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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Cebu Province


Grade FIVE
First Quarter
A C T I V I T Y No. 1
Week : 5
Level : 2
Activity Title: __________________
MELC : Solves routine and non-routine problems involving addition and/or
subtraction of fractions using appropriate problem solving strategies and tools.
Intended Learning Outcomes
Knowledge: Identify appropriate steps or strategies in solving routine
and non-routine problems involving addition and/or subtraction of
Skills: Solves routine and non-routine problems involving addition
and/or subtraction of fractions.
Attitude: Apply strategies and appropriate steps in solving real-life
problems and the like.

Reference/s :Lesson Guide in Elementary Mathematics Grade 5 pp. 79 – 176; 21 st

Century Mathletes Textbook pp. 58 – 77; 21st Century Mathletes Teacher’s Manual
27 – 32; Harcourt Math pp. 538 – 551; www.mathisfun.com;
https://m.k5learning.com; www.education.com; www.homeschoolmath.net

Introduction: In solving routine and non-routine math problems, there are steps or
strategies that must be followed to come up with the correct solution and answer.

Discussion and Examples:

 Solve the given problem through the steps presented.
 Problem 1:
During weekends, Tina spends working at home for 4/15 hours while Lita
spends 3/12 hours. Altogether, how many hours do they spend working
at home on the weekends?
 How to Solve?
a. What is asked in the problem?
Answer: The total hours they spend working at home on
b. What are the given facts?
Answer: 4/15 hours for Tina, 3/12 hours for Lita
a. What operation must be used?
b. What is the number sentence?
4/15 + 3/12 =
4/15 + 3/12 =
16/60 + 15/60 = 31/60
Answer: Therefore, the total hours they spend working at home on
weekends is 31/60.

 Problem 2:
Arlene needs 8/15 cup of flour. She already has 3/6 cup of flour in her
bowl. How much more cup of flour does she need?
 How to Solve?
a. What is asked in the problem?
Answer: The cup of flour that she needs more.

b. What are the given facts?

Answer: 8/15 cup of flour that she needs, 3/6 cup of flour
already in her bowl
a. What operation must be used?
b. What is the number sentence?
8/15 - 3/6 =
8/15 - 3/6 =
16/30 - 15/30 = 1/30
Answer: Therefore, she needs 1/30 cup more.

 Task 1: Solve the following problems using the appropriate steps.

 Problem 1:
Mrs. del Rosario bought 5/12 kg of papayas and 8/15 kg of santol.
How many kilograms of fruits did she buy?
 Problem 2:
Mr. Sanchez worked two days in his vegetable garden. He worked
6/10 hour on the first day and 3/6 hour on the second day. How long
did he work for two days?

 Task 2: Solve the following problems using the steps presented in Task 1.
 Problem 1:
Aling Auring, a vendor, had 7/10 bibingkas. If she sold 5/7 bibingkas,
how many were left?
 Problem 2:
Isabel helped Mother in washing clothes. Last Saturday, they used
4/12 bars of soap. If there were 3/15 bars, how many bars were left?
Directions: Read and analyze each problem carefully. Write down your
solution to show how you get your answers.

1. Cita and Nita decided to jog in the park. Cita jogged 11/6 miles
while Nita jogged 5/9 miles. How many miles did the two pupils jog

2. Some boys volunteered to paint the school fence. They painted

8/14 of the fence on the first day and 3/15 more on the second day. What
was the total part of the fence painted?

3. Nelly walked 5/10 km, then jogged 6/12 km. How many kilometers
did she travel in all?

4. Mother prepared lunch for the family. She bought 5/10 kg chicken
in the market. She cooked 4/5 kg. How many kilograms of chicken were left?

5. Mang Nardo has to plow his field for 4/12 hours. After plowing for
7/9 hours, he rested and ate his snacks. How many hours more does he have
to work?

6. Mr. Reyes was driving from Tanauan to Balayan, with an

approximate distance of 3/5 kilometers. When he reached Lipa City, he had a
flat tire. If he had driven 5/7 kilometers, how many more kilometers will he
need to drive to reach Balayan?

7. Aling Rosa sold the cassava cake she made in the market. At lunch
time, she brought home the 4/7 cakes left. If her children ate 1/8, how many
more cakes she has left to sell?

8. You have 5/8 cups of flour. Your sister has 1/13 cups of flour to
make a cake. How many cups of flour are there in all?

9. The group of Grade 5 pupils needed paint for their masks. They
used 3/5 liters of red paint and 7/15 liters of white paint. How many liters of
paint did they use altogether?

10. Anna planted 2/5 of her garden on Monday and 5/8 of her garden
on Tuesday. She planted the rest on Wednesday. How much of the garden
did she plant on Wednesday?

Prepared by:
Barili 1 District MKP (Teacher)

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