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International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.4, No.

4, April 2016
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at www.ijrat.org

Design of Terminal Automation System

Aswin.S1, Prabhu .K. R2, Khalid Khan3
PG Student [CA], SELECT, VIT University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India1
Professor, SELECT, VIT University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India2
Software Manager, L&T Electrical and Automation, Mumbai, India3

Abstract: This paper is about the design of detailed process involved in the automation of the terminals in the
oil and gas industry. Paper discusses about different levels included in the terminal automation system, the
different equipment involved and the design of them.

Abbreviations: TTES (Tank Truck Entry Scheme), LRC (Load Rack Computer), FAN (Filling AdvisoryNote),
TLF (Tank Lorry Filling), CR (Card Reader), RIT (Remote Interaction Terminal), TAS (Terminal Automation

The oil and gas industry is the one of the most Control room includes the equipment such as
important sectors of Indian economy. We have servers, mod buses, switches, PCs, RTUs etc. This
been using oil and gas for the past thousands of will receives the field signals through RS 232/485
years. Oil is mainly found in natural reservoirs or cables. All the systems in control room will be
may be collected from seepage or tar ponds. connected in the LAN network. SCADA is used to
control all the processes from the control room
Since both oil and gas are highly inflammable, it is remotely.
very risky to deal with it. So many hazardous
events have occurred due to carelessness and some The control signal from SCADA will energise the
system made mistakes. Terminals are the place PLC and it will act. Two types of PLC are used in
from where we dispatch the refined products of the terminal automation. Process PLC and Safety PLC.
refineries. Most of the products are highly Process PLC controls the pumps, barrier gates,
inflammable and they have high cost also. So we DBBVs, etc. Safety PLC is used for safety
need a highly safe, risk free and obviously purposes like ESDs.
profitable environment in this field .This scenario
brings out the relevance of automating this The process of Terminal Automation starts when
industry. The oil and gas market is the fastest truck entries in the terminal and it will end when
growing industrial market for process automation the truck leaves the terminal after filling the fuel. In
today. Here we can discuss about the automation of between this there are a lot of process are occurring
terminals in the oil refineries. like SAP TAS interfacing , fan generation, entering
licensed area, batch controller working , loading ,
Even though terminals are the last part of the truck cancellation, bypassing, truck aborting etc.
refinery, they are the most unavoidable part of The success of Terminal Automation System
many industries across the world, they needs completely depends upon these different processes
terminal automation system which performs in in it.
faster and efficient way. It includes starting from
the pipes which carries the oil, tanks used for TAS has mainly 8 subsystems. They are
storage, trucks and wagon used for transporting the
oil, the bays from where the trucks are filled etc. I. SAP-TAS INTERFACE
We can include the whole processes in three
headings. SAP-TAS interface is developed to automate the
data transfer between client and server TAS
• Field and field equipment system. It consists of built in control and
• Control room and SCADA executable scripts for its proper functioning.
Field and field equipment include all the pipe lines, [2]The gantry automation system is the heart of the
tanks, trucks, wagons, batch controllers, card terminal automation system. It is mainly about the
readers, sensors , radar gauges, RTDs, air transfer and control of the products. It includes the
eliminators, strainers, valves etc. batch controller unit, Proximity Card reader,
Overspill Prevention Device, Static charge

International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.4, No.4, April 2016
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at www.ijrat.org

grounding device, Loading Arm, Loading Arm VIII. ACCESS CONTROL SUBSYSTEMS
position detection device cum arm interlock,
Digital Control Valve, Strainer cum Air eliminator, This subsystem is responsible for controlling
Flow meter, Pulse transmitter, and Temperature vehicle entry and exit at the facility. The various
and Pressure transducers. components include barrier gates, card readers,
traffic lights, vehicle sensors, a security station and
III. ADDITIVE INJENCTION AND related accessories.
[2]The diversified demand of fuels in today's era is
driven by various factors which include the base [1][2]The proper working of TAS is mainly based
product modification. It includes accurate blend of on the working of Batch controller unit. A batch
two or more products enhancing the capability of controller is an intelligent device designed for
base product by injection of special additive, to loading operation in terminals of petroleum
mark the product with injection of the marker. The refineries and oil marketing terminals. This will
additive injection and blending solutions offered by control and manage the transferring of different
us helps in operation flexibility and enables to load petrochemical products onto road tankers and rail
multiple products from same loading arm and cars. Precisely batch controller is an intelligent
reduce dependency on multiple storage tanks. device used to deliver the set amount of liquid
along with control flow, BC monitors digital as
IV. TANK FARM MANAGEMENT SYSTEM well as analog parameters essential for continuing
(TFMS) batch delivery process. There are different make of
batch controllers are available in the industry like
[2]This subsystem manages the product stored in SMARTLOAD (GE), CONTREC
large tank and constantly monitors the product (HONEYWELL) etc. The main functions of batch
level in each tank. It also monitors the product level controller are Batch delivery, Blending, Additive
in each tank and other important information like injection, Meter Proving, Transaction Storage /
density and temperature. Components of TFMS User Defined Transaction Ticket, LPG / Pressure
includes tank gauges, temperature sensors, tank Control, Calibration Monitoring.
slide indicators, water bottom sensors ,
communication interface units and tank farm CARD READER UNIT

V. TANK TRUCK ENTRY SCHEME (TTES) [2]The card reader is designed to restrict the access
control of unauthorized person / vehicle is
This subsystem manages the FAN (Filling hazardous and non hazardous harsh area. This is
Advisory Note) generation process. When the certified to ex ia, IIC, T6, the Sentry is intrinsically
packet data came to server from client SAP it will safe and therefore suitable for use in most
generate FAN. hazardous of area, including those certified as zone
0, where there is a constant risk of an explosive
VI. TANK TRUCK REPORTING SYSTEM atmosphere. It can be configured to read a range of
(TTRS) different card technologies.
When a truck enters the parking lot, the RFID card The Sentry comprises a weatherproof box housing
reader of the parking lot will read the barcode of the electronics requires to format the card data for
the truck. According to that the details of the truck transmission to a host computer and a card reader
will load to our TAS from database. Here we have head. One of several card reader head options may
two philosophies - truck pending and truck waiting. be fitted to this box.
This subsystem is used to control and monitor the
[1][3]It helps to control the entire operation of the
operation of entire Terminal Automation System in
depot starting from truck arrival till its exit from
remote mode. It includes redundant Load Rack
the depot. It also integrates the storage tanks,
Computers (LRC), Operator Interface Computer
valves, flow meters, and all the parameters of them
(OIC), printers, networking components, PLC,
to the system. It enable the operator to control the
UPS, panels, consoles and related systems. The
depot with the help of various modules like
SCADA will be installed in the LRCs.
Configuration module, Operation module, FAN
module, Gantry module, System status module. It

International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.4, No.4, April 2016
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at www.ijrat.org

provides clean overview of various operations at • Close in the event of ESD (anywhere in
depot. PLC is also integrated with SCADA system. the location) activation
• DBBV shall close under ESD condition
TANKS and from LPBS.
The tanks are used to store fuels such as Motor Remote Mode of Operation of DBBV
Spirit, High Speed Diesel, Naphtha, Aviation
• Local/Remote selector switch housed in
Turbine Fuel, Ethanol, Mineral Turpentine Oil etc.
Actuator should be in Remote Mode
The tanks are important part of terminal automation
system and it is the place where we want to put our
• Open/Close through OIC /Push Button
care, because most of the reported accidents are
Station located outside the dyke wall.
occurred in the tank farm only like 2005 Buncefield
fire in UK, 2009 Jaipur fire in India etc. So tanks • Close in the event of ESD (anywhere in
are provided with maximum safety. Each tank are the location) activation
provided with two radar gauges. Tank is divided • Close in the event of Tank Level HH / LL
into 6 levels such as Low-Low (L-L), L, High (h), Alarms
H-H and Automatic Overspill Protection System • Close in the event of Tank Level HHH
(AOPS). The two radar gauges are considered as Alarm.
primary and secondary. The primary radar gauges • Open/close based on Tank Sequencing
will sense the level of the tank. The secondary will Logic automatically if it is in Remote –
sense the above mentioned levels. The data that are Auto else needs to be closed from OIC.
needed to the TFMS system is taken from the
primary radar gauge and the secondary is hard
wired to the PLC system. The inlet and outlet pipes As per the philosophy of ROSOV operation, each
of tanks are provided with DBBV and ROSOV. ROSOV provided with two pushbutton stations,
The tanks are operated in different modes such as each having set of open and close button for field
operation. One station mounted near to ROSOV
• Receipt and other outside the dyke.
• Dispatch • There will be a provision for issuing close
• Dormant command for individual as well as all
• Inter Tank Transfer(ITT) ROSOV from OIC.
• Recirculation/ Churning • Open command can be issued from OIC
which will be password protected by
• Maintenance
operator having suitable rights.
Receipt mode means the tank is receiving the fuel.
It will be from train wagon, pipeline or tank truck. • ROSOV shall open only after pressing any
Dispatch mode means the fuel is transferring from one open push button (PB station
the tank. This will also through pipeline, wagon or inside/outside dyke) in the field in case of
tank truck. Dormant mode is the idle state. In ITT healthy condition
the fuel from one tank is transferred to other tank. • In addition to automatic closure of
Recirculation is used to rotate the fuel within the ROSOV by AOPS, these ROSOVs can be
tank. This is used mostly in case of MS and ATF. closed from the control room or from ESD
When we want some maintenance work the tank push button or from local push button
will in maintenance mode. station.
For ethanol tanks, IOCL will provide ROSOV at
DBBV AND ROSOV inlet line for the purpose of AOPS operation, to
comply with SIL2 loop certification.
[2]All the DBBV will be operated by process PLC
though loop topology of two wire modbus
communication along with ESD command
hardwired with safety PLC. Digital control valve is to control the flow as per
programmed instructions from the Batch
Local Mode of Operation of DBBV Controller. The Digital Control Valve shall be a
• Local/Remote selector switch housed in diaphragm operated main valve & two solenoid
the Actuator should be in Local Mode valves. Normally open (NO) solenoid shall connect
selection. the valve cover chamber to the upstream pressure,
• Open/Close through open/close button whereas normally closed (NC) solenoid shall
housed in the actuator. connect the valve cover chamber to the

International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.4, No.4, April 2016
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at www.ijrat.org

downstream pressure. These NO and NC Solenoid Drop in pressure across the strainer should not be
shall be connected to Batch Controller. Batch more than 0.25 Kg/cm2. Metering System vendor
controller shall control the DCV in multistage flow shall ensure that the pressure loss across the
control operation. These DCVs shall be electro Strainer is within limits as mentioned and shall
hydraulically operated for white oil. The solenoid mention actual pressure drop in his meter data
valves shall be suitable to hazardous area sheets.
classification. DCV calibration flow control needle
valves shall have stainless steel pad lock
arrangement with lock to protect from tampering. PLC

POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT (PD) METER All the process logics shall be controlled from the
WITH DUAL PULSE TRANSMITTER PLC. This process logic shall be written in
vendor’s own language for e.g., function blocks,
The PD meters shall be used for the products ladder diagrams etc. Process Logic required for the
(except Naphtha) which are meant for volumetric plant operation, which shall be taken from P&ID’s
loading. The PD Meter shall be Double Case Flow and translated in terms of logic gates and then into
Meter consists of a measuring chamber. The ladder programs.
measuring chamber shall be calibrated to the meter [2][3]Programs in PLC shall be controlling
output i.e. electronic pulses from Pulse Transmitter. • The pumps operation such as start/stop
It should have a flow range of 240-2400 LPM for from OIC, Pump demand processing;
bottom loading and 150-1500 LPM for top loading. pump sequencing, remote / local control
It should have batch accuracy of +/- 0.05% over the etc.
full range and repeatability of +/- 0.02 % over 10:1 • PLC can control the opening / closing of
flow range. Drop in pressure across the meter valves from OIC, remote / local control
should not be more than 0.25 Kg/cm2. Other details etc.
shall be as per data sheet. PD meter vendor shall • Fire Alarm processing for whole of the
clearly specify the pressure drop across the meter at plant by controlling the number of Fire
maximum flow, lower flow limit in LPM for alarm pumps in case of Fire at plant can be
specified accuracy & meter maximum flow limit in controlled from PLC.
LPM. • PID controllers on various parts of the
plant are controlled by the PLC depending
AIR ELIMINATOR on the Set points configured.
• In case of Emergency Shutdown, PLC
The Air Eliminator shall be mounted after the stops all plant functions such as stopping
Strainer body. It shall consist of a stainless steel of Product Loading pumps, closing of
float connected to a pilot valve via multiple Valves, Opening of Barrier gates,
linkages. When air collects in the Air Eliminator Stopping of all batch controller’s, Tank
the buoyant force acting on the float reduces & the level Alarms and ESD repeat signals to
float drops down along with the pilot valve pipeline division etc.
connected to the linkage & the air escapes through • Processing of analog data such as signals
the main valve. As the liquid rises in the Air from Density meter, Pressure transmitter,
Eliminator, the floatrises to lift the pilot valve, Tank level and temperature signals to
thereby closing the air release opening of main pipeline division in the form analog signal
valve. are controlled by PLC.

STRAINER These are the main elements and the overall

process of Terminal Automation System. The
benefits or advantages of this TAS are
The Line Strainer shall be fitted on Flow Meter
inlet. The Strainer shall consist of a fabricated body • Accountability
with flanged inlet & outlet connections. The wire • Reduction in Manpower and cost
mesh basket filter element is to remove the • Increased efficiency
impurities for the liquid. A drain plug is provided • Increased flexibility
to facilitate servicing. Liquid impurities shall get • Increased security
filtered on passing through the filter element &
• Improved customer service and reliability
clean liquid flows through the Flow Meter. A
• Reduced complexity as design and
differential pressure indicator shall be installed
across the body of strainer with isolation valves. installation

International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.4, No.4, April 2016
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at www.ijrat.org

• Improved environment • Real time exchange of data with the

• Reduced time company's business system
• Modular approach
The detailed process of terminal automation system
• Increased accuracy and safety is given below as a flow chart. It includes everypart
• Accurate and faster management that concerned to the loading activity in terminals.

International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.4, No.4, April 2016
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at www.ijrat.org

Planning Officer will open New Day from TTES.* *Open New Day is one time activity in
Day and can be done once in Day.

** In the event SAP server is down,

TTES will generate FAN on local mode
with no commercial validation.
TT arrives at the Terminal and the driver reports at
MARKETING Room. JDE operator performs *** In the event that the LRC server is
Authorization and generates a Load in SAP. ** down, the SAP will generate filling
advice in a non-automated mode.

#LRC maintains 1+2 Criteria when

queuing TT for each bay in normal
condition. In This scenario priority truck
get first priority for filling. Other 2
LRC reads Load Data from Gateway Server. *** trucks wait till priority truck filling.

LRC updates Load Data in Database and maintains a

FIFO list of all TT authorized with SAP.

TTES displays bay assigned on the screen with available

bays. The TTES operator can override the bay allocation
now. #

TTES operator assigns Card No Manually or read from

card reader at Marketing Room and also enters seal
number if applicable.

The TTES operator can generate FAN.

TTES/TDM program updates LRC with details of bays, comps, card
ID, expiry time of FAN, Seal Nos. and prints FAN. Now Card is
allocated to this TT and cannot used till completion of entire cycle of
this TT.

International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.4, No.4, April 2016
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at www.ijrat.org

LRC shows first four TT number from FIFO list at Display boards at parking area for
a configurable amount of time.

TT driver awaits display of his TT number on the Parking Area Display. After display
of his TT number, Driver proceeds to Marketing room to collect FAN.

TTES operator hands over the card, Seal Packet and FAN slip no to TT Driver.

Driver proceeds to TLF Entry Barrier Gate.

TT driver shows the Card at Entry barrier gate CR.

TTES operator re-authorizes the card.

LRC validates the card.*

Entry Barrier Gate Remains Closed. TT

driver reports the same to TTES operator.
Is Card Valid?


Is TT Timeout?


2 *Conditions for a valid card:

Must be a valid card ID,
FAN will have been printed for the card.
The card will have been registered as Loading Card & Card must not
be expired.

International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.4, No.4, April 2016
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at www.ijrat.org

LRC will command PLC to open entry


TT proceeds to the assigned Bay.

Is Bay Queued. Wait until assigned bay is
Wait until another card is Free? free.


Show “Please Show Card”

Show “No Order for this And RIT Red Lamp Steady,
Yellow Lamp Off, Green TTES operator re-
Lamp authorizes the card.
Off in RIT

Is card valid for other


Yes No Show “Card No

Is Longer Authorized”.
Card Valid?


Is card
Show “Proceed to Bay No
X”. TT Driver Proceeds to
Correct Bay as Printed on

TT No. Shown on Both Bay

Wait for valid

International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.4, No.4, April 2016
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at www.ijrat.org

Multi product Bay?


Is TT authorized to load No
both products Show “Not in Use”
simultaneously? In one bay BC


Driver prepares loading.

No Prompt driver to connect Earthing

Is Earthing done? clip. “CONNECT GROUND”
message on BC Set RIT lamp red.

No Prompt driver to position the loading

Is loading arm Arm. “ARM NOT IN POSITION”
In Position? Message on BC.
Set RIT lamp red.


Display Comp No, Quantity and “PRESS ACK”on BC

advising the driver to press Amber push button on RIT.

Is ACK” button


C 4
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.4, No.4, April 2016
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at www.ijrat.org

Loading Alarm: All alarms are displayed on

4 Bay Loading Screen.

* Low/High Flow Alarm occurs due to

Pump/Valve malfunctioning. Check
Pump/valves in line and resume loading By
RIT Green Lamp starts flashing. “PRESS START”message on pressing “ACK”.
BC.Driver Presses Green Push Button on RIT.
**Restore Local Stop from RIT.

***Acknowledge ESD from Control Room.

Button Pressed?


Update loading quantity and dynamic loading

parameters like temp, density etc in Database.

Is loading in progress?


Flow Alarm? * Display Alarm Message on BC.


Alarm Restored?
Is loading stopped
from Bay? **

No Press ACK on RIT.


ESD Active? ***

Press START on RIT.


B 5 D E

International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.4, No.4, April 2016
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at www.ijrat.org

5 D E

Is Ground connected?*


Is Loading Arm
connected? **


Additive Alarm? ***


Is loading Complete?

Loading Alarm: All alarms are displayed on Bay

Yes Loading Screen.

* Truck ground is disconnected. Connect Earthing

Display Message “Comp No. Completed” Update Clip to TT Body and resume loading by pressing
loading quantity and dynamic loading parameters. “ACK”.

**Loading Arm is not in Position. Insert Arm

correctly inside Compartment.

Prepare for next No ***Additive Injection Failure. Check Additive

compartment filling Are all compartments full? Panel.


“Loading Over” Message in BC

The Message “Show Bay officer Card” displays in BC with

appropriate RIT display sequence. Load over Lamp in TLF glows.

Is Bay Officer Card valid?


International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.4, No.4, April 2016
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at www.ijrat.org

Updates Database with final compartment details

and Uploads data to TDM/JDE


Density Updating:
*If Density Threshold is updated within 2 Hours then
If Density uploaded then send Load over Compare Avg Density with Threshold and update valid
Else Hold for Clearance.* Density. In case Threshold updated is more than 2 Hours
old then send online Density.

Bay Officer ensures about Sealing. TT driver proceeds

to the Marketing Room.

TDM/JDE operator gives Invoice to driver.

Once Invoice work is completed, Driver proceeds to
Exit gate CR.

TTES operator
reauthorizes FAN.

Driver shows the Card in the Exit gate CR.

Exit Barrier Gate Remains

No Closed. TT driver reports the
Is Card Valid? same to the TTES operator.


LRC checks if the driver has received the invoice.

Exit Barrier Gate Remains

Closed. TT driver reports the
Is Invoice received? same to the TTES operator.

Yes 122

International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.4, No.4, April 2016
E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Available online at www.ijrat.org

PLC opens the exit gate as instructed by LRC. Card is free now and
can be used for New TT.

Driver proceeds to the security gate. Surrenders the card and gate pass
copy of the invoice to Security.

Truck exits the terminal.


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automation system. This system is efficient, Terminal Automation System” in 17th European
accurate, reliable and cost effective also. If we Symposium on Computer Aided Process
include the new developments in the automation Engineering, April 2002
field in TAS we will get more accurate and safer
system. We can expect a completely automated, [3]Wan Jusoh, Ghani, Mat Hanafiah, Raman,
100% safer system in future. “Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) hardware design
and development for distribution Automation
REFERENCES System” in Innovative Smart Grid Technologies
Asia (ISGT Asia), 2014 IEEE.
[1] Ahmed.M.M, “Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition (SCADA) System based customized [4] All available manuals in L&T Mumbai.
remote terminal unit (RTU) for distribution
automation system” in Power and Energy
Conference, PECCON 2008, IEEE 2nd


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