Literary Criticism
Literary Criticism
Literary Criticism
Hey, netizens! I am your host for today, Bella Luna! Have you heard of the story of two ill people who are
in love with each other? [pace, pretend like people are answering The Fault in our Stars]. No, not The Fault
in our Stars, our Literary Criticism for today is “Five Feet Apart”, a novel by Rachael Lippincott and film by
Justin Baldoni. Who is Rachael Lippincott? Rachael was born on December 05, 1994. She graduated and
earned her bachelor’s degree in English Writing at the University of Pittsburgh, and became the
professional female writer who had a quick rise to fame as the author of #1 New York best-selling and most
viewed novel “Five Feet Apart". Five Feet Apart is an American sentimental film aired in 2019, but the book
by Rachael was published in November 2018. This movie was inspired by a story of a woman named Claire
Wineland, who endured cystic fibrosis. Well, this is a story between youthful couple patients with cystic
fibrosis. They attempt to have a relationship despite being constrained to follow the 6 feet distancing from
each other. The main actors and actresses are Haley Lou Richardson who played the character of Stella;
Cole Sprouse as Will, Moises Arias as Poe, and Kimberly Hebert Gregory as Barbs.
These celebrities show compassion in portraying the characters even without experiences with these
things. Stella, who is an obedient teenager patient falls for his fellow patient, Will. Unlike Stella, Will wants
to enjoy his life before he dies. Furthermore, Poe is Stella’s kindest best friend who is always cheerful. She
supported her best friend with Will because it will make her happy. Barbs is a strict but loving nurse who
wants them to follow the rules. She serves as a mother to her patient and treats them as if they were her
children. Obviously, this movie/novel happened at the hospital. But there were scenes in a frozen river and
a snowy park. The movie became the most popular and best-selling movie in 2019. Because of the
exceptional storyline, wonderful theme, and inspiring message, this movie reached $91.5 Million in box
office worldwide. 'Breathtaking' the word that we used to describe the film. This movie really inspired
many people, including us, the youth, who are also struggling with this pandemic. Both novel and film serve
as a great message that will spread positivity around the world. Everyone in this world is breathing a
borrowed air.
Before we continue our video today, we include some guests like students to provide their opinion and
comment about the movie.
[show students beautiful faces]
[greet before start] – describe yourself, anything but we need to make sure that it is ACCEPTABLE.
The view of life that the story presents is that we are lucky to be healthy and we can love many people unlike them,
they need to keep 5 feet apart, and it shows that we should live life to the fullest because life is short. Both Stella
and Will articulate this situation. They are loving each other while ignoring the condition that they have. They show
that nothing can stop them from living their short life here on earth. They are just like living in a clock that when
time stops, everything will end. The only thing that matters to them was love. It is the only one that doesn’t require
“five-feet distancing”. Love is the only place without a zone; they can live free. We must be grateful because we
have this perfect life that others are wishing for. We must not mock that we don’t have these luxurious and expensive
materials because other people can’t speak, walk, hear, or even stand at all. We must live our life to the fullest
because we don’t have a second to waste.
Five Feet Apart is more than just a love story between Stella and Will. It has a powerful message that everyone
should take away. Stella mentioned that “If you are able, touch him, touch her. Life is too short to waste a second”.
Life is indeed short. We must not take it hard because, like quizzes or exams, life is unexpected. We don’t know what
will happen next or when it will end. We don’t know what will be the context, what will be our story, or what will
our response. Like the characters, we don’t have everything. We must at least use what we have to righteousness.
The movie Five Feet Apart tells us that we should live bigger because life doesn’t give us enough chances. We should
take risks because we never know which moment is our last. We should love, let us not be scared of it. Loving will
not kill us but not doing it will surely kill a part within us. During this pandemic, we must spend most of our time
with our family. We do not know if the virus will hit us or not. So now, we must grab the chance to spend it with
them. If we watch the news, we must know that people who died from Covid-19 cannot have a funeral because of
the virus. It is just heartbreaking because they do not have the chance to see their loved ones.
Being a teenager is hard but being a sick teenager is much harder. We should breathe. Let us take a deep breath
and enjoy today. We are all on borrowed time. Instead of focusing on making your tomorrow good, make your today
even better. The movie persuades us to be joyful today. Like Ruffa Mae Quinto said, “Go! Go! Go!”.
Stella is the representation of those people who use social media to cope up with their problems. As we can see,
even though she’s physically ill, she can express her emotions and conflicts to the world using social media. She used
social media to communicate with her loved ones and to update her family and friends. Moreover, Stella did not do
it only for herself. She inspired people; like Will and Poe to continue their lives even though they have this condition.
This generation uses social media as a medium to express their emotions. Social media has both advantages and
disadvantages. We can share our feelings with the world and can inspire people. I remember a meme that when we
are phones are charging -- we are also low-batt. It is a fact to the millennials today, but they must be sharing their
feelings with their parents first. Sharing is not wrong, but our parents must be our number one listener. They must
know how they feel. They should be the social media platforms in our hearts. In short, communicate!
The movie “Five feet apart” has this moral issue that love can do anything; love is against all odds. When love hits
us, we can’t do anything to change or even remove it. It is something that you can never steal from anyone. I
remember when our CLE teacher mentioned that, “Love is God. It is impossible that a human being doesn’t have
love for themselves”, and he is indeed right. We can’t live without love. If we do have the one who will keep for it,
we will fight for them. In love, there is no intersection. You will always go forward and improve. Sometimes, our
heart is like a treasure chest; we need to find and explore to find it. And when people see it, nothing can ever get
that away from them. In the story, Stella and Will proved that nothing destroys their love. Even their illnesses cannot
change their affection for each other. Love is not about physical connections. It is more about emotions and how
you treasure each other. If you do love someone, even yourself, don’t let anyone take them away because they
serve as the treasure chest that keeps the most precious thing, which is love.
I, as a reader, was really inspired by this story. I’ve experienced the same with my Lola. Back then, she has an
impeccable illness, which always distant me from her. Before she had that kind of disease, I am very closed to her.
She always brought me to church, bought me street foods, and left me a piece of her specialty, biko. Before, because
I was a kid, I can’t fully express my love for her. But one day, when I realized that she’s gone, I really regretted the
moments that I can hug her, I can kiss her, and I can touch her. It just makes me realized that life is too short, and
there’s no time to waste. Just like what Stella said, “If you are able, touch him, touch her. Life is too short to waste
a second”. Always remember that not all of us are lucky. Value our moments with our loved ones and if you have
even just a minute, please, spend it with them.
One word, be grateful. The movie was about two young people who suffer from cystic fibrosis. The author of the
story presents this masterpiece to tell its viewer that even though we don't have physical contact with the one we
love; we can express our love to our loved ones. As blessed and healthy people, we need to always be thankful for
what we have and what we receive. People like Stella, Poe, and Will, do not even have a chance to each other. It is
heartbreaking because when one of them died, they cannot even thank or honor them by giving a hug or a kiss. We,
people, need to always keep in mind that we are much blessed than others, and we must use these things to do
good deeds, not only for ourselves but also for others. This story serves as a representation of life now in the
pandemic. Family, most especially those people who are infected - do not have a chance to hug their family before
leaving. Most of them died without ever seeing their loved ones. The novel/film must also serve as a lesson to all
because the story represents the reality -- not only those in the hospitals but also those affected family.
The movie Five feet apart wants to tell us that life is unexpected; we either take risks or go with the flow. We are
living our lives like it is normal, but in reality, people are struggling for their lives. We will encounter disabled,
physically, mentally, and emotionally ill people. They are the one who is taking risks. They want to live their lives to
the fullest because they do not know where it will end. We have this unconditional love for themselves because they
are the only one who can fight for themselves until the end. People like Stella and Will, are just like us, students. We
do not have everything yet. We follow instructions and rules, but we must still enjoy our lives. Like Stella, we must
think of different things that will make us happy without breaking the rules. Life's short; we must not waste even a
second. The thing that connects me from the text is the message that we must appreciate our loved ones. I
experienced losing someone, and I have no idea that she will die because of Covid-19. Before she died, we had a
conversation through video call, and we were happy that time. After that, on the 29th day of January 2021, she
passed away. The only word that I want to leave is communication. Like online selling, a personal message is a key.
Do not be afraid to talk or to speak because someone is listening. Let others feel what you need. It is up to them to
give it to you either physically, virtually, or emotionally. In short, “Pm is the key”. Yes!
I think this movie changed my perspective of the world. Before, I do not have any idea that there people who cannot
do what they will not or cannot fight for themselves. I have this perspective that, because I am still a kid, I can get
everything. No! In real life, we need to work for these things. In this modern world, anything is instant, but it is hard
to pay for these things. Even in life, it is hard to live our everyday lives because it seems like everyone is controlling
us. As human beings, we must not let them do that. We know what is right or wrong, do what is right!
The movie taught me many things not only for myself but also for my life. We cannot force ourselves. We must let
everything go flawlessly. I am not saying that we must go with the flow. Like music notes, we live gracefully and with
harmony. We must listen to a piece of advice to know what is right or wrong. In the story, I portray my mom as
Barbs. She is a kind person with maternal characteristics. She might be strict, but all that she wants is to secure their
health and their safety. She wants them to stay because she loves them, and that is the thing that communicates
with me. We must respect our moms. They are surprisingly incredible. She is my role model in life. I thank the movie
for making me realize that there is someone who will look after me, who will give advice, who will guide me in my
journey; and will serve as the light in my life.
The story gave us information on how hard to live, especially if you are a patient with cystic fibrosis. Stella and Will,
both teenagers who have cystic fibrosis, cannot stick to each other because they may transmit germs that may
worsen their disease. In short, not all people have everything we have. In fact, we are much blessed than them yet
we are still complaining because we do not have luxury phones, clothes, cars. The only thing that matters now is
“Love”. Now, many kids and teenagers don’t know what love means. They are cringed with the fact that they love
someone. It is disappointing because parents should be telling and showing their children what love is. There is
nothing wrong with love. All of us need to love, even ourselves. People don’t need a partner to build love. Love exists
when we find ourselves. We must explore this love so that we will live our lives to the fullest, literally!
The plot, the theme, and the message conveyed were absolutely amazing. Showing how two young people who
suffer from cystic fibrosis fall in love with each other is new to me, so I cannot predict its ending unlike other movies
with the same plot and ending. Although some parts of the movie were confusing and difficult to understand, I really
love it. I also want to give appreciation to the connection of the story to reality. People can easily relate to the movie
and the message of the author. Bellissima!
Take a breath, a deep one. Think about their position. They are just borrowing clean air for their lungs. Isn't it sad?
Of course, that would be depressing. The story Five Feet Apart of Mikki Daughtry, Rachael Lippincott, and Tobias
Iaconis, is a great portrait of a teenagers today. It serves as a message that being a teenager is hard, but being a sick
teenager is much harder. Stella, Poe, and Will are teenagers who must be living their lives, but instead of living it,
they are staying in the hospital borrowing air from machines. I, as a reader, was really inspired by this story. I also
experienced what their loved ones felt. It is not hard to be apart from our family, and we cannot touch them because
of their illnesses. It is really heartbreaking, but at the same time, you must be the hope to them. So, you need to be
stronger. I really appreciate the work of the actors and actresses. Most especially to the four main actors and
actresses namely Stella, Will, Poe, and Barbs. They did a job well done portraying the characters. They brought them
to life, which is hard because they do not have any experience with these things, according to NBC News. The setting
was appropriate, the plot is surprisingly incredible, the theme is sentimental, and the message is exceptional. If you
are finding a movie to watch this Valentine’s Day, I would highly recommend this. The film will be relatable not only
for couples but also for families. Like online shopping, I will give this a 5 out of 5 stars. Thank you!
Well, that’s all for today netizens! I hope you enjoy our book talk. If you like this video, hit the like button. And if
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