Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Market Feasibilty
The term marketing applies to all business activities that are necessary to effect transfer
to ownership of goods and to provide for their physical distribution. By such business activities,
we refer to buying and selling and other economic pursuits like transportation and storage,
grading and standardization and many others which are considered basic to bringing of goods to
those who want them.
A. Product Description
1. Name of the Product
The researchers came up with the idea of making seedling pots out of manure so they
decided to name it a “PooPot”. The entity name is also an advantage to the company because of
the simplicity of the word, easy to remember, and pronounce. The pots are molded out of dried
manure using a manual process that removes weeds and any trace of manure odor. Through
observation, nursery owners use massive amount of plastic seedling bag that contribute to
pollution and
2. Properties of the Product
The product was named “PooPot” and it composed of primary raw material which is the
cow manure. Cow produces about 120 pounds of manure per day and disposing of that manure is
a big issue. So, the researchers decided to makes a nutrient- rich fertilizer to help the consumer to
waste out the plastic and help them to grow their plants in an organic way.
3. Uses of the Product
The main purpose of the product is to provide an eco friendly pot by using cow manure
and to meet the demand for biodegradable pots that are affordable for the consumer within
Talisay, Batangas premises. The “PooPot” will be used to replace the plastic seedling bags.
4. Major user of the Product
The researchers recognize the fact that it cannot hope to serve all customers with every
possible product that can be produced. The researchers consider the major users of “PooPot” are
those who have plant nursery. The owner in the areas of Talisay, Tanauan City, and Laurel,
Batangas are the respective target market of the biodegradable pot. The firm will manufacture a
cow manure pot which will be presented to market for attraction use or consumption.
5. Geographical areas of Dispersion
The plant location can have a crucial effect on the profitability of the company and the
scope for future expansion.
The proposed business will be located at Caloocan, Talisay, Batangas. The plant site was
chosen because it is accessible to most of the consumers and highly suggested because it is the
center of the three selected areas that have the company’s target customer.
B. Demand
Demand refers to how much quantity of a product or service is desired by buyers. It
refers to the willingness of a consumer to buy a good o service backed-up by his purchasing
power. The analysis of demand helped the proponents determine the demand of the consumers in
existing pots.
This part of the study presents the ways by which the final product is produced. It
explains the ways by which a strategic plant location and layout can contribute to the success of
the business. It gives the detailed description of the process involve in the service flow. The
availability and capability of resources such as machineries, equipment, supplies, and direct
labor is given consideration. This item is clearly defined and the cost of each is carefully
measured. Technology offers a wide range of benefits to business undertakings. The firm has to
make use of the current technology in order to gain the advantage over the competitors.
A. The Product
“PooPot” are manure based, bio-degradable pots that are directly plant to the ground.
There is no smell and best of all they are sustainable. Unlike, plastic pots which are form
from chemicals, cow manure pots are renewable resource. They are 100% composted
manure, rich in nutrients, and they are approved for organics. They help the nursery owners
reduce nutrient loads which directly contributes to a cleaner, healthier environment, and cow
pots prove to grow bigger, better plants for consumers who do not have any plastic to discard
and overload the landfills.
B. Manufacturing Process
The manufacturing process is the overall production operations of the company. The time
and resources used are discussed step by step which would help the company to maximize its
resources at minimal cost.
The following are the steps in the production of PooPot Manufacturing Enterprise for
daily production.
The first procedure is the collecting of cow manure in the farm. The workers will pick
E. Plant Location
Location plays a vital role in the profitability of every business. It is always emphasize
that a strategic location leads to most business progress in terms of profitability. The proposed
PooPot Manufacturing Enterprise will be located at Brgy. Caloocan, Talisay, Batangas. The
proponents chose this location for its accessibility to workers and walk-in customers and even to
the suppliers of raw materials. This facilitated the distribution of the finish product to the plant
nursery outlets. Communication with the customers and suppliers has never been a problem
because of the availability of the different telecommunication facilities.
F. Plant Layout
The plant layout shows how each department is divide to provide the workers, the
manager, as well as the customer a good ambiance. The plant layout is specifically designed for
fastest business operations and for the convenience of workers to perform tasks. The
manufacturing plant consist of the following areas: working area, drying area, storage room,
comfort room.
G. Building and Facilities
This pertains to the overall facilities inside the manufacturing company. This include the guard
house lobby, administrative office, comfort room, production area, drying area, warehouse, and parking
lot. The facilities should have sufficient space for sanitary improvement and the organization of raw
materials. The arrangement of furniture and equipment should be applied in order to utilize the use of