PD 1638 - AFP - Military - Personnel - Retirement
PD 1638 - AFP - Military - Personnel - Retirement
PD 1638 - AFP - Military - Personnel - Retirement
WHEREAS, the present retirement system does not afford to all of cers equal
opportunity for promotion to higher rank and position;
WHEREAS, it is for the good of the services to retain for optimum utilization of
their services all military personnel with proven leadership and professional
WHEREAS, world history attests to the fact that many political, social, economic
and military leaders are men mature in experience and age; aisa dc
SECTION 2. This Decree shall apply to all military personnel in the service of
the Armed Forces of the Philippines.
SECTION 3. For the purpose of this Decree active service of a military person
shall mean active service rendered by him as a commissioned of cer, enlisted man,
cadet, probationary of cer, trainee or draftee in the Armed Forces of the Philippines
and service rendered by him as a civilian of cial or employee in the Philippine
Government prior to the date of his separation or retirement from the Armed Forces of
the Philippines, for which military and/or civilian service he shall have received pay from
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the Philippine Government and/or such others as may hereafter be prescribed by law
as active service; Provided, That for purposes of retirement, he shall have rendered at
least ten (10) years of active service as an of cer or enlistedman in the Armed Forces
of the Philippines; and Provided further, That no period of such civilian government
service longer than his active military service shall be credited for purposes of
retirement. Service rendered as a cadet, probationary of cer, trainee or draftee in the
Armed Forces of the Philippines may be credited for retirement purposes at the option
of the of cer or enlisted man concerned, subject to such rules and regulations as the
Minister of National Defense shall prescribe. aisa dc
SECTION 9. Military personnel covered under the provisions of Title III shall
be retired in the grade next higher than the permanent grade last held except of cers in
the permanent grade of Colonel/Captain (PN) or higher.
SECTION 10. Effective six (6) years after the approval of this Decree, of cers
in the permanent grades of Captain, Major and Lieutenant Colonel, or their equivalence,
shall be separated in accordance with the provisions of existing laws upon completing
ve (5), six (6) and seven (7) years of active commissioned service-in-grade,
respectively, or upon attaining thirty-three (33), thirty-nine (39) and forty-six (46) years
of age, respectively, whichever is later: Provided, That the President may lengthen such
active service-in-grade when necessary to maintain the desirable of cer rank structure
and/or enhance a progressive professional development of the of cer corps: Provided,
further, That an officer with at least twenty (20) years of active service shall be retired in
the grade next higher than the permanent grade he holds.
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SECTION 11. An of cer referred to and found by the AFP Ef ciency and
Separation Board not t for retention in the service because of substandard
performance, low potentiality, doubtful integrity and/or acts inconsistent with the best
interest of the service shall be separated in the permanent grade he holds subject to
the approval of the President. acd
Retirement and Separation Benefits
SECTION 17. When an of cer or enlisted man is retired from the Armed
Forces of the Philippines under the provisions of this Decree, he shall, at his option,
receive a gratuity equivalent to one (1) month of base and longevity pay of the grade
next higher than the permanent grade last held for every year of service payable in one
(1) lump sum or a monthly retirement pay equivalent to two and one-half percent (2
½%) for each year of active service rendered, but not exceeding eighty- ve percent
(85%) of the monthly base and longevity pay of the grade next higher than the
permanent grade last held: Provided, That an officer retired under Section 11 or 12 shall
be entitled to bene ts computed on the basis of the base and longevity pay of the
permanent grade last held: Provided, further, That such retirement pay shall be subject
to adjustment on the prevailing scale of base pay of military personnel in the active
service: Provided, furthermore, That when he retires, he shall be entitled, at his option, to
receive in advance and in lump sum his annual retirement pay for the rst three (3)
years and thereafter receive his annual retirement pay payable in equal monthly
installment as they accrue: Provided, nally , That if he dies within the three-year period
following his retirement and is survived by bene ciaries as de ned in this Decree, the
latter shall only receive the derivative bene ts thereunder starting the rst month after
the aforecited three-year period. Nothing in this Section shall be construed as
authorizing adjustment of pay, or payment of any differential in retirement pay to
of cers and enlisted men who are already retired prior to the approval of this Decree as
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a result of increases in salary of those in the active service: Provided, That retirees who
are recalled to active duty may have their retirement pension adjusted based on the
rank they hold and on the prevailing pay of military personnel in the active service, at the
time of the termination of their recall to active duty.
SECTION 18. The survivors of an officer or enlisted man retired under Section
4, 5, 8, or 10 or of an of cer with at least twenty (20) years of service separated under
Section 11 or 12 shall be entitled to a monthly annuity equivalent to seventy- ve
percent (75%) of his monthly retirement pay which he was receiving to be divided
among them in equal shares and with the right of accretion. cdasia
General Provisions
SECTION 25. For the purposes of this Decree. —
a. Total permanent physical disability shall mean the anatomical loss or
the permanent loss of use of both hands, of both feet, of both eyes, of
both ears or any combination, or loss of mental faculties. The degree
of physical disability shall be as determined by medical board created
for the purpose. casia
c. Line of duty shall mean that the death, illness or injury incurred was
not due to misconduct, willful failure, the intemperate use of drugs or
alcoholic liquor or vicious or immoral habits.
d. A year of active service shall mean twelve (12) months. cdasia
SECTION 35. Except those necessary to give effect to the provisions of this
Decree and to preserve the rights granted to retired or separated military personnel, all
laws, rules and regulations inconsistent with the provisions of this Decree are hereby
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repealed or modified accordingly. casia
SECTION 36. This Decree shall take effect upon its approval.
DONE in the City of Manila, this 10th day of September, in the year of Our Lord,
Nineteen Hundred and Seventy-Nine.
Published in the Official Gazette, Vol. 75 No. 49 Page 9832 on December 3, 1979.