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Perea Vs Almadro

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A.C. No. 5246.

 May 2, 2006.* This refers to an offshoot incident in the disbarment case 1 filed by Edgar O.
EDGAR O. PEREA, complainant, vs. ATTY. RUBEN L. ALMADRO, respondent. Perea against Atty. Ruben L. Almadro. Atty. Ruben L. Almadro engaged the
services of the Sua & Alambra Law Offices to represent him in this
Legal Ethics;  Attorneys;  A lawyer should not simply rely on the disbarment case. In their Entry of Appearance with Motion/Manifestation
statement given to him by his client where the circumstances should have dated November 20, 2000, signed by Atty. Alan Andres B. Alambra, he
alerted him to verify the veracity of what was told him—their being stated that respondent has yet to receive a copy of the complaint and thus
classmates in law school is not a reason to be less cautious in his dealings prayed that a copy of the said complaint be furnished him so he can file an
with the Court.—A perusal of the aforesaid letter of Atty. Almadro reveals answer. Complainant Edgar O. Perea filed a Manifestation dated
that indeed stated that he had not received a copy of the complaint. November 29, 2000, asseverating that he had furnished respondent copies
However, in Atty. Almadro’s three Motions for Extension of Time to of the complaint through facsimile machine.
Comment which he filed before the Court before engaging the services of In the Resolution dated March 20, 2003, the Court sustained the
the law office, there was no mention that he had not received a copy of Integrated Bar of the Philippines’ order requiring Atty. Kenton Sua and
the complaint. In fact, in the second paragraph of the second motion for Atty. Alambra to show cause for their deliberate falsehood and
extension, Atty. Almadro stated that: He is in the process of reviewing an misrepresentation in the preparation of the answer for respondent, and
initial draft of said comment and will need said period of ten (10) days to accordingly remanded the case to the IBP for further action on the
complete and finalize the draft. Said statement shows very clearly that contempt proceedings.
Atty. Almadro has received a copy of the complaint. For how can he Before the Court now is the Resolution No. XVII-2005-162 dated
prepare a draft of his comment if it were not so? This should have alerted December 17, 2005 of the Board of Governors of the IBP finding that Atty.
Atty. Alambra to verify the veracity of the claim of Atty. Almadro. Atty. Sua and Atty. Alambra were less than honest and forthright in their
Alambra should not have relied on the statement given by Atty. Almadro. representation before the Court and imposing a fine of P2,000.00 each
Their being classmates in the law school is not a reason to be less cautious with warning that any further unprofessional conduct will be dealt with
in his dealings with the Court. He is an officer of the court, and as such, he more severely.
owes candor, fairness and good faith to the Court. As explicitly stated in Let it be emphasized that the subject contumacious act was committed
Rule 10.01, Canon 10 of the Code of Professional Responsibility, to wit: A before the Court; thus, the following disposition.
lawyer shall not do any falsehood, nor consent to the doing of any in Court; In their Explanation dated September 10, 2002, 2 Atty. Sua and Atty.
nor shall he misled, or allow the Court to be misled by any artifice. Alambra avered that: Atty. Sua, a partner in the Sua & Alambra Law
Offices, was not and is not, the partner assigned to handle the case for
ADMINISTRATIVE CASE in the Supreme Court. Contempt of Court and Atty. Almadro and had no participation whatsoever in the case other than
Neglect of Duties Against Respondent’s Counsel Atty. Alan Andres B. to notarize the Affidavit of Service for Atty. Almadro’s Answer; Atty.
Alambra and Atty. Kenton Sua. Alambra acted in good faith upon the express instructions and advise of
Atty. Almadro that he never received a copy of the complaint up to the
The facts are stated in the resolution of the Court. time that he referred the case to their Law Office. To bolster their claim of
     Sua & Alambra Law Office for respondent. good faith, they attached a photocopy of the letter of Atty. Almadro dated
RESOLUTION November 9, 20003 stating that he had not actually received a copy of the
complaint of Mr. Perea.
AUSTRIA-MARTINEZ, J.: The Court is not fully convinced.
A perusal of the aforesaid letter of Atty. Almadro reveals that indeed
stated that he had not received a copy of the complaint. However, in Atty.

Almadro’s three Motions for Extension of Time to Comment 4 which he filed
before the Court before engaging the services of the law office, there was
no mention that he had not received a copy of the complaint. In fact, in the
second paragraph of the second motion for extension, Atty. Almadro
stated that:
He is in the process of reviewing an initial draft of said comment and will
need said period of ten (10) days to complete and finalize the draft.

Said statement shows very clearly that Atty. Almadro has received a copy
of the complaint. For how can he prepare a draft of his comment if it were
not so? This should have alerted Atty. Alambra to verify the veracity of the
claim of Atty. Almadro. Atty. Alambra should not have relied on the
statement given by Atty. Almadro. Their being classmates in the law school
is not a reason to be less cautious in his dealings with the Court. He is an
officer of the court, and as such, he owes candor, fairness and good faith to
the Court.5 As explicitly stated in Rule 10.01, Canon 10 of the Code of
Professional Responsibility, to wit:
A lawyer shall not do any falsehood, nor consent to the doing of any in
Court; nor shall he misled, or allow the Court to be misled by any artifice.

Considering the admission made by Atty. Alambra regarding the non-

participation of Atty. Sua, the latter should be absolved of any liability.
WHEREFORE, finding Atty. Alan Andres B. Alambra guilty of contempt
of Court and neglect of his duties as a lawyer as embodied in Canon 10,
Rule 10.01 of the Code of Professional Responsibility, he is FINED in the
amount of Two Thousand Pesos (P2,000.00) with a WARNING that any
similar act will be dealt with more severely. Atty. Kenton Sua is absolved of
any liability.
     Quisumbing  (Chairperson, Special Second Division), Callejo,
Sr. and Tinga, JJ., concur. Chico-Nazario, J., On Official Leave.

Atty. Alan Andres B. Alambra meted with P2,000.00 fine for contempt
of court and neglect of duties, with warning against repetition of similar
act. Atty. Kenton Sua absolved.\ Notes.—A lawyer shall not neglect a legal
matter entrusted to him and his negligence in connection therewith shall
render him liable. (Cariño vs. De los Reyes, 362 SCRA 374 [2001])
Cessation of his law practice is not an excuse for a lawyer in not filing
the required brief. (In Re: Atty. David Briones, 363 SCRA 1 [2001])

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