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Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering: Svetlana Rudyk, Amal Al-Lamki

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Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 27 (2015) 1821e1833

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Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering

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Saturation-Height Model of Omani deep tight gas reservoir

Svetlana Rudyk a, *, Amal Al-Lamki b
Oil & Gas Research Centre, Sultan Qaboos University, P.O. Box 17, P.C. 123, Al-Khoud, Muscat, Oman
Petroleum Development of Oman, Oman

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The focus of this study was on developing a Saturation-Height Model (SHM) based on mercury injection
Received 16 September 2015 capillary pressure (MICP) analysis and core data of three wells drilled in a deep tight gas reservoir of the
Received in revised form Amin formation, Oman, that can best fit to the water saturation calculated by logging data. The suggested
4 November 2015
SHM is a porosity dependent natural logarithmic function. The SHM indicated homogeneous transition
Accepted 6 November 2015
Available online 12 November 2015
zone with a deep fluid contact similar to all three wells.
The calibration with logging data allowed for obtaining the GWC and more precise coefficients in the
SHM equation for specific wells. The SHM closely simulated log-derived water saturation for entire Amin
Tight gas
formation unaffected by rock type, which makes it useful for complex lithologies and un-cored intervals.
Saturation-Height Model The developed SHM can be used as a tool for water saturation evaluation independent from electrical
Capillary pressure rock properties obtained by logging.
© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction permeabilities do not intersect.

In both, conventional and tight reservoirs, the water-free pro-
1.1. Fluid flows in tight gas reservoirs duction of gas occurs in the upper part. In the middle part of the
conventional reservoir (transition zone), both gas and water are
As gas demand rises, the interest to the development of deep produced with water production extending downdip to a free-
and tight gas-condensate reservoirs with high temperature, high water level (FWL). In tight reservoirs, a wide region of little to no
pressure, low porosity and low permeability grows in many coun- fluid flow exists above the FWL because of insufficient perme-
tries (Ding et al., 2014; Tobin et al., 2010; Baziar et al., 2014; ability, which restricts the flow of either gas or water over a wide
Behmanesh et al., 2015; Song et al., 2015; Wood, 2013; Lai and range of saturations (Shanley et al., 2004). Water production can
Wang, 2015). The tight gas reservoirs can be composed of carbon- occur near the FWL in the case of sufficient permeability.
ate rocks or sandstone of significant thickness with the source rock At very low permeability an entire reservoir can be a continuous
close to the reservoir rock. They differ from the conventional res- transition zone with gas and water. Dependent on the geological
ervoirs by the impact that the low-permeability structure has on complexity, a reservoir may have one transition zone described by a
effective permeability relationships under conditions of multiphase single capillary curve (homogeneous reservoir) or several transition
saturation (Shanley et al., 2004). These relationships are investi- zones existing within each layer of constant porosity and perme-
gated by capillary pressure and relative permeability derived from ability (heterogeneous reservoir). In the latter case, a thick tight
core analysis, which represent the vertical distribution and formation may presumably contain several reservoirs separated by
mobility of the fluids in the reservoir. In traditional reservoirs, both flow barriers (Verlaan and Boerrigter, 2006). The difficulties in
water and gas flow in a wide range of saturations, which can be recognizing some gas layers and evaluating of the gas saturation in
determined by the interval where the curves of relative perme- un-cored wells or in the flanks of fields are often encountered.
ability of water and gas intersect and overlay. In tight reservoirs, Therefore, determination of gas-water contact (GWC) is of impor-
there is a broad range of saturations in which neither gas nor water tance for the estimation of gas volume-in-place, production,
can flow. Respectively, the curves of gas and water relative perforation and hydrofracturing operations. The gas-water contacts
can be unclear or vary from well to well because of a variation in the
height above the FWL caused by the difference in rock properties.
* Corresponding author.
The FWL may not be seen in any well in a field with poor rock
E-mail address: snr@squ.edu.om (S. Rudyk). properties either. It can be much deeper than the GWC or below a

1875-5100/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1822 S. Rudyk, A. Al-Lamki / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 27 (2015) 1821e1833

drilled interval of the well (Cuddy et al., 1993). In addition, tight gas data or by the curve fitting procedure of core and logging data.
reservoirs are often isolated, each having its own FWL with no Brooks and Corey (1966) developed a correlation to estimate the
downdip water leg (Shanley et al., 2004). capillary pressure for drainage processes, which utilizes the
concept of effective saturation to generate data as:
1.2. Overview of Saturation-Height Models 
Pce N

Saturation-Height Models (SHM) are developed using core Sw ¼ Swir þ ð1  Swir Þ$ (4)
capillary pressure curves to represent fluid distribution in the
reservoir. In addition to electrical logging methods, SHM predicts where Pce is entry capillary pressure, Sw and Swir are water satu-
water saturation above fluid contact in the formation using log- ration and irreducible water saturation, respectively, in fraction of
derived rock properties. The fluid contact must be known to carry pore volume, Dr is density difference of phases in g/cm3, N is a
out the calculations. coefficient.
Initially, the capillary pressure over mercury saturation is Several Saturation-Height Models are porosity dependent.
recalculated to reservoir conditions (Leverett, 1940): Because permeability is not measured by logging methods and
requires correlation with porosity to be calculated, the advantage of
s $cos qRes
ðPc ÞRes ¼ ðPc ÞLab $ Res ; (1) such models is obvious.
sLab $cos qLab
For the Southern North Sea gas reservoir, which was deposited
in a desert by aeolian, fluvial, and lacustrine processes, Cuddy et al.
where Pc, s and q are capillary pressure in psi, interfacial tension in
(1993) developed a function of the following form for the Sw:
mN/m and contact angle in dynes/cm at reservoir and laboratory
conditions, respectively.
Further, capillary pressure is converted to height above free- Sw ¼ 1  M$H B 4; (5)
water level:
where f is porosity, H is height above FWL, and constants
½Pc ðSw ÞRes M ¼ 0.01619, B ¼ 0.85771.
HðSw Þ ¼  ; (2)
g$k$ rw  rg As this function described the gas column well, it was used as a
predictor of the free water level in wells where the contact is un-
where rw and rg are densities of brine and gas, respectively, g is a clear, or where the contact is below the total depth of the well.
gravity force, k is feet to meters conversion coefficient. Lucia (2007) suggested equation for carbonate rocks:
The water saturation is plotted versus capillary pressure or
height to determine a function, which can be used to predict it at Swi ¼ a$Hb $4c ; (6)
any height above free water level. The capillary pressure curves of
many samples plotted together do not coincide because of the where Swi is the initial fractional water saturation, H is reservoir
difference in rock properties. Therefore, they should also be intro- height in feet, f is fractional porosity (mostly interparticle), b < 1,
duced in the capillary pressureewater saturation equation. c ¼ 1e2.
About fifty models (Cuddy et al., 1993; Fredlund and Xing, 1994, Similar function was used for Saudi Arabia gas field in sandstone
Vereecken et al., 2010; Amabeoku et al., 2006; Lalicata et al., 2012; with the constants as follows: a ¼ 0e3: b, c < ±1 (Amabeoku et al.,
Kamalyar et al., 2013; Amiri et al., 2015) mathematically describe 2006).
the relationships between water saturation and capillary pressure
or height dependent on porosity, permeability or both. The function 2. Geological description of Khulud cluster
has taken many forms over the years. Once a Saturation-Height
Model (SHM) is established for the specific rock type, it can be The depth at which the reservoirs in Oman are often located e
used in the field to relate water saturation with height above fluid typically in excess of 5 km e is far deeper than tight gas found
contact using log-derived porosity and/or permeability. Porosity is elsewhere in the world. Reservoir pressure is 70e90 MPa while
determined by logging methods while permeability can only be reservoir temperature is 160e190  C. The cluster consists of three
found as a function of porosity. The permeability effect on capil- main faulted blocks that formed in direct response to the move-
larity dominates in the sandstones while porosity effect is more ment of a thick salt section underneath. It is likely that some degree
pronounced in the carbonate rocks (Lucia, 2007). of strike-slip movement also occurred as the individual fault blocks
Leverett (1940) suggested J-function for rock types with similar wobbled above the underlying salt during the salt movement
pore geometries to relate permeability and porosity with capillarity (Lamers et al., 2013). The drilled wells targeted the Middle
properties by: Cambrian Amin sandstone, which occurred at the depth of
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 4700e5200 m, and the underlying Early Cambrian Haradh For-
JðSw Þ ¼ ðPc ÞRes $ K=4; (3) mation of the Nimr Group. The very muddy cap rocks of Miqrat
Formation were deposited in a persistent muddy sabkha environ-
where K e permeability, mD, f e porosity (as fraction). ment with very little input of sand by alluvial sheetfloods (Moss
The water saturation is plotted versus corresponding J-function, and Harwood, 2012).
and the equation describing their relationships is found by The entire Amin Formation has a relatively layered facies ar-
regression analysis. chitecture. The cycles between the different facies present in the
Several authors developed models (Johnson, 1987; Skelt and core reflect changes in climate, water table level and/or subsidence
Harrison, 1995) based on the observation that, for a given rock rate. The thickness of 150e200 m has been split into three units
type, capillary pressure measurements on core samples of different with different depositional characteristics, namely the Upper (UA),
permeability form a family of curves. The “permeability averaging” Middle (MA) and Lower Amin (LA). The depositional environments
method of Johnson (1987) gives an empirical function that relates are characterized by aeolian, alluvial, fluvial (braided river) and
capillary pressure (or height) to water saturation and permeability. sabkha types. The core is strongly dominated by waterlain sedi-
Constants of the equations were derived from capillary pressure ments that have compositions ranging from quartz to lithic
S. Rudyk, A. Al-Lamki / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 27 (2015) 1821e1833 1823

arenites, deposited either by unconfined alluvial sheetfloods or by variations of both parameters with depth, and thin-sections
confined fluvial channels. Waterlain sandstones exhibit a relatively (magnification of 1000 mm) of representative samples are shown
large degree of textural variability and have massive as well as in Figs. 1e3 for three wells. The abundance of blue color in thin-
laminated fabrics. Reservoir quality in massive samples is largely sections displays porous space.
degraded by quartz cementation whereas compaction as well as The core of Well 1 captures the entire sequence of the Amin
quartz cementation have a negative impact on the pore system in Formation and therefore forms a 'type' well of the Khulud Field.
laminated samples (Moss and Harwood, 2012). The geological section of Well 1 represents the variety of facies.
In response to the large depths of burial, the porosity and Aeolian avalanches deposits observed in the upper interval sus-
permeability are typically very low due to compaction and intense tain primary macropore-dominated pore systems. Good reservoir
development of quartz overgrowths. Better quality samples are quality has been preserved by the presence of thin grain-coating
observed where secondary porosity after chert dissolution is clay material that has retarded quartz cementation. The perme-
prevalent and where the precipitation of quartz has been retarded ability of aeolian avalanches sandstone is the greatest, reaching
by the thin tangential grain-coating detrital clay and rare localized 10 mD. The interval of 4800e4860 m is dominated by poor
authigenic chlorite and illite. quality sandstone of wind-ripple and sabkha facies. The reservoir
Generally, waterlain and aeolian sandstone contain less than 5% quality of waterlain sandstones ranges from very poor to mod-
detrital clay while sabkha sandstone the most (3e7%). No natural erate. The greatest porosity of 10e15% is observed in channel-fill
fractures were encountered within the cored interval. sandstone in the lower part.
The Well 1 is located towards the Northern edge, Well 2 towards The abundance of blue color in a thin-section of channel-fill
the Southern end, and Well 3 towards the Western edge of the sandstone in Fig. 1 illustrates good quality compared to other facies.
Khulud structure in crestal positions. The details can be found in Core samples of Well 2 cover part of the MA and all of the LA.
Lamers et al. (2013). Data of mercury injection capillary pressure The cored interval is composed of only waterlain sandstone. The
(MICP) analysis were acquired for Well 1 and Well 2 only while core porosity and permeability do not exceed 7.3% and 0.145 mD,
and logging data of Amin formation were acquired for all three respectively.
wells. 53 samples from Well 1, 40 samples from Well 2 and 32 The core in Well 3 captures the upper half of the UA Formation.
samples from Well 3 were selected for core analyses. In addition, Compaction as well as the precipitation of quartz during burial
the thin-section descriptions of the offcuts of some core plugs were significantly worsened reservoir quality of wind-ripple deposits in
made (Moss and Harwood, 2012). this well. The permeability of waterlain sandstone samples with the
The plots of Klinkenberg permeability versus helium porosity, porosity above 7% is greater than 0.45 mD in this well.

Fig. 1. Plots of Klinkenberg permeability/helium porosity coded by stratification type. The thin-sections of the selected samples are shown in color in the plots. Blue color in thin-
sections represents porous space. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
1824 S. Rudyk, A. Al-Lamki / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 27 (2015) 1821e1833

Fig. 2. Klinkenberg permeability/helium porosity plots of Well 2. The coring interval is composed of only waterlain sandstone. The thin-sections of the selected samples are shown
in color. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 3. Klinkenberg permeability/helium porosity plots of Well 3 coded by stratification type: e aeolian wind-ripple, e waterlain, e sabkha.

Typically subfeldspathic to sublithic clay-rich microporous Model using MICP analysis and core data of three wells of the
samples of sabkha sandstones generally present the worst reservoir Amin formation. The fluid contact GWC was evaluated by a
quality. The grains of sabkha sandstone are strongly compacted as curve-fitting procedure between water saturations calculated by
can be seen in a thin-section. the SHM and by logging data, taken as criteria. Several
permeability-porosity correlations were established applying
3. Methodology HFU method and visual examination in order to calculate the J-
function. We have finally developed a natural logarithmic
The focus of this study was on developing a Saturation-Height porosity dependent SHM for the entire Amin formation.
S. Rudyk, A. Al-Lamki / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 27 (2015) 1821e1833 1825

3.1. Modeling of saturation-height function (Amaefule et al., 1993).

Reservoir quality index (RQI) is calculated as follows:
Applying Equation (1), the capillary pressure at corresponding
mercury saturation was recalculated from laboratory conditions to RQI ¼ 0:314$ K=4; (10)
the gas-brine reservoir conditions using the contact angles and
interfacial tensions given in Table 1. Using Equation (2), the capil- where, RQIdreservoir quality index, mm; KdKlinkenberg perme-
lary pressure at a specific water saturation was recalculated into ability, mD; 4 d helium porosity, fr.
height above FWL using rw ¼ 1.1 g/cm3, rg ¼ 0.32 g/cm3, g ¼ 0.433 The 4z represents the ratio of the void space to the space
psi/ft, and k ¼ 3.28. The rock properties were introduced applying J- occupied by matrix:
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 4e
4Z ¼ ; (11)
½Pc ðSw ÞRes $ K=4 1  4e
HðSw Þ ¼   ; (7)
g$k$ rw  rg
Flow Zone Indicator (FZI) is calculated by:
and a simple power function of porosity raised to a negative power
FZI ¼ RQI=4z ; (12)
b ¼ 0.28, which is a coefficient, similar to Lucia (2007) and
Amabeoku et al. (2006): If to take the logarithm of both sides of Equation (12) the
resulting equation indicates that a straight line with unity slope will
½Pc ðSw ÞRes $4b be achieved by plotting log (RQI) versus log (fz). The value of the FZI
HðSw Þ ¼   (8)
g$k$ rw  rg is determined from the intercept of the straight line with a unit
slope at fz ¼ 1. (Amaefule et al., 1993) Samples which lie on the
The results of calculations for Well 1 and Well 2 by Equation (7)
same straight line have similar pore throat attributes and similar
are plotted as Sw versus H in Fig. 4a and by Equation (8) in Fig. 4b.
FZI, thereby constituting hydraulic unit. The FZI do not necessary
The MICP curves in Fig. 4 can be approximated by any appropriate
depend on facies and different facies can be located in a single
type of equations by regression analysis to match empirical data.
hydraulic flow unit (Aggoun et al., 2006).
The function is reduced to mean values because the capillary
RQI and 4z were calculated by Equations (12) and (13), respec-
pressure curves of many core samples scatter due to the difference
tively, and plotted for each well. The lines determining different
in their properties. The pressure or height at unit water saturation
HFUs are drawn at a unit slope across the largest accumulations of
signifies displacement pressure h. Because applicability of MICP
the points in Fig. 5a. These lines should also define the character of
analysis to reservoir conditions is often questioned, the Sw calcu-
the relations between permeability and porosity. Therefore, similar
lations starts from h, to reduce uncertainties.
lines were added in Fig. 5b onto the plots of permeability vs
The mean natural logarithmic functions in Fig. 4 are calculated
porosity, both in logarithmic scale. As can be seen in Fig. 5b, the
parallel lines pass through the same points as on the plots of RQI vs
4z in Fig. 5a. The similarity of the lines in both figures allows the
Sw ¼ A$lnðH  hÞ þ C; (9)
calculation of permeability using porosity based on the HFU
where A and C are curve fitting parameters, H is a height above method. In order to develop the equations which could be applied
FWL ¼ 0, h is a height corresponding to displacement pressure to entire field in un-cored intervals, similar lines were added on the
(position is shown in Fig. 4 with arrows). Klinkenberg permeability-helium porosity plot in Fig. 6a, which
Because the data scatter reduced for the J-function, the mean combines data of all three wells.
function was found for all curves as a Graph M shown in red (in the The correlation lines were described by:
web version) in Fig. 4a. Similar Graph M in Fig. 4b is a mean
function for entire family of curves. Graph N (black) in Fig. 4b is a Log K ¼ m$4  n; (13)
mean function for the family of curves with the outliers being
removed. The coefficients A, C and b were found by statistical where 4 is porosity, fr., the m-coefficient determines position of
analysis using Statgraphics software, and those which provided correlation line relatively y-axe, and n-coefficient is the line slope.
greater regression coefficients were chosen. The respective co- The resulting equations for the Lines A, B, C in Fig. 6a are as
efficients for Graph M: (A; C)¼(0.13; 1.2), for Graph N: (A; C)¼(0.18; follows:
1.7). Although some difference in h exists between Graph M in
Fig. 4a and Graph M in Fig. 4b, it does not affect the Sw calculations Line A : LogK ¼ 16$4  1:6 ; (14)
because they begin from the h. The Sw > 1 should be disregarded.
Line B : LogK ¼ 16$4  2:05 ; (15)
3.2. Permeabilityeporosity relationships

Line C : LogK ¼ 16$4  2:36; (16)

A permeability-porosity dependency can be established
applying a method of hydraulic flow units (HFU). It requires cal- At visual examination the trends of the data distribution on the
culations of three parameters: reservoir quality index (RQI), pore- plot of Klinkenberg permeability vs helium porosity differ from the
volume/grain-volume ratio 4z, and flow zone indicator (FZI) trends of Lines A, B, C. Considering location and facies of the data,
the Line D and Line F were drawn through the upper and lower
boundary of the data area with the Line E between following the
Table 1
Conversion factors for laboratory Hg/air system to reservoir gas/brine equivalent.
direction of data distribution.
The following equations were obtained:
System s, dyne/cm q, degree cos (q) s$cos (q)
Hg/air 485 130 0.643 312
gas/brine 72 0 1 72 Line D : LogK ¼ 37$4  2:7 ; (17)
1826 S. Rudyk, A. Al-Lamki / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 27 (2015) 1821e1833

Fig. 4. Plot of Sw vs H. Blues dots represent MICP analysis data: a) by Equation (8) (J-function); b) by Equation (9) (power function). Graphs M are mean functions for entire family of
curves; black lines show the conditions of the best match with the log-derived Sw calculated by Equation (25). Arrows indicate displacement pressure h, m.

The resulting SHM based on power function of porosity:

Line E : LogK ¼ 32$4  2:8 ; (18)
Sw ¼ A$4b $lnðGWC  DÞ  C (23)
Line F : LogK ¼ 27$4  2:9 ; (19)
In Equations (22) and (23), 4 is log-derived porosity, fr., K is
In total, six equations were developed for the permeability- permeability, mD, calculated by any of Equations (14)e(19), D is
porosity calculations. depth, m; GWC is to be found by curve-fitting procedure with
logging data. Two variants of coefficients (A; C)¼(0.13; 1.2) or (A;
C)¼(0.18; 1.7) were applied to compare results obtained by using
3.3. Stress-corrections of core derived porosity and permeability
different curve trends.
Because the core samples are extracted from great depths, their
properties measured in laboratory conditions can change, which 4. Discussion
may require a correction for stress. Helium porosity and Klinken-
berg permeability were corrected using the following equations: 4.1. Saturation-height functions derived from MICP data

4str ¼ 0:9999$4amb  0:0083$4amb ; (20) The Saturation-height functions derived from MICP data
demonstrate the tendency of fluid distribution in the given rock
Kstr ¼ 0:3726$Kamb ; (21) samples managed by the capillary forces. It is used as a model to
evaluate fluid distribution in the reservoir. In order to obtain a SHM
where Kstr and Kamb are stressed and ambient permeability, and find a match with log-derived Sw, at least two dependencies
respectively, and 4str and 4amb are stressed and ambient porosity. must be numerically described: the Sw as a function of height using
measurements of MICP analysis and the effect of rock properties.
The mean function of the family of capillary pressure curves de-
3.4. Saturation-height function
termines the general trend of Sw changes with the depth while the
rock properties modify the general trend line.
Updating Equation (9) to the reservoir scale, the height H is
The data scatter can be reduced by the introduction of perme-
replaced by the well depth D. The displacement pressure de-
ability and/or porosity in the Equation (2). The various combina-
termines the position of the GWC in the reservoir although the
tions of power functions of porosity, permeability or their ratios
convention is required regarding the water saturation, at which
were tried but the J-function calculated by Equation (7) demon-
GWC is taken. To avoid confusion, the term h in Equation (9) is
strated the greatest reduction of data scatter with the regression
replaced with the GWC, from which the computation of Sw begins.
coefficient above 85%. This can be seen as more close overlay of
The signs are oppose because the depth changes from down to up
capillary pressure curves in Fig. 4a compared to Fig. 4b. The power
in decreasing order starting from GWC. Combining Equations (9)
function of porosity was also tried by Equation (8) to avoid use of
and (7), the following SHM based on J-function is obtained:
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi The intermediate values of Sw in the MICP curves are of a more
Sw ¼ A$ K=4$lnðGWC  DÞ þ C (22)
interest, because they are related to the transition zone, where the
The correlation of water saturation with porosity is negative gas and water are both movable. The shape of MICP curves can be
(Lucia, 2007). However, Sw correlates positively with the porosity best described by a logistic function. However, attempted mean
raised to the negative power. To eliminate this discrepancy the functions significantly deviated at the Sw close to 0 and 1. Instead of
oppose signs were taken in Equation (9) to be combined with the logistic function, the MICP curves are approximated by Equation (9)
Equation (8). using natural logarithmic function.
S. Rudyk, A. Al-Lamki / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 27 (2015) 1821e1833 1827

Fig. 5. Positions of correlation lines determined by HFU method: a) RQI vs 4z, and b) Klinkenberg permeability vs helium porosity.

The shape of capillary pressure curve characterizes the smaller (Miller et al., 2007). Simple extrapolations of capillary pressure data
pore sizes and is dependent on interparticle porosity while to hydrocarbon-column heights and saturations could be
displacement pressure is known to characterize the largest pores misleading (Shanley et al., 2004).
sizes (Lucia, 2007). Displacement pressure is a distinctive charac- In order to reduce the uncertainties regarding position of the
teristic of the Omani low permeable core samples (Boukadi et al., FWL, the h is deduced in Equation (9), and the Sw calculations start
1998). from GWC according to Equations (22) and (23).
The displacement pressure converted to the heights h above the The MICP curves in Fig. 4 differ mainly by displacement pressure
FWL ¼ 0 in Fig. 4 vary from 10 to 234 m. The wide variation in caused by the differences in rock properties; the effect of depth Pd
height may not however be solely related to the problems associ- was not observed. The MICP curves which demonstrated higher Pd
ated with the capillary pressure or the core water saturation data were related to the samples of worse reservoir quality with
1828 S. Rudyk, A. Al-Lamki / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 27 (2015) 1821e1833

Fig. 6. Plots of Klinkenberg permeability versus helium porosity obtained by core analysis from Amin formation in three wells; a) the Lines A, B, C are calculated by Equations
(14)e(16); b) the Lines D, E, F by Equations (17)e(19) (Table 2).

4 < 0.04. The shape of MICP curves of such samples were close to lower intervals of Amin were also obtained from Well 3 and Well 2,
linear. The shape of the MICP curves of better quality samples with respectively, while the core data for the large middle interval of
4 > 0.04 were more concave. The Graphs M shown in red (in the depths were not duplicated in any other well. The data of all three
web version) in Fig. 4 closely mimic capillary pressure curves of wells in the range of lower porosity 4 < 0.07 closely overlay in
better quality samples over a large interval of lower water satura- Fig. 6b. The porosity 4 > 0.07 of channel-fill samples is similar or
tions but slightly deviate at the water saturations near a unit. The greater than of the aeoilian avalanche but the permeability is lower.
Graphs N are representative for the majority of MICP curves which Because of that the data of better quality samples of the Well 1 split
are related to the worse quality samples. into two directions in Figs. 1 and 6. Considering that the layers of
In order to find a match with log-derived Sw, two SHMs calcu- better quality, belonging to different facies, may occur in un-cored
lated by the Equations (22) and (23) are investigated in this study wells, the Line D has been drawn to comprise the samples of aeolian
applying the functions for better or worse reservoir quality facies of Well 1 and better quality waterlain samples of Well 3. The
samples. Line F follows the main trend of the data of Well 2 and includes
channel-fill sandstone samples of Well 1. The Line E is average for
4.2. Porosityepermeability relationships the data of Well 3. The m-coefficients in the Equations (17)e(19) are
higher while n-coefficients are close to the coefficients for Montney
Permeability is required to calculate J-function. In addition, tight gas field (Crain, 2015): LogK ¼ 20,4  2.75.
permeability is the most important petrophysical property in tight The Lines D, E, F (Fig. 6b) have different slopes while Lines A, B, C
gas reservoirs. However, permeability is not measured by logging (Fig. 6a) are parallel. Respectively, b-coefficient is constant
methods and requires correlation with porosity, which can be (b ¼ 0.16) for Lines A, B, C, while b-coefficients vary from 0.27 to
established using core measurements. Many researchers have 0.37 for Lines D, E, F. In addition, the slopes of the Lines D, E, F are
worked on permeability calculations, but there is no universal sharper than of the Lines A, B, C, which can be due to the presence
method yet, which can predict permeability in the whole field and of clay in the samples. Hatampour et al. (2015) noted that the lines
in all intervals of the wells (Baziar et al., 2014). on the RQI vs 4z plots with unity slope belong to clean sandstone
Previous investigators of Amin formation attempted to calculate formation whereas slopes greater than a unit are expected for shaly
permeability as polynomial functions of porosity by statistical formations which alter the equations to some extent.
software for entire reservoir and for each of Amin unit separately. Totally six Equations (14)e(19) summarized in Table 2 were
Therefore, we used different approaches. The per- developed to calculate permeability for J-function and find out
meabilityeporosity relationships in this study were described by which of them would better match to the logging data.
applying HFU method (Figs. 5 and 6a) and by correlation lines In order to compare and calibrate SHM obtained from capillary
drawn after visual examination (Fig. 6b). curves analysis with the log derived porosity and permeability, the
Applying the HFU method, the FZI lines were found in Fig. 5a. In core porosity and permeability measurements have to be converted
order to transfer those lines on the permeabilityeporosity plots, the to reservoir conditions. The correction for stress of core porosity
x-axe was changed to a logarithmic scale in Fig. 5b. The similar and permeability measured at ambient conditions can be done by
transformations were also made by Izadi and Ghalambor (2013). Equations (21) and (22), respectively.
This allowed us obtaining Equations (14)e(16) for Lines A, B, C
(Fig. 6a). The m- and n-coefficients are close to the coefficients for 4.3. Comparison of porosity and permeability calculations with log
Southern North Sea tight gas field (Cuddy et al., 1993): derived data
LogK ¼ 16.931,4  2.022.
Because the trends of the data distribution on the plots in Log-derived porosity was calculated by density log at a mean
Figs. 1e3 differ from the trends of the Lines A, B, C on visual ex- grain density 2.65 g/cm3. Log-derived porosity and helium porosity
amination, three more lines were drawn in Fig. 6b. The entire Amin are plotted together in Fig. 7. Although a lot of core data match to
formation was cored in Well 1 only. The core data for upper and the log-derived data of Well 1, the helium porosity is greater than
S. Rudyk, A. Al-Lamki / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 27 (2015) 1821e1833 1829

Table 2
Equations developed in the present study.

Eq. number Equation Notes

14 LogK ¼ 16,4  1.6 Line A in Fig. 6a

15 LogK ¼ 16,4  2.05 Line B in Fig. 6a
16 LogK ¼ 16,4  2.36 Line C in Fig. 6a
17 LogK ¼ 37,4  2.7 Line D in Fig. 6b
18 LogK ¼ 32,4  2.8 Line E in Fig. 6b
19 LogK ¼ 27,4  2.9 Line F in Fig. 6b
24 Sw ¼ 0.13,4b,ln(5170  D)  1.2 SHM: b ¼ 0.27 for Well 1, b ¼ 0.32 for Well 2, b ¼ 0.39 for Well 3 (Fig. 8)

Fig. 7. a), c), d): Porosity changes with depth. Black curve: log-derived porosity; core porosity: e helium porosity, e samples used for MICP analysis. b) The gray and green
curves are permeabilities for Well 1 calculated by Equations (14) and (19), respectively; e Klinkenberg permeability. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

that calculated by logging at some depths. For a few exceptions, the of core samples is greater than log-derived porosity in Well 3. The
logging data match to the core data in Well 2. The porosity of most stress-correction did not improve match.
1830 S. Rudyk, A. Al-Lamki / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 27 (2015) 1821e1833

Several factors could have caused the mismatch of core- and calculated permeability at some depths was not the result of the
logging data. The core-derived porosity is considered as a total drawback of equations.
porosity while the log-derived porosity as an effective porosity. The
helium porosity was obtained by a forced process in the laboratory 4.4. Fluid contact
tests and may not fully represent the fluid distribution within the
porous space at reservoir conditions. Gas and water may differently The depth from which the calculations of water saturation start
occupy intergrain pores and micropores between clay particles using SHMs must be known. The GWC is often determined as the
depending on their size in the formation, which can influence depth where the water saturation in logging curves sharply in-
logging measurements. Quartz overgrowth, and secondary porosity creases to near 1. The FWL is the depth where this sharp increase
may also affect the distribution of fluids, openness and connectivity would occur if the formation had very high poroperm character-
of pores at laboratory and reservoir conditions, which can lead to istics (Cuddy et al., 1993). However, in low-permeable reservoirs,
the difference in core- and log-derived porosity. Stress-tests may where the entire gas column can be considered as a continuous
not accurately simulate changes of reservoir rock properties either. transition zone, both, GWC and FWL, can be unclear. In addition, the
The concerns have also been arisen regarding the accuracy of the GWC needs an agreed convention about at which Sw it has to be
logging measurements at very harsh conditions of Amin formation. taken, while the FWL is determined at Sw ¼ 1.
Wireline tools fail due to high temperatures down hole have often Clear GWC can be determined in Well 2 where the gas was
been reported (Lamers et al., 2013). produced from the higher permeability layer in UA formation fol-
Permeability was calculated by six different equations using log- lowed by the water production from 4930 to 4940 m (Fig. 8). Water
derived porosity (Table 2). Stress correction made either to Klin- samples were also taken from interval of 4879e4900 m in Well 3. In
kenberg permeability or to permeability obtained using any of six adjacent wells, however, gas of the similar composition flowed
above mentioned correlations reduced permeability to unrealisti- from the depth well below the assumed GWC. Gas and water were
cally low values. Because of that, the stress-correction was also produced from the underlying Nimr formation in a few wells.
considered unnecessary. The resulting six permeability curves were High salinity formation water was produced after clean-up in
close and generally overlaid the core data of Well 2. The results are several wells from the depths below 5000 m, including Well 2. This
shown for Well 1 only in Fig. 7b because the core data are available suggests that the GWC should be at 5000 m maximum.
for this well in entire Amin formation. All permeability curves fall However, the phenomenon of high gas saturation below FWL is
between two curves: calculated by Equation (19) to the left (Line F) known. Seth et al. (2013) reported a clear gas bearing zone in some
and by Equation (14) to the right (Line A). The other curves differ wells immediately present below FWL, which was established by
mainly by a small shift of the baseline and the width of the curve extensive pressure test in all wells in the Ichthys field. The authors
amplitude (not shown). The predicted permeability curves derived made conclusion that the field was in imbibition state probably
by using the HFU method are shifted to the higher permeability caused by the past tectonic activity. They established the Paleo
range, and the amplitude of the curves becomes shorter at Free-Water Level which shifted GWC deeper.
increasing a-coefficient. If it is not possible to establish fluid contact from both logs and
It can be observed in Fig. 7b that the Klinkenberg permeability is pressure test, it can be found as a depth at which a best match
close to the permeability calculated by Equation (19) in the Upper between log-derived Sw, taken as a criterion, and core-derived SHM
Amin while it is close to the permeability calculated by Equation is achieved by a curve-fitting procedure. To avoid biases, the focus
(14) in the MA and LA. This indicates that different correlations of the investigation will be only on the achievement of match rather
could be used for each of the Amin units. In order to cover all core than on the analysis of the logging and well test data.
data, the amplitude of permeability curve must be even more wide.
This can be achieved if permeability-porosity correlation lines are 4.5. Comparison of J-function with the log-derived water saturation
drawn much higher in Fig. 6, but this would not correspond to
actual data. The Sw calculated by Equation (22) using log-derived porosity,
The permeability calculations were made based on the and permeability calculated by any of six earlier mentioned equa-
assumption of positive correlation between permeability and tions were compared with the log-derived water saturation. Similar
porosity, while some factors can play against that. For example, clay to the permeability curves, the calculated Sw curves differed by the
may reduce permeability but at the same time it can contribute to shift of a baselines and slight variations of the curve amplitudes.
the increase of helium porosity due to the presence of micropores The Sw curves calculated using permeability derived from the HFU
between clay particles. This means that a negative dependency method were more shifted to the area of negative values (to the
between permeability and porosity can also exist. For example, the right).
permeability of the samples belonging to wind-ripple face in Fig. 1 The Sw calculated for Well 1 using (A; C)¼(0.13; 1.2) was
increases at almost constant porosity. The permeabilityeporosity significantly shifted to the lower values with the long peaks
relationships may require complex equations in the case when extending to the area of negative values. The fitting of Sw baseline
many factors such as cement, clay, quartz overgrowth, grain size with the baseline of logging curve was only obtained using (A;
and etc. are involved and to a different extent affect reservoir C)¼(0.18; 1.7). The respective function calculated by Equation (9) is
quality of rocks within various layers or facies. However, the thor- shown in black as Graph N in Fig. 4a.
ough investigation of such factors is a matter of other study and Using permeability calculated by Equation (19) (Line F), the
therefore is not covered here. baseline of Sw curve was closer and curve amplitude better matched
In general, the core data matched to the calculated permeabil- to the log-derived Sw, which could be expected because the
ities in the low-permeable intervals. The deviations of the core data mentioned line comprised samples of Well 1. Presuming a higher
from calculated permeabilities have occurred for the high- GWC, it was set at 5050 m. The calculated Sw in the lower part of
permeability core samples which mainly belong to aeolian Amin matched to logging data but the Sw in a gas layer in the upper
avalanche and channel-fill facies in Well 1. The calculated perme- part did not match at any GWC, deviating to great negative values.
ability was lower than Klinkenberg permeability because it was In addition, many fake peaks appeared where they were not pre-
derived from the log-derived porosity, which was lower than the sent in the log-derived Sw curve (Fig. 8a). The negative numbers and
helium porosity of core samples. Thus, the mismatch of core and division by null were removed.
S. Rudyk, A. Al-Lamki / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 27 (2015) 1821e1833 1831

Fig. 8. Water saturation vs depth: black line is log-derived Sw; red line is Sw calculated: a) by Equation (22) for Well 1; b), c), d) by Equation (24) at b ¼ 0.27 for Well 1, b ¼ 0.32 for
Well 2, and b ¼ 0.39 for Well 3. Green color indicates gas production, blue rectangles indicate depths where the water samples were obtained. (For interpretation of the references
to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

There was no substantial difference between Sw curves when The J-function only applies if the porous rock have similar pore size
either (A; C)¼(0.13; 1.2) or (A; C)¼(0.18; 1.7) were used for Well 2. distributions or pore geometry. In these types of rocks, the pore size
Better match of the Sw baselines was achieved using K calculated by and permeability increase as the grain size increases. The averaging
Equation (17) for Line D. However, the match of the Sw curves in gas nature of the J-function gives poorer results at a large range of
layer in Upper Amin was not obtained at any coefficients. The permeability of several orders of magnitude (Harrison and Jing,
decrease of GWC shifted the Sw curve to more negative values. The 2001).
increase of GWC improved match in lower part but the match was
not achieved for the upper layer of UA in all wells. The match ob- 4.6. Best match of log- and core-derived water saturation curves
tained for the lower section of Amin formation by applying specific
permeability-porosity correlations for each well shows that they Other types of SHM can be investigated in order to find match
adequately represent relationships between the rock properties. with log-derived water saturation. Brooks and Corey method was
The mismatch in the upper layers is probably caused by the shift of earlier tried because in Omani rocks entry pressure depends on
some MICP curves to higher values of H at Sw ¼ 0 in Fig. 4a. On a porosity, permeability and Swir (Boukadi et al., 1998; Abu-Shiekah
comparison, MICP curves in Fig. 4b approach each other at Sw ¼ 0. et al., 2008). Although such SHM demonstrated a good match in
1832 S. Rudyk, A. Al-Lamki / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 27 (2015) 1821e1833

better reservoir rock quality interval of the Amin formation, it did better quality samples could have been approximated by different
not match to the log-derived saturations in many low-permeability functions. The Upper Amin formation in Well 2 was not cored, and
intervals when tried by previous investigators (unpublished). MICP analysis for the UA samples in Well 3 was not performed. On
The most challenging is that the log-derived Sw is not a the other side, if to presume that the process of imbibition con-
continuous curve. It consists of series of interrupted peaks. The tinues in the field (Seth et al., 2013), it can explain the presence of
baseline of the SHM based on a positive power function of porosity water on the very top of Upper Amin in some wells, which is
matches to the logging Sw but the Sw is highly overestimated in such transported from high depths by strong capillary forces through
case and forms a continuous curve in the entire Amin formation if low-permeable rocks. The top of Upper Amin is found at 5150 m in
calculated by Equation (23). The peaks can be eliminated if the the wells away from the cluster area (Lamers et al., 2013). Consid-
baseline is shifted outside of the curve to Sw > 1. The amplitude of ering the GWC ¼ 5170 m on the average, the gas column height in
the curve can be extended by using a negative power function of the Wells 2 and 3 is about 290 m. As a comparison, gas column
porosity. heights from 90 to 300 m are observed in low-permeability gas
The sensitivity of the coefficients A, C, b and GWC in Equation reservoirs in the Greater Green River Basin of USA (Cluff, 2002). In
(23) on the match between SHM and logging data were evaluated such case, fluid contact at 5170 m seems not to be completely
changing them individually or together simultaneously in all three unrealistic.
wells. It was found that the water saturation in the upper intervals
of about 50e100 m from the top are most sensitive to changes of all 5. Conclusions
coefficients. The slight changes of C-coefficient lead to significant
shifts of entire water saturation curve. The changes of A- and b- 1. The Saturation-Height Model proposed for tight gas reservoir of
coefficients cause stretching or compressing of Sw curve. The the Amin formation is a porosity dependent natural logarithmic
presence of various combinations of b and GWC could be indicative function. It closely simulated log-derived water saturation
that several transition zones exist within the thickness of the Amin curves for the three examined wells. The SHM calculations
formation. indicated a homogeneous transition zone within the entire
To be consistent with the Equation (9), the coefficients A and C Amin formation with deep GWC at 5170 m approximately.
were fixed for all three wells while the b-coefficient and GWC were 2. The SHM was based on the MICP analysis data of worse quality
varied at the same time to find a match. sandstone samples. The MICP analysis data of better quality
Because match for J-function for Well 1 in the middle and lower samples are required in order to investigate their effect on the
intervals of Amin formation was achieved applying GWC ¼ 5050 m evaluation of GWC.
and (A; C)¼(0.18; 1.7), this combination of parameters was suc- 3. The J-function showed poor match with log-derived water
cessfully tried first. However in the Well 2, the gas layer appeared in saturation for better quality layers probably because of a dif-
the area of negative values. The trials to establish GWC above ference in lithology and large range of permeability variations.
5050 m for Well 2 were not successful either. The variations of b- Probably the match can be improved if other factors such as
coefficient either shifted entire curve to the area of negative values grains size, clay-cement ratio, microporosity and etc. will be
or significantly stretched the curve. considered in permeability/porosity relationships.
In the same manner, fitting procedure was repeated for Well 3
but the match was not achieved for any combinations of all pa- Acknowledgment
rameters. Because the log-derived Sw is close to 1 on the top of the
formation, any decrease of GWC led to the substantial shift of the Sw We gratefully thank the Ministry of Oil and Gas and to the
curve to lower values. Therefore, the match with log-derived Sw at management of Petroleum Development Oman for their permis-
the GWC ¼ 5050 m or higher was not found. sion to publish this work.
The best match for all three wells for entire Amin formation was
obtained at GWC ¼ 5170 m and (A; C)¼(0.13; 1.2), although it was Nomenclature
not significantly affected if coefficients (A; C)¼(0.18; 1.7) were used.
The uplifting of GWC above 5170 m caused significant decrease of Pc, capillary pressure in psi
water saturation in the upper interval and big mismatch with (Pc)Res capillary pressure at reservoir condition in psi
logging data in both, Well 2 and Well 3. The tops of the Amin for- (Pc)Lab capillary pressure at laboratory condition in psi
mation in Well 2 and Well 3 are at similar depths. Therefore, it is sLab interfacial tension at reservoir conditions, dyne/cm
more probable that both wells have similar GWCs. sRes interfacial tension at reservoir conditions, dyne/cm
The match was adjusted using b-coefficients: b ¼ 0.27 for Well 1, qRes contact angle at reservoir conditions, degrees
b ¼ 0.32 for Well 2 and b ¼ 0.39 for Well 3. The match between log- qLab contact angle at laboratory conditions, degrees
derived Sw and calculated using SHM as follows are presented in H height above FWL, ft or m
Fig. 8: FWL free-water level, m
rw brine density, g/cm3
rg gas density, g/cm3
Sw ¼ 0:13$4b $lnð5170  DÞ  1:2 (24)
K permeability, mD
To assume equal constants for all three wells such as 4 porosity (% or fraction)
GWC ¼ 5170 m, A ¼ 0.13, C ¼ 1.2, the b-coefficient must reflect the Sw water saturation, fraction
rock quality. Data from other wells are needed in order to systemize Swir irreducible water saturation, fraction
b-coefficients and their variations across the field. The convenience 4z pore-volume/grain-volume ratio
of the suggested model is that it allows evaluation of Sw for entire g gravity constant, psi/ft
Amin section largely unaffected by rock types. Dr density difference of water and gas phases, g/cm3
The obtained GWC was much deeper than expected indicating N coefficient in Eq. 4
the homogeneous formation with a single transition zone. One Pce entry capillary pressure, psi
reason for that can be that the SHM is based on the available core Pd displacement pressure, psi
samples of the worse quality. The capillary pressure curves of the J Leverett J-function
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