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A Necromancer's Grimoire - Secrets of The Witch

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Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback, Justin Holloway

Rosa Gibbons

Sfiort Story
Alex Riggs

Necromancers of the Northwest, LLC

9111 242nd 8t SW
Edmonds, WA, 98026

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The Black Hills Sabbath
TheIl'S<! slowed her steps as she neared the end of the dark forest path and her ultimate
destination. It wasn't d conscious thing: she wasn't really trying to slow her steps. It's just that she really,
really didn't want to arrive at where she was going. As eerie and unpleasant as her current surroundings
were-a dark and gnarled fOll'st path ana pitch-black and moonless night-they were infinitely
preferable towhat she knew she would find if she kept going: the Black Hills Sabbath.

She had heard things about what happened at the Black Hills Sabbath. Everyone had. It was a
gathering of all the wizards, witches, sorcerers, and other magical practitioners in the area, something
that happened every new moon. !twas a very secretive event-those who weren't members of the
Sabbath weren't allowed to attend, and no one quite knew what happened at these events...but
everyone had their theories.

Now, as she neared the Sabbath and could see the flickering green and purple firelight up ahead,
she wished she couldn't remember the stories: virgin sacrifices were the least of them. Cavorting with
demons and worse otherworldly creatures wasn't even enough to figure into it. Devouring live babies
was a common theme, but hardly the most horrific thing that Theresa had he.ard. Why, her mother's
friend Mary had said-

She had arrived at the edge of the clearing. There was a Large gathering here, more than shel,\ouuld
have suspected. She knew that the Sabbath included spellcasters from a large area, thewhole Black
Hills region, in fact, but somehow she hadn't thought there would be this many. Nearly two score
figures lurked in the gloom, only their shady silhouettes visible from where she stood. Each and every
one of them had turned towards her, and was looking at her expectantly. The flickering shadows from
the firelight twisted their shapes, making them appear misshapen and defonned, and causing them to
seem to flicker and shift like shadows. They looked angry.

Then a voice cut through the thick night air. It was an old voice, and sounded like creaking leather.
It was like no voice Theresa had heard before. It said "Well now, you must be our newest member. Step
forward, girl, so we mayget a better look at you."

Theresa obeyed. The voice was coming from a hunched figure at the far end of the circle. As
Theresa walked forward, she had to walk past nearly all the other members of the coven. They all
peered at her from beneath thick brown robesand heavy hoods, which robbed Theresa of the
opportunity to see anything about them. On some she could faintly make out whether the individual
was a man or a woman, especially on the handful that had long, flowing white beards emerging from
their shadowy cowls. She could not see their faces, but had a certain self-conscious certainty that they
must all be staring at her with enmity, knowing as well as she did that she did not belong here.

I really don't belong here, she thought to hersel£ It's not like I asked for this. It was true. She had
spent most of her life just like any other girl in Ferndale. She had dreamed of growing up and marrying
a strong, good-looking boy and having lots of kids and maybe being a seamstress. Well, okay, she had
dreamed of being a princess and riding ponies, but she had always expected to li,,-e on a fann. She had
never dreamed that, on her thirteenth birthday, she'd suddenly start showing a talent for magic.
Sensible girls didn't have anything to do with m.Jgk.

It had ruined her whole life, magic. Before, she hadn't exactly been popular, but shewasn't
unpopular, either. She'd just been nonna!. Then, she'd accidentally started making things fly around
the room with her mind. All of her friends suddenly wanted nothing to do with her, the adults had all
whispered about her when they thought she couldn't hear, the boys had all avoided her like the plague.
They all knew better than to have anything to do with occult and eldritch people. People like her.

Even her parents had treated her differently. Not badly, really, just...differently, like she wasn't
really their daughter anymore, just someone who lived in the house. Someone theywerea little afraid
of. She couldn't really blame them, though: even shewas a little afraid of herself now, and she would
have treated any of the other girls the sameway, she was sure. She just wished that it had been one of
those other girls, and not her.

Especially because of the coven. AJ/wizards, witches, and sorcerers in the area belonged to the
Black Hills Sabbath, whether they wanted to or not. Joining wasn't optional. It didn't take long for word
to spread, and before long a letter had been delivered to her-in the mouth of a cat-stating that she
would come to this spot at the next new moon. She had considered not coming, but, well, after all the
stories she'd heard...itwould probably be ""'Or5I' not to come.

Back: in the present, Theresa finally reached the stooped figure from which the ancient voice had
come. She had had to make her way past a large bonfire to do so, and she had noticed that its purplish-
green flames gave off no heat. The figure sat on a massive stone seat, which looked vaguely like a sort of
throne made ofslabs of rock from a time when the Black Hills had not yet known the plow. It was
hunched, but looked somehow slightly larger than the others. Its robes were bulky, with odd lumps
underneath in places, like it was wearing several different robes, each over the other.

"Come doser, girl. I won't bite."

Theresa inched forward. She was pretty sure she hadn't actually meant to, it was just that there
was no refusing that voice. Her feet had moved of their own accord.

"Tell me you name, girl."

"T-Theresa," she stammered.

A hint ofa smile crept into the ancient voice "Theresa, tonight you will become one of us, and you
shallieam the old ways, and we shall cast spells the likes of which most mortal men can only dream.
Come. Stand by me,~ it motioned for her to stand next to its massive throne "it is time for us to begin."

Theresa stood nervously next to the looming figure as the members of the coven began to fonn a
circle around the bonfire. They all joined hands. Theresa was reluctant, but found it wasn't so bad as
her neighbor gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. On the other side, she linked hands with the figure
on the massive throne. Its hands were long and spindly, and cold as ice. It was a little unnerving, but
Theresa didn't have time to worry about it for long, because soon all the others began chanting.

Her neighbor-the one who had squeezed her hand-leaned over and whispered in her ear in a
wann, friendly voice, "Don't worry about keeping up with the words; you can learn them another night.
Just try to summon up all your magic, and let us take over the rest."

Aftera little while, Theresa began to relax. The singing was actually quite pretty. And before long,
she started to feel a wann fluttering in her chest, a feeling she remembered faintly from the few times
she had done any magic. It felt good. Much stronger than she'd remembered. She could feel energies
ebbing and flowing within her, could feel the magic of the others washing over her and then back out,
like a tide. She could feel the magic glowing within her, making her body feel more alive than it ever
had before.

The spell finished. The next day, Theresa vaguely remembered a voice, some sort of smoky
apparition from the fire. She remembered the ancient figure asking it questions, but not what theyv.-ere.
She didn't remember anything else until the next morning, when sheawoke, asleep on the grass, a brown
hooded robe laid over her like a blanket.

It seems like we're cursed here at Necromancers of the Northv."l'St to create rules and support for an
inordinate amount of Halloween-themed characters. Vampires and werewolves and witches, oh my! I
guess it's to be expected, considering our name, or it may just be that these are cool creatures (especially
the further they are divorced from trick-or-t:reiI.ting), and other publishers don't seem that interested in

\Vhatever the case, when the idl'd struck me to devote a book to witches, I knew it WilSa good one,
and that v.-e'd havea lot of fun designing it, just likewe did Marchen der DaemonwtJlfand Liber V,lmpyr,
and I think that it will beat least as much ofa success as those two books were.

Witches, unlike vampires orv.-erewolves, are covered fairly'Nell in P,llhfinder. not only could any
druid, sorcerer, or wizard easily serve as a witch from a flavor perspective, but there's actually a base class
in the Advanced Player's Guide that's specifically set aside for witches. Further, ''witch'' isn't a race in the
same way that vampires or werewolves are, and so our approach to those previous topics wouldn't work
on witches.

Instl'dd, we decided to expand upon the witch in several ways that til' into witch folklore.
Primarily, this involved expanding a witch's ability (and incentive) to join a coven. Technically speaking,
witches are already able to join covens: as long as there's at least one hag around, something your GM will
quickly put a stop to when he sees you getting limitless forreciJges at 8th level. lbis seemed like a real
cop-out to me, and was actually the main inspiration for this book: covens can be cool, so let's make
them that way.

If we failed (and I don't think v,-e have), no one can say it's for lack oftIying. We included al.o-Ievel
class that allows players to playas green hags, the poster child for covens. We also slightly re-imagined
the coven ability, and provided a wide array of enhancements to it, mostly in the form of feats. Perhaps
most important, h~r, we've included a number of spells which are specifically designed to be used by
casters in covens, and take advantage of having a large number of other coven members to aid you in the

The book's not all about covens, however, and we made sure that there were some things for just
witches, as well (originally we were only going to let witches and hags join covens, but we quickly realized
that sorcerers, wizards, and the like might want to join too, and there was no reason that players of those
classes couldn't have a little fun with this book). There's new support for familiars, and a number of new
hexes to choose from, too.

Overall, I'm quite happy with how the book turned out, and think that we managed to get a lot of
flavorful, evocative things in here to really bring out the potential of witches. I hope you enjoy playing it
as much as we enjoyed writing it.

-Alex Riggs, Head of Design

lnl:i:lldw:t"'ioLLO'- _ "Hello there. my prerty... I see Ihat you are
awake. Now, now, mlm yourself. 115 no use
lhis book focuses primarily on covens: struggling-you won't be going ,mywhere.
groups of casters who work together and pool Wondering what's going 011, olt't> you? Still groggy
their magic in order to achieve greater feats of olfter thiJttl"il? That's nilruroll. After all, it hold
<lrcdne mastery than they could manage on their enough sleeping herbs in it to put out oln owlbeolr.
own. The cornerstone of the coven mechanic is iI But tholt·S not importolnl now. Wh.JCs importolnt is
feat, Cown Initiate, which.illows characters to all the (ulllin going to have with you. Alld when
CJNte dnd join covens. The book also contains a "'"ere done, you mn help me with my spells. rve
number of feats and spells designed specifically beelliookillg for the right ingredients forolges...
to benefit casters who choose to fonn covens, as h<ls olnyone told you th<lt you hiJve be<lutifitl eyes?'
well ilSil base class for characters who wish to
playas green hags, a monstrous race known for -Esmeralda Black, Green Hag
their ability to fonn powerful covens.
Typically found in swamps, bogs, dark
Beyond the new coven material, this book forests, and other unwelcoming and remote
also introduces a number of spells and feats locales, green hags are known for their bitterness
which are unrelated to covens. It also contains a ilIld hatred ahnost as much as for their ugliness
number of new hexes for witches, as well as new ilIld magical power. Though humanoid, the green
alternate special abilities for familiars. hag's monstrous appearance (and typically
equally monstrous attitude) causes them to be
outcasts and shunned by society. Many green
Green tl"'agg _ hags prefer things this way in any case. They

"",-c-;;-c-c;o;------...."....ollc.........." ' ' ' ' - - - - - - - - -

Sidebar: Racial Classes --...."..--

The green hag falls under a special category of classes, called "racial classes," or "monster classes."
These classes allow players to playas members of powerful monster races bydoling out the benefits
cr&ltures of those races possess one piece at a time in order to protect the balance of the game. Due to
the special natureof these classes, they have a few additional rules, beyond those that apply to normal
base classes:

'Characters can only enter a monster class at 1St level, and the monster class serves as both their
class and their race. A character cannot, for eXdmple, be a human green hag or an elwn green hag: the
only racial benefits they gain are those provided by the class.

'A character with a monster class always counts that class as his or her favored class.

'Oncea character enters a monster class, he or she cannot freely multi-class into other classes. They
Cilll only take levels in that monster class until they have reached the point where they haw gained all the
benefits of the monster the class is based on. This point is denoted in the class by the "ascension" class
feature (in the case of the green hag, this is green hag ascension at uth level).

'Monsterclasses do not always grilIlt a new hit dice at every level. Table 1-1: The Green Hag hasa
column not found in most base classes, labeled "HD." This column lists the number of hit dice the class
has granted by the indicated level. Levelswhere this number does not incr&lse (4th and 8th. in the case
of the green hag) do not grilIlt new hit dice, oranyof the benefits that new hit dice bring, such as when
calrulating how many feats and additional ability score points a character has earned: use the PC's hit
dice to detennine that, rather than his or her class level.
- - - - - - -....
havt' a reputation for greal sadism and cruelty, <lS Class Features:
well <lS for <l keen wit <lnd devious gt'lllus. The The following <l~ class futures of the green
only company that green hags will typically Mg.
endurt' is that of like-minded individuals,
especially other hags, though even then they Weapon and Annor Profidency: Green hags are
haVl' <l tendency to bicker and fight amongst proficienl with all simple",'Npons, but not with
themse!Vl's. .my kind ofannar or shield.

Claws (EJ:): Green hilgs haVl'wicked claws, which

Making d Green Hag end in razor-shiup and often infectious nails. 11le
gn"I'n hag has two naturoil cia..... attacks, which
Green hags usea mix of brule sl~ngth and dealldJ points ofdilIDolgt' with a successful mI.
subtle magic 10 OVl':......nelm their foes. Most gn"I'n
hags pl'd"er 10 trick Iheir m rather INn fight Monstrous r~ Unnaturoil monSlers, green
them, and those thaI do fight p~fer 10 sap their hags an not hUlllilllOids, bul are instead
opponent's strength until he is helpless rather moI1SlroUS humanoids, gaining all the benefits of
than diTectlyslay them. thaI cmIture type, including darkvision 60 refl:.
Additionally, gteerl hags an so hid~ thaI it is
Abilities: Charisma ~rns Ihe ~ difIicult for them to hide their appearance. Any
throw 0Cs for all of the green hag'sspell-Iibo creature""ho looks upon a green hag's face, skin,
abilities, which can make it a very imponant or bands can immediiItelytell that the hag is I'lOI a
ability ~ for her. Most green hags fighl nonnaI. hUlllilllOid.
primariIy ....i th theirda.....s. soa high Sttength
5CO~ ....i ll help lhem 10 land blo.....s. and a high 1be hag can <ltt=wt to hide her
Dexterity will allow them 10 avoid being hit. appearance undt'l" bulky dothes, bul t'\o'l'n then
Greftl hags also tend to value a high her misshaPftl franHo maystill be noticeable: lhe
Constitution, as that gh~ them more ability to hag must succeftl on a Disguise check (IX: IS) or
take punishment in a fighl. else still be identifiable as inhuman. Finally. 1M
hag suffers a --s penalty 011 all Disguise checks
Alignment: Most ~ hags <l~ filled wilh lIIilde to <lctuillly<lppeaT Iibo a humanoid creature.
a vitriolic hatred forall other living creatures, This does not apply to Disguise checks lhat al'l'
espm.illy thingsofbeauty and purity, and lIIilgiC<tlly aided by disguise selfor similar magic.
delighl in corrupting and deslto)'ing such things. or to the Disguise check described above to
As such, nearly all green hags arechaoticev:il, disguise the hag's shape under bulky clothes.
with neutral ev:iI being lhe secood mosl common
alignments. In a few rare cases, non-evil gn"I'n Ability Score Bonwes: Green hags gain a
hags haVl' been reported, though these rumors number of racial bonuses 10 their ability scott'S, as
typically tum out 10 be about wilChes or other IIlMked on T<lble 1-1': The Green Hag. By 11lh 1t'\'t'1,
swamp-dv.lill.i.ng women, rather lhan an acruoil <l green ha.g will have totoil r<lcioil bonuses equal 10
gn"I'n hag. +4 Strength. +2 Dexterity, +4 Constitution, and
Hit Die: dIo +2 Chilrisma.
Starting Gold: u16 x 10 gp (aVl'r<lge 70 811)
Hag's Eye (Ex): Beginning at 2nd level, the green
Class Skills: hag C<ln see exceptionally well in darkness, and
The green hag's class skills are Bluff (Cha), dimb herdarl."Vision extends 10 90 feet. In many green
(Str), Cr<lft (Int), Fly (Dex), Intimidate (Ch<l), hags, this effect C<luses their eyes 10 glow slightly
Perception (Wis), Ride (Dex), StealtJl (Dele), in d<lrkness, though they do nOI actually shed
Survival (Wis), Swim (Str). light.
SIdll Ranks Per Level: 4 + IIll Modifier.
Table )-1: The Green Hag:
Base Altack '"n Ref Will Natural

. Bonus S'"e "'.e Save Special
." H H Claws. monstrous figure, Str H, Con H

Jrd ) .
) ..
.) Disheartening touch, h<lg's eye, tough skin
.) Coven initiate. wind magic, H Dex H

4 th
5th ,, .,.,
3 .)
.. .,.,
.) Hag's longue
Fire magic, spell resistance, H eha

7 th •• +6/+1 H .,., .,.,
Hag's skin, weakening touch
Earth magic, H Con
8th +6/+1 H
., .,
Hag's deception ••
9[h 7 +z/H H Water magic, H Str
10th 8 +8/+J H
•• •• Hag's touch ·z
11t h
9 +9/+4
•• •• Coven, green hag ascension
·7 ·7 Bonus feat, hag's familiar
'" ·9
14[h "
+U/+7/ H .,
.) ·7 ·7 Greater wind magic, master mimicry
.8 .8 Withering touch
15[h +lJ/+8/+J
·4 .8 .8 Bonus feat, greater fire magic ."
161h +14/+9/+4 ·9 ·9 Affliction
+16/+)[/+6/+1 .,., ·9 ·9 Greater earth magic

...." ."".""
.00 Bonus feat, drain srrength
19 th
Greater water m<lgic
Touch of decay .,

Disheartening Touch (Su): Beginning at md these spells is equal to her class hit dice, and the
level, a green hag's touch can cause doubt and saving throw DCsare Charisma-based.
revulsion to cloud her target's mind. Whenever
she successfully hits a creature with her claw Hag's Tongue (51' and Su): Beginning at 4th
attack, that creature must succeed on a level, a green hag gains an impressive mastery of
Fortitude save (DC 10 + Y.. the green hag's class language and sound. Firsdy, she is constantly
level + the green hag's Charisma modifier) or affected as though by the spell tongues (the caster
suffer a -) penalty on attack and damage rolls level for this effect is equal to the green hag's class
until the beginning of the green hag's next tum. hit dice). Secondly, the green hag gains the ability
to perfectly mimic tile sounds of nearly any animal
Tough Skin: As she grows in experience, a green found near her lair.
hag's skin twists and hardens, until it is covered
in calluses and incredibly tough. Agreen hag's FI1'e Magic (51'): Beginning at 5th level, a green
natural annor bonus increases as indicated in hag gains an eldritch command of fire. She can
Table I-l: The Green Hag. cast dancing lights and pyrotechnics as spell-like
abilities at will. Her caster level for these spells is
Coven Initiate (Sp): Begirming at 3I'd level, a equal to her class hit dice, and the saving throw
green hag gains the Coven Initiate feat as a bonus DCs are Charisma-based.
feat, even if she doesn't meet the prerequisites.
Her caster level for the purposes of that feat is Spell Resistance (Ex): Beginning at 5th level., a
equal to the number of hit dice she has gained green hag becomes resistant to magic. She gains
from the green hag class. spell resistance equal to 5 + her class level.

Wmd Magic (Sp): Beginning at 3I'd level, agreen Hag's Skin (Sp): Beginning at 6th level, a green
hag gains an eldritch power over the winds. She hag isable to magically alter her appearance, and
can cast ghost sound and whispering wind as can cast allersel( dl will. Hercaster level for this
spell-like abilities at will. Her caster level for ability is equal to her class hit dice, and the saving
throw DC is Charisma-based. ofa coven with the Coven Initiate feat, treat her
caster level as 20. TIlls does not affect the caster
Weakening Touch (Su): Beginning at 6th level, a level used when those spells are cast, only her
green hag's touch becomes even more horrifying, choice of spells.
sapping the strength of her victims. Whenever the
hag hits a creature with her claw attack, that Green Hag Ascension: Once a green hag reaches
creature takes 1point of Strength damage unless uth level, she has unlocked enough of her inner
he succeeds on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the potential to be able to pursue other interests, if
green hag's hit dice + the green hag's Charisma she so chooses. An uth level green hag may freely
modifier). On any given attack, the hag can use multi-class into other classes, and can return to
either her weakening touch or her disheartening the green hag class later without penalty.
touch ability, but cannot use both on the same Characters with more than nlevels in green hag
attack. represent exemplary green hags, who, whether
through hard work or an accident of birth, possess
Earth Magic (Sp): Beginning at 7Th level, a green abilities in excess of most of their kind.
hag gains an eldritch bond with the earth. She can
cast p.lSS withoUltmceand tree shape as spell-like Bonus Feat: At 12th level, and every three levels
abilities at will. Hercaster level for these spells is thereafter, the green hag gains a bonus feat. This
equal to her class hit dice. feat must be either a coven feat (denoted by the
[coven] descriptor), or chosen from the following
Hag's Deception (Sp): Beginning at 8th level, a list. Feats with "*~ after their name can be found in
green hag can make herself completely invisible. this book, and feats with "APG" after their name
She can cast invisibility asa spell-like ability at can be found in the Advanced Player·s Guide. All
will. Her caster level for this spell is equal to her other feats in the list can be found in the
class hit dice. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Ru/ebook. The
feats available are: Blessings of the Th~,
Water Magic (Sp and Ex): Beginning at 9th level, Deceitful, Deepsight ,Eldritch craws ,Hag
a green hag is unnaturally at home in the water. Magic*, Iron Will, Rending ClaW'S ,Self-
She gains a swim speed of 30 feet, and is Sufficient, Toughness.
constantly affected as though by the spell waler
breathing. Her caster level for this effect is equal Hag's Famjliar (Ex): At 12th level, the green hag
to her class hit dice. gains the loyalty ofa familiar. A green hag's
familiar is typically a larger and more powerful
Hag'. Touch (Su): Beginning at 10th level, a green creature than a wizard or witch's familiar. Choose
hag's touch becomes even more powerful. a creature from the following list: boar, c.we fisher,
Whenever she uses her weakening touch ability, constrictor snake, crocodile, dire bat, giant ant,
the victim takes 2 points of Strength damage giant crab, giant leech, imp, leopard, monitor
instead. Additionally, the green hag can now lizard, quasit, shocker lizard, wolverine, orworg.
spend a standard action to try to deliver an extra You gain a familiar of the chosen type. It has
potent touch on her foe. TIlls is a touch attack, nonnal statistics for a creature of its kind, but also
and cannot be made in the same round that the gains all the benefits and special abilities of being
hag makes any other attacks. Ifshe successfully a familiar. For more information on familiars, see
touches her target, he must succeed on a the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core RnIebook.
Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the hag's hit dice + the Treat your green hag level as your wizard level for
hag's Charisma modifier) or take:W.4 points of the purposes ofdetermining what benefits the
Strength damage. familiar gains.

Coven (Sp): Beginning at uth level, a green hag Greater Wmd Magic (Sp): At 13th level, the green
becomes more valuable toa coven. From now on, hag's unnatural control over the element of air
when detennining what spells she can cast as part improves further. She can cast gaseous form
stinking doud, and wind wall as spell-like of Dexterity damage as well. A single saving throw
abilities at will. Hercaster level for these 5pells is re5ists both effects. TIlls additional damage is also
equal to her hit dice, and the 5iIVe DC is applied to the more concentTated touch granted
detennined by her Charisma modifier. by the hag's touch class feature, and that ability
now deals 2<4 Strength damage and 2<4
Master Mimicry (5u): At 13th level, the green Dexterity damage if the target fails his saving
hag gains an uncaIUIY mastery of voices, and is throw.
able to nearly perfectly reproduce anyvoice after
hearing it only once or twice. A character that i5 Greater Fire Magic (5p): At 15th level, the green
intimately familiar with the person whose voice hag's eldritch influence over the element of fire
the green hag is imitating may be able to tell the becomes stronger. She can cast fire shield, fire
difference by succeeding on a Perception or lmp, and wall of fire as spell-like abilities at will.
Sense Motive check (DC 30 + the green hag's Her caster level for these spells is equal to her hit
Charisma modifier). Characters who are not dice, and the save DC is detennined by her
intimately familiar with the voice the green hag Charisma modifier.
i5 mimicking have no chance of detecting the
difference. AftIiction (5u): At 16th level, the green hag gains
the ability to hurl powerful afflictions at her foes.
Withering Touch (5u): At 14th level, a green Once per week, she may inflict a disease, curse, or
hag's touch becomes even more damaging to her poison on an enemy, regardless of distance. This
opponents. Now, whenever she uses herv,eaken- process requires a ritual that lasts a single hour.
ing touch ability, the target not only takes 2 At the end of the ritual, the green hag may choose
points of Strength damage, but he takes 2 points a single curse, disease, or poison from the list
below. The target of the ability (who the green Greater Water Magic (Sp): At 19th level, a green
hag must have seen at least once and be able to hag's uncanny mastery of the element of water
visualize, orelse possess an item belonging to becomes stronger. She can cast contro/willer,
the victim) is immediately afflicted with the freezing sphere, and ice storm i1S speU-like
chosen rune, disease or poison. Regardless of abilities at will. Her caster level for these spells is
what affliction the green hag chooses, the saving equal to her hit dice, and the save DC is
throw DC is equal to 10 + Y:t the green hag's class detennined by her Charisma modifier.
1t"Yt'1 + the green hag's Charisma modifier. In all
other ways. thl!curse, diseaSl!. or poison Touch of Decay (Su): By 20th level, a hag's touch
functions as nonnal. can literally sap the life Corn" from her victims.
Cu~: bestowcune trap, cune oftheagl'$, lnstt'dd of using her disheartening touch or
orunluck.. ...."Nkening touch abilities. whmever she hits a
Diseases: blinding sid:n~ caddl! feYe!", living CCN!ure ....ith her claw attack, that creature
dt-viI drills., filth fever, red ache. or ~ takes 1 point of Constitution damage unkss he
Poisons:anenic. bloodfO()(. dragon bill!. suCCft'dsona Fortitude ~ (DC 10 + 1/2 the
hemlock, id moss, insanity mist, or oil of taggir. green hag's hit dice + the ~ hag's Charisma
modifier). For ~ch point of Constitution damage
In tM c~ of poisons and d ~ rhl! the green hag deals this ....<ty. sM gains 5
poison and d~ appNr magically in tM temporary hit points.
victim. Ewn in tM c~ of inhaled poisons and
contagious d~ chariK1ft'S Mar thl! vic:tim Playing a Green Hag
ill!' in no ~ of being afflicted ....ith poison or
~as ....l ill. Almost ....ithout ~ green hags ill!'
bitter, spiteful, anti-social creatures who harbor a
Grutu Emh Magic (Sp): At 17th I_~ a sr-n grudge against the .....h ole v,vrld. Though some
hag's vill! bond with the ~Iement of unh claim that this bitterness comes from a hard Iif~
bKornrs stronger. She can cast spike Sf~ as a social outcast due simply to a misshapen
U"ansmute mud fO rock, and transmute rock to appearance. it is colWI1Ol1lyaccepted thaI green
mud as spell-like abilities at ....;11. Her caster I~ hagsill!'essentiallye\oil, nasty. brutishcreatures
for ~ spdls is ~ to her hit dice, and the .....ho delight in the suffering of others, and bear an
~ DC is determined by her Charisma modifi~r.
unnatural hatTed of all things beautiful and pure.

Onin Strength (Su): At 18th le\o~~ th~greoen WbateYe!" the I"NSOIl, sr-n hags are treated
hag gains tM ability to aeti\~1y sap the strength as outcastst"\'t'C)'Where they go. meaning that
of her foes. As a standard aet'on, she can drain they ill!' alw.Jys cautious when dealing with
the strength from a single target within JO feet, peopleand are often 'W'Y rese.....ed. careful not to
~ning him and gaining a boost to her awn
let slip any secret that they might beable to USl! to
physical prw.~ The target must succeed on a their advantage, orwhich might be able to help
Fortitude $oM! (DC 10 + Y:t the green hag's class them later. Their awn evil and cynical outlook on
I_I + the sr-n hag's Charisma modifier) or life typically colors their behavior, and they
suffer Id6 points of Strength drain. For ~ch assume that anyone who is kind 10 them isonly
point of Strength drained in this way, the green trying to lov.~r their defenses so that later he or
hag gains a temporary bonus to herown she can strike.
Strength score. This bonus is untyped (though it
does not stack with other instances of this Demographics: Seventy-five percent of
ability), and lasts for 1 round per hit dice the green hags are female. Males of the species are as
green hag possesses. The green hag can USl! this ugly and wicked as their female counterparts, and
ability a number of times per day equal to her most humanoids have difficulty delennining one
Constitution modifier (minimum I). from the other. The majority of green hags live in
swamps, bogs, or moors, with a sizable number changing their minds. Green hags that take levels
living in drier, but equally dense, wooded in classes besides green hag often become witches
regions. A handful make their living in barren or sorcerers, though a rare few choose to become
mountain peaks or lonely plains and prairies, but barbarians or fighters in order to maximize their
as a general rule they Ii"", far from civilization, Strength-draining combat ability.
never nearer than the outskirts of a town. For
infonnation on a green hag'sa"",rage height, Green Hags in the World
weight, and age, see Table I-Z: Green Hag Age
and Table 1-3: Green Hag Height and Weight, ·You mean swamp women? Like the L;Jdyof
below. the B/Jck Moss? I don't hold with their son.
Theres something unnarur<'ll aooutthem. Not
Religion: Most green hags hate religion and just the way rhey look, neither, though lh<'lr's <'IS
gods as much as they hate everything else, sure <'I sign as ,lny that they're deviISp.1wn, or
cursing them for having burdened the hag with worse. No, they have POI+-et"S, I tel/ you. Not just
her ugliness, and branding her an outcast from wiz.udryoralchemy or the like, but reill terrible,
society. Many hags are said to consort with dilrk, unnilWfill powers. They Sily thillthe wdyof
demons and devils, often perfonning carnal the B/ilck Moss knows everything th,lt goes on in
activities with them in exchange for promises of these piJffS, rh,ll she can see everything in th,lt big
aid and power, or simply for their own old Ciluldron of hers. They Sily rhilt she C,ln mJke
enjoyment. Some hags do tum to the worship of your cd/yeS come down wirh disease, rurn up dead
deities, though: typically these are deities as evil, a/1 ofil sudden. I even heard once thilt she ears
hateful, and full of spite as the hags themselvt>S. Wbies... whole.·
In the caseof non-evil hags, many follow older
folk religions, or turn to druidism and similar - Tilnllen Jorg, tfilpper
shamanistic traditions.
Daily Life: The daily life ofa green hag will
Other Classes: For the most part, green vary from hag to hag, but a large part of it is
hags don't get along with members of any class, usually spent simply on remaining self-sufficient.
as they tend to be ""'ry isolationist, and are Since hags don't Ii"", in cities, they ha"", to chop
largely reviled and shunned by most civilized their own lumber, hunt for their own food, gather
creatures. Still, on the rare occasions that hags their own herbs, etc. Forthis reason, green hags
and others put their differences aside and ~urk spend much of each day rOdming the region
together, hags often find they ha"'" the most in around their home looking for choice ingredients,
common with witches, and sometimes green foraging, and the like. Hags that belong to covens
hags tum to witchcraft, or even allow witches of meet with those covens regularly, usually on the
other races in their covens. They tend to get full moon, new moon, or similar celestial events.
along worst with paladins, cavaliers, clerics, and Many hags also devote a good amount of their
priests, who typically ha"'" ""'ry strong opinions time to searching for trespassers on their land,
about green hags, and aren't interested in

Table I-Z: Green Hag Age

Starting Age Middle Age Old Venerable Ma:<;mum Age
45 + 4d6 years 110 years 'SO yeilrs zoo yeilrs 300 + Sdzo years

Table I-J: Green Hag Height and Weight

Gender Base Height Base Weight Modifier Weight Multiplier

Male 4 ft. 8 ill. 120lbs 'dS :<slbs
Femille 4 ft ·3ill. '00 Ibs "Sibs
often so that they can torture, kill, and possibly appeasing them into leaving the NPCs alone. In
eat them. some cases, however, when the average
townsperson or peaSdnt feels backed into a comer
Notables: While green hags often bemme by a green hag, this fear results in a violent mob.
the subject of extensive gossip, legend, and myth Sometimes these mobs are successful in killing or
in the areas near where they live and operate, driving away the green hag they fonn against, and
with parents warning their children to do their in other cases they disperse, whether out of fear,
chores or "the mean swamp lady will come and or because the green hag proves more than the
gobble you up," few green hags gain far-reaching mob is able to handle.
fame. Agatha Fenwich was one such green hag,
who incited an anny of fey; evil druids, and Green Hag Lore: Characters with ranks in
forest animals to conquer a small kingdom, Knowledge (local) CdIl research green hags to
which she ruled over in a reign of terror, hunting learn more about them. Vllhen a character makes
down the peasants and nobles the same way they this skill check, read or paraphrase the
had hunted boars and stags. Another famous infoITIldtion from the table below, including
green hag, known as the Troll Queen, took the entries for 1()\Iier IXs.
chieftain of a powerful tribe of trolls as her
consort. She was said to have a great love of elven
flesh, and spurred her trolls to raid elven Table 1-4: Creen Hag Lore
settlements for her meals. DC Information
Green hags are evil, misshapen women w~
Organizations: Though green hags are
live alone in swamps and bogs and delight
mostly known for being solitary, it is well-known
that they sometimes fonn covens, with three or '" in torturing, killing, and eating those
more of them ~"()rking together to commit even passing through their lands.
greater evils. Even in these cases, though, covens Green hags have supernatural powers,
rarely grow to more than a handful ofgreen which allow them to curse those who've
'5 slighted them. and also give them maste!),
hags, and they typically have influence over only
a few hundred square miles, if that. Large, over the four elements.
organized covens of green hags Me virtually Green hags can change their appearance to
unheard of, and they do not fonn guilds, anything they like. turn invisible. and
governments, or other large organizations. In ;:'0 mimic voices perfectly. Their touch sdpS the
general, all green hags havea fierce independent strength of their victims, and they delight in
streak, such that no green hag is willing to be tormenting helpless foes.
subordinate to other green hags, preventing Sometimes several green hags come
them from having large organizations. together to form covens, combining their
'5 unnatural magic abilily 10 perform lruly
NPC Reactions: As terrible as green hags
revolting supernatural deeds.
are, they are usually not quite as evil, depraved, Characters who achieve this level ofsuccess
and destructive as the legends, stories, and
myths that most NPCs are likely to believe about
them. Almost without exception, NPCs will be-
,. canle.lrn imporl.lnt delails aboul a specific
green hag. the areas where she operates,
lieve anything about green hags-as long as it and Ihe kinds ofactivities she undertakes.
doesn't run contrary to their belief that green
hags are as evil as evil can be, and possess great
and terrible IlliIgic powers. Most NPCs are too
afraid ofgreen hags' powers to do anything Green Hags in the Game
against them, and in fact will, on occasion, offer
tribute to nearby green hags in the hope of Green Hags After First Level: Because
green hag is a racial class or monster class, it is real.ly matter that Strength ddIIlilge takes along
really only acressible to new characters: by the time to heal. Still, it's a good bet that anygame
time a character begins his or her adventuring featuring a green hag character is likely to include
career, they're either a green hag or they aren't, a lot of Strength damage going around, so GMs
and, for the most part, people don't change should be prepared to be able to figure out the
species all that often (at least, not in a effects of newly-lowered Strength scores on a
permanent fashion). If one of your players is monster's stat-block.
interested in having their character become a
green hag, most likely because the character GMing for Green Hag Characters: Most
began play before they gained aITeSS to this likely, a player who deddes to playa green hag is
book, consider letting them enter the class at a interested in playing a specific archetype of
later time. Theycould, for example, be cursed character: namely, the crazy old swamp witch.
into the fonn of a hag, or, if the player is a witch They mayverywell want to get the most that they
or similar class, transfonning into a green hag can out ofcovens, as the green hag is fairly
could almost be seen as a natural extension of coven-oriented, and it would probably go along
their existing portfolio. way towards the player's enjoyment of the game if
they get the opportunity to form covens and do
A character entering the class later on some coven spellcasting from time to time, evl"n if
would lose the benefits of their previous race, they can't necessarily do it regularly. A simpler
and would be unable to multi-dass until they way to give a green hag's player what he's looking
reached llth 1evl"1 and the green hag ascension for would be to give him opportunities to real.ly
class feature, just like any other character in the roleplay his part as a cackling, evil witch. For the
class. Be careful about players who want to enter most part, the player will find opportunities to do
the class at levels where they wouldn't beable to this on his own, bIlt having townspeople react
reach that 1evl"1 (such as taking their first 1evl"1 of with fear and great amounts of superstition will
green hag at uth level), because they may just be add a great deal to the experience. Be careful
looking for a way to avoid the no multi-classing when doing this not to overdo it, especially in a
restriction. Otherwise, though, besides the single direction: for example, some townspeople
difficulty of explaining how a character suddenly should cringe in fear, avoid the hag, and, when
becomes a green hag, there's no good reason to cornered, offer her tribute in the hopes that she
keep players from taking the class at later levels. will leave without issuing any curses. Other
townspeople should threaten her, or perhaps rile
Green Hags and Game Balance: For the most up mobs to attack her. Striking a careful balance
part, green hag characters should not between these two reactions (and, for the most
substantially alter the balance of the game. part, avoiding getting too extreme in eithercase)
Though she has manyspell-like abilities that she will help to keep the game flowing smoothly.
can use at will, most of these are defensive or Players of green hags should feel that their
utilitarian in nature, and the offensive ones don't character is regarded as suitably different and
become available until much higher levels, and non-human, but the game shouldn't have to come
by that time should beabout the right po"I'er to agrinding halt evl"ry time the character comes
1evl"1 for something that can be used at will. If into town.
anything about the green hag is
potentially dangerous., it is likely her ability to £l:ats.s _
drain the Strength of her opponents. Even this,
though, doesn't seem likely to be that
The following feats are presented in
destabilizing to the game:the hag has to be able
alphabetical order. Some feats are denoted by the
to actually hit the opponent in melee, unlike, for
word [coven]. This indicates that the feat is a
example, a wizard using rayof enfeeblement,
coven feat. There are no special rules governing
and because monsters and enemy NPCs tend not
coven feats, but the notation helps to set coven
to survive the end of their first fight, it doesn't
Table 2-1: Feats
Feats Prerequisites Benefits
Blessings of the Three Witch Gain bt-nefits based on your age
Brew Master Brew Potion, caster level 9th Brew more powerful potions
Coven Initiate Able to cast 2nd-level arcane spells Foml and join covens
Aid Casting Coven Initiate Grant meta magic to coven membt-rs
Black Sabbath Coven Initiate, caster level 7th Attend sabbaths with your coven
Coven Initiate, Black Sabbath, caster level Attend black sabbaths in the flesh, and
Witch's Sabb.llh
l3th for longer
Combined Your coven spells have a higher caster
Coven Initiate, caster level 7th
Spellpower level
Coven Initiate, Combined SpeJlpower,
Combined Will Your coven spells are harder to resist
caster level 9th
Coven Adept Coven Initiate, caster level ]th Cast more spells with your coven
Hag Magic Coven Initiate, Coven Adept, hag
Coven Bond Coven Initiate
Your spellcasting improves near
Coven Casting Coven Initiate
members of your coven
Improved Coven Coven Initiate, Coven Casting, caster Your spells are harder to resist ncar
Casting levelzth members of your cOl'en
Greater Coven Coven Initiate, Coven Casting, Improved Apply meta magic to spells cast near
Casting Coven Casting, caster level l3th members of your coven
Shared Spells Coven Initiate, caster level 9th Swal) spell slots with coven membt-rs
Familiar Faces Caster levellllh, must have a familiar You can transfoml into your familiar
Witch's Brew Brew Potion, zth-level witch Brew two potions inlo one bottle
Improved Witch's Brew Potion, Witch's Brew, 13th-level
Brew many potions into one bottle
Brew wilCh
Witch's Companion loth-level witch Gain a second familiar

apart from other feats, making them easier to must also declare which metamagic feat you will
find and reference. be applying at the time the spell is sacrificed, and
the spell sacrificed must be ofa level equal to the
Aid Casting [Coven] number ofspell levels the metamagic feat would
Prerequisite: Coven Initiate nonnally increase a spell by (forexdmple, in order
Benefit: You can lend magical aid to another to apply Ihe Sti1l Spell metamdgic fedt, you would
member of your coven, adding po,,\:er to a spell need to Sdcrifice d 1st-level spe/l, becduseapplying
they cast. Asa full-round action that provokes Still Spell lad spell increases the level of spell slot
attacks ofopportunity, you can expend an it tdkes up brone. Similarly, a 4th-levelspeJl
unused spell or spell slot in order to apply a would need to be sacrificed to apply /he Quicken
metamagic feat you know to the next spell cast Spell meta magic fedt, ele).
by a single member of your coven. You must
declare which coven member will benefit from Black Sabbath [Coven]
the effect at the time you sacrifice the spell, and Prerequisite: Coven Initiate, caster level zth
the target must be within 30 feet of you. You Benefit: You can enter a trance or deep sleep and
depart your body, meeting up with other
members of yourCOVt'n in spiril. Once per madeag;Unst a target's spell resistelnce).
month, al a regularclate that must be
established in advance (such as the new moon, Blessing of the Crone: You gain a +1 bonus to
the full moon, the first cldyof the monlh, etc.), the S<M' Des ofspells you cast. This bonus doesn't
you, and each member of your COVt'n, are stack with similar bonuses granted by Spell Focus
automaticalty affected as though by the spell or other feats.
spirit walk, except tnat when the spell begins,
your spirit is pulled inexorably towaros a Brew Master
specific, pre-detennined meeting spot, elnd you Prerequisites: Brew Potion, caster level9lh
fly elt el relte of 1,000 feel per round unlil you Benefits: You can brew potions that replicate
iII"J"M~. Any mem~of the OOYen who does -tth-le\'t'l spells. TIle potion'scoot is equal to 100
not want to elltend the Sabbath un choose to gp x the It"\~ of the caster, and brewing the
reisl: thiseffect (no save neces5<\ry), but once potion takes l'A'O &ys. 1he process is otherwise
tht-y II<M.' been .llfected by lhe spirit W<llk effect identical to that used to IIlolbo other potions.
tht-y iITt' UIl<Jble 10 resist lhe pull. ~ elt lhe
~ pi.lce, the effect hsts for one how, Combine<! Spellpo......er (Coven]
during which ~ .md the other members of your Prerequisite: ~ Initiate, caster 1t"\'t'I7th
~ iITt' fre.e to acl: M ~ please. At theend of Benefit: \Vhencooperam~castingspells ....iln.
that time, each person's spirit returns 10 hisor other ~ members using the ee:-n Initiate
her body through the same means by ....itich they feat, the effectiw caster le"'f!1 of the spell is equal
Cilme, elt ....itich point the effect inunediclldy to the highest: caster It"\~ among the casters, plus
~ CO\-~ members who are on another pLme two for each other CO\Il"I1 member .....h o is casting
when the time forthe Sabbath comes do not the spell, to a maximum of the highest caster 1t"\'t'I
brnefi.t from this effect. + 10.
Normal: Normally, the caster Ievd for spells cast
Blessings of the Three using the Ca\Ien Initiate feat is equal to the
P'ruequUite: Witch highest: caster l~ among the casters.
Benefit: You gain a particular bonus 10 your
spdlusting ability, based on)'OOr elge. If you Combined Will (Cove:n]
haw no! yl"t reached the midclle-clged elgl' P1erequisite: Combined Spellpovow, CO\'en
utegory, ~ gain the blessing of the maiden. If Initiate, caster It"\~ 9th
)'00 iITt' middko-aged, you gain lhe blessing of the Benefit: When rooperatr.'l"ly casting spells ....i lh
mother, ;md if you are old or \'t'oerelble, )'00 g.lln otheraM'n members using the Cove:n Initiate
the blessing ofme crone. You un haw onlyone fNt, the saving throw DCs of the spells you Celst
blessing elt a time, as detennined byyour elge, are increased by +1 foct"\'t'l'}'two usters beyond
and prnious benefits are replelced by the new the first, 10 a maximum bonus of +'f.
ones elS ~ age. Any effect which changes your
elge Celtegory changes which benefit you receive, Coven Adept (Coven}
though effects wn.ich only make you seem to Prerequisite: Cove:n Initiate, caster level 7Ih
changeyouuge category h.we no effect. Benefit: The repertoire of speUs your coven Celn
cast rooperativelyexpands. In addition to the
Blessing of the Maiden: You Celn prepare spells listed in Table 2-3: Cove:n Initiate Spells,
oneextrel spell perday of the highest-level spell you gain access to a number of other spells, listed
thelt you can cast. in Table 2-2: Coven Adept Spells. Casting these
spells cooperatively is identical to casting the
Blessing of the Mo/her. You treat your spells granted by the Coven Initiate feat, and, like
cMter level as three higher for the purposes of thai fNt, you do nol gain any ability to cast these
level-dependent effects of spells lhat you cast, elS spells withoul the aid of your coven.
well M for caster level checks (such as those
Table 2-2: Coven Adept Spells The other coven members must beconscious in
Level Spells order for this fl'dt to have any benefit.
COnlagion.locate treaSllreXX,lree
Coven Initiate (Covenl
Prerequisite: Able 10 cast md-lew;ol arcane spells
Blindness/deafness. saying, secure
••h Benefit: YOtl (lI'f now able to form a 00'0'51 with
shelter other spellcasten in order to gain incrNsed
Kabaz's dreary vapor/"', nighllTloue, magical pa'A~. 1he 00'0'51 must contain at least
prying !>'es tlm!e mem~ all of...'hich must poso;ess this
Animal growth, geas/quesl, projecl fNt 01" otherwise havI!' the ability to ;om 01" CTNte
.J" image .==
,," Crute sancrumM • magic jar. shadow
~lk Creating a aMm requires a ~morry That
lasts one hour and r«fUires all membe!'s of the
,7th Fall' spinM, soul bind
00'0"'" to be present, and 0llCe thecoven is
All • 1lwllt spelll coon bf found in Adwll'l<'f'd A ...........
created the casten remain pel" of thar CO'lIm.
Vol....... I
indefinitely. N"-, members can be added to the
cm'en through a on~hour ritual thar requires at
Coven Bond lNst tlm!e members of the CO\'en, as wt'll as the
Pnrequhitet: ~n Initiate new member, to participelle. A single character
Benefit: Your devorion To your rovt'n aDows you can belong to more th.ln one coven, rhough the
to benefit from Ihe familiars of your feDow members of those covens may have their own
practitioners. Whenever you are within 30 feel of opinions about lhese split loyalties. A coven
the familiar ofa member of your coven, you member can sever his or her connection to the
immediately gain the special ability, if any, coven by perfonning another ritual, this one
granted by th.lt familiar (forexdmple, if you arE' requiring 24 hours. Similarly, the other members
within)o feel ofa lizard familiar belonginB to d of the coven CdIl expel a member by perfonning a
member ofyoorcoven, and a raven familiar one-hour ritual, though this ritual requires all
belonBinB loanother memberofyourcoven, you members of the covt'rl othetthan the one to be
would BJin a +) bonus to both Oimb.md apelled to be presenl and take peln in the ritual.
Appraise until)'OU moved Otlt of rangeof oneof
those fdmi/iars). You do not gain the special Memben ofa OO'o'en can coopel'iltn't'lycast a
abilities granted by familiMs belonging to
numbel- of spells ...ithout expending spell slers,
ch.uaetes who (lI'f not a part of your OO'o'en.
preparing them in a<h'al'lCl', or l"'o'51 knowing the
rmally, you cannot gain the bonus from one type spdls. At least threoe members of the 00'0'51 must
of familiar ~ IhanOlK.'e (for instoll1R', ifyou
\rod: toget:he to cast '" spel1 in this way, and this
are wilhin JO feef ofd IWl'ofl'ilt tami/idrs isa full-round action fot~h member.. All mem-
belonging 10 fellOWCO\'en member's. you still bers must be able to see and bNr all other mem-
OfIlygain a +J bonUSOfl Fottitudesa\"t'S). bers, but otherwise can be any disunc-r £rom one
another. If the spell has a casting time of more
Coven Casting ICoven) Than one round, each round for the dUJ"il.rion of
Prerequisite: ~n Initiate the casting time.
Benefit: As long as you are within 30 feel: of OIl
least two other members of your ~ you gain 1he spells that the coven members areable
a -+2. bonus toyourcasrer leo.'l'! for the purposes to cast in this way aredetennioed by the caster
of caster level ched,-sand level-dependent spell level of the highest-level caster, as indicated on
effects. This does not improve your caster level the Table 1;-3: Coven Initiate SpeDs, below. The
for any other purposes, such as detennining wh.ll spells remain avaiidble at higher levels, soa coven
speDs you can cast with the Coven Initiate fe.'lt.
whose highest-level member had a caster level of
18 could cast all the spells on the table.
Table 2-3: Coven Initiate Spells
All spells cast in this way use the caster level Level Spells
of the highest-level coven member participating Clairaudience{clairvoyance, speak
in the casting, and are treated as though the 3'" with dead
"caster" had a 16 for their primary spellcasting 5th Animate d('ad, bestow curse, dream
abilitysrore, unless one of the casters has a 7th Blight, charnl monster, reincarnate
higher score, in which case that is used instl'ild. 9 th Commune. mirage arcana
The highest-level caster is the one who controls Baleful polymorph, control weather,
any decisions which need to be made while the ILth
spell is cast, and who counts as the "caster" for Vision
spells that have a specific effect on the caster. If
Mind blank
two members are tied for highest caster level,
another participating c~n member to be the
spell's "caster." Metilffiilgic and similar effects
cannot be applied to spells cast in this way.

Sidebar: Hags, Witches, and Covens

Some crl'iltures, most notably hags, already possess the ability to fonn and join covens, though the
rules for that ability are not as robust as the ones provided here. If you have a hag or other creature capable
of joining a coven that you want to use in conjunction with these rules, vol" recommend using the following
guidelines for making such creatures compatible with our coven rules:

oSuch creatures are treated as having the Coven Initiate fedt as a bonus feat, even if they do not meet
the prerequisites.

oSuch creatures are treated as having a caster level of w for the purposes of detennining any level-
dependent benefits that coven feats provide, such as the spells that can be cast using the Coven Initiate
feat. Note that this is only for the purposes of those benefits, sowhile such a creature could use coven
abilities to cast any spell in the list, its effective caster level for that spell would be treated as the highest
caster level among the casters, not as 20.

Note that these guidelines assume that the creature would normally fonn a coven using the rules
provided under the green hag in the P.lIhfinder Besli'lrY. If the creature would be using radically different
rules for theirc~n, these rules may not be appropriate.

In the case of witches with the coven hex, or other characters who can join covens but require that a
hag or other creature bea member of the coven, the guidelines are slightly different. Treat such characters
as having the Coven Initiate feat, even if they don't meet the prerequisites, but do not augment their caster
level as you would with a hag or similar creature, as described above. If the creature has other benefits
related to their ability to join a coven, such as those provided by the coven hex, those still apply as nonnal.

Familiar Faces of spells you cast increases by +1. 1be other
Prerequhiu:s: Caster le\-'l:lll, must have a coven members must be conscious in order for
familiar this feat to ha\~ any benefit,
Benefit You can transfonn yourself to match
the appe.1rance of your familiar. 1his requires a Improved Witch's Brew
shan, ooe-minute ritual, for which your f3miliar Plel1equisites: Brew Potion, Witch's Bn-w,
net'd nO( be present. At the end of the ritual, 13th-level \\-itch
you ~ affected as though by the spell Benefits: You can now brew the effects of many
polymorph, f:Xrepl that it can only transform diff~t potions into a single bottle, forming a
you into the shape of your fiuniliar, and the sort of romucopia. 1he porion's component cost
effect lasts until you end it (a InO\~ action). is ~ to 50 gp x the number of spells included
in the-porion x the highest-Ie\"eI. speI.I's spell
Greater Coven Casting (COV!'n] leo.~ x the level of the caster, and the potion
PrerequWte: ee:-n Casting, ~ lnitiate, take; two days to brew, plus one day for each
Improved C(J\.~n Casting, caster I~ 13th speI.I beyond the first. The resulting porion has
Benefit: As long as you <Ill' ....ith your covm, you the t'ffects of all the compotlE'nt porions when
can draw on greilt fonts of spell P/J\.'~r. consumed, but is otherwise a normal potion.
Whene\-'l!r you cast a spell within 30 feet ofat
least two O(her members of your coven, you ffidY Shared Spells [Coven]
choose to apply a metamagic feat you know to PrerequWte: (;own Initiate, caster level gth
the spell without using up a higher-l~l spell Benefits: You can givt' or receive spell sJots from
slot. The number of coven members you are other members of your coven. In order to do
near determines how powerful a metamagic feal this, the donor and the recipiem must both be
you can apply: for every two coven members within 30 feet ofeach other, and must perfonn a
within 30 feet of you, you can applyone short rimal which rakes 10 minutes. The donor
effective spell level of metamagic (for example, may select any number of prepared speUs or
in order foapply the Still Spe/J fe,u to a speJ/ you unused spell slots she has, which she then
lO't'I't"cdsting. you would need to be Wifhin)o "gi\'t'5 w to the recipient. The donor expends all
kef ofdf ledsf two members ofyour COl -en, dS of those spells (or spell sJots), and no longer has
Still Spell Mrmdlly irrcredSl;5 the spell slol ofd access to them. At the same rime, the recipient
spell it modifies by one. Similarly, in order fO gains a number of bonus spells per cUr of the
dpply Quicken Spr/l in this way you woo/d need same quantity and IE'\'l!I as the ones the dollOf
10 be lO'ilhin JO feft ofdtlN5l eight other sacrificM. If the recipient is a spont~
members ofyourOOl'E'll). casler, these remain unused spell slots that she
can use as normal, If the recipimt must prep;rre
Hag Magic ICOV!'n] her spells, she is able to immediately p~
PrerequWte: ee:-n Adept, ee:-n lniliate, hag spdls in those spell slots as part of this ritual
Benefit: Choose a single speI.I with the- 00Yen These bonus spell slots last until expended, or
casting component whose speI.Ile\"eI. is less lhan until the next time the recipient rests to f'K'(M'r
or equal to 1/1 your hit dice (rounded down). spdls, at .....h ich point they dissipate automati-
You add lhis spell to the list ofspells milt you cally. If the recipient would recen.'l! spells per
can cast with the C<Mon lniliate feat. dayof a lewl she is unable to cast, ~spells
~ wasted (for example, ifa 9th-lewl sorcerer
decided to sacrifice a 4th-level spell slot and two
Impr~(1 Coven Casting [Coven]
Jfd~It"\te1 spell slots for his apprentia!, a 5th-
Prerequisite: Coven Casting, Coven Initiate,
Ie\-'l:l wizard; thewil.il.rd could immediately
caster level 7th
prepare two new Jfd-Ievel spells she knew, and
Benefit: As long as you are within JO feet ofal
would beable to cast those spells in addition to
least two other members of your coven, the DC
the spells she already had prepared. She would
not be ilble to prepareilllew 4th-level spell, Witch's Companion
be<"ilUse she ("iln Or ("ilst 4th-level spells). Prerequisites: loth-level witch
Benefit: You acquire a second familiar, along
Witch's Brew with any special ability that might be granted by
Prerequisite: Brew Potion, Jlh-level witch that familiar. TIlls second familiar treats your
Benefits; You can brew the effeds of two class level as though it where five levels lower
different potions into a single bottle. Treat this as than it actually is for the purpose of detennining
a single potion for the purposes of brewing the its own statistics and special abilities. Your new
potion. The potion's component cost is equal to familiar begins play without knowing any spells,
60 gpx the level of the highest-level spell x the though it can acquire spells in the nonnal
level of the caster, and brewing the potion takes fashion.
two days. The resulting potion has the effects of Special: If you have the Improved Familiar feat,
both component potions when consumed, but is only one of your familiars may be improved,
otherwise a nonnal potion. Note that most of the though you may take the feat again in orderto
time mixing two of the same type of potion does apply its benefits to the other familiar.
not have much of an effect (forexilmple, a potion
ofbull's strength mixed with il potion ofbull's Witch's Sabbath [Coven]
strength would 1101 h.Jveilny more imp.1cr than il Prerequisite: Black Sabbath, Coven Initiate,
single potion ofbull's strength, though mixing il caster level 13th
potion ofbull's strength with il potion ofcat's Benefit: You are now able to hold a Sabbath twice
grace I<-uu/d produce both eFTe<:ts, and mixing as often, though the times of the meetings must
rwo potions ofcure light wounds would hilH;' still be predetennined. Additionally, instedd of
double the lIormill eFTe<:I). travelling to the Sabbath via spirit walk, each

member of the coven is now transported to the for this effect is equal to her witch level.
meeting spot as though by the spell gre;lIer
teleport. As before, eadt member of thecoven Incite (Sp): Witches with this hex can
can resist the effect (no save necessary). Once incite her foes against one another, causing
the Sabbath begins, it can last for up to six them to feel intense hatred for their allies,
hours before the various coven members must friends, and family. As a standard action, she
be transported back, though you maydecide to can affect a single creature who can see and hear
send everyone home early, if you so desire. No her, causing his attitude towards a specific
save is allowed to resist the return teleportation, individual (chosen by the witch) to decrease by
and it cannot be resisted. Coven members who t.....o steps. The target creature must have at least
are on another plane when the time for the passing knowledge of the individual the witch is
Sabbath comes do not benefit from this effect. trying to incite him against, or the hex has no
effect. The target remains incited fora number
of hours equal to the witch's Intelligence
modifier. The target is not compelled to
physically attack the individual he is incited
The following hexes may be taken in place
against, but maydo so if the hex reduces his
of those listed under the witch class in the
attitude to hostile, and it is within his character.
Advanced Player's Guide. They are presented in
A Will save negates the effect. Whether or not
alphabetical order.
the save is successful, the target cannot be the
target of this hex again for one day. At 8th level,
Hexes this effect decreases the attitude of the target
creature towards the chosen individual by three
EXp.lnded Spelkmft (Sp): A witch with this steps. 1bis isa mind-affecting charm effect.
hex has learned a wider variety of magic than
other witches. She may choose two spells of Strike //I (Su): Witches with this hex can
third level or lower from the cleric or curse their enemies and cause them to fall ill.
sorcerer/wizard spell list, and add them to her Once per week, the witch may use this ability on
familiar. She may now cast those spells as a single creature. In order to use this ability, the
though they were on the witch spell list. The witch must possess a piece of the target (such as
spells chosen cannot be ofa higher level than hair, fingernails, skin, or the like) or else one of
the highest-level spell the witch can currently that person's possessions to use as a focus.
cast. Striking someone ill requires a one-hour ritual,
and consumes the focus, destroying it. The
Foretell (Sp): Witches with this hex havea person is affected regardless ofhis or her
limited ability to foresee the future. Once per distance from the witdt, as long as both parties
week, the witch may commune with her patron are on the same plane. The target immediately
in order to gain insights into the future. TIlls becomes affected by one of the following
functions as the spell cont..,,! other plane, with diseases of the witch's choosing: blinding
a few exceptions. First, there is never any chance siclmess, cackle fever, leprosy, or shakes. The
of a decrease to the witdt's tntelligence or victim does not get a saving throw to resist this
Charisma score. Second, the witch does not effect, but can resist the disease as nonna!. The
choose a specific plane to contact. Instead, there disease takes effect immediately, circumventing
is always a 60% chance ofa true answer, a 20% the normal onset period.
chance ofa ~don't know," a lo'JO chance of a lie,
and a lo'JO chance of a random answer. In the Major Hexes
case of lies and random answers, the patron
may not actually be lying, so much as it may be Broomstick (Sp): A witch with this hex can
mistaken, or guessing. Thewitch's caster level use any broomstick (or similarly-shaped object,
such as a shovel) to fly. As long as the witch is and without question, to the best of its ability.
riding the broomstick, she is affected as though Thewitch may haw only one zombie servant at
by the speD overl.md flighl, except lhat lhe anygiven time.
duration is indefinite.
Grand Hexes
Poison Objecf (Sp): A witch with this hex
can cause an object to become poisonous by Curse of Forms (Sp): Witches with this hex
touching it. 'This is a standard action "wt are adept at lTansforming those who earn their
pIlMlkesattacks ofopportunity, bul it is not ire into ne.....ts, frogs, toads, and the like. 1he
inunt'diately apparent to observers th.lt the witch may target a single humanoid creature
witch is doing anything to the touched obtect ",ithin 60 feet. and th.lt creature must succeed
other than touching it. 1he witch may choose to on a FortitudeSiM' (IX: 10 -+ Y.t the witch'sdass
poison tMobtect with any contact, ingested, or Iei'd -+ the witch's Intelligence modifier) or be
injury poison. In the case of ingested poisons, pennanentlypolymorphed (as polymorph dny
tM object (or part ofit) must be consumed in object, but the effect is alw¥ permanent) into
order fin- the poison to M'e effect. In lhe caseof the form of any anima.I 01" other creature or
injury poisons, tM ob;ect must be used to deal object that can ~ as a familiar. If the new
at least one point of dama~ in order for the form ~d pru'>'e fatal to the t;uget (such asan
poison to ba~ effect. In the case ofcontact aquatic creature outsid~ of.....a ter). or the new
poisons, the object must simply be touched. form is inanimat~ (such asa bonsai tree
Only one dose of the poison is created pef usr familiar), the t;uget g;Uns a -+1 bonus 00 its
of this ability, so a poisoned "''t'aporl would only SCl\ing throw.
hir.'e its effect once, and a poisoned weD v.uuld
poison only the first person to drink from it. If the target is transformed, it must also
There is no chance of the witch accidentally ~ona \""ill~.lfthissecondsavt'fails,
poisoning herselfwhile using this ability, but if the creature loses its ~rdID.uy.
she later toucbeos., consumes, or is damaged by supernatural, and speIl~~ abilities, loses its
theobtect (whichever is appropriate), she is ability to cast spdls (if it had that ability), any
poisoned normally. Thewitch can creale up to class 01" racial hit dice it may h<we possessed,
2,000 gp 'MXth of poison each w~ek in this w;I)'. any class features or special dbilities granted by
those hit di~, and aU memory of its previous
Zombie Serv.ant (Su): Witches with this life. It is also charmed (as charm monster, t'\-'eIl
hex can animate a special zombie servant .... isno if the new form .....o uld be immune to th.lt spell)
sentient, but obeys the ",itch completely. 1he by the .....i tch, viewing her as a trusted ally and
ritual to animate the zombie servant lakes 14 beloved mistn5s. If this second SCI\'e fails, and
hours, and can only be performed on the night she so chooses, the witch may immediately take
ofa new moon. The ....itch must find a suilable the creature as a new, additional familiar. II does
humanoid corpse, which she tattoos with magic not begin knowing any spells, but can be taught
sigils of command and animation. The resulting spellsas nonnaI. for a witch's familiar. It also
creature rises as a zombie with a number of hit does not grant the witch any special benefit,
dice equal to 1/1 the witch's cldSS levlI!l. These are regardless of the type ofcreature it is (for
racial hit dice, not class hit dice, and the zombie ex<impJe, jfthe witch u~ this hex to frdnsform
loses any class levels it may have possessed in a ch.l£acter into a frog and wok thai (cog as 01
life, as a normal zombie. Unlike most zombies, familiar, she "-'ould not gain +) hit points). No
zombie servants created in this way have an matter the result of the second save, the targer's
Intelligence score of 10. The zombie servant has Intelligence, WISdom, and Charisma scores
a vague memory of the events of its life, cmd a remain the same.
rough semblance of its personality in life,
though it obeys the witch's commands perfectly Any polymorph effects on the target are
dutomaticallydispelled when a target fails to Alternate Familiar Abilitllie"s~__
resist the effects ofllus hex, Ihough, if able, the
IMgel can use olher polymorph spells and These alternate familiar options replace
effects 10 change its form, though when those existing special qualities that familiars obtain as
effects end it returns to the form crealed by lhis their master gains It"\Il"ls. When your familiar
hex. Incorporeal and gaseous creatures are would gain the special ability that an alternate
irrunune to this effecl, and a humanoid with the special ability would replace, you may choose to
shapechanger subtype can ~n to its natur,il have it gain thealternate special ability, instead.
form as a slandard action. Once a crealUre Once this choice is made, il cannot be changed
succesfully saves against this hex, il cannOl be again later. 1he following a1ternale familiar
~ed by this hex again by tbesame witch for abilities an! pnosented in alphabetical order.
one month. 1be wilch may use lhis ability a
number of times per week equal to her
Arcane Insight
Intell.igeJce modifier.
Replaces: Speak "'ith animalsofits kind
Benefit: Your f;,miliar hasaecess 10 great
Fonn orrhe Three (Su): Witches with this
amounts of unearthly and occult lore. Choose
hex are able to sununon up 1\'0'0 other venions
two skills from the following list: KnoVoiedge
of ~ at diffemll ages, 10 aid the wilch
(arcana), KnoVoied~ (religion), J<now{ed~ (the
in speIlcasting. The summoned wilches IooIc:
planes), or Spe1lcraft. Your familiar has a
like identical ~ons of lhe witch who number of ranks in those skills ~ 10 your
summoned IMm, excep( dwt they an! of
c1ass lem.. Additionally, if you h.n~ ranks in one
differenl a~ calegories: of the three (including
ormore of the skillschosen, you mayconsult
theoriginal) there "'ill always ~one witch who ....i th your famili.-.r ....bile making a sL:ill cbed:;
is an adult, one ",ilo is middle-aged, and one
"'ith that sL:ill to g.ain a +1. circumst~bonus
who is eilher old of\'eI'It'rable. These orher
on the check.. At uth ~I, this bonus increases
"'ilches cannor cast spells on their 0V0-n, bul can
aid the original "'itch in Mr spellcasting.
~ as additional members of her CO\~n,
and effeetj.,~allOVo-ing hertocast speUs as a Battle Ready
~ on herov-n. The summoned wilChes Replaces: DeJi"w touch spells
cannoI take any other action, are silenl, and Benefit: Yourfamiliar has grown loan
blindly follow wbere the sununoning witch unnatural and feral statl!' suitable for combat.
goes. Each summoned "'itch has tbesame AC Your E.mi1i.-.rgains a +1 bonus to its Strength
and maximum hit points as lhe original, though score, and the ImprlM'd NaturalAttack feat.
they do no! aetually possess theirO\'on copies of
whate\W gear the original may ~ canying (011 Conduit
the surrunoner's option, Ihey may be Replaces: Say on familiar
sununoned with identical-looking gear, bul it Benefit: Yourfamiliar is particularly It'Cl'ptM to
does nOl function Ihe same, and anyone closely the otherworldly folC'l5 which fuel your magic.
examining il can tell thaI it is fake). If one of the Once per ....e ek, this conduit can be opened and
witches that was summoned is sidin, the questions can be asked directly of those 1X'\"'e1'S.
sununoningwitch immediately take ¥iIO poims 1bis functions identically to the spell
of dilIIlage, and is nauseated for one round. The commune.
witch can surmnon or dismiss these versions of
herself at will as a standard action thai does nOI Durable
pI'O"rokeattacks of opportunity, though if oneof Replaces: Spell resistance
the summoned witches is slain, that witch Benefit: Your familiar is exceptionally durable.
cannot be srnnmoned again until the next new gaining an amount of bonus hit points equal to
moon. your class level +5.
Greater Unk within the appropriate distance of the target),
Prerequhite: Impl'O\ll"d link just the originofthe actual effect.
ReplaC6: Scry on familiar
Benefit: Youremparhic link now functions Spirit Body
rrgardless of the dist~ between yourself and ~laces: Improved Evasion
your familiar, ~n ifyour fillIli1iar is on a Benefit: Your familiar is otherworldly in origin,
different plane of existeIltCe. its form misry.md oansIucent. Your f...miliar is
Improved Unk
~lacn: Speak ~ith master Thick-Skinned
Benefit: You.md your "'miliar ~a po..erful Replaces: Spell ll'SiSI~
bond that goes beyond ....~ The range ofyour Benefit: Your familiar gcrins an amount of
emparhic link with your familiar is now equal to damage reduction equal to 1/3 )'OUTClass lew!.
to miles per class I~ (rounded dawn). This dama~ reduction is
bypassed by eilher cold iron or adamantine
Magical Aptitude weapons: you choose which when the familiar
~laC6: Alertness gains this abiliry. This choice cannot be changed
Benefit: While your familiar is within arm's !<lter.
ll'ach, you gain the Magical Aptitude feat.
Shared Sight Replaces: Speak with animals of its kind
ReplaC6: Speak with master Benefit: Your familiar has leamed to process
Benefit: You can see through your familiar's normal humanoid speech, and can
eyes, sensing everything it senses. As a communicate normally with humanoids
full-round action, you can receive sensory input regardless of their relation to the familiar. 1his
from your familiar, seeing, hearing, smelling. trait does not grant any special knowledge ofa
and feeling everything it does. While receiving language howewr, and the familiar must first
sensory input in this way, you <Ill' completely acquire a language (spending the necessaryskill
UIlaWilll' of your own surrmmdings. You can end points) or already possess one (such as the rawn
thiseffect asanother full-round action. Your fillIli1iar) in oroll!!" 10 actually com.~rse with
familiar must be~ithin rangeof yourempathk anyone other than the casle~
link in order foryou to use thisabiliry, and you
IIldf only use it for a nwnber of minutes per day Spd]"'-s _
equal to your class I~ 1bese minutes need
no( beconse:cutive, but are consumed in
~minute incretnl'nts. Ritual Spells
Spell Courier Ritual spells <lll' a new type of spell, which
ReplaC6: Delh~rtoudl spells haw additional or gll"ilter effects when cast ~ith
Benefit: Your famili.u can 5erw as the origin the aid ofa CO\'5l. Charaeter5 can cast rituals
poinl for ce:rtain spells you cast. Spells that spells on their own, and most ritual spells haw
dictate that theireffi..ct. begins in your sqWll' some sort ofeffect when cast this way, but for
(such as dnti·life she/I, dnri-mdgk ;fone, the most pan they really shine when cast with
lightning bolf, etc.) can begin in your familiar's the aid of others.
sqU<lll', instead. This does nOl affecl the spell's
range (forexdmple, d spell with d r,lngeof"close In order to cast a ritu<ll spell in this way, a
(15 ft. oj. 5 ff./1levels")could not be used to hit a character must belong to a coven, and must
target 100 feet away by having your familiar be have the aid of other members from hereoven.

Any number of ~n members may choose to in other cases, they refer to the total number of
participate in casting the speno To do so, they casters, in which case the primary caster is also
must spend the same kind ofaction as the included.
actual caster each round until the spell's casting
time is complete. Each caster must be able to If a coven member who is aiding in casting
see and hear all other casters, but otherwise the spell stops doing so for any reason during
there is no limit on how faraway the the casting process, he does not count towards
participants can be from one another. They the number ofcasters participating in the spell.
need not actually expend a spell slot, ha~ the Additionally, when he stops casting, the
specific spell prepared, or ~n know the spell primary caster must succeed on a Concentra-
in question. The individual who actually knows tion check (DC 15 + spell [~l) or the spell is
the spell and is expending a prepared spell or lost. If the primary caster stops casting for any
spell slot to cast it is called the prirnary caster. reason, the spell is lost.
The primary caster is considered the spell's
"caster," and the spell uses that character's caster Ritual spells are denoted by the [ritual]
l~l, ability scores, and similar information. keyword in their spell block, and information
Additionally, any effects which refer specifically about what benefits are provided by having
to "the caster" refer only to the prirnary caster. additional casters is provided in a section
labeled "ritual casting," at the end.
Many ritual spells care about the number
of casters participating in casting the ritual New Spells
spell. In some cases, they refer to "additional
casters," in which case they refer to the number The following spells follow the same
of casters other than the prirnarycaster.
oo~tionsastMspellsin the Pathfinder todo your bidding lor I hr/I~-el.
Roleplaying Glme COl'e Ru/ebook, exaop as Converse, Impro,-ed·: As ronvt"rsf" , Ixu
IlOtM abao.'t, and aI'e presentM in.dphab«ical over oIny disunce.
ordel-.1M following list shoY.'5 the spdls basN
DoIyorOarkness T,: You ~ate a dome of
on their ~U J~ in the witch spd.Ilist. Many
of these ~11s also appear on other ~U lists, darlcness through which no light may p.llss.
especially the sorcerer/wizard spell list,
typically at the same level. Spells denoted with 6th-level Witch Spells
an asterisk (*) are coven spells. Cauldron Uinh f '*: Restore a corpse to life
in a new, young body.
Spells Combined Power': Pool your spells per day
-~~I~-I~'-v<~I~W=;t-'h~S-"JpeJls wilh lhe members of)'our l'O\'en.
Converse'; Communiate telep.llthially with Fa~ade: As disglli~ self, but any creature
your co-'en members. type. and all five senses.
Curse ofToi"; One target you can ~ Lunar Peril·: D.lmage and madden your
becomes fatigued or worse for hours. foes with the light of the moon.
Semblance ofSister~l': You and your coven
members swap appearances. 7th-level Witch Spells
Curse of Unlu,k·; Target lakes a penalty on
2nd-level Witch Spells most mils.
Curse of Dread': T.trget becomes inc:redilKy Dread Calling'; Call a powerful outsider
.tfraKt for the ~U's dUr.iII>On. permanently to this pl.mt.
Lifesense·: Detect the presoenao oflh'ing Solemn Sanctuary·: Creates a IeJrge
~nctuary where violence is difJkuh.
creatures around you.
Sister's Sight·: Vou see the worid lhrough
the eyes of your coven. 8th-level Witch Spells
Cauldron Calling, Greater': As cuuldron
)rd-level Witch Spells culling, but potentially more outsiders.
Curse of Friendship·: T.trget is friendly .1Ild Curse of Puppets T.: Targe. does as it is told,
generous to.tll he meets, indudingsuicid.tl actions.
Night of Rest': Sen'roll creatures heoll extra DOlly ofPo"'er': Gain a bonus to all ability
quickly O\·emight. scores for ~ hours.
Night orTuror'; Vou prevent the target
from resting properly all night. 9[h-level Witch Spells
Spirit WoIlk: Vou become insubstantial,like Ulack Blight·: All life in an area withers
a ghost, for a shon time. and dies.
Curse of Oeath*: Target is slain outright.
4th-level Witch Spells Mage Meld·: As combined power. but you
Curse of Vermin'; Swums of"ennin infest &'lin additional spell slots.
and devutate a large uea. Still Time"'; TIme is halted for)"ou and
T spells you cast..
Enduring Wud ., You Solin protections that
last 01 ,-ery long time.
Grimflame': You unleash a cone ofgrey fire.

5th-level Witch Spells

Cauldron Calling .: You summon an outsider
III \{ " 1111(,111 in the magic cauldron. The subject's $Cui must
School necromancy (ritual]: Level witch 9 be free and willing to return, If the subject's
Casting Time J rounds soul is not willing to return, the new body is
Components Y, S, M (a demon's skull) still created, but it remains comatose unless
another soul is provided. In such cases, there is
R.angt' 60 feet
a 5'*' ch.mce that another soul or an outsider
Area 6o-ft.-~ius burst centered on you
may take possession of the body in lieu of the
Duration inSQntal1t'OUS
intended target. The bodyof the sub;ect need
Saving Throw Fonitude half. SR ycs not be 'oI-ilole, but you must possess its entire
skeleton (although its skdeton need not be in
nus ancient and forbidden CUJW causes aU ~piece).
creatures in thearN ofeffect other than the
caster (and any members of the castnls CO\'en The magic of the spdl CTNtes a Ill"W)QlIl8
'oI-no aided incasting the spell) toshrM.>l and roc adult body for the subject, destroying the
in a horrifying manner. This dedls Id6 points of previous body in the ~ roll a starting age
damage percaster 1e\"eI. (maximum wd6) to fora characterofthesu~sageand f.Jmred
Ncb affected creatlln". class, using tht' table in the Pathfinder
Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. Th.a( is the
Ritual Casting: When you cast this spell with ageof the subject's new body. In ",II other
the aid of a CO\'t'n, you are able to increase its respects, hmwvcr, the subject's body remains
area ofeffect. For each additional caster, add 20 the same, and they look eXilctly as (hey looked
feet to the spell's radius, toOl maximum ofa at that age in their previous life, This spell can
zoo-ft.-radius burst. Additiollil1ly, the more restore t'Vl"n characten who died ofold age.
coven members who aid you in casting the spell.
the more devastating its effects, as indicated on Creatures restored in this w"'y have full
the table below. memories of their previous life, and are restored
a! full health The subject is retllmed to life
Additional with fOW" permant'n! negative 1t'Vl"1s. If this
Casters Damage would reduce the subject to less than firs! It"\~l,
they are instead bTOllght back at first le>~l and
, Kl8 per caster le"el (max 2008)
KIlO per caster Ie>'el (max 20(110)
1d12 per caster level (max 2Odu)-
takE' an amount of pennanent Constirution
damage equal to four minus theirprevi.ous Ie\ti..
If the sub;ect dit'd with speUs prepared, those
spells are lost, and the subject must Prepan'
speIlsagain before he can cast them.
t \1 IIlRtl'IlIRIIi
School transmutuion [ritual]; Level witch 6
Casting Time 2-4 hours Ritual CastinI: When casting this spell wi1h
Components Y, S, M (il brew ofspring nO\'l'el'$, mt' aid ofa roo.'=, the proc:ns is less taxing on
honey, and the blood ofa virgin), F (an the resurrected character: for e<lch additional
adamantine cauldron worth at least 2'),000 gp) caster, the numberof negative levels (or
R.ange dose (25 ft.... 5 fL/21e>'els) \Constirution damage) is reduced byOnt
Target one dead creature (minimum 0).
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none, see text: SR no
Sc 001 conjuration ritua, COl
With this spell, you restore a dt'ild creature '), sorcerer/wizard 5, witch 5
to life, breaking down its body and remaking it Casting Time 8 houl'$
Components V, S, M (a brew or various herbs
and ammal bodily fluids), F (an adamantine caster may choose to summon less than the
cauldron worth at least 8,000 gp) maximum allowed amount of creatures, or to
Range touch summon creatures of different types, if she so
Target cauldron touched chooses.
Duration one hour/level
Saving Throw none; SR no Additional
Casters Creatures Summoned
Upon completing this spell, you call an
otherworldly servant from your cauldron. This , 3
servant faithfully obeys the caster without
question for the spell's duration. At the end of
the spell, the creature is magically returned
8 ,

from whence it came. Cauldron calling can 7
summon one of the following creatures: a
greater barghest, hellcat, huge elemental (air,
earth, fire, or water), nymph, or specter.
School un;versa ritua ; LevI."
sorcerer/wizard 6. witch 6
Ritual Casting: When casting this spell with
the aid of a cown, you can summon more Casting Time I hour
powerful selVilIlts, depending on the number of Components V, S
additional casters, as indicated on the table Range close (Z5 ft. -+ 5 ft./z levels)
below. Additionally, for each caster beyond the Targets you plus all members of your coven
first, the spell's duration increases byone hour. aiding you in casting the spell
Duration I hourJlevel
Additional Saving Throw Will negdtes (harmless); SR yes
Caslel'S Servant Summoned (harmless)
, efreet, greater shadow, or nabassu
hodak, marid, or vrock
greater elemental (air, earth, fire
TIlls potent spell allows multiple casters to
pool their magical strength, using each other's
spells freely. When the spell is cast, you and
or water) each member of your coven who participated in
'0 bebilith, couatJ, or rakshasa casting the spell are able to "pool" your
elder clemen tal (air, earth, fire, or prepared spells, sacrificing them and adding
water) them to a coliectiVl" pool. Each participant may
choose which prepared spells he or she wants to
sacrifice at the time, and may choose to retain
some or all of their spells, rather than adding
Sc 001 conjuration ritual, summoning; Level them to the pool.
cleric 8. sorcerer/wizard 8, witch 8
Casting Time I hour Spontaneous casters can also add their
spells to the pool, but in order to do so they
This spell functions identically to c.Iu/dron
must first "prepare" them as part of the process,
("alling, except as noted a~, and below.
essentially choosing one spell they know that
they could cast with an unused spell slot, and
Ritual Casting: When you cast this spell with
adding that spell, as though it were a prepared
the aid of a cown, you are able to call more
spell, to the pool as described a~.
creatures forth. The total number ofcreatures is
detennined by the number ofadditional
Once the spells are in the "pool," any of the
casters, as indicated on the table below. The
coven members who participated in casting the
spell can access them. This functions identically only able to telepathically communicate with
to the way the character nonnally casts spells, other members of the link who arewithin that
except that they draw the spells from the pool range. If two members of the bond move
instead of the spells they have prepare<! for the outside ofeach other's ranges, they are no
day. Characters cannot cast spells from the pool longer able to communicate directly, though
unless they \'<"Ould normally have spells per day messages might be relayed by nearer members,
of that spell's level. In the case of spontaneous and if the two re-enter each other's ranges
casters, they are able to cast the spells in the within the spell's duration, the link is restored.
pool as well, but still treat them as prepare<!
spells, rather than as spontaneous spell slots Ritual Casting: In order for this spell to have
that they could use to cast any spell they know anyeffect, it must be cast with the aid ofa
of that level. Other than being limited in choice coven.
in this way, the process remains identical to
normal spellcasting, even for spontaneous

'Nben a character casts a spell from the

pool, that spell is expended from the pool, just
as a prepared spell \'<"Ould be expended from a
TIlls spell functions identically to the Ist-
spellcaster's spells per day. TIlls means that even
level spell converse, except that the range of
though all the participants have access to the
communication is greater: it now functions at
spells in the pool, each spell in the pool can be
any distance, even across plaIlilr barriers.
cast only once, total. Any participant who still
has some of their own spells per day can still
cast those spells, rather than drawing on spells
from the pool, if she so chooses. lliRSI 01 III \111
School necromancy [ritual]; Level witch 9
Casting Time 24 hours
ComponenlS Y, S, F (see texl)
ivination ritua ; Level
Range unlimited (see text)
sor<:erer/wizard J, witch J
Target one living creature
Casting Time I hour
Duration instantaneous
ComponenlS Y, S. M (dried moss)
Saving Throw Fortitude negates, Will partial;
Range dose Ct5 ft. -+ 5 ft.h levels)
SR yes
Targets you plus all members of your coven
aiding you in casting the spell
TIlls powerful spell has the ability to strike
Duration l hour/level
foes dead. In order to cast the spell, you must
Saving Throw will negates (harmless); SR yes
either maintain a visual connection to the target
throughout the casting process (either by being
You create a telepathic bond amongst nearby, or through spells such as scrying), or
yourself and any members of your coven who you must possess a piece of the target's body
aid you in casting the spell, each of which must (hair, fingernails, skin, teeth, etc.) to use as a
have an Intelligence score of 3 or higher. Each focus. As soon as you begin casting the spell, the
creature included in the link is linked to all the target inunediately becomes aWilre that
others. The creatures can communicate someone or something is casting a spell on him,
telepathically through the bond regardless of though he does not gain any specific
language. No special power or influence is information about the Ililture of the spell or the
established asa result of the bond. The bond is location or identity of its caster.
only effective up to a certain distance (25 feet
percaster level). Each member of the link is Once the spell is successfully cast, if the
if the target fails his saving throw, he TIris curse forces the target to become
inunediately dies. If he fails a secondary Wtll helplessly enamored with everyone he meets,
save, his soul is also destroyed, and he cannot seeing them in the best possible light and
be resuI'I'ffted by any ml'dl1S until a wish or offering unsolicited aid and services. Whenever
miracle spell is used to restore it. the subject sees another hUffidnoid creature, he
must succeed on a Will save or be affected as
Ritual Casting: When you cast this spell with though by the spell chann person, except that
the aid of a coven, the spell can be cast more he is channed by the person he sees. The only
quickly. For each additional caster beyond the exception to this effect is that the spell cannot
first, the casting time of the spell is reduced by cause the subject to become channed by the
one hour, to a minimum ofone hour. caster, or anyone aiding the caster in casting the
tliRSI 01 URI All
Ritual Casting: Casting this spell with the aid
School necromancy [fear. mind-affeding,
ofa coven imposes a penalty on the target's
rituall: Level deric~. inquisitor~, saving throws to resist the chann effect. This
sorcerer/wizard 2, witch 2 penalty is equal to the number ofadditional
Casting Time '0 minutes casters beyond the first.
Components V,S, M (a live spider, swallowed
whole as part ofthe spell)
Range unlimited Schoolenc antment campu sian, min
Target one living creature affecting, riruall; Level witch 8
Duration I hour (SCI' text) Casting Time' hour
Saving Throw none; SR no Components V, S, F (a porcelain doll in the
Bywayof this spell you inspire an likeness of the target worth at least 5,000 gp)
unshakablescnse ofdread in the target, Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)
crushing his resolve. The target becomes shaken Target one humanoid creature
for the duration of the spell. Before casting the Duration I hour
spell, you must spend at least an hour studying Saving Throw Will negates: SR yes
the target. lhis can be done remotely, via ffidgiC
such as scrying, or up dose, but it must be TIris potent spell allows the caster to gain
uninterrupted and must be no more than 1.4 complete control over the spell's target. If the
hours before casting the spell. target fails his Will save, he becomes completely
obedient and subservient to the caster. This
Ritual Casting: If you cast this spell with the effect functions as the spell dominate person,
aid of a coven that has at least two othercasters, except for tv.u notable exceptions: first, the
the target also suffers a -~ penalty on saving target will obey anycommands the caster gives,
throws versus fear effects until the next sunrise. including suicidal ones. Secondly, if the target
survives to the end of the spell's duration, he
tliRSIOIIRlI'\JIlSIlU' has no memory of anything that occurred
Schoolenchamment [charm, mind-alieCling. during the spell's duration, though he is dimly
ritual[: Level bard J, deric 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, aware of the loss of time.
Casting Time' hour Ritual Casting: When you cast this spell with
Components V, S. M (a gold coin) the aid ofa coven, it has a longer eliect. For each
Range unlimited additional caster beyond the first, the spell's
Target one humanoid creature duration is increased byone hour, to a
Duration 2" hours maximum of 1.4 hours.
Saving Throw none (see text); SR no
cast the spell, you must either maintain a
School necromancy ritua ; Leve eerie" visual connection to the target for the entire
inquisitor I, sorcerer/wizard I, witch I casting time (either through proximity or
Casting Time, hour through spells such as scrying), orelse must
Components F (see below) possess a part of their body (such as a lock of
Range unlimited hair, a tooth, some skin, a fingernail, etc.).
Once the spell is cast, the target suffers a-I
Target one living creature
penalty on ability checks, AC, attack rolls,
Duration I hour/level
saving throws, and skill checks for the
Saving Throw none; SR no
duration of the spell.

This spell slowly siphons energy from the Ritual Casting: When you cast this spell
target, rendering him fatigued for the spell's with the aid ofa coven, its power increases:
duration. Casting the spell requires some kind the target's penalty is equal to the numberof
of connection to the target, and there are two coven members who participated in casting
ways to accomplish this. The first is to use a the spell (including you), to a maximum of
piece of the target (hair, fingernail, skin, etc) as ~.
a focus for the spell. If that is not available,
however, the spell can still becast if the caster
retains a visual connection with the target for School conjuration riNa, summoning; Levc
the entire casting time of the spell. This means cleric 4, sorcerer/wizard 4, witch 4
that the caster must beable to see the target the Casting Time 8 hours
entire time, though she maydo so via magical Componenls V. S. M (a cauldron of boiling
means (such as a scrying spell), or from a great
distance. Because the spell has no verbal or
Range touch
somatic components, the caster could cast the
spell unobtrusively from even a short way away Area loo-ft.flevel radius
from her target, with the only tell that shewas Duration one day/level
casting a spell being the fact that she was Saving Throw none; SR no
\Vith this curse you summon a plague of
vermin to an area. Once the vermin arrive, they
Ritual Casting; If you cast this spell with the
proceed to wreak havoc on the local
aid of a coven that hasat least two other casters,
environment. This spell can sUllUllon either a
the target is exhausted for the spell's duration,
single rat swann, loom snakes (tiny vipers), or
Id4 spider swarms. This spell does not grant the
caster any special influence or control over the
behavior of the sUllUIloned creatures, and they
(UHSI 01 Ul\lllll\
typically act as nonnal creatures of their kind.
School necromancy [ritual]; Level witch 7
The sUllUlloned creatures cannot leave the area
Casting Time' hour for the spell's duration, and any slain creatures
Componenls V, S. M (a cloth doll in the are replaced each day at midnight. At the
likeness of the target), F (see text) caster's option, she maychoose to make the
Range unlimited spell'sarea of effect smaller than the maximum
Target one humanoid creature she is allowed, to a minimum ofa loo-ft. radius.
Duration 24 hours
Saving Throw none; SR no When the creatures are first summoned
This spell causes the target to become a (or when they are replaced each day at
magnet for bad luck and misfortune. In order to midnight), the creatures appear in a random
location somewhere within the spell's area of
effect, which mayor may not be n&lJ the the aid ofa coven, you are able to covera larger
location of the caster. area ofeffect. For each additional caster beyond
the first, add 100 fl"l't to the radius of the spell's
Ritual Casting: When you cast this spell with area ofeffect.
the aid of a COVl"n, you are able to summon
greater quantities of vennin, based on the Il \\ 01 PO\\ I j{
number ofadditional casters, as indicated on School transmutation [rituall: Level cleric 8.
the table below. The caster may still choose dfuid 8, sorcerer/wizOIrd 8. witch 8
vermin options from lesser amounts of casters, Casting Time '0 minutes
including those allowed when casting the spell Components V
without aid.
Range personal
Target you
Additional Duration 2" hours
Casters Vermin Summoned
ld" rOlt SWOlfffiS, or 1.d4 spider TIris spell greatly improves the caster's

, swarms
100" dire rats. or Id,,+1. bat swarms
body and mind, temporarily increasing all of
her ability scores by +2 for the duration of the
,d1. leech swamlS, or ,d4 wasp spell. This bonus stacks with all other bonuses,
swarms but not with other instances of dayofpower.
3d4 fat swarms. or 2d" spider
swarms, or ,d" wasp swarms Ritual Casting: When you cast this spell with
2d6 medium giant spiders, or 1.d4 the aid ofa coven, its effect is more
'0 wasp swarms pronounced. The exact ability score bonus is
3d" rat swarms, 3d" spider detennined by the number ofadditional
swarms. OInd 2d4 wasp swarms casters, as indicated on the table below.

Casters Ability Score Bonus
Sc 001 evocation 2. +4
witch 5 5 +5
Casting Time, hour 8 .6
Components V, S, F (an obsidian dagger worth 12 +7
at least 1.000 gp)
Range touch
Effect loo-ft.-radius centered on touched Spool School conjuratjon calling, ritua
Duration 1." hours 7, sorcerer/wizard 7, witch 7
Saving Throw none; SR no Casting Time, hour
Components V, S, M (goats blood. drawn in a
TIlls spell creates a shimmering black circle with the name of the creOlture being
dome over the affected area, which blocks out
all light from theourside, including daylight,
Range unlimited (see text)
moonlight, and starlight, effectively rendering
even mid-day into the blackest possible night. Effect one summoned creature
Creatures and objects can move through the Duration instantaneous
barrier at will, and light sources inside the Saving Throw Will negates, see text; SR yes. see
barrier still function nonnally. text

Ritual Casting: When you cast this spell with TIris powerful spell calls a single outsider
outsider to the material plane, allowing it to Once the creature is called, the caster has
remain there indefinitely. When called, the no special control or influence over it.
outsider hasa vague idea of who is summoning Depending on the outsider's nature, it may be
it, and where it is being summoned to, and can grateful to the person who called it, may resent
attempt to refuse the call, applying any spell being called, or maysimply relish the
resistance it may possess and making a Will opportunity to kill something. The caster is free
save to resist the effects. If the save is successful, to attempt towheedle, bribe, or cajole the called
the spell fails. outsider, as she would any other NPC.

The spell can summon any outsider of the Certain unique outsiders, such as deities,
caster's choice, whose hit dice is less than or demon princes, and the like, are inunune to this
equal to 1/2 your caster level (rounded down, spell.
minimum 1). The outsider is summoned into
the center ofa circle ofgoat's blood that is Ritual Casting: When this spell is cast with the
consumed as part of the casting. The caster can aid ofa coven, it is able to call forth more
be any distance from the circle when the spell is powerful outsiders. Combine thecaster level of
cast, but must maintain a visual connection each participating caster to determine the
(possibly through the scrying spell, or similar number of hit dice the called creature can
means) with the circle through the entire possess (the limit is still 1/2 the combined caster
casting process. level).

appear to be hum.;Jn, he would look exactly like
Schoo a Juration ritua ; l.eve a human, bur would still appear 10 be Huge).
4, sorcerer/wi~rd 4. witch 4
Casting Time I hour Additionally; unlike disguise self, this spell
Componenls V, S, F (a diamond worth at leasl doesaffect all the senses, meaning that you
soo gp) sound, feel., and ewn smell like the kind of
Range personal creature you all' disguised as.
Targel you
Duration 14 hours
School evocililion ,re, ritua ; !.eve
When you cast this ~ll, a ring of soft, sorcerer/wizard 4, .... itch 4
s.iMry light enYelopes you, protecting you from Casting Time' roulld (51'(' lexl)
hann. You gain an amount of damage ~uction ComponenlS V, S
and energy resistance equal to l/1 your castl"l' Range 60 ft.
!eYe1 (rounded doIon, minimum I). This damage Effeel 6o-ft. cone
~uction cannot be bypassed by any means. Duration instantaneous
1M rnergy~appliesto the £oUo.o.'ing Saving Throw Refkx half; SR yes
energy types,: <tcid, cold, electricity, fire, and
sonic. <:>nee this ~ll has resisted a total
amount of damage equaJ to 20 times your caster This spell produ~ a COIlC" of dull grey fire
I~ (including barh the damage reduction and
that deals Id6 points of fire damage per caster
Ie\~ (maximum. IOd6) to rach creature caught
energy res~), it ends,
v.ithinthe~.1Mconebegins at your

Ritual Casting: Whm you cast thisspell with fingertips.

t:br aid of a CO\lL'D, the protection lasts longer.
1M ~U can absorb a tocal amount of damage Ritual Casting: When you cast this speU IlS pan
equaJ to 20 time; the combined castl"l' leo.'I!ls of of a Co,.t!D, 1M iruensity of the fire is enhanced.
all the participants. This does not increase ~ Each CO\'5l membel' ~ the first increases
amount of damage ~uetion or energy the amount of damagr dealt by Id6 pet' cC1Sler
resistance. levd (maximum 'jd6 peradditional COYefl
membe!', and no more than six COYefl members
can contribute in this way). This process makes
Sc 00 i usion; !.e,·e the spell take somewhat longer to cast, h(M'I'\'ler,
sorcerer/wiurd 6, witch 6 and the casting time increases by I round for
each additional coven member aiding in casting
CaslingTime 10 minules
the spell
Components V, S, M (a palch of white .... 001)
Range personal
Targel you
Duration I hour/level School divination ritua ; LevI,' I, c eric 2,

druid 2, ranger I, sorcerer/wi2ard 1. witch .I

Casting Time 10 minutes
This spell functions as disguise self, with a
few important exceptions: first, it allows you to Components V, S, M (an eagle'se)'e)
disguise yourself as a creature of any type or Range personal
subtype. The spell can make you seem as much Effect Is-n.-radius centered on you
as one size category larger or smaller than you Duration I hour/level
actually are, but 110 more (so. roreXdmple, iran
ancient red dr,lgon chose to use thespelJ 10 TIris spell allows you to detennine the
the presence of living beings in the immedidte the caster to detennine the exact location
area. The spell creates a zone around you, and of each creature within the spell's area.
within this zone you psychically feel the life
energy of any living creatures. By default, you Deleel non-living crealUres:lbis allows
do not gain any other knowledge about those the caster to detect non-living creatures
creatures besides the total number in thearea. (such as constructs and undead) as though
You are immediately aWilrewhenevera creature they were living creatures, with all the
enters or leaves thearea, and do not need to benefits listed above.
concentrate on the spell to gain this
information, but you cannot tell one creature I Lr>.\R PI RII
from another in this way. School evocation (rituall: Level witch 6
Casting Time I minute (see text)
The spell can penetrate barriers, but I foot Components V, S
of stone, I inch of common metal, a thin sheet Range long (400 flo + 40 ft./level)
of lead, or 3 feet of dirt or wood blocks it. For Target one creature
every two caster levels beyond first, the spell's Duration instantaneous
radius increases by 5 feet, tool maximum of a Saving Throw Will pilrtiill: SR no
loo-h.-radius at l<}th level.
lbis powerful spell uses the light of the
Ritual Casting: When this spell is cast with the
moon to deal great damage to its victims. Lunar
aid of a coven, it gives you more information
peril can only be perfonned outdoors at night,
about the creatures in the area, based on the
though it can be cast even on an overcast night,
number ofcoven members who aid you in
or the night of the new moon. Because the spell
casting the spell, as indicated on the table
uses light to deal its damage, the target cannot
avoid the spell, only hope ro resist some of its
Additional effects. The spell deals Id6 points of damage per
Bonus Information caster level to the target (maximum 2od6).
, Additionally, the target is confused for Id4
, Types of crealures in area
Strength ofcreaturl'S in area
rounds unless they succeed on a Will save.
8 location ofcreatures in area Ritual Casting: When you cast this spell with
Detect non-living Cfeiltures the aid ofa coven, the spell coin be cast quicker.
Foreach additional caster, the spell's casting
Types ofcreawres in thearea:Thisailows the time is reduced by I round, tool minimum oft
caster to detennine the creature type round.
(humanoid, monstrous humanoid, outsider,
etc.) and subtype (elf, human, shapechanger,
etc.) ofeach creature within the spell's area.
School universa
Strength ofcreatures in lhearea:Thisallows the 9, witch 9
caster to detennine the relative power of each Casting Time I hour
creature within the spell's ared. lbis power is Components V, S
detennined by the creature's hit dice: creatures Range dose (l.5 ft. + 5 ft./l.levels)
with less than 7 hit dice are faint, those with Targets you plus all members of your coven
7-12 are moderate, those with 13-20 are strong, aiding you in casting the spell
and credtures with more than l.0 hit dice are Duration l hour/level
overwhelming. Solving Throw Will neg.Ites (harmless): SR yes
Localion of cre,llures in lheolrea:1bis allows
TIlls spell functions identically to the spell beyond first. No matter how little rest a
combined power, except that it uses the character may need to get a full day's worth of
merging of prepared spells to actually create bed rest, they can benefit from this spell only
more magical energy for the coven to use. \¥hen once per 1.4 hour period.
the spells are being sacrificed and added to the
pool, a number ofadditional spells will be added Ritual Casting: \¥hen you cast this spell with
to the pool, in addition to those sacrificed. The the aid ofa CO'Il'n that has at least two other
number and le\ll'l of these spells is determined casters, it has a further effect: each target who
by the number of participants who are sacrificing heals additional damage, as outlined aoo....e, also
at least one spell, as indicated on the table below, heals a number of points of ability damage
but which exact spell is prepared in each such equal to the number of casters contributing to
slot is detennined by the spell's caster, who can the spell (including you).
choose from any spell she could prepare in a slot
at that spellle\ll'l.

, ." ,
2nd )rd .,. 5th 6th 71h 8<.
Schoo ene antment ear, min -a ceting,
ritual]: Level bard 3, sorcerer/wizard), witch)
Casting Time 1 hour
J J , Components V, S, M (a piece of the target. such
•• 3 ,
as skin, fingernails. or hair)
Range unlimited
6 , Target one sleeping creature
7 5
•• 3 , Duration I hourilevel
8 5 3 , Saving Throw Will negates: SR yes

3 , TIlls spell causes terrible nightmares to
7 6 5 3 , plague the victim while he sleeps. These
" 1
"'3 7
6 ,
1 3
1 3 ,
disturbing visions cause the target to constantly
wake in terror, preventing him from getting any
real rest through their duration. This means
that time spent resting during the duration of
Sc 00 conjuration the spell does not count towards regaining hit
), druid). witch) points, regaining spells per day, or recovering
from conditions like fatigue.
Casting Time 10 minutes
Components V, S, M (a sprinkling of pixie dust.
Ritual Casting: \¥hen you cast this spell with
mixed into goat's milk and consumed) the aid ofa CO'Il'n, you can increase the intensity
Range dose (25 ft.... 5ft./2 levels) of the nightmares, imposing a -I penalty on the
Targets one living creaturetlevel target's saving throw to resist for each
Duration 12 hours additional caster.
Saving Throw Fortitude negates (harmless); SR
yes (harmless)

TIlls spell allows those affected to I'CCOVer School i lusion ritua : Leve
from injury at a supernatural.ly fast rate, curing sorcerer/wizard I, witch 1
ewn grievous wounds with a night's rest. Each Casting Time 10 minutes
target who receives a full eight hours of bed rest Components V, S, F (a mirror worth at least
during the spell's duration heals an additional 200 gp)
IdS points for e'Il'ry two caster le'll'ls you possess Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft.h levels)
Targets you plus all members of your coven defect magic, or see invisibility, then thecaster
aiding you in casting the spell benefits from those as well, as long as she
Duration I hourllevel continues to receive sensory input from that
Saving Throw will negates (harmless); SR yes coven member. The caster can stop receiving
(harmless) sensory input, or switch to another coven
member, with another move actioIL
TIlls spell allows all of the participating
casters to alter their appearance, changing their As long as the caster is receiving sensory
looks to IIldtch one of the other casters. This input from a member of her coven, she is
ability functions as the spell disguisese/f, except completely unaware of her own surroundings,
as indicated above, and that the IIldgical and loses access to all of her norIIldI senses.
disguise can only be to appear as one of the
other participating casters. If desired, more Ritual Casting: This spell has no effect unless it
than one caster can share the same disguise, or is cast as pan ofa coven.
could even choose to be disguised as
themselves. Additionally, each creature
disguised in this way gains an auditory, tactile,
and olfactory likeness to the character they are School a juration litua ; levI'
disguised as, allowing them to sound, feel, and 7, witch 7
even smell like that person. Casting Time 10 minutes
Components V, S, M (an olive pit)
Ritual Casting: This spell has no effect unless it Range touch
is cast with the aid ofa coven. Effect oo-ft.-radius centered on touched spot
Duration I hour/level
Saving Throw Will panial; SR yes
School ivillation ritua ; LevI'
sorcerer/wizard 2. witch 2 lbis spell creates a temporary sanctuary, in
Casting Time 1 minute which it is very difficult to IIldke hostile actions.
Components V,S, M (a drop of blood from Anycreature in the spell's area when the spell is
each target, mixed together and imbibed as part cast, or who enters the area while the spell is in
of casting) effect, must succeed ona Wlil save, or be
Range close (25 ft... 5 ft.h levels) rendered unable to make attacks or cast hostile
Targets all members of your CO\'en who aid you spells. For the purposes of this spell, a hostile
ill casting the spell spell is any spell which deals daIIldge, or which
Duration I hourllevel causes death, or which has one or more targets
and allows a saving throw (that is not denoted
lbis spell allows the caster to view the as ''hannless"). Each creature makes this save
world thtough the eyes of her fellow coven only once: leaving and re-entering the zone
members. Once the spell is cast, a mental link is does not allow a new saving throw.
fonned which connects the caster to each coven
member who aided in casting the spell, Even if a creature succeeds on his saving
regardless of distance (as long as they are on the throw, hO\\'eVl'r, he suffers a -6 penalty on all
same plane). As a move action, the caster can attack and damage rolls made inside the zone,
choose to receive sensory input from one of and must succeed on a caster level check (DC
those coven members. This causes the caster to 22) or lose any hostile spells they attempt to
see everything that the coven member sees, cast. Creatures outside the zone can attack
hear everything she hears, feel everything she those inside without penalty, though they must
feels, and so OIL If the coven member is be able to reach them. Creatures inside the zone
benefitting from effects such as darkvision,
suffer the same penalties for attacking CTedtures incorporeal creatures still damage you, and if
outside the zone as they do for attacking you are reduced to 0 hit points you die, and your
CTedtures within the zone. bodydiesas v.~ll. You are still dimly aware of
your physical body, and if it takes any damage
The spread of the zone is not impacted by while you are away you immediately become
physical barriers, and walls, buildings, or even aware of it. If your bodydies while you are away,
walls of force do not in any way impede the you die at the end of the spell's duration.
You can end the spirit walk asa full-round
Ritual Casting: When casting this spell with action, at which point your spirit immediately
the aid of a COVl"n, it creates a larger zone. For returns to your body regardless of distance, and
each additional caster, the radius of the area is you awaken If you are on a different plane from
increased by 10 feet. your body, or are unable to reach your body (for
eXdmple, because it is surrounded by a
forcecageyou are unable to pass through) at the
end of the spell's duration, you die.
Sc 00 necromancy: Level
), sorcerer/wizard), witch 3
Casting Time 10 minutes School transmutation; Level c eric 9,
Components V, S, M (a sprinkling of sand ) witch 9
Rangl.' personal Casting Time 1 hour
Target you Components V, S, M (diamond dust worth at
Duration l min./level least ~o.ooo gp)
Range personal
As the spell is cast, your body falls into a Target you
comatose state and your spirit emerges from it, Duration ~4 hours
allowing you to mOVl" about as a spectral figure.
For the duration of the spell, you are
incorporeal, allowing you to move through solid TIlls powerful spell keeps at bay the waters
objects. Your gedr remains with your body, of time, preventing them from touching you, as
which is not incorporeal, and is completely well as spells you cast. For the spell's duration,
defenseless while you are away. you do not age, and are immune toage effects.
Additionally, anytime during the spell's
You are free to move about during the duration does not count towards the duration of
spell's duration, and have a flyspeed equal to any spell effects you have in place. This
your base land speed, with perfect secondary effect only applies to spells whose
maneuverability. If you choose, you may make duration isat least one hour: anything shorter
yourself invisible (as the spell invisibility), than that is too ephemeral to be extended by
though incorporeal creatures will still be able to this spell. The spells continue to fimction
seeyou. You can switch between being visible nonnallyduring still times effect; the time
and invisible at will. You cannot cast spells simply doesn't count towards the spell's
while affected by spirit walk, nor do you gain duration. Thisaffect only applies to spells you
the benefits of any of your gear, though you have already cast: spells cast while already under
appear to be fully equipped (unless you choose the effect of still rime are not affected.
to appear naked, instead). You cannot attack
while under the effects of spirit walk, nor can
you touch physical objects in anyway.

Creatures and effects capable of damaging

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