Manajemen SDM: Matakuliah Lain Yang Belum Ada Di PDF Ini Akan Saya Update Di
Manajemen SDM: Matakuliah Lain Yang Belum Ada Di PDF Ini Akan Saya Update Di
Manajemen SDM: Matakuliah Lain Yang Belum Ada Di PDF Ini Akan Saya Update Di
Line Managers’ HRM Responsibilities
CHAPTER 1 (1) Placing the right person on the right job
THE STRATEGIC ROLE OF HRM (2) Starting new employees in the organization
(3) Training employees for jobs new to them
(4) Improving the job performance of each person
The Manager’s Human Resource Management Jobs (5) Gaining creative cooperation and developing
Management process : The five basic functions of planning, smooth working relationships
organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. (6) Interpreting the firm’s policies and procedures
(7) Controlling labor costs
Human resource management (HRM) : The policies and (8) Developing the abilities of each person
practices involved in carrying out the “people” or human (9) Creating and maintaining department morale
resource aspects of a management position, including (10)Protecting employees’ health and physical
recruiting, screening, training, rewarding, and appraising. condition
Personnel Aspects Of A Manager’s Job : Functions of the HR Manager
a. Conducting job analyses (determining the nature of A line function : The HR manager directs the activities of the
each employee’s job) people in his or her own department and in related service
b. Planning labor needs and recruiting job candidates areas (like the plant cafeteria).
c. Selecting job candidates
d. Orienting and training new employees A coordinative function : HR managers also coordinate
e. Managing wages and salaries (compensating personnel activities, a duty often referred to as functional
employees) control.
f. Providing incentives and benefits
g. Appraising performance Staff (assist and advise) functions : Assisting and advising
h. Communicating (interviewing, counseling, line managers is the heart of the HR manager’s job.
i. Training and developing managers HR and Authority
j. Building employee commitment Authority : The right to make decisions, direct others’ work,
and give orders.
Personnel Mistakes
a. Hire the wrong person for the job Implied authority : The authority exerted by an HR manager
b. Experience high turnover by virtue of others’ knowledge that he or she has access to
c. Have your people not doing their best top management.
d. Waste time with useless interviews
e. Have your company in court because of Line authority : The authority exerted by an HR manager by
discriminatory actions directing the activities of the people in his or her own
f. Have your company cited by OSHA for unsafe department and in service areas.
g. Have some employees think their salaries are unfair Employee Advocacy
and inequitable relative to others in the organization HR must take responsibility for:
h. Allow a lack of training to undermine your a. Clearly defining how management should be
department’s effectiveness treating employees.
i. Commit any unfair labor practices b. Making sure employees have the mechanisms
required to contest unfair practices.
Basic HR Concepts c. Represent the interests of employees within the
HR creates value by engaging in activities that produce the framework of its primary obligation to senior
employee behaviors the company needs to achieve its management.
strategic goals.
Examples of HR Job Duties
Line and Staff Aspects of HRM a. Recruiters: Search for qualified job applicants.
Line manager : A manager who is authorized to direct the b. Equal employment opportunity (EEO) coordinators:
work of subordinates and is responsible for accomplishing Investigate and resolve EEO grievances, examine
the organization’s tasks. organizational practices for potential violations, and
compile and submit EEO reports.
Staff manager : A manager who assists and advises line c. Job analysts : Collect and examine information
about jobs to prepare job descriptions.
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Contac t me : muhammad.f /@f irmanmhmd (Line) 1790
Disusun oleh : Muhammad Firman (Akuntansi FE UI 2012)
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Disusun oleh : Muhammad Firman (Akuntansi FE UI 2012)
c. Prohibits personal loans to executive officers and Title VII: Sexual Harassment
directors. Sexual harassment
d. Requires CEOs and CFOs to reimburse their firms for Harassment on the basis of sex that has the purpose or
bonuses and stock option profits if corporate effect of substantially interfering with a person’s work
financial statements subsequently require restating. performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or
offensive work environment. Employers have an affirmative
HR Professional Certification duty to maintain workplaces free of sexual harassment and
HR is becoming more professionalized. intimidation.
b. Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
c. SHRM’s Human Resource Certification Institute Federal Violence Against Women Act of 1994
(HRCI) A person who commits a violent crime motivated by gender
d. SPHR (senior professional in HR) is liable to the party injured.
e. PHR (professional in HR) certificate
Sexual Harassment Defined
HR and Technology Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors,
Benefits of technological applications for HR : and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that
1. Intranet-based employee portals through which takes place under any of the following conditions:
employees can self-service HR transactions. 1. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly
2. The availability of centralized call centers staffed or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s
with HR specialists. employment.
3. Increased efficiency of HR operations. 2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an
4. The development of data warehouses of HR-related individual is used as the basis for employment
information. decisions affecting such individual.
5. The ability to outsource HR activities to specialist 3. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of
service providers. unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work
performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or
offensive work environment.
Quid pro quo
1. Rejecting a supervisor’s advances adversely affects
Equal Employment Opportunity 1964–1991 the employee’s tangible benefits, such as raises or
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act (1964) promotions.
An employer cannot discriminate on the basis of race, color,
religion, sex, or national origin with respect to employment. Hostile environment created by supervisors.
2. Behaviors that substantially affect an employee’s
Coverage emotional and psychological ability to the point that
d. All public or private employers of 15 or more they affect the employee’s ability to continue with
persons. the employee’s job.
e. All private and public educational institutions, the
federal government, and state and local Hostile environment created by co-workers or non-
governments employees.
f. All public and private employment agencies 3. Advances by the employee’s co-workers (or even
g. All labor unions with 15 or more members the employer’s customers) can cause harassment.
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Disusun oleh : Muhammad Firman (Akuntansi FE UI 2012)
10. Conduct exit interviews that uncover any 2. A physical or mental impairment that substantially
complaints and that acknowledge by signature the limits one or more major life activities.
reasons for leaving. Excludes homosexuality, bisexuality, voyeurism, compulsive
11. Re-publish the sexual harassment policy gambling, pyromania, and disorders resulting from the
periodically. current illegal use of drugs.
12. Encourage upward communication through periodic
written attitude surveys, hotlines, suggestion boxes, ADA and Individuals
and other feedback procedures. Qualified individuals
Under ADA, those who can carry out the essential functions
Early Court Decisions Regarding Equal Employment of the job.
Griggs v. Duke Power Company Reasonable accommodation
4. Discrimination by the employer need not be overt; If the individual can’t perform the job as currently
employer’s intent is irrelevant. structured, the employer must make a “reasonable
5. An employment practice must be job related and accommodation” unless doing so would present an “undue
valid if it has an unequal impact on members of a hardship.”
protected class.
6. The burden of proof is on the employer to show Employer Obligations under ADA
that the employment practice is job related. An employer must make a reasonable
7. Business necessity is the employer’s defense for any accommodation for a qualified disabled individual
practice that has adverse impact. unless doing so would result in undue hardship.
Employers are not required to lower existing
Albemarle Paper Company v. Moody performance standards or stop using tests for a job.
1. If an employer uses a test to screen Employers may ask pre-employment questions
candidates, then the job’s specific duties about essential job functions but can not make
and responsibilities must be carefully inquiries about disability.
analyzed and documented. Medical exams (or testing) for current employees
2. The performance standards for employees must be job-related.
on the job in question should be clear and Employers should review job application forms,
unambiguous. interview procedures, and job descriptions for
3. EEOC (now federal) guidelines on validation illegal questions and statements.
are to be used for validating employment Employers should have up-to-date job descriptions
practices. that identify the current essential functions of the
Equal Employment Opportunity 1991–present
Civil Rights Act of 1991 (CRA) Disabilities and ADA
It places burden of proof back on employers once 3. Courts will tend to define “disabilities” quite
the plaintiff has made a prima facie case and narrowly.
permits compensatory and punitive damages. 4. Employers are not required to tolerate misconduct
or erratic performance even if the behaviors can be
Disparate impact attributed to the disability.
A practice or policy that has a greater adverse 5. Employers do not have create a new job for the
impact on the members of a protected group than disabled worker nor reassign that person to a light-
on other employees, regardless of intent. duty position for an indefinite period, unless such a
position exists.
Disparate treatment 6. Employers should not treat employees as if they
Intentional discrimination on the part of the are disabled so that they will not “regarded as”
employer. disabled and protected under the ADA.
Desert Palace Inc. vs. Costa. State and Local Equal Employment Opportunity Laws
Mixed motive: an employer cannot avoid liability by The effect of the state and local laws is usually to further
proving it would have taken the same action even restrict employers’ treatment of job applicants and
without the discriminatory motive. employees. State and local laws cannot conflict with federal
Workers do not have to provide evidence of law but can extend coverage to additional protected
explicitly discriminatory conduct (such as groups.
discriminatory employer statements), but could
provide circumstantial evidence (such as lowered Sources of Discrimination Allegations
performance evaluations). Disparate treatment
Intentional discrimination where an employer treats an
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) individual differently because that individual is a member of
ADA of 1990 a particular race, religion, gender, or ethnic group.
1. Requires employers to make reasonable
accommodations for disabled employees; it Disparate impact
prohibits discrimination against disabled persons. An apparently neutral employment practice that creates an
Disability adverse impact—a significant disparity—between the
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Disusun oleh : Muhammad Firman (Akuntansi FE UI 2012)
proportion of minorities in the available labor pool and the Employers cannot hide behind collective
proportion hired. bargaining agreements—equal opportunity
laws override union contract agreements.
Adverse impact If a personnel practice is discriminatory, firms
The overall impact of employer practices that result in should react by agreeing to eliminate the illegal
significantly higher percentages of members of minorities practice and (when required) by compensating
and other protected groups being rejected for employment, the people discriminated against.
placement, or promotion. Used to help establish a prima
facie case of discrimination. Discriminatory Employment Practices
Recruitment : Word of Mouth, Misleading
Showing Adverse Impact Information,Help Wanted Ads
Disparate rejection rates Personal Appearance : Dress , Hair , Uniforms
A test that demonstrates that there is a discrepancy Selection : Educational Requirements, Preference to
between rates of rejection of members of a protected Relatives, Height, Weight, and Physical
group and of others. Characteristics, Arrest Records, Application Forms,
Discharge Due to Garnishment
Four-fifths rule of thumb
If the protected group’s hiring rate is less than eighty Diversity Management
percent (80%) of the majority group, then a prima facie case Managing diversity
for discrimination is indicated. Provide strong leadership.
Assess the situation.
Restricted policy Provide diversity training and education.
An employer’s hiring practices exclude a protected group— Change culture and management systems.
whether intentionally or not.
Evaluate the diversity management program.
Population comparisons
A comparison of the percentage of a minority/ protected Boosting workforce diversity
group and white workers in the organization with the Adopt strong company policies advocating the benefits of a
percentage of corresponding groups in the relevant labor culturally, racially, and sexually diverse workforce. Take
market. concrete steps to foster diversity at work.
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Disusun oleh : Muhammad Firman (Akuntansi FE UI 2012)
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2. Vertical integration strategy means the firm HR’s Strategy Execution Role
expands by, perhaps, producing its own raw The HR department’s strategies, policies, and activities must
materials, or selling its products direct. make sense in terms of the company’s corporate and
3. Consolidation strategy reduces the company’s size competitive strategies, and they must support those
4. Geographic expansion strategy takes the company strategies.
HR’s Strategy Formulation Role
Business-level/competitive strategy HR helps top management formulate strategy in a variety of
Identifies how to build and strengthen the business’s long- ways by.
term competitive position in the marketplace. Supplying competitive intelligence that may be useful in
Cost leadership: the enterprise aims to become the the strategic planning process.
low-cost leader in an industry. Supplying information regarding the company’s internal
Differentiation: a firm seeks to be unique in its human strengths and weaknesses.
industry along dimensions that are widely valued by Build a persuasive case that shows how—in specific and
buyers. measurable terms—the firm’s HR activities can and do
Focus: a firm seeks to carve out a market niche, and contribute to creating value for the company.
compete by providing a product or service
customers can get in no other way. Creating a Strategy-oriented HR System
Components of the HR process
Functional strategies 1. HR professionals who have strategic and other skills
Identify the basic courses of action that each department 2. HR policies and activities that comprise the HR
will pursue in order to help the business attain its system itself
competitive goals. 3. Employee behaviors and competencies that the
company’s strategy requires.
Achieving Strategic Fit
Michael Porter The Basic Architecture of HR
Emphasizes the “fit” point of view that all of the firm’s
activities must be tailored to or fit its strategy, by ensuring
that the firm’s functional strategies support its corporate
and competitive strategies.
Gary Hamel and C. K. Prahalad
Argue for “stretch” in leveraging resources—supplementing
what you have and doing more with what you have—can be
more important than just fitting the strategic plan to
current resources.
HR and Competitive Advantage The High-Performance Work System
Competitive advantage High-performance work system (HPWS) practices.
Any factors that allow an organization to a. High-involvement employee practices (such as job
differentiate its product or service from those of its enrichment and team-based organizations),
competitors to increase market share. b. High commitment work practices (such as improved
Superior human resources are an important source employee development, communications, and
of competitive advantage disciplinary practices)
c. Flexible work assignments.
Strategic Human Resource Management d. Other practices include those that foster skilled
The linking of HRM with strategic goals and workforces and expanded opportunities to use
objectives in order to improve business those skills.
performance and develop organizational cultures
that foster innovation and flexibility. The HR Scorecard Approach
Formulating and executing HR systems—HR HR scorecard
policies and activities—that produce the employee Measures the HR function’s effectiveness and efficiency in
competencies and behaviors the company needs to producing employee behaviors needed to achieve the
achieve its strategic aims. company’s strategic goals.
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Disusun oleh : Muhammad Firman (Akuntansi FE UI 2012)
Step 3: Identify the Strategically Required Step 4: Actually analyze the job.
Organizational Outcomes Step 5: Verify the job analysis information.
Step 4: Identify the Required Workforce Step 6: Develop a job description and job
Competencies and Behaviors specification.
Step 5: Identify the Strategically Relevant HR
System Policies and Activities Charting the Organization
Step 6: Design the HR Scorecard Measurement System Organization chart
Step 7: Periodically Evaluate the Measurement System A chart that shows the organizationwide distribution of
work, with titles of each position and interconnecting lines
that show who reports to and communicates to whom.
Outlining the Company’s Value Chain Process chart
Value chain analysis A work flow chart that shows the flow of inputs to and
a. A tool for identifying, isolating, visualizing, and outputs from a particular job.
analyzing the firm’s most important activities and Process Chart for Analyzing a Job’s Workflow
strategic costs.
b. Identifying the primary and crucial activities that Methods of Collecting Job Analysis Information: The
create value for customers and the related support Interview
activities.Each activity is part of the process of 1) Information sources : Individual employees, Groups
designing, producing, marketing, and delivering the of employees, Supervisors with knowledge of the
company’s product or service. job
c. Shows the chain of essential activities. 2) Advantages : Quick, direct way to find overlooked
d. Prompts future questions. information.
3) Disadvantages : Distorted information
4) Interview formats : Structured (Checklist),
CHAPTER 4 Unstructured
Interview Guidelines
1. The job analyst and supervisor should work
The Nature of Job Analysis together to identify the workers who know the job
Job analysis best.
The procedure for determining the duties and skill 2. Quickly establish rapport with the interviewee.
requirements of a job and the kind of person who should be 3. Follow a structured guide or checklist, one that lists
hired for it. open-ended questions and provides space for
Job description 4. Ask the worker to list his or her duties in order of
A list of a job’s duties, responsibilities, reporting importance and frequency of occurrence.
relationships, working conditions, and supervisory 5. After completing the interview, review and verify
responsibilities—one product of a job analysis. the data.
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Disusun oleh : Muhammad Firman (Akuntansi FE UI 2012)
Analyze the job and decide how to measure job Maintain a strategic focus
performance. Describing the job in terms of the skills, knowledge, and
Select personal traits that you believe should competencies the worker needs is more strategic.
predict successful performance.
Test candidates for these traits. Measuring performance
Measure the candidates’ subsequent job Measurable skills, knowledge, and competencies are the
performance. heart of any company’s performance management process.
Statistically analyze the relationship between the
human trait and job performance.
Writing Job Descriptions Performance Management
Step 1. Decide on a Plan Managing all elements of the organizational process that
Step 2. Develop an Organization Chart affect how well employees perform.
Step 3. Use a Job Analysis/Description Questionnaire
Step 4. Obtain Lists of Job Duties from O*NET Types of competencies
Step 5. Compile the Job’s Human Requirements 1. General competencies : reading, writing, and
from O*NET mathematical reasoning.
Step 6. Complete Your Job Description 2. Leadership competencies: leadership, strategic
thinking, and teaching others.
Job Analysis in a “Jobless” World 3. Technical competencies : specific technical
Job : Generally defined as “a set of closely related activities competencies required for specific types of jobs
carried out for pay.” and/or occupations.
Succession planning : The process of deciding how productivity), and three sales projections—
to fill the company’s most important executive jobs. minimum, maximum, and probable.
What to forecast? Forecasting the Supply of Inside Candidates
Overall personnel needs Qualifications inventories is Manual or computerized ecords
The supply of inside candidates listing employees’ education, career and development
The supply of outside candidates interests, languages, special skills, and so on, to be used in
selecting inside candidates for promotion.
M a t a k u l i a h l a i n y a n g b e l u m a d a d i P D F i n i a k a n s a y a u p d a t e d i w w w . a k u n t a n s i d a n b i s n i s . wo rd p re s s . c o m
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Disusun oleh : Muhammad Firman (Akuntansi FE UI 2012)
They are known quantities. 1. Give the agency an accurate and complete job
They know the firm and its culture. description.
Disadvantages: 2. Make sure tests, application blanks, and interviews
1. They may have less-than positive attitudes. are part of the agency’s selection process.
2. Rehiring may sent the wrong message to current 3. Periodically review data on candidates accepted or
employees about how to get ahead. rejected by your firm, and by the agency. Check on
the effectiveness and fairness of the agency’s
Succession planning screening process.
The process of ensuring a suitable supply of successors for 4. Screen the agency. Check with other managers or
current and future senior or key jobs. HR people to find out which agencies have been the
most effective at filling the sorts of positions
Succession planning steps: needed to be filled.
1. Identifying and analyzing key jobs. 5. Review the Internet and a few back issues of the
2. Creating and assessing candidates. Sunday classified ads to discover the agencies that
3. Selecting those who will fill the key positions. handle the positions to be filled.
M a t a k u l i a h l a i n y a n g b e l u m a d a d i P D F i n i a k a n s a y a u p d a t e d i w w w . a k u n t a n s i d a n b i s n i s . wo rd p re s s . c o m
Contac t me : muhammad.f /@f irmanmhmd (Line) 1802
Disusun oleh : Muhammad Firman (Akuntansi FE UI 2012)
Time sheets. With temps, the time sheet is not just Internships
a verification of hours worked. Once the worker’s
supervisor signs it, it’s usually an agreement to pay Employee referrals
the agency’s fees. Applicants who are referred to the organization by current
Temp-to-perm policy. What is the policy if the client employees
wants to hire one of the agency’s temps as a Referring employees become stakeholders.
permanent employee? Referral is a cost-effective recruitment program.
Recruitment of and benefits for temp employees. Referral can speed up diversifying the workforce
Find out how the agency plans to recruit what sorts
of benefits it pays. Walk-ins
Dress code. Specify the attire at each of your offices 1. Direct applicants who seek employment with or
or plants. without encouragement from other sources.
Equal employment opportunity statement. Get a 2. Courteous treatment of any applicant is a good
statement from the agency that it is not business practice.
discriminating when filling temp orders.
Job description information. Have a procedure Recruiting via the Internet
whereby you can ensure the agency understands More firms and applicants are utilizing the Internet in the
the job to be filled and the sort of person you want job search process.Advantages of Internet recruiting :
to fill it. 1. Cost-effective way to publicize job openings
2. More applicants attracted over a longer period
Offshoring/Outsourcing White-Collar and Other Jobs 3. Immediate applicant responses
Specific issues in outsourcing jobs abroad 4. Online prescreening of applicants
1. Political and military instability 5. Links to other job search sites
2. Likelihood of cultural misunderstandings 6. Automation of applicant tracking and evaluation
3. Customers’ security and privacy concerns Issues in Recruiting a More Diverse Workforce
4. Foreign contracts, liability, and legal concerns Single parents : Providing work schedule flexibility.
5. Special training of foreign employees
6. Costs associated with companies supplying foreign Older workers : Revising polices that make it difficult or
workers unattractive for older workers to remain employed.
M a t a k u l i a h l a i n y a n g b e l u m a d a d i P D F i n i a k a n s a y a u p d a t e d i w w w . a k u n t a n s i d a n b i s n i s . wo rd p re s s . c o m
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Disusun oleh : Muhammad Firman (Akuntansi FE UI 2012)
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Disusun oleh : Muhammad Firman (Akuntansi FE UI 2012)
To expect the test is fair to all. Tests that use projective techniques and trait inventories to
measure basic aspects of an applicant’s personality, such as
Using Tests at Work introversion, stability, and motivation.
Major types of tests used by employers
Basic skills tests (45%) Disadvantage
Drug tests (47%) 2. Personality tests—particularly the projective type—
Psychological tests (33%) are the most difficult tests to evaluate and use.
Use of testing 3. Tests have been used successfully to predict
Less overall testing now but more testing is used as specific dysfunctional job behaviors and identify successful
job skills and work demands increase. candidates for overseas assignments.
1. Screen out bad or dishonest employees
2. Reduce turnover by personality profiling The “Big Five”
Extraversion : The tendency to be sociable, assertive, active,
Source of tests and to experience positive effects, such as energy and zeal.
1. Test publishers
Emotional stability/neuroticism : The tendency to exhibit
Computer-Interactive Testing poor emotional adjustment and experience negative
Types of tests effects, such as anxiety, insecurity, and hostility.
1. Specialized work sample tests
2. Numerical ability tests Openness to experience : The disposition to be imaginative,
3. Reading comprehension tests nonconforming, unconventional, and autonomous.
4. Clerical comparing and checking tests
Online tests Agreeableness : The tendency to be trusting, compliant,
1. Telephone prescreening caring, and gentle.
2. Offline computer tests
3. Virtual “inbox” tests Conscientiousness : Is comprised of two related facets:
4. Online problem solving tests achievement and dependability.
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Disusun oleh : Muhammad Firman (Akuntansi FE UI 2012)
Separate the tasks of (1) hiring and (2) doing the To establish a record and baseline of the applicant’s
background check. health for future insurance or compensation claims.
To reduce absenteeism and accidents
The Polygraph and Honesty Testing To detect communicable diseases that may be
The polygraph (or lie detector) unknown to the applicant.
A device that measures physiological changes,
The assumption is that such changes reflect changes in Substance Abuse Screening
emotional state that accompany lying. Types of screening:
1. Before formal hiring
Employee Polygraph Protection Act of 1988. 2. After a work accident
Prohibits employers (in most all cases) from conducting 3. Presence of obvious behavioral symptoms
polygraph examinations of all job applicants and most 4. Random or periodic basis
employees.Also prohibited are other mechanical or 5. Transfer or promotion to new position
electrical devices including psychological stress evaluators Types of tests
and voice stress analyzers. Urinalysis
Hair follicle testing
Permitted Users of the Polygraph
Employers with contracts involving: Substance Abuse in the Workplace
1. National defense or security Issues
2. Nuclear-power (Department of Energy) Impairment versus presence
3. Access to highly classified information Recreational use versus habituation
4. Counterintelligence (the FBI or Department of Intrusiveness of procedures
Justice) Accuracy of tests
Other exceptions Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988
1. Hiring of private security personnel Americans with Disabilities Act
2. Hiring persons with access to drugs
3. Conducting ongoing investigations involving Complying with Immigration Law Post 9/11
economic loss or injury to an employer’s business. Hire only citizens and aliens lawfully authorized to
work in the United States.
Paper-and-pencil honesty tests Advise all new job applicants of your policy.
Psychological tests designed to predict job applicants’ Require all new employees to complete and sign the
proneness to dishonesty and other forms of INS I-9 form to certify that they are eligible for
counterproductivity.Measure attitudes regarding things like employment.
tolerance of others who steal, acceptance of Examine documentation presented by new
rationalizations for theft, and admission of theft-related employees, record information about the
activities. documents on the verification form, and sign the
Antitheft Screening Procedure Retain the form for three years or for one year past
Ask blunt questions. the employment of the individual, whichever is
1. Listen, rather than talk. longer.
2. Do a credit check. If requested, present the form for inspection by INS
3. Check all employment and personal references. or Department of Labor officers.
4. Use paper-and-pencil honesty tests and
psychological tests. CHAPTER 7
5. Test for drugs.
6. Establish a search-and-seizure policy and conduct INTERVIEWING CANDIDATES
Graphology .Basic Features of Interviews
Graphology (handwriting analysis) An interview
1. Assumes that handwriting reflects basic personality A procedure designed to obtain information from a person
traits. through oral responses to oral inquiries
2. Graphology’s validity is highly suspect.
Types of interviews
Selection interview
Appraisal interview
Exit interview
Interviews formats
Physical Examination 1. Structured
Reasons for preemployment medical examinations: 2. Unstructured
To verify that the applicant meets the physical
requirements of the position Types of Interviews
To discover any medical limitations you should take Selection interview
into account in placing the applicant.
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A selection procedure designed to predict future job A panel interviews several candidates simultaneously.
performance on the basis of applicants’ oral responses to
oral inquiries. Computerized Interviews
Computerized selection interview
Appraisal interview An interview in which a job candidate’s oral and/or
A discussion, following a performance appraisal, in which computerized replies are obtained in response to
supervisor and employee discuss the employee’s rating and computerized oral, visual, or written questions and/or
possible remedial actions. situations.
Exit interview Characteristics
An interview to elicit information about the job or related 1. Reduces amount of time managers devote to
matters to the employer some insight into what’s right or interviewing unacceptable candidates.
wrong about the firm. 2. Applicants are more honest with computers
3. Avoids problems of interpersonal interviews
Formats of Interviews 4. Mechanical nature of computer-aided interview can
Unstructured or nondirective interview leave an applicant dissatisfied.
An unstructured conversational-style interview in which the
interviewer pursues points of interest as they come up in Factors Affecting Interviews
response to questions. First impressions
The tendency for interviewers to jump to
Structured or directive interview conclusions—make snap judgments—about
An interview following a set sequence of questions. candidates during the first few minutes of the
Interview Content: Types of Questions Negative bias: unfavorable information about an
Situational interview applicant influences interviewers more than does
A series of job-related questions that focus on how the positive information.
candidate would behave in a given situation.
Behavioral interview Misunderstanding the job
A series of job-related questions that focus on how they Not knowing precisely what the job entails and what sort of
reacted to actual situations in the past. candidate is best suited causes interviewers to make
decisions based on incorrect stereotypes of what a good
Job-related interview applicant is.
A series of job-related questions that focus on relevant past
job-related behaviors. Candidate-order error
An error of judgment on the part of the interviewer due to
Interview Content: Types of Questions interviewing one or more very good or very bad candidates
Stress interview just before the interview in question.
An interview in which the interviewer seeks to make the
applicant uncomfortable with occasionally rude questions Nonverbal behavior and impression management
that supposedly to spot sensitive applicants and those with 1. Interviewers’ inferences of the interviewee’s
low or high stress tolerance. personality from the way he or she acts in the
interview have a large impact on the interviewer’s
Puzzle questions rating of the interviewee.
Recruiters for technical, finance, and other types of jobs use 2. Clever interviewees attempt to manage the
questions to pose problems requiring unique (“out-of-the- impression they present to persuade interviewers
box”) solutions to see how candidates think under pressure. to view them more favorably.
Personal or Individual Interviews : Effect of personal characteristics: attractiveness, gender,
Unstructured sequential interview race
An interview in which each interviewer forms an Interviewers tend have a less favorable view of candidates
independent opinion after asking different questions. who are:
1. Physically unattractive
Structured sequential interview 2. Female
An interview in which the applicant is interviewed 3. Of a different racial background
sequentially by several persons; each rates the applicant on 4. Disabled
a standard form.
Interviewer behaviors affecting interview outcomes
Panel interview Inadvertently telegraphing expected answers.
An interview in which a group of interviewers questions the 1. Talking so much that applicants have no time to
applicant. answer questions.
2. Letting the applicant dominate the interview.
Panel (broad) interview 3. Acting more positively toward a favored (or similar
An interview in which a group of interviewers questions the to the interviewer) applicant.
Designing and Conducting the Interview
Mass interview The structured situational interview
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Use either situational questions (preferred) or behavioral A procedure for providing new employees with basic
questions that yield high criteria-related validities. background information about the firm.
• Step 1: Job Analysis
• Step 2: Rate the Job’s Main Duties Orientation content
• Step 3: Create Interview Questions 1. Information on employee benefits
• Step 4: Create Benchmark Answers 2. Personnel policies
• Step 5: Appoint the Interview Panel and Conduct 3. The daily routine
Interviews 4. Company organization and operations
5. Safety measures and regulations
Structure your interview: 6. Facilities tour
• Base questions on actual job duties.
• Use job knowledge, situational, or behaviorally A successful orientation should accomplish four things for
oriented questions and objective criteria to new employees:
evaluate the interviewee’s responses. 1. Make them feel welcome and at ease.
• Train interviewers. 2. Help them understand the organization in a broad
• Use the same questions with all candidates. sense.
• Use descriptive rating scales (excellent, fair, poor) 3. Make clear to them what is expected in terms of
to rate answers. work and behavior.
• Use multiple interviewers or panel interviews. 4. Help them begin the process of becoming socialized
• If possible, use a standardized interview form. into the firm’s ways of acting and doing things.
• Control the interview.
• Take brief, unobtrusive notes during the interview. The Training Process
Examples of Questions That Provide Structure The process of teaching new employees the basic skills they
Situational Questions: need to perform their jobs.
1.Suppose a co-worker was not following standard work
procedures. The co-worker was more experienced than you
and claimed the new procedure was better. Would you use The strategic context of training
the new procedure? Performance management: the process employers use to
2. Suppose you were giving a sales presentation and a make sure employees are working toward organizational
difficult technical question arose that you could not answer. goals.
What would you do?Past Behavior Questions: 1. Web-based training
3. Based on your past work experience, what is the most 2. Distance learning-based training
significant action you have ever taken to help out a co- 3. Cross-cultural diversity training
4. Can you provide an example of a specific instance where The Training and Development Process
you developed a sales presentation that was highly Needs analysis
effective?Background Questions: Identify job performance skills needed, assess prospective
5. What work experiences, training, or other qualifications trainees skills, and develop objectives.
do you have for working in a teamwork environment?
6. What experience have you had with direct point-of- Instructional design
purchase sales?Job Knowledge Questions: Produce the training program content, including workbooks,
7. What steps would you follow to conduct a brainstorming exercises, and activities.
session with a group of employees on safety?
8. What factors should you consider when developing a Validation
television advertising campaign? Presenting (trying out) the training to a small representative
How to Conduct an Effective Interview
Prepare for the interview Implement the program
1. Secure a private room to minimize interruptions. Actually training the targeted employee group.
2. Review the candidate’s application and résumé.
3. Review the job specifications Evaluation
Establish rapport Assesses the program’s successes or failures.
1. Put the person at ease.
Ask questions Make the Learning Meaningful
2. Follow your list of questions. 1. At the start of training, provide a bird’s-eye view of
3. Don’t ask questions that can be answered yes or no. the material to be presented to facilitates learning.
2. Use a variety of familiar examples.
3. Organize the information so you can present it
CHAPTER 8 logically, and in meaningful units.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPING EMPLOYEES 4. Use terms and concepts that are already familiar to
5. Use as many visual aids as possible.
Orienting Employees
Employee orientation Make Skills Transfer Easy
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1. Maximize the similarity between the training the difficult parts, or those in which errors are likely
situation and the work situation. to be made.
2. Provide adequate practice. 4. Again go through the job at a slow pace several
3. Label or identify each feature of the machine times; explain the key points.
and/or step in the process. 5. Have the learner explain the steps as you go
4. Direct the trainees’ attention to important aspects through the job at a slow pace.
of the job.
5. Provide “heads-up” preparatory information that Step 3: Do a tryout
lets trainees know they might happen back on the 1. Have the learner go through the job several times,
job. slowly, explaining each step to you.
2. Correct mistakes and, if necessary, do some of the
Motivate the Learner complicated steps the first few times.
1. People learn best by doing so provide as much 3. Run the job at the normal pace.
realistic practice as possible. 4. Have the learner do the job, gradually building up
2. Trainees learn best when the trainers immediately skill and speed.
reinforce correct responses 5. As soon as the learner demonstrates ability to do
3. Trainees learn best at their own pace. the job, let the work begin, but don’t abandon him
4. Create a perceived training need in the trainees’ or her.
5. The schedule is important too: The learning curve Step 4: Follow up
goes down late in the day, less than full day training 1. Designate to whom the learner should go for help.
is most effective. 2. Gradually decrease supervision, checking work from
time to time against quality and quantity standards.
Analyzing Training Needs 3. Correct faulty work patterns before they become a
Task analysis habit. Show why the learned method is superior.
A detailed study of a job to identify the specific skills 4. Compliment good work; encourage the worker until
required, especially for new employees. he or she is able to meet the quality and quantity
Performance analysis Training Methods
Verifying that there is a performance deficiency and Apprenticeship training
determining whether that deficiency should be corrected A structured process by which people become skilled
through training or through some other means (such as workers through a combination of classroom instruction
transferring the employee). and on-the-job training.
Training Methods Informal learning
On-the-job training (OJT) The majority of what employees learn on the job they learn
Having a person learn a job by actually doing the job. through informal means of performing their jobs on a daily
OJT methods
2. Coaching or understudy Job instruction training (JIT)
3. Job rotation Listing each job’s basic tasks, along with key points, in order
4. Special assignments to provide step-by-step training for employees.
Advantages Effective lectures
1. Inexpensive 1. Use signals to help listeners follow your ideas.
2. Immediate feedback 2. Don’t start out on the wrong foot.
3. Keep your conclusions short.
Steps in OJT 4. Be alert to your audience.
Step 1: Prepare the learner 5. Maintain eye contact with the trainees.
Put the learner at ease—relieve the tension. 6. Make sure everyone in the room can hear.
Explain why he or she is being taught. 7. Control your hands.
Create interest, encourage questions, find out what 8. Talk from notes rather than from a script.
the learner already knows about this or other jobs. 9. Break a long talk into a series of five-minute talks.
Explain the whole job and relate it to some job the
worker already knows. Programmed Learning
Place the learner as close to the normal working Programmed instruction (PI)
position as possible. A systematic method for teaching job skills involving:
Familiarize the worker with equipment, materials, Presenting questions or facts
tools, and trade terms. Allowing the person to respond
Giving the learner immediate feedback on the
Step 2: Present the operation accuracy of his or her answers
1. Explain quantity and quality requirements.
2. Go through the job at the normal work pace. Advantages
3. Go through the job at a slow pace several times, 1. Reduced training time
explaining each step. Between operations, explain 2. Self-paced learning
3. Immediate feedback
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to focus on helping the company to achieve its Attainable, and not too tough or too easy.
strategic goals. Relevant to what’s to be achieved.
Timely in reflecting deadlines and milestones.
An Introduction to AppraisingPerformance
Why appraise performance? Performance Appraisal Roles
Appraisals play an integral role in the employer’s Supervisors
performance management process. Usually do the actual appraising.
Appraisals help in planning for correcting Must be familiar with basic appraisal techniques.
deficiencies and reinforce things done correctly. Must understand and avoid problems that can
Appraisals, in identifying employee strengths and cripple appraisals.
weaknesses, are useful for career planning Must know how to conduct appraisals fairly.
Appraisals affect the employer’s salary raise
decisions. Performance Appraisal Roles
HR department
Realistic Appraisals Serves a policy-making and advisory role.
Motivations for soft (less-than-candid) appraisals Provides advice and assistance regarding the
The fear of having to hire and train someone new appraisal tool to use.
The unpleasant reaction of the appraisee Prepares forms and procedures and insists that all
A company appraisal process that’s not conducive departments use them.
to candor Responsible for training supervisors to improve
their appraisal skills.
Hazards of giving soft appraisals Responsible for monitoring the system to ensure
Employee loses the chance to improve before being that appraisal formats and criteria comply with EEO
forced to change jobs. laws and are up to date.
Lawsuits arising from dismissals involving inaccurate
performance appraisals. Steps in Appraising Performance
Defining the job
Continuous improvement Making sure that you and your subordinate agree on his or
A management philosophy that requires employers to her duties and job standards.
continuously set and relentlessly meet ever-higher quality,
cost, delivery, and availability goals by: Appraising performance
Comparing your subordinate’s actual performance to the
Eradicating the seven wastes: standards that have been set; this usually involves some
overproduction, defective products, and unnecessary type of rating form.
downtime, transportation, processing costs, motion, and
inventory. Providing feedback
Discussing the subordinate’s performance and progress, and
Requiring each employee to continuously improve his or her making plans for any development required.
own personal performance, from one appraisal period to
the next. Designing the Appraisal Tool
What to measure?
Work output (quality and quantity)
The Components of an Effective Personal competencies
Performance Management Process Goal (objective) achievement
Direction sharing
Role clarification How to measure?
Goal alignment Graphic rating scales
Developmental goal setting Alternation ranking method
Ongoing performance monitoring MBO
Ongoing feedback
Coaching and support Performance Appraisal Methods
Performance assessment (appraisal) Graphic rating scale
Rewards, recognition, and compensation A scale that lists a number of traits and a range of
Workflow and process control and return performance for each that is used to identify the score that
best describes an employee’s level of performance for each
Defining Goals and Work Efforts trait.
Guidelines for effective goals
Assign specific goals Alternation ranking method
Assign measurable goals Ranking employees from best to worst on a particular trait,
Assign challenging but doable goals choosing highest, then lowest, until all are ranked.
Encourage participation
Paired comparison method
SMART goals are: Ranking employees by making a chart of all possible pairs of
Specific, and clearly state the desired results. the employees for each trait and indicating which is the
Measurable in answering “how much.” better employee of the pair.
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Forced distribution method The problem that occurs when a supervisor has a tendency
Similar to grading on a curve; predetermined percentages of to rate all subordinates either high or low.
ratees are placed in various performance categories.
Example: Bias
1. 15% high performers The tendency to allow individual differences such as age,
2. 20% high-average performers race, and sex to affect the appraisal ratings employees
3. 30% average performers receive.
4. 20% low-average performers
5. 15% low performers How to Avoid Appraisal Problems
Learn and understand the potential problems, and
Narrative Forms the solutions for each.
Use the right appraisal tool. Each tool has its own
Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS) pros and cons.
An appraisal method that uses quantified scale with specific Train supervisors to reduce rating errors such as
narrative examples of good and poor performance. halo, leniency, and central tendency.
Developing a BARS: Have raters compile positive and negative critical
Generate critical incidents incidents as they occur.
Develop performance dimensions
Reallocate incidents Who Should Do the Appraising?
Scale the incidents The immediate supervisor
Develop a final instrument Peers
Advantages of using a BARS Rating committees
A more accurate gauge Self-ratings
Clearer standards Subordinates
Feedback 360-Degree feedback
Independent dimensions
Consistency The Appraisal Interview
Types of appraisal interviews
Management by Objectives (MBO) Satisfactory—Promotable
Involves setting specific measurable goals with each Satisfactory—Not promotable
employee and then periodically reviewing the progress Unsatisfactory—Correctable
made. Unsatisfactory—Uncorrectable
Set the organization’s goals.
Set departmental goals. How to conduct the appraisal interview
Discuss departmental goals. Talk in terms of objective work data.
Define expected results (set individual goals). Don’t get personal.
Performance reviews. Encourage the person to talk.
Provide feedback. Don’t tiptoe around.
Computerized and Web-Based Performance Appraisal How to handle a defensive subordinate
Performance appraisal software programs 1. Recognize that defensive behavior is normal.
Keep notes on subordinates during the year. 2. Never attack a person’s defenses.
Electronically rate employees on a series of 3. Postpone action.
performance traits. 4. Recognize your own limitations.
Generate written text to support each part of the
appraisal. How to criticize a subordinate
Do it in a manner that lets the person maintain his
Electronic performance monitoring (EPM) or her dignity and sense of worth.
Having supervisors electronically monitor the amount of Criticize in private, and do it constructively.
computerized data an employee is processing per day, and Avoid once-a-year “critical broadsides” by giving
thereby his or her performance. feedback on a daily basis, so that the formal review
contains no surprises.
Potential Rating Scale Appraisal Problems Never say the person is “always” wrong
Unclear standards Criticism should be objective and free of any
An appraisal that is too open to interpretation. personal biases on your part.
Halo effect How to ensure the interview leads to improved
Occurs when a supervisor’s rating of a subordinate on one performance
trait biases the rating of that person on other traits. Don’t make the subordinate feel threatened during
the interview.
Central tendency Give the subordinate the opportunity to present his
A tendency to rate all employees the same way, such as or her ideas and feelings and to influence the
rating them all average. course of the interview.
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Have a helpful and constructive supervisor conduct Talk with your manager about your career
the interview. Follow through on realistic career plans.
Offer the subordinate the necessary support for
development and change. The Manager
Provide timely performance feedback.
How to handle a formal written warning Provide developmental assignments and support
Purposes of the written warning Participate in career development discussions
To shake your employee out of bad habits. Support employee development plans.
Help you defend your rating, both to your own boss
and (if needed) to the courts. The Organization
Written warnings should: Communicate mission, policies, and procedures.
1. Identify standards by which employee is judged. Provide training and development opportunities
2. Make clear that employee was aware of the Provide career information and career programs.
standard. Offer a variety of career options
3. Specify deficiencies relative to the standard.
4. Indicates employee’s prior opportunity for Choosing a Mentor
correction. Choose an appropriate potential mentor.
Don’t be surprised if you’re turned down.
Creating the Total PerformanceManagement Process Be sure that the mentor understands what you
1. “What is our strategy and what are our goals?” expect in terms of time and advice.
2. “What does this mean for the goals we set for our Have an agenda.
employees, and for how we train, appraise, Respect the mentor’s time.
promote, and reward them?”
3. What will be the technological support The Employer’s Role in Career Development
requirements? 1. Realistic job previews
2. Challenging first jobs
CHAPTER 10 3. Career-oriented appraisals
4. Job rotation
6. Networking and interactions
Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act 5. How well do our current compensation programs match
This act makes it unlawful for employers to discriminate these requirements?
against any individual with respect to hiring, compensation, Compensation Policy Issues
terms, conditions, or privileges of employment because of
race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Pay for performance
Pay for seniority
Fair Labor Standards Act (1938) The pay cycle
This act provides for minimum wages, maximum hours, Salary increases and promotions
overtime pay for nonexempt employees after 40 hours Overtime and shift pay
worked per week, and child labor protection. The law has Probationary pay
been amended many times and covers most employees. Paid and unpaid leaves
Paid holidays
Equal Pay Act (1963) Salary compression
An amendment to the Fair Labor Standards Act designed to Geographic costs of living differences
require equal pay for women doing the same work as men.
Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) Salary compression
The law that provides government protection of pensions A salary inequity problem, generally caused by inflation,
for all employees with company pension plans. It also resulting in longer-term employees in a position earning less
regulates vesting rights (employees who leave before than workers entering the firm today.
retirement may claim compensation from the pension plan).
Equity and Its Impact on Pay Rates
The Age Discrimination in Employment Act The equity theory of motivation
Prohibits age discrimination against employees who are 40 States that if a person perceives an inequity, the person will
years of age and older in all aspects of employment, be motivated to reduce or eliminate the tension and
including compensation. perceived inequity.
The Americans with Disabilities Act Forms of Equity
Prohibits discrimination against qualified persons with External equity
disabilities in all aspects of employment, including How a job’s pay rate in one company compares to the job’s
compensation. pay rate in other companies.
The Family and Medical Leave Act Internal equity
Entitles eligible employees, both men and women, to take How fair the job’s pay rate is, when compared to other jobs
up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave for the birth within the same company
of a child or for the care of a child, spouse, or parent.
Individual equity
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How fair an individual’s pay as compared with what his or Select compensable factors.
her co-workers are earning for the same or very similar jobs Rank jobs.
within the company. Combine ratings.
Procedural equity Job Evaluation Methods:
The perceived fairness of the process and procedures to Job Classification
make decisions regarding the allocation of pay. Raters categorize jobs into groups or classes of jobs that are
of roughly the same value for pay purposes.
Methods to Address Equity Issues Classes contain similar jobs.
Salary surveys Grades are jobs that are similar in difficulty but
To monitor and maintain external equity. otherwise different.
Jobs are classed by the amount or level of
Job analysis and job evaluation compensable factors they contain.
To maintain internal equity
Example of A Grade Level Definition
Performance appraisal and incentive pay GRADE GS-7
To maintain individual equity.
Communications, grievance mechanisms, and employees’
To help ensure that employees view the pay process as
transparent and fair.
Establishing Pay Rates
Step 1. The salary survey
Aimed at determining prevailing wage rates.
A good salary survey provides specific wage rates for
specific jobs.
Formal written questionnaire surveys are the most
comprehensive, but telephone surveys and newspaper ads This is a summary chart of the key grade level criteria for
are also sources of information.Benchmark job is A job that the GS-7 level of clerical and assistance work. Do not use
is used to anchor the employer’s pay scale and around this chart alone for classification purposes; additional grade
which other jobs are arranged in order of relative worth. level criteria are in the Web-based chart
Sources for Salary Surveys Job Evaluation Methods: Point Method
Consulting firms A quantitative technique that involves:
Professional associations Identifying the degree to which each compensable
Government agencies factors are present in the job.
U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Awarding points for each degree of each factor.
Statistics (BLS) conducts three annual surveys: Calculating a total point value for the job by adding
Area wage surveys up the corresponding points for each factor.
Industry wage surveys
Professional, administrative, technical, and clerical
(PATC) surveys.
Step 2. Job evaluation Job Evaluation Methods: Factor Comparison
A systematic comparison done in order to determine the Each job is ranked several times—once for each of several
worth of one job relative to another. compensable factors.The rankings for each job are
combined into an overall numerical rating for the job.
Compensable factor
A fundamental, compensable element of a job, such as Computerized Job Evaluations
skills, effort, responsibility, and working conditions. A computerized system that uses a structured questionnaire
and statistical models to streamline the job evaluation
Preparing for the Job Evaluation process.
1. Identifying the need for the job evaluation
2. Getting the cooperation of employees Advantages of computer-aided job evaluation (CAJE)
3. Choosing an evaluation committee. Simplify job analysis
4. Performing the actual evaluation. Help keep job descriptions up to date
Increase evaluation objectivity
Job Evaluation Methods: Ranking Reduce the time spent in committee meetings
Ranking each job relative to all other jobs, usually based on Ease the burden of system maintenance
some overall factor.
Step 3. Group Similar Jobs into Pay Grades
Steps in job ranking: A pay grade is comprised of jobs of approximately equal
Obtain job information. difficulty or importance as established by job evaluation.
Select and group jobs.
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Competency-based pay women have jobs that are dissimilar to those of men and
Where the company pays for the employee’s range, depth, those jobs often consistently valued less than men’s jobs.
and types of skills and knowledge, rather than for the job
title he or she holds. Compensation and Women
Factors lowering the earnings of women:
Competencies Women’s starting salaries are traditionally lower.
Demonstrable characteristics of a person, including Salary increases for women in professional jobs do
knowledge, skills, and behaviors, that enable performance. not reflect their above-average performance.
In white-collar jobs, men change jobs more
Why Use Competency-Based Pay? frequently, enabling them to be promoted to
1. Traditional pay plans may actually backfire if a high- higher-level jobs over women with more seniority.
performance work system is the goal. In blue-collar jobs, women tend to be placed in
2. Paying for skills, knowledge, and competencies is departments with lower-paying jobs.
more strategic.
3. Measurable skills, knowledge, and competencies Factor Comparison Job Evaluation Method
are the heart of any company’s performance Step 1. Obtain job information
management process. Step 2. Select key benchmark jobs
Step 3. Rank key jobs by factor
Competency-Based Pay in Practice Step 4. Distribute wage rates by factors
Main components of skill/competency/ knowledge–based Step 5. Rank key jobs according to wages
pay programs: assigned to each factor
A system that defines specific skills, and a process Step 6. Compare the two sets of rankings to
for tying the person’s pay to his or her skill screen out unusable key jobs
A training system that lets employees seek and Step 7. Construct the job-comparison scale
acquire skills Step 8. Use the job-comparison scale
A formal competency testing system
A work design that lets employees move among The Point Method of Job Evaluation
jobs to permit work assignment flexibility. Step 1. Determine clusters of jobs to be evaluated
Step 2. Collect job information
Competency-Based Pay: Pros and Cons Step 3. Select compensable factors
Pros Step 4. Define compensable factors
1. Higher quality Step 5. Define factor degrees
2. Lower absenteeism and fewer accidents Step 6. Determine relative values of factors
1. Pay program implementation problems
2. Cost implications of paying for unused knowledge, CHAPTER 12
3. Complexity of program
4. Uncertainty that the program improves productivity
Other Compensation Trends Incentives
Broadbanding Financial rewards paid to workers whose production
exceeds a predetermined standard.
Consolidating salary grades and ranges into just a few wide
levels or “bands,” each of which contains a relatively wide Frederick Taylor
range of jobs and salary levels. Popularized scientific management and the use of financial
Wide bands provide for more flexibility in assigning workers incentives in the late 1800s. Systematic soldiering is the
to different job grades.Lack of permanence in job tendency of employees to work at the slowest pace possible
and to produce at the minimum acceptable level.
responsibilities can be unsettling to new employees.
Individual Differences
Strategic compensation Law of individual differences
Using the compensation plan to support the company’s
strategic aims.Focuses employees’ attention on the values The fact that people differ in personality, abilities,
of winning, execution, and speed, and on being better, values, and needs.
faster, and more competitive.. Different people react to different incentives in
different ways.
IBM’s strategic compensation plan: Managers should be aware of employee needs and
1. The marketplace rules. fine-tune the incentives offered to meets their
2. Fewer jobs, evaluated differently, in broadbands. needs.
3. Managers manage. Money is not the only motivator.
4. Big stakes for stakeholders.
Employee Preferences for Noncash Incentives
Comparable worth
Refers to the requirement to pay men and women equal
wages for jobs that are of comparable (rather than strictly
equal) value to the employer.Seeks to address the issue that
M a t a k u l i a h l a i n y a n g b e l u m a d a d i P D F i n i a k a n s a y a u p d a t e d i w w w . a k u n t a n s i d a n b i s n i s . wo rd p re s s . c o m
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Disusun oleh : Muhammad Firman (Akuntansi FE UI 2012)
effect of using each reward alone.Day-to-day recognition Do low performers show improvement over time?
from supervisors, peers, and team members is important. Are quotas stable through the performance period?
Are returns and debookings reasonably low?
Online award programs Has your firm generally avoided compensation-
Programs offered by online incentives firms that improve related lawsuits?
and expedite the awards process. Is 10% of the salesforce achieving higher
1. Broader range of awards performance than previously?
2. More immediate rewards Is 5% to 10% of the salesforce achieving below
quota performance and receiving coaching?
Information technology and incentives
Enterprise incentive management (EIM) Team/Group Variable Pay Incentive Plans
Software that automates the planning, calculation, Team or group incentive plan
modeling and management of incentive compensation A plan in which a production standard is set for a specific
plans, enabling companies to align their employees with work group, and its members are paid incentives if the
corporate strategy and goals. group exceeds the production standard.
Incentives for Salespeople How to Design Team Incentives
Salary plan Set individual work standards
Straight salaries Set work standards for each team member and then
Best for: prospecting (finding new clients), account calculate each member’s output.
servicing, training customer’s salesforce, or
participating in national and local trade shows. Members are paid based on one of three formulas:
All members receive the same pay earned by the
Commission plan highest producer.
Pay is only a percentage of sales All members receive the same pay earned by the
Keeps sales costs proportionate to sales revenues. lowest producer.
May cause a neglect of nonselling duties. All members receive same pay equal to the average
Can create wide variation in salesperson’s income. pay earned by the group.
Likelihood of sales success may linked to external
factors rather than to salesperson’s performance. Use an engineered production standard based on the
Can increase turnover of salespeople. output of the group as a whole.All members receive the
same pay, based on the piece rate for the group’s job.This
Combination plan group incentive can use the piece rate or standard hour
Pay is a combination of salary and commissions, plan, but the latter is more prevalent.
usually with a sizable salary component.
Plan gives salespeople a floor (safety net) to their Tie rewards to goals based on an overall standard of group
earnings. performanceIf the firm reaches its goal, the employees
Salary component covers company-specified service share in a percentage of the improvement (in labor costs
activities. saved).
Plans tend to become complicated, and
misunderstandings can result. Organizationwide Variable Pay Plans
Profit-sharing plans
Specialized Combination Plans Cash plans
Commission-plus-drawing-account plan Employees receive cash shares of the firm’s profits at
Commissions are paid but a draw on future earnings helps regular intervals.
the salesperson to get through low sales periods.
The Lincoln incentive system
Commission-plus-bonus plan Profits are distributed to employees based on their
Pay is mostly based on commissions. individual merit rating.
Small bonuses are paid for directed activities like selling
slow-moving items. Deferred profit-sharing plans
A predetermined portion of profits is placed in each
Setting Sales Quotas employee’s account under a trustee’s supervision.
Whether to lock quotas in for a period of time? Organizationwide Variable Pay Plans (cont’d)
Have quotas been communicated quotas to the
salesforce within one month of the start of the Employee stock ownership plan (ESOP)
period? A corporation annually contributes its own stock—or cash
Does the salesforce know exactly how its quotas are (with a limit of 15% of compensation) to be used to
set? purchase the stock—to a trust established for the
Do you combine bottom-up information (like employees. The trust holds the stock in individual employee
account forecasts) with top-down requirements accounts and distributes it to employees upon separation
(like the company business plan)? from the firm if the employee has worked long enough to
Do 60% to 70% of the salesforce generally hit their earn ownership of the stock.
Do high performers hit their targets consistently? Advantages of ESOPs
M a t a k u l i a h l a i n y a n g b e l u m a d a d i P D F i n i a k a n s a y a u p d a t e d i w w w . a k u n t a n s i d a n b i s n i s . wo rd p re s s . c o m
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ESOPs help employees develop a sense of ownership in and If employees meet or exceed their goals, they earn
commitment to the firm, and help to build teamwork.No incentives.
taxes on ESOPs are due until employees receive a If they fail to meet their goals, they forgo some of
distribution from the trust, usually at retirement when their the pay they would normally have earned.
tax rate is lower.
Short-Term Incentives for Managers And Executives
Shareholders of closely held corporations Annual bonus
Helps to diversify their assets by placing their shares of Plans that are designed to motivate short-term
company stock into an ESOP trust and allowing them to performance of managers and are tied to company
purchase other marketable securities for themselves in their profitability.
place. Eligibility basis: job level, base salary, and impact on
The company Fund size basis : nondeductible formula (net
A tax deduction equal to the fair market value of income) or deductible formula (profitability)
the shares transferred to the trustee. Individual awards: personal
An income tax deduction for dividends paid on performance/contribution
ESOP-owned stock.
The Employee Retirement Income Security Act Long-Term Incentives for Managers And Executives
(ERISA) allows a firm to borrow against employee Stock option
stock held in trust and then repay the loan in pretax The right to purchase a specific number of shares of
rather than after-tax dollars. company stock at a specific price during a specific period of
Firms offering ESOP had higher shareholder returns time.
than did those not offering ESOPs. Nonqualified stock option
Indexed option
Scanlon Plan Premium priced option
Scanlon plan (Joseph Scanlon, 1937)
Philosophy of cooperation Options have no value (go “underwater”) if the price of the
No “us” and “them” attitudes that inhibit employees from stock drops below the option’s strike price (the option’s
developing a sense of ownership in the company. stock purchase price).
Identity Other plans
Employees understand the business’s mission and how it Key employee program
operates in terms of customers, prices, and costs. Stock appreciation rights
Performance achievement plan
Competence Restricted stock plans
The plan depends a high level of competence from Phantom stock plans
employees at all levels.
Sharing of benefits formula Performance plans
Plans whose payment or value is contingent on financial
Employees share in 75% of the savings (reduction in payroll performance measured against objectives set at the start of
expenses divided by total sales). a multi-year period.
Gainsharing Plans Other Executive Incentives
Gainsharing Golden parachutes
An incentive plan that engages many or all Payments companies make to departing executives in
employees in a common effort to achieve a connection with a change in ownership or control of a
company’s productivity objectives. company.
Cost-savings gains are shared among employees
and the company. Guaranteed loans to directors
Rucker plan 1. Loans provided to buy company stock.
Improshare 2. A highly risky and now frowned upon practice.
Implementing a Gainsharing Plan Creating an Executive Compensation Plan
1. Establish general plan objectives. 1. Define the strategic context for the executive
2. Choose specific performance measures. compensation program.
3. Decide on a funding formula. 2. Shape each component of the package to focus the
4. Decide on a method for dividing and distributing the manager on achieve the firm’s strategic goals.
employees’ share of the gains. 3. Create a stock option plan to meet the needs of the
5. Choose the form of payment. executives and the company and its strategy.
6. Decide how often to pay bonuses. 4. Check the executive compensation plan for
7. Develop the involvement system. compliance with all legal and regulatory
8. Implement the plan. requirements and for tax effectiveness.
5. Install a process for reviewing and evaluating the
At-Risk Variable Pay Plans executive compensation plan whenever a major
At-risk variable pay plans that put some portion of the business change occurs.
employee’s weekly pay at risk.
M a t a k u l i a h l a i n y a n g b e l u m a d a d i P D F i n i a k a n s a y a u p d a t e d i w w w . a k u n t a n s i d a n b i s n i s . wo rd p re s s . c o m
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Disusun oleh : Muhammad Firman (Akuntansi FE UI 2012)
Why Incentive Plans Fail 2. Economic Growth and Tax Relief Conciliation Act of
1. Performance pay can’t replace good management. 2000
2. You get what you pay for. 3. Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act
3. “Pay is not a motivator.”
4. Rewards punish. Health plans
5. Rewards rupture relationships. 1. The Newborn Mother’s Protection Act of 1996
6. Rewards can have unintended consequences. 2. The Mental Health Parity Act of 1996
7. Rewards may undermine responsiveness. 3. Age Discrimination in Employment Act
8. Rewards undermine intrinsic motivation. 4. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
of 1996 (HIPAA)
Implementing Effective Incentive Plans 5. Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Ask: Is effort clearly instrumental in obtaining the reward? 6. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Link the incentive with your strategy.
Make sure effort and rewards are directly related. Types of Employee Benefits
Make the plan easy for employees to understand. 1. Pay for time not worked
Set effective standards. 2. Insurance benefits
View the standard as a contract with your employees. 3. Retirement benefits
Get employees’ support for the plan. 4. Services
Use good measurement systems.
Emphasize long-term as well as short-term success. Issues in Developing Benefits Plans
Adopt a comprehensive, commitment-oriented approach 1. Benefits to be offered.
. 2. Coverage of retirees in the plan
HR Activities that Build Commitment 3. Denial of benefits to employees during initial
1. Clarifying and communicating the goals and mission “probationary” periods
of the organization. 4. Financing of benefits.
5. Benefit choices to give employees.
2. Guaranteeing organizational justice. 6. Cost containment procedures to use.
3. Creating a sense of community by emphasizing 7. Communicating benefits options to employees.
teamwork and encouraging employees to interact.
4. Supporting employee development by emphasizing Pay for Time Not Worked
promotion from within, developmental activities, Unemployment insurance
and career-enhancing activities. 1. Provides for benefits if a person is unable to work
5. Generally committing to “people-first values.” through no fault of his or her own.
2. Payroll tax on employers that is determined by an
employer’s rate of personnel terminations.
CHAPTER 13 3. Tax is collected and administered by the state.
BENEFITS AND SERVICES Vacations and holidays
1. Number of paid vacation days varies by employer.
2. Number of holidays varies by employer.
Benefits 3. Premium pay for work on holidays.
Indirect financial and nonfinancial payments employees Sick leave
receive for continuing their employment with the company. Provides pay to an employee when he or she is out of work
because of illness.
Types of employee benefit plans 1. Costs for misuse of sick leave
Supplemental pay: sick leave and vacation pay 2. Pooled paid leave plans
Insurance: workers’ compensation
Retirement: Pensions Parental leave
Employee services: child-care facilities The Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA)
Up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave within a one-year
The Benefits Picture Today period
1. Most full-time employees in the United States Employees must take unused paid leave first.
receive benefits. Employees on leave retain their health benefits.
2. Virtually all employers—99%—offer some health Employees have the right to return to their job or
insurance coverage. equivalent position.
3. Benefits are a major expense (about one-third of
wages and salaries) for employers.
4. Employees do seem to understand the value of Severance pay
health benefits. A one-time payment when terminating an
employee.Reasons for granting severance pay:
Laws Affecting Employee Benefits 1. Acts as a humanitarian gesture and good public
Retirement plans relations.
1. Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1975 2. Mirrors employee’s two week quit notice.
(ERISA) 3. Avoids litigation from disgruntled former
M a t a k u l i a h l a i n y a n g b e l u m a d a d i P D F i n i a k a n s a y a u p d a t e d i w w w . a k u n t a n s i d a n b i s n i s . wo rd p re s s . c o m
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5. Dress codes
6. Cultural symbols and behaviors A system of progressive penalties
7. Figureheads The range and severity of the penalty is a function of the
offense and number of occurrences.
The Manager’s Role in Creating Culture
Clarify expectations for values to be followed. An appeals process
Use signs and symbols to signal the importance of The right of the employee to grieve the decision helps to
values. ensure that supervisors mete out discipline fairly and
Provide physical (the firm’s rewards) support for equitably.
Use stories to illustrate values. Disciplining an Employee
Organize rites and ceremonies reinforcing values Does the facts support the charge of employee
HR’s Role in Fostering Ethics and Fair Treatment Were the employee’s due process rights protected?
Why treat employees fairly? Was the employee warned of disciplinary
“They’re not employees, they’re people” consequences?
Management guru Peter Drucker Was a rule violated and was it “reasonably related”
Avoidance of employee litigation to the efficient and safe operation of the work
Enhanced employee commitment environment?
Enhanced satisfaction with the organization, with Was the matter fairly and adequately investigated
jobs, and with leaders before administering discipline?
Increased organizational citizenship behaviors Did the investigation produce substantial evidence
of misconduct?
HR Ethics Activities Have rules, orders, or penalties been applied
Staffing and selection evenhandedly?
Fostering the perception of fairness in the processes of Is the penalty reasonably related to the misconduct
recruitment and hiring of people. and to the employee’s past work history?
Formal procedures Did the employee have the right to counsel?
Interpersonal treatment Did anger, hearsay, or personal impression affect
Providing explanation the decision?
M a t a k u l i a h l a i n y a n g b e l u m a d a d i P D F i n i a k a n s a y a u p d a t e d i w w w . a k u n t a n s i d a n b i s n i s . wo rd p re s s . c o m
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Disusun oleh : Muhammad Firman (Akuntansi FE UI 2012)
2. Review your employee manual to look for and Be available at a time after the interview in case
delete statements that could prejudice your questions or problems arise.
defense in a wrongful discharge case. Have phone numbers ready for medical or security
3. Have clear written rules listing infractions that may emergencies.
require discipline and discharge, and then make
sure to follow the rules. Get to the point.
4. If a rule is broken, get the worker’s side of the story Do not beat around the bush by talking about the
in front of witnesses, and preferably get it signed. weather or making other small talk.
Then make sure to check out the story, getting both As soon as the employee enters, give the person a
sides of the issue. moment to get comfortable and then inform him or
5. Be sure to appraise employees at least annually. If her of your decision.
an employee shows evidence of incompetence, give
that person a warning and provide an opportunity Describe the situation.
to improve. All evaluations should be in writing and Briefly explain why the person is being let go.
signed by the employee. Remember to describe the situation rather than
6. Keep careful confidential records of all actions such attack the employee personally
as employee appraisals, warnings or notices, Emphasize that the decision is final and irrevocable.
memos outlining how improvement should be
accomplished, and so on. Listen.
Continue the interview until the person appears to be
A final 10-step checklist would include: talking freely and reasonably calmly about the reasons for
1. Is employee covered by any type of written his or her termination and the support package (including
agreement, including a collective bargaining severance pay).
2. Have any representations been made to form a Review all elements of the severance package.
contract? Describe severance payments, benefits, access to office
3. Is a defamation claim likely? support people, and the way references will be handled.
4. Is there a possible discrimination allegation? However, under no conditions should any promises or
5. Is there any workers’ compensation involvement? benefits beyond those already in the support package be
6. Have reasonable rules and regulations been implied.
communicated and enforced?
7. Has employee been given an opportunity to explain Identify the next step.
any rule violations or to correct poor performance? The terminated employee may be disoriented and
8. Have all monies been paid within 24 hours after unsure what to do next.
separation? Explain where the employee should go next, upon
9. Has employee been advised of his or her rights leaving the interview.
under COBRA?
10. Has employee been advised of what the employer Termination Assistance
will tell a prospective employer in response to a Outplacement Counseling
reference inquiry? A systematic process by which a terminated employee is
Personal Supervisory Liability trained and counseled in the techniques of conducting a
self-appraisal and securing a new job appropriate to his or
Avoiding personal supervisory liability: her needs and talents.
1. Be familiar with federal, state, and local statutes
and know how to uphold their requirements. Outplacement does not imply that the employer
2. Follow company policies and procedures takes responsibility for placing the person in a new
3. Be consistent application of the rule or regulation is job.
important. Outplacement counseling is part of the terminated
4. Don’t administer discipline in a manner that adds to employee’s support or severance package and is
the emotional hardship on the employee. often done by specialized outside firms.
5. Do not act in anger.
6. Utilize the HR department for advice regarding how Outplacement firms
to handle difficult disciplinary matters. Can help the employer devise its dismissal plan regarding:
How to break the news to dismissed employees.
The Termination Interview Deal with dismissed employees’ emotional
Plan the interview carefully. reactions.
Make sure the employee keeps the appointment Institute the appropriate severance pay and equal
time. opportunity employment plans.
Never inform an employee over the phone. Interviewing Departing Employees
Allow 10 minutes as sufficient time for the Exit Interview
interview. Its aim is to elicit information about the job or related
Use a neutral site, never your own office. matters that might give the employer a better insight into
what is right—or wrong—about the company.
Have employee agreements, the human resource 1. The assumption is that because the employee is
file, and a release announcement (internal and leaving, he or she will be candid.
external) prepared in advance. 2. The quality of information gained from exit
interviews is questionable.
M a t a k u l i a h l a i n y a n g b e l u m a d a d i P D F i n i a k a n s a y a u p d a t e d i w w w . a k u n t a n s i d a n b i s n i s . wo rd p re s s . c o m
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The company can hire nonunion people, but they must join To refuse to bargain collectively with their
the union after a prescribed period of time and pay dues. (If employees’ duly chosen representatives.
not, they can be fired.)
Unions and the Law: Period of Modified Encouragement
Agency shop and Regulation
Employees who do not belong to the union still must pay Taft-Hartley (Labor Management Relations) Act of 1947
union dues on the assumption that the union’s efforts Prohibited unfair union labor practices.
benefit all the workers. Enumerated the rights of employees as union
Open shop Enumerated the rights of employers
It is up to the workers whether or not they join the union— Allows the president of the United States to seek an
those who do not, do not pay dues. injunction that temporarily will bar a national
emergency strike for 60 days.
Maintenance of membership arrangement
Employees do not have to belong to the union. However, Unfair Union Labor Practices
union members employed by the firm must maintain To restrain or coerce employees from exercising
membership in the union for the contract period. their guaranteed bargaining rights.
To cause an employer to discriminate against
Right-to-work laws employees in order to encourage or discourage
12 Section 14(b) of the Taft-Hartley Act permits states to their membership in a union.
pass statutes or constitutional provisions banning the To refuse to bargain in good faith with the employer
requirement of union membership as a condition of about wages, hours, and other employment
employment and to forbid the negotiation of compulsory conditions. Certain strikes and boycotts are also
union membership provisions.Twenty-one “right to work unfair practices.
states,” from Florida to Mississippi to Wyoming, ban all To engage in “featherbedding” (requiring an
forms of union security. employer to pay an employee for services not
The AFL-CIO performed).
The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Taft-Hartley and Employers
Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) Rights
1. A voluntary federation of about 100 national and
international labor unions in the United States. To express their views concerning union
Structure of the AFL-CIO To set forth the union’s record concerning violence
1. Local unions and corruption, if appropriate.
2. National unions
3. National federation Restraints
Must avoid threats, promises, coercion, and direct
Unions and the Law: Period of Strong Encouragement interference with workers who are trying to reach
The Norris-LaGuardia Act of 1932 an organizing decision.
Guaranteed to each employee the right to bargain Cannot meet with employees on company time
collectively “free from interference, restraint, or within 24 hours of an election.
coercion. Cannot suggest to employees that they vote against
Declared yellow dog contracts unenforceable. the union (in private, while they are out of their
Limited the courts’ abilities to issue injunctions work area).
(stop orders) for activities such as peaceful
picketing and payment of strike benefits. Unions and the Law: Period of Regulation of Union Internal
National Labor Relations (or Wagner) Act of 1935 : Landrum-Griffin Act (the Labor Management Reporting and
Banned certain unfair labor practices of employers Disclosure Act) of 1959
Contains a bill of rights for union members.
Provided for secret-ballot elections and majority
rule for determining whether a firm’s employees Nomination of candidates for union office.
would unionize. Protects a member’s right to sue his or her union.
Created the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) Ensures that no member can be fined or suspended
to enforce the act’s provisions. without due process.
Laid out rules regarding union elections.
Unfair Employer Labor Practices Regulated union election cycles and who can serve
To “interface with, restrain, or coerce employees” in as a union officers.
exercising their legally sanctioned right of self-organization. Expanded list of corrupt union and employer
To dominate or interfere with either the formation practices.
or the administration of labor unions.
To discriminating in any way against employees for The Union Drive and Election
their legal union activities. Step 1. Initial contact
To discharge or discriminate against employees who The union determines employees’ interest in
file unfair practice charges against the company. organizing, and sets up an organizing committee.
Labor Relations Consultants
M a t a k u l i a h l a i n y a n g b e l u m a d a d i P D F i n i a k a n s a y a u p d a t e d i w w w . a k u n t a n s i d a n b i s n i s . wo rd p re s s . c o m
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6. Settle grievances based on what is “fair.” Instead, and healthful working conditions and to preserve our
stick to the labor agreement. human resources.”
7. Bargain over items not covered by the contract.
8. Treat as subject to arbitration claims demanding the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
discipline or discharge of managers. The agency created within the Department of Labor to set
9. Give long written grievance answers. safety and health standards for almost all workers in the
10. Trade a grievance settlement for a grievance United States.
11. Deny grievances because “your hands have been OSHA Standards and Record Keeping
tied by management.” OSHA standards
12. Agree to informal amendments in the contract. General industry standards, maritime standards,
construction standards, other regulations and procedures,
The Union Movement Today and Tomorrow and a field operations manual.
Declining membership
Laws have taken over much of the union’s Record keeping
traditional role as the workers’ protector. Employers with 11 or more employees must
Automation, globalization and technology have maintain records of, and report, occupational
reduced jobs in unionized manufacturing sectors. injuries and occupational illnesses.
Unions have fail to organize new plants. Occupational illness
Unions have been more successful in organizing Any abnormal condition or disorder caused by
workers in the public sector. exposure to environmental factors associated with
Management has become better at resisting union employment.
organizing efforts
OSHA Standards Examples
Public Employees and Unions
7 million public-sector union members represent 44% of
total U.S. union membership.The public sector is union
movement’s biggest potential growth area.Civil Service
Reform Act of 1978 (known as the Federal Labor Relations
Employee Participation Programs and Unions
Permissibility under NLRA by the courts of participation
programs is determined by:
Dominance: the degree to which management
maintains control of the program’s functions.
Role of the program: if the activities of the program OSHA Inspection Priorities
are concerned with union-type matters related to Inspections of imminent danger situations
wages, hours, and working conditions. Inspections of catastrophes, fatalities, and accidents
that have already occurred
To avoid having participation programs viewed as sham Inspections related to valid employee complaints of
unions: alleged violation standards.
Involve employees in the formation of these Periodic, special-emphasis inspections aimed at
programs to the greatest extent practical. high-hazard industries, occupations, or substances.
Emphasize that the committees exist only to Random inspections and reinspections.
address issues such as quality and productivity.
Don’t try to establish committees when union Conduct of OSHA Inspections
organizing activities are beginning in your facility. OSHA officer arrives at the workplace.
Use volunteers and rotate membership to ensure He or she displays official credentials and asks to
broad employee participation. meet an employer representative.
Minimize management participation in the The officer explains the visit’s purpose, the scope of
committees’ day-to-day activities to avoid the inspection, and the standards that apply.
interference or the perception of domination. An authorized employee representative
accompanies the officer during the inspection.
The inspector can also stop and question workers
CHAPTER 16 (in private, if necessary) about safety and health
The inspector holds a closing conference with the
employer’s representative to discuss apparent
violations which may result in a citation and
Occupational Safety Law At this point, the employer can produce records to
Occupational Safety and Health Act show compliance efforts.
The law passed by Congress in 1970 “to assure so far as
possible every working man and woman in the nation safe
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Basic prerequisites for a security plan 4. Make sure all investigations and searches are
1. Company philosophy and policy on crime evenhanded and nondiscriminatory.
2. Investigations of job applicants
3. Security awareness training CHAPTER 17
Setting up a basic security program
Analyzing the current level of risk
Installing mechanical, natural, and organizational
security systems The HR Challenges of International Business
Basic Sources of Facility Security Easily getting the right skills to where we need them,
Natural security regardless of geographic location.
Taking advantage of the facility’s natural or architectural
features in order to minimize security problems. Knowledge and innovation dissemination
Spreading state-of-the-art knowledge and practices
Mechanical security throughout the organization regardless of where they
The utilization of security systems such as locks, intrusion originate.
alarms, access control systems, and surveillance systems.
Identifying and developing talent on a global basis
Organizational security Identifying can function effectively in a global organization
Using good management to improve security. and developing his or her abilities.
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Staffing the Global Organization The problems to expect in the new job as well as about the
International staffing: Home or local? cultural benefits, problems, and idiosyncrasies of the
Expatriates (expats): Noncitizens of the countries in country.
which they are working.
Home-country nationals: Citizens of the country in Five Factors Important in International Assignee Success,
which the multinational company has its and Their Components
headquarters. Orienting and Training for International Assignment
Third-country nationals: Citizens of a country other There is little or no systematic selection and training for
than the parent or the host country. assignments overseas.
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Payments to compensate expatriates for exceptionally hard Participants then rate each of these functions to
living and working conditions at certain foreign locations. answer the question, “How important are each of
these functions?”
Next, they answer the question, “How well are each
of the functions performed?”
Mobility premiums Next, compare (2) and (3) to focus on “What needs
Lump-sum payments to reward employees for moving from improvement?”
one assignment to another. Then, top management needs to answer the
question, “Overall, how effectively does the HR
Appraising Expatriate Managers function allocate its resources?
Challenges in appraising oversea managers
1. Determining who should appraise the manager.
2. Deciding on which factors to base the appraisal.
Improving the expatriate appraisal process UTS SEMESTER GASAL 2012/2013
Stipulate the assignment’s difficulty level, and adapt
the performance criteria to the situation. MANAJEMEN SDM
Weigh the evaluation more toward the on-site
manager’s appraisal than toward the home-site
manager’s. 150 menit (Closed Book)
If the home-office manager does the actual written
appraisal, use a former expatriate from the same
overseas location for advice. Soal 1
1. Menetapkan tujuan yang efektif dan dapat memotivasi
Differences in International Labor Relations bawahan merupakan keterampilan yang penting untuk
Centralization dimiliki oleh seorang manajer. Jelaskan bagaimana cara
Union structure menetapkan tujuan yang dapat memotivasi bawahan
Employer organization tersebut!
Union recognition 2. Ketika bersaing dengan perusahaan lain, setiap
Union security perusahaan dapat memilih strategi bersaing (competitive
Content and scope of bargaining strategy) yang cocok untuk mereka terapkan, Strategi ini
Grievance handling dapat membantu perusahaan dalam meraih competitive
Strikes advantage-nya. Jelaskan bagaimana manajemen sumber
Worker participation daya manusia dapat membantu perusahaan dalam meraih
competitive advantage-nya tersebut!
Terrorism, Safety, and Global HR
Taking protective measures Soal 2
Crisis management teams 1. Mengapa organisasi/perusahaan harus melakukan
analisis jabatan, dan apa manfaatnya?
Kidnapping and ransom (K&R) insurance 2. Susunlah suatu job description untuk posisi Ketua Badan
Crisis situations Eksekutif Mahasiswa yang juga dilengkapi dengan hasil
analisis pekerjaan berdasarkan kompetensi. Jelaskan!
Kidnapping: the employee is a hostage until the
employer pays a ransom. Soal 3
Extortion: threatening bodily harm. Sebutkan metode rekrutmen apa (boleh lebih dari satu)
Detention: holding an employee without any yang menurut Anda cocok/tepat digunakan untuk jabatan
ransom demand. berikut ini. Jelaskanlah argument Anda!
Threats to property or products unless the a. Brand Manager untuk perusahaan consumer goods
employer makes a payment. nasional
b. Staf Bagian Akuntansi di sebuah perusahaan
Repatriation: Problems and Solutions multinasional
Problem c. Pekerja Cleaning Service di sebuah mall di Jakarta d.
Making sure that the expatriate and his or her family don’t Teknisi pesawat di bandara
feel that the company has left them adrift.
Soal 4
Solutions 1. “ A well-thought-out orientation program is essential for
1. Match the expat and his or her family with a all new employees, whether they have experience or not.”
psychologist trained in repatriation issues. Jelaskan apakah anda setuju atau tidak setuju terhadap
2. Make sure that the employee always feels that he pernyataan ini, berikan argumen anda.
or she is still “in the loop” with what’s happening 2. Mengapa suatu program pelatihan perlu dilakukan
back at the home office. evaluasi? Jelaskan juga mengenai 4 (empat) kategori/level
3. Provide formal repatriation services. dalam mengukur training outcomes.
Auditing the HR Function Soal 5
What should HR’s functions be? Perusahaan Carter Cleaning Centers merupakan perusahaan
kelas menengah yang tidak memiliki pendekatan yang
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terorganisir dalam mewawancara calon pekerja. Manajer pengukuran kinerja karyawan untuk setiap kategori
SDM sebelumnya adalah pihak yang melakukan keseluruhan pencapaian.
proses perekrutan dan seleksi. Ia selalu memiliki beberapa
pertanyaan favorit yang sama untuk ditanyakan. Selain itu,
tidak ada pula arahan dari perusahaan atau manajemen
puncak mengenai proses tersebut. Jenny adalah manajer
SDM baru di perusahaan tersebut. Ia menganggap bahwa
kurangnya pelaksanaan proses wawancara seleksi yang
formal, prosedur dan pelatihan dapat menyebabkan
masalah di kemudian hari seperti tingkat turnover yang UAS SEMESTER GASAL 2012/2013
tinggi atau masalah kriminal lainnya. Oleh karena itu Jenny
ingin melakukan beberapa hal terkait dengan proses MANAJEMEN SDM
1. Mengapa proses seleksi karyawan yang seksama sangat 150 menit (Closed Book)
penting bagi organisasi? Jelaskan.
2. Jelaskan empat (4) jenis wawancara yang dapat
digunakan sebagai salah satu alat seleksi karyawan. Soal 1
a. Jelaskan pengertian ke 4 (empat) aspek keadilan/equity
Soal 6 yang perlu diperhatikan dalam penyusunan upah disertai
1. Jelaskan peran individu, manajer, dan organisasi dalam contoh serta bagaimana manajemen dapat menjamin ke 4
pengembangan karir. (empat) aspek tersebut dapat terwujud.
2. Banyak karyawan yang berharap agar mendapatkan b. Jelaskan masing-masing satu metode kuantitatif dan satu
promosi, karena promosi identik dengan pembayaran yang metode kualitatif yang dipakai dalam melakukan evaluasi
lebih tinggi, tanggung jawab yang lebih besar dan jabatan, termasuk kelebihan dan kekurangan metode-
diharapkan akan berujung pada kepuasan kerja. Namun metode tersebut.
begitu, proses promosi tidak selalu menjadi pengalaman
yang positif karena terkait dengan beberapa keputusan Soal 2
yang menyertainya. Jelaskan isu-isu terkait yang harus a. Insentif tidak hanya dapat diberikan pada individu,
dipertimbangkan dalam membuat keputusan promosi. namun juga pada tim/kelompok. Jelaskan pro dan kontra
dari menggunakan insentif bagi tim/kelompok. Sebutkan
Soal 7 dan jelaskan tiga (3) rencana insentif berdasarkan organisasi
1. Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan pengukuran kinerja, (organization wide incentive plans)!
perbedaannya dengan manajemen kinerja, dan alasan, b. Jelaskan tujuan penerapan “flexible benefit programs”
mengapa perlu dilakukan pengukuran terhadap kinerja. pada organisasi. Jelaskan pula metode “cafeteria approach”
2. Berikut ini adalah contoh Strategic Role Assessment dan “flexible work schedules” sebagai bagian dari program
Matrix yang menggambarkan hasil dari pengukuran kinerja benefit ini.
karyawan dibandingkan dengan nilai tiap-tiap posisi
(jabatan) bagi organisasi. Soal 3
a. Dalam kerangkan Hubungan Industrial di Indonesia
dikenal istilah makro minimal dan mikro kondisional dalam
mengatur hak dan kewajiban antara pekerja, pihak
manajemen, dan pemerintah. Jelaskanlah dan sertai dengan
contoh, perbedaan antara aturan yang bersifat makro
minimal dan mikro kondisional tersebut!
b. Jelaskan, beserta contohnya, penyebab utama dari
kecelakaan kerja. Berikan saran anda mengenai tindakan
apa saja yang dapat dilakukan baik oleh pegawai maupun
pengusaha untuk mengurangi penyebab terjadinya
kecelakaan di tempat kerja.
SSoal 4
a. Anda adalah manager SDM dari sebuah perusahaan yang
akan mengirimkan karyawannya untuk pertama kali bekerja
dalam sebuah proyek di luar negri. Hal-hal apa saja yang
harus diperhatikan dalam proses seleksi kandidat dan
Keterangan Bagan: Masing-masing bentuk langkah-langkah apa yang harus dilakukan oleh perusahaan
merepresentasikan karyawan dan hasil pencapaian kerja untuk mempersiapkan karyawan dengan penugasannya di
yang telah diukur dengan metode tertentu dalam rangkaian luar negri. Jelaskan dengan detil.
proses pengukuran kinerja (diasumsikan hasil pengukuran b. Jelaskan mengenai Human Capital Process/Strategy yang
kinerja adalah sama untuk setiap orang selama 2 tahun diterapkan di PT. JNE.
terakhir). Perusahaan memiliki kebijakan unutk mengaitkan
hasil pengukuran kinerja dengan kompensasi, Soal 5
pengembangan, pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK), dan a. Jelaskan makalah yang dibuat oleh kelompok anda
keputusan SDM yang lain. Tentukan langkah-langkah (panjang uraian maksimal 1 halaman). Penjelasan tersebut
manajerial yang akan anda ambil dalam mengelola hasil mencakup: permasalahan, metode pencarian data,
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informasi singkat perusahaan, hasil penelitian, serta perbedaan kelebihan dan kekurangan kedua struktur
kesimpulan dan saran. tersebut!
b. Sebutkan minimum dua topik makalah dari kelompok
lainnya. Jelaskan secara singkat salah satu di antara Soal 3
makalah-makalah tersebut. a) Beberapa teori motivasi memiliki relevansi dalam
penyusunan skema insentif. Jelaskan 4 teori motivasi yg
Soal 4 relevan dan jelaskan pula aplikasi teori tersebut dalam
a. Anda adalah manager SDM dari sebuah perusahaan yang membuat skema insentif.
akan mengirimkan karyawannya untuk pertama kali bekerja
dalam sebuah proyek di luar negri. Hal-hal apa saja yang b) Tren yang berkembang telah mendorong perusahaan
harus diperhatikan dalam proses seleksi kandidat dan untuk menerapkan family friendly benefit. Jelaskan bentuk-
langkah-langkah apa yang harus dilakukan oleh perusahaan bentuk benefit tersebut. Soal 4 Indonesia telah memiliki
untuk mempersiapkan karyawan dengan penugasannya di Undang-undang mengenai Kesehatan dan Keselamatan
luar negri. Jelaskan dengan detil. Kerja (K3) yang mengatur keselamatan kerja dalam segala
b. Jelaskan mengenai Human Capital Process/Strategy yang tempat yang berada dalam wilayah kekuasaan hukum
diterapkan di PT. JNE. Republik Indonesia. Terkait dengan K3,
a) Jelaskan mengenai pengertian dan tujuan pembentukan
Soal 5 K3 (minimal 5)
a. Jelaskan makalah yang dibuat oleh kelompok anda b) Apa saja persyaratan sistem K3 yang ideal serta
(panjang uraian maksimal 1 halaman). Penjelasan tersebut kewajiban pengusaha terkait dengan K3
mencakup: permasalahan, metode pencarian data,
informasi singkat perusahaan, hasil penelitian, serta Soal 5
kesimpulan dan saran. a) Dalam hubungan ketenagakerjaan, mengapa diperlukan
b. Sebutkan minimum dua topik makalah dari kelompok keterlibatan pemerintah sebagai pihak ketiga? Apa bentuk
lainnya. Jelaskan secara singkat salah satu di antara konkritnya?
makalah-makalah tersebut. b) Sebutkan dan jelaskan satu contoh pengaturan hubungan
ketenagakerjaan secara deskriptif!
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