Production of Algae
Production of Algae
Production of Algae
Both cyanobacteria and eukaryotic microalgae are promising higher plants. Both prokaryotic cyanobacteria (commonly
organisms for sustainable production of bulk products such as referred to as blue-green algae) and eukaryotic microalgae
food, feed, materials, chemicals and fuels. In this review we will are commercially promising producers of chemicals and
summarize the potential and current biotechnological biofuels.
developments.Cyanobacteria are promising host organisms for
the production of small molecules that can be secreted such Commercial large-scale cultures of the eukaryotic micro-
as ethanol, butanol, fatty acids and other organic acids. alga Chlorella were started in the early 1960s followed by
Eukaryotic microalgae are interesting for products for which the cyanobacterium Arthrospira in the 1970s. By 1980
cellular storage is important such as proteins, lipids, starch large-scale algae production facilities were established in
and alkanes.For the development of new and promising lines Asia, India, the USA, Israel and Australia. Food supple-
of production, strains of both cyanobacteria and eukaryotic ments from microalgae comprise an important market in
microalgae have to be improved. Transformation systems which compounds such as b-carotene, astaxanthin, poly-
have been much better developed in cyanobacteria. unsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) such as DHA and EPA and
However, several products would be preferably produced
polysaccharides such as beta-glucan dominate [1,2].
with eukaryotic microalgae. In the case of cyanobacteria a
synthetic-systems biology approach has a great potential to
Research on algae is not only focusing on improving pro-
exploit cyanobacteria as cell factories. For eukaryotic
duction of traditional products but also on new algae pro-
microalgae transformation systems need to be further
ducts such as biodiesel, bio-ethanol and chemicals [3,4,5].
developed. A promising strategy is transformation of
Microalgae are considered as one of the most promising
heterologous (prokaryotic and eukaryotic) genes in
feedstock for biofuels and chemicals. Worldwide, research
established eukaryotic hosts such as Chlamydomonas
and demonstration programs are being carried out to
reinhardtii.Experimental outdoor pilots under containment
develop the technology needed to expand algal energy
for the production of genetically modified cyanobacteria
and chemicals production from a craft to a major industrial
and microalgae are in progress. For full scale production
process [6–10]. Apart from the boost in algal research
risks of release of genetically modified organisms need to
generated by the oil crisis and environmental motives
be assessed.
(climate change, CO2 issues and land use) also technical
Addresses developments such as the introduction of new generation
Wageningen University, Bioprocess Engineering, AlgaePARC, P.O. Box
8129, Wageningen 6700 EV, The Netherlands
DNA sequencers, improvements in algal genetic modifi-
Bielefeld University, Dep. of Biology, Center for Biotechnology cation, and the rise of systems biology have contributed to
(CeBiTec), Bielefeld 33615, Germany the expanding of research on algae. Metabolic pathways can
University of Amsterdam, Laboratory for Microbiology, Swammerdam be introduced, deleted or changed [9,11,12].
Institute for Life Sciences, P.O. Box 94232, Amsterdam 1090 GE, The
Benefits of using both eukaryotic microalgae and cyano-
Corresponding author: Wijffels, René H ( bacteria for sustainable production of fuels and chemicals
will be summarized. We will indicate that despite being
promising still a large number of bottlenecks need to be
Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2013, 24:405–413
removed before eukaryotic microalgae and cyanobacteria
This review comes from a themed issue on Energy biotechnology become industrial microorganisms.
Edited by Eric Toone and Han de Winde
For a complete overview see the Issue and the Editorial One of the items often mentioned is the use of dedicated,
Available online 4th May 2013
improved strains. In this paper we will focus on that and we
will identify which features need to be improved. Further-
0958-1669/$ – see front matter, Published by Elsevier Ltd.
more we will focus on dedicated, improved strains and identify which further features need to be improved, for
both cyanobacteria and eukaryotic microalgae. Transform-
ation systems are much better developed in cyanobacteria
Introduction but some products would be better to produce in eukar-
Algae are generally defined as photosynthetic microor- yotic microalgae, particularly when high intracellular pro-
ganisms. They are considered as simple organisms duct storage capacity is required. Finally aspects of scale up
because they are not organized into organs found in will be discussed.
Figure 1
Sucrose Benson
RI5P Cycle 1,3BPG
Butanediol Isobutyraldehyde
αKG Ethylene
EFE Isobutanol
Current Opinion in Biotechnology
Schematic overview of intermediary photoautotrophic metabolism of Synechocystis PCC6803, with indication of energy products and feedstock
products that can be derived from these cells.
of this latter type of optimization extends all the way to analyses. For future work one can really expect important
the initial reaction of the Calvin cycle [31], be it that contributions from synthetic systems biology, ones it has
‘sink regulation’ by itself already leads to increased become possible to derive engineering suggestions in
Rubisco activity, provided that the capacity of the intro- synthetic biology from kinetic versions of flux-balance
duced heterologous metabolic pathway is high enough analysis methods. This approach may then help resolve
[27] (Ducat et al., 2012). the involvement of all the complicated mechanisms that
lead to source and sink regulation in photosynthesis in
These latter results clearly show that a synthetic-systems cyanobacteria. Eventually, this may lead to a situation in
biology approach will be beneficial to further exploit which carbon fixed by these ‘cell factories’ is only
cyanobacteria as ‘cell factories’ for the production of diverted to the synthesis of new cells, to the extent that
biofuel and bulk chemicals. Up to now, most of the equals the death rate of the producing cells. Metabolic
synthetic biology work is based on straight-forward meta- control theory (or: a ‘sensitivity analysis’) then provides
bolic pathway information as this has become available for the tool to predict the optimal level of expression of the
organisms such as Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cere- heterologous product-forming metabolic pathway, to pre-
visiae, whereas systems biology studies have mainly vent this pathway to become a metabolic burden to the
focused on the derivation and application of flux-balance cyanobacterium [27].
Figure 3
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
products [5]. We refer to the literature on this topic [63] modified organisms and these organisms probably are
and will focus here on risk aspects of culturing genetically poor in competition at conditions occurring in nature.
modified microalgae outdoors. In addition it is suggested for future experiments to
culture the genetically modified strains under extreme
For production in containment organisms can be cultured conditions (salinity, pH, temperature) as a selective pres-
and processed in such a way that protective measures are sure.
used to prevent their direct contact with the environment.
For industrial production outdoors it will be impossible to Until this moment there is still limited practice of algae
work under containment. The escape of genetically production systems. As an example we will give the
modified algae into the environment even from closed regulative procedure we followed for the production
photobioreactors will be unavoidable. It is expected that facility AlgaePARC (Figure 3). Although at AlgaePARC
most of the genetically modified microalgae cultured in we do not work with genetically modified algae we did
production systems have very little chance to survive if follow the procedure for contained use because of the lack
released to the environment. However, it is suggested to of practice of evaluations. Official regulations to use
analyze the associated risks before starting large-scale genetically modified organisms are actually not in place
production [64]. Risk assessments should be focused at AlgaePARC. The measures taken should pave the way
on the chance that organisms released from the cultiva- for such regulations. The following protective measures
tion system would be able to outcompete wild strains. It is were taken at AlgaePARC:
unlikely that genetically modified algae and cyanobac-
teria will outcompete wild strains as the cultivation con- - The closed cultivation systems are situated in a
ditions are specifically designed for the genetically concrete bin with sufficient capacity to hold the content
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