Ef1c HDT Sebi Sharemarket Pcb1
Ef1c HDT Sebi Sharemarket Pcb1
Ef1c HDT Sebi Sharemarket Pcb1
Table of Contents
15.3.1 Short term debt instruments (लघु अवधि ऋण उपकरण ) ............. 119
15.10.1 Mutual fund (MF: म्यूच्यूअल फण्ड ) for aam-aadmi .............. 136
15.10.7 Alternative Investment Funds (AIF: वैकक्पपक तनवेश कोष) .............. 139
15.10.8 ( ):( ) Govt’s AIF for Real Estate Sector (2019) .................. 139
15.11 Forward / Future Contracts & Call / Put Option ......................... 139
15.12 Derivatives & Swaps .......................................................... 139
15.3.4 🐯🔪👨🦲 Consolidated Sinking Fund (CSF) for State Govts’ repayment
Started in 1999. It has >₹1.25 lakh crore by 2019. (समेककि घाटा तनपटान तनधि)
Annually, State Government has to contribute money equal to 1-3% of its outstanding
market loans to this fund. This fund is kept with RBI.
CSF is a fund outside consolidated fund of the State and public account of the State.
(More in Pillar2: budget.)
CSF meant to be used for only 1 purpose= repayment/redemption of loans taken by the
State Government. (बकाया ऋण चुकाने के सलए ही इस तनधि का उपयोग होगा)
2020-May: RBI relaxed technical norms related to withdrawal of ₹₹ from CSF till
31/3/2021 to help the State Governments. (िकनीकी तनयमो मे कुछ छूट दी गयी)
1. The Reserve Bank of India manages and services Government of India Securities, but
not any State Government Securities.
2. Treasury bills are issued by the Government of India and there are no treasury bills
issued by the State Governments.
3. Treasury bills offer are issued at a discount from the par value.
Ans Codes: (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 3 only (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
15.4.7 🔪🗃🗓 Long Term Debt Instruments: Other Special purpose Bonds
US Govt (1870s) and British Govt (1917) had issued Consol bond.
Consol is short form for ‘consolidated annuities’.
Consol bonds have no maturity date. They are perpetual bonds that
paid 4-5% interest rate, for an infinite time period. Thus, they’re
Consol Bonds Irredeemable Bonds (अमोच्च).
for Corona- However, in reality, the Government may redeem(/buyback) the bonds
revival after certain years, by paying principal to the investor.
Some economists suggesting Indian govt should issue Consol Bonds for
Post-corona economic revival. (अथिव्यवस्था को पन ु ज
ि ीत्तवि करने के सलए)
Social आजीत्तवका बॉन्ड) with the help of World Bank, UN Women org etc.
Impact Bonds - These bonds will be offered to High Net worth Individuals (HNI),
Impact Investors (rich people interested in ‘indirect’ social service)
etc. They’ll earn 3% annual interest rate for tenure of 5 years.
प्रभाव बाांड) - Money thus collected → SIDBI → Micro Finance Institutes (MFI) →
loaned to individual women entrepreneurs in sectors like food
processing, agriculture, services etc.
❓ With reference to ‘IFC Masala Bonds', sometimes seen in the news, which of the
statements given below is/are correct? (UPSC-Pre-2016)
1. The International Finance Corporation, which issues them, is an arm of the World
2. They are the rupee-denominated bonds and are a source of debt financing for the
public and private sector.
Answer Code: (a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither1 nor 2
❓ Which one of the following is a viable alternative to term-loans for raising debt
finance by large publicly traded firms? (UPSC-IEnggS-2018)
(a) Shares (b) Debentures (c) Asset loans (d) Gold loans
Figure 2: बबना अमरीकी SEBI मे पांजीकरण ककए, उनके शेयरबाजार से पैसा उठाऊँ, िो कैसे?
Shares are issued through IPO @Primary market. Then, they can be resold at secondary
market, commonly known as Share market or Stock Exchange or Bourses.
If shares and bonds are traded in paper-form, then transactions are slow & prone to
the risk of theft, forgery and fire.
Depositary is an organization that holds the securities (like shares/bonds etc.) in
electronic (=DEMATERIALIZED) form. Then facilitates its trading online.
Upon client’s request, Depository can ‘rematerialize’ it as well (i.e. giving
physical/hard copy of share/bond etc) to client.
Customer must open a “Demat” account in a depository-partner (DP) which can be a
bank or an NBFC.
SEBI regulates them under the Depositories Act 1996. Notable examples:
- Central Depository services Limited (CDSL)
- National securities depository Limited (NSDL: started by SBI, IDBI, UTI, NSE et
al). NSDL also has RBI license to operate Payment Bank
Figure 5: Corona के चलिे बबजनेस प्रोजेवट पूरा नही ककया, िो वया जेल मे भेज दोगे, या फाांसी पे लटका दोगे?
Figure 6: पूांजी बाजार की जड़ो को गहरा करना है िो ससफि अमीरों का नही, गरीबो की बचि का पैसा भी जाना चार्हए!
Harshad Mehta (1992), Ketan Parekh (2001) arranged money from banks, used it for
rigging the share prices to make windfall gains during Bull-runs by other investors.
Once the prices crashed, small investors suffered.
To prevent such scams, SEBI introduced Circuit Breaker System, wherein if fluctuation
in the share prices is more than “x%” than previous day, then stock exchange must
stop trading for “y” minutes.
Badla System/Carry forward system:
- Buying of shares using borrowed money & making promises to carry forward the
settlement for upto 72 days. scamsters misused (इसकी टोपी उसके सर पे)
- so SEBI discontinued it (2001) & introduced (T+2) rolling settlement system
i.e. after trade is conducted, the parties must settle it within two working days
(= buyer pays money, seller deliver shares/bonds/securities).
Rupal Panchal (2005) opened multiple fake DEMAT accounts to increase the chances
of getting share allocations in IPO. Then she’d sell such shares in stock-exchange for
higher prices. Subsequently, SEBI made PAN Card (issued by Income Tax Dept)
compulsory for opening DEMAT Accounts. SEBI also introduced ASBA (Application
Supported by Blocked Amount)- it allows the underwriter to block the amount in IPO-
investor-applicant’s bank account, but only IF shares allotted to the applicant, his
bank money will be deducted. ASBA-Benefits:
- (1) only serious investors with sufficient bank balance can apply.
- (2) investor continues to earn bank interest on his blocked amount until the
process of IPO-share allotment is over.
SEBI requires Stock exchanges (BSE, NSE etc) and commodity exchanges (NSEL, MCX
etc) to setup Investor Protection Fund (IPF: तिवेशक सुरक्षा कोष). IPF covers investors’
‘non-speculative’ type of losses. e.g. if the other party is not delivering shares because
of some court case. IPF also promotes investor education and awareness.
Dabba Trading / Bucketing / Box Trading: While share trade occurs at stock exchange
linked with DEMAT accounts, the Dabba Trades occur in the unofficial books/ledgers of
an unscrupulous broker. He may or may not execute those orders in actual DEMAT
account. Investor prone to scam, govt deprived of taxes. So, SEBI declared it illegal.
Insider Trading (भेर्दया लेनदे न): Whenever company launches new products, wins
unique patents, or undergoes merger and acquisition- its share prices will increase. If a
person associated with company uses such confidential information for buying/selling
shares to make windfall gains. Such insider trading is illegal.
Algo Trading: Some large brokers / companies use algorithmic trading computer
programmes to automatically buy / sell securities at a speed and frequency that is
impossible for a human trader. This can be misused for manipulating the share prices.
While SEBI has not banned it, but issued technical measures e.g. a single broker /
investor can’t place more than 100 online orders per second.
Figure 7: अभी भी इिने सारे "काांड" वयो हो रहे है, गवनिर साहब?- त्तविमांत्री @FSDC meeting.
Figure 8: swag से करें गे 'middle-class' का 'स्वागि'। Observe colors in logo, meant for attracting ordinary crowd
Figure 9: Swag से िही करें गे 'middle-class' का 'स्वागि'। Observe ‘premium’ logo-designs to attract rich people
Special type of Mutual Fund meant for HNI (High Net Worth Individual) who wants high
risk high return. SEBI norms: Minimum investment per person is ₹1 crore.
Hedge Fund manager will invest their money in Junk Bonds, Risky assets; he’ll do risky
trading activities such as Arbitrage, Leverage, Short Selling etc. to generate maximum
return. (how is that done in real life = UPSC-CSE not for recruitment of HF managers.)
✓ Stressed developer gets new finance to finish the project while HNI gets new
opportunity to invest his money, and he may also sell the units to third party via stock
✓ SEBI permitted these instruments in 2014. Later SEBI relaxed technical norms related
to capital, leverage, issue size but they are not important for us. (Full) Budget-2019:
FPIs will be permitted to subscribe to listed debt securities issued by ReITs and InvITs.
15.10.5 📦 🏛 CPSE-Exchange Traded Funds (ETF: ईटीएफ)
Disinvestment (ववतनवेश): government sells it shares from Central Public Sector
Enterprises (CPSE: केंद्रीय सावडजतनक क्षेत्र के उद्यम) but does not reduce its shareholding
below 51%. If Govt’s shareholding reduced below 51%, then it is called Privatization
(तनजीकरण), although NITI prefers the term ‘Strategic Disinvestment’. More in Pill#2.
2014: Government wanted to disinvest 10 CPSE (ONGC, GAIL ltd etc). If govt tried to
sell the individual company-wise shares, it would be more time consuming, and govt
may not get good prices for each company.
So, Govt gave CPSE-shares to a fund manager Goldman Sachs - who created new
securities out of it, called “Exchange Traded Funds (ETF)”, and made a “New Fund
Offer (NFO)” to the public to subscribe to these securities at ₹ 10 per unit.
If an investor holds the ETF → he will get returns from the dividend generated by
those CPSE-companies in the backend. He may also sell these ETF to a third party via
stock exchange, hence called Exchange Traded Funds.
Misc. : Gold-ETF: Investors give money → manager buys gold for safekeeping and trades
it depending on price movements → returns are divided among the unit-holders. In
between, the investor may sell his Gold-ETF to third party via Stock Exchange therefore
they’re also Exchange Traded Funds. How/why/NOTIMP
Figure 11: भत्तवष्य मे खरीदने का सोदा िो ककया, लेककन दाम धगर जाए, िो खुद को बचाऊँ िो कैसे?
Figure 12: बबना SEBI पांजीकरण के भारिीय पूांजी बाजार मे तनवेश करू, िो कैसे?
A foreigner wishes to invest his money in India but does not want to go through the
hassles of registering with SEBI, getting PAN card number, opening a DEMAT account
etc. So, he will approach a SEBI registered foreign institutional investor (FII) / foreign
portfolio investor (FPI) such as Morgan Stanley, Citigroup or Goldman Sachs. He’ll pay
them & instruct them to purchase particular shares and bonds and store them in their
Demat account.
Then FII will give him P-Notes, and he’ll receive interest and dividend accordingly.
He may also sell those P-notes to a third party.
P-Notes are Offshore Derivative Instruments that derive the value from the
underlying Indian shares and bonds.
P-Notes are harmful for Indian economy because:
P-note investors are not directly registered with SEBI, the identity of the actual
investor and source of funds remain disguised= chances of Tax evasion, money
laundering, terror finance (कर चोरी, काले िन को वैि बनाना,आिांकी त्तविपोषण)
If P-Note owner sells his P-Notes to another foreign investor, Government of India may
be deprived of taxes. (Compared to a scenario where Indian share owner is selling his
shares to another Indian investor at profit, then government gets securities transaction
tax and capital gains tax on his profit, & he can’t dodge it because DEMAT accounts
linked with PAN card. More on PAN card@Pillar#2 → BlackMoney)
It is a way of directing the company to protect the interest of all stakeholders, and ensure
three types of compliance: (कांपनी तनदे सशि करने का एक िरीका क्जससे र्हििारकों की रक्षा हो)
Compliance Example(s)
Company obtaining Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) number as
mandated by RBI.
Legal-Regulatory Company setting up ‘Internal Complaints Committee’ as
कानूनी-तनयामक mandated by Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 / “POSH
Companies keeping balance sheets as per the Ind-AS
Technical accounting standards.
िकनीकी Automobile company producing car engines as per BHARAT-
Stage emission norms.
Moral-Ethical Gillette scrapping the ad-contract with cricketer Hardik Pandya
for his sexist comments against women on Koffee with Karan
ू ि
Absence of Corporate Governance leads to fraud, embezzlement (ग़बन), erosion of
investors’ confidence. E.g. Satyam Computer Scandal (Chairman Ramalinga Raju
manipulated account books), Boardroom battles at Tata Group (Cyrus Mistry vs Ratan
Tata) and Infosys Group (Narayana Murthy vs Vishal Sikka fighting, 2019: whistle-
SEBI implemented Uday Kotak committee’s suggestions From 2019-Apr From 2020-Apr
Split CEO/MD and Chairman. One person can’t occupy N/A Top 500 listed
both positions in his company (e.g. Gautam Adani) cos.
Companies Act requires min.3 directors in Public Listed Top-1000 listed Top-2000 listed
company, but SEBI mandated to have min. 6 directors cos cos
Companies Act doesn’t prescribe gender of independent Top 500 listed Top 1,000
director but SEBI mandated atleast one independent cos. listed cos.
woman director.
one person can serve as director in how many 8 7
companies? (Companies Act: Max.10), but SEBI required
SEBI also tightened norms related to salaries to directors, ‘related party transactions’
(meaning not important but the fact that term associated with corporate governance /
companies act).
ATMANI = SEBI deferred many of above guidelines. Dynamically changing info so we
need not chase it @ball-by-ball commentary.
15.15.2 💰(🏥🚽)CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility (कॉपोिे ट स म क्जक क्जम्मेद िी)
⇒ Mandated under Companies Act 2013: Last 3 years' avg. profit → spend 2% of that on
CSR (education, environment, public health, sanitation, disaster management etc.)
⇒ Applicable on both public ltd and private ltd. with very huge profit / turnover /
networth (what’s the difference between these terms, what’s the exact figure? Ans.
UPSC is not Chartered Account exam.)
⇒ Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) gives National CSR Awards to companies.