Techniques Book Adult Blue
Techniques Book Adult Blue
Techniques Book Adult Blue
Blue Belt
All Previous Belt Techniques 11. L-Hand outward block, R-Hand straight punch to opponent’s face,
and kick to opponent’s groin area (simultaneously)
Blue Belt Techniques 12. Block up & step back, straight punch & elbow strike to midsection
Punch Counters 11-21 similar to PC#8. Grab clothing with both hands: R-hand grabs around
Club Counters 6-10 solar plexus or rib area while the L-hand grabs near right knee area. Pull
opponent’s foot off floor by pivoting & pulling opponent to your left side.
Kick Counters 1-5
Hold on to opponent’s R-leg with your L-hand for control. Dump
Knife Counters 1-5
opponent on back, rip to groin with R-hand. Release opponent’s R-leg
Soft Punch Combinations 1-5 while R-hand circles, R-leg pushes it away. Follow up with knee on groin
Eight Eights 1-4 & one knuckle punch to temple.
13. Simultaneously, L-hand outward block in Tiger Claw form, R-hand
Tiger Claw to face & kick to groin with R-leg.
14. Step off to the left, away from opponent’s body at a 45 º angle, parry
or outward block with the right hand to deflect punch, turn back toward
opponent and simultaneously strike the body with a backfist with the R-
hand and a side kick to opponent’s ribs.
14a. Step to the rear to a side horse, inward block with forearm,
cover block, lift left knee up to a side kick and step back.
15. Pivot toward left & open hand upward block with L-hand. Let L-
hand grab opponent’s wrist. Kick to opponents shin w/R-leg when
possible as you step in toward opponent while moon chopping & 21
squeezing to throat w/R-hand. Step back with L-leg while opponent’s force will cause opponent to flip on to their
pivoting (90 degrees) & pulling opponent to ground in back).
back of you.
18. L-hand parry inward & downward. Then
16. As punch comes, pivot to your left simultaneously simultaneously R-hand, one-knuckle punch to face (eye) &
blocking up with your L-arm (open handed) grab front kick to shin with R-foot
opponent’s wrist with L-hand. With R-hand backfist to
groin, to solar plex, and to face. Monkey fist to right tricep. 18a. R-Hand parry inward & downward (closed fist).
After Monkey fist use R-hand to reach underneath L-hand parry inward & downward (closed fist). Then
opponent’s R-arm & grab shoulder. Step in 45 degree angle simultaneously one-knuckle punch to face (eye) &
with R-leg to outside of opponent’s lead leg. Throw front kick to shin with R-foot.
opponent to floor by turning your upper body ½ away 19. Step out to left side with L-leg. R-hand should go up
from opponent (counter clockwise), while pulling in outward parry to guard self against punch. R-leg
opponent’s arm across your body from your R-shoulder to straight kick to groin, into R-leg roundhouse to face.
your lower left side. Note: Follow-up with any technique.
20. As punch comes, step to rear with L-foot while
16a. As punch comes, pivot to your left, pivoting to L-side & deflecting punch with R-shoulder.
simultaneously block up with your L-arm (open Then Tiger Tail with R-foot to opponent’s groin.
hand). Backfist with R-hand to groin, L-leg crosses (Advanced: also can use a Funny Kick or over the shoulder
behind R-leg while R-hand backfists solar plex. Step axe kick)
out with R-leg to left side of opponent while R-hand
backfists to face. Sweep opponent’s leg or legs with R- 21. As punch comes, drop to floor on right side, place
leg inward sweep, while chopping with R-hand to hands to floor, drop to low position while leaning to R-
chest of opponent, to knock opponent to the floor. side. L-leg roundhouse to groin.
17. Step to left side with L-leg. Parry with R-hand a. Step back, execute scissor kick
simultaneously grabbing opponent’s R-wrist. At same time, b. Step off 45º, execute a double foot kick
Leopard Rip across ribs, then striking under opponents c. Step off 45º, execute a jumping side kick
triceps (in rolling motion) with L-forearm, a) armbar b)
d. Step off 45º, execute a jumping hook kick
out the door or c) flip opponent. (Rolling motion +
1. (Against a Front Kick) Pivot to right blocking down
6. Stepping to left away from on coming club, deliver a and out with left hand, your left hand continues under
right leg round house kick to mid section, followed by a left opponent’s right leg, followed by a right hand punch to the
leg spinning back kick, followed by a left hand chop and/or mid section then open palm strike to opponent’s right
ridge hand to throat. shoulder as you grab shirt of right shoulder. Trip out
7. Stepping to left away from on coming club, upward supporting leg with the back of your right leg. Let
block with right and left hand shoving opponent’s club opponent’s back hit the floor as you let go of shirt. Follow-
hand into his/her body. Follow with a driving open palm to up suggestions: Chop with right hand through groin and
chin. with the same hand deflect opponent’s right leg away,
followed by a kick to opponent’s back.
8. Stepping in with left upward block, as right palm 2. (Against a Front Kick and Straight Punch) Pivot to
strikes the chest, driving the opponent backwards. left, blocking down and outward with right hand,
Followed by right hand Ridge Hand rip across eyes then continuing under the kicking leg to catch kicking leg.
chop to throat. Parry incoming punch with palm of your left hand passing
opponent’s punching hand to your right hand, your left
9. Left hand inward parry, right hand vertical poke to
hand punch opponent’s ribs. The back of your right leg
face, left hand slams into back of head, left hand then grabs
kicks out opponent’s supporting leg. As opponent falls onto
left side of opponent’s face (from the rear). Pulling
back let go of his/her wrist. Follow up suggestions:
opponent backwards into a left round house knee.
Striking through groin, parry away opponent’s right leg
10. Stepping in with left upward block, as right hand with same hand followed by kick to back.
delivers a Moon Chop to the throat. Followed by a right 3. (Against a Round House) Duck down and away to
forearm strike to the left side of opponent’s head, right right. Go to left knee as back of left hand strikes groin.
hand continues around and behind head grabbing Switch to right knee as palm of right sweeps out
opponent’s right shoulder for a shoulder hip throw. opponent’s supporting leg.
his/her face or neck, jerks knife hand back out straight as
4. (Against a Round House) Duck down and away to you deliver a chop to the throat, ending with arm bar
across your chest as you turn your hand up under the jaw,
right. Go to left knee as back of left hand strikes groin. forcing the head back.
Switch to right knee as palm of right hand also strikes
groin followed by a right leg sweep to opponent’s 4. (Against 2 strikes) a Midsection Stab, followed by a
supporting leg. High Outward Slash) Parry first strike inward with left
5. (Against a Side Kick) Step back with right foot into a hand as you deliver a vertical punch to mid section. Deflect
the opponent’s second attempt with left hand (fingers
side horse. Continue to catch self on floor with both hands pointing down), your forearm causes opponent’s arm to
and deliver a (Drop) side kick up into the groin. travel over your head as you grab opponent’s (knife hand)
wrist with left hand, followed by right hand chop to biceps,
KNIFE COUNTERS 1-5 right foot kick to groin, left chop to throat.
1. (Against a Midsection Knife Thrust) Pivot to left into 5. (Against a Midsection Thrust) Left hand parry
a right Cat stance as you parry with a left hand inward inward, grabbing the wrist of the knife hand with both of
parry against the back of knife hand, followed by a right your hands, the left hand at the top of the wrist, the right
hand one knuckle punch to back of knife hand. Right hand hand at the bottom of the wrist. Twist the opponent’s wrist
Ridge hand up to wrist of knife hand followed by back of and arm counter clockwise over his right biceps and
left hand circling up to strike triceps of right arm followed shoulder until the opponent falls to the floor, at which time
by right hand vertical punch to rib cage of opponent. you snap the knife swiftly back, causing the opponent to
cut him/herself in the face.
2. (Against a High Knife Thrust) Left hand inward
parry, followed by back of right hand outward parry, right SOFT PUNCH COMBINATIONS 1-5
hand grabbing wrist of knife hand of your left palm strike 1) Left hand outward perry, right hand reverse knuckle
back of head. Followed by your forearm driving into back punch to opponent’s left temple, left poke to eyes, right
of opponents shoulder and down toward the floor. hand back knuckle to opponent’s right temple, left vertical
punch to bladder area, right hand poke to throat, left hand
3. (Against a High Stab) Deflect with palm of left hand, unreversed jab upside down punch to face
then with back of right hand, left palm slams into back of
opponents head with same motion. Left thumb knuckle 2) Right hand unreversed jab/upside down jab to face
drives into opponent’s right biceps, shoving knife hand at turns into inward block to opponents right arm, left hand
poke to eyes, right hand back fist to groin, left hand 3. WHO ARE THE OTHER PERSONS AND
vertical punch to thigh. WHAT DID THEY CONTRIBUTE TO THE
3) Simultaneously outward upward perry with left hand • Mr. P.Y.Y. Choo - Korean Karate
while right hand poke to armpit or neck. Follow with left
• Mr. Frank Ordonez - Jujitsu
hand open palm tiger claw strike to face while back of right
hand rips down front of opponent’s body & down groin • Mr. J. Holck - Judo (Kodokan)
area. Right hand rips inward Ridgehand across eyes, left • Prof. C. Chang - Chinese Boxing (kung-fu)
hand poke to eyes, right hand chop (palm down) to right • Sijo A.D. Emperado - Kenpo and Escrima (Arnis)
The Black Belt Society was the name they called
4) Right hand ox jaw (inverted chop) to opponent’s right
biceps .Then to left biceps. Left hand ox jaw to opponent’s themselves before the Kajukenbo system was developed.
chest (sternum/solar plexus) right hand ox jaw to face. The Black Belt Society has recently become the Sifu
5) Left hand perry as your right thumb gouge opponent’s 5. WHAT WAS THE PERIOD OF/OR LENGTH
left eye. Pulling face into your left elbow, follow by a left OF TIME IN DEVELOPMENT OF THIS SYSTEM?
hand back fist to opponent’s head. (Advanced: crane From early 1947 and it continuously evolves.
beak to carotid artery) 6. WHERE WAS THE HEADQUARTERS THEN
Palama Settlement, Vineyard Street, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Sijo Adriano D. Emperado is one of the originators and the Escrima, a form of Filipino stick fighting & Chinese gungfu
founder of the KAJUKENBO system of self defense.
KA-karate; JU-judo/jujitsu; KEN-Kenpo; BO-Chinese MARTIAL ARTS?
boxing (kung-fu). At the age 11, in 1953 in the art of Judo under Mr.
(Rubberman) Higami at the old Y.B.A., Nuuanu Valley,
continued training under Mr. John Chong and Mr. 12. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN
Sullivan. Gung Fu was heavily influenced under Mr. KUNG FU AND GUNG FU
Chong, who was also a skilled Gung Fu practitioner. Gung Fu is Cantonese while Kung Fu is Mandarin. The
Studied Kenpo-karate under Mr. Eugene Ho and under meaning of Gung Fu is “skill”, “hard work”, “practice”, or
Sijo Emperado before coming to California. Later training “accumulation” of “time”
Gung Fu under Sifu Paul Ng. 13. HOW MANY STYLE SYSTEMS OF KUNG FU
White, black, red. Over 300, 2/3 of them descend from the Sil Lum system.
To the average person, the white uniform is usually inclined In China, the Northern systems of Gung Fu were noted for
to Japanese Judo or Karate or any of the Japanese Martial their fine kicking techniques, jumping, long power punches
Art systems. Since the art which we teach is of Chinese and vocal sound. The Southern Systems had little or no
origin, the opposite of white, black, would then represent yelling sounds and kicks were usually low never going
the Chinese arts. Black since being the Kajukenbo color is higher then the private region. They were skillful on inside
widely used in most Kenpo-Karate and Chinese Kempo hand techniques using short blows, pokes and slicing slap
(Ch’uanfa) Gung Fu schools. techniques. The southern sets were usually long with a
11. WHAT ARE THE FIVE BASIC SYSTEMS OF medium and sometime slow tempo. The Northern sets were
THE CHINESE MARTIAL ART? generally fast with a lot of jumping and high kicks.
• HUNG - power punches 15. WHAT ABOUT KARATE? WHERE DID IT
• LI - poke and slaps COME FROM? To the Chinese Kara means China, while
• CHOY - kick and side punch Te would be fist, or Art way. Meaning China Way, China
Fist, or China’s Arts. It is actually a Chinese word. To the
• FUT - slicing techniques
Japanese Karate means “Empty Hand”, Kara-empty, te-
• MO - block and breaking hand. Karate comes out of the Hung system of Gung Fu
All of these techniques or systems are greatly used in the using power punches and power blocks. Karate can also be
Kajukenbo style of self defense. You could actually say then called Japanese Gung Fu.
that the Kajukenbo style is the Hand style of Gung Fu.
Ch’uan Fa is a Chinese word meaning “fist way” or “fist chi ch’uan was the beginning of this trend. But actually
step.” In China, all unarm Martial Arts (Wu Shu or Kgi- martial arts began in Africa.
Guk ) are called Ch’uan Fa (Fist Way) or Ch’uan Shu 21. WHAT ARE THE COLOR RANKS IN GUNG
(Fist Art). To the Westerners, it is called Kempo or Kenpo. FU?
17. WHICH WAY IS CORRECT, KEMPO OR In some systems of Gung Fu, the color usually starting off
KENPO? would be black then working its way to white or gold or
Both, in this school we use Kempo because it is the correct even silver. But anywhere between black and white, other
Chinese way of saying it especially if this schools doctrines colors are included. Example: black, blue, green, yellow,
is inclined towards the Chinese methods. Kenpo, KEN-PO red, and white. White would mean Professorship. Red,
is used mostly by schools who are heavily influenced by Instructor or Master. Not all color systems are the same.
Okinawan and Hawaiian methods. Kenpo or Kempo Every style/system has their own way of ranking.
stresses more Southern (Hand) techniques with low kicks. 22. WHAT IS THE SHADOWLESS KICK?
It is still within the Hung system using power blows. Also The Chinese are colorful in giving names to everything.
known as the hard style. The shadowless kick is no more than a diversion in which
18. WHY DO WE YELL (KA - 1) WHEN one uses distracting hand motion to draw one’s opponents
DELIVERING A BLOW? attention allowing to sneak a kick into the lower region.
Extra strength and speed is gained when delivering blows. The fast kick used in our own system can also be called the
It also absorbs shock when falling as used in Judo. Energy Shadowless Kick. The human eye picks up images and
force should be concentrated in the lower stomach. transfers it to the brain in l/l6th of a second. There are
19. WHAT IS THE CORRECT WAY TO YELL? people who can do this faster than the eye techniques.
Any yell that comes from the lower stomach. Many of the 23. WHY DO WE USE BLACK KARATE GI’S IF
Gung fu schools shout “sot” which in Chinese means “Kill” WE ARE LEARNING CH’UAN FA GUNG FU?
or “Execute”. Black Karate Gi’s are easier to get and need not have a
20. HOW OLD IS MARTIAL ARTS? near perfect fit like traditional Chinese outfits. Also, it is
History in China dates back to 2754 years. This was the the true and oldest type of outfit the Chinese use. Those of
beginning of the development of the Chinese characters as you who have seen Chinese movies, will note the Chinese
used in their language. It may have been longer. Black Belt collar and frog buttons were not used until 2-3 hundred
Magazine said it to be a thousand years earlier 3734. T’ai years ago. The regular wrap around was the most practical.
24. HOW MANY KINDS OF STRENGTHS ARE IN It’s called iron hand because the result is the person
THE CHINESE ARTS? becomes (hand + feet) strong and rough like leather.
Six - bodily, breath, bone, internal, external and hidden or 31. WHAT IS DIM MAK?
darkened strength. Dim Mak is the deadliest and most dangerous blows in the
25. WHAT ARE THE DEADLIEST BLOWS IN ANY advanced systems of Gung Fu. Usually by touch and
SYSTEM? pressure type finger applications. Persons who study this
Internal blows. art need to know the chart and timing system before
26. MENTALLY, GUNG FU WILL TEACH US applications. The Poison Hand method are used like
WHAT? dotting the letter “I”.
Gung Fu will teach you concentration, patience, belief,
honesty, perseverance, self control, courage and
personality becomes for the better.
Through my training I am gaining strength and confidence.
With confidence comes humility and I am committed to
growing in both.
Health, alertness, body condition, over come minor illness
thru improved health. DJ’s MOTTO
28. WHAT ARE THE FOUR MAIN SYSTEMS I will strive daily to improve myself both physically and
PRACTICED TODAY? mentally, and to respect myself and others.
systems. Many schools combine the four. Notes:
Poison hand are attained by snap and speed.
Also, some techniques require the use of powder and/or
liquid on the hand which are poisonous when inserted
below the skin.
Iron Hand is developed after a person practices the use of
aids like hitting materials, It’s techniques require strength.