Curing Concrete
Curing Concrete
Curing Concrete
Curing Concrete
Curing is the maintenance of a satisfactory moisture con- tains more water than is required for hydration of the ce-
tent and temperature in concrete for a period of time imme- ment; however, excessive loss of water by evaporation can
diately following placing and finishing so that the desired delay or prevent adequate hydration. The surface is partic-
properties may develop (Fig. 12-1). The need for adequate ularly susceptible to insufficient hydration because it dries
curing of concrete cannot be overemphasized. Curing has a first. If temperatures are favorable, hydration is relatively
strong influence on the properties of hardened concrete; rapid the first few days after concrete is placed; however, it
proper curing will increase durability, strength, watertight- is important for water to be retained in the concrete during
ness, abrasion resistance, volume stability, and resistance to this period, that is, for evaporation to be prevented or sub-
freezing and thawing and deicers. Exposed slab surfaces stantially reduced.
are especially sensitive to curing as strength development With proper curing, concrete becomes stronger, more
and freeze-thaw resistance of the top surface of a slab can impermeable, and more resistant to stress, abrasion, and
be reduced significantly when curing is defective. freezing and thawing. The improvement is rapid at early
When portland cement is mixed with water, a chemical ages but continues more slowly thereafter for an indefinite
reaction called hydration takes place. The extent to which period. Fig. 12-2 shows the strength gain of concrete with
this reaction is completed influences the strength and dura- age for different moist curing periods and Fig. 12-3 shows
bility of the concrete. Freshly mixed concrete normally con- the relative strength gain of concrete cured at different
Moist-cured entire time
In air after 28 days moist curing Compressive strength, 1000 psi
Compressive strength, MPa
40 6
In air after 7 days moist curing
0 0
0 7 28 90 365
Fig. 12-1. Curing should begin as soon as the concrete Age at test, days
stiffens enough to prevent marring or erosion of the sur-
face. Burlap sprayed with water is an effective method for Fig. 12-2. Effect of moist curing time on strength gain of
moist curing. (69973) concrete (Gonnerman and Shuman 1928).
Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures ◆ EB001
Chapter 12 ◆ Curing Concrete
Ponding and Immersion Fig. 12-4. Fogging minimizes moisture loss during and after
placing and finishing of concrete. (69974)
On flat surfaces, such as pavements and floors, concrete
can be cured by ponding. Earth or sand dikes around the
perimeter of the concrete surface can retain a pond of
water. Ponding is an ideal method for preventing loss of water by using burlap or similar materials; otherwise
moisture from the concrete; it is also effective for main- alternate cycles of wetting and drying can cause surface
taining a uniform temperature in the concrete. The curing crazing or cracking.
water should not be more than about 11°C (20°F) cooler
than the concrete to prevent thermal stresses that could Wet Coverings
result in cracking. Since ponding requires considerable
labor and supervision, the method is generally used only Fabric coverings saturated with water, such as burlap,
for small jobs. cotton mats, rugs, or other moisture-retaining fabrics, are
The most thorough method of curing with water con- commonly used for curing (Fig. 12-5). Treated burlaps that
sists of total immersion of the finished concrete element. reflect light and are resistant to rot and fire are available.
This method is commonly used in the laboratory for The requirements for burlap are described in the Specifica-
curing concrete test specimens. Where appearance of the tion for Burlap Cloths Made from Jute or Kenaf (AASHTO M
concrete is important, the water used for curing by pond- 182), and those for white burlap-polyethylene sheeting are
ing or immersion must be free of substances that will stain described in ASTM C 171 (AASHTO M 171).
or discolor the concrete. The material used for dikes may
also discolor the concrete.
Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures ◆ EB001
Chapter 12 ◆ Curing Concrete
Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures ◆ EB001
Chapter 12 ◆ Curing Concrete
Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures ◆ EB001
period may be 3 weeks or longer for lean concrete mix- cylinders or beams should be fabricated in the field, kept
tures used in massive structures such as dams; conversely, adjacent to the structure or pavement they represent, and
it may be only a few days for rich mixes, especially if Type cured by the same methods. Equipment is available that
III or HE cement is used. Steam-curing periods are nor- can monitor internal concrete temperatures and match
mally much shorter, ranging from a few hours to 3 days; that temperature in the concrete cylinder curing box; this
but generally 24-hour cycles are used. Since all the desir- is the most accurate means of representing in-place con-
able properties of concrete are improved by curing, the crete strengths. Cores, cast-in-place removable cylinders,
curing period should be as long as necessary. and nondestructive testing methods may also be used to
For concrete slabs on ground (floors, pavements, canal determine the strength of a concrete member.
linings, parking lots, driveways, sidewalks) and for struc- Since the rate of hydration is influenced by cement
tural concrete (cast-in-place walls, columns, slabs, beams, type and the presence of supplementary cementing mate-
small footings, piers, retaining walls, bridge decks), the rials, the curing period should be prolonged for concretes
length of the curing period for ambient temperatures made with cementing materials possessing slow-strength-
above 5°C (40°F) should be a minimum of 7 days; addi- gain characteristics. For mass concrete (large piers, locks,
tional time may be needed to attain 70% of the specified abutments, dams, heavy footings, and massive columns
compressive or flexural strength. When the daily mean and transfer girders) in which no pozzolan is used as part
ambient temperature is 5°C (40°F) or lower, ACI of the cementitious material, curing of unreinforced sec-
Committee 306 recommendations for curing should be tions should continue for at least 2 weeks. If the mass con-
followed to prevent damage by freezing. crete contains a pozzolan, minimum curing time for
A higher curing temperature provides earlier strength unreinforced sections should be extended to 3 weeks.
gain in concrete than a lower temperature but it may Heavily-reinforced mass concrete sections should be
decrease 28-day strength as shown in Fig. 12-11. If strength cured for a minimum of 7 days.
tests are made to establish the time when curing can cease During cold weather, additional heat is often required
or forms can be removed, representative concrete test to maintain favorable curing temperatures of 10°C to 20°C
(50°F to 70°F). Vented gas or oil-fired heaters, heating
coils, portable hydronic heaters, or live steam can be used
to supply the required heat. In all cases, care must be taken
to avoid loss of moisture from the concrete. Exposure of
Curing temperature, °F
fresh concrete to heater or engine exhaust gases must be
40 60 80 100 120
avoided as this can result in surface deterioration and
dusting (rapid carbonation).
6 High-early-strength concrete can be used in cold
40 At 28 days weather to speed-up setting time and strength develop-
ment. This can reduce the curing period, but a minimum
5 temperature of 10°C (50°F) must be maintained.
For adequate deicer scale resistance of concrete, the
Compressive strength, 1000 psi
required to develop the design strength of the concrete at
the surface. A period of air-drying after curing will
enhance resistance to scaling. This drying period should
be at least 1 month of relatively dry weather before the
3 application of deicing salts.
Chapter 12 ◆ Curing Concrete
tard the loss of water from newly placed concrete and it is than film-forming sealers. However, periodic retreatment
applied immediately after finishing. Surface sealing com- is recommended. In northern states and coastal areas
pounds on the other hand retard the penetration of silanes and siloxanes are popular for protecting bridge
harmful substances into hardened concrete and are typi- decks and other exterior structures from corrosion of rein-
cally not applied until the concrete is 28 days old. Surface forcing steel caused by chloride infiltration from deicing
sealers are generally classified as either film-forming or chemicals or sea spray (Fig 12-12).
penetrating. Application of any sealer should only be done on
Sealing exterior concrete is an optional procedure concrete that is clean and allowed to dry for at least
generally performed to help protect concrete from freeze- 24 hours at temperatures above 16°C (60°F). At least
thaw damage and chloride penetration from deicers. 28 days should be allowed to elapse before applying
Curing is not optional when using a sealer; curing is nec- sealers to new concrete. Penetrating sealers cannot fill
essary to produce properties needed for concrete to per- surface voids if they are filled with water. Some surface
form adequately for its intended purpose. Satisfactory preparation may be necessary if the concrete is old and
performance of exterior concrete still primarily depends dirty. Concrete placed in the late fall should not be sealed
on an adequate air-void system, sufficient strength, and until spring because the sealer may cause the concrete to
the use of proper placing, finishing and curing tech- retain water that may exacerbate freeze-thaw damage.
niques. However, not all concrete placed meets those cri- The precautions outlined earlier regarding volatile sol-
teria; surface sealers can help improve the durability of vents in curing compounds also apply to sealing com-
these concretes.
pounds. The effectiveness of water-based surface sealers is
Film-forming sealing compounds remain mostly on
still being determined. The scale resistance provided by
the surface with only a slight amount of the material pen-
concrete sealers should be evaluated based on criteria
etrating the concrete. The relatively large molecular struc-
established in ASTM C 672. For more information on sur-
ture of these compounds limits their ability to penetrate
face sealing compounds, see AASHTO M 224, ACI Com-
the surface. Thinning them with solvents will not improve
mittee 330 and ACI Committee 362.
their penetrating capability. These materials not only
reduce the penetration of water, they also protect against
mild chemicals; furthermore, they prevent the absorption
of grease and oil as well as reduce dusting under pedes-
trian traffic.
Surface sealers consist of acrylic resins, chlorinated
rubber, urethanes, epoxies, and alpha methyl styrene. The
effectiveness of film-forming sealers depends on the con-
tinuity of the layer formed. Abrasive grit and heavy traffic
can damage the layer requiring the reapplication of the
material. Consult manufacturers’ application recommen-
dations because some of these materials are intended for
interior use only and may yellow and deteriorate under
exposure to ultraviolet light.
The penetrating sealer that has been used most exten-
sively for many years is a mixture of 50 percent boiled lin-
seed oil and 50 percent mineral spirits (AASHTO M 233).
Although this mixture is an effective sealer, it has two
main disadvantages: it darkens the concrete, and periodic
reapplication is necessary for long-term protection.
A new generation of water-repellent penetrating
sealers have a very small molecular size that allows pen- Fig 12-12. Penetrating sealers help protect reinforcing steel
etration and saturation of the concrete as deep as 3 mm in bridge decks from corrosion due to chloride infiltration
(1⁄8 in.). The two most common are silane and siloxane, without reducing surface friction. (69976)
compounds which are derived from the silicone family.
These sealers allow the concrete to breath, thus pre-
venting a buildup of vapor pressure between the concrete
and sealer that can occur with some film-forming mate-
rials. Because the sealer is embedded within the concrete,
making it more durable to abrasive forces or ultraviolet
deterioration, it can provide longer lasting protection
Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures ◆ EB001