of disaster risk
management in the creation and implementation of national,
regional, and local sustainable development and poverty
reduction strategies, policies, plans and budgets
zones can immediately go back to their normal lives during
periods of intermittent conflicts
K. Recognize the local risk patterns across the country and strengthen the
capacity of LGUs for disaster risk reduction and management
through decentralized powers, responsibilities, and resources at the regional
and local levels
2. An individuals should be prepared to be self-reliant and be able to
survive for at least ___ days or ___ hours.
3. A person can survive without food intake for 5 days as long as there is
_________ intake.
4. Avoid _____ or ______ food as this will make you thirsty.
5. RA ______ is the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Act of 2010
What I Can Do
7. If your emergency kit does not have this smaller kit, then getting hurt
may be a problem.
A. First Aid Kit C. Life raft
B. Knife D. Tent
8. When you need to signal people, or let them know you are there, this is
A. Earplugs C. Mask
B. Goggles D. Whistle
9. If you do not want to inhale dust and smoke, you should have this in
your emergency kit.
A. Earplugs C. Goggles
B. Face mask D. Tent
10. Keeping clean is important if you are in an emergency; these are the
best emergency kit cleaning materials.
A. Rags C. Tent
B. Sleeping bag D. Wet towels
11. If you have this, all you need is the sun to keep your gadgets going.
A. Goggles C. Mirror
B. Magnifying glass D. Solar charger
12. Keep these in a waterproof bag, just in case you need to help
authorities verify who you are.
A. Credit card C. Money
B. I.D card D. Wallet
13. You need this if you have to rest outside at night, or if it gets cold.
A. Cap C. Extra pants
B. Earmuff D. Sleeping bag
14. You use this to wrap wounds or help close open wounds if you cannot
stitch them.
A. Bandage C. Paper
B. Blanket D. String
15. For smaller wounds that need to be sealed, you can use one of these.
A. Band-Aid C. Nicotine pat
B. Iodine D. Temporary tattoo
16. It is the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of
A. RA 1020 C. RA 1021
B. RA 10112 D. RA 10121
17. It is the highest working group of the Government of the Republic of
the Philippines established by Republic Act 10121 of 2010.
18. It is the lowest working group of the government which facilitate and
support risk assessments and contingency planning activities at the
local level.
19. The Road Map of RA 10121 are the following Except:
A. 21 years in the making C. 4 administrations
B. 7 congress D. 2 senate
20. These councils are known as the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Councils (LDRRMCs) Except:
A. City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Councils
B. Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Councils
C. Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Councils
D. Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Councils
Teaching Guide for Senior High School DISASTER READINESS AND RISK
Note :
This material is locally developed by selected writers for educational purposes only.
Although, the writer and the division office have made every effort to ensure that the
information and content in this module are accurate, the materials still subject for
continuous quality assurance for DepEd Learning Resources Standards compliance. The
circulation of the learning material shall be limited to public schools within the jurisdiction
of the Division of Tagbilaran City . Reproduction for commercial purposes is prohibited.
Feedback, comments and suggestions are welcome for the improvement of this learning
Answer Key
What I Know What I Have Learned Assessment
1. C 1. Emergency/Disaster Kit 1. C 11. D
2. C 2. 3 or 72 2. C 12. B
3. D 3. Water 3. D 13. D
4. B 4. Salty or sugary 4. B 14. A
5. A 5. 10121 5. A 15. A
6. A 6. A 16. D
7. A 7. A 17. B
8. D 8. D 18. A
9. B 9. B 19. D
10. D 10. D 20. D