Agriculture Is The Backbone of Nepalese Economy
Agriculture Is The Backbone of Nepalese Economy
Agriculture Is The Backbone of Nepalese Economy
Nepalese population and the source of income and employment. Agriculture contributes about
25.7% of the GDP and 65.6% for the employment (MOALD,2020)
Maize ( Zea mays L) commonly known as corn in the USA and Canada, considered as the third
most important cereal grain worldwide after wheat and rice.(Golob et al.) Maize was considered
as the future cereal for its nutritional value and utilization of its products and by-products (lee,
1999). Due to diverse uses of the corn from human food and animal fed to ethanol production,
there has been significant increase of demand of maize throughout the world (FA0,2016). Maize
per capita consumption in Nepal was 98 g/person/day (Ranum et al., 2014). Along with serving
as human food and animal feed, maize was found to be applied for industrial applications. In
addition to staple food, maize also served as a basic raw material as an ingredient to thousands of
industrial products starch, oil, protein, alcoholic beverages, food sweeteners, pharmaceuticals,
cosmetic, film, textile, gum, package and paper industries etc. (Masood, et al., 2011).
Mode of action: It is mostly absorbed through roots as pre-emergence application in maize and
enters the plant parts rapidly, then accumulates in the apical meristem and in chloroplasts of
susceptible weed species. Photosynthesis and enzyme reaction are inhibited by it. At first, in
mature leaves it causes foliar chlorosis showing margin inwards. It prevents the opening of
stomata in the presence of the light by reducing thickness of cell wall. Plant and root system are
weakened by the inhibition of carbohydrate synthesis resulting in subsequent death of weeds
(Kannur, 2008).
Uses: Selective preemergence herbicide for control of many broadleaf weeds and grasses in
maize, sorghum, sugarcane, pineapple, turf and orchards. However, in non-crop areas and in
minimal or no tillage programmes in maize and sorghum it is also used as non-selective
herbicides (Rao, 2000). It is recommended at the rate of 1- 4 kg actual/ ha and 10-15 kg actual/ha
as seasonal soil sterilant.