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Introduction Charles Elepano 020721

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Corona virus has raised challenges to the that listed educational applications such as

world's educational system and is spreading Digital learning management systems,

exponentially, affecting the 213 territories Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
and countries throughout the world Platforms and Self-directed learning content
(Worldometer, 2020). The United Nations that aims to students, and educators
Education, Science and Cultural (UNESCO, 2020a). Distance learning is a
Organization (UNESCO) have noted that the solution to continue the education system,
outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic has but owing to the lack of internet access, IT,
influenced the education system of instructional materials and emerging
countries at various income levels (UNESCO technologies makes it challenging for
2020b). In relation to this, UNESCO teachers and students (Mustafa, 2020).
estimated that because of school closures,
However, individuals can become conscious
more than 1.5 billion students in 195
of their own learning needs through lifelong
countries are out of school worldwide
learning and they can determine how they
(UNESCO 2020b). As a response, countries
want to gain awareness. Lifelong learning
are implementing strategies to restore lost
helps individuals who pursue self-
learning (Tadesse & Muluye, 2020).
development or further education to be
In the Philippines, a 38-year-old Chinese autonomous and versatile in fulfilling their
woman who was confined at San Lazaro learning needs (Aspin and Chapman, 2001).
Hospital in Metro Manila was identified as One of the main goals of lifelong learning is
first case of COVID-19 last January 30, 2020. to equip individuals with abilities and
(Insert citation). The corona virus pandemic competencies that enable them to learn on
quickly spread in the country. COVID-19 their own (Candy, 1990). Based on these
(Pujari, 2020) influences the start of the concepts and anchored in these principles
new semester or term in the education of lifelong learning, Department of
system, tests, and assessment and it can Education (DepEd) acknowledges the value
prolong the academic year. As Education of professional expectations in the ongoing
Response to COVID-19, Department of professional growth and advancement of
Education (DepEd) launched Blended/ teachers (Deped Order No. 42, s. 2017).
Distance Learning in which students and They also recognizes improving the quality
teachers, who are most at risk, will use the of teachers with skills that are necessary for
combination of the different distance lifelong learning that has become
learning modalities such as printed increasingly important for them to respond
modules, offline digital modules, online, and to rapid changes, especially in terms of
TV and radio-based instruction (Insert knowledge acquisition. Lifelong learning
citation), to continue the education system includes numerous abilities known as
in the Philippines. This is also in line with twenty-first century abilities, and these
UNESCO’s COVID-19 Education Response abilities are believed to be increasingly
important in knowledge societies. Self- variety of different terms. Founded on the
directed learning abilities are part of these teaching principles of life-long learning,
(Mocker & Spear, 1992). Self-directed developing self-directed learning abilities is
learning is a way of turning individuals into significant to adopt distance learning as the
lifelong learners, according to Candy (1990). pandemic drives face-to-face learning to
online learning.
Self-directed learning, also known as
learning by oneself, refers in its broadest The purpose of this study,
sense to the willingness of individuals to
take initiative to recognize their own
learning needs. It also refers to their ability
to define their learning objectives, their
ability to identify the sources they need to
learn, their ability to choose/use effective
learning strategies and evaluate learning
performance with or without an outsider's
assistance (Knowles, 1975). Self-directed
learning is a process in which individuals are
solely responsible for the planning,
continuity and analysis of their experiences
of learning (Merriam et al., 2007). In self-
directed learning, the responsibility for
learning transfers to the student from an
external source (teacher, etc.). In this
process, supervision and active participation
of the learner in the learning process is
essential (Boyer and Usinger, 2015; Grover,
2015). The conceptualization, design,
implementation and assessment of learning
led by learners also involves self-directed
learning (Brookfield, 2009). Self-directed
learning helps people to develop their self-
confidence, freedom, inspiration and
lifelong learning skills (O’Shea, 2003).
Cameron (1997) claimed that self-
management, self-monitoring, and
motivation should be included in a
systematic model for SDL. This studies show
the self-directed learning is linked to in a

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