Mexican Gray Wolf Husbandry Manual: 2009 Edition
Mexican Gray Wolf Husbandry Manual: 2009 Edition
Mexican Gray Wolf Husbandry Manual: 2009 Edition
2009 Edition
The Mexican Wolf Species Survival Plan© and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service would
like to thank the following contributors for their assistance in the creation and updating of
the Mexican Gray Wolf Husbandry Manual:
• 1995 MWSSP Management Group for an earlier edition of the husbandry manual.
• Dr. Susan Lyndaker Lindsey and Kim Scott of the Wild Canid Survival and
Research Center in St. Louis for the initial rewrite of the husbandry manual as the
MWSSP Keeper Training Workshop Manual.
• Elizabeth Quandt-Evans of the Wild Canid Survival and Research Center in St.
Louis for her work on the 2003-2004 rewrite.
• Dr. Susan Lyndaker Lindsey and the MWSSP Management Group and its
advisors for the 2006-2007 update of the manual.
• Cover photo: 2008 litter of SB572 and SB685 at one week of age taken by Wild
Canid Center staff member Julie Tasch. Litter totaling eleven pups was the result
of early induced ovulation research. All rights reserved by the Wild Canid
Survival and Research Center.
The 2009 edition of the Mexican Gray Wolf Husbandry Manual is a living document and
will be updated as new information becomes available. The Mexican Gray Wolf SSP
Management Group expresses its sincere gratitude to the many individuals who have
contributed their time and expertise to the care and recovery of this endangered species.
1. Acknowledgements i
2. Table of Contents ii
3. List of Figures iii
4. List of Appendices v
5. Introduction 1
6. SSP© Management Group 2
7. Chapter 1
Species Survival Plan (SSP©) for the Mexican Gray Wolf 6
8. Chapter 2
Population Management 8
9. Chapter 3
General Biology – Natural History – Reintroduction 12
10. Chapter 4
Behavioral and Social Characteristics 17
11. Chapter 5
Housing and Enclosure Requirements – Daily Maintenance 31
12. Chapter 6
Identification and Records 51
13. Chapter 7
Capture and Restraint 59
14. Chapter 8
Health and Medical Care 69
15. Chapter 9
Basic Nutrition 95
16. Chapter 10
Transport and Shipping 105
17. Bibliography 122
18. Appendices Title Page 137
19. Appendix A
Return of El Lobo: A Recovery Program Coming of Age
By Ken Kawata 138
20. Appendix B
Mexican Gray Wolf Restoration in the Southwest
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Pamphlet 149
21. Appendix C
Facilities Currently Participating in the Mexican Gray Wolf
Species Survival Plan© 158
List of Figures
Figure 3-A. Maps of historic range and recovery zones
of Mexican gray wolf 15
Figure 3-B. Important dates in Mexican gray wolf history 16
Figure 4-A. Facial expressions of the wolf 23
Figure 4-B. Expressive positions of the wolf’s tail 23
Figure 4-C. Presentation and withdrawal of the anal parts 24
Figure 4-D. A subordinate wolf usually shows “active submission”
by holding its tail and head down when approaching
a dominant animal 24
Figure 4-E. Management Ethogram 25
Figure 4-F. AZA Wildlife Contraception Center
Recommendations for Wolves 28
Figure 5-A. Typical den box design 37
Figure 5-B. Sample daily observation log 38
Figure 5-C. A Report on Stable Fly Problems
By Ken Kawata/Belle Isle Zoo Curator 39
Figure 5-D. Table 2 from RWSSP Husbandry Manual: Control methods used for
flies 43
Figure 5-E. Table 3 from RWSSP Husbandry Manual: Control methods used for
fleas and ticks. 45
Figure 5-F. Table 4 from RWSSP Husbandry Manual: Exhibit/management
modification used to reduce the problems with insects………………… 45
Figure 5-G. Smithsonian National Zoo stable fly trap design…………………………. 46
Figure 5-H. Request for Information on Alternative Fly, Flea, and Tick
Control Methods 47
Figure 5-I. Environmental Enrichment for Mexican Gray Wolves 48
Figure 6-A. Sample of an individual daily log 53
Figure 6-B. Sample ISIS Specimen Report 54
Figure 6-C. Mexican Wolf Record Keeping Guidelines 55
Figure 6-D. Sample Mexican Wolf Medical Report 57
Figure 6-E. Sample Mexican Wolf Reproduction Report 58
Figure 7-A. Capture Myopathy article from 66
Figure 8-A. Mexican Wolf Vaccination Protocol 77
Figure 8-B. Antiparasitic Treatment Guidelines 78
Figure 8-C. Sample Medical/Capture Record 79
Figure 8-D. Anesthesia Regimen Guidelines 80
Figure 8-E. Average Weights and Measures 81
Figure 8-F. Hematologic values of captive Mexican wolves 82
Figure 8-G. Mexican wolf necropsy protocol 85
Figure 8-H. ISIS/MedArks Blood Values for the Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) 93
Figure 9-A. Analysis of a New Diet for Mexican Gray (Canis lupus baileyi)
and Red (Canis rufus gregoryi) Wolves 98
Figure 9-B. Hand-rearing guidelines 104
Figure 10-A. Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (Health certificate) 109
Figure 10-B. USDA Animal Transfer Form 110
Figure 10-C. AAZK Animal Data Transfer Form 111
Figure 10-D. AAZK Enrichment Data Transfer Form 112
Figure 10-E. IATA Shipping crate requirements 115
Figure 10-F. Certificate of Acclimation 118
Figure 10-G. Example of crate label 118
Figure 10-H. Wolf shipment check list 119
Figure 10-I. Wolf arrival check list 120
Figure 10-J. International shipment check list 121
List of Appendices
There are two important documents that are used as guidelines for the management of the
Mexican gray wolf SSP©. The first of these is the Mexican Wolf International Studbook.
This studbook is a compilation of the vital records of the entire historic captive
population of the Mexican gray wolf subspecies. Included are all the births, deaths, and
transfers that have occurred in the history of the subspecies, as well as the family
Each wolf is assigned its own individual studbook number by the studbook keeper. By
utilizing the information contained in the studbook, the captive population can be
managed in a scientific manner that allows both genetic and demographic goals for the
preservation of the subspecies to be met. The studbook is maintained on a computer
program known as SPARKS.
The second document important to the management of the Mexican gray wolf SSP© is the
Mexican Wolf Husbandry Manual. It is a set of guidelines based upon the best current
scientific knowledge for the maintenance and propagation of the subspecies in captivity.
Contained within it is information on housing and enclosure requirements, behavior and
social organization, reproduction, nutrition, and veterinary care and medical concerns.
The guidelines in the husbandry manual benefit the subspecies in a number of ways.
They provide consistency among participating institutions and make it easier to transfer
wolves between institutions. Standardized practices allow easier detection of potential
health and husbandry problems. Good husbandry allows us to more easily achieve our
genetic and demographic goals by providing more efficient and predictable breeding, as
well as allowing us to preserve the natural behaviors necessary for wolves that may
eventually be reintroduced to the wild.
SSP© Management Group
John Linehan
Stone Memorial Zoo
Stoneham, MA
c/o Zoo New England
One Franklin Park Road
Boston, MA 02121-3220
PH: 617-989-2054
FX: 617-989-2025
Terry Lincoln
Dakota Zoo
P.O. Box 711
Bismarck, ND 58502-0711
PH: 701-223-7543, ext. 4
FX: 701-258-8350
Rick Janser
Albuquerque Biological Park
903 Tenth Street, SW
Albuquerque, NM 87102
PH: 505-764-6224
FX: 505-764-6281
Vonceil Harmon
Oklahoma City Zoo
2101 NE 50th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73111-7199
PH: 405-424-3344, ext. 232
FX: 405-425-0207
Roberto Wolf
Zoológico de Tamatán
Calle Ursulo Galván #250 esq. Rí0 Bravo
Col. Tamatán
87060 Cd. Victoria, Tamaulipas
PH: (+52-834) 318 14 92 / 312 00 86
FX: (+52-834) 312 00 86
SSP© Advisors
PH: 636-938-5900 or 636-938-6490
FX: 636-938-6490
The mission of the Mexican gray wolf Species Survival Plan© is to support the
reestablishment of the Mexican wolf in the wild through captive breeding, public
education, and research.
In 1976, the Mexican gray wolf, Canis lupus baileyi, was listed as endangered under the
Endangered Species Act (ESA), which requires the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to
develop and implement recovery plans for the conservation and survival of listed species.
In 1979, the Mexican Wolf Recovery Team was formed and prepared the Mexican Wolf
Recovery Plan. This plan was approved in 1982 and contains the following objective:
"To conserve and ensure the survival of C. l. baileyi by maintaining a captive breeding
program and reestablishing a viable, self-sustaining population of at least 100 Mexican
wolves in the middle to high elevations of a 5,000-square-mile area within the Mexican
wolf's historic range."
In 2003, when the USFWS restructured the Endangered Species listing of the gray wolf,
the Mexican gray wolf within the Southwestern Gray Wolf Distinct Population Segment
was still considered endangered. Also in 2003, the service convened a new Recovery
Team to revise the outdated 1982 Recovery Plan. The new plan will contain delisting
and downlisting goals. The team is currently on hold and it is uncertain as to when the
new plan will be completed.
Under a joint agreement between the United States and Mexico, five Mexican wolves
were captured from the wild in Durango and Chihuahua, Mexico between 1977 and 1980.
In 1995, two additional lineages of captive gray wolves were genetically determined to be
Mexican gray wolves and added to the captive breeding program.
The SSP© Master Plan:
An SSP© Master Plan outlines the goals for the population. It designs the "family tree" of
a particular captive population in order to achieve maximum genetic diversity and
demographic stability. Breeding and other management recommendations are made for
each animal with consideration given to the logistics and feasibility of transfers between
institutions, as well as maintenance of natural social groupings. Often, Master Plans
include recommendations not to breed animals, so as to avoid having the population
outgrow the available holding space.
A species must satisfy a number of criteria to be selected for an SSP©. Most SSP©
species are endangered or threatened in the wild and have the interest of qualified
professionals with time to dedicate toward their conservation. Also, SSP© species are
often "flagship species", well-known animals which arouse strong feelings in the public
for their preservation and the protection of their habitat.
Many SSP©s have developed husbandry manuals, which set guidelines based on the best
current scientific knowledge for the diet and care of the species in captivity. With
standardized practices, it is easier to detect potential health and husbandry problems. In
addition, because the guidelines provide consistency among participating institutions, it is
also easier to transfer animals between institutions when necessary.
The Studbook:
Studbooks are fundamental to the successful operation of SSP©s, as each contains the
vital records of an entire captive population of a species. With appropriate computer
analysis, a studbook enables the species coordinator and management group to develop a
Master Plan that contains sound breeding recommendations based on genetics,
demographics, and the species biology.
References (Referencias):
Anonymous. AZA Fact Sheet: Species Survival Plan. 1995. American Zoo and
Aquarium Association Conservation and Science Office. Betheseda, MD.
D. Peter Siminski and Edward M. Spevak. 2008. Population analysis and breeding plan: Mexican
wolf (Canis lupus baileyi) Species Survival Plan. 24-25 July 2008. Association of Zoos and
Five wolves, (four males and one pregnant female) were captured from the wild to form a
captive breeding program between 1977 and 1980 by Roy McBride in Durango and
Chihuahua, Mexico. These five wolves were then transferred to the U.S. where three
(one female and two males) became the founders of a certified captive breeding program
for a species that was on the brink of extinction. Known as the McBride lineage, the
population had grown to 107 animals by 1995.
In July 1995, two additional lineages of captive Mexican wolves, the Ghost Ranch
population in the United States and the Aragon population in Mexico City, were
approved for addition to the SSP© breeding program. The Ghost Ranch lineage is
derived from two wolves taken from the wild in 1959 and 1961. The Aragon lineage is
derived from two wolves originating at the Chapultepec Zoo in the mid 1970s. Although
both lineages had been maintained in captivity since at least the 1960s, they were
previously uncertified because of uncertainties about their origins. However, genetic
investigations concluded that all three lineages were pure Canis lupus baileyi. Findings
revealed that the McBride lineage had the lowest level of inbreeding and had retained the
most founder alleles, while the Ghost Ranch lineage had a high level of inbreeding and
the fewest founder alleles. The study also confirmed the McBride lineage to have only
three founders versus the four previously assumed (one of the wild caught males was the
offspring of the wild caught female).
Findings from this research recommended that the three lineages be combined to increase
the number of founders and to postpone any inbreeding depression. The addition of
these two lineages added 4 new founders and 33 individuals (25 Ghost Ranch, 8 Aragon)
to the total captive population. [For more information regarding the three lineages of
Mexican gray please see Appendix A.]
The overall goal set by the 1994 SSP© Master Plan is to preserve 75% of the gene
diversity in captivity for 50 years. The Master Plan projects a need for 240 wolves in
captivity to achieve the genetic goals. The calculated 2006 gene diversity of the captive
population was 82.41% (the amount of original genetic variability or heterozygosity
retained within the population) and the founder genome equivalents was 2.84. The
founder genome/population is a small number of individuals, originating from a large
population, that form the basis of a new, independent (isolated) population of that
species. These are slight increases over the previous year. Additionally, the mean
inbreeding coefficient (0.1497) is a slight decrease from the previous years. Inbreeding
occurs when two related individuals breed with each other ("consanguineous breeding").
Inbreeding results in an increase of homozygosity "by descent". The probability of
becoming homozygous by descent is called the inbreeding coefficient. The closer the
common ancestors are to the parents in the pedigree, the higher the inbreeding
coefficient, and the higher the proportion of loci at which the offspring will become
homozygous by descent. These improvements in the genetic picture of the captive
population are primarily the result of careful merging of the three Mexican wolf lineages
over the past eight years.
In order to maintain gene diversity, the Master Plan projects a need for a captive carrying
capacity of at least 240 wolves. However, the lack of sufficient captive space continues to
be of concern for the program, especially considering the carrying capacity does not
include wolves surplused for the reestablishment effort. As a means of creating more
captive space, the SSP© and its counterpart in Mexico (Subcomite Tecnico Consultivo
Nacional para la Recuperacion del Lobo Mexicano) continue to aggressively promote
participation by North American Zoos and their like in the captive breeding program.
Another way to maintain or even increase the gene diversity is by increasing the number
of founders. However, finding new founders seems unlikely: except for the reintroduced
population, the presence of wolves in the wild has not been confirmed for more than
fifteen years. Although 81% of the genetic diversity of the population has been retained,
it can be increased by managing the captive population better. One management practice
is to increase the generation time, the longer the generation time, the smaller the loss of
genetic diversity. Semen collection and cryopreservation is one way to increase
generation time, assuming artificial insemination techniques are perfected.
Management Strategies:
1. The first priority is to breed individuals of the lowest Mean Kinship (MK) which are
under-represented and, therefore, possess the rarest alleles in the population.
2. Among individuals with low MK, the second priority is to breed those individuals
whose alleles may be lost soon. Priorities should be determined by the manager's
knowledge of an individual's age, health, and/or reproductive condition. In the absence
of other information low Kinship Value (KV), printed on the Master Plan report, can be
There are five criteria that are considered in order during the establishment of annual
breeding pairs for the Mexican wolf captive population (in order of priority):
3. Biology of Individual: Maximize mating success based on the species' biology,
including suitable age of individuals, mate choice, social structure, reproductive history,
4. General Logistics: Minimize logistical difficulties of moves (e.g. distance, cost,
5. Politics: Maximize interinstitutional harmony and minimize political conflicts.
It has been recommended that special attention be given to the behavioral characteristic
of the individual given how much this criterion weighs on the success of the release
candidate. Wolves that are potential candidates for release to the wild are evaluated
based on a number of behavioral and physiological criteria including genetic makeup,
age, reproductive performance, proven parental skills and appropriate social behavior,
and aversion to humans.
As the SSP© captive population has matured to carrying capacity, there will be fewer
breeding opportunities for the many institutions involved with the holding and exhibition
of Mexican wolves. Also the SSP© population is still considered the primary source of
Mexican wolves that may be used in future reintroductions, and there will likely be future
introductions. For the above situation and the above need, the SSP© seeks to not only
minimize the loss of gene diversity in the captive population over time, but also to:
• Optimize the reproductive success and the predictability of success for our
recommended pairings.
• Optimally use the limited space within the SSP© institutions.
• Minimize domestication.
• Minimize wolf habituation to human presence.
• Optimize those behavioral characteristics that result in success in reintroduction.
To these ends, it needs to be recognized that the SSP© has a preference for placing
recommended breeding pairs in those institutions that have the capacity and flexibility for
multigenerational wolf pack management. The SSP© also has a preference for placing
breeding pairs in institutions that have off-exhibit breeding and holding, and
demonstrated wolf management expertise. The SSP© always seeks to be fair and
equitable in offering wolf breeding opportunities to the holding institutions, but with the
above goals in mind.
As a rule wolf pups are only removed for hand-rearing in extraordinary circumstances
and with prior approval of the USFWS. The genetic value of the pups will need to
greatly outweigh the domesticating influences of hand-rearing. However, when approval
has been granted for hand-rearing, see Chapter 9 and Figure 9-B for the recommended
References (Referencias):
D. Peter Siminski. 1994. 1994 Mexican Wolf SSP© Master Plan. American Zoo and
Aquarium Association. Oglebay, WV.
D. Peter Siminski and Edward M. Spevak. 2008. Population analysis and breeding plan:
Mexican wolf (Canis lupus baileyi) Species Survival Plan. 24-25 July 2008. Association of Zoos
and Aquariums.
Population Status:
The Mexican gray wolf (Canis lupus baileyi), or "lobo", is the rarest, southernmost, and
most genetically distinct subspecies of the North American gray wolf. The lobo was
extirpated from the southwestern United States by the mid 1900s due primarily to an
aggressive predator control program implemented by the federal government.
International wolf experts rate recovery of the Mexican gray wolf as the highest priority
of gray wolf recovery programs throughout the world. As of 1 January 2007, 291
Mexican gray wolves are in 48 captive facilities in the United States and Mexico, and
there are nine packs in a reintroduced population in Arizona and New Mexico.
Natural History:
Wild populations of Mexican gray wolves were exterminated before they were
extensively studied; therefore much of their natural history remains to be learned. The
average Mexican gray wolf weighs 50-80 lb (25.8-36.24 kg), is 4.5 to 5.5 ft (135-165 cm)
in total length (nose to tip of tail), stands 28-32 in (70-80 cm) at the shoulder and has a
richly colored coat of buff, gray, rust, and black. They mate sometime between late
January to mid March, and have a gestation of 63 days with an average litter size of 4-5
pups. Wolves have complex social behaviors, living in family groups called "packs", the
structure of which is maintained by communication through vocalizations, body postures,
and scent marking. Wolves play an important role in the ecosystem that is not filled by
other predators. Like all gray wolves, lobos evolved as a predator of large hoofed
mammals. Their tightly organized group structure enables them to work cooperatively to
bring down prey much larger than themselves. However, because the primary prey of the
Mexican gray (deer) is smaller than the moose and caribou hunted by northern wolves,
wolf pack sizes were probably smaller as well. A typical pack may have been five to six
animals consisting of an adult pair and their offspring, with a territory encompassing up
to several hundred square miles.
Mexican gray wolves were found in a variety of southwestern habitats; however, they
were not low desert dwellers. They preferred mountain woodlands, probably because of
the favorable combination of cover, water, and available prey. The lobo inhabited
wooded foothills, mountains, and riparian corridors from central Mexico through
southeastern Arizona, southern New Mexico and western Texas (see Appendix B and
Figure 3-A).
Reasons for Decline:
In the early 1900s high cattle stocking rates coupled with overhunting of deer and elk by
humans, resulted in many wolves preying on livestock. This led to intensive efforts to
eradicate wolves in the United States. Wolves were shot, trapped, and poisoned by both
private individuals and government agents. By the mid-1900s, Mexican gray wolves had
been effectively eliminated from the United States, and Mexican populations were
severely reduced. Over the next 20 years dispersing wolves from Mexico were
occasionally caught and killed in the U.S. There have been no confirmed reports of
naturally occurring Mexican gray wolves in the U.S. since 1970, and no confirmed
reports in Mexico since 1980.
Reintroduction Objectives (as quoted from the 1982 Mexican Wolf Recovery Plan):
Reintroduction Area:
Wolf reintroduction has occurred in one area within the subspecies' historic range. The
Blue Range Wolf Recovery Area (see Figure 3-A) includes the Apache and Gila National
Forests in eastern Arizona and western New Mexico [(7,000 mi2); (18,200 km2)], and
also the White Mountain Apache Tribe lands on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation [(
2,500mi2) (6,475km2)]. (See also Figure 3-B).
The Mexican gray wolf reintroduction project plan is built upon the lessons learned from
previous predator reintroduction programs such as the red wolf in North Carolina and
Tennessee and the gray wolf in the Northern Rocky Mountains. The plan was to release
about 15 pairs or family groups over a period of five years into the Blue Range Wolf
Recovery Area. The USFWS predicted that it will take approximately 9 years to
establish a self-sustaining population of 100 wolves through release of captive animals
and natural reproduction in the wild. Although releases started in 1998, this goal has yet
to be realized.
Initially, biologists used a "soft release" approach, which entails holding the wolves in
acclimation pens for up to several months before the release. Wolves released into the
primary recovery zone in Arizona were allowed to disperse into the secondary recovery
zone in New Mexico.
The USFWS and cooperating agencies use a flexible "adaptive management" approach
based on careful monitoring and research to evaluate and make decisions about recovery
actions. The reintroduction plan allows for wolves to be removed or relocated when
conflicts occur with livestock or humans. Selective removal of individuals or packs that
habitually prey on livestock increases the potential for wolf recovery to succeed because
it encourages a wolf population that focuses on native prey and builds a tolerance for
coexistence among livestock producers. Reintroduced Mexican gray wolves are
designated as nonessential experimental population under the Endangered Species Act,
which allows for greater management flexibility than would be possible if wolves were
classified as fully endangered. The rule delineates the population boundary, provides
guidance for wildlife managers on capturing, monitoring, and translocating wolves, and
defines the circumstances in which a citizen can legally harass or kill a wolf.
Personnel working with Mexican gray wolves must not attempt to modify the animals’
behavior. As it is difficult to identify which wolves will ultimately be selected for release,
avoidance of socialization or familiarization of the wolves with humans is fundamental.
Remote feeding is preferred for release candidates and should be employed whenever
possible. Feed, give access to the food, and then leave the area. Wolves that are
potential candidates for release to the wild are evaluated based on a number of behavioral
and physiological criteria including genetic makeup, age, reproductive performance,
proven parental skills and appropriate social behavior, and aversion to humans.
Anonymous. 1997. Mexican Gray Wolf: Challenge in the Southwest. U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service. Albuquerque, NM.
Kent Newton. 1995. Mexican Wolf Husbandry Manual. Mexican Wolf SSP Management
1996. The Mexican Wolf: Natural History and Recovery Efforts. U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service. Albuquerque, NM.
D. Peter Siminski and Edward M. Spevak. 2008. Population analysis and breeding plan:
Mexican wolf (Canis lupus baileyi) Species Survival Plan. 24-25 July 2008. Association of Zoos
and Aquariums.
Figure 3-A Maps of the historic range and the recovery zones of Mexican gray wolf
Figure 3-B Important dates in Mexican gray wolf history.
Canis lupus baileyi listed as an endangered species. 1976
C. l. baileyi listed as extinct in the wild. 1980
First captive-born Mexican gray wolves released into the 1998
First pups born in the wild. 2001
First wild pairings formed. 2003
Canid social behavior has been well documented over the years. Like most canids, the
Mexican gray wolf shows a strong affinity to an organized social arrangement. This is
normally exhibited in the form of a family group consisting of a dominant breeding pair
and their offspring from current or previous litters, or both. Breeding pairs with young-
of-the-year or two consecutive litters have proven to be cohesive, advantageous
groupings and represent what would be considered an optimal social grouping. It must
be cautioned that the variables affecting stress (e.g., exhibit design, management
practices, human presence, environmental factors, etc.) are likely to have a more critical
influence on a larger multi-generational pack than a same sex, smaller group. However,
the benefits of a multi-generational pack are far reaching. The primary litter has the
benefit of experiencing and assisting with the growth and development of the secondary
litter. The secondary litter likewise can greatly benefit from all aspects of group social
interaction (including but not limited to aunting behavior, play, aggression, dominance,
submission, vocal communication, and hunting and feeding activities). Many possible
combinations of social pairings/groupings exist and may be suitable based on the
individual animals, the situation, and on the approval of the Mexican Wolf SSP©
Management Committee. For example:
With regards to same sex packs, there are many factors which should be considered when
attempting to form such social groupings. Introductions should occur under close
supervision in large areas where each animal has the ability to retreat if feeling
threatened. A number of steps can be taken to help encourage the successful formation of
same sex packs. These include:
• Providing multiple feed, water, and resting sites so they can not be monopolized.
• Open feeding areas so that all animals feel secure enough to feed.
• Insuring that all areas are open during an introduction (indoors, outdoors) in a
manner that provides no opportunity for an animal to be cornered.
• Eliminating bones and raw meat enrichment during the introduction period.
Lock downs and separations serve only to accentuate strife between pack members. If
the situation is bad enough that separation is deemed necessary, do not try to put them
back together again until well out of the breeding season.
In same sex female packs it is very difficult to form unrelated groups. Female pack
formation seems to occur more smoothly out of breeding season with siblings or family
pack members that have not previously been paired with adult males. It is very important
that the pack members be of similar age groups. No matter how long a female pack has
been housed together, there may still be aggression problems during the breeding season.
The formation of same sex male packs is most successful if all wolves arrive at the same
time and are introduced to neutral ground. They should always be introduced outside of
breeding season, usually in the early fall. Age composition is important among males as
well. One older male with the rest of similar age, but no more than two years younger,
seems to work best. There has also been success in mixing subordinate males from large
family packs into mixed-age same-sex groups.
The effects of removal of adults or pups from their parents or separation of adults or adult
pairs are highly variable. There have been reports of increased vocalization, pacing, or
lack of appetite when well-bonded pairs have been separated and held apart during the
breeding season. Other reports have described similar behavior when females have lost a
litter or an individual has lost a mate.
The trained observer can assess stress levels of wolves that are not afforded sufficient
privacy or security. Signs of stress may include: pacing, spinning or twirling, increase in
aggression or submission, overgrooming, excessive licking or chewing, diarrhea, hair
loss, disease, decreased appetite and/or weight loss, reproductive failure, or maternal
neglect. All efforts should be made to allow the animals to exhibit natural behaviors and
to restrict human-animal interaction.
Under no circumstances are "uncertified" wolves to mate with "certified" Mexican gray
wolves in the SSP© as indicated by the records of the studbook keeper, unless specifically
directed in writing by recovery program administrators for identified scientific purposes
that aid in the recovery of the species. Mating of certified wolves shall occur only with
approval of the SSP© Management Group and the USFWS or SEMARNAT.
Mexican grays are monestrous with mating taking place from the last week of January
through April 15th. Gestation is 60-63 days. Average litter size is 4-5 pups with
parturition taking place in April or May. Until safe, reliable and reversible contraception
has been demonstrated in this species the recommended means of mating prevention
remains temporary separation during the relatively short period that the female would be
in estrus. These dates are generally from late January through March.
The male wolf's testes regress in the spring and are quite reduced through the summer.
The testes will begin to develop again in the late fall, as indicated by a distinct
enlargement of the scrotum and a general loss of hair from the scrotal area. The breeding
status of the female is generally not as easily detected. During the short period the
female is in proestrus and estrus, depending on the individual, there may or may not be a
detectable enlargement of the nipples and/or a detectable discharge including blood from
the vulva area. It should be noted that vaginal discharge during pregnancy or around the
time of parturition may be normal; however, discharge after the season or at any other
time of the year may potentially indicate that the female has a uterine or bladder
infection. As with other canids, uterine infections can be fatal but can be effectively
treated if detected early. Most healthy female wolves will at least appear to undergo
estrus during their first breeding season at about nine months of age. Although female
wolves have successfully bred during their first "season" it is generally accepted that
female wolves are not reproductively mature until their second season at approximately
twenty-one months of age. Male captive-bred wolves have successfully bred during their
second breeding season at approximately twenty-two months of age, and it is generally
accepted that this is the age at which they first become reproductively viable. However,
there is at least one published record of a generic gray yearling reproducing and the
Mexican Wolf SSP© reproductive study has documented that a cross lineage Mexican
gray wolf at the Wild Canid Center produced viable semen at less than one year of age.
Good record keeping, and backdating from prior whelping dates may aid the keeper in
determining the period in which the animal is most likely to be in breeding status.
Occasionally, determination of a female's breeding status can be aided by noting changes
in the behavior of the male toward the female. Prior to copulation the male often
becomes increasingly more interested in the female's urine and licking or sniffing her
anogenital area.
Mexican gray wolf females may excavate underground dens or make shallow depression
dens or digs. In captivity it is important to offer them several options for denning;
whether above or below ground, man-made structures or dirt mounds in which to dig.
Facilities have successfully utilized:
• Man made, wooden den boxes
• Large mounds the wolves have excavated
• Underground den constructed of two sections of polyethylene pipe and a
polyethylene manhole
The animal's seclusion should be respected by the keeper and such areas should be
entered only in an emergency or for an occasional inspection. During whelping season, if
a female disappears, attempt to establish her location from outside the enclosure. The
alpha male's behavior may help locate her den site; he will generally spend a lot of time
in close proximity to the den. If it appears that the female is denned up, all personnel
access should be restricted. Human presence at this critical time could cause animal
aggression towards the employee, den/pup abandonment, and/or infanticide with or
without consumption.
disease; therefore, some veterinary care of the very young is required to achieve litter
survival rates that would be expected in the wild. The care involves treatments to reduce
parasite infestations and inoculations to prevent disease.
Whenever possible, cross-fostering of pups would be preferred to pulling pups for hand-
rearing. In cross-fostering, pups would be placed with those being cared for by a
competent proven female at the same institution or another institution with a suitable
match. Consultation with and approval from the USFWS Mexican Wolf Recovery
Coordinator and MWSSP Coordinator are required as with hand-rearing.
Parental Care:
In general, adult Mexican gray wolves provide excellent parental care. Mexican gray
wolves have successfully whelped in man-made dens or in a place of their own choosing
such as a depression den or under a bush. Females may not allow the male access to the
den when occupied by the pups. At approximately 4-6 weeks of age when the pups start
venturing away from the den, the male and other pack members begin to take a more
active role in their care by feeding, guarding, and socializing with the pups.
There is always concern that human handling of young animals may disturb their parents
to the point that the young may be jeopardized. In most situations adults will provide for
their litter even after required human intervention; however, afterwards they may move
the pups to another location. Cautious, limited handling can occur under specialized
circumstances. If this becomes necessary, care should be taken to limit the transfer of
human scent to the pups by wearing surgical gloves, and not holding the pups up against
your clothes/body.
Assisted Reproduction:
Semen collection techniques for wolves are well-established, but handling and
cryopreservation techniques require further development. Sperm survive freezing, but
percentages are low and survival is short compared to other species. Semen has been
banked for many male Mexican gray wolves, but post-thaw sample quality has not yet
been verified by successful AI. Recent advances in semen cryopreservation methodology
for domestic dogs should continue to be evaluated with wolf semen.
Until recently it was not possible to cryopreserve female gametes (oocytes), but advances
with vitrification (freeze-drying) show promise for Mexican gray wolves. Although the
techniques that will be required for the thawed oocytes to develop have not been
completely successful, several labs around the world are concentrating solely on these
procedures for application to domestic dog oocytes. Meanwhile, genes from individual
genetically valuable Mexican gray females can be preserved in anticipation of future use.
Endocrine monitoring of hormonal changes associated with estrus and ovulation using
fecal hormone assays can help diagnose reasons for reproductive failure. Similarly, fecal
samples can be analyzed for cortisol as a possible indicator of stress. However, hormonal
pregnancy diagnosis requires a blood sample for analysis of relaxin, the only hormone
that distinguishes pregnancy from pseudopregnancy in canids. Behavioral observations
can document courtship behaviors and determine whether copulation is complete, and
video can monitor the den box during the period of expected whelping to establish
whether pups are born (to distinguish pregnancy from pseudopregnancy) or if they are
born live. (See Figure 4-E.)
References (Referencias):
L. David Mech. 1970. The Wolf: the Ecology and Behavior of an Endangered Species. The
American Museum of Natural History. The Natural History Press, Garden City, NY.
Kent Newton. 1995. Mexican Wolf Husbandry Manual. Mexican Wolf SSP Management
Will Waddell. 1998. Red Wolf Husbandry Manual Guidelines for Captive Management. Red
Wolf SSP Management Group.
José F. Bernal and Jane M. Packard. 1997. Differences in Winter Activity, Courtship, and Social
Behavior of Two Captive Family Groups of Mexican Wolves (Canis lupus baileyi). Zoo Biology
C.S. Asa, K.L. Bauman, M. Callahan, J.E. Bauman, D.H. Volkmann and W. Jöchle. 2006.
Induction of fertile estrus with either natural mating or artificial insemination followed by birth of
pups in gray wolves (Canis lupus). Theriogenology 66:1778-1782.
Figure 4-A
Facial expressions of the wolf: a and b, normal expressions of a high ranking animal;
c and d, anxiety; e and f, threat; g and h, suspicion. (From Schenkel, 1947)
Figure 4-B
Expressive positions of the wolf’s tail: (a) self confidence in social intercourse; (b) certain threat, (c)
imposing attitude (with social pressure); (d) normal attitude (situation entirely without social pressure); (e) a
not-entirely-certain threat; (f) normal attitude (similar to “d”) particularly coming during eating and
observing; (g) depressed mood; (h) between threat and defense; (i) ; (j) actively casting oneself down (with
sideways brushing); (k) strong restraint. (From Schenkel, 1947)
All pictures taken from L. David Mech. 1970. The Wolf: the Ecology and Behavior of an Endangered Species. The American
Museum of Natural History. The Natural History Press, Garden City, NY.
Figure 4-C
Presentation and withdrawal of the anal parts. Dominant wolf in rear is presenting his anal
area and is exerting control over the anal parts of the subordinate, who is withdrawing his
anal region. (From Schenkel, 1947)
Figure 4-D
A subordinate wolf usually shows “active submission” by holding its tail and head
down when approaching a dominant animal. (D.H. Pimlot)
All pictures taken from L. David Mech. 1970. The Wolf: the Ecology and Behavior of an Endangered Species. The American
Museum of Natural History. The Natural History Press, Garden City, NY.
Adapted from the 1998 Red Wolf Husbandry Manual by W. Waddell Figure 4-E
Management Ethogram
General Behavior
Pass Wolves locomote towards each other and pass (one going one
direction, one the other) without stopping or interacting.
Elimination Behavior
Leg lift Urination with one leg lifted off the ground.
Over mark Wolf urinating or defecating almost immediately over the urination
or defecation of another.
Scent rolling Rub of head, neck, back on a surface; often where another urinated
or defecated. May include repeated full rolls in the area.
Scrape mark Wolf uses both front paws and back to tear at the ground (dirt is
usually thrown up in the process). May follow the discharge of
Figure 4-E cont.
Social Behavior
Unreciprocated play Wolf directs any play type towards another, who subsequently
does not respond, actively tries to avoid the initiator, or becomes
aggressive towards it.
Self play Wolf chasing its own tail, limb biting, etc.
Present A-G Female stands or walks with hindquarters oriented to male’s face,
back slightly arched, base of tail deflected up or to the side.
Mount Wolf standing behind another resting upon its back with forepaws
clasped around the midsection/pelvic region; may be followed by
pelvic thrusts.
Copulatory tie Male and female are joined in a ‘mount’ position that lasts a
minimum of 60 seconds. Seen after several short pelvic thrusts
followed by 2 or 3 deep thrusts resulting in the tie. Back to back
ties are sometimes seen.
Figure 4-E cont.
Agonistic Behavior
Active Submission In presence of another, wolf falls or lies on its side or back, often
with hind legs raised and ears back. May be accompanied by
whimper/whine. Can follow passive submission.
Figure 4-F.
The progestin-based melengestrol acetate (MGA) implant, previously the most widely
used contraceptive in zoos, has been associated with uterine and mammary pathology in
large felids (Munson 1993), and these side effects are also likely to occur in other
carnivores. Instead, the AZA Wildlife Contraception Center recommends GnRH agonists
[e.g., Suprelorin® (deslorelin) implants, leuprolide acetate injectable implants, or
Lupron®] as safer alternatives. However, dosages and duration of efficacy have not been
well established for all species. The GnRH agonists can be used in either females or
males, and side effects are generally those associated with gonadectomy, especially
weight gain which should be managed through diet.
Following is general information on contraceptive options for Mexican wolves. More
details and ordering information can be found at
Ovariohysterectomy: Ovariohysterectomy of females is the safest method for long-term
control of reproduction for females that are eligible for permanent sterilization.
Vasectomy: Vasectomy of males will not prevent potential adverse effects to females that
can result from prolonged, cyclic exposure to the endogenous estradiol and progesterone
associated with the pseudo-pregnancy that follows all spontaneous ovulations in canids.
This approach is not recommended.
GnRH agonists should not be used during pregnancy, since they may cause spontaneous
abortion or prevent mammary development necessary for lactation. They may prevent
initiation of lactation by inhibiting progesterone secretion, but effects on established
lactation are less likely. New data from domestic cats have shown no effect on
subsequent reproduction when treatment began before puberty.
Figure 4-F cont.
Although they can also be an effective contraceptive in males, they are more commonly
used in females, because monitoring efficacy in females by suppression of estrous
behavior or gonadal steroids in feces is usually easier than ensuring continued absence of
sperm in males, since most institutions cannot perform regular semen collections.
Suprelorin® has been tested primarily in domestic dogs and cats, whereas leuprolide
acetate and Lupron® have been used primarily in humans, but should be as effective as
Suprelorin®, since the GnRH molecule is identical in all mammalian species.
Progestins: Melengestrol acetate (MGA) implants were previously the most commonly
used method. Other synthetic progestins include Depo-Provera® (medroxyprogesterone
acetate) injections and Ovaban® (megestrol acetate) pills. Although MGA has proven
effective in canids, possible side effects include uterine and mammary disease, in
addition to weight gain and symptoms of diabetes mellitus. Other progestins are also very
likely to cause these same side effects, although data are not available for them all.
Because estradiol seems to synergize with progestins to exacerbate deleterious effects on
uterine and mammary tissue, progestin treatment should never be initiated during
proestrus, a time when endogenous estradiol is elevated. In the gray wolf, proestrus
(based on blood in vaginal smears) begins an average of 6 weeks before estrus. This
means that for some individual females, estradiol may be elevated as much as 2 months
or more prior to what is considered the beginning of the breeding season. The ideal time
to begin progestin administration is during deep anestrus.
If progestins must be used, they should be administered for no more than 2 years and then
discontinued to allow for a pregnancy. Discontinuing progestin contraception and
allowing a non-pregnant cycle does not substitute for a pregnancy. In fact, non-fertile
cycles are more likely to exacerbate deleterious effects, since both estradiol and
progesterone are elevated during estrus, and ovulation is followed by hormonal pseudo-
pregnancy with high progesterone. Use of progestins for more than a total of 4 years is
not recommended. MGA implants last at least 2 years, and clearance of the hormone
from the system occurs rapidly after implant removal. Progestins are considered safe to
use during lactation.
Androgen: Mibolerone is a synthetic androgen in pill form that is approved for female
dogs, but it may stimulate aggressive behavior, so is not recommended.
Vaccines: The porcine zona pellucida (PZP) vaccine may cause permanent sterility in
canids after only one treatment, due to a cellular response causing depletion of oocytes.
This approach is not recommended.
Figure 4-F cont.
To conduct this study, complete reproductive tracts are needed from BOTH
CONTRACEPTED AND NON-CONTRACEPTED females, so that it can be determined
if diseases are spontaneous in a species or caused by the contraceptive. Reproductive
tracts collected by ovariohysterectomy or at necropsy are appropriate. Pathology
evaluations will be conducted free of charge and a report is sent to the contributing
institution for the animal’s medical records. For institutions with their own pathologist,
please contact Linda concerning the sharing of tissues for this study.
Enclosure Size:
Mexican gray wolf enclosures should be as large as possible while still allowing for
observation and management of the animals. Mexican gray wolves have shown
considerable stress when housed in undersized areas as evidenced by pacing, aggression,
nervousness, poor reproduction, and care of offspring. Some facilities have successfully
bred and raised pups in smaller enclosures, and large size alone will not compensate for
other factors such as topography and exhibit "furniture." However, all other factors being
equal, it appears that larger enclosures are best. The following are the current housing
standards within the Mexican gray wolf program:
• For a same sex or non-reproductive grouping – 4,000 ft2 (371.6 m2) enclosure
plus two holding/shift areas of 150 ft2 (13.94 m2).
• For a single generation breeding enclosure – 10,000 ft2 (929 m2) enclosure plus
two holding/shift areas of 150 ft2 (13.94 m2).
• For a multi-generational breeding enclosure – 10,000 ft2 (929 m2) enclosure plus
an additional 4,000 ft2 (371.6 m2) enclosure, along with the two holding/shift
areas of 150 ft2 (13.94 m2).
• For a potential release grouping – 20,000 ft2 (1858 m2) enclosure plus an
additional 4,000 ft2 (371.6 m2) enclosure, along with the two holding/shift areas
of 150 ft2 (13.94 m2).
Containment Barriers:
Mexican gray wolves are relatively easy to maintain, but can be hard on their enclosure
through their daily travel patterns and propensity for digging. This may also be
compounded by pens that are too small, especially as pups get older. Barriers may be
constructed of a variety of materials. Metal bars, while sometimes used, are discouraged
for aesthetic and safety reasons. If used, bars must be spaced closer than 2 in (5 cm)
apart to prevent trapping limbs or wolf pup heads. This spacing also minimizes the
likelihood of injury from biting on the bars. Using bars for new construction is
discouraged. Wire fencing must be of sufficient strength to contain wolves; 9 gauge or
heavier 2 in (5 cm) chainlink is recommended suspended on 2 in (5 cm) metal pipes that
have been set in concrete. Vinyl coated wire is discouraged because wolves can easily
chew off and possibly swallow pieces of the coating. Because some wolves are skillful
climbers or jumpers, the vertical height must be at least 8 ft (2.5 m) with the addition of a
36 in (0.9 m) overhang extending into the enclosure at a 35-45 degree upward angle. To
prevent digging all containment barriers must have an underground component. Mesh
fencing 2-3 ft (0.6–0.9 m) wide extending horizontally into the enclosure 6-12 in (15.25
cm to 30 cm) below ground should be used to contain wolves. A concrete footing
approximately 8-12 in (20-30 cm) wide can be poured at the gate to prevent digging at
this area where a digging barrier can not be installed. All Mexican gray wolf enclosures
must be inside a facility with a perimeter fence to serve as a secondary barrier to escape.
Frequent fence inspection is recommended as one facility experienced a failure with 9
gauge fencing. Wolves are capable of snipping 9 gauge fencing with their carnassials;
check for gaps or stretching at bar attachments and take extra precautions at any
compromised fencing.
Unclimbable solid walls less than 11.55 ft (3.5 m) tall should also have an overhang as
described for wire mesh containment. In more confined areas such as catch pens or small
holding pens, overhangs may not be adequate to contain wolves and the entire top of the
pen may need to be covered.
Glass, plexiglas, or Lexan barriers offer a pleasant unobstructed view of wolves to zoo or
facility visitors. Care must be taken when introducing new wolves to enclosures with
viewing windows, as wolves are likely to perceive them as open space and may be
injured when jumping against them.
Cable mesh walls have been used in limited situations, such as viewing panels. It is very
important that the cable be greater than 9 gauge with no openings greater than 2” x 2”,
and with absolutely no slippage at the cable crosses. Of equal importance is that the
cable mesh be extremely taut. If it is even slightly loose it can trap the paw of a climbing
wolf with disastrous results. In addition, if a determined wolf can slip its muzzle through
the mesh, it will easily snip the cable strands with its carnassials. The support for a taut
cable mesh viewing panel will require a very stout structure; the larger the cable gauge,
the less stout the support needs to be to get the desired tautness. Cable mesh must also be
checked regularly for strand breakage and be replaced if any is found. Digging and
climbing barriers are still required with a cable mesh wall.
Wet moats may be used in Mexican gray wolf exhibits but should have an adequate
barrier as described earlier to contain wolves. Steep slopes to wet moats must be avoided
to prevent pups from falling in or becoming trapped in the water. If the water is two feet
(.6 m) deep or greater, there must be no more than a 30° angle between the water and the
adjacent substrate. Dry moats must be at least 18 ft. (6 m) wide to prevent wolves from
jumping out. All moats should have a ledge that allows easy access out of the moat.
Enclosure Design:
Care should be taken in designing enclosures to avoid tight corners (less than 90
degrees). Wolves tend to climb or jump in corners and trap subordinates in these areas. A
circular perimeter pen design may reduce stereotypic pacing and scattered running
responses during capture procedures. For facilities with multiple pens, common fence
lines must be avoided, when using 2 in (5 cm) mesh fencing. Past experience has taught
us that both young and adult wolves can sustain serious injuries when an appendage is
stuck through the fence housing another wolf. When the fence line is shared, a strong 9
gauge, 1 in (2.5 cm) chainlink mesh or comparable cable mesh must be used. An
alternative is to create at least an 18 in (45 cm) buffer between the two pens. Similar
precautions apply to any gaps between gates and gate hinges. Hot wire should not be
used as a primary containment feature, but rather as a deterrent.
Shelters should be provided either on exhibit or in off-exhibit areas to allow the animals
privacy, escape from inclement weather, or insects. Shelters can be either natural or
man-made. Examples of appropriate shelters include: hollow logs, rock overhangs,
underground dens, shade structures such as trees or bushes, holding buildings, or wooden
man-made den boxes. For breeding pairs, at least two den or shelter structures should be
available to the wolves at all times. This will give the female a choice for whelping and
the male an alternate source of shelter if the female occupies one den box with a litter.
a) Den Boxes: Via a removable lid or back door, den boxes should readily afford
keepers accessibility for cleaning, as well as, restraint or removal of wolves for routine
examination and inoculation, or transfers. See Figure 5-A for guidelines and
measurements of one version of a den box.
b) Natural Dens: Wolves will occasionally dig their own dens and may be encouraged
to do so by providing the proper substrate in the enclosure. Although allowing wolves to
dig natural dens is thought to encourage and strengthen "wild" behavior and skills, wolf-
made dens can make the task of inspecting, removing, treating or monitoring adults and
pups difficult and dangerous. There is also the possibility of the wolf-made den
collapsing or creating other problems. The length, depth and location of the den and soil
type should be considered when deciding whether to fill in the den or allow its continued
use by the wolves.
c) Man-made Dens: The Columbus Zoo initiated the use of a new type of man-made,
underground den built by Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc.®. The den is constructed of
polyethylene, a material that is water proof, retains body warmth, and stands up to biting
and chewing without breaking or cracking. It is composed of two sections of drainage
pipe and a manhole with drainage holes drilled into the bottom. This structure was set on
a gravel bed and buried by a large dirt mound, with the two pipes acting as entrances for
the wolves into the den. A man door is installed into the back of the manhole/den area,
which is built into the exterior of the enclosure or the side of the mound. When the
tunnels are blocked off, this allows staff easy access to the interior of the den. The new
dens have been well received by the breeding pair at Columbus and are being installed at
other facilities. They allow the wolves the feeling and security of a natural underground
den without the dangers of collapse or flooding posed by natural dens.
The combination of substrate, topography, and furnishings can combine to increase the
quality of the exhibit from the wolves’ perspective. Mexican gray wolves should be
housed on a natural substrate such as grass, dirt, sand, or forest litter. Temporary holding
or medical facilities may have cement or other hard surface flooring, but wolves should
not be housed on these for long periods of time. Joint discomfort, especially in older
animals, and excessive wear on nails and foot pads can result from prolonged housing on
rough concrete. Natural substrates also allow and encourage natural behaviors such as
caching bones and digging shallow depression resting dens. Enclosures should be
furnished with deadfall, logs, or boulders and should be planted with trees and bushes to
provide shelter and shade. "Furniture" should not be situated close to the perimeter
barrier where animals could use it for climbing or jumping. If possible, varied
topography such as terracing or earth berms should be provided. These features will
allow wolves the opportunity to climb, hide, play, mark territory, and carry out other
natural behaviors. A large and varied enclosure will minimize boredom and the
associated stress and unnatural behaviors associated with confinement in low quality
environments. Mexican gray wolves appear to enjoy access to water features. However,
safety precaution described above for wet moats should be applied to all water features.
Mexican gray wolves have been kept successfully from Michigan to Texas in the United
States without environmental heating or cooling, but radiant or forced air heat and air
conditioning, mist systems, or swamp coolers may be used in extreme weather or for ill
individuals at the discretion of the facility.
Support Space:
Multi-purpose off-exhibit holding, shifting, and isolation areas for capture or quarantine
can enhance management capabilities. These areas should be easily accessible from the
main enclosure, and wolves should be made familiar with them through feeding and or
continuous access. Shift areas should be accessible to the wolves at times other than
capture or stressful procedures so they do not become reluctant to use them. Buildings
are less desirable than shift areas since some wolves are very reluctant to enter them and
releasable animals should not be attracted to buildings. If a holding building must be
used, it should be well lit and ventilated, easily sanitized, and have remotely operated
doors for shifting wolves.
Written daily reports should be maintained by the animal keepers indicating at the
minimum the wolves' general condition, food consumption, and animal interactions.
Additional information may be kept such as food supplements, enrichment, the animal’s
bowel habits, weather conditions for that day or maintenance/repairs of the enclosures
(see Figure 5-B for a daily record sheet example).
Enclosure Cleaning and Maintenance:
Good sanitation including daily removal of feces, old bones and uneaten meat from wolf
enclosures greatly reduces the incidence of intestinal parasites and disease in wolves.
Prompt removal also eliminates the attraction of insects such as biting flies or other pests
to the enclosure area (see Figures 5-C, 5-D, 5-E, 5-F, 5-G, 5-H and Chapter 8 for
additional pest control information). However, daily removal must be evaluated in each
facility and weighed against the stress level it may cause the occupants. In addition,
proper foot wear and disinfecting procedures when moving between enclosures is also
imperative for reducing the incidence and spread of intestinal parasites and disease.
For keeper safety it is always a sound management practice to have more than one person
accessing an enclosure at a time. When moving about inside an enclosure for feeding or
cleaning, keepers should remain together throughout the enclosure moving in a circular
route. This allows the wolves to avoid the keepers and at the same time keep the greatest
amount of distance away. Keepers cutting through the center of an enclosure or failing to
remain together separate animals thereby causing confusion and increased levels of
stress, as well as, compromising their safety. Repeatedly using the same circular pattern
should reduce the wolves stress level as they learn to recognize the feeding and cleaning
The Mexican Wolf SSP© recommends feeding a high quality, meat-based dry dog food as
the basic diet for captive Mexican wolves. Supplemental feed items such as prepared
meats, bones and carcasses may also be fed, but should not be given in high enough
quantities as to interfere with the balanced composition of the principal diet.
Adult Mexican gray wolves can meet their maintenance requirements by feeding once a
day. Pairs or groups need not be separated for feeding, but enough separate feeding
stations should be provided to insure that the dominant animals can not monopolize all
feed. Many facilities feed their wolves in shift or holding areas which has the advantage
of providing privacy and of conditioning animals to use these areas. Care must be taken
to insure that conditioning the animals to an area does not include conditioning or
acclimating them to humans. As mentioned earlier, it is strongly suggested that potential
release candidates be fed through remote feeding. Feed - give access - then leave.
Feeding times vary among Mexican wolf facilities. Some facilities feed at the end of the
day since wolves may be reluctant to approach a feeding area when personnel are present,
the wolves are more active late in the day, or to avoid exposing food for long periods to
environmental factors, animal vectors (birds, ants, etc.), or spoilage. Other facilities that
feed an all dry diet and don't have to worry about spoilage have a morning feeding
routine in order to observe feeding problems such as aggression over food. In addition,
there are a number of accepted food containers or structures in which the food can be
presented. Many facilities feed from stainless steel bowls, others place the food directly
on an open surface such as a concrete pad, while still others utilize feeding trays that are
elevated off the ground and provide cover to keep the food dry from the outdoor
elements. Whichever method works best it is important that proper disinfection and
cleanliness of the food bowls or feeding areas is maintained.
Whole or partial carcasses are often fed to captive Mexican gray wolves, mainly for
behavioral enrichment reasons (additional enrichment recommendations can be found in
Figure 5-I). Facilities have reported feeding the following: rabbit (brown, white, wild),
chicken, turkey, pheasant, rats, mice, pig, javalina, white-tailed and mule deer, cattle,
goat, sheep, elk, horse and donkey. Carcasses from animals of known health status are
preferable to those from animals of unknown health history (e.g. road kill) to reduce
possible exposure to endoparasites and other pathogens. If carcasses from animals of
unknown history are fed, they should be inspected for signs of communicable disease and
for freshness. In recent years chronic wasting disease has become a concern. If you are
feeding carcass from an area in which the deer population is known to be affected by this
disease, it is strongly recommended that the brain stem and spinal chord be removed or
that only the meat from the carcass be fed. As with any feed item, carcasses should be
stored and handled in a manner designed to minimize spoilage or contamination.
A distinction must be made between acceptable carcass feeding practices for wolves that
will never be released to the wild and potential release candidates. Wolves which may be
released to the wild must not be fed carcasses of domestic animals, as this may lead to
wolf/livestock (and livestock owner) conflicts after release. Prenatal chemosensory
learning has been demonstrated in the domestic dog as well; the mother’s diet affected
the chemosensory preferences of neonatal pups (Wells and Hepper, 2006). With this
distinct possibility in play with wolves raised for release, caution should be exercised
with the diet choices offered to pregnant females as well. If possible, carcasses from prey
species that will be found in release areas should be fed to release candidates. Wolves
which will never be released to the wild may be fed other carcasses.
Fence integrity is imperative to the safety of all the animals in an enclosure. Maintenance
checks and fence and perimeter inspections should be part of a keeper’s daily routine.
Fence lines must be inspected daily to detect any need for repairs, sharp protrusions, and
to fill any substantial holes which might provide opportunities for escapes or injuries.
References (Referencias):
Kent Newton. 1995. Mexican Wolf Husbandry Manual. Mexican Wolf SSP Management
Will Waddell. 1998. Red Wolf Husbandry Manual Guidelines for Captive Management. Red
Wolf SSP Management Group.
Deborah L. Wells and Meter G. Hepper. 2006. Prenatal olfactory learning in the domestic dog.
Animal Behaviour. 72: 681-686.
12” x 18”
Figure 5-A Typical den box design.
Figure 5-B
Personnel: Weather:
Perimeter Check: WED Date:
A 105, 204 2 2 0 4
F-1 572 1 1 1 1
F-2 606 1 1 ½ 1½
F-3 658 1 1 0 2
1030g Clindamycin,
ISO 740 1 1 0 DC Clavamox X A
2203, 2204, DC
G-1 2205,2208, 2214 5 5 2 2lb MZ
Figure 5-C
A Report On Stable Fly Problems
By Ken Kawata/Belle Isle Zoo Curator
For the Mexican Wolf Captive
Management Committee
June 1992
B. Individuality
It appears that stable flies do not uniformly strike all wolves in the group.
One institution wrote, “the flies only attack to a great degree two or three
wolves a year.” Another institution pointed up, “…we have had certain
individual wolves in certain situations have a fly bite problem. None of
our wolves currently have a problem.”
Approaches to the fly problems usually take two directions: environmental and
direct treatment. Some comments from member institutions and my observations:
B. Alameda Park Zoo (Steve Diehl; this institution has not experienced serious
“By removing fecal and other organic materials from the exhibit area
quickly, we have been able to keep the fly population somewhat under
Figure 5-C cont.
a. Environmental
Dr. Agnew invited several entomologists from Michigan State
University to review the problem. One of their recommendations
was to change the zoo’s manure handling, in order to eliminate
breeding ground of the flies. This meant that no animal waste and
soiled bedding were to be exposed in the “manure bay” for later
pickup; rather, they were to be contained in plastic bags and in
garbage cans and picked up semi-weekly. By this approach, stable
flies would be less able to breed on the zoo premises.
Another approach was fly traps. One is called “Sticky Fly Traps”
(manufactured by Olson Products, PO Box 1043, Medina, OH
44258, 216-723-3210). A glued surface, when placed in the sun, is
expected to specifically attract stable flies. The trap is easily
assembled and not costly. It, however, requires direct sunlight
exposure and a specific height off the ground to be maximally
effective – neither of which could be accommodated due to the
exhibit design. Thus, it achieved a limited success in Detroit.
Another non-electrical fly trap, called “Big Stinky”, placed around
the perimeter of the exhibit, captured a large number of house flies,
but few stable flies. As for electrically operated fly traps, one zoo
commented that “fly zappers”, manufactured by Gardner
Manufacturing (P.O. Box 147, Horicon, WI 53032, 800-558-8890)
Figure 5-C cont.
attract stable flies. However, Belle Isle Zoo has not yet used this
product. We have also used permethrin on the premises semi-
weekly to little avail. Mowing grass and trimming shrubs in the
enclosure may have helped.
b. Direct Applications
Keepers tried to spray the wolves with Vet Kem products
(Pyrethrins, Piperonyl & Resmethrin) and reported a positive
impact. However, wolves eventually stayed away when they
found out that keepers had spray bottles, this method may work on
“tame” individuals. Another approach was to apply pyrethroid fly
repellent gel into the body surface whenever animals were
immobilized. To date, the most effective method at Belle Isle Zoo
has been the use of Fenvalerate insecticide impregnated eartags.
While other controls proved inadequate or unsatisfactory, the
eartags keep flies away from the ears. This may not be effective
where breeding pairs are maintained, since mates may not leave
them alone. However, at Belle Isle Zoo, where a “uni-sex” group
is maintained, and no intimate relationships develop between
group members, this approach has been highly preferable. In the
summer of 1991, Dr. Agnew discussed the use of Ectrin Insecticide
Impregnated Ear Tags on the wolves with the National Poison
Control Center at the University of Illinois, College of Veterinary
Medicine and the manufacturer, Fermenta. It appeared it would be
safe to use this product on the Mexican wolf. According to the
National Poison Control Center, the LD50 of Fenvalerate (the
active ingredient) is 450 mg/kg. Using a recorded wolf weight of
20 kg, we would have an exposure of 40 mg/kg, ten folds below
the LD50 value. Further, considering that (1) only one-eighth to a
quarter of a tag will be used, (2) the Fenvalerate is in a slow-
release formulation, and (3) the low probability that the animals
will get close enough to each other to ingest the tag, it seemed
unlikely that a toxicity problem would occur. They were fed 0.076
g/kg of Fenvalerate per day for several months with no ill effects.
Should the tag be used, there would be no more than 0.04g of
fenvalerate available for ingestion over one day. Based on the
above, eartags were applied. Since the tags were designed for
livestock, they were reduced in size for wolves’ ears. For exhibit
purposes, more “naturalistic” colors, such as brown and dark tan
were chosen as opposed to bright red or blue. A regular eartag
applicator was utilized. Even after the eartags were attached,
stable flies still followed wolves and continued to annoy them.
Yet, we saw no open wounds that would present not only an
animal welfare issue, but also a serious public relations problem.
Figure 5-C cont.
4. References
Integrated Pest Management of Nuisance and Biting Flies in a Michigan Resort:
Dealing with Secondary Pest Outbreaks. Richard W. Merritt, M. Keith
Kenneday, and Edward F. Gersabeck. In: Urban Entomology: Interdisciplinary
perspectives. G. W. Frankie and C. S. Koehler (eds.), pages 277-299, Praeger
Scien., NY. 1983
After this survey was conducted, the Minnesota Zoo (Nick Reindl) has had
success using Defend Exspot (manufactured by Pitman-Moore 1-800-842-3532).
Figure 5-D
TABLE 2 from RWSSP Husbandry Manual: Control methods used for fleas and ticks.
Institution Product Name Manufacturer Method/Freq. of Application Results Comments
Alligator River Fly Trap Sterling IPC Hang trap in area of fly Excellent Simple, very effective
source/replace every 3-4 months
Beardsley Zoo Repel-X Mix to proper dilution & mix with Good Helps but doesn’t solve
bedding or mulch/daily problem
Ectrin Cattle Tags Fermata Place in ear and cut to ¼ Poor Hard to keep tags in
Animal Health size/seasonally
Solar Fly Traps Arbico Set baited traps in problem areas. Good Need to be maintained
Revap E.C. Fermata Mix to proper dilution & spray Poor May work better if
Animal Health non-animal areas/weekly applied more often
Brevard Zoo Bronco-equine fly Farnam Impregnated fire hose strips placed ? Method just instituted
spray in mouth of night house/spray
strips biweekly
Brunet Park Zoo Fly wipe Various Sprayed directly on animal/daily Poor Could not get close;
worried about eyes;
worked well on Arctic
Garlic 1 clove/diet/day Fair (?)
Chaffee Zoo Crushed garlic In diet daily Good Worked on gray wolves,
not needed on reds
Fossil Rim Permectin II Direct spray on animals as
opportunity arises
Direct spray on grass & in Good
Great Plains Zoo VIP Fly Repellent Pet Chemicals Smeared on ground & wolves roll Fair (?) Some wolves roll more
Oint. bodies in it (use on alternate days than others; have to use a
with Tick Killer) lot
Adam’s Tick Killer Smith-Kline- Smeared on ground & wolves roll No change Can spray timber wolf
Beekham bodies in it when he walks up to
fence, not red wolves
Defend exspot Pitman-Moore 1cc between shoulder blades, 1cc Method just implemented
at base of tail & a couple drops on
each ear/monthly
Miller Park Zoo Defend 1cc tube-1/2 dribbled on each ear; No change Just went from monthly to
other 1cc tube dribbled down bi-weekly application
middle of back/bi-weekly
Hang 3-5 around perimeter of ? Traps catch lots of flies
Trap-N-Toss fly 150’x150’ exhibit/replace when
traps full-usually 1-2 weeks
Hung in refillable dispersers on ? Use quite a bit of product
Golden Malrin Fly exterior of exhibit/refilled every 4-
Bait 6 weeks
Parasitic pupai spread around ?
Fly Parasite Beneficial exhibit/weekly from spring till fall
Insectary in 1995
Pittsburgh Zoo Swat Applied directly to ears/when Good Too few opportunities to
animal is down apply
Fly spray Sprayed around head avoiding Difficult to apply
eyes/daily Short duration of protect.
Point Defiance Schreiners Healing Restoration Applied by hand to both ears & top Excellent Used in severe cases only
Zoo Liniment Products of head/twice a day
Rescue disposable Sterling Hang around perimeter fence & in Excellent Still see an animal with a
fly traps International between pens/change as needed. problem
Racine Zoo Insectin X Hess & Clark Sprayed directly on animals from Good
Inc. pump sprayer/when flies are
covering ears
Permectrin Dust Anchor Sprinkled in wooden shelters & on Good Also added to straw that
ground where animals lay/weekly is given as enrichment
Permethrin LPS Dionne 40cc/gal water-spray outside Fair
perimeter in tall grass &
bushes/twice week (repeat after
Vectro System Fly Micro-gen electrical bug zapper in keeper area Excellent Building is free of flies
Zapper of building/sticky board replaced
as needed
Fly Terminator Farnam Placed on ground around perimeter Good
fence-baited per directions + one
dead fish/change as necessary
Trevor Zoo Fly Pest Strips Hang in key areas of zoo/changed
Wild Canid Permethrin spray Various Fine mist sprayed around facility Excellent County Health Dept.
Center perimeter/weekly applies
Permethrin spray Various Sprayed on ground in certain areas Fair Wolves stop rolling when
of enclosures to initiate scent they get used to scent
rolling/as needed
Figure 5-E
TABLE 3 from RWSSP Husbandry Manual: Control methods used for fleas and ticks.
Figure 5-F
TABLE 4 from RWSSP Husbandry Manual: Exhibit/management modifications used to reduce the problems with
Figure 5-G Smithsonian National Zoo stable fly trap design.
Figure 5-H
Product Name:
Phone number:
Email address:
Figure 5-I
At the April 2000 AZA Regional, the above people met to consider enrichment in
Mexican gray wolves. As part of the Mexican Wolf SSP Keeper Training Workshops, it
was determined that facilities in both the United States and Mexico were interested in
pursuing enrichment for this species. Dr. Stoopen performed a literature search to amass
a comprehensive list of enrichment items used for gray wolves.
Participants in the Mexican Wolf SSP Program are all well aware of our ultimate
goal which is to rear releasable wolves for reintroduction programs in the United States
and Mexico. Zoological institutions are also well aware of the importance of enrichment
in enhancing the lives of captive animals. Believing that enrichment would also enhance
the repertoire of natural behaviors which captive wolves display (i.e. scent marking,
predation, denning, etc.) and possibly increase the likelihood that a particular wolf makes
a smooth transition to a wild life, we have attempted to present here a list of
preferred/approved enrichment items for Mexican gray wolves. At any point in time it is
difficult to predict whether or not a particular wolf is a potential release candidate – needs
change for the program – and with this in mind we have chosen not to create separate
lists (one for releasable wolves and one for those not destined for release).
Institutions are encouraged to present as many of the items on this list as are
feasible for their situation. From a MWSSP or USFWS perspective, enrichment is not a
requirement but it is highly encouraged. At each annual meeting institutions may request
additional items be included; the list will be updated annually accordingly.
Feeding Enrichment
Vary feeding regime (feast/famine) Hide food items in enclosure
Vary time food given each day Novel food items in pond
Diet spread over the course of day Several feed pans/stations
Buried food Hang food items from trees/branches
Present food items when wolves cannot Frozen food items
see them being placed/hidden, if possible
Figure 5-I cont.
Specific Items:
Mealworms Crickets Ice cubes with meat
Pinkies Canine meat Blackberries
Ice blocks Dog chow Melons
Cherries Antlers Trout
Blueberries Pumpkins Orange
Snow Smelt Rawhide bones
Hair from game native to release area
Bones from game native to release area
Live prey, game native to release area (e.g., brown rabbit, turkey, quail)
Dead meat from game native to release area (e.g., deer, elk, rabbit, turkey, quail, beaver,
pronghorn, javelina, rodents, ground squirrels, vole, prairie dogs, pinkies, rats)
Olfactory Enrichment
Note: Be aware that there are possible medical risks associated with presentation
of urine and feces (bison brucellosis, etc.)
Note: No perfumes or aftershaves should be used
Vinegar Orange
Chamomile Mint
Vanilla Lemon
Peppermint Almond
Anise Cinnamon
Pecan Banana
Strawberry Maple
Allspices Onion
Chives Paprika
Cinnamon Sage
Cumin Ground cloves
Coriander Rosemary
Figure 5-I cont.
Environmental Enrichment:
Note: No Christmas trees (concerns about disease transmission from
household pets).
Plant/grasses in several areas Straw
Substrate piles/dirt and brush piles Dry grasses
Grass patches for “hiding” Sand
Logs with holes drilled for food items White pine
Furniture rearrangement Hiding places
Burrows Bark mulch
Dead leaves Pine shavings
Pine cones Pine needles
Auditory Enrichment
Any naturally occurring sound (animals found at release sites)
No radios (could attract them to humans)
Sirens OK
Identification Methods:
a) Tattoos: Early in the program all Mexican gray wolves were tattooed with an
institutional number inside the pinna of each ear and inside the upper thigh. A number of
tattoo methods have been tried. The most distinct and long-lasting marks can be made by
an electric tattoo kit. However, today it is recommended that all Mexican gray wolves be
identified with a microchip transponder instead of a tattoo mark.
b) Transponders: Until the August 1999 SSP© meeting, it was recommended that all
Mexican gray wolves be implanted with a Trovan Transponder. The Trovan System is
the global standard recommended by the International Union for Conservation of Nature
and Natural Resources and Captive Breeding Specialists Group (IUCN/CBSG) working
group on permanent animal identification. However, InfoPet, the company that
distributes the Trovan System has been involved in ongoing litigation with Avid, a
company that produces a microchip system widely used in the pet industry. The end
result is that Trovan transponders have been difficult, if not impossible, to procure in the
last few years. The Mexican Wolf SSP© Management Group is now recommending that
cooperators make use of a system that can read a wide variety of transponders, such as
the Destron System marketed by BioMark (134 N. Cloverdale Road, Boise, ID 83713,
phone 208/378-4900,
The expense of purchasing this equipment may be prohibitive for some facilities. For use
in the U.S. Mexican wolf recovery program, the USFWS has purchased two Trovan units
to be shared between institutions that do not own their own. In addition, InfoPet, the
company that distributes the Trovan system, has a list of zoological facilities, universities
and agencies that have the equipment. Since the recommendation for the use of the
Destron System is very recent, currently there are no such provisions made.
Transponder numbers should be sent to the SSP© Coordinator for inclusion in SPARKS
(Small Population Animal Record Keeping System) and should accompany paper work
when a wolf is being transferred to another facility. It is not necessary to anesthetize the
wolves to implant a transponder. The most common subcutaneous site to insert the chip
has been between the shoulder blades. However, at least one facility has placed the
transponder at the base of the ear. Wolf pups can be transponded in conjunction with the
first scheduled vaccination.
Tattoos and transponders should be checked at least annually and preferably each time
the animal is handled. Although such occurrences are rare, transponder chips have been
known to migrate or otherwise fail.
Record Keeping:
Health, medical, dietary, reproductive, and mortality records for each animal should be
kept in accordance with the holding facilities record keeping system (see Figure 6-A).
Written daily reports should be maintained indicating the wolves' general condition, food
consumption, bowel habits, animal interactions, etc. Copies of pertinent records should
accompany each animal whenever it is transferred to another facility. Records should also
be provided to the SSP© Coordinator, studbook keeper, and/or U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service upon request or whenever the facility feels there is something significant to
report such as births and mortalities. Reports on reproductive status, mortalities, and
transfers should be made monthly to the International Species Information System (ISIS)
Record Keeper (see Figures 6-B). Please refer to Figure 6-C for the proper guidelines for
Mexican wolf record keeping within the ISIS system. Additionally, each U.S. facility is
required by their USFWS loan agreement to provide an annual report on all activities
concerning their Mexican gray wolves to the SSP© Coordinator (see Figures 6-D and 6-
E). In turn, the SSP© Coordinator prepares an annual report for AZA on the activities of
the SSP©.
References (Referencias):
Kent Newton. 1995. Mexican Wolf Husbandry Manual. Mexican Wolf SSP Management
Will Waddell. 1998. Red Wolf Husbandry Guidelines for Captive Management. Red
Wolf SSP Management Group.
Figure 6-A Sample of an individual daily log.
Vaccination/Capture Record:
Medical Alerts:
Daily Log:
Figure 6-B Sample ISIS report.
Figure 6-C
§ All Mexican wolves residing in the United States should be recorded as Loan-In
from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service with the appropriate ISIS mnemonic
USFWS. All records that currently reflect other ISIS or random mnemonics such
as USDI, USDI-LAW, FOREIGN, etc. should be corrected to USFWS.
§ All Mexican wolves residing in Mexico should be recorded as Loan-In from the
“Secretaria de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales” with the appropriate ISIS
mnemonic SEMARNAT.
§ Dispositions should be recorded as loan transfers to the next facility with their
appropriate ISIS mnemonic and vendor/recipient ID.
§ The receiving institution, if located in the United States, should record the
acquisition as a Loan-In from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), while
the receiving institution in Mexico will record the acquisition as a Loan-In from
the “Secretaria de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales” (SEMARNAT).
SEMARNAT is the revised ISIS mnemonic for all Mexican wolves residing in Mexico.
The mnemonic designates the following government entity:
This mnemonic will be included in the June 30th, 2003 DVD but you can enter the above-
referenced information in your ISIS institution list prior to that date or you can use the
previous mnemonic SEMARNAP. Since the mnemonic SEMARNAP has been set up as
a synonym to the new mnemonic, SEMARNAT, your historical records will
automatically be changed to the revised mnemonic once they are submitted to ISIS.
Figure 6-C cont.
Vendor/Recipient ID
There are currently two conventions for data entry of the vendor/recipient ID for a non-
ISIS reporting facility in the Standards for Data Entry and Maintenance of North
American Zoo and Aquarium Animal Records Databases, Page 86. Since the U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service uses the international studbook number for Mexican wolves as their
internal accession number, the Mexican Wolf SSP© would like you to record the
international studbook number (in its true form) in the vendor/recipient field as the
USFWS unique ID.
These guidelines are to be incorporated into the Mexican Wolf Husbandry Manual.
Figure 6-D Sample Mexican wolf medical report.
Name of Reporting Institution: Return by 17 July to:
Wild Canid Surv. & Res. Cntr. Peter Siminski, Mexican Wolf SSP©
PO Box 760, Eureka, MO 63025 Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
2021 N. Kinney Road
Tucson, AZ 85743
Completed by: Susan Lyndaker Lindsey, PhD FAX: 520/883-2500
Complete this sheet for each wolf in your facility that has had a significant
medical or behavioral problem or has died during the period 1 July 1999 through
30 June 2000.
Wolf shows evidence of having experienced a vestibular disorder (28 Sept 99) and has
continued to show deficiencies on her left side. Recent evidence of low thyroid (17 June
00) and is receiving thyroxin
28 Sept 1999: Found in A.M. on opposite side of enclosure than normal; dazed,
standing with rear legs splayed, circling and collapsing toward left side – symptomatic of
stroke. Veterinarian suspected vestibular disorder/syndrome and administered steroids
and fluids IV. In P.M. animal was a bit more stable in gait and alert; however, she
remained disoriented with head tilt to left.
Thank You.
File: MW medical report 1.wpd
Figure 6-E Sample Mexican wolf reproduction report.
Name of Reporting Institution: Return by 17 July to:
Wild Canid Surv. & Res. Cntr. Peter Siminski, Mexican Wolf SSP©
PO Box 760, Eureka, MO 63025 Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
2021 N. Kinney Road
Tucson, AZ 85743
Completed by: Susan Lyndaker Lindsey, PhD FAX: 520/883-2500
Complete this sheet for each wolf pair together during the 2000 breeding season.
One of the quickest and least stressful ways of capturing a Mexican gray wolf is to allow
it to run into its den or other confined areas such as a holding or shift area. Once in this
confined space, the wolf can be easily captured with a catch-pole, net, v-stick, or forced
into a smaller handling crate. This method of capture underscores the importance of
coordination with keepers familiar with the wolves' specific habits. Once the wolf has
been observed running into the den, the entrance of the den should be blocked with a net
or door incorporated into the den to prevent the animal from running out. At this point
personnel familiar with the habits of the animal and proficient in the use of a catch-pole
or v-stick can access the wolf from a rear den door, or from the top of a den equipped
with a hinged or removable roof. The noose of the catch-pole can be slipped over the
wolf's head and the animal secured by hand or using a net or v-stick. Most procedures
(inoculation, blood draws, etc.) can normally be accomplished without removing the wolf
from the den. Unless the animal is to be crated, it can be handled and then immediately
released. If a large pack is being handled you want to leave the denned animals confined
until all animals are processed in order to alleviate confused identifications and additional
stress to the animal.
Wolves that can not be captured in a confined area may require a larger coordinated
effort with multiple keepers and nets. Personnel should form a line and move in a unified
and deliberate fashion to corner or work the animal into a desirable location for capture.
If the animal can not be worked into a corner of the pen for capture, the animal must be
caught as it runs the perimeter of the pen. Do not chase the animal; position yourself so
you can stick your net in front of the animal as it runs by you. Once the wolf is in the net,
position yourself to follow through with the animal’s movement and place the net flat
against the ground as soon as possible. To avoid further stress and possible injury from
excessive struggling, the animal should be quickly pinned to the ground or against the
fence by another member of the catch team using a tool such as a v-stick (CB). Unless the
animal is to be crated it can be handled at the point or location of capture and then
immediately released. When capturing a large pack it is recommended that each animal
caught in this manner be confined to a den area or crate until all the members of the pack
have been processed.
Nets - A hoop net consisting of a 4-5 ft (120-150 cm) handle, a hoop opening of
36 in x 40 in (90-100 cm), and a 1-1 ½ in (2.5-3.75 cm) mesh nylon net with a depth of 4
ft (120 cm) is recommended. The mesh size of the net must be small enough to prevent
feet and legs or noses from pushing through the net causing injuries.
The Wild Canid Center uses nets from Fuhrman Diversified, Inc. 2912 Bayport
Blvd. Seabrook TX 77586-1501; PH: (281) 474-1388; [Heavy
duty net system: rod diameter 5/8”, circumference 84” Ogive; handle DSA1 Ti5A 48”
double grip; net 84” circumference, 38” deep, brown, D mesh].
Crating from a den or confined area - If the wolf is to be removed for transport, a crate
should already be positioned, and ready outside the den as the animal is lifted or pulled
from the den. The person holding the catch-pole is the person in control who coordinates
the operation. 1. One method is to place the crate door at the den or shift door and attempt
to run the wolf directly into the crate. 2. A second method would be to position the crate
by standing it on end. The wolf is then lifted in a coordinated manner for placement into
the crate. When the animal’s hind quarters are above the crate, that end is released as the
person controlling the catch-pole allows the weight of the wolf to drop into the crate.
The noose should then be released and removed from the wolf's head and the crate
lowered to its proper position. At no time should the wolf actually be lifted by the catch-
pole, as injuries such as a broken hyoid bone can occur.
Crating from a net or an open area - 1. Position the crate along a fence line with the
opening of the net abutted to the opening of the crate and force the wolf directly from the
net into the crate. 2. Using a catch-pole pick the wolf up or "walk" the wolf into the
crate. 3. If the wolf is too tangled in the net, it may be required to grab the wolf firmly by
the scruff of the neck by hand to secure it while someone works to untangle the wolf and
then transfer the wolf into the crate. Essentially, the hands act as a catch-pole; however,
this may be the least desirable method for obvious reasons. It also may be possible to
catch-pole the wolf from underneath the netting. 4. In some cases the transfer crate can
be set in a corner of the pen and positioned in such a way that when the animal is forced
to that corner it will seek refuge in the crate and can be captured without a great amount
of stress. However, this may not be the best method if hands-on are needed prior to
During any capture or restraint of a Mexican gray wolf, the animal should be firmly but
humanely handled. During handling, a Mexican gray wolf will undergo such procedures
as inoculations, blood drawings, or a physical examination. Because sedation is not
recommended or necessary for these types of procedures the animal has complete
knowledge of the experience. It is essential that the Mexican wolf find the experience
distasteful each time that it is touched by humans. Keepers may understandably feel a
personal need to stroke, pet, or scratch a wolf behind the ears, etc., when the animal is
restrained. A clear understanding of the Mexican gray wolf recovery objectives, and the
potential problems associated with such actions should discourage such activity (e.g. a
non-socialized animal will be further stressed by being stroked or petted).
Additionally, keepers should be carefully selected for their knowledge and temperament
and must be aware of the overall purpose of managing these animals for release. One of
the most harmful characteristic a keeper can show is fear of the animals. Wolves are
sensitive to human emotion. Keepers must convey to the animals that, although there is
respect for them, the keeper is in charge. If the wolves sense fear in their handlers, they
may begin "testing" to determine how much control they have over daily situations and
may eventually become more aggressive and unmanageable during restraint procedures.
Stress and heat are the two main concerns when capturing Mexican wolves; therefore a
capture should be coordinated with outdoor temperature in mind. Canids are extremely
susceptible to overheating when stressed at temperatures above 80oF (26.6oC). The first
indication of heat stress is generally excessive panting and drooling or a white frothy
foam corporal around the mouth, reddened eyes, pale gums due to poor capulatory refill
times (2 seconds or more), and in extreme cases vomiting. Work with the animal should
cease until their respiratory and heart rates have returned to normal. If the animal has
become comatose or there is a fear that it soon will, aid in reducing its body temperature
by cooling it immediately with water from a hose or submerging the animal in cool water.
Ice packs may be placed on the extremities or between the rear legs in the groin region
and rubbing alcohol may be poured on the pads and ears. IV fluid therapy may also be
utilized to lower body temperature, which should be monitored throughout treatment.
The normal body temperature range is between 99° and 104° F (37.2°C and 40°C). If the
animal has already been captured, it should be placed in a well-ventilated holding crate in
a shaded area or an air-conditioned building. The animal may be calmed by loosely
covering the holding crate with a light shade screen which restricts exposure to sights and
sounds without restricting ventilation. If covered, the animal should be periodically
monitored. If the symptoms of overheating are observed and the animal has not been
captured, attempts at capture should cease immediately. The veterinarian should
determine if further attempts at capture can resume or should be postponed until another
Although few deaths from capture myopathy have occurred in the Mexican wolf
program, it has been encountered and needs to be treated by your veterinarian as a
medical emergency. CM is a muscle disease associated with the stress of capture,
restraint, and transportation. It is a syndrome that occurs in wild (free-ranging or captive)
mammals and birds. It is thought that in nature capture myopathy is an inherent
mechanism that hastens the death of an animal following capture by a predator. Four
clinical syndromes of CM have been observed in animals, capture shock, ataxic
myoglobinuric, ruptured muscle, and delayed-peracute. Capture shock may be observed
in recently trapped or immobilized animals. Animals with this syndrome usually die
within 1 to 6 hours post-capture. Various clinical signs associated with a capture shock
death may include but are not limited to shallow rapid breathing, elevated body
temperature, weak thready pulse, painful stiff movement of the hind legs, or death.
Prevention is the most effective means of managing CM. Under field conditions, the
treatment of CM is usually unsuccessful. Numerous procedures may be carried out to
reduce the potential for CM. However, CM may still occur, even with the most well-
planned capture strategies. For treatment and control procedures, as well as, additional
clinical and post-mortem signs (see Figure 7-A).
Mexican gray wolves are federally owned animals. Recent incidents of bites to staff and
visitors have resulted in some confusion regarding jurisdiction when rabies control issues
are implemented. Most authorities will agree to quarantine wolves for observation
periods. However, some have requested or demanded euthanasia and necropsy
examination of the wolf’s brain. It is important to contact the MWSSP Coordinator and
USFWS Mexican Wolf Recovery Coordinator as soon as possible after the incident
occurs as they can assist in clarifying jurisdiction and authority issues. It is important that
each facility have a good relationship with their County Health Department and share
accurate information with them. The MWSSP Coordinator and USFWS Mexican Wolf
Recovery Coordinator are available for consultation. The final decision resides with the
County Health Department since in all cases, public health will take precedence over
individual wolf welfare.
It is recommended that all staff working with wolves receive the rabies vaccination with
titres monitored every two years.
Escape Procedures:
Over the years there have been a number of reports of Mexican gray wolves that have
escaped from their enclosures or facility. While each individual animal will react to such
a situation differently, having in place a set of standardized procedures to follow will aid
in a quick and safe recovery of an escaped wolf. The following procedural steps were
adapted from the Red Wolf SSP© husbandry manual. They should be incorporated into
your facility’s own escape procedures.
2. If the wolf escapes its pen but not the facility:
v Call the MWSSP Coordinator after the wolf has been recaptured. The
MWSSP Coordinator will contact USFWS.
v When out of a pen, specific patterns that an escaped wolf will
demonstrate may be extremely variable. This could be dependent on
the property characteristics of the facility, how soon the escape is
detected, what and when food is set out, etc. If the facility property
contains wooded or other areas that may provide suitable shelter that is
not heavily used by people, the animal may not go far immediately.
v To increase the chances of keeping an escaped wolf (when visual
contact has been lost) within the facility’s perimeter fence and catching
the animal, food should be provided at strategic locations, e.g., outside
the pen where the animal escaped and at undisturbed places on the
facility property, especially near natural runways such as old roads,
paths, etc., as soon as possible. The food and the area around the food
should be checked morning and evening for evidence of the presence
of animals, including tracks.
3. Contacting the media will be at the discretion of the institution, unless
acted upon otherwise by the USFWS.
v There is no reason to involve the media if it is determined that the
animal is still on the facility’s property or if the animal is captured
within 24 hours.
v If it is determined that the animal has left the property and has not been
captured within 24 hours, the public is owed the truth, i.e., an animal
has escaped, we are attempting to capture it, and here are instructions
to the public regarding their observations of the animal, (including a
phone number to call and instructions for them not to attempt capturing
the animal).
v However, in all media contacts, efforts should be made to allay the
public’s fear to the degree possible. For example, inform them that the
animal is shy and afraid of humans and that it is therefore not likely to
be a danger. However, if cornered, it might respond aggressively to
humans, and it might injure or kill pets for food or in defense.
4. A follow-up report from the MWSSP representative should be sent to the
MWSSP Coordinator and the USFWS MW Recovery Coordinator.
v This report should address important points such as how the escape
occurred, what corrective measures will be taken, when the escape was
detected, was food provided and when the Coordinator was contacted,
news media interactions and response (attach newspaper articles), was
the animal recaptured, when was it recaptured and how, was FWS
called in and when, etc.
v The purpose of this report is not to direct blame but to be used to
evaluate these procedures and to minimize the likelihood of subsequent
escapes and to maximize response and efficiency in future escapes.
References (Referencias):
Kent Newton. 1995. Mexican Wolf Husbandry Manual. Mexican Wolf SSP Management
Will Waddell. 1998. Red Wolf Husbandry Manual Guidelines for Captive Management. Red
Wolf SSP Management Group.
From Figure 7-A
Capture myopathy is a muscle disease associated with the stress of capture, restraint, and
transportation. The disease is characterized by degeneration and necrosis of skeletal and cardiac
muscle. Other names for this disease include: exertional Rhabdomyolysis, muscle dystrophy,
overstraining disease, capture stress disease, white muscle disease, and idiopathic muscle
Numerous species of birds and mammals are susceptible to capture myopathy. It has
never been documented in reptiles or lower vertebrates. It seems to be more prevalent in prey
species or submissive members of non-prey species which can become easily excited, especially
when exposed to unusual stress such as restraint or chasing.
The disease develops within hours and up to 14 days after capture or transport. It may be
seen in both animals that exert themselves maximally and those that are relatively quiet although
it generally occurs after severe exertion and is often seen following a difficult, prolonged capture.
It can occur with either physical or chemical restraint.
Four different syndromes related to capture myopathy have been described. These four
symptoms are the peracute death syndrome, the acute death syndrome, the ataxic myoglobinuric
syndrome, and the ruptured muscle syndrome.
The peracute death syndrome is seen in animals shortly after capture. While the animal is
undisturbed, it appears normal, but if excited or stressed again, it may suddenly fall and die. A
peracute muscle tissue breakdown, which causes a release of cellular contents, (particularly, lactic
acid and potassium) is thought to be the underlying mechanism. The potassium causes the heart
to be hypersensitive to substances released by the adrenal glands during stress. The heart
develops a severe abnormal rhythm and death rapidly follows.
Acute death syndrome occurs 3-4 hours following capture and involves over-heating,
shock, adrenal gland exhaustion, and mild, acute muscle breakdown. Alternations in blood pH to
create an acidotic state appear to be a critical factor in the development of acute capture
myopathy. Clinical signs that may be observed prior to death include depression, shallow rapid
breathing, increased heart rate, cessation of urination, and rapid debilitation.
Ataxic myoglobinuric syndrome occurs hours to days post-capture. The animal becomes
progressively more wobbly until it is unable to stand. The urine may appear reddish-brown in
color due to the muscle break-down products. Renal failure follows.
In the ruptured muscle syndrome, animals are usually normal and appear healthy when
captured, but clinical signs may become noticeable twenty-four to forty-eight hours later and may
persist for three to four weeks. Clinical signs include a marked-drop in the hindquarters and
hyperflexion of the hocks due to bilateral rupture of the gastrocnemius muscles.
Figure 7-A cont.
The cause of all these syndromes is very similar but complex, involving fear, the
sympathetic nervous system and damage to skeletal and cardiac musculature. The biochemistry
of stress and fear create an atmosphere of increased metabolic activity and requirements. The
muscles use up all available oxygen and resort to anaerobic glycolysis, a normal physiological
process in muscle tissue. A by-product of glycolysis is lactic acid. Lactic acid is usually further
metabolized in the liver to glycogen, but with sudden strenuous exercise, the massive increase of
lactic acid creates a localized acidosis which progresses to a systemic acidosis.
The blood supply is pooled in the muscles and rapidly becomes deoxygenated.
Normally, with exercise, there is a “muscle pump,” whereby contractions squeeze blood out of
the muscle and relaxation again allows pooling. When an animal is captured, there is now an
isotonic state of contraction creating poor tissue perfusion and decreased heat dissipation and
hypoxia. All of these problems are magnified when the animal is tranquilized and the muscle
masses start to relax. A pooling of blood results in the venous system and a sudden drop in blood
pressure occurs. Shock can become a complication as in the acute death syndrome. In most
cases of capture myopathy, this hypoxia and local acidosis remains localized, especially in well-
perfused muscle, and focal muscle necrosis results.
No reliable therapeutics have been documented to treat capture myopathy. Treatment for
capture myopathy is supportive and includes intravenous fluids, sodium bicarbonate to combat
acidosis, corticosteroids, vitamin E and selenium supplements, calcium channel blockers, and
antibiotics. Many of the pathologic changes are irreversible and, despite drastic supportive
measures, animals suffering from capture myopathy often die, so prevention is essential.
The following procedures are observed during all planned capture events:
1. Immobilizations are scheduled during early morning hours when temperature and humidity
are lowest.
2. Each event is discussed by the veterinary and curatorial staff and a plan of action determined.
3. All necessary equipment is assembled and ready. Hospital staff are required to refer to a
capture equipment check list.
4. All persons participating in the capture event will be trained in the use of equipment such as
nets, snares, gloves, etc. Use of projective capture equipment is restricted to the hospital and
curatorial staff.
5. When using chemical restraint, an adequate dose of the immobilizing agent is administered
by the most efficient and least stressful method.
6. Blindfolds are used to decrease visual stimulation.
7. All personnel involved are to proceed quietly. Unnecessary conversation and noise are
Figure 7-A cont.
8. All hospital, curatorial, and keeper staff are familiar with the human emergency protocol in
the event of a narcotic accident. It is required that hospital staff, mammal curator, and
assistant curator and hoofstock keepers be trained in CPR and that they keep their
certification current by attending an annual review course.
9. [N/A to canids]
10. Temperature, pulse, and respiration rates will be checked during all restraint procedures.
11. Animals with temperatures greater than or equal to 106° F will be cooled down with water
and receive IV fluid therapy if the condition is severe.
12. Animals showing increased heart rates (>250) or species seeming prone to capture
myopathy may prophylactically be given one liter LRS containing 1,000 meq. sodium
The prevalence of a particular disease or parasite common to Mexican gray wolves may
vary by the geographic location and climate of the veterinarian's home facility. In
1. Parasite Control - good sanitation including daily removal of feces from wolf
enclosures greatly reduces the incidence of intestinal parasites in wolves. Fecal flotation,
direct smears, and an Eliza test of intestinal parasites should be performed at least every
three months or if an infestation is suspected and as a follow up to deworming procedures
following a positive fecal. Thorough surveillance is suggested just prior to breeding
season to eliminate infestations in pregnant or lactating females.
b) Pups: Mexican gray pups may be visually examined by the staff within the first
two weeks that they are discovered. Check the number of pups, sexes and overall
appearance. Unless there is a disease problem, it is recommended that handling be
avoided until vaccinations begin at six weeks of age.
1. Parasite Control - Intestinal parasites are very common in wolf pups in some
areas. Generally for canids, the suggested treatment is with oral strongid at 1cc/10
pounds (4.5kg) every two weeks beginning at 14 days of age through ten weeks of age.
Deworming of Mexican gray wolf pups should be in conjunction with scheduled
vaccinations to eliminate additional handling; these begin at 6-8 weeks of age. We
normally do not start deworming earlier unless we have a reason to have hands on or
think that there is a problem with the pups and deworming would be in their best interest.
Tapeworms (Taenia spp.) have been seen in Mexican gray wolves and have been
successfully treated with oral or injectable Droncit (praziquantel).
The most commonly reported protozoan parasites in Mexican gray wolves are Giardia
and Coccidia. Giardia may be treated with Metronidazole, Fenbendazole, or
Albendazole. Coccidia may be treated with Corid (amprolium) or Albon
(sulfadimethoxine) or other sulfa drugs (all at standard canine doses).
Mexican gray wolves should be tested annually for heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis).
Heartworm has been successfully treated in a Mexican gray wolf using Immiticide.
Wolves that have tested negative should be treated with heartworm prophylaxis as
commonly used for domestic dogs. Monthly treatment with Ivermectin or Micbemycin
should be used during mosquito season. Ivermectin and Micbemycin are also effective
against other internal parasites.
External parasites such as fleas and ticks are also seen in Mexican gray wolves.
Infestations can frequently be managed by dusting or spraying areas used by wolves for
resting with products containing carbaryl or pyrethrins. Severe infestations can be treated
by dusting or spraying wolves with the same products. Treating wolf enclosures with a
long-acting environmental spray like Duratrol (3M) is also recommended. Keeping
enclosures mowed and well trimmed is also an effective means of controlling
ectoparasites without chemicals. A 5% Sevin dust (carbaryl insecticide) is safe to use on
canids, but a 10% dust is not. It should be lightly dusted into leaves, sleeping areas, etc.
Fly bites, especially to ear tips, is a common problem in Mexican gray wolves. In many
parts of the country the problem fly appears to be the stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans)
which likes wet shaded areas in which to breed; however, the problem fly may vary with
the location of the Mexican gray wolf facility.
Use of fly traps and fly strips have had limited success since they catch primarily non-
biting flies; however, Sterling IPC traps specifically target stable flies and have been very
effective at the Red Wolf Facility in Washington State. Smithsonian National Zoo has
also had success attracting stable flies to a self-designed large white plywood box topped
by a four-sided pyramid (see Figure 5-G) with all surfaces covered with clear, sticky fly
paper (“Olson” or similar brand); the stable flies appear to be attracted to bright white.
from Schering-Plough Animal Health (not the over-the-counter version) is 65%
permethrin. Application is ½ tube to back of each ear and the rest of the dose applied to
body.] Insecticide misting systems have also had some success at certain facilities.
Proper disinfection, cleanliness, and chemical treatment in all areas of the facility will
also have beneficial effects (See also Figures 5-C, 5-D, 5-E, 5-F, 5-G, 5-H.).
Very few medical problems have been reported in Mexican gray wolves. Careful
observation of wolves and thorough records of all medical conditions, procedures and
treatments will help to improve Mexican wolf medicine and husbandry and may also be
an important tool in assessing any problems arising from the small genetic base of the
population. The following are medical anomalies that have been documented in the
captive population.
a) Stomach Torsion - Although few deaths from stomach torsion have occurred in the
Mexican gray wolf program, it has been encountered and needs to be treated by
your veterinarian as a medical emergency. Although some concern has been
expressed that feeding a dry dog food may contribute to causing torsion, no studies
have established a cause and effect relationship. In fact, many facilities have fed
dry food to wolves for years without incidence. Some believe that stomach torsion
is related to pacing or strenuous exercise on a full stomach, so care should be
taken not to run or excite wolves for at least two hours after they have eaten.
e) Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) – A few cases have been seen in Mexican gray
wolves. Retinal degeneration leads to blindness. Early symptoms include night
blindness and unusually dilated pupils. In domestic dogs this disease is genetically
linked. Cataract development can occur secondary to PRA. If you suspect PRA in
one of your wolves please notify the SSP©.
f) Other conditions or anomalies that have been reported are: congenital heart
murmurs from descendants of wolves #12 and #23, alopecia, positive ehrlichia
titer, meritis and mastitis.
Physical Examinations:
A physical exam should be done annually when wolves are restrained for vaccination
(see Figure 8-C for an example of a data form). This should include visual inspection of
overall condition, ears, eyes, and teeth, palpation (including testes, prostate, and
mammary gland), body weight, and auscultation of heart and lungs. Identification such
as Trovan chips or tattoos should be checked for readability. Blood should be drawn for
heartworm test, CBC and chemistry panel, and potential genetic tests. These same tests
are recommended prior to transferring wolves between facilities.
Blood Banking:
Blood samples from every Mexican gray wolf are being reposited at the University of
New Mexico for genetic data and historical value. Yearly exams are an opportune time to
acquire blood from an individual who has not yet had a sample submitted to the
repository. Samples for pups of the year should be collected at their 16-week pup
check. An adult need only be banked once in its lifetime; reminders will be sent out
periodically as to which wolves still need to have samples submitted for banking.
The protocol for collecting and shipping the blood is as follows.
To collect serum:
Collect blood in a red top clot tube and spin down. Transfer the serum to a 1.5ml
nalgene cryovial marked with the individual’s studbook number and the date of
collection. Ship the sample on wet or dry ice to the address below. To date most
shipments have been about 1.0 ml serum. It would be best if you can send two
separate tubes per animal of at least 1.0 ml serum each for a total of 2.0 ml serum.
Please only use permanent ink to write on the cryotubes (e.g. Sharpies). Also,
please clearly mark the box that samples are being shipped in as perishable and
indicate whether or not to freeze or refrigerate the sample upon arrival.
Ship to:
Cheryl Parmenter
University of New Mexico
MSC03 2020, Dept. of Biology
Albuquerque, NM 87131
PH: 505-277-7808
Phone contacts:
OR Cheryl Parmenter
Collection Manager
Division of Genomic Resources
PH: 505-277-7808
Since many medical procedures, including vaccination and blood sample collection, can
and should be performed on manually restrained Mexican gray wolves, anesthesia should
only be done in exceptional circumstances.
Physiological Norms:
Physiological norms and longevity for Mexican gray wolves are similar to those of other
wolves and domestic dogs. Developmental data on puppies and typical adult
measurements are provided in Figure 8-E. Blood chemistry data from a 1989 study
conducted at the Wild Canid Survival and Research Center are available in Figure 8-F.
When it is determined that a Mexican wolf's health is compromised, consultation with the
attending veterinarian, facility representative, the MWSSP Coordinator, the Mexican
Wolf Recovery Coordinator, and other specialists if warranted, will occur regarding
euthanizing a Mexican gray wolf. Therefore, these decisions will be made on a case by
case basis and always with the welfare of an individual wolf and the overall objectives of
the program in mind. In emergencies, the MWSSP’s institutional representative and the
veterinarian may together determine what is best for the animal in question.
References (Referencias)/Suggested Readings:
Marlene Drag. 1991. Hematologic Values of Captive Mexican Wolves. American Journal of
Veterinary Research. 52(11): 1891-1892. (Note: included in MWSSP husbandry manual as
Figure 8-F)
Kent Newton. 1995. Mexican Wolf Husbandry Manual. Mexican Wolf SSP Management
Will Waddell. 1998. Red Wolf Husbandry Manual Guidelines for Captive Management. Red
Wolf SSP Management Group.
Figure 8-A
Mexican Wolf Vaccination Protocol
8 weeks – DA2 PP (modified live)
distemper, adenovirus type 2, para influenza, parvovirus
Booster, if they have pups – Nordens CPV (modified live parvo virus) – 2-3 more
times during the year. Each booster inhibits shedding of virus for 3 mo. – Pups
less likely to pick up virus.
Figure 8-B Antiparasitic Treatment
Whipworms (trichuris)-
Fenbenadazole (Panacur) 50 mg/kg orally once a day for 3
days, repeat dosing in 3 weeks and 2
Praziquantel (Droncit) – see package insert for weight based dosages
1 dose – available in oral and
injectable forms
do not use in pups less than 6 weeks
of age
Sulfadimethoxine 50 mg/kg orally on day 1,
then 25 mg/kg orally daily for
14-20 day
Amprolium 100 mg/kg orally for 7-10 days
Metronidazole 50mg/kg orally once a day for 5 days
Heartworm Prevention-
Ivermectin .006 mg/kg orally once a month
Commercial product – Heartguard,
weight appropriate dose
Milbemycin Commercial products – Sentinel and
Once a month, weight based dose
Also treats round, hook, and
Heartworm Treatment
Heartworm has been successfully treated in a Mexican gray wolf using Immiticide (68.64mg).
The case involved a 7-year-old male weighing 62.4 pounds (slightly overweight). He tested
positive for heartworm on snapp and direct tests. Treatment consisted of basic Immiticide
treatment according to label use for canines. 68.64 mg Immiticide were given in right expaxial
muscle at level of 4th lumbar vertebrae with a 21g 1 ½” needle and 3cc syringe. The dosage was
repeated in 24 hours and the animal was kept in the Animal Care Hospital during treatment. (If
Figure test
CBC and profile were not run at time of initial heartworm 8-Cblood
Sampledrawmedical/capture form
that was positive, I
recommend you run these when you grab up the wolf to administer the Immiticide.) Blood work
was repeated in 5 months and 3 yrs later-both test results were negative.
Wild Canid Center Date:
P.O. Box 760
Eureka, MO 63025 Species:
(636)-938-5900 Vet:
Medical/Capture Record
Distinguishing Markings:
Respiration/ minute:
Listed below are anesthetic regimes that holding institutions have used successfully.
Dose and regimen selected should take into account such things as: age, health, and
environmental conditions.
Figure 8-E Average weights and measurements.
AGE ♀ ♂
5 days .9 kg .9 kg
21 days 1.8 kg 1.8 kg
45 days 3.9 kg 3.9 kg
2 months 5 kg 5 kg
3 months 10 kg 10 kg
4 months 15 kg 15 kg
10 months 27 kg 30 kg
2+ years 28 kg 34 kg
Reprinted from the AMERICAN JOURNAL OF VETERINARY RESEARCH, Vol. 52, no. 11, Pages 1891-1892.
American Veterinary Medical Association, 1991. All Rights Reserved.
Figure 8-F
Mexican wolves (Canis lupus baileyi), a subspecies of gray wolf (C lupus), originally ranged from
northern Mexico into Arizona and New Mexico.1 The Mexican wolf recovery team estimated that < 30
wolves still lived wild in Mexico in 1982.2 Mexican wolves have not been sighted in the United States in
over 20 years. As of December 1989, there were 33 Mexican wolves in captivity in the United States and
Mexico. Eleven of these wolves, protected by the US Department of Interior Fish and Wildlife Service,
were housed at the Wild Canid Research and Survival Center, Tyson Research Center, Eureka, MO.
Presently, these wolves are involved in a planned propagation study of the species that is expected to
culminate with their reintroduction into the wild.
The purpose of the study reported here was to establish hematologic reference values for Mexican wolves.
Knowledge of the reference ranges for hematologic values in nondomestic species may allow earlier
diagnosis of disease, as well as recognition of causes of morbidity in the wild.
Wolf pups from 4 to 24 weeks old had progressive age-related increases in PCV, hemoglobin
concentration, MCV, and RBC count (Table 1). The MCH and MCHC values remained constant. The
WBC counts fluctuated.
The PCV, hemoglobin concentration, and RBC counts in adult wolves were higher than those of adult
dogs. The MCV, MCH, and MCHC values were comparable with those of dogs.3 Higher WBC values
also were seen in the adult wolves.
University School of Medicine, Box 8061, 660 S Euclid Ave, St Louis, MO
Purina Hi Pro, Ralston Purina Co, St Louis, Mo.
Styrid-Caricide Liquid, Shering-Plough Animal Health, Kenilworth, NJ
Becton, Dickinson & co, Rutherford, NJ. Figure 8-F cont.
Coulter-S plus 4, Coulter Instruments, Hialeah, Fla.
The lower PCV, hemoglobin, MCV, and RBC values in 4-week-old wolf pups, and the subsequent
increases associated with growth, were consistent with values observed in domestic dog pups.4 Lee et al5
attributed this phenomenon to the destruction of fetal erythrocytes that are replaced by mature erythrocytes.
In domestic dogs, values continue to increase until adult values Am are Jreached
Vet Res, Vol 52. No. 11, November 6
at 9 to 12 months of age.
These age related changes were evident in the wolf pups; however, the increase over time was slower. The
differences between wolf and dog pups may be species-dependent or may be the result of environmental
factors. Hookworm infection had been documented in the enclosures when food intake fluctuated. Tick
infestation also had occurred. These forms of chronic parasitism should result in microcytic anemia,
characterized by a decrease in PCV, MCH, and MCV, and an increase in MCHC. Although lower PCV
values were observed in the wolf pups, the MCHC and MCH were comparable with values in clinically
normal dog pups. The MCV values in wolf pups were higher than values documented for dog pups. Seal
et al7 suggested that lower values in wild-caught gray wolf pups were the result of nutritional differences.
The gray wolves that they studied were eating an all-meat diet, and possibly were not meeting their full
growth potential.
Mexican wolves, given a commercial diet ad libitum, should reach their growth potential unless their
dietary requirements vary from that of domestic dogs. Detailed dietary requirements of wolves are
The RBC, hemoglobin, and PCV values of adult wolves were greater than the values observed in adult
dogs.3 Comparison of erythrocyte indices (MCH, MCHC, and MCV) with those of adult dogs failed to
reveal differences. High RBC, hemoglobin, and PCV values with normal calculated indices indicated an
increase in peripheral erythrocyte circulation. In dogs, excitement and strenuous exercise can cause
contraction of the spleen, thus increasing the number of circulating RBC.3 The capture process of Mexican
wolves involved physical restraint, with most adult wolves captured after a short period of running.
Exercise, fear, and excitement experienced by nondomestic animals during the capture procedure would
likely provide the stimulus for splenic contraction. High RBC, hemoglobin, and PCV values appear to be
normal in situations of excitement and physical activity.
Leukocyte counts in the wolf pups were inconsistent. Shifrine et al8 reported that in Beagles, the WBC
values decreased during the first 3 weeks of life then increased until the eight week. The leukocyte counts
then decreased until the dogs were 4 years old and remained constant until they were 7 years old,9 when
increases were detected again. The inconsistency of the WBC counts in the wolf pups dictates that careful
evaluation must be given to the clinical state of pups to be able to interpret the WBC values and their
relationship to disease.
The leukocyte values of adult wolves were slightly higher than those of adult dogs. Exercise, excitement,
and stress can cause an increase in the number of WBC in the circulation.3 Athens et al,10 attributed the
physiologic leukocytosis to epinephrine release that mobilized neutrophils in Figure the marginal pool.
8-F cont.
Lymphocytosis can also develop in physiologic leukocytosis; however, the mechanism is unknown.
In dogs, leukocytosis has also been associated with release of corticosteroids from the adrenal cortex in
response to stress. Corticosteroids in dogs cause a leukocytosis consisting of neutrophilia, lymphopenia,
eosinopenia, and monocytosis.11 The values in our Mexican wolves suggested that this may have occurred.
The slightly higher eosinophil counts could have been the result of hookworm parasitism in previous years,
or their antigenic stimulation. As in Mexican wolf pups, analysis of WBC counts in adult wolves must be
evaluated and compared with results of physical examinations to adequately assess the true state of the
The objective of this study was to establish reasonable hematologic reference values in the Mexican wolf.
The data showed that the hematologic values of the Mexican wolves housed at the Wild Canid Research
and Survival Center were similar to those observed in domestic dogs. Physiologic stress may have
influenced some of the values. Similar stress-related hematologic changes have been observed in bighorn
sheep (Ovis Canadensis),12 wild coyotes (C latrans),13 and pronghorns (Antilocaptra Americana).14 though
the stress response was evident, knowledge of the expected range of normality should allow diagnosis of
disease states.
1. Nelson EW, Goldman EA. A new wolf from Mexico. J Mammal 1929; 10:165-166
2. Mexican wolf recovery team. Mexican wolf recovery plan, US Fish & Wildlife Service, Denver Colo,
3. Jain NC. Schalm’s veterinary hematology. 4th ed. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1986;103-113
4. Earl FL, Melvegar BA, Wilson RL. The hemogram and bone marrow profile of normal neonatal and
weanling Beagle dogs. Lab Anim Sci 1973;23:690-695.
5. Lee P, Brown, ME, Hutzler PT. Blood volume changes and production and destruction of
erythrocytes in newborn dogs. AM J Vet Res 1976;37:561-565
6. Bounous DI, Hoskins JD, Boudreaux MK. The hematopoietic system. In: Hoskins JD, ed. Veterinary
pediatrics. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Co. 1990;293-301
7. Seal US, Mech LD, Van Ballenberghe V. Blood analyses of wolf pups and their ecological and
metabolic interpretation. J Mammal 1975;56:64-75
8. Shifrine M. Munn SL, Rosenblatt LS, et al. Hematologic changes to 60 days of age in clinically
normal Beagles. Lab Anim Sci 1973;23:894-898.
9. Dougherty JH, Rosenblatt LS. Changes in the hemogram of the Beagle with age. J Gerontol
10. Athens JW, Haab O, Taab S, et al. Leukokinetic studies. IV. The total blood, circulating and
marginal granulocyte pools and the granulocyte turnover rate in normal subjects. J Clin Invest
11. Duncan JR, Prasse KW. Veterinary laboratory medicine: clinical pathology. Ames, Iowa: The Iowa
State University Press, 1977;33-43.
12. Franzmann AW. Environmental sources of variation of bighorn sheep physiologic values. J Wildl
Manage 1972;36:924-932.
13. Gates NL, Goering EK. Hematologic values of conditioned, captive wild coyotes. J Wildl Dis
14. Seal US, Hoskinson RL. Metabolic indicators of habitat condition and capture stress in pronghorns. J
Wildl Manage 1978;42:755-763
Figure 8-G
Please have your pathologist perform a histopathology on the tissues. Then send the
gross examination worksheets and pathologist’s report to Dr. Linda Munson, Mexican
Wolf SSP© Pathology Advisor; Department VM-PMI, Haring Hall; School of Veterinary
Medicine; University of California; Davis, CA 95616; PH: 530-754-7963; Fax: 530-752-
3349. Copies of the completed necropsy reports should be faxed to the SSP© Coordinator
Peter Siminski, The Living Desert, 47-900 Portola Avenue; Palm Desert, CA 8-G
Figure 92260-6156
PH: 760-346-5694, ext. 2103; FX: 760-568-9685; Email:
CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: (Heart, pericardium, great vessels)
Figure 8-G cont.
LABORATORY STUDIES: (List bacterial and viral cultures submitted and results, if
Figure 8-G cont.
Preserve the following tissues in 10% buffered formalin at a ratio of 1 part tissue
to 10 parts formalin. Tissues should be no thicker than 1 cm. INCLUDE
For NEONATES, see the additional tissues on the NEONATAL PROTOCOL.
Information on specific TISSUE SECTIONING PROCEDURES are on the
following pages.
Thyroid/parathyroid glands
Lymph nodes
Small intestines
Large intestines
Urinary bladder
Skeletal muscle
Bone marrow
Long bone (if bone disease)
Spinal cord (if neurological disease)
FROZEN TISSUE: Store in plastic bags at –70 or –20 C for toxicology: Liver,
brain, kidney, and (if possible) antemortem serum and plasma frozen. If you
suspect an infectious disease, also freeze samples of small intestines, lung, spleen,
and lymph nodes.
Figure 8-G cont.
Figure 8-G cont.
Brain: Cut longitudinally along the midline. Submit entire brain and pituitary
gland except for frozen sections.
Eye: Both eyes intact. Remove extraocular muscles and periorbital tissues.
Heart: longitudinal section including atrium, ventricle, and valves from (both)
right and left heart. (Include large vessels.)
Opened rib or longitudinally sectioned half femur: Marrow must be exposed for
proper fixation.
Oral/pharyngeal mucosa and tonsil: Plus any areas with erosions, ulcerations, or
proliferative lesions.
Figure 8-G cont.
Reproductive tract: Ovaries and entire uterus with longitudinal cut into lumens of
uterine horns. Both testes (transversely cut) with epididymis. Entire prostate,
transversely cut.
Salivary gland:
Spinal Cord: If neurological disease, sections from cervical, thoracic, and lumbar
After at least 72 hrs in fixative, ship tissues in a leak-proof container in
adequate formalin to keep tissues moist. Tissues can be shipped by U.S. Mail or
UPS to:
PH: 530-754-7963
FX: 530-752-3349
Figure 8-H
ALT (SGPT) IU/L 54 + 28 13 189 (345)
T. BILI. MG/DL 0.2 + 0.2 0.0 1.6 (281)
D. BILI. MG/DL 0.1 + 0.1 0.0 0.5 (89)
I. BILI. MG/DL 0.2 + 0.2 0.0 1.6 (88)
AMYLASE SU 395 + 178 107 1001 8-H cont.
Figure (133)
LDH IU/L 156 + 142 14 676
CONT. (166)
CPK IU/L 226 + 173 32 864 (149)
OSMOLARITY MOSMOL/L 305 + 9 292 322 (34)
BODY TEMP. °C 39.0 + 1.3 36.0 43.2 (188)
CO2 MMOL/L 18.4 + 4.2 9.0 30.0 (81)
ESR MM/HR 0+ 0 0 0 (1)
FIBRINOGEN GM/DL 67 + 58 0 100 (3)
FREE T3 PGM/ML 3.0 + 0.0 3.0 3.0 (1)
GGT IU/L 4+ 3 0 13 (158)
LIPASE U/L 217 + 214 23 1095 (80)
PROGESTERONE NG/ML 1.600 + 0.424 1.300 1.900 (2)
Total Serum Solids (Refr) 6.7 + 0.0 6.7 6.7 (1)
TT4 (RIA) MCG/DL 1.5 + 0.7 0.7 3.3 (26)
TT3 (RIA) NG/DL 93.1 + 44.6 31.0 197.0 (15)
General Considerations:
Mexican gray wolves must be provided with adequate quantities of fresh, high quality
feed and clean drinking water at all times. In general, it is not the responsibility of
Mexican Wolf SSP© cooperators to attempt to provide captive Mexican gray wolves with
a diet consistent with what they would find in the wild. Biologists in the field and at pre-
release site areas will assist the wolves in making the transition from a captive diet to
natural prey items. Wolves selected as potential release candidates may be fed native
wildlife when appropriate; the SSP© Coordinator and Management Group are to be
consulted (see also Supplemental Feed Items). Body weight and daily feed consumption
records should be maintained on all animals. Care must be taken to provide a consistent
amount and type of diet. Diet changes for any reason should be made gradually; this is of
particular concern when transferring animals between facilities.
Nutritionists and wild canid managers have long recognized the need for the development
of a dry diet which could meet all the nutritional needs of the captive wolf. A 1994-95
study conducted at the Wild Canid Survival and Research Center helped facilitate the
development of such a diet. Mazuri Exotic Canine Diet (5MN2) with 28.5% protein,
18% fat, and 4.0% fiber, was developed by Purina Mills, Inc. specifically for the feeding
of canids requiring a high energy diet and where a low fecal volume is desired. The
objective of this study was to evaluate this diet as a ration for endangered wolves
maintained in naturalistic enclosures and to obtain documentation as to feed consumption
and fecal quality. All wolves participating in the study maintained good general condition
and showed dramatic improvements in fecal quality (see Figure 9-A for copy of AZA
All adult Mexican gray wolves weighing 48.4-70.4 lb (22-32 kg) should be fed
approximately 1,300 to 1,800 kcal of metabolizable energy (ME) per day for maintenance
in a thermoneutral environment with moderate activity. This amount of ME would be
supplied by 0.63 oz (18g) of good quality dry dog food (3.3 kcal ME/g) per kilogram of
body weight (1.5 - 2.5 lb or 0.68-1.13 kg of food per day per wolf). Energy requirements
will vary with climate, activity level, and individual animal.
No more than a three months supply of the diet should be purchased at one time; it should
be stored in a cool dry place to ensure that it will be fresh and free of rancidity. Vitamin
and mineral deficiency or toxicity is extremely rare in wolves fed a high quality diet.
Nutritional imbalances in Mexican gray wolves are most likely to be caused by feeding a
diet consisting wholly of organ or muscle meats. Such diets are very low in calcium and
have significant deficiencies or imbalances of other nutrients.
If a high quality, meat based dry dog food is used as the principal diet, supplements are
unnecessary. Feeding large quantities of supplemental items such as prepared meats or
carcasses is not recommended. Prepared meats like a commercial carnivore log are
commonly used to entice finicky eaters, or for "pilling" or administering oral
Care should be taken not to feed these items in high enough quantity as to interfere with
the balanced composition of the principal diet.
Bones such as beef or horse shank and knuckle bones may be fed but on a random basis.
These are valuable environmental/behavioral enrichment, promote good dental health,
and may aid in strengthening cranial muscle and bone. However, cow and horse bones
should not be fed to potential release candidates. They should be fed natural prey items
Dietary vitamin and mineral supplements such as Pet Tabs are fed by some facilities but
do not appear to be essential for normal animal maintenance if a good quality diet is fed.
Recent discussions amongst SSP© cooperators and the MWSSP Management Committee
have reached a consensus that supplemental feeding high priority release candidates with
carcasses of native prey items (e.g., wild rabbit, javelina, elk, white-tailed and mule deer)
would be beneficial. It is thought that this exposure to native prey would help the wolves
to develop relevant skills associated with high survivability in the wild. Feeding
carcasses of a domestic livestock nature (e.g., chicken, cattle, goat, sheep, horse, donkey)
is not permitted as this may lead to wolf/livestock – and livestock owner – conflicts after
release. In addition, regular feeding of carcasses to animals that are to remain in captivity
is also not recommended due to an increased risk of exposure to pathogens.
Nutrition and Reproduction:
Good nutrition is essential to successful breeding and pup rearing. Facilities that have
good success breeding Mexican wolves begin reproductive-related diet changes near the
beginning of estrus as indicated by the pro-estrus bleed. Facilities may increase the
amount of dry feed or supplement with prepared meat diets.
Pregnant bitches have energy requirements approximately 30% higher than maintenance
requirements during the last third of pregnancy. Lactating wolves need two to three
times the energy needed for maintenance. A high quality, energy dense diet must be fed
at these times. Female wolves with these high nutritional needs cannot eat a large enough
quantity of poor quality diets to meet their needs. Frequency of feedings should be
increased to two to three feedings a day during these high demand periods. Pregnancy
and lactation also increase daily requirements for nutrients such as protein and calcium,
but increased food consumption to meet energy needs automatically increases food intake
of these nutrients. Therefore, supplementation of a properly formulated diet with minerals
and vitamins, is unnecessary, and unless done properly, may cause more harm than good.
Hand-Rearing Guidelines:
As a rule, wolf pups are only removed for hand-rearing in extraordinary circumstances
and with prior approval of the USFWS. The genetic value of the pups will need to
greatly outweigh the domesticating influences of hand-rearing. (When approval has been
granted for hand-rearing, see Figure 9-B for the recommended protocol.)
References (Referencias):
Susan Lyndaker Lindsey and Dan Hopkins. 1995. Analysis of a New Diet for Mexican Gray
(Canis lupus baileyi) and Red (Canis rufus gregori) Wolves. 1995 AZA Regional Conference
Proceedings, p. 295-299. AZA, Oglebay, WV. (Note: Included in Mexican Wolf SSP Husbandry
Manual as Figure 9-A.)
Kent Newton. 1995. Mexican Wolf Husbandry Manual. Mexican Wolf SSP Management
Will Waddell. 1998. Red Wolf Husbandry Guidelines for Captive Management. Red
Wolf SSP Management Group.
Figure 9-A
Anecdotal reports indicate that wolves fed canine diets containing low to medium levels
of energy have difficulty maintaining condition and tend to develop diarrhea. While this has not
been well documented, these observations are consistent with what might be expected from
feeding low energy diets, which are not highly digestible, to active animals with a high
requirement for energy and a high level of feed intake as compared to most domesticated canines.
Generally, those housing wolves would agree that low quality “budget” dog foods are
undesirable. However, there is some disagreement as to what is a suitable canine diet. Draft
husbandry manuals for red wolves (Canis rufus gregoryi) (Waddell, 1994) and Mexican grays
(Canis lupus baileyi) (Newton and Dinon, 1994) currently outline somewhat different nutritional
guidelines (Protein: red, 21-22%; Mexican, 20-25%; Fat: red, 8-13%; Mexican, 5%; Fiber: red,
2%; Mexican, none given). However, many of the facilities with good success breeding Mexican
grays use diets which exceed these recommendations. In fact, a Mexican gray wolf husbandry
survey (Newton and Dinon, 1993) found that six of the ten reporting facilities clearly utilize diets
exceeding 25% protein and five supplemented various dry rations (which may have already
exceeded the reported guidelines) with Nebraska Brand canine or feline diet. With this addition,
the fecal quality often improves but the meat attracts flies with concomitant problems from fly
strikes. The development of a dry diet which could meet all the nutritional needs of the animals
and husbandry goals would be very desirable.
Mazuri Exotic Canine Diet (5M52), with 28.5% protein, 18% fat, and 4.0% fiber, was
developed specifically for the feeding of canids requiring a high energy diet and where a low
fecal volume is desired. The objective of this study was to evaluate this diet as a ration for
endangered wolves maintained in naturalistic enclosures and to obtain documentation as to feed
consumption and fecal quality.
Palatability and digestibility trials for Mazuri Exotic Canine Diet (5M52) were completed
(Hopkins and Roselina, 1993) using beagles (Canis lupus familiaris). In the palatability trial,
Mazuri Exotic Canine Diet was preferred 2.1:1 over a leading high density competitive product
(Analysis: 25% protein, 15% fat, 3% fiber) by 20 animals. Digestibility trials with six adults
Figure 9-A cont.
resulted in the following values: dry matter 85%, protein 87%, fat 97%, energy 90%,
metabolizable energy, 4.06 Kcal/gm. A growth study conducted with 10 beagle puppies
demonstrated that the product supported satisfactory growth (Hopkins and Roselina, 1993). This
was a good indication that the diet was nutritionally complete and ready for testing in exotic
In 1992-1993, the Mazuri Exotic Canine Diet was fed to 30 gray wolves as part of a wolf
contraception study at the Wildlife Science Center at Forest Lake, Minnesota (Hopkins and
Roselina, 1993). The feed was furnished as part of an overall study in which an oral
contraceptive was evaluated. Wolves fed Mazuri Exotic Canine did well, had good hair coats,
bright eyes and their fecal quality was excellent as measured by low volume, firmness and the
absence of diarrhea. Reproduction in the control group (those not receiving the oral
contraception) was satisfactory and they raised pups successfully while on the diet.
Mazuri Exotic Canine Diet was fed to selected endangered red and Mexican gray wolves
at the Wild Canid Survival and Research Center as the sole regular source of diet. Diet was
treated with Caricide (diethylcarbamizine) onsite to prevent heartworm. Previously to being fed
Mazuri Exotic Canine, manufactured by Purina Mills, Inc., the study wolves had been fed HiPro
(not more than 27% protein, 10% fat, 4.0% fiber) manufactured by Ralston Purina Company
which had been treated with Caricide prior to delivery. All wolves were healthy and doing well
on the HiPro diet; however, fecal quality was less than desired.
Subjects: Four groups of wolves received Mazuri Exotic Canine for varying time
periods from spring 1994 to present. The four groups of animals included in the study to date are:
Pack I of Mexican gray wolves (currently 2.4; alpha pair, yearlings and expected pups)
Received diet: 16 December 1994 through present
Male SB# 60, birth date 15 April 1988;
Female SB# 37, birth date 15 April 1984;
Male SB# 166, female SB# 167, Female SB# 168,
Figure 9-A cont.
Female SB# 169, all born to SB# 60 and SB# 37
27 April 1994; pups expected late April 1995
Housing: The Wild Canid Survival and Research Center, founded in 1971 by
noted naturalist Dr. R. Marlin Perkins, is a private, nonprofit conservation organization
dedicated to the preservation of the wolf and its place in the natural ecosystem. It is
located on fifty isolated, wooded acres (20.24 ha) within Washington University’s 2000
acre (809.7 ha) Tyson Research Center approximately 20 miles (32.26 km) southwest of
St. Louis, Missouri. This small facility has had significant success in breeding
endangered red and Mexican gray wolves for federally sanctioned recovery efforts. The
study animals were housed within enclosures of varying size (from approximately 0.2 to
2.5 acres; .081 to 1.01 ha) within two wolf complexes. All exhibits have natural substrate
and vegetation; most exhibits have a man-made pond. Animals could excavate their own
dens or use man-made dens or houses for protection against the weather. All enclosures
have double-door keeper systems and shift areas for safety. Diet was placed in trays
housed within metal feeders of standard height (36 in; 92 cm) according to the number of
animals housed within that exhibit. Fresh water was always available in metal tubs (#3,
15 gal; 5.68 dal). Bones were provided weekly. All animals had the opportunity to
depredate within their enclosures. Common prey items include mammals (primarily
rabbits, raccoons, and opossum), rodents, birds (primarily passerines, waterfowl, grouse,
and turkey), reptiles, and fish.
Procedure: Each animal was offered 2 pounds (.906 kg) of diet each morning in
a communal feeder. Conversion from the HiPro diet to the new Mazuri Exotic Canine
diet was done gradually over a six day period. In all cases, the animals readily consumed
the Mazuri Exotic Canine Diet and often did so preferentially leaving behind what HiPro
could be separated easily from the new chow. Feces were graded according to a set
evaluation schedule at least weekly for the first month and monthly thereafter. The fecal
scale used is common to the pet food development industry and was as follows: A. well
formed; B. poorly formed; C. a pile, but no form; D. semi-solid; E. a pool of water.
Diet conversion and fecal ratings during Mazuri consumption were as follows:
Figure 9-A cont.
C. Red wolf pack II was converted gradually to the new diet beginning on 26
August 1994 and were totally on the new diet as of 1 September 1994. This
pack was not part of the original 90 day planned study but was added for
management reasons. The adult male had been losing weight and it was
thought that he might do better on the Mazuri diet. Although he had tested
positive for hookworms on 21 August 94 and the pack was successfully
treated, there was also some behavioral evidence that his weight loss might
be related to aggression from his offspring. A second feeding station was
added to decrease competition and Mazuri was offered. The adult male had
visibly increased appetite and weight by 6 Sept 94. The second feeder was
removed within a few weeks because it received few visits from the pack.
This pack, which continues to be fed Mazuri, has maintained good condition
and fecal ratings in the “A” and “B” categories.
Figure 9-A cont.
17 Mar 95 A
Both Ralston Purina’s HiPro dog food and Purina Mills, Inc.’s Mazuri Exotic Canine
Diet maintained wolves in good condition. However, during the period of comparison fecals
were of a more desired consistency for those animals receiving the Mazuri diet.
All wolves participating in the Mazuri 90-day study (pair of Mexican grays and pack I of
reds) and those currently fed the new diet (pack II of reds and pack I of Mexican grays) have
maintained good general condition. Per visual inspection, hair coat was consistent and no animal
appeared to gain or lose weight, although none were weighed during the 90-day study. All
animals had good “brightness of eye”; however, the usual summer allergy eye drainages were
experienced with the pair of Mexican gray wolves. The most striking effect was the feces, which
improved quickly once the new diet was begun. The fecals for study animals were distinct piles
and either well or at least somewhat formed; none were watery. This was in contrast to the
droppings of wolves fed regular commercial dog food; their fecals were often either watery or
This will be the first breeding and pup rearing seasons when breeding packs at the Wild
Canid Survival and Research Center have not received HiPro supplemented with Nebraska Brand
Canine Diet. Additional data, including weights, for the Mexican gray pack will be available
from the authors by winter 1995.
The Wild Canid Survival and Research Center gratefully acknowledges the donation of
feeds from both Ralston Purina and Purina Mills, Inc. Ralston Purina has donated Caricide
treated feed since Marlin Perkins first founded the WCSRC in 1971. Purina Mills, Inc. donated
the Mazuri Exotic Canine diet and Caricide for the experimental groups. Keepers Kim Bishop,
Jim Hunter, Rachel Garcia, Steve Allain, and Deborah Bear all helped collect fecal scores. Dr.
William Armon, Kim Bishop, Frank Olive, Dave Payne, and Rich Zerillo assisted in obtaining
baseline weight information for the Mexican gray wolf pack.
Hopkins, Daniel T. and Angel C. Roselina. 1993. Research results for Mazuri exotic canine diet
5m52. Private communication. Purina Mills, Inc.
Lyndaker, Susan M. 1980. The development of begging and regurgitation in wolf (Canis lupus)
pups. M.A. Thesis. Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL.
Mech, L. David. 1970. The wolf: the ecology and behavior of an endangered species. Natural
History Press, Garden City, NY.
Newton, Kent and John Dinon. 1993. Mexican wolf husbandry survey summary. Report to the
Mexican Wolf Captive Management Committee.
Newton, Kent and John Dinon. 1994. Mexican gray wolf husbandry guidelines, 9-A cont.
1st draft.
Mexican Wolf Captive Management Committee and Mexican Gray Wolf SSP.
Vainisi, Stephen J., Henfry F. Edelhauser, E. Dan Wolf, Edward Cotlier, and Frederick Reeser.
1981. Nutritional cataracts in timber wolves. J. American Veterinary Medical Association.
Waddell, Will. 1994. Red wolf husbandry guideline, 2nd draft. Red Wolf SSP Management
Figure 9-B
Hand-Rearing Guidelines
As a rule, wolf pups are only removed for hand-rearing in extraordinary circumstances
and with prior approval of the USFWS. The genetic value of the pups will need to
greatly outweigh the domesticating influences of hand-rearing.
Whenever possible, cross-fostering of pups would be preferred to pulling pups for hand-
rearing. In cross-fostering, pups would be placed with those being cared for by a
competent proven female at the same institution or another institution with a suitable
match. Consultation with and approval from the USFWS Mexican Wolf Recovery
Coordinator and MWSSP Coordinator are required as with hand-rearing.
If the pups are removed before they have suckled, they will not have received any passive
immunity from their mother's first milk. The pups need to be provided with their passive
immunity, and this can be done in two ways. First, the mother can be milked for her
colostrum which can then be fed directly to the pups. Second, 3cc to 5cc of mother's
blood serum can be injected subcutaneously to each pup. The serum can be administered
a few days after they have received their colostrum or twice the first week if colostrum is
not available.
The pups should be fed an unmodified Esbilac formula. The amount of formula fed per
twenty-four hour period should total about 20% of the pup's body weight. For example, a
700 g (24.5 oz) pup should receive 140 g (4.9 oz) or 140 ml (4.2 oz) of formula, divided
into several evenly spaced feedings, per twenty-four hour period. A regular human infant
nipple works well. Heat only the amount measured for each feeding to body temperature.
At three weeks of age begin to offer milk-soaked puppy chow, and then wean them from
the bottle.
Until the pups are at least twenty-one days old, they should be kept in an environment
above 85°F (29°C). A pup's rectal temperature should be about 100°-101°F (37.8°-
Document the feeding schedule, the amounts of formula offered and taken at each
feeding, the stool condition, and daily weights. Vaccinate according to schedule.
On the few occasions when hand-rearing was necessary in the Mexican Wolf SSP©, the
pup(s) were placed with a suitable wolf companion at as early an age as possible.
Socialization to humans is very undesirable and not compatible with the goals of the
recovery program. Recommendations may include shipping pups to a facility where they
could be housed with age mates or a suitable older foster parent wolf. Close
communication with the USFWS Mexican Wolf Recovery Coordinator and MWSSP
Coordinator is required throughout this process.
Medical specimen records should always be sent in advance of a shipment and should
also accompany the wolf during shipment. There should also be coordination between
the two facilities’ veterinary staff to determine which preshipment medical exams the
receiving facility would like performed.
Local Transport:
For local transport to another pen, veterinary clinic, etc., the animal should be placed in a
crate in a well-ventilated vehicle. Under no circumstances should a crated wolf be left
for any period in direct sunlight or in areas where there is excessive noise and
commotion. Adult wolves that have experience being crated will normally lie quietly in a
crate while being transported. Young wolves that have not been crated may thrash
around or periodically bite at the crate. This reaction can be reduced by loosely covering
the crate with a light shade screen or tarp.
When transporting wolves in vehicles over long distances, animals should be transported
in secured crates similar to those used for air transport. Equipment such as nets, noose,
medical kit, cellular phone should be taken along in the event that problems arise. The
vehicle should be well ventilated and the temperature monitored so that the wolves do not
become over-heated or chilled. At no time should wolves be transported over long
distances in the back of a pick-up truck. The maximum amount of time to consider
transporting wolves over long distances should not exceed twenty-four hours. Wolves
should never be crated the night before a scheduled transport (vehicle or air). If
departures are anticipated when it is dark, the wolf should be moved to a smaller holding
area to allow for easier crating.
required by the airlines. Most commercial airlines have internal, as well as Federal,
regulations that sufficiently address the welfare of the animal; however, facility
personnel should still monitor the shipment and do everything possible to coordinate with
the airlines. Due to the possibility of heat stress, it is recommended that animals be
shipped during the cooler months of the year or at night during the summer months. (It is
recommended to not ship wolves by air when the temperature is above 80o because of
heat stress.) Most airlines will not accept the animal shipment if air temperatures are
excessive (generally above 84oF or below 32oF; 28.9oC/0oC) at any point where the
animal will be on the ground. Whenever possible, non-stop flights should be scheduled
between the shipping points. If a shipment requires a change of planes it means layover
time for the animal with additional handling required by the airline, longer crate time for
the wolf, and potentially undesirable holding areas (such as on the tarmac or within stuffy
baggage carts). Although most airlines require a minimum of a two hour layover to
guarantee transfer to the new plane it often can be longer—sometimes as much as six
hours. For these reasons, layovers and indirect flights should be avoided if at all possible.
Inter-airline transfers pose even larger problems since they require more coordination and
there is also a risk of the animal missing its flight.
Shipper’s Responsibility:
The airline will require that a reservation to ship the animal be made several days in
advance. Once the shipping arrangements have been made and confirmed, the shipper, as
a precaution, should contact each airline freight manager that will be involved in the
shipment. The freight manager should be contacted to go over pertinent information on
the nature of the animal and any special precautions such as avoiding heat (by keeping
the animal's crate in a well-ventilated, shaded area during periods that it is on the
ground). Shippers must always be alert to changes, and the fact that sometimes airline
personnel may make a mistake and give out wrong information. A call to the airline, an
hour before leaving for the airport, is advisable to confirm times and check for
cancellations due to technical problems or weather conditions. Carriers may also place a
ban on animal shipments to certain locations if the temperature is considered too risky, or
during certain times of the year like Christmas and other holidays because cargo space is
full from extra mail and packages. After the animal has departed, the shipping facility
should contact the receiving facility to confirm that the shipment has been made and to
inform them of any known changes in routing of the wolf.
Receiver’s Responsibilities:
The receiver should call the airline to confirm that the animal made its connection, if the
plane will be arriving on schedule or if the animal was loaded on an earlier flight etc.
Appropriate arrangements should be made if there were changes to the original flight.
After an animal has arrived and been transported to the receiving facility, the receiving
facility should call the shipper to inform them that the animal arrived safely. It is standard
procedure for the receiving facility to pay all shipping costs. Unless otherwise arranged
shipping crates should also be returned promptly to the sender at the receiving facility's
Strict adherence by many airline carriers to IATA policies and in some cases outright
refusal to ship a wolf has compounded shipping difficulties. Acceptable crates will vary
according to airlines, the location (city) of the airline and even airline personnel accepting
a wolf for shipment. The crate selected for shipping should be strong enough to withstand
the rigors of shipping, enclosed to provide security for the animal, well ventilated, and
just large enough for the animal to lie down, turn around, and stand. If a standard 500 size
Vari-Kennel or its equivalent is used, modifications may be required to secure the animal
inside. The doors and windows should be fortified with welded wire fabric, the door
should be wired to the crate by way of pre-drilled holes through the plastic entrance, and
burlap is fitted over the doors and windows to reduce stress on the animals during
shipment. The shipper should confer with the airline to be certain that the dimensions of
the crate selected meet their minimum requirements for the size of the animal, as well as
any maximum size restrictions specific to the aircraft (Figure 10-E). In order to prevent
urine or feces from spilling out of the crate into the aircraft and to keep the animal dry,
airlines may require a bedding material to cover the bottom of the crate. In general, wood
shavings are recommended as bedding. However, refer to USDA guidelines when
shipping internationally, straw or certain other agricultural products may not be allowed
into the destination country. Water and/or food containers in the crate are not
recommended for shipping; wolves can and will chew the small plastic dishes supplied
with the crates. Some airlines or individual personnel may argue the need for this based
on USDA guidelines and/or their own airline policies. However, a letter from the
facility's veterinarian stating that it is not recommended often alleviates delays or refusal
to ship (Figure 10-F).
Clear instructions that USFWS personnel or cooperators would be made available to care
for the wolf if the animal should be delayed helps to alleviate concerns (i.e. the airline
isn't responsible for watering or feeding when a delay occurs). If the shipping facility has
had difficulty with particular airlines strictly enforcing this policy refer to USDA Subpart
F. Section 3.139(c), "A sufficient quantity of food and water shall accompany the live
animal to provide food and water for such animal for a period of at least 24 hours, except
as directed by hibernation, veterinary treatment, normal fasts, and other professionally
accepted practices." If transport exceeds 24 hours, it is recommended that an attendant
from the shipping facility accompany the wolf. We are always concerned about heat
stress with shipments; however, the airlines may also express concern regarding cold
temperatures during our fall shipping season. These concerns can also be addressed
through the Certificate of Acclimation (Figure 10-F). The crate must be clearly marked
(Figure 10-G) with the shipper's name and address, the receiver's name and address,
contact names and phone numbers for the shipper and receiver, the species name and
indication that it is an endangered species. Most airlines also require upward arrows
indicating right side up for the crate. Examples of institutional shipment and arrival check
lists can be found in Figures 10-H and 10-I.
References (Referencias):
Kent Newton. 1995. Mexican Wolf Husbandry Manual. Mexican Wolf SSP Management
Will Waddell. 1998. Red Wolf Husbandry Guidelines for Captive Management. Red
Wolf SSP Management Group.
Figure 10-A. Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (Health certificate).
Figure 10-B. USDA Animal Transfer Form.
1. Animal keepers’ information on a new arrival. Figure 10-C
2. Copy for keepers caring for this animal.
3. Copy for zoo files and/or veterinarian.
Individual Sex Birth Date* Weight* Specimen# Zoo ID Studbook #
Name (ISIS#)
*Note if it is actual or estimated
Diet: Present diet and supplements, favored items, problem foods, feeding procedures.
Brief Reproduction Record: Relative data, introduction techniques, behavior towards young,
specific concerns.
General Medical History and Physical Conditions: Usual response to medicine, including
immobilizing agents and their successful mode of administration, recurring physical problems
and symptoms.
Enclosure, Maintenance Data: General exhibit description, cage mates, considerations to avoid
abnormal behavior, cleaning and disinfecting procedures.
Option: State condition of animal(s) upon arrival and return a copy of this form to the institution
that shipped the animal(s).
Present Institution_______________________________________________________________
Previous Institution______________________________________________________________
Future Institution________________________________________________________________
Form completed by _______________________________Title___________________________
1. Quarantine keeper staff
2. Copy for keepers caring for this animal
3. Copy for zoo files and/or veterinarian
Institution Telephone
Contact person Fax/Email
Common name Scientific Name
House name Sex Age ISIS #
Behavioral History: Behavioral and medical problems, general behavior
Trained Behaviors
How often squeeze cage/chute
General Background Information: (Check or list all that apply)
Social – Housed alone Housed w/same species (#)
Housed with mixed species species housed with
Housed on exhibit off-exhibit access to both
Rearing type – mother hand-reared peer family/social
Preferred enrichment for this animal
Enrichment offered: daily weekly monthly scheduled
Naturalistic/Exhibit Enrichment: (When offered or provided, please list or check
where applicable)
Substrates sand gunite mulch leaf litter soil
Plants/rotten logs/termite mounds/trees in enclosure
Streams/Ponds Perches-artificial/natural
Figure 10-D cont.
Food Enrichment: (variety, presentation, style, please list or check, includes diet and
food enrichment)
# of feedings per day varied times when food scattered
Carcass foods (roadkill, hides, parts, feeder animals, bones)
Live foods Diet varied - highly moderate slightly
not at all
Preferred foods Diet – blended dried diced whole
Browse (list types)
Browse offered: daily weekly monthly frozen
Other (rawhide, popsicles, blood trails, etc.)
Figure 10-D cont.
Safety Concerns: (eats plastic or cardboard, items animals shouldn’t have, bad
experiences, failed items)
Figure 10-E
From IATA Live Animal Regulations, 285th Edition effective 1 October 2001
Note: These are the published IATA recommendations, but many airlines allow shipments in adapted
Vari-Kennels. These kennels typically have the windows and doors covered with wire mesh and burlap (or some
The illustrations shown in this Container Requirement are examples only. Containers that
conform to the principle of written guidelines for the species but look slightly different will
still meet the IATA standards.
Applicable to:
Aardwolf Dhole Jackal Panda (lessor or red)
Badger species Dog, bush wild Jaguarundi Tasmanian tiger
Bobcat Dog, hunting wild Lynx Wild cat species (small)
Bush dog Dog, fighting Maned wolf Wolf
Caracal Fox species Ocelot Wolverine
Coyote Hyaena species Otter species
See Variations GBG-05, HKG-01, SAG-02, USG-08 and other USG Variations in Chapter 2 and
Variations AF-01, BA-04, Co-04/05/09, IB-01 and SV-01 in Chapter 3.
(see Variation QF-01 in Chapter 3)
Wood, metal, weld mesh and wire mesh.
Principles of Design
The following principles of design must be met in addition to the General Container Requirements
outlined at the beginning of this chapter.
The height of the container must allow the animal to stand in a natural position with its head
extended and the width must permit it to turn around and lie down comfortably. The actual
measurements will vary with the species involved.
The frame must be made from solid wood or metal parts bolted or screwed together. It must be
constructed so that it cannot be damaged from continual biting or scratching at the corners. If the
total weight of the container plus animal exceeds 60 kg (132 lb) metal bracing must be added to
the frame.
Figure 10-E cont.
The sides and door must be made of metal or solid wood. The front of the container must be
constructed of weld mesh. The mesh must have a diameter that will prevent the animal
protruding its nose or paws to the outside. The whole front must be covered by a sliding shutter
which can be raised and lowered to permit feeding and watering. It must have two observation
holes of at least 10 cm (4 inc) in the upper part and ventilation holes, with a minimum diameter of
2.5 cm (1 in), spread over the remainder of the surface in order to give good ventilation but at the
same time leave the animal in semi-darkness.
The floor must be slatted, over a leak-proof droppings tray.
Must be solid wood or metal with ventilation openings over its surface.
A sliding door must be provided, it can be made from the weld meshed ventilation front if
required. It must have a secure means of fastening so that it cannot be opened accidentally.
The main ventilation front must be supplemented by meshed openings along the upper part of the
container walls and/or holes with a minimum diameter of 2.5 cm (1 in) spread over the top third of
the sides and the whole of the back and top. These holes must be spaced both horizontally and
vertically at intervals of approximately 10 cm (4 in) centre to centre. It is essential that there is
some ventilation provided in the lower third of the sides for the removal of harmful waste gases.
The total ventilated area must be at least 20% of the total area of the surface of all four sides.
More ventilation and the use of larger meshed openings is permitted but the animal must not be
able to protrude its nose or paws to the outside from any opening.
If the mesh is fixed to the interior of the container all sharp edges must be protected.
Spacer Bars/Handles
Must be made to a depth of 2.5 cm (1 in), must be present on the sides of the container as shown
in the illustration.
Feed and Water Containers
Food and water containers must be provided with a means of access from the outside.
Special Requirements
Hyena, wolves, badger, otter, wolverine and wild dogs, must have the container completely lined
with sheet iron or other hard metal sheeting with through ventilation holes cut into it.
Palletized shipments must have the containers made entirely of weld mesh of a suitable
dimension that no part of the animal can protrude in order to ensure good ventilation.
Forklift Spacers
Must be provided if the total weight of the container plus the animal exceeds 60 kg (132 lb).
Figure 10-E cont.
Figure 10-F
Certificate of Acclimation
Number of Animals:
Veterinarian Signature:
Figure 10-G
Example of
crate label.
Figure 10-H
Date of shipment:________________________________________________________________________
House name and #:_______________________________________________________________________
Receiving Facility:_______________________________________________________________________
Initial as completed, form is to remain with animal’s file.
Do not file away until all paper work has been returned and completed.
__________ Vari-kennel and/or other equipment returned from receiving institution.
__________ Receiving institution’s accession # for transfer animal.
___________ Communicate transfer info to SSP Studbook Keeper including receiving
institution’s accession # for transfer animal.
_________ Signed USDA transfer form returned from receiving institution (file in USDA
folder for inspector).
Figure 10-I
Date of arrival:__________________________________________________________________
Mode of Transport (flight#):_______________________________________________________
Figure 10-J
US Shipper:
_____ USFWS form 3-177 pre-cleared for where animal is being loaded
_____ General precautionary instructions regarding: feeding, watering, not opening crate
_____ US Customs North America Free Trade Agreement – Certificate of Origin (may
not need but better to have this document than to have the wolf turned back at border)
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Unpublished report, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Young, S. and E. Goldman. 1944. The wolves of North America. Volume I and II.
American Wildlife Institute. Washington, D.C. 636pp.
Zia Research Associates. 1990. Executive report on 1989 New Mexico licensed deer
hunter's survey. Unpublished report, New Mexico Fish and Game Department,
Santa Fe, New Mexico. 280pp. [Note: contains survey results concerning public
attitude to Mexican wolf reintroduction].
Table of Contents:
C. Facilities currently participating in the Mexican Gray Wolf Species Survival Plan©
Appendix A. From International Zoo News Vol. 44, No. 5 (1997), pp. 259-270
For unknown millennia, humans have been fascinated and intrigued by wild
animals. Particularly, large carnivorous species have mystified us because of their
strength and predatory habits. The legend of their mythical power survives today. On
one hand we have glorified and admired some of them. Eagles are considered majestic
lords of the air, and portrayed as national emblems. The lion, with its dignified and noble
face, has been known as the King of the Beasts. On the other hand, some animals have
evoked fear and hatred. One such example is the gray wolf (Canis lupus), which has
loomed sinisterly in our consciousness, immortalized by the story of Little Red Riding
Hood. This attitude is in ironical and nagging contrast to our relationship with another
species in the genus, C. familiaris, ‘man’s best friend’.
In North America, native peoples coexisted with wolves. With the arrival of
European colonists, the web connecting man with nature began to be torn, and the fate of
wolves was sealed. America’s wholesale destruction of wolves has been ably chronicled
by McIntyre (1995). The heritage of coexistence with the natural world was alien to the
colonists. In their livestock husbandry practice, few animals were fenced in or closely
supervised, making them vulnerable to predation. In 1630, the Massachusetts Bay
Colony instituted a wolf bounty. Soon other colonies followed suit, applying various
measures to exterminate wolves. Destruction of predators became a national heritage,
passed on from one generation to another.
The final phase of the war began in the 1880s. As the vast herds of bison, elk and
deer were exterminated in the West, many wolf packs had no choice but to turn to their
only remaining source of food, cattle and sheep. The war continued into the present
century – in 1914 Congress appropriated $125,000 to launch the Predator and Rodent
Control (PARC) program of the U.S. Biological Survey (USBS), predecessor of the U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). ‘No method was too cruel – wolves were shot,
trapped, poisoned, clubbed, burned alive in their dens and even hunt’ (Parent, 1990).
From 1915 to 1970 a total of 69,786 wolves, both gray and red (C. rufus), were
killed by USBS/FWS and their cooperators. This figure does not include wolves that
were killed by the U.S. Forest Service or the National Park Service, or wolves poisoned
but never found. By the 1950s, the wolf population in its historic range in the U.S.,
except Alaska, had dropped from two million to just a few hundred. Few of us would
oppose livestock owners’ right to defend their animals, and to kill ‘problem’ wolves.
However, as McIntyre put it (1995), ‘Where we went wrong was to go beyond killing just
problem wolves.’ It was a genocidal campaign, instead of a predator management
From: International Zoo News Vol. 44, No. 5 (1997), pp. 259-270
The campaign has had other supporters. Some sports hunters assume that wolves
might deplete their target herbivores. Leopold (1966) commented: ‘One of the most
insidious invasions of wilderness is via predator control. It works thus: wolves and lions
are cleared out of a wilderness area in the interest of big-game management. The big-
game herds (usually deer or elk) then increase to the point of overbrowsing the range.
Hunters must then be encouraged to harvest the surplus, but modern hunters refuse to
operate far from a car; hence a road must be built to provide access to the surplus game.
Again and again, wilderness areas have been split by this process, but it still continues.’
[Lion here refers to puma (Felis concolor); elk means wapiti (Cervus elaphus).]
It was in the 1940s that this essay was first published. Decades have passed, yet
his words still hold true today. And it is hard to believe that Leopold, the pioneer
conservationist, was once a supporter of predator control. Interestingly, Leopold
proposed that wolves be brought back to their former home in Yellowstone National Park
(McIntyre, 1995). Half a century later, his suggestion was to become reality.
From: International Zoo News Vol. 44, No. 5 (1997), pp. 259-270
Although wolves seem to prefer more traditional prey over livestock, this fact
seems not to influence the opposition to reintroduction. The outrage over this issue in the
Rockies possibly stems, at least partially, from the regionality of the West. Under a cloud
of controversy, Canadian wolves were released in central Idaho and Yellowstone
National Park in 1995. Actually, the recovery efforts for the gray wolf had their roots in
a time before this success story came into the picture, originating in a region some 1,000
km south of the Yellowstone.
From: International Zoo News Vol. 44, No. 5 (1997), pp. 259-270
historic Mexican wolf range in the U.S. during 1995-1996, and failed to document the
presence of wolves.
From: International Zoo News Vol. 44, No. 5 (1997), pp. 259-270
overwhelmed the small number of holding facilities. Early in 1986, partly as a result of
the alert from Defenders of Wildlife, a conservation group, some 400 letters in support of
the Mexican wolf arrived at the FWS office in Albuquerque. For a while the project
seemed to come to life, as FWS asked three states in the historic range of the subspecies
to propose areas for future release. However, this led to more debates and controversies,
and things went downhill rapidly. The final blow came in 1987. One of the proposed
release sites was the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. The missile range was
chosen primarily because no cattle graze in this area. In May of that year Major General
Joe Owens, new commandant of the range, stated: ‘We do not want wolves on the White
Sands Missile Range.’ As he withdrew permission for any wolf release, the controversy
over wolves entered a new stage.
In response to the situation, New Mexico conservationists founded the Mexican
Wolf Coalition; another group, Preserve Arizona’s Wolves (P.A.W.S.), was formed in
Arizona; and the Mexican Wolf Coalition of Texas was born. In April 1990, the New
Mexico Coalition and other wolf advocates sued the Department of the Interior (which
includes FWS under its jurisdiction) and the Department of Defense (which oversees the
U.S. Army) for failing to fulfill their obligation under the Endangered Species Act to
recover this endangered subspecies. Meantime, FWS disbanded the original Recovery
Team and appointed a new team in 1991.
The lawsuit was instrumental in getting the program back on track. Within
months David R. Parsons was appointed the full-time Recovery Coordinator. The
appointment made history in Mexican wolf conservation. According to U.S. Senator Pete
Domenici (pers. comm., 1991), ‘the military has agreed to allow White Sands Missile
Range to be included as one of a number of sites to be studied for the introduction of the
wolf.’ However, FWS still lacked sufficient funds for the Southwestern endangered
species program. For instance, of the $1,156,000 allocated in fiscal year 1990 for
endangered species recovery in the region, Congress earmarked near 46% for whooping
crane and sea turtle programs. After subtraction for another $407,000 for salaries, only
$218,000 was left for over 100 other endangered and threatened species.
After negative public opinion had thwarted government efforts to reintroduce
controversial species into the wild, Congress struck a compromise on the Endangered
Species Act. The product was ‘experimental/nonessential classification’, a 1982
amendment that is less stringent and allows the protection of the experimental population
to be specifically tailored to local circumstances. The Mexican wolf recovery was to
adopt this modified strategy. When fully implemented, the reintroduction was to cost
between $400,000 and $600,000 annually as of 1991. Release sites were being examined
carefully, as well as post-release management actions. The key to the success of the
recovery was the production of healthy animals in captivity who were surplus to the
captive population (Parsons, 1991).
In Of Wolves and Men, Lopez (1978) stated, without giving any specific details,
that ‘wolves in captivity represent pure strains of extinct races and therefore constitute a
genetic reservoir, that is probably meaningless. Zoo populations are sometimes derived
from animals of questionable genetic background and/or geographic origin, and in many
cases subspecific labels are casually applied. And pups raised in captivity are virtually
certain not to survive in the wild.’ He continued, again with no data to substantiate his
From: International Zoo News Vol. 44, No. 5 (1997), pp. 259-270
charges, that ‘wolves in zoos waste away,’ and ‘wolves kept in zoos die every year as a
result of poor cage design, faulty capture systems, and harassment.’
If Lopez were to write a similar volume today, one wonders whether or not he
would make the same charges. The successful red wolf recovery program has utilized
zoo-born animals (e.g. Waddell, 1996). Captive-breeding efforts, with zoos in both the
U.S.A. and Mexico participating, have contributed significantly to the recovery programs
of the red wolf and the lobo. Specifically, a handful of lesser-known, smaller zoos must
be given credit for supporting the Mexican wolf. In the U.S., those institutions are in the
historic range of the subspecies, with the exception of the Wild Canid Survival and
Research Center, popularly known as the Wolf Sanctuary, located outside of St. Louis,
Missouri. Away from the mainstream of the AAZPA (now AZA), they maintained the
captive populations during lean years. The Mexican wolf captive-breeding efforts have
been a low-keyed program. With the exception of the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
and Rio Grande Zoo in Albuquerque, none was an AZA-accredited institution. The
roster included: Alameda Park Zoo (which later became AZA-accredited), Ghost Ranch
Living Museum, Living Desert State Park, Hillcrest Park Zoo, all in New Mexico, and
Navajo Nation Zoological and Botanical Park, Arizona.
From: International Zoo News Vol. 44, No. 5 (1997), pp. 259-270
lineage population hit the three-digit mark with 107 wolves. The genetic goal set in 1994
projected the need for a carrying capacity of 240 wolves, and preserving 75% of the gene
diversity in captivity for 50 years. However, one of the challenges facing the captive
management has been the limited number of founders. Since recruitment from the wild
was out of the question, the only way to increase the number of founders was to bring in
the two uncertified lineages. But there remained the lingering genetic question. In 1988,
FWS tentatively rejected the inclusion of the Ghost Ranch lineage in the U.S. breeding
program, because of uncertainty about its paternal lineage.
Then, in 1995, came the big boost. A team of genetic experts determined that the
Ghost Ranch and Aragón lineages are pure baileyi, bringing the number in the increased
population to 139 animals prior to the 1996 breeding season (Brown, 1996). Further, the
molecular data show that the Certified (McBride) lineage has three founders, instead of
four as previously assumed. The biologists recommended that the three lineages be
combined to increase the number of founders, and to postpone any inbreeding depression.
This brings up the number of founders to seven, with two added from each of the
previously uncertified lineages (Hedrick et al., 1997). As of the summer of 1996, there
were 149 animals in 30 institutions. Another piece of good news in the mid-1990s was
the increased number of participating zoos. In particular, the arrival of some ‘élite’ zoos
helped to strengthen the program. The Bronx Zoo received a pair in September 1994;
soon Lincoln Park Zoo, Chicago, and Minnesota Zoo, among others, followed the trend.
Meantime, a plan was being made for the eventual release of zoo-born wolves
into the wild, patterned after the red wolf program. It requires re-establishment of a
viable, self-sustaining population of at least 100 wolves in the middle to high elevations
of an 8,000 km2 area within the historic range of the subspecies by about the year 2005
(Parsons et al., 1995). The plan calls for wolves to be reintroduced into the Apache
National Forest in Arizona and allowed to disperse throughout the adjacent Gila National
Forest in New Mexico. The entire area is called the Blue Range Wolf Recovery Area. A
second area, the White Sands Missile Range area, will be used only if it is feasible and
necessary to achieve the recovery objective of 100 wolves (see map). The FWS projects
that the Blue Range can support about 100 wolves. Beginning in 1998, three to five
family groups of captive-reared wolves will be released annually for approximately five
years, or until natural reproduction is adequate to sustain the population. Wolves and
their offspring will be classified as a ‘nonessential experimental population’ to allow
greater management flexibility (FWS, 1996).
From: International Zoo News Vol. 44, No. 5 (1997), pp. 259-270
wildlife, such as the Mexican wolf, to Texas, so long as it is done in a manner that does
not endanger other species of wildlife and does not harm the livelihood of residents of
areas where the potential exists for a new habitat’ (Anon., 1991 b). Unfortunately, these
voices represent the rarest of examples. The governors of Arizona and New Mexico have
publicly opposed reintroduction, and they are supported by a powerful segment of their
The livestock industry in the West is declining economically. Yet, it still
dominates the rural economy, and retains a power political stronghold. Defenders of
Wildlife established the Wolf Compensation Fund in 1987, to reimburse ranchers for
verified livestock losses to wolves. To help reduce animosity toward the wolf, Defenders
extended the program to the Southwest (Savage, 1995). Grass roots support for the
Mexican wolf reintroduction is high. However, it will be doomed to failure if the very
people who live in the region do not want wolves. Within the livestock industry, there is
a tendency to regard the wolf issue as largely ‘romantic’ (e.g. Dale, 1995). Such a
simplistic view overlooks reasons for re-establishment. One is the restoration of the
ecosystem by bringing back the top predator, an irreplaceable biological resource.
Another is to accept the wolf as the world’s heritage for all future generations. McIntyre
(1995) recalls a touching episode he witnessed at a small zoo in New Mexico. A
Hispanic family approached a Mexican wolf exhibit. A young girl, perhaps ten years old,
spotted one of the wolves and said excitedly, ‘It’s a Mexican wolf! He’s part of my
heritage!’ Aside from anthropocentric view points, there also exists the thought that
nature should be saved for the sake of nature itself.
For sure, within the livestock industry there are varying opinions. For instance,
the Arizona Cattle Growers’ Association passed a resolution opposing reintroduction of
wolves in 1986. Five years later, the Association passed a resolution supporting the
reintroduction (Dale, 1992). The industry does not necessarily present a monolithic front.
However, in general, residents in this region traditionally tend to view the federal
government with profound suspicion and skepticism. Sometimes the atmosphere at
public ‘open house’ meetings was thick enough to slice. However, people were heard,
and FWS was able to make positive changes in the final plan largely in response to
comments received. The issue extends far beyond the realm of biology; what is at stake
is the question as to who will control the land.
Bowden (1992) asserted: ‘The Mexican wolf is not a biological problem. Nor a
true land problem. With the wolf, we dip into the potent waters of human emotions,
those parts of our being we can feel but not always recognize or name.’ Too often we
become prisoners of our own emotion, and fail to peer through the haze of emotions and
note that wolves must be recognized for what they are, not what we would want them to
be. It was five years ago that Bowden observed: ‘…a fight over where the wolf release
should take place, or if it should take place at all, has dragged on and on and now
involves three states (Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas), a fistful of state and federal
wildlife agencies, pro-wolf coalitions, and anti-wolf ranchers’ and cattlemen’s
associations, and has generated bushels of papers with analyses, charges, and
countercharges.’ Five years have not changed the political landscape fundamentally, to
alter the tide of the anti-wolf force.
As for the captivity program, one major problem has been holding space
limitations. Some zoos prefer big, furry, white and ‘flashy’ subspecies, such as
From: International Zoo News Vol. 44, No. 5 (1997), pp. 259-270
hudsonicus, for public appeal. The challenge facing the SSP is that of how to persuade
zoo officials to provide space for more meaningful conservation programs. After all,
baileyi appears to exist only in captivity. It is said that this is one of the rarest land
mammals in the world (FWS, 1996; Savage, 1995), and on that account alone, deserves
more attention in the zoo field.
In spite of its biological significance, the Mexican wolf generated little press
coverage in comparison to the highly publicized Rockies wolf program, except in the
Southwest. In my survey there were at least 106 articles, editorials and comments in
three newspapers in New Mexico between 6 January 1993 and 12 June 1996. Around the
same period, there were 35 similar accounts in five newspapers in Texas. It began to
change in December 1996, when articles on the lobo appeared in USA Today, BBC
Wildlife Magazine and the New York Times (Kanamine, 1996; Owen, 1996, Zaslowsky,
1996). In spite of increased attention, problems still remain. Congress voted to cut fiscal
year 1996 spending on efforts to rescue endangered and threatened species. On the
brighter side, 1996 also saw the construction of FWS’s captive wolf management facility
at Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge near Socorro, New Mexico. In November and
December, ten (5.5) wolves arrived here from eight zoos, including one in Mexico, to be
prepared for release into the wild.
Despite difficulties, captive breeding has brought the lobo back from the brink of
extinction to a point where it is now feasible to be re-established in the wild. On 4 March
1997, Secretary of Interior Bruce Babbitt, who oversees FWS and is himself a former
rancher and governor of Arizona, signed a document to give the Mexican wolf a chance
to reclaim its turf. With Mr. Babbitt’s approval, the lobo has taken yet another step
toward the return to the wild.
From: International Zoo News Vol. 44, No. 5 (1997), pp. 259-270
The author wishes to thank Wendy Brown, Mexican Wolf Recovery Biologist,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Albuquerque, and Peter Siminski, Mexican Wolf SSP
Coordinator and International Studbook Keeper, for critically reviewing the manuscript.
Ames, N. (1983): The Mexican Wolf Recovery Program and AAZPA. AAZPA 1983
Regional Proceedings, pp. 259-265.
Anon. (1991 a): IUCN makes Mexican wolf number one priority. Mexican Wolf Recovery
Newsletter 2:2, p.1
Anon. (1991 b): Texas Governor Ann Richards: ‘You have my full support.’ Mexican
Wolf Recovery Newsletter 2:2, p.2
Anon. (1991 c): Momentum builds. Mexican Wolf Recovery Newsletter 2:1, p. 1.
Brown, W. (1996): Mexican gray wolves – back to the wild? Canid, Hyena and Aardwolf
TAG Newsletter (CHAT) 1:1, pp. 2-3.
Hedrick, P.H., Miller, P.S., Geffen, E., and Wayne, R. (1997): Genetic evaluation of the
three captive Mexican wolf lineages. Zoo Biology 16:1, 47-69.
Holaday, B. (1995): Open houses and hearings on Mexican wolf reintroduction. Wolf
Sanctuary Review (Fall), pp. 9-14.
Johnson, A.S. (1991): Will Lobo come home? Defenders (Jan.-Feb.), pp. 10-17.
Kanamine, L. (1996): Second chance for rarest wolf. USA Today (20 Dec.).
Lindsey, S. (1995): Mexican wolf update. The Wolf Sanctuary Review (Spring), pp. 4-5.
Lopez, B.H. (1978): Of Wolves and Men. C. Scribner’s Sons, New York.
From: International Zoo News Vol. 44, No. 5 (1997), pp. 259-270
Meritt, D. (1979): Mexican Wolf Recovery Team meeting held. AAZPA Newsletter
(Dec.), p. 26.
Mitchell, J. (1994): Uncle Sam’s undeclared war against wildlife. Wildlife Conservation
(Sept.-Oct.), pp. 19-31
Owen, J. (1996): El Lobo roams again. BBC Wildlife Magazine (Dec.), p. 61.
Parent, L. (1990): Last of the gray wolves. Texas Park and Wildlife (May), pp. 12-13.
Parsons, D.R., and Nicholopoulos, J.E. (1995): Status of the Mexican Wolf (Canis lupus
baileyi) Recovery Program in the United States. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
Seton, E.T. (1911): ‘Lobo, the King of Currumpaw,’ in Wild Animals I Have Known. C.
Scribner’s Sons, New York.
Siminski, D.P. (1992): The Mexican wolf recovery effort. AAZPA 1992 Regional
Proceedings, pp. 300-307.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (1996): Reintroduction of the Mexican Wolf within its
Historic Range in the Southwestern United States: Summary of Final
Environmental Impact Statement. FWS, Albuquerque.
Waddell, W. (1996): Species Survival Plan profile: Red wolves. Endangered Species
Update Vol. 13, Nos 10/11, pp. 10-11.
Click on the link below for Appendix B – Mexican Gray
Wolf Restoration in the Southwest
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Pamphlet
"Appendix B.pdf"
Appendix C.
Reserva “San Cayetano”
Dirección General de Vida Silvestre (DGVS), SEMARNAT
Av. Revolución #1425 Nivel 1
Col. Tlacopac San Angel
Delegacion Alvaro Obregón C.P. 01040
México, D.F. MEXICO
PH: (+52-55) 56 24 33 09 / 56 24 36 65
FX: (+52-55) 56 24 36 42
Contact: Fernando Cortes or Martin Vargas Prieto
Email: ,
Zoológico de Guadalajara
Paseo Del Zoológico #600
Huentitán El Alto
44100 Guadalajara, Jalisco
PH: (+52-33) 36 74 44 88 / 36 74 42 32
FX: (+52-33) 36 74 38 48
Director: MVZ. Francisco Rodríguez Herrejó Email:
Technical Contact: M.V.Z. Pablo Varela Martínez Negrete Email:
Mexican Wolf Contact: M.V.Z. José Luis Rodríguez Avila Email:
Zoológico de San Juan de Aragón
Dirección General de Zoológico de la Ciudad de México
Av. Chivatito s/n
1a. Sección del Bosque de Chapultepec
Col. San Miguel Chapultepec
11850 México, D.F.
PH: (+52-55) 55 53 62 63
FX: (+52-55) 55 53 62 63 ext. 2005
Director General: Dr. Jose Bernal Stoopen Email:
Director: Dr. Juan Gonzales Romero Email:
Rancho “La Mesa”
Organización Vida Silvestre, A.C. (OVIS)
Business address: Ave. Roble 660. Col.
Valle de Campestre, San Pedro Garza
Garcia, Nuevo León 66265 Mexico.
PH: 011 52 81 8863 1564
PH: (+52-81) 88 63 12 60 / 88 63 13 27
FX: (+52-81) 88 63 13 41
Director: M.V.Z. Sergio Jiménez Lezma Email:
Mexican Wolf Contact: Cecilia Hernandez Email:
Zoológico de León
Apartado Postal 7-89
37271 León, Guanajuato
PH: (+52-477) 764 32 41 / 764 43 14
FX: (+52-477) 764 32 42
Director: M.V.Z. Ángel Ordaz Santos Email:
Curator: Richard Sheffield Email:
Mexican Wolf Contact: Dr. Ivon Ruiz Email:
Rancho “Los Encinos”
Ave. Zarco #2401
Fracc. Zarco
31020 Chihuahua, Chihuahua
PH: (+52-) 14 18 62 62
FX: (+52-)
Director: Alberto Lafon Terrazas Email:
Zoológico “Los Coyotes”
Dirección General de Zoológicos de la Ciudad de México
Av. Chivatito s/n
1a. Sección del Bosque de Chapultepec
Col. San Miguel Chapultepec
11850 México, D.F.
PH: (+52-55) 55 53 62 63
FX: (+52-55) 55 53 62 63 ext. 2005
Director General: Dr. Jose Bernal Stoopen Email:
Mexican Wolf Contact: Xóchitl Ramos Magaña Email:
Zoológico “Alfonso L. Herrera” del Bosque de Chapultepec
Dirección General de Zoologicos de la Ciudad de Mexico
Av. Chivatito s/n
1a Sección del Bosque de Chapultepec
Col. San Miguel Chapultepec
11859 México, D.F.
PH: (+52-55) 55 53 62 63
FX: (+52-55) 55 53 62 63 ext. 2005
Director General: Dr. Jose Bernal Stoopen Email:
Mexican Wolf Contact: Xóchitl Ramos Magaña Email:
Reserva “La Michilia”
Instituto de Ecología, A.C.
Apartado Postal 632,
34000 Durango, Durango
Parque Zoológico “La Pastora”
Av. Pablo Vilma y E. Cavazos
Guadalupe, Nuevo Leon
Director: M.V.Z. Judith Tallabs Salazar Email:
PH: (+52-81) 83 37 13 88
FX: (+52-81) 83 37 43 40 y 50
Parque Zoológico del Pueblo
San Sabastian y San Garcia
Ciudad Netzahualcoyotl
Estado de Mexico
Contact: same as TOLUCA
Africam Safari
11 Oriente 2407
Col. Azcárate
72007 Puebla, Puebla
PH: (+52-222) 281 70 00 ext 240
FX: (+52-222) 281 70 00 ext 257
Director: Sra. Amy L. Camacho Email:
Technical Contact: Frank Carlos Camacho Wardle Email:
Mexican Wolf Contact: Juan Govea C. Email:
Museo del Desierto
Prol. Pérez Treviño 3745
Parque las Maravillas, C.P. 25015
Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico
PH: (+52-844) 986 90 00
FX: (+52-844) 986 90 00
Arturo González González, Director General Email: , PH: x 104, 105
Fernando Toledo González, Gerente de Fauna Email: , PH: x 224, 207
Centro Ecológico de Sonora (IMADES)
Comisión de Ecologia y Desarrollo Sustentable Estado de Sonora (CEDES)
Reyes y Aquascalientes esq. Col. San Benito
Hermosillo, Sonora
PH: (+52-622) 250-1225 or 250-8490
FX: (+52-622) 250-8490
Contact: Director Sr. Jose Francisco Ortega Molina Email:
Records: Alejandro Ingio Gelain Email:
Zoológico de Zacango
Comisión Estatal de Parques Naturales y de la Fauna (CEPANAF)
Av. José Vicente Villada #212, 4o. Piso
Col. Centro
50000 Toluca, Edo. De México
PH: (+52-722) 214 99 19
FX: (+52-722) 213 03 75
Director: Ing. Jorge Rescala Pérez Email:
Technical Contact: M.V.Z. Jesús Frieventh Mondragón Email:
Mexican Wolf Contact: M.V.Z. Guillermo Díaz Díaz Email:
Steve Diehl
Alameda Park Zoo
1376 East 9th Street
Alamogordo, NM 88310
PH: 505-439-4290
FX: 505-439-4103
Shawnee Riplog-Peterson
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
2021 N. Kinney Road
Tucson, AZ 85743-8910
PH: 520-883-3064
FX: 520-883-2500
Jenny Barnett
Binder Park Zoo
7400 Division Dr.
Battle Creek, MI 49014
PH: 616-979-1381; ext.158
FX: 616-979-8834
Terry Lincoln
Dakota Zoo
P.O. Box 711
Bismarck, ND 58502-0711
PH: 701-223-7543, ext. 4
FX: 701-258-8350
Holly Payne
Living Desert State Park
P.O. Box 100 (1504 Miehls Drive)
Carlsbad, NM 88220
PH: 505-887-5516
FX: 505-885-4478
Joan Daniels Tantillo
Brookfield Zoo
3300 Golf Road
Brookfield, IL 60513-1095
PH: 708-485-0263, ext. 436
FX: 708-485-3532
Doug Feist
Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden
3400 Vine Street
Cincinnati, OH 45220-1399
PH: 513-569-7750
FX: 513-569-8213
Alan Sironen
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
3900 Wildlife Way
Cleveland, OH 44109-3132
PH: 216-635-3373
FX: 216-635-3373
Herschel Arnold
Hillcrest Park Zoo
P.O. Box 760
Clovis, NM 88101
PH: 505-769-7873
FX: 505-769-4800
Tracy Leeds
Cheyenne Mountain Zoological Park
4250 Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Road
Box 158
Colorado Springs, CO 80906-5755
PH: 719-633-9925, ext. 113
FX: 719-633-2254
Dusty Lombardi
Columbus Zoological Garden
P.O. Box 400 (9990 Riverside Drive)
Powell, OH 43065-0400
PH: 614-645-3458
FX: 614-645-3465
Darlene Kobobel
Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center
P.O. Box 713
Divide, CO 80814
PH: 719-687-9742
FX: 719-687-9742
John Kiseda
El Paso Zoo
4011 East Paisano Drive
El Paso, TX 79905-4223
PH: 915-521-1865
FX: 915-521-1857
Mary Jo Stearns
Fossil Rim Wildlife Center
P.O. Box 2189
(2155 County Road 2008)
Glen Rose, TX 76043
PH: 254-898-4235
FX: 254-897-3785
Patrick Valentino
California Wolf Center
P.O. Box 1389
Julian, CA 92036-1389
PH: 619-236-9060
FX: 619-236-9030
Bill Mader
Ladder Ranch
H.C. Box 95
Caballo, NM 87931
PH: 505-895-3360
Chris Kline
Minnesota Zoological Garden
13000 Zoo Boulevard
Apple Valley, MN 55124-8199
PH: 952-431-9383
FX: 952-431-9267
Rebecca Bose
New York Wolf Center
P.O. Box 421
South Salem, NY 10590
PH: 914-763-2373
Linda Moore
Animal Care
Smithsonian National Zoological Park
PO Box 37102 MRC 5507
Washington, D.C. 20013-7012
PH: 202-633-3210
FX: 202-633-8727
Vonciel Harmon
Oklahoma City Zoo
2101 NE 50th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73111-7199
PH: 405-424-3344, ext 232
FX: 405-425-0207
D. Peter Siminski
The Living Desert
47-900 Portola Avenue
Palm Desert, CA 92260-6156
PH: 760-346-5694, ext. 2103
FX: 760-568-9685
Kara Schilling
The Phoenix Zoo
455 N. Galvin Parkway
Phoenix, AZ 85008-3431
PH: 602-914-4311
FX: 602-914-4380
Pam McLaren
Heritage Park Zoo
1403 Heritage Park Road
Prescott, AZ 86301
PH: 928-778-4242, ext. 11
FX: 928-778-1341
Rick Janser
Albuquerque Biological Park
903 Tenth St., SW
Albuquerque, NM 87102
PH: 505-764-6224
FX: 505-764-6281
Nancy Smith
Sedgwick County Zoo
5555 Zoo Blvd.
Wichita, KS 67212-1698
PH: 316-266-8327
FX: 316-942-5228
Melissa Kreutzian
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Mexican Wolf Recovery Program
Sevilleta Wolf Management Facility
2105 Osuna NE
Albuquerque, NM 87113
PH: 505-761-4728
FX: 505-346-2542
John Linehan
Stone Memorial Zoo
Stoneham, MA
c/o Zoo New England
One Franklin Park Road
Boston, MA 02121-3220
PH: 617-989-2054
FX: 617-989-2025
Linda Searles
Southwest Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Foundation Inc.
8711 E. Pinnacle Peak Road #115
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
PH: 480-471-9109
FX: 480-471-0956
Mike Bates
Utica Zoo
99 Steele Hill Road
Utica, NY 13501
PH: 315-738-0472
FX: 315-738-0475
Susan Lyndaker Lindsey
Wild Canid Survival and Research Center
P.O. Box 760
Eureka, MO 63025-0760
PH: 636-938-5900 or 6490
FX: 636-938-6490
Roger Alink
Wildlife West Nature Park
P.O. Box 1359
Edgewood, NM 87015
PH: 505-281-7655
FX: 505-281-7170
Matthew Holdgate
Zoo Curator
Navajo Nation Zoological and Botanical Park
Department of Fish and Wildlife
P.O. Box 9000
Window Rock, AZ 86515
PH: 520 or 928-871-6574
FX: 520 or 928-871-6644
John Blankenship
Wolf Haven International
3111 Offut Lake Road
Tenino, WA 98589
PH: 360-264-4695 or 800-448-9653
FX: 360-267-4639
Peggy Callahan
Wildlife Science Center
5463 W. Broadway
Forest Lake, MN 55025
PH: 651-464-3993
FX: 651-464-6768