Antidepressant Use in China On The Rise - NAMSA Blog
Antidepressant Use in China On The Rise - NAMSA Blog
Antidepressant Use in China On The Rise - NAMSA Blog
use in China on the rise NAMSA Blog
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Antidepressant use in China on the rise
The Guardian 11/20/13
Article Archive
Although China does not publicize official statistics on mental health, most evidence suggests that
its depression rate is on the rise, and a 2012 report by the market data company Research and Select Category
Markets estimated that there may be more than 30 million people living with depression in China.
Contemporary China is a psychologically taxing place— as living standards improve, social Select Monthly Archives
competition has become fierce; for many, buying an apartment, finding a spouse, and supporting a
family feel like insurmountable tasks. Awareness of depression, once stigmatized as a mark of
weakness, is rising. Depressionrelated websites are proliferating in China, and antidepressant
sales have risen sharply. Yet according to experts, the country's public health system is struggling
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to keep up with the demand. "Looking at the international incidence of the disorder— the
percentage of people who have depression worldwide—China has very, very few psychiatrists,"
said Jian Lili, a psychological counselor in Beijing. Many Chinese people find psychotherapy Outsourcing Clinical
prohibitively expensive, Jian said, so they turn to eastern remedies such as acupuncture and herbs, Reserach
The requirements for clinical
Selecting a CRO for Clinical
and some avoid treatment entirely. Meanwhile China’s antidepressant market is booming, with studies are increasing and it is
about 3.2 billion RMB of the drugs ($533 million USD) sold in 2012—a small portion of China's important that all sponsors...
pharmaceuticals market as a whole, but growing quickly, with a 22.6% increase from 2011.
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Seth Goldenberg US population age 50 and
A former regulatory chemist with the FDA and is currently a Senior Principal over...
Scientist at NAMSA where he focuses on helping US companies through the
cultural and regulatory challenges of bringing pharmaceutical, biotech and medical device
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products to Global Markets. He holds a PhD in Pharmacology from the University of Site in the EU
When it comes to conducting
Washington and an MS from the School of Biomedical Engineering at Drexel University. clinical studies on medical
Posted in [Asian Market] More from Seth Goldenberg devices in the European
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