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The Trina Solar Vertex Module White Paper

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1. Birth of the Vertex Module 1

2. Launch of the Vertex Module 2

3. Technological Innovations of the Vertex Module

3.1 Oversized Wafer 3

3.2 MBB Technology 4

3.3 “5*30” Cell layout 5

3.4 1/3-Cut Design 5

3.5 Non-Destructive Cutting(NDC) 7

3.6 High-Density Cell Interconnect Technology 8

4. Reliability Assurance of the Vertex Module

4.1 Mechanical Load Performance Optimization 9

4.2 Hot-spot Prevention 10

5. Optimized Logistics and Transport of the Vertex Module 11

6. System Compatibility Design for the Vertex Model

6.1 Inverter Electrical Compatibility 13

6.1.1 Central Inverter 13

6.1.2 String Inverter 14

6.1.3 Maximum Module Number of One-String 14

6.2 DC Cable Loss Analysis 15

6.3 Mounting Compatibility Design 16

6.3.1 Fixed Fixed-Tilt Mounting 16

6.3.2 Tracker Mounting 17

7. Customer Value of the Vertex Module

7.1 Reduce Initial Investment Costs 19

7.2 Additional Energy Generation 19

8. Future Outlook of the Vertex Module 20

1. Birth of the Vertex Module

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has

expected renewable energy to contribute to 86% of global

electricity generating capacity by 2050, which shall include a

25% share derived from solar photovoltaic (PV) capacity and

expected to reach a more than 10-fold growth from 2016. It is

also expected by IRENA that accumulated solar PV capacity

will presumably attain to 8,519 GW worldwide by 2050. As

highly renewable energy represents an irreversible shift in

global energy policy, solar PV power shall rise as one of the

most important sources of electric power in the future. Figure 1 - IRENA forecasts of
the future renewable energy structure

Solar PV (utility) The encouraging prospects of solar PV power can be

95th percentile
attributed to the continuing reduction in energy costs.
Global levellsed cost of electricity (LCOE) (USD2018/kWh)

The IRENA data indicates that levelized cost of energy

(LCOE) plummeted by around 77% from 2010 to 2018
in large utility solar PV projects around the world, as
0.2 5th percentile

LCOE range of
shown in Figure 2, Solar PV power has risen as a
fossil fuel technologies
0.085 High: 0.08
(Low: 0.05- High:0.17)
formidable rival of fossil fuel-derived traditional
High: 0.05
Low: 0.02
electric power and will likely continue with energy cost
Low: 0.014
2010 2018 2030 2050

Figure 2 - LCOE development trend of the solar PV industry reduction to reach grid parity worldwide.

Currently all solar power companies are aware of the importance of continuous LCOE reduction and are working towards this

goal. As indicated by the LCOE formula in Figure 3, for a solar PV system, lower initial investment and higher total energy

generation over the lifespan are two effective means of LCOE reduction. For one thing, lower initial investment involves

lower module cost which depends on higher power and conversion efficiency; for another, higher total energy generation

means higher energy yield (kWh/kW) and requires longer module service life.

Therefore, the development of a type of high-power, high conversion efficiency ,high reliability and high energy generation

solar PV module holds the key of reaching grid parity.

Module Cost
Initial Residual Value of Operating Investment Module Power and Efficiency
Investment Equipment Expense
LCOE = Energy Yield
Total Energy Generation over the Lifespan (kWh/kW)
Total Energy
Module Lifespan
Figure 3 - LCOE Formula

2. Launch of the Vertex Module
As the leading 500W module series, the Vertex family can exceed 500 W maximum power and 21% module efficiency. The

Vertex family includes bifacial double-glass modules with the product code DEG18MC.20(II) and backsheet modules

DE18M(II), as indicated in Figure 4a,4b. At the same time, the two modules can prove high reliability with a 25 to 30-year

power warranty and a lower first year & annual power degradation. In addition, they generate more energy thanks to their

excellent low irradiation performance. These factors contribute to the introduction of a new benchmark in module perfor-

mance in the era of grid parity.

4a. Vertex backsheet module 4b. Vertex double-glass module

Figure 4 - Vertex backheet module and double-glass modules

On February 27, 2020 ,Trina Solar launched the Vertex family which includes a monofacial glass-backsheet and a bifacial

double-glass product, both of which can apply to large scale utility and commercial PV projects. The bifacial double-glass

module can contribute to further LCOE reduction by achieving an additional energy gain of 5%-30% from its back side,

depending on ground albedo.

Considering the impact of high current output on the junction box and inverter, module size

on the installation, handling, transportation and logistics, Trina Solar takes the lead in

proposing a 1/3-cut solar cell, 5*30 cell layout based on 210mm oversized wafers, with the

perfect combination of Multi-Bus Bar(MBB), non-destructive cutting(NDC) and high-density

cell interconnection technology. The design also takes into account the compatibility of

downstream systems, paving the way for 500W high power modules in system integration

and application, which will be the preferred PV module solutions for the next three to five


3. Technological Innovations of
the Vertex Module
3.1 Oversized wafer
Solar wafer size has long been keeping up with the change in semiconductor wafer size. Driven by the Moore's Law, semicon-

ductor wafers size are continually growing. As indicated in Figure 5, the 5 inch, 6 inch and 8 inch semiconductor wafers

correspond with the sizes of the 100mm, 125mm and 156mm solar wafers respectively. Since 2015, due to pressure to

improve efficiency and reduce costs, solar wafer manufacturers have enlarged wafer sizes many times, which explains why

multiple wafer sizes, e.g. M2 (156mm), M4 (161mm), G1 (158mm) and M6 (166mm), appeared on the market one after another.

size( /mm)

Semiconductor wafer

Solar wafer

Figure 5 - Development in the semiconductor and the solar wafer sizes

A wide variety of wafer sizes has led to a variety of module power and sizes, which has caused many problems to the down-

stream system design and application. E.g different module power, module size and mounting hole location force PV system

design to be adjusted accordingly. On August 16, 2019, Tianjin Zhonghuan Semiconductor Co., Ltd. announced that the

semiconductor 12-inch mono-crystalline wafer technology will be applied in the solar industry, and launched a 210mm

large-size solar monocrystalline wafer. The 12-inch wafer has been dominant in the semiconductor industry since 2005. The

next generation of 18-inch wafers is not able to replace 12-inch wafers as the mainstream due to the constraints of graphite

heater size, wafer pulling process, breakage rate and higher overall cost.

Therefore, the 210mm size is almost the maximum size of the current silicon wafer in the PV industry, which is expected to

stabilize for at least 5-10 years from now. Not only does it help the standardization of PV module sizes but it also facilitates

the standardization of downstream PV system design. Based on these factors, Trina Solar has chosen 210mm as the wafer

size for the 500W PV module era.

3. Technological Innovations of
the Vertex Module
3.2 MBB Technology
Multi-busbar (MBB) is an optimized technical solution ,which not only reduces the electrical losses, but also improves the

optical utilization(as shown in Figure 6).

From the perspective of electricity loss, if conventional 5 busbar(5BB) design was used for 210mm, the current collection

transverse path stabilize would lengthen by 30% or more. In comparison, MBB can shorten the current collection transverse

path current collection by 50% and reduce cell internal resistance. Besides, uniformity of resistance distribution will improve

current collection by MBB. The state-of-the-art MBB cell metallization technology can strengthen the cell passivation effect

and improve electrical properties, with a 1%-1.5% increase in module power compared with 5BB.

Another remarkable advantage of MBB is the improved solar energy utilization factor. With the round ribbon, the utilization

factor of incident light in the ribbon area from whichever angle can achieve around 75%. In comparison, with the traditional

flat ribbon of 5BB, the utilization factor would be less than 5%. The improved optical utilization increases module power by


Flat ribbon EVA Round ribbon EVA


Figure 6 - MBB vs. 5BB: (a) Current transmission path, (b) Solar energy utilization factor
(c) Anti-microcrack performance

3. Technological Innovations of
the Vertex Module
3.3 “5*30” Cell Layout
If a similar conventional 6*20 or 6*24 Cell layout was adopted for a 210 module, the size and weight of the Vertex module

would increase by approximately 40% or more, which might result in extra system installation costs. In addition, the glass

width would be limited by the current glass manufacture’s capability. Considering the actual upstream and downstream

situation, the optimized "5*30" cell layout is applied for the Vertex module. Integrated with technologies, such as high-densi-

ty cell interconnection, the actual Vertex module size is similar to a regular 166 series module (see Table 1).

Trina Solar 158mm Trina Solar 166mm Vertex 210mm

Module type
DEG15MC.20 (II) DEG17MC.20 (II) DEG18MC.20 (II)

Size (L*W) (mm) 2024 x 1002 2111 x 1046 2187 x 1102

Table 1 - 158mm vs. 166mm vs. Vertex: Sizes of Trina Solar bifacial double-glass modules

3. Technological Innovations of
the Vertex Module
3.4 1/3-Cut Design
Compared to conventional 158mm cells, the 210mm cell area Power(W)

is increased by about 75%, and the module current is

determined by the single cell area. At this point, if the Vertex

module would feature the standard half-cut design, the final

output current would be significantly higher, which would

increase the potential system safety risks. Therefore, based

on the MBB technology, Trina Solar's engineering team

calculated the theoretical module power based on the

Number of
different busbar numbers in combination with the different
Figure 7 - Power simulation concerning different cutting options
options to cut the cells in smaller pieces(see Figure 7). and busbar numbers

In terms of power, the half-cut option has a larger resistance compared to the multi-cut technology, and the typical peak

power of the module is less than 495W; the power difference between the module with 1/3 cut, 1/4 cut, and 1/5 cut is smaller,

and the overall power fluctuates in the range of 500W ± 5W. Meanwhile, when increasing the number of slices, the power

would be slightly improved, and the theoretical power of the 1/5-cut is close to 505W.

From the perspective of the module layout, the number of bypass diodes to protect the modules effectively will vary signifi-

cantly, as shown in Table 2. The 1/2 cut and the 1/4 cut require the placement of five diodes, which not only increases the

difficulty of the process and the width of the module pattern but also increases the number of junction boxes, resulting in

higher production costs. The 1/5 cut cell design uses two bypass diodes, but the manufacturing yield would be challenged as

the number of cutting increases. Both traditional series-parallel-connected 1/2 cut and 1/3 cut use three bypass diodes, a

number already established in the industry for a long time.

Cut type 1/2 cut 1/3 cut 1/4 cut 1/5 cut

Connection Series Parallel-and-series connection connection
type connection (similar to the mainstream 1/2 cut) (similar to shingled module)

module value power

forecast (W)
495.5 494 500 502 503

Cell number of 20 20/10 30/15 20 25

a single string

Typical Isc (A) 9 18 12 9 13

Typical Voc (V) 68 34 51 68 34

Number of
Bypass diodes
5 3 3 5 2

Table 2 - Module performance of cutting options and Figure 8 - Circuit configuration of the Vertex module and
the number of bypass diodes distribution of the bypass diodes

From the perspective of the product characteristics, if short circuit current (Isc) is increased, this will obviously involve high

system safety risk and higher system compatibility difficulties. If open circuit voltage (Voc) is too high, maximum module

number of one-string within each string in a PV system will be decreased. That will result in higher system costs. So it is

significant to evaluate the values of Isc and Voc. For 1/3 cut, the output current is around 12A and the voltage is around 51V. The

above electrical parameters of the Vertex module are a perfect fit with respect to compatibility and safety.

Therefore, considering the simulation results of the electrical performance and the technical difficulties of different

solutions, the Vertex module series applies the advanced and optimized 1/3 cut design. The specific circuit layout and bypass

diode distribution are shown in Figure 8.

3. Technological Innovations of
the Vertex Module
3.5 Non-Destructive Cutting (NDC)
Traditional cell cutting technology involves two steps. Firstly, the wafer surface is laser-melted under temperatures higher

than 1500℃ and cut to a specified depth. Secondly, the cell is broken along the cutting line by an external force. Therefore,

traditional cutting can’t avoid micro-cracks (see Figure 9b) which will ultimately reduce the mechanical strength of the cell. A

greater concern is that if traditional cutting is used for 1/3 sized cell, the two cutting edges of the middle 1/3 cell will involve

an even higher risk of mirco-cracks.

)b* )c* )d* Mechanical Performance

Rough cutting surface
Mechanical separation with subtle lines
Front side Full cell NDC Conventional
Cell 倗MPa倛
Rear side


Laser melting >1500℃ Section after teaditional cutting

Front side 145
Rear side

Smooth cutting surface

with no cracks

Low Temperature
Non-destructive cutting(NDC) Process
Section after Non-destructive cutting

Figure 9 - Traditional Cutting vs. Non-destructive Cutting: (a) Cutting process;

(b) Cross section microscope picture of cutting edge and
(c) Comparison of mechanical properties

In order to overcome the risk, Trina Solar has adopted a non-destructive low-temperature cutting technology based on the

principle of thermal expansion and contraction. Under the heat stress the wafer separates by itself. The cutting surface is

very smooth without any micro-cracks. A NDC cell has a similar strength and mechanical robustness as a full cell and greatly

surpasses that of the traditionally cut ones (see Figure 9c).

3. Technological Innovations of
the Vertex Module
3.6 High-Density Cell Interconnect Technology
As shown in Figure 10a, the conventional cell gap is around 2mm. To increase module power and module efficiency, an

increase in active area is required within a module. With this background, the breakthroughs in the soldering process result-

ed in the invention of the high-density cell interconnect technology.

Module Efficiency Module yield


Conventional High-density Shingled Conventional High-density overlapping

modules modules modules modules

2mm <0.5mm -0.2~-0.5mm

Conventional module High-density module overlapping

)b* )c* )d*

Figure 10 - Conventional Module vs. High-density cell interconnect Module

Overlapping Module: Illustrative diagram, efficiency and yield

Currently there are two main high-density interconnect technologies:

(1)Cell spacing is reduced to around 0.5mm by (2)Cells overlap each other by a width of around 0.5

flattening part of the ribbon in between cells. Smaller mm. The overlapping design minimizes the module size

module size improves overall efficiency effectively. while module efficiency is slightly increased compared to

Although there is a small gap, this spacing helps to the modules with small cell gap. Besides, the overlap will

reduce yield losses in manufacturing as well as the risk cause higher risks of micro-cracks in manufacturing and

of micro-cracks and damage in operation. operation.

Trina Solar applies the small cell-gap technology instead of the overlapping technology. The small cell gap

technology is a more mature high-density cell interconnect technology for Vertex modules with lower risk.

The process improves module efficiency and ensures almost the same module yield.

4. Reliability Assurance of
the Vertex Module
4.1 Mechanical Load Performance Optimization
The deformation and stress distribution inside the module depends primarily on the inherent structural strength of the

module. Trina Solar's technical team used finite element analysis to simulate load performance of the Vertex module to

compare with the traditional 166 series modules.

We take the shared-crossbeam support as an example (see Figure 11), which is a mainstream installation solution for bifacial

double-glass modules to avoid backside shading. In this case, the load failure models include primarily irreparable short-side

deformation and glass-profile material interfacial rupture. Because the Vertex double-glass module has a total size slightly

larger than the 166 series module and unchanged glass thickness, its total deformation is slightly greater than that of the

166 series double-glass module. Nevertheless, the Vertex double-glass module involves an enhanced 35mm frame height

structure, so its deformation and stress are smaller than those of the 166 series double-glass module with 30mm frame

height. Therefore, the optimized and strengthened design and material used ensures the Vertex Module exceeds load

performance standards.

The Vertex double-glass module is equivalent to the 166 series double-glass module with respect to load performance.

Vertex double-glass 166 series double-glass Power degradation of the Vertex module
DEG18MC.20 DEG17MC.20
traditional laser-cut module after mechanical loading test
Test Condition 5,400 Pa load on the front side
Description of
Shared - Cross beam support
35 mm frame, 2mm glass 30 mm frame, 2 mm glass


Short-side Vertex module Traditional laser-cut module


Figure 12 – The Vertex backsheet Module

Numerical value of
29.3 31.7 vs.
Short-side deformation (mm)
Typical Laser-cut backsheet Module:
Figure 11 - 166 series vs. Vertex: Finite element analysis of mechanical load performance Power degradation

The Power degradation after the mechanical load test depends both on module deformation and on cell deformation

resistance. Since the Vertex module involves the use of non-destructive cutting, every 1/3-cut piece can keep almost the

same bending strength as full cells and there is no micro-crack on cutting surface as well. In the load test, the NDC 1/3-cut cell

exhibits remarkably higher deformation resistance than the traditionally half-cut cell. Based on typical installation on the

crossbeam support, the test is conducted under the load test condition specified in IEC 61215. As shown in Figure 12,

compared with the typical half-cut cell backsheet module, the Vertex backsheet module shows a reduced power degradation

by an absolute value of 1%-2%. The optimized Vertex module reduces the risk of cracking and power degradation during

real-life application, ensuring higher safety.

4. Reliability Assurance of
the Vertex Module
4.2 Hot-spot Prevention
As shown in Figure 8, the layout of a Vertex module features “5*30” cell layout with three bypass diodes. The maximum cell

number of each string protected by one bypass diode increases from 24 (in a conventional module) to 30. That means each

bypass diode has to protect more cells, elevating the risk of hot-spot failures. The Trina Solar technical team primarily utilized

the following solutions to prevent hot-spot failure effectively.

Cell Reverse Current Control. Power loss caused by partial shading mainly depends on cell quality, i.e. such factors as
parallel resistance, reverse current, center of impurities and lattice defects. In the shading area, the correlation of the

temperature variation ( ) with the reverse current and the parallel resistance could be expressed as ,

where stands for the constant, reverse current and parallel resistance respectively. Therefore, the reverse

current of the cell impacts very significantly on the hot-spot temperature. The smaller the reverse current, the higher the

parallel resistance is. Therefore, Trina Solar rooted out the hot-spot risk by strict control on the reverse current.

Current Control of Cell String. The current through a cell is positively correlated with its area. A larger area will result in
a larger current which drives up the hot-spot temperature incrementally. Take the common 166 series monofacial module

with half-cut cells under the typical STC condition for example. In parallel connection, the maximum current through each

string would around 5.4A . If the Vertex module had also been composed of half-cut cells, the current through each path

would rise to about 8.7A. It would increase hot-spot risk obviously. In order to overcome the risk, Trina Solar adopted a unique

design, which cuts a cell into three pieces to create series-parallel connection. The smallest unit of each piece is only 1/3 of a

full cell. In the event of extreme irradiation, the output current of each cell string is only around 5.8A and surpasses that of a

traditional 166 series module by around 0.4A. In this manner, the hot-spot risk is effectively under control with 1/3 cut design.

Reduction of Cell Mismatching Risk. Cell mismatching is another important factor contributing to hot-spot formation.
The risk of cell mismatching increases with the growth of the number of cuts. To avoid the hot-spot risk, Trina Solar adopts a

cut-and-sort technology to sort out the 1/3 cutting pieces based on electrical properties and eliminate the mismatch of the

smallest cell units effectively. The hot-spot risk is therefore effectively removed and the high power output is ensured.

The Vertex modules have successfully passed the hot-spot +9%

durability test in accordance with IEC 61215 standards. As +2%

shown in Figure 13, the maximum hot spot temperature was

tested on 158 series,166 series and Vertex modules. The 158 Series 166 Series Vertex
backsheet backsheet backsheet
Vertex module was found to be only 7% higher than 166

series with respect to hot-spot maximum temperature.

Therefore, the Vertex module can operate safely under the

worst shading conditions and guarantee a high power output.

Figure 13 - 158 series backsheet vs. 166 series backsheet
vs. Vertex backsheet:
Maximum hot-spot temperature

5. Optimized Logistics and Transport
of the Vertex Module

The Vertex module is designed for global market. Normally domestic delivery is primarily by flatbed trucking, while interna-

tional shipping is by containerization. Considering logistic costs, transport safety, module security and ease of handling, the

Vertex module is designed for vertical packaging and 2 pallets stacking in containers which is most popular and a mainstream

packaging and transportation solution.

In this way, the most impacting factor of container load capacity is module’s width, because the width of the module

determines the height of stacking when modules are packed vertically. Normal stowage will be impossible if the total height

of any two stacks surpasses the height of the container’s door. A common 40HC container’s (high cube) inside dimension: 12

m×2.35 m×2.69 m; height of door: 2.58 m (see Figure 14).

Figure 14 - Common 40 HC container dimension

Figure 15 illustrates the total height of each Vertex module stack. The total height is about 1.242 meters which can be broken

down into the pallet height, the module height, the cartoon box thickness and the cushion plate thickness. Besides, consider-

ing the operation space of forklifts such as the manual and electrical hydraulic forklifts, the height of the pallet must be not

lower than 8.5 centimeter.

Module Total height


Figure 15 - Total height per pallet of Vertex modules (packaging material included)

The two packages are stacked up to a total height of approximately 2.484 meters, less than the height of the container door

of 2.58 meters, and can be handled by regular trained workers, allowing normal loading and unloading. With approximately 10

centimeter of operating space between the top of the stack and the upper frame of the container door, it can also be affirmed

that the width of the Vertex module makes for the best use of loading and containing.

Figure 16 - Loading height of Vertex double-glass modules in a container

Certainly, stacking or loading/unloading solutions other than generic standards may also be employed to load modules which

are designed with a greater width. Nevertheless, the risk of micro-cracks during transportation has to be addressed and new

handling equipment and means have to be developed.

6. System Compatibility Design for the
Vertex Module
6.1 Inverter Electrical Compatibility
Vertex modules incorporate a number of innovative highlights. More than that, Trina Solar took advantage of its own total

solution at the beginning of the design of the Vertex module family to make a comprehensive assessment of the compatibili-

ty of the current/voltage output with mainstream inverter products. That explains why the Vertex family has been adapted

to fairly match the downstream system design.

As observable inverter product trend, the single inverter capacity increases with module power, be it a string inverter or a

central inverter. Besides, the rated current is being regulated together with the regulation of the output current of the


6.1.1 Central Inverter

The change of the electrical parameters of the Vertex family requests the current rating of the DC fuse and the DC switch of

the central inverter to be sufficient for use. It is very easy to improve by using larger-capacity fuses and switches (see Figure


AC lightning
busbar Inverter Unit 1 filter EMI filter circuit-breaker arrester

fuse switch Insulation AC lightning
DC SPD resistance meter busbar Inverter Unit 2 filter EMI filter circuit-breaker arrester

Figure 17 - Schematic of the central inverter supplied by Manufacturer S

!!!!!! A larger-capacity DC fuse can be used to increase the limit.

!!!!!! A larger-capacity DC switch can be used to increase the limit.

6.1.2 String Inverter
The change of the electrical parameters of the Vertex family requires corresponding matching of the maximum power point

of a string inverter.

IMPP is the most important limitation of string inverters. The

difficulty of capacity expansion is mainly related to the heat

dissipation of the BOOST circuit and Insulated Gate Bipolar

Transistor(IGBT) heat dissipation after the expansion (Figure 18).

At present, the IMPP current of mainstream manufacturers can

reach 26A, which meets most applications. In some special

environments, IMPP current needs to be extended to 30A; for

example when the back side gain of the bifacial module exceeds
Figure 18 – The electric circuit of the string inverter
30% and the temperature is very low. The actual possibility of
of H manufacturer
such scenario is very rare. Mainstream inverter manufactures

have completed R&D and upgrading, and there are already

corresponding products available.

6.1.3 Maximum Module Number of One-String

Under the same Voc temperature coefficient, the maximum module number of one-string of the Vertex module is less than

that of Trina 158 series modules.

Analysis according to the most extreme conditions: Take Hainan, Qinghai as an example, consider -20 °C

倗1倛 With a 410W module, open circuit voltage is 49.3V, Voc temperature coefficient is -0.25% / ℃

!!!!!!!Maximum module number of one-string: N * 49.3 + N * 49.3 * 45 * 0.25% <1500

!!!!!!! N <= 27.3 and the maximum module number of one-string

倗2倛 With the Vertex 500 W module, open circuit voltage is 51.5 V, Voc temperature coefficient is -0.25% / ℃

!!!!!!! Maximum module number of one-string: N * 51.5 + N * 51.5 * 45 * 0.25% <1500

!!!!!!!!N <= 26.2 and the maximum module number of one-string is 26 pieces

6. System Compatibility Design for the
Vertex Module
6.2 DC Cable Loss Analysis
According to R = P * L / S

(R=resistivity, P=specific electrical resistance, L=length in meters, S=section in square mm)

410W Module DC cable length: 16,662.24m (taking 3.15MW square array layout as an example, IMPP = 9.91A

500W Module DC cable length: 13,384.00m ( taking 3.15MW square array layout as an example) IMPP = 11.53A

Formula: Ploss = R * I 2 ↓

The DC power loss of the 500 W module is only 8.7% higher than the 158 series modules. According to the previous DC cable

loss of 1.21% of the annual power generation of the module, the DC line loss of the Vertex module is 1.32% (B% = 1.21 % *

108.7%), Compared with the traditional 410 W module, it is only increased by 0.11%, which can be ignored.

6. System Compatibility Design for the
Vertex Module
6.3 Mounting Compatibility Design

The Vertex module is compatible with a wide range of

mounting options, from fixed-tilt mounting (landscape and

portrait ) to tracker mounting.

6.3.1 Fixed-tilt mounting

Thanks to the 5*30 cell layout, as shown in Table 3, there is not much difference in size and weight (5%-6%) between the

Vertex module and 166 series modules, Whether the beam is mounted perpendicular to the long side or parallel to the long

side, the mechanical load can reach 2400 Pa (negative) and 5400 Pa (Positive), which meets the certification requirements

and is compatible with the fixed-tilt mounting (Figure 19).

Trina158 series module Trina 166 series module Vertex module

Product type
DEG15MC.20(II) DEG17MC.20(II) DEG18MC.20(II)

Weight (kg) 26.0 28.6 30.1

Load capacity (Pa) +5400/-2400 +5400/-2400 +5400/-2400

Table 3 - The weight and mechanical load parameters of Trina 158, 166 and Vertex bifacial double-glass modules


Static load+5400Pa/-2400Pa Static load+5400Pa/-2400Pa

Bolt connection Bolt connection

Figure-19 Matching the installation positions for fixed-tilt mounting

6.3.2 Tracker mounting
(1) Size changes for main parts of the tracker

Figure-20 The different designs of trackers to

match different module sizes

Refer to the calculation results of string length in 6.1.3, we compare the sizes of different trackers with three series of

modules. The length of the torque tube of the 1V tracker with Vertex modules is 2.690 meters longer than that with 158

series modules. While the width is increased by 0.091m. For 2V tracker, the length of torque tube with Vertex modules is

1.507 meters longer than that with 158 series modules, and the width is increased by 0.182m. The length of purlins and the

height of posts have increased also to varying degrees, as shown in Figure 20.

(2) Installation method of the tracker mounting to match the dimensions of the Vertex
modules (1V / 2V) as shown in Figure 21

The The
installation installation
method method
of of
tracker tracker
mounting 1V mounting 2V
(One module (Two modules
in vertical) in vertical)

Static load+2400Pa/-2400Pa Static load+3600Pa/-2400Pa(TBD) Static load+2000Pa/-2000Pa

Bolt connection Bolt connection Bolt connection

Figure-21 Matching the installation postilions for tracker mounting

(3) The matching of tracking system driving force

The Vertex module surface area is 2.41m2 (length * width 2187mm * 1102mm), compared with 158 series surface area 2.03m2

(length * width 2024mm * 1002mm), with an increase of 17.5%; module weight increased from 26.0kg in 158 series to 30.1kg

in Vertex series, with an increase of 14.6%. The value of the driving torque is based on the capacity of the tracker to drive the

rotating unit, which is usually determined by the wind torque and wind eccentric load generated under the maximum wind

load, the eccentricity generated by the integrated center of mass of the rotating parts, and the panel rotation to overcome

friction torque tracker. For this reason, for the two mainstream installation methods of tracking tracker 1V and 2V, through

mechanical calculations, the driving force parameters of the existing products of 1V meet the requirements for increasing

driving force parameters due to the increase in module size and weight, and no adjustment is required. The 2V scheme needs

to be newly developed. Currently, mainstream tracker manufacturers all already new driving force schemes (Figure 22).

Figure-22 The design of tracking panel driving force matching Vertex module

(4) Tracker resonance and flutter analysis

The slight increase in the weight and size of the Vertex modules has caused the tracker system to undergo resonance fatigue

and flutter fatigue under long-term external forces (Figure 23), Therefore, wind tunnel tests are required to conduct

relevant research. Trina Solar has cooperated with third-party laboratories and mainstream tracker suppliers to complete

relevant tests, and mainstream tracker suppliers already have corresponding solutions.

Figure-23 Simulation of resonance and flutter of the tracker matching the Vertex module

7. Customer Value of the Vertex module
The Vertex module not only eliminates the concerns of end-users with downstream compatibility, but also provides

additional value to end-users in terms of lower initial investment cost and additional energy generation respectively. In order

to maximize the value of the Vertex module, it is highly recommended to apply it in large scale utility and commercial PV


7.1 Reduce Initial Investment Costs

We take Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province, China as the reference project site, with a scale of 100 MW, selecting 410 W

modules of Trina Solar 158 series, 450 W modules of 166 series and 500 W Vertex modules, using a fixed-tilt mounting to

estimate the difference in BOS(Balance of system) cost. The results are as follows:

Module model Panel Cable Panel pile foundation Panel and module installation Cable laying BOS total

158 Series(410W) - - - - - -

166 Series(450W) -4.4% -5.8% -8% -8% -8.3% -3%

Vertex(500W) -8.4% -13% -15.6% -15.6% -16.7% -6%

Table 5 - Simulated BOS cost difference of 100MW power station construction in Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province.

As shown in Table 5, compared with the traditional 410 W 158 series module, the BOS of the Vertex module can be reduced

by about 6%. This considerable cost reduction is mainly due to the large span of nearly 90W module power, which reduces

the amount of panels, cables, and pile foundations, also it reduces installation cost accordingly.

7.2 Additional Energy Generation

Vertex modules have excellent low-irradiation performance and temperature coefficient, which can bring additional energy

generation benefits to PV systems. We simulated module energy generation according to the installation locations as in

Table 6, respectively.

Installation location: The three typical cities are Changzhou, Golmud and Jeddah (Table 6). Among them, Changzhou and
Golmud have similar latitudes, but the proportion of scattered light is quite different. The average annual temperature of

Jeddah is the highest at 32.5 ℃, while the average annual temperature of Golmud is the lowest at 6.6 ℃.

Average annual direct irradiance Average annual scattered irradiance Average annual Scattered
Location Latitude
kWh/m2 kWh/m2 temperature °C light ratio

Changzhou, China 31.83°N 1264.7 846.1 16.6 66.9%

Golmud, China 36.4°N 1935.9 600.6 6.6 31.0%

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 22.3°N 2201.7 735 32.5 33.4%

Table 6 – Latitude, irradiance and temperature conditions of three typical cities

Comparing modules: 410 W (from competitors) 450 W (from competitors), 500 W Trina Solar Vertex modules

Installation method: fixed-tilt mounting, double row vertical installation

City 410W 450W 500W

Changzhou, China Baseline + 2.07% + 2.15%

Golmud, China Baseline + 1.51% + 1.7%

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Baseline + 1.4% + 1.9%

Table 7. Simulation of energy generation results of Vertex modules in Changzhou, Qinghai, Saudi Arabia

The results of the simulations for three typical cities: Thanks to the lower optical loss and excellent temperature coeffi-

cient, Trina Solar’s 500W Vertex module overall energy generation is about to 2.15% higher compared to modules from

competitors, which shows that Trina Solar 500W Vertex modules will bring additional value to end users.

8. Future Outlook of the Vertex Module

The Vertex Module series has built up a brand new technology

platform by integrating and innovating a variety of technolo-

gies such as 210mm large size silicon wafers, multi-busbars,

1/3-cell non-destructive cutting, and high-density cell

interconnection, demonstrating the vast potential for future

development. On April 23, 2020, the Vertex module was

certified by the independent 3rd party TÜV Rheinland and the

module’s power output has achieved 515.8W.(Figure 24).

Figure 24. Vertex module power test result by TÜV Reheihland

With the development and improvement of the industrial chain, especially in terms of glass supply capability, adding another

column of solar cells to the existing 5 columns design (from the current 5 columns to 6 columns), the Vertex module power

can be increased to 600W. Furthermore, with PERC+ cell efficiency anticipated to surpass 24%,combined with other factors

such as optimization of module design, improvement in mechanical loading ,and enhancement in downstream installation

methods, the Vertex module’s power output will continue to increase in the future. This also points to a clear direction and

path for the continuing increase of PV module power in the future, it will further drive down the solar PV system cost and

LCOE, accelerating the global application of PV power.


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