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Magic Accessories Magic Accessories: Occult Tome Occult Tome

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Magic Accessories

Occult Tome
Occult Tome individual books in the library may be determined.
Every book and author is different. Some tomes teach
There are two ways to learn higher levels of Thau’ lore in a long and laborious way (one dot per book or
maturgy Paths as well as learning new Rituals. The first several books), while others do so quickly and effi/
is via Mentors, gained by using the Mentor background ciently (granting several dots from one book alone).
or via boons (either taking them or releasing others What part of a knowledge is taught is different for each
from them). The second method is by reading tomes. work as well. Some may teach only the basics (benefit,
Tomes (aka spell books, grimoires, or one of another ting only those who have no rating in the subject
innumerable terms) are books that hold the writings of taught), while others may teach advanced concepts
other Thaumaturgists. The number of dots allocated to (benefitting only those with an existing rating in the
the background gives the character a certain number of subject). Others are simply all around useful (the stu/
points with which to design a library, Tome Points. A dent may or may not have an existing rating). The ac,
character may have multiple Occult Tome background tual length of the book is up to the designer though
listings, each can belong to a single book or a whole set. those that grant more dots should of a necessity be
longer. The costs for book creation is below:
Library Rating Tome Points
0 2 Option2 TP Cost
co 6
Primary Knowledges .5
000 12
Secondary Knowledges .25
0000 20
Merit Linguistics .25
00000 30
Clan/Sect/Supernatural Lore 1
000000 42
Thaumaturgy1 4/level
0000000 56
Thaumaturgical Path 3/level
00000000 72
Ritual l /level
000000000 90 . . 3
Does not include prior levels /2 (round up)
0000000000 110

1: This does not include the Primary Path, merely

Once the number of Tome Points is determined, the
the ability to use more powerful rituals. Thus, one learn, successes required increases by l for each additional
ing from such a tome must also find another source of book. Books generally come in 2 sizes, large and pocket,
learning the Primary Path, such as the Thaumaturgical these typically weigh 4 lb. and 0.5 lb. respectively. Large
Path option. sized books are generally designed to store large amounts
2: When an option is marked with a # symbol in an of information and kept in an owner’s library almost ex,
entry, that particular option requires that the user have clusively due to the difficulty of carrying it on one’s per,
at least 1 dot less than what is listed as it does not con, son, these are also the most common books to be in vol,
tain the prior levels and assumes the reader possesses umes. Pocket sized books are perfect for being taken on
some knowledge of the subject. the go but as a result of their size they contain far less
3: If the writer wishes to write a tome and the items room. Pocket sized books typically contain things that
within are not going to include prior information such are considered the most important by the writer. Sheet
as a book detailing the Path called Lure of the Flames count listed is both front and back.
and its rating is 4, but has no information on the prior
ratings, the cost in TP is cut in half (round up), in this Large: These books have up to 400 pages*.
case costing 6 TP instead of 12 TP, but the difficulty Pocket: These books have up to 100 pages*.
rises by l for each option that does this.
Note: Pages counts for both the front and back of
each sheet.
Benefits of of a Tome
a Tome To determine the number of pages a book will re,
Tomes have two primary functions, the first being quire, multiply the total TP by 5.
references for teaching others. The second is aiding the
author in case they require reminder of something they Cost
may have forgotten. Resources: The writer must have access to Re,
Possessing a tome has one additional benefit. A per/ sources equal to the TP cost divided by 5 (min 1, max 5
son holding a tome receives the benefit of ’1 Difficulty rounded up).
(minimum 4) for any roll involving the contents of the Experience Points: When the player selects to
tome. If an option only has its current rating (any op, spend any initial background points to start with a tome
tion marked with #) this benefit only counts on rolls there is no additional experience points cost.
that utilize that level. For example, if a person has Lure Otherwise the writer must also pay a number of ex,
of the Flames 4(#) the ’1 Difficulty only applies to the perience points equal to Z x the rating the user desires.
4th dot rating and no others.
Creation Process
Creating a Tome
a Tome The writer begins writing their tome by making de/
The creation of a tome is undertaken with an eye ciding what they’re going to write into the tome. This
towards clarity, accuracy and the endurance of the text. decides the amount of Resources they will require as
As such, it takes skill, time, books, and resources. well as the number of TP.
Skill: The writer must have the Secondary Skill Ar, The roll the player uses is Intelligence + Artistic Ex,
tistic Expression (Calligraphy) (the ST may decide the pression (Calligraphy).
user can use another Secondary Skill such as Masonry The user then uses the following formula to decide
to etch the writing on a wall in a more permanent man, the required successes and difficulty of the roll:
ner but most would rather their texts be portable), with Successes = l + additional books.
a Specialty in Magical Texts. Difficulty = (Z + (TP / 5 (round up))) , (additional
Time: To accurately write the text takes a number books).
of weeks equal to TP/Z (rounded up) for the text. This The minimum Difficulty is 3 and the max is 10.
time is halved if copying from another text (to 25% of
the original). The writer must spend 8 uninterrupted Example
Example TomeTome Creation
hours each day writing though they may stop in/be/ Talik has decided to write a tome. He has chosen
tween days and resume at any point. Thaumaturgy 5, Lure of the Flames 5, Occult 4, and a
Number of Books: Each additional book adds 2 ad, level 2 Ritual Deflection of the Wooden Doom.
ditional weeks to the total number of weeks. Each addi/ Talik calculates his total TP cost is 39. He starts after
tional book also decreases the difficulty of the creation character creation with a rating of 5 in Occult Tome.
process by l for every additional book. The number of He sees he doesn’t have enough TP to create a single
tome, so he decides that he wishes to make the tome though Amr Sharastani allowed two of this favored
purely for improving his usage of his Lure of the Flame childer to copy them. Only one copy's whereabouts are
so he elects to remove Thaumaturgy 5, bringing his to, known, the other having disappeared in the late 1930s.
tal TP to 19. Path: Path of Blood 2, Path of Sharastani 2 (see
Now he checks to ensure this will all fit in a pocket Blood Magic chapter)
tome, taking his TP of 19 and multiplying it by 5, he Ritual: Craft Blood Pouch (VPG 2nd), Craft
sees it’ll take 95 pages. This leaves the pocket tome 105 Bloodstone (PO: Sabbat), Blood Call (CB: As,
sheets (each sheet is a front and back). samite)
Total Cost: 17 (one Path or Ritual per scroll, so that
Talik needs Resources 4 for this tome to be com,
possession of a single scroll costs several points)
pleted. Thankfully he has this (though someone else
could pony up the required resources).
Memoirs of
Talik wants to keep the pocket tome to just 1 tome, Memoirs of Lanatherion
so it will require 1 success, using the formula for Diffi/ subtitled Recollections of Carthage. This tome was
culty, Talik figures out his Difficulty is 6. written by Lanatherion, a Carthaginian sorcerer who
Factoring his time Talik will need 10 weeks to write escaped the destruction of that city. Lanatherion was
this tome. destroyed by a Sabbat War Party in the late 1800s while
he lay in Torpor. His memoirs were taken as loot and
Once Talik finishes his tome after 10 weeks of writ,
have surfaced numerous times over the decades. They
ing, he now enjoys a benefit of ’1 Difficulty for any use
were last seen in the possession of the Toronto pack
of Lure of the Flames, Deflection of the Wooden Doom,
called Les Limieres (the Bloodhounds) before they ran
and any roll regarding Occult.
afoul of the Archons of ]usticar Petrodon. The memoirs
have since disappeared. The memoirs are bound front
Sample Tomes
Sample Tomes and back by covers of a strange orange/silver metal, sup,
posedly the alchemical composite called orichalcum.
Ars Thaumaturgica
Ars Thaumaturgica Primary Knowledge: Occult 2
by Etrius bene Tremere. The Ars Thaumaturgica are Secondary Knowledge: Alchemy 4, History 2
found in every recognized Tremere Chantry. A 10 vol’ Clan/Sect/Supernatural Lore: Bruj ah Lore 2
ume set of black leather bound books, emblazoned with Path: Path of Elemental Mastery 4
the Tremere symbol in silver (and a Roman numeral be, Ritual: Mourning Life Curse
neath it in silver, indicating which volume it is), the Total Cost: 18.5
Ars Thaumaturgica contain the Thaumaturgical "baa
sics" for Clan Tremere. The Ars are written in the pri/ RaViNgS
RaViNgS fRoMfRoM tfle
tHe WeB
mary language of the nation in which the Chantry re, Author unknown, this "book" takes the form of a vi,
sides: rus that immediately begins printing out on the com,
Primary Knowledge: Occult 5 puter of anyone finding it on the Digital Web. It takes
Clan/Sect/Supernatural Lore: Tremere Lore 2 the icon of a shattered mirror. lts contents are indeci/
Linguistic: Latin pherable to those without access to the Malkavian Mad,
Discipline: Thaumaturgy 5 ness Network.
Paths: Path of Blood 5 Primary Knowledge: Computer 3
Ritual: Rite of Introduction, Blood Walk, Pavis of Secondary Knowledge: Computer Hacking 3
Foul Presence, Ward vs Kindred, Blood Contract Secondary Knowledge: Malkavian Time 4 (CBR:
Total Cost: 54.75 (the primary reason the complete Malkavian)
Ars Thaumaturgica are found only in Chantry libraries) Discipline: Thaumaturgy 1
Total Cost: 7.25
Scrolls of
Scrolls Sharastani
of Sharastani
by the Most Wise and Revered Sharastani, Seeker of Le Le Petit
Petit Livre
Blood and Scourge of the Infidel. Penned by the former by La Voisin. The "Little Book" of Les Voisines, this
Amr of Alamut in Arabic, the five scrolls are of finest book is no larger than a paperback book and bound in
vellum, kept in leather covers, tied with a fine red rib, white leather, with a gold clasp. On the cover is the
bon. These scrolls are kept in the libraries of Alamut, etching of a rose, with a pentacle above it.
Discipline: Path of Corruption 2 them. It is whispered that Sameeha intends to become
Ritual: Rebirth of Mortal Vanity the next Amr of Alamut, in spite of the clan's chauvin/
Total Cost: 7 ism.

The Tome
The Tome of Malice
of Malice Rutger
Rutger Nierburg
This book is a book of essays on the nature of hatred, Mentor 3; 7th Generation Bruj ah
anger and the Beast (specifically when it causes the Rutger is the childe of a powerful Carthagian sor/
frenzy). In addition to various rituals that harm or 0th, cerer of Clan Bruj ah. This survivor of Carthage, called
erwise cause those emotions, the Tome of Malice dis, Terentius lies in Torpor in Switzerland, under the care
cusses the various Paths of Enlightenment, in the con, of Rutger and Prince Guillaume (sworn to protect Tera
text of how they deal with those emotions. This book entius, who sponsored his entry into the lnconnu). Rut,
(a simple tan/leather bound folio) was thought to have ger is Prince Guillaume's advisor and often utilizes his
been written by a member of the lnconnu as part of her Thaumaturgy on his behalf. Rutger has proven himself
quest towards Golconda. Contrary to jokes, the author's extremely capable at manipulating the weather patterns
name was not Malice ~ her name is not recorded of the Swiss Alps, often calling up terrible blizzards at
(though it is agreed that she is female, for she speaks of Guillaume's request.
having been a mother before the Embrace).
Secondary Knowledge: Psychology 2 Nebkaset
Clan/Sect/Supernatural Lore: Sabbat Lore 1, In, Mentor 5; 5th Generation Follower of Set
connu Lore 1
Ritual: Devil's Touch, Binding the Beast, Heart of High Priest of the Screaming Abyss Temple in Lon,
don, Nebkaset is an ancient Setite and one of the mas,
ters of the Cult of Thoth. A tall, desiccated and bald
Total Cost: 11.5
man, Nekbaset's eyes burn with the power of his Dread
Lord Apep's favor. Nebkaset commands the Bane
Notable Thaumaturgists
Notable Thaumaturgists Mummy called Saatet/ta, Darkener of the Earth, though
The following details several of the Thaumaturgists his control over her is tenuous at best. Nebkaset is
in the World of Darkness. These men and women are skilled in the arts of Thaumaturgy and Dark Thauma/
not necessarily the most powerful magic/wielders of turgy and he holds the hearts of many of the Kindred of
their clans ~ they are merely examples. The number fol, London, seduced by his Infernal power.
lowing the entry details the rating Mentor that charac/
ter is. This number is, of course, that of ideal conditions Taranis
(that Mentor sees the character regularly, likes the Mentor 2; 9th Generation Gangrel antitribu
character and they live in the same city or general area).
A member of the Council of Oaks, Taranis is a
This number drops if the above conditions are not met.
Welsh Country Gangrel antitribu, part of the nomadic
For the purposes of this post, the Mentor rating is simi/
pack called the lceni, all of whom trace mortal ancestry
lar to that as used in Mage: the Ascension ~ it is a meas/
to Celtic peoples). Taranis is pack priest and wields the
ure of how much the Mentor knows, is willing to teach
magics of blood and storm powerfully. He named him,
and how available she is in addition to any Status/Clan
self after the Celtic thunder god and is skilled in sum,
Prestige held.
moning tempests. The first strike of the lceni is usually
a lightning bolt from the Thunderer. When Taranis en,
Sameeha al-Amr
Sameeha al-Amr
ters a frenzy, he often loses control of his storms, which
Mentor 4; 6th Gen Assamite
howl with the power of his Beast.
Childe and consort of the current Amr of Alamut,
Marco Giovanni
Sameeha is rumored to have the illustrious Sharastani Marco Giovanni
in her mortal lineage. Sameeha is one of the few female Mentor 4; 6th Generation Giovanni
silsila under the Amr, who is notoriously disdainful of
An entrepreneur in both Skinlands and Shadow,
women. She has proven herself more than capable in
lands, Marco is a potent Thaumaturgist and Necro/
matters arcane, however. Sameeha's pet project is the
mancer. Clan Lore credits the ancient Marco (Em,
Divine Maidens of Heaven, a cadre of female Thauma/
braced in the time of the Cappadocians) with the dis,
turgist/assassins renowned for their use of feminine
covery of many secrets of the Shadowlands, including
wiles to accomplish missions that are thought above
part of the Cross/Shroud Magics. In his youth, Marco A beautiful shilmulo drabarne of Clan Ravnos,
Masqueraded as a Hierarchy member and wasn't discov/ Mihaela is an enigma even to other Ravnos. She accom/
ered as Kindred until he had achieved the position of panies the Nastasiu kumbania, a twelve person tribe
Centurion. He knows much about the Hierarchy and who roam throughout Western France and Spain. She
Stygia. For fifty years there was a bounty on him from allows no Kindred, Ravnos or otherwise to near those
the Hierarchy, but one bounty hunter after another fell she protects. She wields a powerful array of magic, from
to Marco's Necromantic and Thaumaturgic powers. flames to magically unerring daggers (which inflict ag/
Now, he occasionally helps the Hierarchy and has even gravated damage) to hails of sharp stones. The only time
gained the friendship of several Anacreons. she allows any near her and her kumpania is when she
agrees to teach another shilmulo drabarne.
Father Mecario Santillanez
Father Mecario Santillanez
Mentor 3; 8th Generation Lasombra
A Bishop in Guadalahara, MX, Padre Sanillanez is a Fanchette
Fanchette Raucourt
powerful Thaumaturgist as well. Advisor to Archbishop Mentor 3; 7th Generation Toreador
Baroja (his brood mate), Sanitllanez controls the reli/ Fanchette is a very plain looking woman, one of the
gious power structures in the city, including a four man reasons she avoids the Court of Prince Villon. In recent
cadre of Society of Leopold operatives. This allows Sana times, however, Fanchette has assisted her prince by in,
tillanez to direct this powerful tool at his enemies. Con, vestigating fellow Voisines for indications of Infernal,
trary to rumors and speculation, Padre Santillanez is not ism. When she finds it, she reports to Villon, who has
on the Path of Evil Revelations, being a dedicated fol, that Voisin removed. What he does not know, however,
lower of the Path of Honorable Accord. is that Fanchette is herself an Infernalist, using her in,
fluence to remove those Voisines who do not practice
Astley Hurst
Astley Hurst Dark Thaumaturgy. Fanchette serves KovliaX, a demon
Mentor 3; 7th Generation Malkavian of the Hordes of Lust. She is mistress to many of the
Professor Hurst is a retired anthropology professor, Toreador of Paris, who assure themselves that no one
renowned at a small but strange New England univer/ would suspect them of having anything to do with
sity, where he still conducts occasional seminars. Hurst mousy little Fanchette. And ho, the pleasures her very
is also a leader of the Seekers of Ry'leh, a group of 0c, touch brings.
cultists led by a coterie of four Malkavian Thaumatur/
gists. Inspired by the works of Lovecraft and his ilk, Prince
Prince Flaminio
Flaminio Rey
Rey del Angel
(lel Angel
Hurst has delved deep into his learnings, perusing vari/ Mentor 4; 6th Generation Tremere
ous tomes kept in the vaults of the university library. He A Spanish Inquisitor in life, Flaminio was Embraced
has learned the secrets of Dementation and Dark Thaua to help protect the Toledo Chantry de los Reyes from
maturgy and serves That Which Pipes Endlessly at the the Inquisition. Initially, Prince Flaminio had difficulty
Center of the Universe. with Thaumaturgy, which he considered diabolic.
Eventually, though, he discovered the Qabbalah and
Paneb of Sobk
of Sobk soon climbed the Pyramid to be allowed to found a
Mentor 4; 6th Generation Nosferatu Chantry, which he did in the newly settled area of what
Paneb is the horribly reptilian Upthog of the Cairo came to be known as San Antonio, TX. Now Prince of
Warrens. He is always accompanied by Sened, an eight San Antonio, Flaminio has been recently credited with
foot long ghoul crocodile, in token of his reverence of the use of True Faith once more, a thing he thought lost
Sobk, the Eater of Souls, the Egyptian Crocodile God. to him. Those close to him say that he has become more
Paneb gathers with strangely marked men and women, reclusive of late, as well.
who boast filed teeth to discuss the Will of Sobk. Paneb
often goes on quests in the sewers of Cairo, seeking his Milanahutec
god, though he always returns just as he is needed. Mentor 3; 6th Generation Tzimisce
Paneb is a master of concealing and water magics. Childe of the powerful Guatemalan Archbishop
Xipe Totec, Milanahutec was a young Azteca shaman
Mihaela Embraced by the newly arrived Tzimisce Master Kola
Mentor 5; 6th Generation Ravnos dun. Mistaking the emaciated, tattered/flesh body of his
sire for a being out of his religion, Milanahutec imme/
diately worshipped the Koldun as Xipe Totec, the
Flayed God. Milanahutec has since become indispensa/
ble to his sire. Milanahutec spends most of his time in
the Chiropteran Marauder form (a sort of bat/winged
zulo), considering himself the terrible demon/minion of
the Flayed God. Mialanhutec is a master of Spirit Thau/
maturgy and uses terrible banes regularly. He is consid/
ered to be afoul Wyrm/creature by local shapechangers.

Louis Richard
Richard Holmes
Mentor 4; 9th Generation Ventrue
Primogen of Clan Ventrue is Portland, Oregon,
Louis is a product of upper/class Victorian London. Ema
braced when spiritualism was in vogue and pursuing
those interests even in undeath, Louis was soon ap/
proached by Lord Frontworth, childe of Queen Anne
and Lord in the Circle of Solomon. Louis has since be,
come a Lord himself and now operates a cell of the Cir,
cle over the states of Oregon, Washington and Idaho.
In keeping with his original interests, Louis is a skilled
Spirit Thaumaturgists and Conjurer.

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