Administrative Law Notes
Administrative Law Notes
Administrative Law Notes
regulations for various and varying delegate, it will have nothing to do but to
details of management. enforce it.
Administrative Rule Sufficient Standard Test
It is any agency statement of general The law must offer a sufficient standard
applicability that implements or to specify the limits of the delegate’s
interprets a law, fixes and describes the authority, announce the legislative
procedures in, or practice requirements policy, and specify the conditions under
of, an agency, including its regulations. which it is to be implemented. The
following are examples of sufficient
It includes memoranda or statements standards: public interest, simplicity,
concerning the internal administration or economy, efficiency and public welfare.
management of an agency not affecting
the rights of, or procedure available to, Quasi-Judicial
the public.
It is the power of adjudication which
Rule-Making means an agency process enables the administrative body to
for the formulation, amendment, or resolve, in a manner essentially judicial,
repeal of a rule. factual and sometimes even legal
questions incidental to its primary power
Distinguished from Legislative Power of enforcement of the law. It involves the
application of a rule for the past and is
Administrative regulations are intended
regarded as private.
to carry out the legislative policy. The
discretion to determine what the law
It is the power of administrative
shall be is exclusively legislative and agencies to make determinations of
cannot be delegated. The power to facts in the performance of their official
create rules to carry out a policy duties and to apply the law as they
declared by the lawmaker is construe it to the facts so found.
administrative and not legislative.
Tests of Delegation It is merely incidental to their main
function, which is the enforcement of the
Completeness Test law.
The law must be complete in all its Distinguished from Judicial Process
terms and conditions when it leaves the
legislature so that when it reaches the Judicial process focuses on the question
of law, with the questions of fact being
JL Notes in Administrative Law
Contributed by: Lyan David “Yadj” M. Juanico & Kent Joseph B. Limpot, 2S,
S.Y. 2014-2015 Page 8
That in all things, god may be glorified!
San Beda College-Manila
College of Law
but conform to the standards that the regulation, the statute must
law prescribes. prevail. “A regulation adopted
pursuant to law is law.”
A regulation is binding on the Conversely, a regulation or any
courts as long as the procedure portion thereof not adopted
fixed for its promulgation is pursuant to law is no law and has
followed. Even if the courts may neither the force nor the effect of
not be in agreement with its law.
stated policy or innate wisdom, it
is nonetheless valid, provided As a general rule, letters of
that its scope is within the instruction are simply directives
statutory authority or standard of the President of the
granted by the legislature. Philippines, issued in the
exercise of his/her administrative
Second Requisite power of control, to heads of
departments and/or officers
The regulation promulgated must under the executive branch of the
not be ultra vires or beyond the government for observance by
limits of the authority conferred. the officials and/or employees
An administrative agency cannot thereof. Being administrative in
amend an act of Congress. nature, they do not have the force
and effect of a law and, thus,
The power of administrative cannot be a valid source of
officials to promulgate rules and obligation.
regulations in the implementation
of a statute is necessarily limited Third Requisite
only to carrying into effect what
is provided in the legislative General Rule: Prior notice and hearing
enactment. are not essential to the validity of rules
and regulations promulgated to govern
In other words, administrative future conduct.
rules and regulations are
intended to carry out, not Exceptions:
supplant or modify, the law.
(1) Where the regulation is in effect a
In case of conflict between a settlement of controversy between
statute and an administrative specific parties, it is considered an
(9) When the facts set forth in the A question of law exists when
petition as well as in the petitioner’s the doubt or controversy
main and reply briefs are not disputed concerns the correct application
by the respondent of law or jurisprudence to a
certain set of facts; or when the
(10) When the findings of fact are issue does not call for an
premised on the supposed absence of examination of the probative
evidence and contradicted by the value of the evidence presented,
evidence on record the truth or falsehood of facts
being admitted.