Health 10 Module 1
Health 10 Module 1
Health 10 Module 1
MODULE1 Health Information, Health
Product, Health Services
Prepared by : Ms. Kate P. Batac_____
This module has the following parts
Lets Try This Is a simple activity to help you link the current
lesson with the previous one.
Lets test ourselves This is a task which aims to evaluate your level
of mastery in achieving the learning
These are only a few of the things that concern you as adolescents. Decisionmaking is an
important skill that you must learn in order to live a healthy and normal life. This module
will help you understand the basics of consumer health. Consumer health aims to develop
a person’s ability to evaluate and utilize health information, products, and services wisely
and effectively. All of us are consumers. We acquire health information, purchase health
products, and avail of health services to appraise, improve, and maintain our health.
Health information is any idea that we hear from people around us, read from books and
other printed materials, or from the media that influence our health. Health products are
items that we consume to improve our well-being, like medicine, food, clothes, furniture,
electronics, etc. Health services are programs we avail from various providers such as
physicians, nurses, therapists, health workers, hospitals, clinics, and the government.
Some examples of these health services are insurance, treatment and cure,
complementary and alternative medicine. In this light, we must all be educated
consumers who make wise selection of information, products, and services that are
scientifically proven and legally approved. It is our duty to evaluate and examine the
reliability of the sources. Let us find out how we can be educated in consumer health.
Health Information, Health Product,
Health Services
To the learner
This modules your going to Understand and explain the guidelines in the
selection and evaluation of health information, products, and services.
Lets Try This
This part is aim tro check what you know about the lesson
to take
Activity 1
Read the following. Encirle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Deal with the diagnosis and treatment of disease that provides medical treatment
and care to the public or to a particular group.
a. Health information c. Health services
b. Health products d. consumer
4. This is a sub-branch of health informatics that helps bridge the gap between
patients and health resources. It is defined by the American Medical Informatics
Association as the field devoted to informatics from multiple consumer or patient
a. consumer education c. consumer health
b. health information d. health consumer
Lets Study This
Health information
There are ten (10) Philippine medicinal plant species approved for
therapeutic use by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under the Department of
Health (DOH):
Dietary suppliments
Example : vitamins and minerals
Grooming and personality-used to beauty one’s appearance
Ex. Soap and shampoo
1. Health services
Lets do this
Activity 2
Read the health information below. Write TRUE if it is scientifically true and proven, and write
FALSE IF if it is not.
This activity comprises for independent practice to your understanding and skills of the topic
Activity 3
1. Face Powder___________________________
2. Aspirin___________________________
3. Vicks___________________________
4. Vitamin C Syrup___________________________
5. Toothpaste___________________________
6. Amoxiciline___________________________
7. Diatabs___________________________
8. Whitening lotion___________________________
9. Paracetamol___________________________
10. Sunblock ___________________________
Lets remember this
Consumer health encompasses the health information, products, and services being gathered,
acquired, and availed by an individual. Health Information refers to any concept, idea, data, or
figures that may aid to the health status of an individual. Health Product refer to materials,
devices, or items that an individual purchases to improve health. Examples of these are
shampoo, medicine, health electronics, and food. On the other hand health Services refer to
programs offered for the health appraisal of an individual through various treatment, screening,
and examinations. Some examples of these are health professionals, facilities, and insurance.
This task provides to evaluate your level of mastery about the lesson
2. Name atleast (5) Philippine medicinal plant species approved for therapeutic use
by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under the Department of Health
Activity 1
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. A
Activity 2
1. True 6. False
2. False 7. False
3. False 8. False
4. False 9. True
5. False 10. True
Activity 3
Activity 4