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A Doctor's Touch KEY

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TED Talk: A doctor’s touch


A talk

To give a talk
To deliver a talk

Person who gives a talk = Speaker

1. What is the overall message of the talk?

Patient-centered approach

Patient-physician relationship is based on a ritual.

Doctor-patient interaction / communication
The role of human touch
The role of patient examination
Earning patients’ trust
Trust – to earn someone’s trust
Ritual - the ritual of examining the patient

2. Write down details about the cases mentioned in

the talk.
Female patient with dermatitis
Story: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle went to medical school in
Edinburgh and his character Sherlock Holmes was
inspired by Sir Joseph Bell – an extraordinary teacher –
who figured out a lot about this female patient with
dermatitis just by looking at her and observing several
details (accent  place of origin, coat  2 children,
clay (zgura) on soles  route, dermatitis on right hand
fingers  place of work [linoleum factory])
40-year old patient
- Brought to the ER – confused, high BP cardiac
collapse in the ER  resuscitated, stabilized, CAT
scan  bilateral breast cancer (masses/ tumors)
that had metastasized widely all over her body
- Cancer discovered too late although she had been
previously seen in other healthcare institutions

BP = Blood pressure
Emergency department/ unit/ emergency room (ER)
=UPU/ camera de garda/ urgenta
Bilateral masses / tumors

To metastasize = to form metastasis

One metastasis – 2/ more metastases
 Metastatic cancer
Diagnosis – diagnoses

Treatable stage
Treatable/ untreatable stage
Disease stage = stadiul bolii

Early (incipient) / late/ advanced / terminal stage

Onset of a disease = disease onset = debutul bolii

Outpatient department/ unit = ambulator

In-patient = admitted to hospital = internat

Out-patient / in-patient = admitted to hospital

to admit (ted) to hospital for investigations/treatment

to discharge(d) from hospital
to release (d)
admission papers
discharge papers
Friend with breast cancer
- Chose a local clinic for her subsequent care in favor
of a fancy cancer center because she preferred to
also be examined by doctors instead of being only
scanned (imaging investigations: CT, MRI)
CT = computed tomography
MRI = magnetic resonance imaging
-ectomy = surgical removal of a certain part of the
- Pulpectomy
- Gingivectomy
Chronic fatigue patient(s)
- Patients trusted him because he listened to them
and examined them thoroughly at each
- The importance of communication
- The importance of rituals

To do a thorough physical exam = detailed

The patient’s history – to take

To take a patient’s history = a face anamneza
HIV patients  AIDS
HIV virus
- Patients expected him to examine them even on
their deathbed – ritual: message – I will always be
there for you.

Candida - resistant to medication

Resistance to…

Heart/ liver/ kidney failure = insuficienta

To go into liver failure
To go into a coma/ shock
3. Write down details about the history of medicine
facts mentioned in the talk.
Female patient with dermatitis
Story: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle went to medical school in
Edinburgh and his character Sherlock Holmes was
inspired by Sir Joseph Bell – an extraordinary teacher –
who figured out a lot about this female patient with
dermatitis just by looking at her and observing several
details (accent  place of origin, coat  2 children,
clay (zgura) on soles  route, dermatitis on right hand
fingers  place of work [linoleum factory])

Leopold Auenbrugger – late 1700s - Austrian physician

who discovered percussion as a diagnostic technique
 one of the founders of modern medicine
To tap
To percuss
- son of an innkeeper / inn (han)
-to tap = to percuss
Wine casket

Laennec – discovered the stethoscope  auscultation

Diagnosis – verbs

To make a diagnosis / to diagnose

Hospital round = vizita (spital)

To do rounds = a merge la vizita (dr)
Hospital ward / hospital room = salon de spital
On call = de garda
I am on call. Sunt de garda.
4. Identify the strong presentations skills of this TED

- A key message to convey

- Well organized/ relevant
- Confident
- Accessible language
- Stories
- Facts
- Quotations
- Fun elements
- Visuals
- Relevant / good body language
- No hesitation
- Effective use of voice

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