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Detailed Speakers Listing 2-25-11

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Global Health & Humanitarian Summit

Fri. April 1  7pm - Sun. April 3  5pm

st rd

*reference categorized by:

 Roman Numeral = location

 Capital Letter = session title / time block
 Number = presentation order within the session



ADEKANLA, Adetokunbo II A-2 BISHIKIRA, Yvan  I-A-9
ADJEI, Rufai III A-3 BLACK, Chase  IV C-13
ADOLPH, Harold V C-4 BREMNER, Dr. Doug  II-B-8
AHMAD, Alizeh VII A-5 BOYCE, Raymond  IV C-9
AJIBADE, Olaseni  V B-6 BURRIS, James  V B-5
AMUNAU, Simon Peter I-B-5 CARTER, Ethel Ware II A-11
BANKS, James I-A-6 CHAPMAN, Eddie  III B-3
BARRY, Rochelle  II-A-4 Ann CHOPRA, Quincy V B-7
BASSARAB, Ann I B-10 CHUNG, Andrew IV C-3
BEALL, Mary  I-A-14   CHUNG, Andy  IV C-8
BEALL, Meagan  I-A-14   CLEMENT, Rosemary III C-6
BERCU, Daniel  I-A-13 COHEN, Sheldon I A-6
BERG, Carla  III A-7 COLLIER, Martha II A-12
BHATTI, Amir Shahbaz I C-3 DELGADO, Marina II-B-7
BHATIA, Tasneem  IV B-4 DENLEA, Colin  I-B-1
DENOFIO, Nancy II B-5 MELLO, Felipe IV A-7
DIALLO, Nel V A-13 MIGNON, Smith  I-A-3
EVANS, Jimiyu I-C-5 MUNKAELU, Mohammed Attiah,
FAIRCHILD, Charlotte  III A-9 Junior I-B-4
FINKELSTEIN, Marty  IV B-1 MURRAY, Dennis II-B-1 II A-13
FIRESTONE, Melissa VI-A NAICKER, Michelle  I-A-2
FLEMING, Shannon  III A-8 NELMS, Doris  II C-6
FUDDWHACKER, Buford P. IV A-2 NFORBA, Tantoh  I-B-3
GLICK, John IV A-5 NGUYEN, Hiep  IV A-1
GLYNN, Erin  I-B-7 NIXON, Otis II-A-12
GONZALEZ, Amparo IV C-12 NNAJIOFOR, Ifeanyi Felix  II C-3
GRANTHAM, Jerimiah  V B-4 NYABADE, Gordon  V C-3
GREEN-LAVIELLE, Annabel V A-12 NYUNDO, Michael I-C-9
GRIFFIN, James P. Jr.  III B-5 O’BRIEN, Barbara IV A-4
HANDRA, Kathy II-A-5 O’NEIL, Alison VII A-3
HENDERSON, Susan III C-4 OGHUMA, Dominic  I-C-2
HOUGENDOBLER, Daniel  I B-9 OLAIFA, Olalekan  V A-14
ISAAC, Shahbaz I C-3 OMONDI, Vincent  V A-5
JAMISON, Michael  IV B-5 ORONDO, Malachi I-A-12
JOHNSON, Gina  IV C-1 OWINGS, John - Brig Gen II-B-8
JOHNSON, Linda  IV C-7 PALOMEQUE, Francisco V A-10
JOHNSON, Priscilla  I-C-4 PATTERSON, Brad  II-A-8, II-A-13
A-4 PIA, Corina IV B-3
KAHN, Henry  III A-1, VI-C PICKETT, De’Andre S.  I-C-6
KELLY, Ann III B-8 POLLACK, Jonathan V C-1
KENNEDY, Ann  I-A-11 POWELL, Arthur III B-7
KING, Lorrie  I B-8 RAMUCESSE, Jeremiah I A-5
LEEDS, Ira  V B-1 REGO, Henrique  IV A-8
LOPEZ-SALM, Alyse  III B-1 REECE, Roger IV A-2
LONG, Ruth  III C-5 REICHART, Bill  V A-9
LOVE, Victor  I-C-7 RICH, Anita  V C-6
LYON, Marshall  V A-1 ROBERTS, Michael – Col. II-B-8
MA’AT, Imani  I-B-2 ROSER, Steven  V A-6
MAGGI, Darius  V C-2 RUTLEDGE, Kenneth III C-7
MARTIN, Stephen  V A-18 SAKHARIA, Thayel  III A-5
MASON, Ross  II-B-8 SCANLON, Bob V C-2
SCIMECA, Michael IV B-6 TYLER, Trisha VII A-4
SEHIC, Emir  II-B-3 UGBEBOR, Osemenim I-A-15  
SHANNON, Vernitia VI-A VEAZIE, David  I-B-6
SLAVIN, David  IV C-4 VERAZA, Rafael  III A-6
SRIDHARAN, Anand  V A-11 VERMA, Shaun, II C-7
SMIDDY, Joe  V B-3 WALLACE, Lakeba  IV C-11
SMITH, Don I-C-8 WANJAU, Samuel  V A-4
STANKA, Jay V A-6 WATSON, Sarah  V A-3
STILLWACHS, Kimberly II C-8 WEST, Paulette  V A-3
STRUNK, Sarah Rae V B-9 WHYTE, Yolanda  I-A-10
SUMITANI, Jeri  II C-1 WILKINSON, Bethanie  IV C-10
THURMAN, Sandra I-A-1 WILSON, Victor Osas III B-6
THURSTON, Joanne  II C-2 WITHERS, Jim  I-C-1
TILLMAN, Brenda M.  IV A-3, IV B-7 WOODS, Rob  II-A-9
TIMCO, Kelly  IV C-6 ZHA, Mengyi (Zed) V B-2, VI B
TISNADO, Jaime  V A-2, V C-7 ZWERNER, Janna III C-1


I) SOM #110
I) SOM 110
A) Community / Public Health:
Sat. 12:00 – 5:00pm

*average amount of time per speaker = @20 minutes

1. Sandra Thurman / Interfaith Health Program, Rollins School of Public Health,

Emory University - Community development, from theory to practice.
2. Michelle Naicker / Aim Projects-The AIDS pandemic in Africa
3. Mignon Smith / Global Associates for Health Development, Inc.-The Influence of
Culture on the Susceptibility of Low Income African American Women to HIV/AIDS
4. Zizi Joseph-Imatorbhebhe / Alliance Bio-medical-Combating HIV Among Young
People in Africa utilizing an innovative social program and breakthrough HIV diagnostic
5. Jeremias Ramucesse / Mozambique Network Against Poverty and HIV/AIDS
Reduction / Euardo Mondlane University-The Mozambique Experience: Peace,
Democracy, Poverty, HIV/AIDS, Climate Disorder, and Global Investments
6. Sheldon Cohen – The public health threat of smoking…Tobacco is still America’s
biggest killer.
7. Steven Schmidbauer / Child Family Health International-spreading cultural
sensitivity in everyday situations to foster ethical choices
8. Yvan Bishikira / Human Health Aid / Burundi-how to increase the capacity of
volunteer public health efforts resulting in a healthier human race and more peaceful
9. Yolanda Whyte-improving the health and social conditions of Australians
10. Ann Kennedy / The Kenya Project-Kenya / improving the health and education of
11.  Malachi Orondo / People’s Health Movement--the port of Mombasa, Kenya was a
major drug trafficking center for many countries throughout the world…the center is
closing and the Kenyan youth who have become addicted to these drugs are now
suffering from withdrawal. No therapy is available to help them
12. Daniel Bercu / Doctors at War-reaching out in one’s own workplace and everyday
life to stop human trafficking
13. Mary Beall & Megan Beall -Human trafficking: the expanding world pandemic
14. James Banks / University of Cincinnati-Community Based Participatory Research
in Nepal, including survey design and needs assessment for health, education and
economic program planning 
15. Osemenim Ugbebor / Preventive Care Advocacy Foundation-Preventive care

I) SOM 110
B) Environmental & Education Programs:
Sun. 8:30am – 12:00

*average amount of time per speaker = @20 minutes

1. Colin Denlea / Trashwater.org- On the global water crisis through filtration,

education, and mobilization
2. Imani Ma’at / Focused Health-alkaline anti-oxidant water programs
3. Tantoh Nforba (Farmer Tantoh) / Save Your Future Association -Cameroon,
Africa / developing systems for providing clean water
4. Mohammed Attiah Munkaelu, Junior / Pade net-Greening Africa
5. Simon Peter Amunau -expanding volunteerism in the integration of community
health and nature conservation; the case of Gulu district, Uganda
6. David Veazie / Southern Polytechnic State University-Advanced Materials and
Composites for Infrastructure Applications in Developing Countries for Sustainability,
Cost, and Ease of Construction
7. Erin Glynn / Sierra Club- Coal and Health
8. Lorrie King / The LaVya Initiative / University of Liverpool-Removing Barriers to
Education for Girl-Children in Rural Andhra Pradesh, India through Sanitation
9. Dan Hougendobler / Emory University - When goodwill isn’t enough: The heavy
price of unsustainable water interventions in Haiti.
10. Ann Bassarab, Osotua Rhino Sanctuary – Community-based conservation in
Kenya: insights from an American married to a Maasai tribesman.
I) SOM 110
C) Poverty & Homeless Programs:
Sun. 1:00 – 5:00pm

*average amount of time per speaker = @20 minutes

1. Jim Withers / Street Medicine Institute & Operation Safety Net-medical care for
the homeless worldwide
2. Dominic Oghuma / HumanCapital Int-Addressing poverty and ignorance: the bane
of third world health-related problems  
3.  Amir Shahbaz Bhatti / Shahbaz Isaac Ministries- Health Conditions of poor people
and flood affected people of Pakistan.
4. Priscilla Johnson / Morehouse School of Medicine-urban healthcare for displaced
vulnerable populations (the homeless)
5. Jimiyu Evans / Kids Home Collaborative-Collaboration among homeless programs
in Metro Atlanta.
6. De’Andre S. Pickett-financial disparities / African American
7. Victor Love / the Zeigist Movement – Venus Project: Technological resource-based
economy to free the need for money and create peace
8. Don Smith / Village Empowerment-Solving Food Shortages and Giving Hope to the
Poorest Villages in Africa
9. Michael Nyundo / Olives Rehabilitation Centre-Providing basic schooling for the
most forgotten and needy children of the world
10. Charlotte Fairchild / Fear Thou Not, moderator -Homeless Insights: Panel of
people who are or have been homeless

II) SOM #120

II) SOM 120
A) Igniting the Humanitarian Spirit Around the World
Sat. 12:00 – 5:00pm

*average amount of time per speaker = @20 minutes

1. Balakrishnan, Usha / CARTHA-The CARTHA initiative: cultivating academic-

practitioner networks of Collaborative Doers who enhance the positive impact of
technological and social innovations
2. Shadi Farhangrazi / Biotrends International & Biotrends Foundation- Citizen
scientists: How do we go beyond academia and realize that rolling up our sleeves at the
community level with a science background can make a difference…creating and
evaluating new programs
3. Mona Shah-Joshi / Art of Living Foundation (UN-based non-profit in 151
countries- Teaching the importance of volunteering, sustaining volunteer efforts, and
reducing stress with meditation.)
4. Rochelle Barry / Corporation for National & Community Service-National service
to improve lives, strengthen communities, and foster civic engagement through service
and volunteering
5. Kathy Handra/ Office of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps-medical
reserves core: volunteers building healthy and resilient communities
6. Adetokunbo Adekanla / International Business School -Global Humanitarian Work:
The relevance in developing countries, Social Justice and Business Inclination
7. Mike Miller / Predisan- funding and board development (nuts & bolts of fundraising)
8. Brad Patterson, VGS Golfers-fundraising for humanitarian efforts such as Haiti relief
9. Rob Woods-a communication expert gives his insight into activating public
involvement in worthy causes
10. Maki Pejik (developer of the site) / Emory Universitya history, current status, and
worldwide networking of the Global Health & Humanitarian Summit website
11. Ethel Ware Carter, Regional Council of Churches of Metropolitan Atlanta-
Activating faith based networks to strengthen health and humanitarian assets at all levels
- mental, physical, spiritual, socio-economic and environmental
12. Martha Collier, Habitat for Humanity International - Volunteerism as Solidarity:
How can our humanitarian volunteer efforts build local capacity of vulnerable people and
organizations to carry on after we leave? How can we reinforce forward thinking people
and organizations, and not reinforce the poverty status quo?
13. Brad Patterson, VGS Golfers, moderator – Panel: popular sports figures who are
humanitarian role models, including Otis Nixon (pro-baseball), Dennis Murray (pro-

II) SOM 120

B) Innovative Mental Health Programs in the U.S.
Sun. 8:30am – 12:00

*average amount of time per speaker = @25 minutes

1. Dennis Murray / Youth Development & Capacity Building, Inc.-youth health and
environmental development
2. Tina Dennard /Adopt-A-Role Model Program-Making a difference and looking for
the Next!...a program in which volunteers donate time to follow their paths, whether
teachers, doctors, history makers, etc.
3. Emir Sehic / Warriors2Citizens-A mental health program for military service
members, veterans, and family
4. Pamela Williams / AiJalon Inc. Adult Day Health-Innovative approaches for caring
for the aged
5. Nancy Denofio / The Broderick Brain Foundation-Research for individuals with
brain disorders, including Alzheimers, MS, ALS, and motor function
7. Marina Delgado / EMARC, Inc. (East Middlesex ARC-The importance of social
and educational inclusion for the health of those with developmental disabilities
8. Doug Bremner / Emory University,  Brig Gen John Owings, Col. Michael
Roberts, & Ross Mason / Georgia Department of Public Health (Vice
Chairman)- Panel: to speak on the design of a retreat at Calloway Gardens for soldiers
returning from Iraq and their families

II) SOM 120

C) Innovative Medical Volunteer Programs in the U.S.
Sun. 1:00 – 5:00pm

*average amount of time per speaker = @20 minutes

1. Jeri Sumitani / Emory PA Program / South Georgia Farmworker Health Project-

academic programs to provide migrant farmer healthcare in South Georgia
2. Joanne Thurston / Cobb County Medical Society-strategic issues of starting and
growing a health clinic for the uninsured
3. Ifeanyi Felix Nnajiofor-hospital volunteer programs
4. Jack Bernard / SCORE (SBA affiliate)-Volunteering to help small health care
oriented businesses
5. Todd Schlesinger-Volunteerism in your community: Free and Low Cost Health
Screenings…free skin screenings for skin cancer
6. Doris Nelms / United Hospice Atlanta-The role of volunteers in hospice work
7.  Shaun Verma / Milton High School: MDJunior Program – Inspiring Selfless
Service through Mentorship…empowering teens to make a difference in their
communities through medical volunteerism
8. Kimberly Stillwachs / Good Samaritan Health Center, moderator – Panel of Good
Samaritan staff, including founder & president Bill Warren: The difficulty in
accessing specialty care for uninsured, low-income patients and the model Good
Samaritan Health Center uses to try and overcome this difficulty

III) SOM #130

III) SOM 130
A) Humanitarian Advocacy Efforts
Sat. 12:00 – 5:00pm

*average amount of time per speaker = @30 minutes

1. Henry Kahn  / Physicians for a National Health Program-access to healthcare for

all Americans
2. Pippa Abston / North Alabama Healthcare for All-healthcare for all in America:
The perspective from a practicing pediatrician
3. Rufai Adjei / National Health Insurance Authority-improving health conditions for
rural folks
4. Jack Birge-a physician with 52 years of medical practice who continues to be an
active patient advocate (indigents without insurance, industrial poisoning of the
environment, adequate public health, etc)
5. Simon Thayel Sakharia / CSCA India-academic institutions advocating to help the
poor and sick (slum areas)     
6. Mary McMahon / Nurses For the Nations-Assisting the indigenous and the poor
with Malaria in developing countries through the 7 pillars of transformational care
7. Rafael Veraza-A story of mobilizing to fundraise and fight bureaucracy to save     
the life of an immigrant Mexican boy in need of a heart transplant 8. Rita
Valenti / Health Care-NOW, Georgia-Learning from the history of struggle in Georgia
for universal, comprehensive health care for all, and how this can inform our strategic
efforts to achieve this goal in current times 9. Shannon
Fleming-advocating for assistance to Emory students who are single parents
10. Charlotte Fairchild / Fear Thou Not-safety awareness / promotion of the buddy
system to change kidnapping & murder statistics                                                        

III) SOM 130

B) Programs to Reduce Violence or Discord
Sun. 8:30am – 12:00

*average amount of time per speaker = @25 minutes

1. Alyse Lopez-Salm / Partnership Against Domestic Violence-preventing intimate

partner violence / providing survivor support for those battered or abused by a dating
partner or spouse
2. Frank Vandall / Emory University Law School-guns, children, and congress
3. Eddie Chapman / Drive Safe, Stop Safe-Educating the public on how to have safe
encounters when you are stopped by the Police
4. Dexter Humphrey / JASA Enterprises-The Importance of Literacy, Anti-bullying,
Non Violence Initiatives for Students
5. James P. Griffin Jr. / Metropolitan Atlanta Violence Prevention Partnership
(MAVPP)- How to Talk with Seventh- to Twelfth-Grade African American Youth about
Manhood Development
6. Victor Osas Wilson / Saint Paul University-Conflict management in the work place
7. Arthur Powell / EGRESS Consultants LLC - Community Accountability: Dealing
With Gangs and the urgency for people to become active in their communities,
addressing gang issues to make their neighborhoods safer.
8. Ann Kelly / Hands & Words are Not For Hurting Project- an effective award-
winning tool in abuse and violence prevention education that has been implemented in
homes, schools, and communities nationally and internationally

III) SOM 130

C) Medical Missions & Healthcare Perspectives
Sun. 1:00 – 5:00pm

*average amount of time per speaker = @25 minutes

1. Janna Zwerner, The Power of One - Project B.R.A.S.I.L.: the Power of One – Learn
how over a 2 year period and for less than $1000, 1 ton of medical & rehab equipment
was flown from Boston to a remote town in Brazil & given to impoverished residents
with disabilities
2. Frank Brightwell, Somos Amigos Medical Missions - Lessons learned after fourteen
years of operating a medical and dental clinic in a rural and under-served area of a
developing country
3. Maria Castejon, Clinica Medica Manos de Jesus - Clinica Medica Manos de Jesus,
in the mountains of Copan Ruinas, Honduras: An opportunity for public health students
& residents or anyone else involved in global health issues to get involved in various
projects that range from preventive medicine to treating active diseases.
4. Wayne Centrone / Health Bridges International, Inc.- How to improve & expand
efforts through collaboration
5. Ruth Long / International Service Learning-medical, dental, nursing, public health,
and veterinarian service / mission trips for students to provide hands-on experience and
potential academic credit
6. Rosemary Clement / Breast Health Global Initiative - Bringing the Breast Care
Standards to Low Resource Countries
7. Kenneth Rutledge / Uro-P.A.A.C.S. - Developing Urological teaching curriculum &
training for 8 African Missionary Hospitals training General Surgeons


A) Creativity & Making a Difference…Clowning and the Arts:
Sat. 12:00 – 5:00pm

*average amount of time per speaker = @35 minutes

1. Hiep Nguyen / Circle Painting Project-fostering creativity, holistic healing, future,

leaders, and civic engagement
2 Buford P. Fuddwhacker (Roger Reece) – motivational speaker, humorist and country
philosopher will give a talk on maintaining a positive attitude…”Put Your Hound Dog
Out of its Misery”
3. Brenda M. Tillman-Promoting global unity and respect for different cultures through
creative writing & spoken word.
4. Barbara & Marc O’Brien / Sanctuary Island, Inc.-Sanctuary Island, Inc: A Joruney
to Enhance Self Esteem: An RN mother and physically challenged son who has a BA
degree in communications and is an author, support others to publish their stories,
participate in therapeutic horseback riding, and enhance the health, literacy, life
experience, and self-esteem of wounded warriors and others who are disabled, and
children facing adversity.
5. John Glick /Gesundheit! Institute-An overview of the Gesundheit! Institute (Patch
Adams’ organization), which reaches out globally to help in all sectors of distressed
communities, combining art, healthcare, and collaborative community development
6. Tim Cunningham / Clowns without Borders USA - Clowns without Borders:
developing psychosocial relief programs that include performances and workshops in
post-earthquake Haiti, and how to translate this work into other zones of conflict and
7. Roberto Ravagnani & Felipe Mello / Canto Cidadao, Brazil - The Clown in the
hospital environment as a tool to stimulate citizenship.
8. Henrique Rego & Luiza Oliveira / Sorrir e Viver-Panel on volunteerism, art,        
and, healthcare
9. Fred Seligson / Children’s Peace Train-Creating a children’s peace train

B) Integrative Health:
Sun. 8:30am – 12:00  

   *average amount of time per speaker = @30 minutes

1. Marty Finkelstein-Healthy relationships that heal the world

2. Bob Lancer-Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves: Reversing the "the old school"
parenting practices to produce adults who honor one another and the sacredness of life
3. Corina Pia / Sandy Springs Yoga-Improving one’s health through meditation
4. Tasneem Bhatia /Atlanta Center for Holistic & Integrative Medicine -integrative
medicine as a future model of health in health care   
5. Michael Jamison - Qi-Gong and lifestyle modification
6. Michael Scimeca–A chiropractor of 18 years, life coach, and author of “The Guardian
Within” will present “Forward Healing,” an excitingly new model of eldering that
advances the art of stepping well into each new phase of life
7. Brenda M. Tillman-Creative writing as a tool to improve one’s mental health

C) Health Education: 
Sun. 1:00 – 5:00pm

  *average amount of time per speaker = @20 minutes

1. Gina Johnson / Picture of Health Foundation-obesity in kids / eating healthy on a

low budget
2. Deborah Murray / Health Education through Extension Leadership-     
preventing childhood obesity in Appalachia      3. Andrew
Chung-cardiologist tries to put himself out of business teaching everyone      to lose the
terrible bad inside fat which causes a plethora of medical problems 4. David Slavin /
Unitarian Universalist Church of Atlanta-improving the American diet by getting back
to food instead of food products / racial inequalities / healthy food accessibility issues for
the inner city poor & minority population 5. Shula Edelkind / Feingold
Association of the United States-An introduction to the Feingold Diet as reasonable
intervention for ADHD, and the role of food additives as triggers in cognitive, learning,
and health problems 6. Kelly Timco-Fighting obesity can
be fun: Hula hooping your way to good health 7. Linda Johnson-fighting obesity
through dance. 8. Andy Chung / GA Tech-“What’s in a
Doctor’s Bag?” – a program to demystify medicine to young kids
9. Raymond Boyce / Asthma & Allergy Foudation of America-allergies / asthma
10. Bethanie Wilkinson / Cancer Education Foundation-Cancer education, from
promoting health to helping those with cancer, the caregivers, and survivors via
11. Lakeba Wallace / Young Women with Breast Cancer-Breast cancer education and
12. Amparo Gonzalez / Emory Latino Diabetes Education Program – A Culturally
Sensitive Diabetes Self-Management Education Program for Latinos in the US, providing
education on lifestyle behaviors, coping skills, and problem-solving to achieve metabolic
control and reduce the risk of devastating complications.
13. Chase Black / Medical College of Georgia School of Medicine-Panel discussion on
childhood obesity: ways that the community, schools, and parents can prevent obesity in
children, such as behavior modification, healthier options in school cafeterias, etc.

A) International Medical Missions: Session 1
Sat. 12:00 – 6:00pm

*average amount of time per speaker = @20 minutes

1. Marshall Lyon / Emory School of Medicine Division of Infectious Disease-Africa /

how to get started in volunteering
2. Jaime Tisnado / VCU Medical School-South America (Andes) / motivating people to
become humanitarian
3. Paulette West & Sarah Watson / United Methodist Volunteers in Mission
(Southeastern Jurisdiction)-expand & sustain medical missions with spirituality
4. Samuel Wanjau / Partners for Care-Americans can help and do no harm
5. Vincent Omondi-Kenya / help and do no harm/academic approach
6. Steven Roser & Jay Stanka / Emory University-Nicaragua / pediatric cleft lip/palate
surgical repair missions
7. Steven Roser & Jay Stanka / Emory University-Preparing for participation in
disaster relief/humanitarian aid programs
8. Deepa Ranganathan / Arpan Global Charities - A volunteer medical trip abroad -
the good, the bad and How to make the best of it!
9. Bill Reichart / Christian Medical & Dental Associations of Atlanta-overcoming the
obstacles to volunteer: how to move from interest to involvement
10. Francisco Palomeque / EncuentrosMED - Medical Spanish and Global Health
11. Anand Sridharan / Catholic Medical Mission Board-enhancing and expanding
global medical volunteerism
12. Annabel Green-Lavielle / Global Heart Network-an example of how technology
can boost synergism among humanitarian efforts: A unique web-based platform
promoting and expediting collaboration between nonprofits working in the field of
pediatric cardiac care
13. Nell Diallo / Medshare-A successful program which demonstrates how medical
surplus can be use to improve healthcare delivery in the developing world and do no
14. Olalekan Olaifa / Emory University-Teaching and developing infrastructure in
developing countries; a perspective from a Nigerian physician who has been on the front

B) International Medical Missions: Session 2
Sun. 8:30 – 12:00

*average amount of time per speaker = @ 20 minutes

1. Ira Leeds / Emory Medishare-Haiti / surgery: student involvement

2. Mengyi (Zed) Zha / Peking University -China / first student-run free clinic in China,
based on the U.S. model
3. Joe Smiddy / St. Mary’s Health Wagon, Clinchco, VA / Body & Soul Medical
Clinic, Beliz-Appalachia to Belize: student medical missions
4. Jerimiah Grantham-preparing for medical emergency missions
5. James Burris / The Hands of Christ, Inc.-designing hospitals in areas of need abroad
6. Olaseni Ajibade, Emory University-Nigeria / Cultural sensitivity and ethical
responsibility; a perspective from a Nigerian student at Emory
7. Quincy Chopra / Operation Safety Net-motivating non-medical personnel to get
involved in medical volunteering
8. Victor Mbaba / Africa’s Children’s Fund-Promoting medical volunteerism in
developing countries
9. Sarah Rae Strunk / Emory University School of Medicine-Why should we teach
people to fish?  Healthcare provider education as a means to impact sustainable change in
resource-limited settings: Lessons learned from Haiti and Rwanda

C) International Medical Missions: Session 3
Sun. 1:00 – 5:00pm

*average amount of time per speaker = @20 minutes

1. Jonathan Pollack / Emory Global Surgery Program-surgery programs in the

developing world
2. Darrius Maggi & Bob Scanlon / West Africa Fistula Foundation- Sierra Leone /
obstetrical fistulas
3. Gordon Nyabade / Go Fishnet Youth Project-Kenya / treatment of children with
bacterial meningitis
4. Harold Adolph / St. Luke’s Health Care Foundation (Soddo Christian Hospital,
Ethiopia)-Africa / training and surgery for rural Africa
5. Audry Klossner / Damien House-Ecuador / Hansen’s disease
6. Anita Rich, Nurses Heart to Heart- Iraq / heart disease, screening, & surgery /
cardiac nurse training Iraq / nursing / heart to heart programs
7. Jaime Tisnado / VCU Medical School-Andes, Peru / Teaching medical skills,
providing supplies

VI) SOM A153

Panels, Break-Outs, & Open Discussions
A) Disabilities
Sat. 1 – 2pm

Panel Break Out: Melissa Firestone / Commission on Disability Affairs, Fulton

County, GA, moderator [panelists include Vernitia Shannon / N’ Spi’ One]: Persons
with disabilities and their issues

B) Student Initiatives
Sat. 2 – 3pm

Panel Discussion: Zed Zha / Peking University Health Science Center Student-Run
Free Clinic Project, moderator: Student Initiatives…Making a Difference in
Health Care Around the World

C) Health Care for All

Sun. 1 – 2pm

Open Caucus: Henry Kahn / Physicians for a National Health

Program, moderator: Advocacy for Affordable Health Care for All Americans

A) A Diverse Spectrum of Humanitarian Efforts & Issues
Sat. 12:00 – 5:00pm

*Average time per speaker = @20 minutes

1. Jan Gundersen / Emory University – The gratifying story of how an Emory student
organized his own soccer camp for the slum kids (orphans and vulnerable kids) of Langas
Primary School in Kenya, working the entire previous school year fundraising for soccer
equipment and funding.

2. J.D. McCrary / Lutheran Services of Georgia - Refugee Resettlement in Georgia

3. Alison O’Neil / Beauty Becomes You - A health promoting best practices model for
personal aesthetics in geriatric care, addressing the importance of grooming and hygienic
care of older adults.

4. Trisha Tyler / Georgia Aquarium - Sustainable seafood…the issues relating to

certain fishing methods, the impact of certain seafoods on human health (including
mercury exposure), and resources to support better consumer choices

5. Alizeh Ahmad / Central Asia Institute - Girls' education in Pakistan; globally-

minded education in the United States; the effects of the recent floods there

VIII) Closing KEY NOTE Presentation

Location TBD
Sun. 5:30 – 8:00pm

 Patch Adams - The Joys & Challenges of Health & Humanitarian Volunteer Work --
Insights from the Internationally-Acclaimed Activist, Clown, and Doctor who was played
by Robin Williams in the 1998 Warner Brothers movie

True to the movie about his life, the real Patch Adams has devoted his life to
and inspiring a model for a more humanitarian face for health care in the United
States and around the world. He regularly leads international clown mission trips
to war-torn and suffering parts of the world to calm the nerves of distressed
children, patients, and caregivers.


IX) WH 208
Sat. 1:00 – 4:00pm

Wounded Warriors event

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