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I. Objectives: (English CG)

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Grades 9 School Luy-a National High School Grade Level IX

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Paul Romano B. Royo Learning Area English
Teaching Dates and Time February 27, 2020/10:40-11:40 AM Quarter 4

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of making
predictions and the importance of it in analyzing the story.
The learners demonstrate understanding of scientific ways
of acquiring knowledge and solving problems.
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to formulate predictions based
on the text listened to. (ENGLISH CG)
The learners perform in groups in guided investigations
involving school-based problems. (SCIENCE 7 CG)
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives Employ analytical listening to make predictions. INDICATOR 7
Write the LC code for each (EN9LC-IVc-13.2) -Plans, manages and implements
Apply the components of a scientific method. developmentally sequenced teaching and
(S7MT-Ia-1) learning processes to meet curriculum
requirements through various contexts.
Knowledge: Define what prediction is
Explain the importance of prediction in reading
Skill: Formulate predictions based on the text listened to
Make predictions about some community-based
problems applying the components of a scientific
Attitude: Work cooperatively with the group
II. CONTENT Formulating Predictions
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages 223-224
2. Learner’s Materials pages 501-502
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Pictures, visual aids, copy of the story

A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new (Integration of positive and non-violent discipline) INDICATOR 5
lesson -Manages learner behavior constructively by
Presentation of classroom rules applying positive and non-violent discipline to
ensure learning-focused environment.
1. Be respectful to your classmates, teachers, and
2. Listen to the teacher and follow instructions.
3. Raise your hand when you would like to speak in
class, when leaving your seat or if you need to leave
the classroom for a reason.
4. Cooperate with your group.
5. Work hard and always do your best.

(Engaging learners in a group activity, Integration of INDICATOR 4

HOTS) -Manages classroom structure to engage
learners, individually or in groups, in
The teacher will divide the class into two teams. He will meaningful exploration, discovery and hands-
post on the board a story which doesn’t have an ending. on activities within a range of physical learning
After reading, he will ask the students about what did they environments.
notice about the story. Then, he will tell them that the story
is not yet finished so their task is to think what is going to INDICATOR 3
-Applies a range of teaching strategies to
happen next. The teacher will reveal the ending after the
develop critical and creative thinking, as well
students give their guesses.
as other higher-order thinking skills.
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Ask:

1. What helped you in guessing what will happen


When we make a guess based on clues, we make a

(Integration of Diagnostic Strategies) INDICATOR 9
-Designs, selects, organizes and uses
2. Do you know some people who make predictions in diagnostic, formative and summative
their jobs? Who are they? What did they do in their assessment strategies consistent with
jobs? curriculum requirements.

The teacher will cite examples by showing the picture of a

meteorologist and fortune-teller and tell the description of
their job.

(Integration of HOTS) INDICATOR 3

-Applies a range of teaching strategies to
The teacher will show a picture of a cloudy weather, a man develop critical and creative thinking, as well
with a cart full of groceries, and a hot soup. as other higher-order thinking skills.


1. What kind of weather do you think is coming? Why

do you think so?
2. What does this man probably going to do after his
cart is filled with groceries and he has everything he
wants? How do you know that?
3. What will probably happen if you eat this very hot

The teacher will finally tell that making predictions also

happened when reading a story.

Presentation of Objectives
C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson The teacher will tell the class that they’re going to listen to
a story entitled, ‘The Wedding of a Mouse’.

(Integration of Literacy Skills) INDICATOR 2

-Uses a range of teaching strategies that
Unlocking of Difficulties (Vocabulary Enrichment) enhance learner achievement in literacy and
numeracy skills.
1. hermitage – a house or dwelling where a hermit
2. hermit – someone who lives alone for religious
3. Guru – a spiritual teacher
4. meditation – a devotional exercise
5. summon – to call someone to come
6. fiery-tempered – easily angered
7. alliance – any union resembling that of families or
8. rigid – hard to bend, not flexible

(Engaging learners in a group activity) INDICATOR 4

-Manages classroom structure to engage
The teacher will divide the students into four groups. He learners, individually or in groups, in
will tell them that they’re going to listen to a story entitled, meaningful exploration, discovery and hands-
‘The Wedding of a Mouse’. He will instruct them that he on activities within a range of physical learning
will stop at certain parts and ask them to predict the next environments.

(Integration of HOTS) INDICATOR 3

-Applies a range of teaching strategies to
After reading certain parts of the story, the teacher will ask develop critical and creative thinking, as well
the following questions to the students: as other higher-order thinking skills.

1. Based on the story, what do you think might

happen next? Will the guru take care of the mouse
that he turned into a girl or will he let go of the girl
and let her live happily?
2. What do you think might happen next? Will the girl
accept the Sun God?
3. What do you think might happen next? Will the girl
accept the King of Clouds as her husband?
4. So what do you think might happen next? Do you
think this time the girl will accept the Lord of the
Winds as her husband?
5. What do you think might happen next? Do you
think this time he girl will accept the Lord of the
6. This time, the guru summoned the King of Mice. Do
you think this time, the girl will accept the King of
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills (Integration of HOTS) INDICATOR 3
#1 -Applies a range of teaching strategies to
1. How did you come up with your guesses earlier? develop critical and creative thinking, as well
2. Why do you think the girl chose the King of Mice? as other higher-order thinking skills.
3. What do you think would be the outcome of the
story if the girl also rejected the King of Mice?
4. If you were the girl, whom among the Kings/Lords
will you choose to be your husband? Why?
5. What do you think would happen in the story if the
guru lose his power to transform the girl back to its
normal condition of being a mouse? What do you
think would happen to their marriage?
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills (Integration of Science Subject) INDICATOR 1
#2 -Applies knowledge of content within and
The teacher will present new ways on how to predict using across curriculum teaching areas.
the scientific method that students learned in Science.

1. Observation
2. Question
3. Hypothesis

(Engaging learners in an individual activity) INDICATOR 4

-Manages classroom structure to engage
The teacher will tap the senses of the students by letting learners, individually or in groups, in
them look around. He will give a situation and then allow meaningful exploration, discovery and hands-
them to follow the steps of scientific method to make a on activities within a range of physical learning
prediction. environments.
F. Developing mastery (leads to Formative (Integration of HOTS) INDICATOR 3
Assessment 3) -Applies a range of teaching strategies to
The teacher will give the students a short reading selection develop critical and creative thinking, as well
in which they are going to get the clues from it before as other higher-order thinking skills.
formulating prediction along with their own experiences.
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and (Engaging learners in a group activity, Integration of INDICATOR 4
skills in daily living HOTS) -Manages classroom structure to engage
learners, individually or in groups, in
The teacher will divide the students into three and give meaningful exploration, discovery and hands-
them topics related to school-based problems and predict on activities within a range of physical learning
the outcomes applying the scientific method. environments.

Group 1. Study habits of Luy-a National High School

Students INDICATOR 3
-Applies a range of teaching strategies to
Group 2. Behavior of Luy-a National High School Students
develop critical and creative thinking, as well
Group 3. Waste Management in Luy-a National High School
as other higher-order thinking skills.
H. Making generalizations and abstractions about (Integration of Literacy Skills, Integration of HOTS) INDICATOR 2
the lesson -Uses a range of teaching strategies that
1. What is a prediction? enhance learner achievement in literacy and
2. Why do you think predicting outcomes is numeracy skills.
3. How can we predict outcome in different INDICATOR 3
situations/stories? -Applies a range of teaching strategies to
develop critical and creative thinking, as well
as other higher-order thinking skills.
I. Evaluating learning (Integration of Formative Assessment) INDICATOR 9
-Designs, selects, organizes and uses
List atleast 3 predictions with sense if the students are not diagnostic, formative and summative
able to do their school task. assessment strategies consistent with
curriculum requirements.
J. Additional activities for application or Predict what will happen tomorrow and share your
remediation predictions infront of the class.

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require additional activities

for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners
who have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared by: Noted:


T-I Principal I

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