MEPC 1-Circ 900
MEPC 1-Circ 900
MEPC 1-Circ 900
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7735 7611 Fax: +44 (0)20 7587 3210
10 June 2022
2 In this context, the Committee recalled that regulation 17.1.2 of MARPOL Annex VI
requires that each Party undertake to ensure the provision of facilities adequate to meet the
needs of ships using its ports, terminals or repair ports for the reception of exhaust gas cleaning
residues from an exhaust gas cleaning system.
3 Member Governments are invited to bring the annexed Guidance to the attention of
Administrations, port State authorities, industry, relevant shipping organizations, shipping
companies and other stakeholders concerned.
4 The Committee agreed to keep this Guidance under review in light of experience
Annex, page 1
These best practices are intended to assist both ship operators and port States in assuring the
proper management and disposal of EGCS residues from exhaust gas cleaning systems
(EGCSs) into port reception facilities.
Washwater: Cleaning medium brought into contact with the exhaust gas stream for the
reduction of SOX and particulate matter.
Bleed-off water: Aqueous solution removed from the washwater of an EGCS operating in
closed-loop mode to keep its required operating properties and efficiency.
EGCS residue: Material removed from the washwater or the bleed-off water by a treatment
system or discharge water that does not meet the discharge criterion, or other residue material
removed from the EGCS.
Emissions: according to regulation 2.1.12 of MARPOL Annex VI*, means any release of
substances, subject to control by this Annex, from ships into the atmosphere or sea.
3.1 In sea areas including ports, harbours and estuaries where the discharge of EGCS
discharge water is prohibited, ships using an EGCS should keep their discharge water on
board in dedicated holding tank(s) for delivery to port reception facilities, either in the port of
call or in the next port of call able to accept the discharge water accordingly. However, outside
these areas, the temporary stored discharge water could be discharged into the sea in
accordance with the discharge criteria given in paragraph 10.1.7 of the 2021 Guidelines for
Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (resolution MEPC.340(77)).
3.2 Port States should provide adequate reception facilities for this discharge.
However, depending on the number of ships that will need this service and the frequency and
amount of discharge water to be delivered, the port, in conjunction with the port State, may
decide if the appropriate reception facilities at their berths should be permanent or provided on
an individual basis.
The regulation numbers in the Guidance refer to the 2021 Revised MARPOL Annex VI, as adopted by
resolution MEPC.328(76), which was accepted on 1 May 2022 in accordance with article 16(2)(f)(iii) of
MARPOL and which will enter into force on 1 November 2022.
Annex, page 2
EGCS Residues
3.4 Residues generated by the EGCS should be appropriately managed on board and
delivered ashore to adequate reception facilities according to the 2011 Guidelines for
Reception Facilities under MARPOL Annex VI (resolution MEPC.199(62)). Such residues
should not be discharged into the sea. Additionally, they should not be mixed with other waste
streams and not be burnt in the ship's incinerators.
3.5 As EGCS residues are not to be discharged into the sea, the ships that produce these
types of waste should have on board:
.2 waste receipts from the use of that contract to prove previous deliveries of
such waste; such receipts should be kept on board for a period of 12 months
after the delivery has been made; and
3.6 This information will allow the master of the ship to prove that there are appropriate
mechanisms in place to dispose of this waste in an environmentally sound manner.