9-Cca Rules
9-Cca Rules
9-Cca Rules
C- Classification of Services C - Control A Appeal
CONTAINS 46 RULES 2 SCHEDULES 4 APPENDICES Schedule I: State Services Schedule II:Subordinate Services
Appendix:I:General Subordinate Services II. Authorities imposing minor penalties
on Subordinate officers
Application of Rules ( Rule 3 ) These rules shall apply to every Govt servant except persons in casual employment persons subject to discharge from service on less than one month notice Members of All India services Persons for whom special provision is made in respect of matters covered.
Receipt of a complaint Finding the misconduct: Petitions News report Audit report Office inspection etc
No Inquiry if the complaint is: But, If verifiable allegations
PRELIMINARY INQUIRY to assess facts No procedure prescribed in CCA Rules If allegations are found correct Disciplinary Action to be initiated ANONYMOUS or PSUDONYMOUS
Procedure to be followed
Charge Memo: Explanation of the Public Servant Imposing Minor Penalty In Case of Major Penalty: Inquiry Appointing Inquiry officer Appointing Presenting officer
Articles of Charge
A charge should be brief, clear and precise It should identify the Misconduct/ misbehaviour preferably be in the third person. A separate article of charge should be framed in respect of each transaction/event or a series of related transactions/ events. each misconduct should be specifically mentioned. Multiplication or splitting up of charges on the basis of the same allegation should be avoided. Charge should not contain expression of opinion Charge should not relate to a matter which has already been the subject matter of an inquiry and adjudication.
GAD Dt. 20.7.93
(i) Censure
( v ) (a) Suspension where the person is already ( v ) (b) reduction to a lower stage in the time
scale of pay for a period not exceeding three years , without cumulative effect and not adversely affecting his pension
Major penalties
( vi ) Withholding of increment with
cumulative effect (vii) Reduction to:
(a) Lower stage in time scale of pay (b) Lower time scale of pay, grade, post or Service
Inquiry procedure
Preliminary hearing Choosing the Defence assistant by CO
Inquiry procedure
Hearing Examination-in-Chief Cross examination Reexamination Recording Taking signature of the recorded
statements Note of next hearing
Inquiry procedure
Personal hearing, if CO desires
Written Brief
Inquiry report in the form of a statement
containing :
Articles of charge Defense statements Assessment of evidence Findings Submission to Disciplinary Authority
Inquiry procedure
Disciplinary Authority to:
Satisfy himself/herself with the findings If any deviation in procedure found: Refer back to the IO for re-inquiry DA can come to independent decision based on the facts
Inquiry procedure
Once satisfied:
Copy of the Inquiry Report to be communicated
No double jeopardy.
Rule 5.
Rule 6. Rule 7. Rule 8. Rule 9.
Classification of Services
Constitution of State Services Constitution of Subordinate Services Suspension Penalties
Rule 11.
Rule 12.
Rule 13.
Rule 14.
Rule 16.
Rule 17.
Rule 21.
Rule 22. Rule 23. Rule 24.
Rule 26.
Rule 27.
Rule 28.
Rule 29.
Rule 31.
Rule 32.
Rule 33.
Rule 34.
Rule 35.
Appellate Authorities
Period of limitation for appeals
Rule 37.
Rule 38.
Consideration of Appeal
Review of original orders passed by Govt., in lieu of appeal Implementation of orders in appeal
Rule 39.
Rule 40.
Rule 41.
Rule 43.
Prescribed Formats
( G.O. Ms. No. 411 G.A.D., Dt. 20.07.1993 )
Annexure I - Form of order of suspension
( Where charge sheet has been issued )
Prescribed Formats
( G.O. Ms. No. 82, G.A. ( Ser.C.) Dept., Dt. 1.3.1996 ) Form- I - Non employment Certificate Form- II - Articles of Charges Form- III - Order of revocation of suspension order Form- IV- Appointment of Inquiry Authority Form- V - Appointment of Presenting Officer Form-VI - Memorandum of Charges for imposing minor penalty under Rule 22 Form-VII- Minor Penalty proceedings Form-VIII- Common Proceedings