14 P #1C: Sebi-S M: Mrunal's Economy Win21 Updates For UPSC & Other Competitive Exams Illar Hare Arket
14 P #1C: Sebi-S M: Mrunal's Economy Win21 Updates For UPSC & Other Competitive Exams Illar Hare Arket
14 P #1C: Sebi-S M: Mrunal's Economy Win21 Updates For UPSC & Other Competitive Exams Illar Hare Arket
14 Pillar#1C: SEBI-Share Market................................................................................................................ 34
14.1 🔪🔪🔪🔪 Financial Instruments: Debt ............................................................................................. 35
14.1.1 🔪🔪🔪🔪⏰Debt → Interest Rate Benchmarks: LIBOR, MIBOR, MIFOR, SOFR ......... 35
14.1.2 🔪🔪🔪🔪⏰: 🐯🐯🐯🐯 🧔🧔🧔 Short term debt instruments → by Govt → WMA......... 36
14.1.3 🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯 Consolidated Sinking Fund (CSF) for State Govts’ repayment ................... 36
14.1.4 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪 Long Term Debt Instruments: Other Special purpose Bonds ...................... 36
14.2 ⚖🗃🗃 Financial Instruments: Equities / Share Market............................................................ 37
14.2.1 ⚖🗃🗃 🤵🤵 IPO → Special Purpose Acquisition Company (SPAC) ............................ 37
14.2.2 ⚖🗃🗃 🌐🌐 ADR/GDR: Shares in Videshi locker............................................................... 37
14.2.3 👻👻⚖🗃🗃 🌐🌐 ATMANIRBHAR reforms in ADR/GDR/BharatDR............................. 38
14.3 📈📈 SENSEX & Corona(उ�ेखनीय सं केतक/ सूचकांक)............................................................................... 38
14.3.1 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮 SENSEX: Impact of Corona............................................................................... 39
14.3.2 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮 Share Market: Impact of Bond Yield................................................................ 39
14.3.3 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮 Bond Vigilantism ................................................................................................ 39
14.4 🗃🗃🗃🗃Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) ............................................................. 40
14.4.1 🗃🗃⚖📜📜Securities Market Code & Investor charter ..................................................... 40
14.4.2 🛒🛒 (💻💻⏱:�) Algo Trading & Co-Location .................................................................. 40
14.5 🛒🛒 (🔪🔪🔪🔪) Bond Market Reforms ............................................................................................. 41
14.5.1 🛒🛒 (🔪🔪🔪🔪: 🧔🧔🧔) Unified Bond Market (एक�कृ त बॉ� बाजार)............................................ 41
14.5.2 🛒🛒 (🔪🔪🔪🔪: 🧔🧔🧔) Deepening of G-Sec market- Direct Retail participation @RBI 41
14.5.3 🛒🛒 (🔪🔪🔪🔪: 🧔🧔🧔) Bond Buying Institution in 💼💼Budget-2021 ............................... 41
14.5.4 💍💍💍💍💍💍💍💍Commodity Market: Gold exchanges & 💼💼Budget-2021......................... 42
14.1.3 🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯 Consolidated Sinking Fund (CSF) for State Govts’ repayment
⇒ Started in 1999. It has >₹1.25 lakh crore by 2019. (समेिकत घाटा �नपटान �न�ध)
⇒ Annually, State Govt has to contribute money equal to 1-3% of its outstanding market loans to
this fund. This fund is kept with RBI. (रा� ने �जतना कजार् उठाया है उसके सामने इसम� थोड़ा पैसा जमा करना है)
⇒ CSF is a fund outside consolidated fund of the State and public account of the State. (More in
📑📑Pillar2: budget.)
⇒ CSF meant to be used for only 1 purpose= repayment/redemption of loans taken by the State
Government. (बकाया ऋण चुकाने के �लए ही इस �न�ध का उपयोग होगा)
⇒ 2020-May: RBI relaxed technical norms related to withdrawal of ₹₹ from CSF till 31/3/2021 to
help the State Governments. (तकनीक� �नयमो मे कु छ छू ट दी गयी)
14.1.4 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪 Long Term Debt Instruments: Other Special purpose Bonds
⇒ US Govt (1870s) and British Govt (1917) had issued Consol bond.
⇒ Consol is short form for ‘consolidated annuities’.
🤧🤧🔪🔪🔪🔪♾ ⇒ Consol bonds have no maturity date. They are perpetual bonds that paid 4-5%
(proposed) interest rate, for an infinite time period. In theory they don’t repay the
Consol Bonds principal amount back to investor. Thus, they’re Irredeemable Bonds (अमो�).
for Corona- ⇒ However, in reality, the Government may redeem(/buyback) the bonds after
revival certain years, by paying principal to the investor.
⇒ Some economists suggesting Indian govt should issue Consol Bonds for Post-
corona economic revival. (अथर्�व�ा को पुनर्जी�वत करने के �लए)
Figure 1: �बना अमरीक� SEBI मे पं जीकरण िकए, उनके शेयरबाजार से पैसा उठाऊँ , तो कै से?
- A non-American company wants to mobilize money from American share market but does not
want to go through the lengthy & complex process of registration with the American
sharemarket regulator.
- Then such non-American company gives its shares to an American bank.
- Based on those (non-American) shares, the American bank will issue American Depositary
Receipts (ADR: अमरीक� �नपे�ागार रसीद) & sell them to American investors. Denomination: USD.
Figure 2: पूंजी बाजार क� जड़ो को गहरा करना है तो �सफर् अमीरों का नही, गरीबो क� बचत का पैसा भी जाना चािहए!
14.5.1 🛒🛒 (🔪🔪🔪🔪: 🧔🧔🧔) Unified Bond Market (एक�कृ त बॉ� बाजार)
⇒ At present (1) Government bonds’ (G-Sec) market (2) private sector / Corporate Bonds market
are functioning separately. Because
o (A) RBI depository for G-Sec/ T-Bill is separate. Where govts, banks, NBFCs and
primary dealers can participate, and minimum investment guidelines are high (e.g.
investor’s g-sec buying order must be minimum “X” lakh rupees, else RBI rejects
o (B) SEBI regulated depositories (For non-Government = private sectors’ share/bonds) is
separate- where retail investors/common men register & participate.
⇒ 💼💼Budget-2019 promised reform to connecting these two platforms, to facilitate retail investors’
participation in G-sec. (आम जनता भी सरकारी प्र�तभू�तयां सीधे ही खरीद सक� )
⇒ 2020: SEBI proposed “unified bond market” where both G-sec & Corporate Bonds will be
available for buying/selling. This will (1) help govt mobilize public’s savings more easily for its
welfare schemes (2) Give small/retail investors easier opportunity to invest directly in G-sec.
लेिकन ये असल म� अभी बनना बाक� है।
14.5.2 🛒🛒 (🔪🔪🔪🔪: 🧔🧔🧔) Deepening of G-Sec market- Direct Retail participation @RBI
⇒ Before: Retail investors invested in G-Sec indirectly via Mutual Fund Companies /Stock
exchange through NDS-OM (Negotiated Dealing system-order matching).
⇒ AFTER: RBI allows retail investors to open "Gilt account" in RBI Direct facility in E-Kuber Core
banking solution (CBS) platform= they can directly purchase fresh G-Sec from RBI (=Primary
market) & resell it to other investors (=secondary market) later on.
14.5.3 🛒🛒 (🔪🔪🔪🔪: 🧔🧔🧔) Bond Buying Institution in 💼💼Budget-2021
⇒ Secondary market-Provides liquidity to the investor -Since he can sell existing shares/bonds and
hand to others → motivation to buy new shares/bonds in primary market → capital to healthy
new company.
⇒ But in India, the secondary market for bonds is not fully developed. Inadequate number of large
players → Difficult to resell the bonds at the right prices → 😰😰discourages the investors from
bonds → Difficult for companies to mobilize ₹₹
⇒ So, 💼💼Budget-2021: Proposed to setup a body/organization to purchase investment grade debt
securities. This body will buy bonds both in stressed and normal times. Benefit?
development/Deepening of the Bond market. ✋Exact name of the organisation? headquarter?
Ans. details yet to be announced.
⇒ I’m also pleased to announce, my next ONLINE batch for Economy for UPSC Civil Service Exam
covering both Prelims and Mains topics of Economy.
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