(Engine International Air Pollution Prevention) : EIAPP Certificate
(Engine International Air Pollution Prevention) : EIAPP Certificate
(Engine International Air Pollution Prevention) : EIAPP Certificate
The EIAPP certificate has to be issued by the authorities. The “Technical file” is needed
to obtain an International Air Pollution Prevention (IAPP) certificate.
The regulations also apply in cases; Preparing for the Technical File
n an engine is replaced by a new one of existing engines:
n or the output is increased by more than 10% The normal procedure is to start by measuring the actual
n or substantial modifications are applied affecting the emission level. Most engine types can be adjusted to fulfil
NOx emission. the NOx emission level requirements, usually by minor
adjustments to injector nozzle specification and fuel
Wärtsilä can deliver the Technical File and engine part injection timing.
codification needed for the EIAPP certificate of existing Whether the engine must be adjusted or not, the
Wärtsilä engines including the emission measurement engine components concerned have to be coded and
report. marked. These so-called IMO codes will be issued by
Wärtsilä, and relevant parts delivered in future must
Application for the IAPP certificate carry the required specific IMO code.
requires a "Technical File":
n If a shipowner wants to obtain the IAPP (International
Air Pollution Prevention) certificate for his ship, he
needs to present the EIAPP certificate of the engine(s)
n In order to obtain the EIAPP certificate one needs to
provide a Statement of Compliance from an authorised
Onboard emission measurements, according to the very
specific IMO regulations, have to be carried out after the
modifications with a light fuel oil of ISO-DMA quality. Engine builder
The emission measurement concerns much more data than Supplying IMO coded parts
just the NOx in order to carry out the validity checks.
During this emission test a complete test protocol has to be
made specifying engine parameters like speed, load etc. Wärtsilä
IMO code inspection
Simultaneously with the adjustment, coding and Upgrading the engine
by surveyor
marking of the engine, Wärtsilä will compile the technical Approved measuring procedure
file required for certification. and equipment. inspection by surveyor
Delivery of documentation
Specification Engine builder
The Technical File is a record containing all details of
parameters, including components and settings, that may
Technical File & Applying for the EIAPP Certificate
influence the NOx emissions of the engine.
The Technical File contains: identification of coded Classification society
parts, reference to or identification of the relevant settings (Flag State Marine Authority)
for injection timing etc., allowable deviations, statement
Approve Technical File
of engine performance, engine test report and verification
procedure instructions Issue the Certificate
The Technical File can be complemented with the
NOx measurement report (when made) and the
"Statement of Compliance" (when issued by the
classification society) or ultimately the "EIAPP certificate"
(when issued by the authority).
The NOx measurement report specifies: Note
n Engine speed and torque for power calculations. n The product "Technical file" in the context of EIAPP
n Fuel consumption for calculations according to ISO certification of existing engines means solely the
3046-1 compilation and delivery of a Technical File as
n Temperatures of charge air, exhaust gas, cooling water described above.
and lubricating oil n The product "Emission Measurement" in the context of
n Pressures and humidity in the charge air system EIAPP certification of existing engines means solely the
n Exhaust gas composition with regard to NOx, CO, compilation and delivery of a Measurement report as
CO2 and O2. described above.
n The measurements will be performed in accordance n Further assistance like assistance in obtaining the
with the Technical Code for a number of different load "Statement of Compliance" from a specific
conditions corresponding to the application category. classification society has to be agreed upon separately.
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