Chapter 13 The Heart Lesson Plan For Caroline 1
Chapter 13 The Heart Lesson Plan For Caroline 1
Chapter 13 The Heart Lesson Plan For Caroline 1
Caroline Murphy, RN
New Visions Health Instructor
Nursing Assisting Instructor
• Objective(s)
What do I want students to know and be able to do at the end of the lesson?
Cognitive: The student will be able to identify the principal components of the heart and their
functions. The student will also gain an understanding of the circulatory, electro-cardio, and
muscular systems, and the physiology of the heart. Finally, the student will be able to describe the
cardiac cycle.
Motor: Optional: skills in identifying heart sounds and microscopy.
Learning Outcomes:
• Anticipatory Set (Advance Organizer)
How will I help students to make personal connections to the new content & skills?
Have Circulatory song and Pump Pump your blood
• Materials/Supplies
What materials and supplies will I need to achieve my objectives?
(technology, textbooks, workbooks, etc.)
Gather the following materials and teaching aids* for the following lessons:
13-1 Microscope slides; Web images; histology textbook
13-2 A preserved animal heart
13-3 A working model of the circulatory system *; Sheep heart in pericardium or heart of America mode
13-4 Whiteboard, colored markers
13-5 Injected preserved sheep hearts or heart model
13-6 Oak tag or stiff paper for chart
13-7 Whiteboard and colored markers
13-9 Textbooks
13-10 Stethoscope and/or heart sounds from sound clips
13-11 (If possible) stethoscope, fluoroscope, oscilloscope; video "Diagnosing Heart Disease", video player;
computer for Web projection
• Instructional Steps
How will I present the instruction to students?
What learning activities will I incorporate to guide student learning?
What questions will I ask to check for student understanding?
How will I modify my instruction for students with special learning needs?
Procedures with this icon are also on the CD-ROM in the textbook.
• Instructional Technology
What forms of technology will I use in the lesson and why (SMART board, software, etc.)?
If not using technology in the lesson, explain why.
• Closure
How will I guide students to summarize key concepts?
To reflect on what they learned? To determine if objectives have been met?
Review of Questions in back of Chapter 13
Have students do the following
1) Using index cards identifying how a drop of blood goes thru the heart
2) Have students explain the conduction of the heart
3) Using web page on heart arrhythmias sounds have student listen to different murmurs and
heart rates
4) PBS Mysterious Heart
a. History of Cardiology
b. Tour of the heart
c. Healthy heart guide
• Assessment
How will I determine student mastery of the content and skills (exit tickets, etc.)?
Classroom discussion
Chapter test Chapter 13
• Homework
What assignments/activities will I assign to extend student understanding?
Monthly objectives