Suriname Cropped2
Suriname Cropped2
Suriname Cropped2
18 ¬ Interview With Finance Minister Gillmore Hoefdraad
Road to recovery
Suriname’s minister of finance, Gillmore Hoefdraad, tells GlobalMarkets
that the economic recovery is on track and that the government is taking
measures to ensure the country is better placed to withstand future shocks.
Investor Relations | 19
Untapped potential
South America’s smallest nation is rich in economic potential, with
impressive natural resources, an investor-friendly government, and a
well-educated population.
With an area of just 163,820km2, of which 95% tries is infrastructure, with further construc-
is tropical rainforest, and a population of just tion required for highways, railways, bridges
over 567,000, Suriname is the smallest coun- and ports, among others, but its strategic po-
try in South America. It is also the youngest: it sition means that Suriname has high potential.
gained independence from the Netherlands in Finally, Suriname has a competitive advan-
November 1975. tage over several of its nearby states and rival
But with GDP per capita projected at $6,800 agricultural producers: it is located outside of
for 2018, Suriname is a middle-income country. the path of most Atlantic hurricanes.
Literacy rates are 95% and, though Dutch is the
official language, English is widely spoken. Credit ratings
Moody’s: B2 (negative)
Extracting wealth Standard & Poor’s: B (stable); Fitch: B- (stable)
Unsurprisingly, given a World Bank study in
2000 made it the 17th richest country in the Ginmardo Kromosoeto, CEO of Suriname boosts efforts at financial inclusion
world, based on natural resources per capita, Surinaamse Postspaarbank A key challenge that Suriname faces in its economic
the economy has long been orientated towards development is that the roughly 40% of the
extractive industries. population that lives in the interior of the country is
Long before independence, Suriname became disconnected from the rest of the country.
one of the world’s leading producers of bauxite. investors do not have to jump through a small This is also the case with the financial system,
US company Alcoa began operations in the window, but can talk directly to the govern- says Ginmardo Kromosoeto, CEO of Surinaamse
country in 1916 and ceased only in November ment and ministers.” Postspaarbank (the Surinamese Post Savings Bank).
2015 as aluminium prices slumped. As recently This should stand Suriname in good stead as The lender is therefore “supporting the government
as 2007, aluminium accounted for about half of it looks to diversify its economy. Agribusiness is to give access to those who did not before have the
the country’s exports. a particular focus, and this is a task facing the option of entering the banking system”, he says.
Though the end of bauxite mining, combined new investment promotion agency, Investsur. An important initiative that government-owned
with slumps in oil and gold prices, brought Of 15 nation states in the Caribbean Commu- Postspaarbank is promoting is the creation of debit
about a triple commodity shock that wiped 8% nity (Caricom), only Suriname and Belize have a cards, known as Moni Karta, that some Surinamese
off GDP in 2015-2016, a recovery has begun, trade surplus in fruit and vegetables, suggest- people can use to receive their social support.
with gold the new star player. ing there are several natural export markets. “This is a financial inclusion initiative that means
This started with the Rosebel Gold Mine, Suriname is also advertising opportunities in that even people living in areas without roads — who
Then Newmont’s Merian mine, which has 5.1m agriculture, where 66,000 acres of prime ag- therefore don’t have a home address required to
ounces of reserves, opened in 2016. Next to ricultural land are available; its underexploited open a conventional bank account — can become
open will be Iamgold’s Saramacca mine. fishing areas that boast tuna and shrimp; ani- visible in the banking sector,” says Kromosoeto.
Recent offshore oil discoveries in neighbouring mal breeding; and processing facilities. Postspaarbank had already signed an agreement
Guyana suggest another sector could become With vast swathes of rainforest, logging con- in 2016 with financial software company Euronet to
even more important. Several international oil cessions and wood-processing opportunities provide banking services to its customers living in
companies have signed production-sharing con- are available, while at the well-attended inau- more remote areas, by allowing them to conduct
tracts to look for oil on the Suriname side of the gural Suriname Trade & Investment Forum in transactions at merchant locations rather than
Guiana basin. Miami in September the government highlight- traditional bank branches.
ed the possibility of a carbon credit programme. Postspaarbank is also looking to encourage the
Beyond natural resources The rainforest also presents great potential development of the banking system by promoting
Suriname’s mining history has made it adept for ecotourism. “Although airlift is a challenge, mobile banking via Union Pay credit cards. “We hope
at attracting and dealing with big private com- flights tend to be completely full — especial- that such a big credit card company increasing its
panies. Ginmardo Kromosoeto, CEO of govern- ly during vacation times,” says Kromosoeto. footprint in Suriname can help the drive towards a
ment-owned lender Surinaamse Postspaar- “There is incredible ecotourism potential.” cashless company,” says Kromosoeto.
bank, says: “Because it is a small economy, big One big challenge in developing new indus-
20 ¬ Key Data At A Glance
Real GDP growth International reserves (US$m)
4 700
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
018 2019 2020 400
-2 300
Fitch forecast
De 16
Au 8
Ju 8
Ju 4
M 4
M 6
Ju 6
M 15
De 4
De 5
Se 4
Se 6
Se 5
Se 7
M 17
Suriname’s economy shrunk by 8% in 2015-16 as mining revenue shrank Before finally allowing a free float the Surinamese dollar in late 2015,
and the sharp fiscal contraction squeezed disposable income. But the central bank spent much of the country’s international reserves
GDP has returned to positive territory, and Fitch Ratings is predicting attempting to prop up the currency. A persistent current account deficit
growth will reach 2.7% in 2017 — no mean feat given what Suriname has meant the rebuild of these reserves has been a gradual process, but
lived through. However, this is still nowhere near the heights that the it is happening. Reserves received a significant lift in May 2018 thanks
economic growth regularly reached before the commodities slump. to state oil company Staatsolie repaying a loan from the government
Fiscal much-needed consolidation efforts are growth-negative, while and buying government shares in the Merian gold mine, though gave
Suriname struggles to find GDP drivers beyond commodity exports, back some of that uptick in June due to government debt payments.
leaving the recovery somewhat vulnerable. Government officials now expect reserves to increase as the central
bank resumes FX purchases.
Source: Central Bank of Suriname, Fitch Ratings Source: Central Bank of Suriname
The composition of Suriname’s exports has evolved significantly, with The triple commodity forced a sharp decline in government expenditure
alumina disappearing and gold taking over. The strengthening of the in 2015-16 but further cuts have proved difficult. However, the revenue
gold sector has been a boon for government revenues and looks set to side of the fiscal equation is now pulling its weight, with gold royalties an
continue to blossom with Iamgold, which operates the Rosebel mine, important factor. Although the promised VAT law has been put on the
set to start operating its new Saramacca mine in the second half of 2019. backburner until after the election, the government has been putting
Although offshore oil exploration has so far proven fruitless, experts in interim technical measures to help raise revenues. From 2020, the
say that the successful drills in Guyana point to an exceedingly high government will start to receive income tax, not just royalties, from the
probability of similar discoveries being made in Surinamese territory. In Merian mine. This should further improve fiscal performance.
the long term this would have an important effect on mining revenues.
Macro Overview | 21
22 ¬ Macro Overview
not terrible for a country that underwent such Suriname closely because statistics are often on they have used it quite conservatively,” says
a large macro adjustment, but it is below previ- a lag and there is not great transparency in the Atanasov.
ous rates and lower than what you might have data,” says Atanasov of Gramercy. The government has deposited the fund in the
expected given some of the positive investment Suriname has taken steps to improve data central bank and is gradually using local curren-
stories in Suriname,” says the Fitch analyst. transparency. In January it implemented the cy proceeds to retire expensive treasury bills. In
And in certain areas, the recovery has under- IMF’s enhanced General Data Dissemination tandem, the central bank will gradually unwind
performed expectations. System (e-GDDS). And the US State Depart- some foreign exchange swaps.
“Analysts had been scratching their heads as ment released a report in September noting “Net benefits of this would be lower financ-
to why Suriname had been printing a current “considerable progress” in fiscal transparency ing costs in the domestic market, while it would
account surplus in 2017 without seeing an in- and the provision of quality information, accord- also create more headroom for the government’s
crease in international reserves,” says Marshik ing to the finance ministry. financing needs heading into 2019 and gives
of Oppenheimer. Quarterly GDP does not exist, though Torino the government more capacity to finance itself
According to Marshik, the central bank had notes that an IMF technical assistance report in domestic currency in an election,” says Bis-
published a current account surplus of 7% for published in August suggested it was targeted sett-Tom.
the first three quarters of 2017, but as interna- to be available for the end of August 2020. Additionally, the central bank is unwinding
tional gold companies were not bringing export close to $115m foreign currency swaps extend-
dollars back onshore Suriname ended up print- Staatsolie windfall brings wins all round ed by resident commercial banks to the central
ing a current account deficit of 0.1% of GDP for Marshik agrees with Atanasov that Suriname bank in 2015-2016 that had been “undermin-
the full year. could make itself more attractive to bond in- ing” the quality of the reserves, says the Fitch
“Though this is better than what it had been vestors by providing more “timely and reliable” analyst.
it was not the surplus we had hoped for,” says data, and underlines another pertinent issue
Marshik. “The country needs to build reserves where this is important. Energy opportunity
back up to more appropriate levels for a com- State oil company Staatsolie used $337.5m of If Suriname is really going to reduce its vulner-
modity producer.” the proceeds from a new syndicated loan to pre- abilities to external shocks, it needs to find an-
Finance minister Gillmore Hoefdraad told pay a $261.5m loan from the government and other engine for growth beyond commodities,
GlobalMarkets that reserves were growing and purchase the government’s stake in the Meri- says Marshik.
“clearly exceeding the minimum of three months an gold mine for $76m, providing an injection As the government looks to diversify (see
of imports”, and Torino’s Rodríguez said that to government coffers worth 9%-10% of GDP, Untapped Potential on page 19) it is vital to
the current account was not too much of a con- according to Khadan of the IADB. tackle state electricity company EBS’ profitabil-
cern. But Bissett-Tom agrees with Marshik that What the government does with these funds ity and find ways to produce cheaper electricity.
reserves are low for an economy where almost is Marshik’s primary concern about Suriname “There will be an opportunity when [alumin-
85% of annual FX earnings are from commodity right now, she says. “But without regular fiscal ium producer] Alcoa returns the Afobaka dam
exports. data it is hard to track how the Staatsolie mon- to the government at the end of 2019,” says
The current account deficit is predicted to ey is being spent.” Marshik. “Alcoa will continue to sell electricity
widen again as domestic demand recovers, but To be fair, the consensus among analysts is that to EBS until the handover, but the government is
this should be offset by an increase in exports the government is using the funds as proposed: negotiating a new price for the electricity, which
when the Saramacca gold mine opens in 2019. to refinance debt and reduce the interest burden. could help drive down EBS costs.”
Yet for some bondholders the episode speaks “Despite worries that the government would It is an opportunity Suriname must take if it is
to a major challenge in investing in Suriname. use the liquidity from the Staatsolie payment to to capitalise on the lucky hand it has earned for
“It can be hard for investors like me to follow stimulate the economy, my impression is that itself in the last couple of years.
Natural Resources Overview | 23
24 ¬ Natural Resources Overview