Update On The Implementation of The Ballast Water Management Convention (BWMC), 2004
Update On The Implementation of The Ballast Water Management Convention (BWMC), 2004
Update On The Implementation of The Ballast Water Management Convention (BWMC), 2004
07 Sep 2017
Shipping Community
1. The International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships Ballast Water and
Sediments (the Convention) will enter into force on 8 September 2017. Singapore is a party to the
Convention and “The Prevention of Pollution of the Sea (PPS) (Amendment) Act 2017” gives effect to it.
2. The Convention is applicable to ships of any type whatsoever operating in the aquatic
environment and includes submersibles, floating craft, floating platforms, floating storage units (FSUs)
and floating production storage and offloading units (FPSOs)1, except for the ships that meet the criteria
specified in Article 3.22 of the Convention.
3. All ships of 400 GT and above to which the Convention applies calling the port of Singapore are
required to carry the following on board:
a) International Ballast Water Management Certificate (IBWMC) for ships flying the flag of
countries party to the Convention; or
Documentary evidence such as Statement of Compliance for ships flying the flag of countries
that are not party to the Convention;
BWM.2/Circ.46 - Application of the BWM Convention to Mobile Offshore Units and BWM.2/Circ.52 - Guidance on entry
or re-entry of ships into exclusive operation within waters under the jurisdiction of a single Party, Mobile offshore units
including Mobile Offshore Drilling Units should be surveyed and issued with an IBWMC, according to regulations E-1 and
E-2 of the Convention, as applicable
These include ships not constructed to carry ballast water, ships with permanent ballast in sealed tanks, ships that operate
only in waters under the jurisdiction of a Party to the Convention or under the jurisdiction of one Party and on the high seas.
c) Ballast Water Record Book (BWRB).
4. Ships less than 400 GT are required to ensure that the relevant provisions of the Convention are
complied with when calling the port of Singapore.
5. Ships operating solely within Singapore port limits need not comply with the Convention.
6. Ships which are required to carry onboard IBWMC / documentary evidence must have onboard
IBWMC / documentary evidence prior leaving port.
7. Applicable ships calling Singapore are required to comply with the standards that at least meet
the requirements of regulation D1 (Ballast Water Exchange Standards) till such time regulation D2
(Ballast Water Performance Standards) is applicable.
8. In the event the ship required to meet the requirements of regulation D1 could not do so because
Ballast Water Exchange (BWE) is not possible3; or the master reasonably decides that such exchange
would threaten the safety of the ship, its crew or its passengers; or equipment failure; or any other
extraordinary conditions, the reason(s) is to be entered in the ships BWRB. Such records will be verified
when ships are subjected to port State control inspections.
9. The ship master is required to report to the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore if the ship
is not able to comply with any of the requirements of the Convention, except when BWE is not possible
or discharge of Ballast Water and Sediments is necessary for the purpose of ensuring the safety of a
ship in emergency situations or saving life at sea. Unmanaged ballast water is not to be discharged4
within Singapore port waters. Master of the ship is to ensure that relevant conditions as per
BWM.2/Circ.62 are complied with.
10. The owner, the master and other person-in-charge of the ship shall each be guilty of an offence
under the “Prevention of Pollution of the Sea (Ballast Water management Regulations), 2017” if relevant
requirements of the Regulations are not complied with.
11. Shipowners, ship managers, operators and ship masters are to liaise directly with the shipyards
with cleaning or repair services of ballast water tanks for the use of ballast water sediment reception
facilities when such arrangement is required.
12. With effect from 8 Sep 2017, all applicable ships of 400 GT and above are required to submit the
following for EPC :
Reference BWM.2/Circ.63
Except when Regulation A3 (Exceptions) apply
a) International Ballast Water Management Certificate (IBWMC); or
b) Statement of Compliance (SoC); or
c) Documentary evidence from the Administration or the Class of the ship that the Convention
does not apply.
a) From the period from 8 Sep 2017 to 30 Sep 2017 – please submit to MPA through email
b) With effect from 1 Oct 2017- please submit/upload through MARINET, similar as other ship’s
For clarification of this Port Marine Notice, please contact Ms Caroline at 6325-2487 or Ms Jamie Chow
at 6325-2474.
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7735 7611 Fax: +44 (0)20 7587 3210
31 May 2013
1 The Marine Environment Protection Committee, at its sixty-fifth session (13 to 17 May 2013),
approved the circular on Application of the BWM Convention to Mobile Offshore Units, as set out
in the annex.
2 Member Governments are invited to bring this circular to the attention of all parties
Annex, page 1
International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water
and Sediments, 2004
Article 1.12 "Ship means a vessel of any type whatsoever operating in the aquatic
environment and includes submersibles, floating craft, floating platforms, FSUs and FPSOs."
Regulation A-3
"The requirements of regulation B-3, or any measures adopted by a Party pursuant to article 2.3
and section C, shall not apply to:
.5 the discharge of ballast water and sediments from a ship at the same location
where the whole of that ballast water and those sediments originated and
provided that no mixing with unmanaged ballast water and sediments from other
areas has occurred. If mixing has occurred, the ballast water taken from other
areas is subject to ballast water management in accordance with this annex."
1 Preload tanks – for preloading of self-elevating units' (SEU) leg foundation, seawater is
taken on board into the preload tanks. This seawater may be discharged, without management,
at the same location provided that no mixing with unmanaged seawater and sediments from
other areas has occurred.
2 Column stabilized units (CSU) – at its location of operation, seawater is taken on board
the CSU into the ballast tanks to achieve the required operational draft. The seawater and sediment
in the ballast tanks may be discharged, without management, at the same location provided that
no mixing with unmanaged seawater and sediments from other areas has occurred.
4 SEUs and CSUs take on board ballast water and discharge it for transit to other areas.
The transit ballast water and sediments remaining in the preload and operational ballast tanks
of the mobile offshore units may be treated by an appropriately approved internal
circulation method. Other methods of ballast water management, capable of providing the same
level of protection to the environment, human health, property or resources as described in
regulations B-3.1 to B-3.5, may also be acceptable.
Annex, page 2
Regulation D-2
Ballast Water Performance Standard
"1 Ships conducting ballast water management in accordance with this regulation shall
discharge less than 10 viable organisms per cubic metre greater than or equal to 50 micrometres
in minimum dimension and less than 10 viable organisms per millilitre less than 50 micrometres
in minimum dimension and greater than or equal to 10 micrometres in minimum dimension; and
discharge of the indicator microbes shall not exceed the specified concentrations described in
paragraph 2.
.1 Toxicogenic Vibrio cholerae (O1 and O139) with less than 1 colony-forming
unit (cfu) per 100 millilitres or less than 1 cfu per 1 gram (wet weight)
zooplankton samples;
5 Treatment of any residual seawater, and sediments as well as any transit ballast water
using a ballast water management system, approved in accordance with the Convention,
incorporating internal circulation may be accepted. This method does not treat the ballast water
during the uptake or discharge cycles, but would treat the water only after it has been
pumped into the tanks. Other methods of ballast water management, capable of providing the
same level of protection to the environment, human health, property or resources as described
in regulations B-3.1 to B-3.5, may also be acceptable. If the ballast water management system
employs Active Substances, measures such as neutralization may be needed prior to final
discharge of the managed ballast water.
Regulation E-1
"1 Ships of 400 gross tonnage and above to which this Convention applies, excluding
floating platforms, FSUs and FPSOs, shall be subject to surveys specified below:
2 The Administration shall establish appropriate measures for ships that are not subject to
the provisions of paragraph 1 in order to ensure that appropriate provisions of this Convention
are complied with."
6 Mobile offshore units should comply with the provisions of the Convention and should
be surveyed and issued with an International Ballast Water Management Certificate, according
to regulations E-1 and E-2 of the Convention, as applicable.
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7735 7611 Fax: +44 (0)20 7587 3210
27 July 2017
3 Member Governments are invited to bring the annexed Guidance to the attention of
all parties concerned.
Annex, page 1
1 Article 3 of the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships'
Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004 (the Convention), identifies the ships to which
the Convention applies and does not apply. Article 3.1 of the Convention includes all ships
entitled to fly the flag of a Party, and ships not entitled to fly the flag of a Party, but which
operate under the authority of a Party, except as provided otherwise in the Convention.
2 Articles 3.2(b) to 3.2(d) set out conditions under which the Convention does not apply
to a ship of a Party that operates only in waters under the jurisdiction of that Party, or another
Party, or in such waters and on the high seas, respectively. Such ships should be subject to
the appropriate national policies, strategies or programmes for Ballast Water Management of
the Party or Parties established pursuant to article 4.2.
3 Ships operating pursuant to articles 3.2(b) to 3.2(d) that cease to operate exclusively
in the relevant waters lose their exclusion from the Convention, which then fully applies to them
on an ongoing basis, except as provided in this Guidance.
4 The purpose of this Guidance is to provide advice on entry or re-entry into exclusive
operation pursuant to articles 3.2(b) to 3.2(d), which will assist Administrations with respect to
a number of situations, including:
.2 ships which operate usually within waters under their jurisdiction, but which
may occasionally need to leave these waters and return
(e.g. to visit a dry-dock). Such ships may consider that regulations A-4, B-3.6
and B-3.7 provide options that are particularly attractive for short-term
compliance with the Convention.
5 The provisions of this Guidance that pertain to entry into exclusive operation do not
apply to a ship that is launched into the waters of the Party within which it is constructed until
it requires an International Ballast Water Management Certificate.
Annex, page 2
.2 has fully discharged all ballast water, including any residual ballast water, and
has completely removed and disposed of all sediments, in accordance with
the Convention and the ship's approved Ballast Water Management plan;
.4 has carried out the procedure described in subparagraph 7.3 above, to the
satisfaction of the Administration (and authorizing Party, if applicable).
8 Upon cessation of the application of the Convention to a ship, any International Ballast
Water Management Certificate issued to the ship should be withdrawn.
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7735 7611 Fax: +44 (0)20 7587 3210
26 July 2017
2 Member Governments are invited to bring this Guidance to the attention of all parties
Annex, page 1
2 The goal of this Guidance is to support ships and port States to apply sound and
practical measures in the case of a ship unable to manage ballast water in accordance with its
approved Ballast Water Management plan to meet the D-1 or D-2 standard, with a view to
ensuring the protection of the marine environment and ship, safety and minimizing any impacts
on the continuity of port and ship operations.
3 In the case of non-compliant ballast water, communication between the ship and the
port State should occur. The ship and the port State should consider the following as possible
contingency measures:
4 Having considered all of the options in paragraph 3 above, the ballast water may be
discharged in the port or any suitable area, as acceptable to the port State. Port State
consideration may include environmental, safety, operational and logistical implications of
allowing or disallowing the discharge. The discharge of ballast water is subject to any
conditions of the port State.
5 The port State should report information on the use of contingency measures in
accordance with the experience-building phase (EBP) associated with the BWM Convention
(resolution MEPC.290(71)).
Annex, page 2
6 In any case, the ship is required to do its best to correct malfunction of the Ballast
Water Management system as soon as possible and submit its repair plan to the port State
control authorities and the flag State.
7 The port State, the flag State and the ship should work together to agree on the most
appropriate solution to allow for the discharge of ballast water found to be non-compliant.
8 The ship and the port State should take appropriate measures, bearing in mind that
ballast water sampling is still under development, as noted in the Guidance on ballast water
sampling and analysis for trial use in accordance with the BWM Convention and Guidelines (G2)
(BWM.2/Circ.42/Rev.1) and the agreement on non-penalization during the EBP
9 The guidance on contingency measures should be kept under review in the light of
experience gained through the EBP.
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7735 7611 Fax: +44 (0)20 7587 3210
27 July 2017
Application of the Convention to ships operating in sea areas where ballast water
exchange in accordance with regulations B-4.1 and D-1 is not possible
2 Member Governments are invited to bring the guidance circular to the attention of all
parties concerned.
Annex, page 1
2 The Committee recommends that, until the date a ship is required to meet the ballast
water performance standard described in regulation D-2 (D-2 standard) in accordance with
regulation B-3, a ship operating in a sea area where ballast water exchange in accordance
with regulation B-4.1 and D-1 is not possible:
.2 should not be required to meet the D-2 standard regardless if the ship does
not comply with regulation B-3.6 (Discharge to a ballast water reception
facility), B-3.7 (Other methods) or A-4 (Exemptions) of the BWM Convention;
.4 should record the reasons why ballast water exchange was not conducted in
accordance with regulation B-4.5.
3 In cases where the port State has established designated areas for ballast water
exchange in accordance with regulation B-4.2, regulation B-4.2 should be implemented as
referred to in paragraph 10.3 of the Guidelines on designation of areas for ballast water
exchange (G14) (resolution MEPC.151(55)):
.1 the ship should comply with the terms of use for those areas provided by the
port State. In case no terms of use are provided, the ship should not be
required to deviate from its intended voyage, or delay the voyage, in order to
conduct ballast water exchange; and
.2 when a ship does not have sufficient time to carry out the exchange for all of
its ballast water complying with the standard in regulation D-1, the ship,
taking into account the Ballast Water Management plan, should comply with
the terms of use for those areas provided by the port State in accordance
with paragraph 10.3 of the Guidelines (G14).