CBCT2203 Basic Concepts of Information Technology
CBCT2203 Basic Concepts of Information Technology
CBCT2203 Basic Concepts of Information Technology
Marini Abu Bakar
Dr Sufian Idris
Nor Ieyza Jailani
Roziah Latih
Majumin Hanum
Mohd Zahari Awang
Majumin Hanum
Open University Malaysia
CBCT2203 Basic Concepts of Information Technology is one of the courses
offered by Faculty of Science and Technology at Open University Malaysia
(OUM). This course is worth 3 credit hours and should be covered over 8 to 15
This course is offered to all students taking the Bachelor of Information
Technology programme.
As an open and distance learner, you should be able to learn independently and
optimise the learning modes and environment available to you. Before you begin
this course, please ensure that you have the right course materials, understand
the course requirements, as well as know how the course is conducted.
It is a standard OUM practice that learners accumulate 40 study hours for every
credit hour. As such, for a three-credit hour course, you are expected to spend
120 study hours. Table 1 gives an estimation of how the 120 study hours could be
Study Activities
Briefly go through the course content and participate in initial discussion 3
Study the module 60
Attend 3 to 5 tutorial sessions 10
Online participation 12
Revision 15
Assignment(s), Test(s) and Examination(s) 20
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
2. Discuss the use of IT in daily lives which has affected the society,
organisations and individuals in many aspects;
This course is divided into 10 topics. The synopsis for each topic is presented
Topic 1 gives an overview of Information Technology (IT). The focus of this topic
includes principles of IT, functions and benefits of IT, careers in IT, development
of IT in Malaysia and cyber laws.
Topic 2 discusses the main computer hardware components, which are the
Central Processing Unit (CPU), microprocessors, main memory, etc. Specifically,
we will focus more on the CPU or the microprocessor, which is the core of all
activities responsible for changing raw data into the required information inside
a computer. Besides that, data representation and coding system will also be
discussed. Towards the end of the topic, you will be introduced to some tools
and hardware inside a computer system unit.
Topic 3 introduces various methods of input and output. The keyboard is the
most popular and frequently used input device. Besides the keyboard, there are
also many latest input and output devices in the market, which will also be
discussed in this topic.
Topic 4 introduces another computer component, that is, the secondary storage.
Here, you will learn the various types of secondary storage available in the
market and the comparison of storage types. This topic also explains the types of
magnetic storage, optic storage and advantages of secondary storage.
Topic 5 introduces the software used in the computer system. There are two
types of main software, that is, the system software and application software.
The system software is used to switch on (start) the computer and to coordinate
the hardware components and the application software. There are three
categories of software inside the system software, namely the operating system,
utility programs and language translators. This topic discusses the concept and
types of operating systems being used. Language translators are explained
through programming languages. Programming languages will be discussed
from the perspectives of generation, approach and compilation. At the end of this
topic, you will discuss various types of application software that are commonly
used such as word processing, spreadsheet and graphic software.
Topic 7 focuses on the development and history of the Internet. In this topic, we
will learn about the elements of the Internet and the activities that can be
performed on the Internet. Besides that, you will also identify the process of
searching and manipulating information effectively over the Internet.
Topic 8 describes the present softwares on the internet. Some of the softwares can
be obtained for free, while some have to be paid for. Open source softwares will
also be discussed here. This topic will also discuss a popular method of
communication over the Internet, that is, e-mail. Initially, e-mail was merely
based on text, but now you can send (attach) various types of data together with
e-mails such as text document, graphic, audio and Power Point presentation. At
the end of this topic, we will touch briefly on the Internet scripting languages
such as HTML and XML.
Topic 10 discusses how the human element creates various issues in this field
and the opportunities offered by technology for a competitive advantage. You
will be asked to evaluate and understand an issue on the importance of ethics in
IT. You will also be exposed to the concept of the end-user who will need to
realise the potential effects of technology on them. They must act quickly and
know the importance of privacy, organisational security, ergonomics and the
effects of technology on the environment.
Learning Outcomes: This section refers to what you should achieve after you
have completely covered a topic. As you go through each topic, you should
frequently refer to these learning outcomes. By doing this, you can continuously
gauge your understanding of the topic.
to answer the question, you should be able to gauge how well you have
understood the sub-section(s). Most of the time, the answers to the questions can
be found directly from the module itself.
Summary: You will find this component at the end of each topic. This component
helps you to recap the whole topic. By going through the summary, you should
be able to gauge your knowledge retention level. Should you find points in the
summary that you do not fully understand, it would be a good idea for you to
revisit the details in the module.
Key Terms: This component can be found at the end of each topic. You should go
through this component to remind yourself of important terms or jargon used
throughout the module. Should you find terms here that you are not able to
explain, you should look for the terms in the module.
This is an introductory course on information technology. Hence, there is no
specific pre-requisite for this course. However, the ability to use computers,
especially the productivity software like word processing, spreadsheet and
browser will help you to perform activities and complete the assignment.
Please refer to myVLE.
Shelly, G. B. & Vermaat, M. F. (2009). Discovering computer 2009: Complete.
Boston, USA: Cengage Learning.
Information technology (IT) which has been around for more than half a century
had its beginnings in a laboratory. Now, IT is taught in schools and considered
one of the major resources in business organisation. IT has even be used in the
latest IT and information and communication technology (ICT) gadgets, such as
smart phone and tablet (refer to Figure 1.1).
Figure 1.1: Smart phone (Samsung Galaxy S4) and tablet (ipad3)
Source: http://jailbreakhow.net
In this topic, you will be introduced to the IT era. You will also familiarise
yourself with the concept of IT and its characteristics. Other important issues
discussed are the principles, functions and benefits of IT. Towards the end of this
topic, the Multimedia Super Corridor Malaysia (MSC Malaysia) and Cyber Laws
will also be presented.
Era Description
Agricultural Most workers are peasant farmers, where their lives depend on
Era agriculture Figure 1.2 illustrates the environment.
In order to understand the evolution of the three eras, please refer to Table 1.2.
The technologies used in the agricultural, industrial and information era are all
different. For example, the technologies used in the industrial era (such as bull-
dozers and cranes) are meant for increasing the physical capability, while the
technologies of the information era (such as computers) are meant for enhancing
workersÊ productivity. Furthermore, the information era links people together by
communication tools that uses IT. Despite being in the information era, both
agricultural and industrial activities are still important.
There are six features that differentiate the information era from the previous
eras (Senn, 1998):
2. From the three eras you have read in the text above, in which era
do you think Malaysia is currently? Explain your opinion.
Element Definition
Data Raw facts, figures, diagram and other details, such as quiz marks and
the cost of computers.
Information An organised and meaningful interpretation which is useful about the
data, such as quiz performance and computer specification.
Knowledge Understanding and giving attention to a set of information and on how
the information can be used well, such as to give extra classes or to
upgrade computer performance.
The definitions in Table 1.3 explain that „data‰ which have been refined,
formatted and summarised are changed into „information‰. Information that has
been interpreted, decided and acted upon is changed into „knowledge‰. With
knowledge, users can make the best decisions and take appropriate actions.
In general, IT is the main player in the information era. This technology is used to
access, store and distribute information, especially information in digital form. IT
refers to the use and deployment of various items in the creation, storage and
distribution of information. Table 1.4 contains some definitions of IT.
Source Definition
Behan and IT is a term for explaining the technology that enables us to record,
Holmes (1990) store, process, retrieve, send and receive information.
Martin et al. IT consists of all forms of technology involved in the collection,
(1994) manipulation, communication, presentation and utilisation of data
(which are transformed into information).
Senn (1998) IT contains three components, which are computers,
communication and expertise. A combination of the three
components creates opportunities for people and organisations to
become more productive, effective and generally successful
without being separated.
Renolds (2010) IT includes all tools that capture, store process, exchange and use
In the beginning years of computer technology, computers were used only by the
scientists and engineers. They used computers to do research and development.
Later, computers were used by the business and governmental organisations.
Computers were used to support the running of businesses, large and small.
Now, computers are being used by professionals, students and the homes.
There has never been a rigid definition of the various classes of computers.
Indeed, their functions and capabilities keep on expanding and as such, the
number of classes is even debatable. However, there is a broad spectrum of
computing hardware ranging from supercomputers to microcomputers, with no
sharp line dividing the classes. In general, computers decrease in size and cost as
you go down from the large supercomputers and mainframes to the small
microcomputers. The five classifications are shown in Table 1.6.
Computer Description
Microcomputer It is a desktop computer, as well as a personal computer (PC). The
label personal computer is associated with microcomputers because
they are designed for use by one person at a time. It is not to be
confused with the microprocessor, which is literally a computer on a
chip. In a microcomputer, the microprocessor, electronic circuitry
and memory chips are mounted on a single circuit board called
the motherboard. It is the motherboard that distinguishes one
microcomputer from another. Important hardware components will
be discussed in detail in the next few topics.
Mainframe This computer is defined as the big sized commercial computer
designed specifically for a multi-user environment and it is used by a
whole corporate body. It normally has more than 100 remote
terminals. The mainframe is very strong in terms of security,
connectivity and data management capabilities. It must reside in a
specially controlled environment ă with special heating, ventilation
and air-conditioning equipment to control the temperature, humidity
and dust level around the computer.
Minicomputer Until the late 1960Ês, all computers were mainframes only. They were
just called computers. Later, computer vendors began to introduce
smaller machines to make them affordable to the smaller companies.
This gave birth to the minicomputers. Today, a minicomputer can be
defined as the smallest computer designed specifically for a multi-
user environment. The system must be able to service between two
and 100 remote terminals at one time.
Supercomputer This is the largest, fastest and most expensive computer available.
It is extremely powerful and especially designed for high-speed
numerical computations needed in complex engineering
applications. Supercomputers are processor intensive, whereas the
mainframes are input-output intensive. Supercomputers can perform
arithmetic calculations at a speed of billions of floating-point
operations per second (gigaflops). Cray Research, NEC and Fujitsu
are the leading manufacturers of supercomputers.
Workstation There are other classifications of computers like super-minis, super-
micros, mini computers, etc. ă they are the intermediate stages of an
earlier classification. Some computers are called servers and clients.
The workstation is a network terminal (intelligent but without disc).
It often refers to a terminal with RISC processors, instead of Intel. In
general, a workstation is simply a high-end personal computer.
Principle Description
Reliable It is impossible to say that an IT system works 100% all the time.
Sometimes, it works 99% of the time and 1% it does not work.
However, it is important that reliability does not go below a certain
Secure The environment in which the IT system operates must be secure
from unauthorised access or malicious destruction.
Flexible People are able to use the IT system anywhere they are and
Foster innovation Creativity in developing new software and hardware for the new
era, such as early warning systems for bad weather.
Responsive IT system is able to provide a range of services.
Easy and All the tools and facilities should be easy to learn and use.
Consistent The IT environment must be consistent, internationally accepted so
interoperability that information can be exchanged readily.
Affordable People should be able to afford the IT systems they intend to use.
Benefit Definition
Speed A relative value ă computers can perform within seconds, at speeds that
are much faster than humans.
Consistency Computers are efficient in doing repetitive jobs consistently, i.e.
producing the same results for the same jobs.
Accuracy Computers work very accurately ă tracking even small differences.
Reliability With their speed, consistency and accuracy, we can trust and rely on
computers in producing the same results again and again.
With four benefits that can be gained from the use of IT as listed in Table 1.9, we
cannot ignore the opportunities offered by it. In general, there are two categories
of opportunities:
(a) Helping People ă For example, assisting special people (the disabled),
increasing human productivity and helping people towards having better
lives; and
IT has been used in various fields with the objective of solving problems and
helping people. Hence, we should know three basic responsibilities of IT users as
Both IT professionals and IT users need to communicate with each other for the
increasing use of IT, for creating new ideas and for getting the desired benefits.
Where are we in the utilisation of IT? As of now, there are still very few factories
or manufacturers that use IT, not to mention the robotic systems. Industries that
do utilise IT, do not fully exploit the potential of this technology. The results of a
review by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and National Productivity
Corporation (NPC) as reported in the Seventh Malaysia Plan show that most
manufacturers utilise IT for administration rather the manufacturing process.
However, there are signs of an increase in the use of IT in the manufacturing
processes of small and medium-sized industries.
(f) Being a regional leader in Intellectual Property Rights and Cyber Laws;
There are six Cyber Laws that have been passed by Parliament. In pairs,
visit this website ă www.mdec.com.my and please state all six Cyber
Laws, together with their explanations.
There are six differences between information era and previous eras:
emergence of an information-based society, success of business and
management jobs depends on IT, work processes are changed and
transformed to upgrade productivity, IT provides basis for optimisation,
success in IT depends on the effectiveness in using it, and IT is embedded or
integrated into many products and services.
We may not be the first nation to invent IT, but we can use IT as a platform to
make Malaysia a developed nation.
A computer system is the combination of hardware and software. Hardware is
the physical manifestation of the computer, while software consists of the
programs that command the hardware.
In this topic, we will discuss the most important component of the computer
hardware is the Central Processing Unit (CPU). The Central Processing Unit
or processor is the centre of all activities responsible for changing raw data into
the required information inside the computer. Then, we will move on to the
next most important computer hardware ă the memory. This is the hardware
component that works closely with the Central Processing Unit. While the
Central Processing Unit performs the complexity of processing, memory lends
itself for storing data, intermediate data and results for the Central Processing
Unit. Besides the data being processed, the program codes are also stored inside
the memory. The processor and memory work hand in hand while the computer
is on. Toward the end of this topic, the System Unit and the System Clock will
also be presented.
There are two sections in a CPU: Control Unit and Arithmetic Logic Unit. Let us
now learn about these sections.
In other words, the Control Unit manages the taking of an instruction, decodes
the instruction to know its aim, instructs the Arithmetic Logic Unit execute the
instruction, and then directs storing of results to the memory (primary storage),
register or cache.
(b) Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC) Chip ă This type of computer
chip uses the approach of reduced instruction set computing, which
involves less instruction. Its design is simpler and cheaper than the complex
instruction set computing chip. This chip is used mostly inside high-
powered microcomputers. Refer to Table 2.1 for the most popular
The memory is separated from the Central Processing Unit but is normally
integrated with it and is accessed by it. Data and instructions need to be present
inside the memory before being accessed by the Central Processing Unit. The
memory simply holds the data and instructions temporarily, as long as the
program being used is operational. In general, the storage space for the memory
can be used in five different forms for:
(a) Storing the operating system and other system software programs that act
as interfaces between hardware and application programs and controlling
computer resources;
(c) Storing data temporarily, i.e. data received from input devices or secondary
storage to be processed or to be sent to output devices or secondary storage
after processing;
(d) Storing data required during processing inside an area of storage work; and
Figure 2.4 illustrates how the memory communicates with the processor.
Figure 2.4: Methods of how the memory communicates with the processor
There are three types of memory chips as shown in Figure 2.5, which
are Random Access Memory (RAM), Read Only Memory (ROM) and
Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS).
There are many types of memory inside a computer. What are the main
functions of memory?
Two types of random access memory chips that are normally used are:
(a) Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) ă Memory that holds data in a
dynamic manner. Data is not stored continuously. Instead, the computer
will refresh the data hundreds of times every second. It is normally used in
personal computers; and
(b) Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) ă Memory that holds data
continuously, for as long as there is electricity, without any refresh process.
It is faster than Dynamic Random Access Memory but its design is more
What do you know about Flash Memory? State the differences and
similarities between Flash Memory and Read Only Memory or
Random Access Memory.
There are three binary coding schemes ă the most popular one uses eight bits to
form one byte. These codes are ASCII, EBCDIC and Unicode, as explained in
Figure 2.5.
Code Definition
American Standard These codes represent text in computers, communication
Code for Information equipment and other devices that use text.
Interchange (ASCII)
Extended Binary Coded An 8-bit character encoding that is usually used in IBM
Decimal Interchange mainframe operating systems and IBM computer.
Unicode A 16-bit code invented to cater for the need of the
international languages like Chinese and Japanese.
Please refer to Table 2.7 to see how data is represented in ASCII and EBCDIC
2.5.2 Motherboard
The motherboard (also known as system board, mainboard, logic board and
planar board) is a communication network for the entire computer system. Every
component of the System Unit is connected directly to the motherboard. It
functions as a data bus that enables various components to communicate with
each other. External devices like the keyboard, mouse and monitor cannot
communicate with the System Unit without the motherboard.
The motherboard is a thin circuit board that is filled up with sockets and
electronic components including various types of chips. One chip contains a very
small circuit board embedded in a stamp size piece of silicon. This chip is also
known as the silicon chip, semiconductor or integrated circuit. The chips are
packaged and inserted into the sockets of the motherboard. These electronic
components and chips are fixed to the system board as illustrated in Figure 2.6.
The BIOS provides a service enabling software to communicate with the input
and output devices. The ROM BIOS contains specific instructions. When a
computer is switched on, the BIOS will perform Power-On Self-Test (POST), such
as diagnostic tests for the Central Processing Unit and memory. It will then test
communications with the hardware such as the keyboard, disk drive and others.
Finally, the BIOS will boot up the operating system and submit control to the
operating system.
The expansion slot is a socket on the main board, which enables an expansion
card to be installed. An expansion card, or expansion board, or adapter, or
simply card, is actually a circuit board that gives more memory, or input/output
device control, or software.
An expansion card is inserted into the slot inside the System Unit. A port on the
card enables cabling to be connected from the added card to the device outside
the System Unit. We will see various functions of the boards or cards, as shown
in Table 2.8.
2.5.5 Port
The port is a connecting socket located outside the System Unit. The port enables
software devices or input/output devices to be plugged in for connection to the
computer, so that they can communicate with the computer system. A cable can
be used to connect input/output devices to the System Unit through the port, as
shown in Figure 2.7.
There are various types of ports and their functions are as shown in Table 2.9.
Personal Computer
Memory Card
Association Slot
Type I Often used for memory card (random access memory,
flash memory, electrically erasable programmable Read
Only Memory), especially for laptop computers and
personal digital assistant (PDA).
About 3.3 mm thick.
Type II Fully capable input/output, used for modem/fax and
adapter for local area network (LAN).
About 5 mm thick.
Type III Often used for devices like moveable hard disks.
About 10.5 mm thick.
Type IV Used for high volume disk drive.
About 18 mm thick.
When a microprocessor chip changes, the bus line also changes. Most of the
devices like the expansion board, will work with one type of bus only. There are
three types of bus lines (see Table 2.11), as follows:
Explain three types of bus line with their characteristics and uses.
Central Processing Unit is divided into two sections or units, which are
Control Unit and Arithmetic Logic Unit.
The Control Unit of the processor can be compared with the „human brain‰.
It informs the entire computer on how to execute program instructions.
Arithmetic Logic Unit executes two types of operations, which are arithmetic
operation and logical operation.
Both Central Processing Unit and memory always need each other. However,
the memory is not part of the Central Processing Unit.
The Random Access Memory stores the programs and data being processed
by the Central Processing Unit.
The Read Only Memory chip contains a program that is loaded in the factory.
The chip does not evaporate and cannot be changed by users.
The System Unit is a hardware unit or a space where the processor, memory
chips, ports, buses, additional slots, board (hardware in which chips and
related circuits are placed) and other electrical components are located.
The System Clock is a circuit chip, which generates electronic pulses at a
fixed rate to synchronise or control timing activities of processing.
The bus line is also known as data bus, or simply „bus‰, which connects the
Central Processing Unit components with each other.
By the end of this topic, you should be able to:
1. Explain various input methods and devices; and
2. Explain various output methods and devices.
In the previous topic, you have been introduced to the processor and memory,
two most important components of computer hardware. To enable the processor
to process data and the memory to store them, data needs to be brought into the
computer. After processing, the resulted information needs to be taken out of the
computer. These two jobs of taken in and taken out are done by the input/output
unit of the computer system.
In this topic, you will learn about various input and output methods. The
keyboard is the most popular input device used. Besides the keyboard, there are
many other latest input and output devices that are available in the market. They
will also be discussed here.
Approach Description
Offline data entry After data has been entered, it will be changed into a suitable
form and will be verified. Data will be corrected if there are
errors. All data that has been confirmed as correct will be
processed. This method is less often used now and this is
also referred to as batch method.
Online data entry Similar to offline data entry; the difference is that the data
entered is directly examined and corrected. After all the data
has been entered, processing will then be done on them.
Interactive data entry Similar to online data entry, except that, data is examined
every time it is entered and processing on the data is done
immediately. There is no need to wait for all data to be
Input devices take data and programs that can be read or understood by humans,
and convert them into a form that can be processed by the computer. This new
form consists of electronic signals of „0‰ and „1‰, which can be read by machines
as explained in the section on data representation.
(a) Entry via Keyboard ă Data is transferred as input into the computer via a
keyboard that resembles the keyboard of a typewriter, but contains a few
additional keys. For this type of entry, users read the original document,
called source document. The contents of this document will be entered via
keyboard; and
An example of an input device that uses both types of entries (entry via keyboard
and direct entry) is the point-of-sale (POS) terminal. It is a kind of electronic cash
register that is used widely in business.
3.2.1 Keyboard
Devices that are often used are keyboard for data entry and terminal for
displaying what has been entered. There are various forms, styles, sizes,
arrangements, touch or feel and the number of keys.
(a) Number of Keys ă Normally there are 101 keys, but it also depends on
types of computers, especially types of microcomputers, whether desktop
or handheld. Handheld computers provide fewer numbers of keys because
of their small size.
(b) Group/Type of Keys ă There are three types of keys, as shown in Table 3.2.
Keys Description
Alphanumeric Consists of numbers and alphabets, similar to the typewriter.
Cursor Cursor is a symbol on the display screen, which shows the site of
Movement data to be entered; also called arrow.
Numeric Also called numeric keypad; these are separate keys for numbers
(0ă9), which have been arranged like a calculator. Sometimes, there
are two objectives, depending on the Num Lock key, i.e. cursor or
numeric movements.
(c) Functions ă Keys that are labelled as F and normally F1−F12 have their
functions defined by the software.
(d) Special Objectives ă Normally called additional keys, these are keys which
have specific tasks like Backspace, Delete, Insert, Escape, Home, Pause,
Print Screen, and others.
(f) Touch/Feel ă Now, the softness of pressing the keys and the sound emitted
can be controlled by software.
(g) Styles (and Size or Shape) ă These are designed according to its inventor, to
be user-friendly and more ergonomic. Ergonomics is a study of how to
make something user-friendly, less danger-prone or less uncomfortable to
The keyboard contains control and buffer keys. Whatever is typed, will be stored
inside a buffer (which can store more than one symbol) and later, will be scanned
by the computer processor after receiving interrupt signals from the control key.
3.2.2 Terminal
The terminal is an input (and output) device that connects you to a mainframe or
other types of computers, called a host computer or server. There are three types
of terminal, as shown in Table 3.3.
Terminal Description
Dumb Terminals Used for input and to receive data, but cannot process data by
themselves. They are used only to access information from the
computer and are often found at airline companies, post offices and
road transport department (RTD) offices.
Intelligent They have a processing unit, memory and secondary storage like a
Terminals magnetic disk. Basically, an intelligent terminal is a microcomputer
with the communication software and modem or other
communication connectivity. This connects the terminals to a bigger
computer or the Internet.
Terminals Also known as network computers, they are cheaper alternatives to
intelligent terminals. Most network terminals do not have a hard
disk drive and must rely on the host computer or the server for
their system and application software.
Mouse Description
Ball Mouse It uses balls to move and also known as a mechanical mouse.
Optical Mouse It uses light and requires a mouse pad that can reflect the light. This
mouse contains a section called photo-detector. It functions like the
ball mouse and normally used on a high-powered computer like a
Touch Sensitive This has a pad that is sensitive to finger touch, for moving the
Mouse icon/cursor.
Wireless Mouse It communicates with the computer by emitting infrared signals or
low-intensity radio signals (see Figure 3.6).
(b) Touch Screen ă It is a monitor screen that is overlaid with a plastic layer. At
the back of the layer, there is an invisible, criss-crossing infrared light. This
arrangement enables a user to choose either an action or instruction on the
screen by using fingers. The touch screen is easier to use, especially when
someone requires information immediately. It is usually used at automatic
teller machines (ATM), information kiosks, several restaurants and petrol
(c) Light Pen ă It is a pen or a device like a pen, which is light sensitive and
connected via a cable to a computer. The location (or choice) is identified by
pressing its button against a specific position on the screen. It is normally
used for drawing images and selection of menu.
(d) Digital Board ă It is a device that can be used to plot or copy certain
drawing or picture. The item to be copied is placed on a digital tablet. Then,
a specific stylus connected to the computer is used to plot the material. As
the stylus moves from one location to another, the computer records the
locations from the digital tablet. When the material has been plotted, the
image can be displayed on screen, printed on paper or stored in a computer
system for future use. Digitisers are normally used by designers, architects
and engineers.
(e) Pen-Based System ă This uses a pen to enter handwritings or marks into the
computer containing software to identify and digitise handwritings and
also hand drawings. There are four types of pen-based systems like those
explained in Table 3.5.
(a) Optical Recognition ă This technology device, also known as the optical
reader, uses light to scan images. Examples of optical recognition devices are
illustrated in Figure 3.8.
(i) Optical Mark Reader (OMR) ă Optical mark reader is used as a device
that reads pencil marks in UPSR and PMR examinations and can be
used for marking the objective questions of Section A, OUM final
(ii) Fax Machine ă Fax machine (see Figure 3.9) is used for scanning
images and sending them electronically via telephone line to a
destination (fax machine). There are two types:
(iii) Barcode Reader ă It is used for reading input in bar form - marks that
resemble vertically shaped zebra stripes.
(iv) Optical Character Reader (OCR) ă Optical character reader is used for
reading specific pre-printed characters (in specific font), for example
the OCR-A font (the one perfected by ANSI).
(d) Smart and Optical Card ă The smart card refers to the multi-purpose card,
or MyKad, distributed by the National Registration Department (JPN), as
well as credit and debit cards distributed by various commercial banks like
Maybank and CIMB bank. The use of the optical card is still restricted
despite its ability to store information of up to 2,000 pages as compared to
smart cards (able to store information up to 30 pages, depending on the
capability of the microprocessor) and magnetic cards (able to store
information of up to half a page).
(a) Audio Input Device ă It is used to record or play analogue music into
digital form. It can generally receive various forms of sound as input,
whereas, a sound recognition device can receive only one type of audio
input, i.e. sound input. There are two methods of digitising the audio:
(i) Audio Board ă The board that changes analogue sound to digital
sound and saves it for future use; and
(b) Video Input Device ă Enables video pictures to be converted into digital
form through a specific card. There are two types of video card:
(i) Frame Capture ă Can digitise one frame at one time only; and
(ii) Full Movement ă Can convert at the rate of 30 frames per second.
The main problem here is storage, not the input. Nowadays, digital video
cameras are available in the market, where the output is in digital form.
Digital video recorders will facilitate multimedia presentation or a form of
new broadcasting on the Internet, i.e. web television.
(d) Sensor ă These are input devices that collect data in specific forms directly
from the environment and send them to the computer. Sensors can be used
to track data such as speed, weight, temperature, image, shape, light, air
pollution, etc. Have you ever weighed yourself using an audio enabled
weighing scale at a supermarket? That is one example of a sensing device
used to measure your weight and also your height.
1. What is the most common type of input device? Why are there
various types of input devices?
Besides soft copies and hard copies, decisions on output largely depend on a
number of factors, such as:
3.5.1 Printer
The image displayed on the monitor is often referred to as soft copy. Information
that is produced on paper, whether from printer or plotter is called a hard copy
(see Figure 3.14).
Three popular types of printers always used together with microcomputers are
as follows:
(a) Ink Jet Printer − Sends out droplets of ink at high speed onto the surface of
paper. This process does not only produce images of high quality letters,
but also allows printing to happen in various colours. An ink jet printer is a
printer that is reliable, quiet and cheap.
(b) Laser Printer − Utilises the emission of a laser beam onto the drum, and is
transferred onto paper by using the toner (as in the photocopy machine).
There is a laser printer that is classified as a PostScript printer. PostScript is
a printer language, often called Page Description Language (PDL), which
has been accepted as a standard for laser printer.
The measure of printer speed depends on the type of printer or the method of
printing, i.e. whether on the basis of characters, lines or pages. The speed is
characters per second, lines per minute or pages per minute. Most printer models
are desktop printers which are difficult move around (depending on size). The
use of laptop computers leads to portable printers.
Among the criteria in choosing printers are image quality, speed, level of noise
and cost of operation, such as ink cost, spare parts, etc.
3.5.2 Monitor
Monitors are used for output as well as for input. There are two types of
monitors ă cathode ray tube (see Figure 3.15) and flat panel display (see
Figure 3.16).
(a) Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) ă It is a vacuum tube that is used as a display
screen for the computer or video display terminal. The technology is the
same as the television. The cathode ray tube is an output device commonly
used together with the computer. The smallest unit on the screen is called a
pixel (picture element).
(b) Flat Panel Display ă It is lighter, thinner and uses less power compared to
cathode ray tube. This panel is made of two pieces of glass/plastic that
have activated materials among them.
A number of standards have been developed for determining the degree of
computer resolutions. Four standards that are commonly used now are shown in
Table 3.6.
Standard Definition
Super Video Graphics Minimum resolution of 800 600 pixels.
Array (SVGA)
Extended Graphics Resolution up to 1,024 768 pixels; popular standard now.
Array (XGA)
Super Extended Resolution of 1,280 1,024 pixels.
Graphics Array (SXGA)
Ultra Extended The latest and highest standard; its use is continuously
Graphics Array growing, especially for engineering designs at high level
(UXGA) and for graphical fine arts.
3.5.3 Plotter
Plotters are used specifically for producing bar charts, maps, architectural
drawings and three-dimensional illustrations. A plotter can produce multi-
coloured documents of high quality and also documents bigger than that
produced by other printers. There are four types of plotters as follows:
(a) Pen Plotter ă It moves pens or pencils on the paper draft. This plotter is
very cheap and easy to maintain, but it is slow and less capable of
producing voluminous images and shaded images.
(b) Electrostatic Plotter ă It uses electrostatic charge that is faster than a pen
plotter or ink jet plotter. An electrostatic plotter is used for applications that
require voluminous output of high quality, such as those in advertising and
design of graphic arts.
(c) Ink Jet Plotter ă It produces art lines and multi-coloured output by emitting
droplets of ink onto the paper surface. Its best characteristics are speed,
high quality output and operating quietly. Its main weakness is the
possibility of its jet getting blocked, and this requires more maintenance.
Input is like a bridge between data and processing, which is to enable data to
be carried from users to computer.
Direct data entry consists of data that can be read by a machine (computer)
and transferred as input directly into the computer.
Indirect data entry requires various media and processing of the data source
before the actual computer processing.
There must be input control to safeguard the integrity of data and to prevent
them from becoming garbage in garbage out.
Output can take various forms, such as screen output, printed paper, signals,
voice, microfilm, etc.
Output devices used together with microcomputers are the monitor, printer,
plotter and voice output device.
By the end of the topic, you should be able to:
1. Describe five advantages of secondary storage.
2. Explain two types of magnetic storage;
3. Recognise four types of optical storage; and
4. Identify other types of storage devices.
After discussing about input and output in the previous topic, we shall now
move on to another computer component devices secondary storage. You will be
introduced to various types of secondary storage in the market together with
their comparisons.
While primary storage holds data temporarily, secondary storage does otherwise.
Secondary storage is the physical material on which a computer stores data,
instructions and information. A storage device has been designed to store data
and instructions in a permanent form and to retrieve them back. This storage
does not disappear because data is stored in magnetic, optical or optical magnetic
form as illustrated in Figure 4.1. It is also a method of storing data, information
and instructions outside the computer.
Capacity of a storage medium refers to the number of bytes (characters) that can
be hold. Figure 4.2 shows the capacity of a storage medium.
The speed of storage devices is defined by access time. Access time measures the
amount of time it takes to locate the required data on a storage medium.
Characteristics Advantages
Size Can accommodate large amounts of data.
Data stored can reach gigabyte (GB) or terabyte
Reliability It can be considered safe.
Comfort Data can be accessed immediately.
Economic Storage costs can be reduced.
Lifetime It is permanent and can be used for archiving.
Some storage has a lifespan of up to 100 years.
As the tape is in roll form, data will be stored serially. Every tape column (seven
or nine tracks) will represent one character. For data that is stored serially, the
storage method used is serpentine where data is stored one by one along one or
two tracks at one time. Data will be written from the beginning to the end of the
track concerned, and this will continue onto the part that has not yet been used as
shown in Figure 4.3.
Besides that, there is also data that is stored in parallel. For the parallel type, data
will be written block by block or record by record. Every block of data will be
separated by a space, which is called inter-block gap. For record by record, the
space is called inter-record gap. The space is required because the tape cannot
stop immediately after it has been rolled. Normally, the use of tape is only
35%ă70%, depending on the blocking factor.
A magnetic tape drive is measured by how much data can be stored on the
magnetic tape and also the speed of the tape passing through the read/write
head. The combination of these two determines the rate of transfer or the number
of characters per second that can be sent to the primary storage. Tape density is
measured by character per inch or bit per inch. Data density varies from 800 bpi
to 7000 bpi. The tape length is normally 600 m, 366 m or 731 m.
Therefore, a tape of 366 m with 6,250 bpi can store up to 180 MB of data. The size
of data that can be stored is normally between 40 MB to five GB. The drive that
can upgrade its maximum loading is digital audio tape (DAT). A digital audio
tape drive consists of two read heads and two write heads which read/write one
type of magnetic pole only. Data on the tape will be accessed and written serially.
There are two types of magnetic tape ă magnetic tape unit for large computers
and tape cartridge unit for personal computers. Currently, most tapes are used
for safe storage and copy storage because they are portable and cheap. Storage
size of a normal magnetic tape is between 20 GBă40 GB.
The disadvantage of a magnetic tape is the slow rate of serial data access. Its
advantages are it is cheap, portable and long lasting.
The hard disk can store and access data faster and has a higher capacity. The
hard disk is a very sensitive device. Its read/write head floats on the disc surface
at a distance of 0.000001 inches. This very close distance allows dusts, atoms of
smoke, human hair and fingerprints to cause destruction to the read-write head.
This damage can cause some or all the data on the hard disc to be destroyed as
An external hard disk is a separate hard disk that connects with a cable to a USB
port on the system unit or communicates wirelessly. Meanwhile, a removable
hard disk is a hard disk that you insert and remove from a drive. Compared to
internal hard disk, external and removable hard disks (Figure 4.5) are better in
terms of:
(d) Add storage space to a notebook and desktop computer, without having to
open the system unit.
How does it look like in a hard disk drive? Visit the following link to
discover the components of a hard disk drive:
During the writing of data onto the surface of an optical device, a high powered
laser beam is used to form microscopic holes (pits) on the disc. Each pit
represents data „0‰ while part of the disc without a pit represents data „1‰.
During the reading of the optical disc, a low powered laser beam is directed on
the disc surface. A reflection of the laser beam depends on the holes on the
surface. If there are holes, the reflection of the beam disperses and cannot be
detected by the light detector. This portrays the „0‰ state. If there is no hole or if
the surface is flat (land), a reflection of the beam focuses and can be detected by
the light detector. This portrays the „1‰ state.
There are four optical disc technologies used by computers, as shown at Table 4.2.
The examples of Flash Memory Storage are solid state drives, memory cards and
USB flash drive.
(a) Solid state drives are a storage device that uses flash memory to store data,
instructions and information. It is used in all types of computers and
portable devices.
Solid state drives are better than magnetic hard disk in terms of:
(iv) Lasts three to five years longer than a hard disk lifespan.
(b) Memory cards allow users to easily transport the digital content of their
camera, audio or video player, and other devices to a computer or vice
versa. A memory card is a removable flash memory device that you
normally insert and remove from a slot in a computer, mobile device or
card reader/writer.
(c) USB flash drives are a flash memory storage device that plugs into a USB
port on a computer or mobile device. It is one of the popular portable
storage nowadays, due to its size and weight. It is small and light, with a
storage capacities ranging from 512 Mb to 64 GB.
(a) Access files from any device that has Internet access;
Some of the widely used cloud storage providers are as in Figure 4.8.
(a) A magnetic stripe card is a card with a stripe that contains information
identifying you and the card. Information stored in the stripe normally
includes your name, account number, or cardÊs expiration date. A magnetic
stripe card reader reads the information stored on the stripe. An example of
magnetic stripe card is a membership card.
Figure 4.9: Magnetic stripe card and smart card
(b) A smart card, which is similar in size to an ATM or a credit card, stores data
on a thin microprocessor embedded in the card. Smart card contains a
processor and has input, process, output and storage capabilities. When a
smart card is inserted into a specialized card reader, the information on the
card is read, and if necessary, updated. An example of a smart card is
What is the history of computer storage? Visit the following link:
Note down the main points. Compare your notes with your
Types of Cost/Storage
Cost Per MB Lifespan Size
Storage Size
Diskette RM 1/1.44 MB RM 0.69/MB 3ă5 years 1.44 MB
Hard Disc RM 400/8 GB RM0.05/MB 3ă5 years 320ă500 GB
CD-R RM 5/650 MB RM0.0076/MB 100 years 650 MB
CD-RW RM 30/650 MB RM 0.046/MB 100 years 650 MB
Magnetic Tape ă ă 5ă10 years 10 GBă30 GB
DVD ă ă 100 years 17 GB
RAM RM 200/64MB RM 3.13/MB Volatile 64 MBă1 GB
Zip RM 60/250 MB RM 0.24/MB 5ă10 years 250ă750 MB
(c) Field ă It is a unit of data that is made up of one or more characters. This is
the lowest logical level of the data unit. Examples of fields are:
(i) Name: It is fixed at 40 characters, for example, MOHD AKIL; and
(ii) Identity Card (IC) Number: It is fixed at eight characters (old IC) and
10 digits/characters (new IC), such as 740820-03-1233.
Figure 4.11: RAID can make disk volumes more reliable and faster
Data files that have been compressed need to be de-compressed before they can
be used as normal. This technique is called „data decompression‰.
Normally data that has been compressed has a special suffix, such as .zip, .tgz, .Z,
.gz, .lha, .arc, .zoo, and .rar. Compression and decompression techniques are
called „codec‰. Sometimes, this process is also called „zip‰ and „unzip‰.
The two main techniques of data compression are shown in Table 4.4.
Technique Details
Lossless Where data compression is done by preserving all input data. In
Technique other words, all input data will be used in the compression process.
This enables data that have been decompressed to be the same as the
input data.
Ć Secondary storage is a storage device that has been designed to store data
and instructions in a permanent form.
Ć The secondary storage has five advantages which are size, reliability,
comfort, economic and lifetime.
Ć There are two types of magnetic storage: magnetic tape and hard disk.
Ć A magnetic tape is a secondary storage medium whereby its data are stored
inside the tape roll.
Ć The hard disc uses a thick and strong metallic plate. The hard disc can store
and access data faster and has a higher capacity.
Ć An optical storage device provides an alternative for the need to store a lot of
data. This device uses the principle of light rather than the magnetic principle
of storing data.
Ć There are four types of optical storage, which are CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW
and DVD.
Ć Three ways to upgrade the performances of hard discs are racking the disc,
Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks and compressing/decompressing
the files.
Bit Lossless
Compressing/decompressing Lossy
Compact Disc-Read Only Memory Magnetic storage
(CD-ROM) Optical storage
Compact Disc-Recordable (CD-R) Racking the disc
Compact Disc-Rewriteable (CD-RW) Record
Digital Video Disk (DVD) Redundant Arrays of Independent
Field Disks (RAID)
File Secondary storage
Hard disk Write Once, Read Many (WORM)
By the end of this topic, you should be able to:
1. Explain the four roles of system software;
2. Identify four categories of system software;
3. Discuss the functions and features of operating system;
4. Explain the strengths and weaknesses of operating system;
5. Discuss four categories of advanced application software; and
6. Discuss four types of database.
In the earlier topic, you have been told that a computer system is made up of
hardware and software. Hardware is the physical manifestation of the computer,
while software consists of the programs that command the hardware. Computer
software can be divided into system software and application software. Both
softwares can be divided further into a few categories, as illustrated in Figure 5.1.
Each of these categories will be explained in greater detail, later in this topic.
For most people, when they think about computers, they normally think about
the hardware, such as keyboard, monitor, processor and others. They do not
realise the presence and importance of software. Computer software is actually a
set of planned instructions and step by step action that is required to convert data
into information and making the computer useful.
The system software is actually divided into operating system, utility programs,
device drivers and language translators. The operating system contains various
functions and features like multitasking, multi-user, multiprocessor, etc. There
are many operating systems in the market and each has its own strengths and
weaknesses. Windows is a personal computer (PC) operating system that is the
most popular and has been built by Microsoft Corporation. UNIX is mostly used
in the server system. Linux contains various features of UNIX and is becoming
more popular because it is a free and reliable operating system.
Table 5.1 explains the roles of the system software categories shown in Figure 5.3
The operating system manages and controls all processing activities in the
computer. It determines how the random access memory (RAM) is allocated to
the programs, determines the importance of the needed tasks and controls the
flow of information to and from the processor. An operating system is a complex
computer program that is very important to the computer. For example,
Windows 2000 operating system is said to have 30 million lines of program code,
built by over 5,000 programmers within more than three years with a cost of
nearly RM3.8 billion. The Linux operating system has almost 2.5 million lines of
program code, built by 150 programmers.
The operating system also enables a computer to perform more than one task
simultaneously. It enables the computer to identify processor (central processing
unit), main memory (random access memory), keyboard, video displays, disc
drive and others. The operating system also provides facilities for users to
communicate with the computer and acts as enabler for running the application
The operating system is normally stored in the hard disc. When a computer is
switched on, it will first perform the Power On Self-Test (POST). Then, the Basic
Input-Output System (BIOS) inside the Read Only Memory (ROM) will search
for the operating system to boot-up the system. The BIOS will search for the
operating system on the „Master Boot Record (MBR)‰ sector in the floppy disc. If
there is no operating system on the floppy disc, the basic input-output system
will search for it on the master boot record sector of the hard disc.
The master boot record sector contains information on the operating system of
the computer. After reading data from master boot record and meeting the
supervisor program, the basic input-output system will load the supervisor
program into the main memory (random access memory). Then, the basic input-
output system will pass on the computer management job to the supervisor
program. Now, the computer is under the control of the operating system and
can accept commands from users.
Part of the operating system will remain in the main memory for as long as the
computer is on. This portion will always be in the memory and is said to be
resident (permanent) and is made up of the supervisor program. The supervisor
program will control the overall operating system and will load into the main
memory of other operating system program from the hard disc when required.
The operating system program that is located in the hard disc is non-resident.
The operating system forms the core that enables the computer to function. It
works behind the scene and becomes the middleman for requests from users and
programs. It manages and drives computer hardware, and reads and writes data
from and onto the disc drive. When a user works on an application program, the
supervisor program will load the software into the main memory, before the
program is executed.
When a user uses the computer, the main memory has the supervisor program,
the application software to be run and the data or information being processed.
Thus, a larger random access memory size in a certain computer will enable it to
function faster and in a comfortable manner. If a computer does not contain
enough random access memory to run the software, then, the computer will run
slowly or it may hang.
This command-line directs the computer to copy a file from the hard disc
(C:) to the floppy disc (A:). You will need to use a clear command when
using the command-line. This command-line also shows that you need to
inform the computer where to find MYFILE and where to copy YOURFILE
to. If you forget important information or use a wrong format, an error
message will be displayed on the screen.
Among the components inside it are icons, dialogue box and menu.
Examples of software that uses graphical user interfaces are Windows,
Macintosh and BeOS. Graphical user interface users interact with the
operating system and other software packages by using pointing devices
like the mouse and keyboard to enter instructions.
Now, users do not have to type every line of command; users only need to
select from the screen displays. Users use the mouse to manipulate icons,
dialogue box and menu. In graphical user interface, an icon is a graphic
image that represents a processing activity. For example, a user may select
„Recycle Bin‰ icon to delete a file from storage. The graphical user interface
was first introduced in 1983 in Macintosh computer. The graphical user
interface simplifies a lot of things for users, where they now do not have to
memorise and enter difficult instructions (see Figure 5.6).
The operating system is responsible for ensuring that the three processes
execute well and do not cause the computer to hang. This ability in using
the three programs simultaneously is known as „multitasking‰. An
important characteristic of the operating system in managing multitasking
is robustness; if one program fail, it does not cause the computer or other
processes to hang. Operating systems that have the robust characteristic are
UNIX, Linux and BeOS.
1. State the advantages of the graphical user interface over the
command-line interface.
2. State two methods of opening files using graphical user
3. Explain at least three main functions of the operating system.
5.5.1 Multitasking
If an operating system allows only one task to be performed at one time, such a
system is called single tasking. Multitasking enables a user to perform a new task
without having to exit from the task currently being performed and can even use
the result of the second task inside the first task. For example, a user can produce
a chart inside a spreadsheet software, while using a word processing software
and later, insert the chart into the document being typed. Multitasking is divided
into two types, as shown in Figure 5.8.
Users normally do not see the tangible differences between these two types
of multi-tasking. Tangible differences may be seen in real-time applications.
Preemptive multitasking is more robust and stable than cooperative
5.5.2 Multi-User
If an operating system is capable of accepting more than one user to access the
computer at one time, it is called a multi-user system.
5.5.3 Multi-Processing
The use of more than one processor is suitable for scientific computers because
computers of this type perform a lot of calculations and processing. As such,
scientific computers require operating systems that can manage more than one
processor. Examples of multi-processor type of operating system are UNIX
(Solaris), Linux, BeOS and Windows 8. Table 5.2 illustrates four operating
systems and their maximum processors.
BeOS 8
Solaris 64
Linux 16
IRIX 128
During the early computer era, data processing was done using the batch mode.
This means that data and programs are prepared on batch mode for processing.
Users cannot enter data during the running of program. Data and programs are
collected and prepared first, then later, entered one by one for processing by the
computer. Batch processing is still being used now in the mainframe system
environment. Nowadays, the interactive processing type of operating system is
very popular, where users can enter data while programs being executed.
For example, users often find computers running slowly when two or three
softwares run simultaneously. This is because the operating system needs to
transfer data from the main memory (random access memory) to the secondary
storage (hard disc) and vice versa. This process of data transfer is slow and often
involves some noise signifying that the computer is accessing the hard disc.
The process of transferring data from virtual memory to the main memory
and from the main memory to the virtual memory is called „swap‰.
Swap space (page) on the hard disc is the storage size that is used as virtual
memory, as illustrated in Figure 5.9.
In general, operating systems can be divided into four categories (see Table 5.3).
We will now take a look into more details of each category of operating system in
the following sections.
Table 5.5 describe nine popular operating systems used for mobile and
embedded computer systems.
Application software can exist in variety of forms, depending on the needs and
requirements of individuals, groups or organisations. The following Table 5.6
describes the forms of seven application software:
Application Explanation
Packaged Software developed and sold for profit. As it is mass produced and
software or copyrighted, this means it caters for wide variety of users. Examples may
commercial include Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop and Norton Antivirus.
Custom Software that performs specific functions for any business or industry. This
software software is required when there is no packaged software that can meet
such specific requirements. As a result, the company needs to find or hire
developers to develop the tailor-made software to fulfil the business needs.
Some examples are e-procurement system and e-recruitment system.
Shareware Software distributed and available to try for free. Although it requires no
cost during trial period, it is still copyrighted. In order to use this software
for longer period of time, users need to pay certain fees to the developer.
Popular examples of shareware are WinZip and WinRAR.
Freeware Software distributed to be used for free. As it is also copyrighted, users still
do not have access to source codes to make any modifications. QuickTime
Player and Yahoo! Messenger are examples of freeware.
Public Free software and can be used, copied, modified and distributed to others
domain without any restrictions. The public owns the ownership; therefore, the
software software is not copyrighted. Pine and Lynx are the examples of public
domain software.
Web Software hosted on a server allowing users to access and interacts from any
application computer via the Internet connection.
Open Software that has no copyright restrictions. Thus, it can be used, modified
source and redistributed freely. It can also be downloaded from the Internet
software without any cost. Examples are Blender and Moodle.
(a) Business software ă Deals with assisting people to ensure their day-to-day
business can run effectively and efficiently. It comprises of programs like
word processing, spreadsheet, database, presentation, personal information
manager, business software suites, project management and accounting.
Examples are Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Oracle Database, Apple
Keynote and Oracle Primavera.
(b) Graphic and multimedia software ă Offers the capabilities of handling and
working with complex graphic and multimedia. It covers computer-aided
design, desktop publishing, paint/image editing, photo editing, video and
audio editing, multimedia authoring, and web page authoring. Examples
may include Autodesk AutoCAD, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe
What is the difference between basic application software and
advanced application software? Explain.
A word processing software enables you to create, edit, format, store and
print texts and graphics in one document.
Since you can save memos or documents that you have typed into the disc, you
can access them at other times to modify them, reprint or do whatever you want
with them. Parts of existing documents that do not change do not need to be
re-typed; the entire document that has been checked can be reprinted as new. An
assignment often done by computer users is to prepare information in the form
of documents. Word processing software is the software mostly used by users.
Five important activities of word processing are as illustrated in Figure 5.11.
Activities that can be done during word processing are editing of document,
search and replace, merging of e-mails, document footing and heading,
footnotes, mathematical functions, index generator, content generator, and
document import and export. You can search any word quickly inside a
document by using the search command inside a word processor. A replace
command can replace one word with another. Besides that, spellings can be
verified by the spelling-checker program. The grammar checker will identify the
use of inaccurate sentences, incorrect grammar or sentences that are too long. The
earliest word processing software was Wordstar. Examples of currently and
widely used word processing software are WordPerfect, Ami Pro and Microsoft
With the addition of more features into word processing packages, word
processing has crossed the boundary into desktop publishing. Desktop
publishing packages are normally better than word processing packages in
fulfilling the needs of high level publishing, specifically on the choice of
characters and reproduction of colours. Many magazines and newspapers today
depend on desktop publishing software. Businesses use them to produce
newspapers that look professional, reports and leaflets that can improve
communications, and to give better pictures to the outside world.
When a document is being edited by a user, the word processing software will
load a copy of the document from secondary storage (hard disc) into main
memory (random access memory). All editing activities will be done on this copy
inside the main memory. This is because data access from the main memory is
faster than data access from the secondary memory. When the user completes
editing, he/she can save the document again into the secondary storage to
replace the older copy.
This can cause problems in a mixed environment where operating systems like
UNIX, OS/2, BeOS, Windows and Linux exist in one place. A number of
methods can be used to produce a form of document that is portable. Among the
methods are producing document in PDF, postscript (ps) format or in markup
languages like Standardised Markup Language (SGML), Extensible Markup
Language (XML) or TeX.
Users can use this format to produce portable documents between different
operating systems. All forms of documents like those from spreadsheet, power
point presentation, word processing and graphics can be converted into PDF
format by using Adobe Distiller software. The PDF documents produced have
the hypertext capability, can be printed, displayed on the computer but cannot be
edited. The PDF format was introduced by Adobe (a company). Most articles
freely available on the Internet are in postscript or PDF format.
Users can also produce portable documents in a markup language like Hypertext
Markup Language (HTML), Standardised Markup Language and Extensible
Markup Language. The main objective of producing documents in a markup
language is to separate information from the document format. This concept is
the same as the concept of separating a program from data in databases. This
way, the document format can be modified easily without involving the
information that is present in the document.
Users can also use TeX software to produce portable documents from documents
in the form of TeX markup language. Document based on TeX can be processed
to produce another document in the form of PDF, postscript and device
independent (DVI). TeX is mostly used in producing mathematical and scientific
What about spreadsheet software for users at home? The ability to enter a set of
numbers in meaningful ways, such as a set of deposit and interest rates for
buying a house and offer financial ideas to users who cannot do it themselves
(manually). Home users can use spreadsheet to perform various tasks from
budget preparation to considering whether to accept a new job or not.
Among the traditional functions that are supported by spreadsheet software are:
Spreadsheet is divided into rows and columns. Each row is numbered, while
each column is given name. The intersection between each row and column is
called „cell‰. Each cell contains reference address and fixed address. In each cell,
a user can type in a number, text or mathematical formula. Basically, solution to a
problem using spreadsheet can be divided into four steps:
(b) Planning for presentation stage ă Covers how to arrange labels, data,
formula and other instructions to achieve maximum efficiency, clarity and
(c) Data entry stage ă Involves required type of commands for input, edit and
store values, label, formula and functions in the required presentation.
(d) Testing and using stage ă Stage that tests whether spreadsheet produces the
results accurately when data is entered.
Other features that are available in electronic spreadsheet are macro (short
program which can be used to repeat specific steps), mathematical functions, plot
3D, active function and integration with other applications. Figure 5.13 illustrate
Excel electronic spreadsheet.
When data is available as a report, i.e. a form that is useful to users, data has
become information.
Concert organisers, for example, can store and change data of date of the next
concert, seat number, ticket cost and sales. When this has been done, organisers
can use the software to access information, such as the number of tickets sold in
every price range or percentage of tickets sold on the day before the concert.
Database software is useful for someone who needs to reach out to a large
number of people. For example, a volunteer who is looking for blood donors for
the National Blood Bank can store a file of all donors in his area so that he can
access their names and telephone numbers to enquire on the type of blood
donated, postcode or the last date he/she donated blood.
Data can be in the form of text, video, graphics, audio and others. Databases are
stored in secondary storage. To fulfil the need of organisations, data needs to be
collected, stored and accessed effectively. Databases can help with these three
processes. They also enable data to be processed and shared by various parties.
Data can also be edited, added and erased easily. Users can perform queries over
the database to solve problems. A number of important terms in databases are
entities, attributes, field, record and relationship.
(a) Entities are things, people, places or events whereby the data and
information stored are about them. Examples of entities are universities,
students, employees, cars and doctors.
(b) Attributes or fields are data or information that explains the characteristics
or features of a certain entity. For a student entity, examples of attributes
are name, address, date of birth, identity card number, matrix number and
(c) Record is a collection of related attributes for certain entity. It also can
explain certain event, which is a number of related fields about certain
event grouped together logically to form record. An example of a record
which groups together number of attributes for a student entity is
Name : Abdullah Adam
Matrix number : 789
Address : No. 7, Jalan Sephia 2, Taman Sephia Permai, 43600
Bangi, Selangor
Date of birth : 1 January 1977
(d) Files are various collections of records containing the same attributes.
An example is a file of First Year Student containing all records of
Year 1 students in the Faculty of Information Technology and
Multimedia Communications.
(e) Database is a collection of several files that are related to one another.
The main source of data for a computer-based information system is
the database. Another objective of the database is to reduce data
duplication. For example, a student database may consist combination
of studentÊs personal file, file of courses offered at Open University
Malaysia, co-curriculum activities file and student finance file, as
shown in Figure 5.14. Figure 5.15 illustrates different stages of data
inside a database.
A relational database type is the most widely used today. In this type of
database, data is arranged in table with rows and columns. Each column
constitutes one attribute and each row constitutes one record.
With the traditional file system, we may face problem in getting a list of students'
names based on department or list of courses taken by a student because the
information is present inside three different files.
(a) Data redundancy ă Same data attributes are repeatedly present in different
(b) Data integrity problem ă Data needs to be updated in all files to ensure that
they are consistent throughout; and
(c) Program and data independence problem ă Program and data are closely
related as data is created to feed into a program.
(d) Data integrity can be retained in terms of security and reliability; and
Inside the database, each file has a relationship with other files. Relationships
among files are made through key fields. In a database, data dictionary stores
information in data and the database structure. In building a database
application, the following seven steps are required, as illustrated in Figure 5.17.
These steps are usually discussed in greater detail in the System Analysis and
Design course. Database management system is required to free data and
application programs to make them independent of each other. This will simplify
data access and editing, minimise data redundancy, define data, manage data
security and maintain data integrity. It can be regarded as a software layer
surrounding the database. The software includes query language, report
generator and utilities, and graphics.
There are three types of relationships that can exist in databases ă one-to-one,
one-to-many and many-to-many, as shown in Figure 5.18.
For example, let us take the database of a business containing their customer
files, sales file, inventory files and supplier files, as follows:
(a) One-to-one relationship ă One data can only have a relationship with one
other data, e.g. relationship between customer file and sales file;
(b) One-to-many relationship ă One data can have a relationship with more
than one other data, e.g. customer file with sales file, if a customer makes
many purchases; and
(c) Many-to-many relationship ă One or more data can have a relationship
with one or more other data, e.g. many suppliers can supply many items.
In a networked database, every child can have more than one parent. This
arrangement can be bent easily as compared to hierarchical database but there is
a limit on the bent and it needs definitions prior to its use. This type of database
can have all types of relationships. It was first introduced in the 1970s. Today,
both hierarchical and networked types are not widely used. Figure 5.20 shows an
example of a networked database.
Relational database is the most stable and flexible database. Its model was first
introduced by E. F. Codd. It does not require the database structure to be initially
defined. Data is arranged in the form of a table with rows and columns. A name
is given to each table and column. Every table is given a unique column, known
as main key. This main key is used to link different tables. Relational databases
are widely used today. Figure 5.21 shows an example of a relational database.
5.10.3 Client-Server
Most database management systems are stored inside the server. Database
management system software will store and manage data in the server computer.
The client computer will be used by users to access and process the data
contained inside the database of the server computer. This method is known as
client-server system. The client-server system enables a database to be shared by
many users. Examples of server-based DBMS are Oracle, Informix and Sybase.
An example of software that can build user-interface software is PowerBuilder.
Examples of client-server systems are student registration system in OUM and
foreign worker registration in Malaysia Department of Immigration.
(a) Server has the main function as storage and processing is done by clients;
There are two ways on how to access data in a database, i.e. through query
language and application programs as shown in Figure 5.24.
With this language, users can add, edit, delete and access the database. An example
of the query language is Structured Query Language (SQL) which can be used to
access relational type of databases. An example of SQL instructions are presented in
Figure 5.25.
Users can also access databases through programs that are written in
programming languages like COBOL or C which contain SQL statements that are
embedded inside the programs. This technique is known as embedded SQL, as
shown in Figure 5.26.
The use of graphic software is very satisfactory if the work is done by a graphic
artist who has the ability in both artistic aspect as well as the ability to use
sophisticated graphic software to translate ideas. An artist uses the software as a
tool for producing fantastic computer-based arts. Graphic software is software
that converts numerical data into a graphic display form, such as the bar chart,
pie chart, etc. It enables users to produce various types of graphical forms. Five
types of graphics software are shown in Figure 5.28.
(e) Animation graphics ă Add movement over the image and drawing.
Examples of graphics software used for animation are Maya (for 3D
animation) and Adobe Flash Professional CS6. These types of software were
used to produce Toy Story and Toy Story 2.
Windows, Mac OS, UNIX and Linux are commonly used operating systems.
Besides that, we have also seen application software that is often used to
increase productivity of organisations and individuals such as word
processing, spreadsheet, databases, groupware software, etc.
By the end of this topic, you should be able to:
1. Explain the concept of programming languages;
2. State five generations of computer languages;
3. Identify six characteristics of programming language; and
4. Recognise different types of programming languages.
In this topic, we shall know more about programming language. Computer
programs are developed by using programming languages. A program is a set of
instructions followed by the computer, so that data can be processed. The process
of producing a program is called programming. Programming is a part of the
larger software development process which consists of problem specification,
program design, programming, program testing and program maintenance.
Figure 6.1: Relationship model among users, programming language and computer
Benefit Elaboration
Knowing superiority of the For example, if development involves a rapid prototype,
programming languages then, it is more efficient to use scripting language like
and where it is suitable to Python, rather than using C or C++.
be used
Understanding weaknesses Each language is suitable for one field. For example, to
of the programming develop graphical user interface (GUI), it is more efficient
languages to use C++ or Java rather than C. To do a lot of
calculations, Fortran is more suitable than Java or C.
Producing more efficient If a user understands a few programming languages,
solutions he/she can use the most efficient language for solving
problem. For example, if the solution requires access to
databases, it is better to use scripting language like
Python for linking, rather than C or C++.
Programming languages For example, an object-oriented language will make user
will influence usersÊ think of a solution based on the object concept, while a
thinking in solving logic-based language will make the user think of the
problems solution, based on logic.
Programming languages Most problems are more efficiently solved by experts in
are tools for solving the respective fields. Therefore, experts in certain fields
problems by using the can learn appropriate programming languages in order to
computer solve their problems.
Fields Year
Computer language generation is said to have begun from low level up to high
level. A programming language is said to be a low level one when it resembles
the language that is actually used by the computer. A high level programming
language, on the other hand, closely resembles the language used by human
beings like the Malay Language. Table 6.4 show five programming language
generations and how the programming language is represented in each of the
(a) First generation ă Programming language for this generation is the machine
language. With the machine language, a programmer can write an optimal
program. However, this method is quite difficult because the programmer
needs to remember binary code and numbers. Therefore, the machine
language is rarely used today. The machine language is also dependent on
the computer brand and this adds to more difficulties in using it.
It uses symbols and words to represent instructions and data, and does not
use binary digits like the machine language. An example of a program in
the assembly language is given below:
V86_signal_return :
Call SYMBOL_NAME (save_v86_state)
call SYMBOL_NAME (do_signal)
jmp restore_all
Among the reasons for the invention of the high level languages are to:
(ii) Enable a program to run on more than one machine, as it only needs
to be re-compiled before being run on a different machine; and
Source codes are programs that are written in high level languages.
(ii) Report generators are languages used to generate queries and reports
from databases; and
Each characteristic has its own strengths and weaknesses. The following sections
will discuss strengths and weaknesses of each characteristic.
Besides the above mentioned characteristics, there are also other characteristics of
programming languages like:
(c) Single data structure programming, e.g. APL language treats all data in the
form of matrix or sequential order; Icon language treats all data in the form
of expressions; and
Object-oriented language was invented to develop systems that are large and
The need for an object-oriented language arose when existing languages could no
longer fulfil the need of systems that are becoming more complex. The
advantages of object-orientation are ease of system management, ability to
change system properly and reusability of components in a new system. The
structure of an object-oriented language makes a program easier to design and
understand. Object-oriented languages handle images, audio, video and sound
much easier than procedural languages (third generation). The basic idea is to
focus on objects inside a system, not on functions that occur inside the system.
Concept Description
Class Blueprint that defines the variables (or attributes) and the methods
common to all objects of a certain kind.
Object Each object is an instance of a particular class. Many unique objects
can be created from the same class.
Encapsulation Term given to the process of hiding all details of an object that do not
contribute to its essential characteristics. Encapsulation hides the
implementation details of the object and the only thing that remains
externally visible is the interface of the object (i.e. set of all messages
the object can respond to).
Inheritance Capability of a class to use the properties and methods of another
class while adding its own functionality.
In writing logic-based program, users make use of Horn Logic, i.e. statement that
uses IF-THEN. All facts and rules will be stated in Horn Logic form.
Subsequently, the user will state a problem to be solved. The system will try to
solve the problem based on facts and rules that have been given. For example, we
can produce the following information based on Horn Logic:
actor {ali}
rich {ali}
Finally, we can ask the system the following question which means is ali happy?:
? – happy (ali)
The system will answer yes or no based on the information given before. An
example of the logic language is Prolog.
Examples of function languages are Lisp, FP, Scheme, Common Lisp, Hope,
Standard ML, Miranda, Haskell, Hugs and Lucid.
6.4.5 Script
Scripting languages are translated languages that are normally produced for
certain objective. They can be used for developing prototypes rapidly. This type
of language is portable between various types of computer platforms. Systems
that have been developed in scripting languages run slower. Examples of
scripting languages are awk, sed, Perl, Python, REXX, rebol and ruby.
6.5.1 C
It is a small language with attractive features. The C language is mostly used in
the development of system software and application software.
For example, Linux and UNIX operating systems were developed in C language.
The C programming course is a core subject in computer science programs for
most university. The C language is quite difficult to learn for new users but it is a
language that has various capabilities and is very powerful.
6.5.2 C++
C++ adds on object features to the C language based on ideas from Simula
language. Initially, it was known as C with Classes language. This language is
mostly used in large and complex systems development, such as telephone
switching, graphic user interface system, traffic control on road, etc.
6.5.3 Java
Java is an object-based language invented in 1995 by James Gosling. It has the
features of C++ and Simula.
Java converts Java programs into byte code, not to object code, where the byte
code can run in any operating system by using Java virtual machine without any
changes. This technique enables any Java program to be portable among many
computer systems. Initially, Java was mostly used in producing graphics and
animation on websites. It is known as widely used programming language in the
world. Java has been popular with the slogan „Write once, runs everywhere.‰
6.5.4 Perl
Perl is a scripting language that can be used in processing of text, common
gateway interface, database communication, etc. PERL has portability feature.
6.5.5 Python
Among applications that have been built using Python are web applications,
address book, computer network management and astronomical software.
Python is an alternative to Perl.
main ( )
printf (“hello world \ n”);
This source code needs to be compiled or converted into object code before it can
run in any computer. The compilation process is done by compiler. If this
program is compiled in Linux, it can only run in Linux; if compiled in Windows,
it can only run in Windows.
While source code is compiled, it will be linked to a library, i.e. set of existing
instructions inside an operating system. In Windows operating system, the
library is given extended dynamic loading library (.dll). Examples of libraries in
Windows operating system are vb200.dll and vb3000.dll. The software (or object
code) that is produced requires this library to run. Since the library is present in
the specific operating system (e.g. Windows) only, the object code that is
produced can run in Windows system only.
For example, two types of architecture for the processor are RISC and CISC.
Examples of CISC processors are Intel, AMD and Cyrix while examples of RISC
processors are Alpha, Motorola 6800 and PowerPC. Any program that is
compiled for an Intel processor cannot run on an Alpha processor because both
contain different object codes.
The higher the language is, the nearer it is to the human form.
Object-oriented language was invented to develop systems that are large and
Scripting languages are translated languages that are normally produced for
certain objective.
There are two types of Internet scripting language ă HTML and XML.
Assembler is used to convert programs from the assembly language into the
machine language.
Compiler is used to convert high level language (e.g. Basic, C, Pascal) into
machine codes.
Assembler Logic
Compiler Machine language
Encapsulation Object-oriented language
Function-based language Program
Imperative language Visual language
In this topic, we shall focus on the Internet itself. You may be familiar with
browsing the Internet, but do you know what the real capability of the Internet
is? Do you know the definition, history, development, issues and evolution of the
Internet? In this topic, we shall learn on the things that were mentioned earlier
and on the other hand, we are going to identify the client and server node in the
Internet. Besides that, you will also identify the effective process of searching and
managing information over the Internet. Finally, we will explore the current and
future trends of the Internet. Let us start!
The Internet is the short form of „international networking‰ that refers to the
largest type of global network. Now, imagine that all computer networks in the
world are linked to form one big network of a global nature. The network formed
is called the Internet, i.e. a network formed by a combination of computer
networks in the entire world. With the Internet, a computer in Kuala Lumpur can
access a computer in China, India, the US, Japan, Saudi Arabia and anywhere
else in the world.
The Internet is a grouping of computer networks that is very large and covers
the whole world. It operates using Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
Protocol (TCP/IP).
There were various proprietary networks linking several countries before the
Internet era, such as Malaysian Airline (MAS) network linking Malaysian Airline
offices worldwide, but these were not the Internet. The Internet has adopted the
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol in order to enable various types
of computers to work together. The Internet has been successful in creating a
global village where a community can communicate with another community
easily, without physical and time boundaries.
The term „intranet‰ refers to a portion of the Internet that is located inside one
organisation. „Intra‰ means inside.
For example, portion of the Internet located in all the faculties in the Open
University Malaysia (OUM) constitute is an intranet. The portion must be
guarded by special firewalls ensure that outsiders could not simply come into the
OUM to access its confidential files. So, intranet is really a subset of the Internet ă
one at the organisation level, while the other, at the global level.
(a) Internet;
(c) Extranet.
2. Based on the answer above, explain how they differ from one
The Internet network has an interesting history. By looking at the history, we are
able to evaluate advantages, disadvantages, weaknesses, past development and
future of the Internet better. The Internet network was born in the US, in 1969.
The Defence Department of US formed the Advanced Research Project Agency
(ARPA) which started the network. This organisation was responsible for
upgrading the activities of research and development in the field of technology to
compete with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR), the predecessor of
todayÊs Russia. This was the answer to the success of the USSR government in its
launching of the Sputnik satellite communication. In the 1970s, the US and the
USSR were in the Cold War period. Many people thought that the success of the
USSR had awakened the US from asleep.
In the 1970s, initiatives were taken to create a standard data sharing among
various types of computer networks. At that time, every computer company
introduced network systems that were different from one another. This initiative
enabled all computers of different brands in various types of networks to share
data or to communicate among themselves easily. In 1974, a data sharing
technique called Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) was introduced. Later, in
1978, this technique was expanded to what was called Transfer Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol.
In the 1980s and early 1990s, Internet usage was still confined to universities,
research centres and government organisations. Its main applications were e-
mail, File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and Usenet. In 1989, a big incident occurred in the
European Laboratory for Particle Physics (European Organization for Nuclear
Research [CERN]), a large research centre in Switzerland that was destined to
change the Internet forever. Tim Berners-Lee, a researcher at CERN, proposed an
information sharing technique based on hypertext for the Internet environment.
This multimedia system contains graphics, text, audio and video which can be
indexed and accessed easily by users in the entire world. This system has been
given various names like the web, World Wide Web, W3 or WWW. As we know
now, the Internet was born! The web can be defined as a network of various
types of information like graphics, audio, video and its text is based on hypertext.
The original term for hypertext was introduced by Ted Nelson in 1967.
Originally, hypertext only involved document texts but now, it involves
documents based on graphics, audio, video and others.
Ted Nelson worked to develop a hypertext system that was named Xanadu. The
basic idea of the hypertext was once presented by Vannevar Bush in an article As
We May Think in 1947. According to Nelson, hypertext means a collection of
documents or nodes that have links or references among themselves. Users can
read a document and access other documents via interactive links. The basic
concepts in hypertext are link, accessibility and interactivity. With hypertext, the
information provided is linked among themselves like a cobweb.
In 1992, there were 70 sites that offered Hypertext Transfer Protocol and the web
services on the entire Internet. The Hypertext Transfer Protocol was still not
widely used enough because there was no Internet browser that was good and
attractive for users. Most Internet browsers at that time were based on text.
Mosaic software is considered the main invention, i.e. a great application that has
successfully popularised the Internet to general users instantly. At the end of
1993, within two years of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol introduction, there
were 700 websites. The Internet began to attract media and general public. A lot
of news concerning the Internet was found in magazines, newspapers and TV.
From 1996 to 1999, there was a war on Internet browser software ă the software
that is used to surf the Internet between software giant Microsoft and Netscape.
Why? Many people thought that whoever managed to control the market in the
Internet browser software, would ultimately control the Internet because the
Internet browser is the „vehicle‰ for accessing the Internet.
Microsoft Corporation entered the Internet quite late. After realising the
importance of the Internet, Microsoft began to set out a strategy for controlling
the Internet. Remember that Microsoft was controlling 90% of the personal
computer operating systemsÊ market (nine out of 10 personal computers sold
were using Windows 95/98/ME/XP system). As a first step, Microsoft
produced the Internet Explorer and it was given out for free to customers. As a
result, in 1998, almost 90% of the browser market was controlled by Internet
Although the popularity of the Internet has increased and many dotcom
companies emerged rapidly, 2000 was a difficult year for the Internet.
Weaknesses on the Internet were felt by users. Among problems that arose were
difficulties in searching for relevant information, network congestion, unfiltered
news, various rumours, spread of viruses through e-mails, low security level
when credit cards were used in transactions, computer invasion and widespread
pornographic materials online. Many dotcom companies suffered from losses
and closed down. Based on research, companies that made profits on the Internet
were those that operated websites selling pornographic materials.
1. Surf the web for articles on the Internet between 1997 and 1999. In
their thirst to popularise the Internet, some of the statements made
could have been exaggerated. Based on current facts, which
statements are true and which statements are false?
Year Event
1969 Four computers were connected on the ARPANET network in US. The
computers were from University of California, Los Angeles; University of
California, Santa Barbara; Stanford Research Institute and University of Utah.
1971 The number of computers in the ARPANET was up to 21. A technique of e-mail
communication was introduced.
1973 The University College of London was connected to ARPANET, the first
connection of ARPANET outside the US.
1978 Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol data sharing technique was
1979 Usenet was introduced. It involved two computers in ARPANET.
1982 ARPANET used Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol completely.
Definitions of Internet and intranet were introduced. „Internet‰ refers to the
(worldwide) grouping of computer networks that uses Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol while „intranet‰ refers to a computer network that
uses Internet Protocol.
1984 The number of computers on the Internet exceeded 1,000 units.
1988 The Internet was massively attacked by the Internet worms which were
computer softwares that spread on their own. This incident shows the low level
of safety on the Internet. Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) was set
up to monitor security on the Internet.
1989 The number of computers exceeded 100,000 units. A book entitled Cuckoo Nest
was published. This book explained on how a group of invaders from Germany
were successful in entering some of the US military computers without
permission, via the Internet.
1990 ARPANET was terminated and replaced by National Science Foundation
Network network.
1991 Hypertext Transfer Protocol was produced by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN. This
became the basis for the development of the web on the Internet.
1992 The number of computers on the Internet exceeded 1 million units. Malaysia
also joined the Internet. The Internet network in Malaysia is managed by
Malaysian Institute of Microelectronic Systems (MIMOS). This network is
known as JARING and is participated by several local universities like OUM.
1996 Browser war between Netscape Communicator and Internet Explorer. At that
time, almost 80% of users were using Netscape.
1997 The backbone function of National Science Foundation Network for the
provision of Internet passage was taken over by a commercial company. A
computer programming language based on objects ă Java, was launched by Sun
Microsystem in 23 May 1997. This language received extraordinary responses.
Java enables websites to have various attractive animations. Search engines
were also introduced. There were already 17,618 discussion forums based on e-
1998 The Internet was estimated to have millions of websites. Electronic commerce
(e-commerce) and portal technology began to attract attention.
1999 The number of computers on the Internet was estimated at 76 million units. The
number of web servers was estimated at seven million units.
2000 An estimated about one billion websites were on the Internet.
In the Internet history and timeline, we have found rapid development of the
Internet just within a period of 30 years. The Internet began as a research network.
Then, it became a communication and data sharing network (this later evolved into
Internet becoming a platform for social media and social network) and a network
for e-commerce. The Internet has removed the physical boundaries that divided
the world and created a global village that transcends time and space.
Computers can also function as servers, i.e. computers that can be accessed by
users on the Internet. A server is a high-powered computer that is used as a
platform for websites, e-mails, electronic discussions, archives, file server, etc.
Normally, a server would use UNIX, Linux, Solaris or Windows 2000 Server as
its operating system.
A server has two forms of identification ă i.e. Internet Protocol address and fully
qualified domain name (FQDN). Examples fully qualified domain name for a
server are www.jaring.my ( or www.oum.edu.my (
The analogy here is that a person has an identity card number and name, so a
server too has an Internet Protocol address and fully qualified domain name. As
a simple rule, if the computer is high powered, has an Internet Protocol address
and fully qualified domain name, then, the computer is a server.
Fully qualified domain names are used to assist Internet users, because it is easier
to remember a fully qualified domain name www.jaring.my rather than an
Internet Protocol address Therefore, every server on the Internet
has an Internet Protocol number and name for identification. A fully qualified
domain name gives a lot of information regarding a certain server. For example,
the server name lms.oum.edu.my gives the following meaning ă lms is the
computer, oum is the organization name and my is the country name. Therefore,
in general, the name lms.oum.edu.my refers to a server located at the OUM.
Copyright © Open University Malaysia (OUM)
The end part of the server name normally shows the location or type of
organisation in which the server resides. For examples:
Because the Internet is originated from the US, the domain name for computers
in the US does not have a country name. For example,
We can see an example of an Internet address in Figure 7.3, while the explanation
of some domains is shown in Figure 7.4.
Did you know that most server names are in the form of Uniform Resource
Locator (URL) that has been the basis of Hypertext Transfer Protocol? An
example of a URL name is http://www.oum.edu.my:
Based on the above example, the term web, refers to the combination of hosting
server on the Internet that offer information based on Hypertext Transfer
Protocol. Previously as described, Hypertext Transfer Protocol is the protocol for
sending and receiving information based on hypertext. The information in the
form of hypertext can be linked with other information to create a link or web
with wider/broader information. Hypertext Transfer Protocol server has a
„prefix‰ of www like www.oum.edu.my, www.jaring.my and www.um.edu.my.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol server is also known as web server.
With e-mail, users can communicate with anyone, anywhere. E-mail is a type of
communication that is cheap and fast. An e-mail sent from the OUM takes only
seven seconds to reach the UK. By using e-mail, users can send attachments like
Microsoft Word documents, software, zipped files, graphics or audio.
The Internet also offers various online discussion topics via Usenet. There are
over 7,000 topics discussed inside Usenet and users can choose from various
topics that interest them. In a Usenet discussion, anyone from any part of the
world can give opinions or ideas freely. One of the ways to access is by accessing
Usenet server, such as http://dotsrc.org/usenet.
The Internet also offers discussions based on e-mails. Discussions normally focus
on a specific topic. Users need to have e-mail accounts to participate in the
discussions. There are several locations that offer discussions based on e-mail for
free, such as http://www.groups.yahoo.com.
Internet has become the platform or host to various social media and social
networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and many more.
All these sites have the features of Web 2.0, which is a term referred to sites that
allow users to connect, interact, contribute and collaborate with each other, rather
than being websites with static pages or just for retrieving information. Web 2.0
provides users with the opportunity to effectively present their ideas, lead online
discussions, share educational content and document files and collaborate with
each other mostly in real-time. Some of Web 2.0 applications are Google Docs,
Prezi, Pinterest and various others.
On the Internet, you can also search and get various types of information for
references and reading. There are various types of information available on the
Internet. A user can get the entire literary works of William Shakespeare,
translations of Quran, sayings of Prophet Muhammad, classical Malay literary
works, recipes for cake making, lecture notes, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
reports on Malaysia, etc. Many foreign and local universities have placed their
lecture sources like notes, sample examination paper and online software onto
the Internet to be accessed and these benefits the students. Example of lecture
website is http://www.vlib.org.
The Internet also offers various news sources which are up to date and fast via
newspaper and television websites.
(a) http://www.cnn.com
(b) http://www.thestar.com.my
(c) http://www.bharian.com.my
Users can also buy various things via the Internet. For example, users can buy
reference books from companies in Germany via the Internet. Purchases via the
Internet normally require credit cards. It is estimated that total sales via the
Internet, also called e-commerce, could reach up to billion in the near future.
(a) http://www.amazon.com
(c) http://www.lelong.com.my
The Internet also offers a variety of entertainment such as chat (chat), music,
videos, movies, blogs and games. On the Internet, you can also find various
websites that have been built by people for the purpose of promotion,
advertising, etc. Users can visit websites of a museum, a university, a company or
of an individual person and see various types of information being displayed.
These websites contain a variety of information in the form of text, audio, video,
graphics, cinema, software, etc. In other words, there are numerous materials on
hundreds of websites that can be accessed by the Internet.
Based on the discussions, we can think of the Internet as a very large virtual
environment, without boundaries, without a clear map and without anyone in
control, and which covers the entire world. It can be said to contain a reservoir of
knowledge about the world. It also offers ways of communication to human
beings efficiently and quickly.
Searching for information involves the process of searching the place where the
required information is present. This is an important process. Many users spend
a lot of time exploring the Internet searching for information but to no avail. The
user obtains information that is not relevant and out-of-date.
Two main ways of searching for information over the Internet are through search
engines and portals. Other minor approaches that can also be used are the
USENET, FAQ, e-mail discussion forums and archive sites. Examples of
components used to search the information on the Internet can be seen in
Figure 7.6.
The Internet security level has improved a lot. This can be seen on sites such as
online banking such as cimbclicks.com and maybank2u.com. Even so, there are
still successful invaders that access the host computer without permission. If it
successfully invaded, they will steal data, change sites, stealing credit card
numbers, make and other transactions.
Search engines are not intelligent but they are also not dumb either. They
function based on robot and index.
How does this robot work? A search engine will send many robots to wander
around the Internet. These robots will bring back data on the web servers visited.
Based on the data brought back by the robots, an index will be built. This index
basically contains key words and in which servers the key words are present.
Every search engine has different techniques in building the index. Therefore,
two different search engines will give different answers for the same key words.
Since the size of the Internet is so large, not all Internet servers are accessed by
robots. When users make a request based on key words in a search engine site,
the search engine will refer to the index to get relevant servers. The search engine
will always do the updating process over the index.
7.6.2 Portals
The second best way to access information is to use portals. A portal is a server
that contains a directory of several servers on the Internet based on categories of
information available on the servers. Users can find information by accessing the
servers in related categories.
(a) http://www.google.org
(b) http://www.yahoo.com
(c) http://www.wikipedia.org
Portals require human beings to arrange and classify servers into certain
categories. This method produces a list of servers that are more orderly and can
be used easily. For example, if a user wants to know more about the Java
programming language, he can access servers that are available in the category of
computer programming language. This method often produces information that
is suitable and relevant. The portal (site) at http://www.dmoz.org is an initiative
of Internet volunteers in building a portal. Commercial portals are those like
http:// www.yahoo.com and http://netscape.aol.com. An example of a portal
(website) for BlueHyppo is shown in Figure 7.8.
Just remember that USENET is an on-line discussion corner. There are various
discussion corners inside USENET. In one discussion corner, new users may be
asking very trivial questions in the eyes of experienced users. Often, whenever
trivial questions are asked in the discussion corners, experienced users would
say ă „RTFM or the FAQ‰. Do you know what are the meanings of these
The acronym RTFM means „Read the Fine Manual‰, i.e. the new user should
have read the manual first before asking trivial questions. The frequently asked
questions, i.e. a document in the form of questions and answers. Questions in
frequently asked questions are those that are often asked inside USENET
discussion corners. More details about USENET and frequently asked questions
will be deliberated in the upcoming topics in this module.
Besides frequently asked questions and RTFM, users can also search for
information on the archive server, i.e. a server that contains a lot of information
on certain specific topics. The address of the archive normally can be obtained
from frequently asked questions portals or documents. Many hosts on the
Internet serve as archives or centres of information gathering in certain fields.
Nowadays, there are many crimes committed through the Internet. There are
also individuals who abuse the Internet as a source of reference for doing
criminal. For example misuse of chat or social networking site to lure women or
teenagers for various purposes are not healthy. This is quite dangerous isnÊt it?
Businesses too will increase via the Internet. Various steps are being taken to
make the Internet more widespread and easily used by users, e.g. Internet access
via TV, third generation (3G) approach to mobile phones, the use of optical fibres
and high powered lines to houses. Based on earlier discussion, we find the
Internet too has problems. By understanding these problems, users will be aware
of limitations, future of the Internet and will not easily believe everything that is
found on the Internet. The Internet is a virtual space and has a very wide
There are five major trends related to future Internet, as shown in Table 7.3.
Trend Description
We always Simple example is that we use e-mail in the office or at home
communicate using using a laptop. If we are mobile, i.e. at the airport, for example,
variety of devices in we still can be connected to the e-mail by using other devices,
various places such as smartphone or tablet for editing process of the e-mail.
Everyday, we use For example, online banking, online games, Internet TV, digital
variety of online movies, video on demand, magazine subscription or online
services newspapers, online purchases, online distance learning and
social networking.
The Internet has Users will be powered by equipment and low cost device which
evolved rapidly from allows them to create their own content and make the product
sharing information and services to be more personal. To make the content and
concept to products more attractive, collaborative concept was practiced for
collaborative the production and better service. This sparked a phenomenon
publication that changes the work ethics, commercial and social activities
among the Internet users.
Everyday, the These smart products are used to collect and process data. This
number of smart information could then be used in the subsequent preparation of
products increased the information that a decision can be made.
Personal information In future, different devices and users can be used to collect
spread in various information about other users (such as location, time and
system and network behaviour). Data accumulated will be used as a set of system to
indicate the particular user. If there is demand, this can be
disbursed quickly to other parties.
Infographics from the following websites may also provide you an overview and
future developments on the Internet:
(a) http://buildtheresidual.com/27/the-internet-in-2015-
(b) http://dailyinfographic.com/2016-the-year-of-the-zettabyte-infographic
(c) http://www.smashingapps.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/The-
Arguably, if you want to keep abreast of Internet in many aspects, you can get it
from the Internet as well. Agree?
Ć Beginning in 1969 until today, computers and the Internet have undergone
through five phases (before 1969, 1970ă1990, 1990ă1997, 1997ă2000 and 2001ă
onwards) and have become a major part of our life.
Ć The Internet is a grouping of computer networks that is very large and covers
the whole world. It operates by using Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
Ć The term „Intranet‰ refers to a grouping of some local area networks inside
an organisation only (intra means inside).
Ć The Internet began in the US with the birth of ARPANET for research and
sharing academic resources. ARPANET has grown rapidly and was later
replaced with National Science Foundation Network.
Ć Hypertext Transfer Protocol and the web speed up the rapid development of
the Internet.
Ć There are two types of computers on the Internet, i.e. host computers and
server computers.
Ć Computer can also function as a server that is the computer can be accessed
by users on the Internet.
Ć Server has two forms of identification, i.e. Internet Protocol address and fully
qualified domain name. A fully qualified domain name is much easier to
remember compared to Internet Protocol address.
Ć There is a lot of information on the Internet about various things. This can be
searched via search engines and portals.
Ć There are several major trends associated with the future of the Internet such
as existence of online services, number of smart products constantly growing
and so forth.
ARPANET Intranet
Cyber Law Internet
Domain Internet Protocol (IP)
E-mail National Science Foundation Network
Search engine
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
Transmission Control
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
By the end of the topic, you should be able to:
1. Explain seven types of software that are available on the Internet;
2. Distinguish between shareware and freeware;
3. Describe the concept and advantages of open source software;
4. Explain the term File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and telnet;
5. Practice ethical and the use of smiley icons, acronyms and
signature to write e-mails effectively;
6. Discuss Usenet and frequently asked questions (FAQ); and
7. Analyse and discuss the Internet phenomenon.
In this topic, we shall learn about software that is available on the Internet.
Software can be obtained free of charge but some have to be bought. This topic
will also discuss a popular Internet communication technique, i.e. e-mail. In the
beginning, e-mails were text-based but now, you can even send several types of
data together with e-mails, such as text documents, graphics, audios, PowerPoint
presentations and many more. We will also discuss some of the things related to
e-mail such as ethics, the smiley icons and many others. Finally we will discuss
about the Usenet and frequently asked questions (FAQ). Are you ready?
We will look at the types of software in more detail in the next subtopic.
Shareware is a type of software that can be used by users for free within a
certain period of time.
After that period, if the user continues to use the software, he/she needs to send
payment to the programmer of the software. This allows the consumer to make a
choice whether to continue using it or switch to another application.
Do you know some of the examples of this software? Examples of shareware are
Winzip (see Figure 8.2) and McAfee (antivirus).
Besides shareware, there is also freeware. It is available free of charge from the
Internet. Often, this software has specific charge to users who want to add
functionality or upgrade the software. If not, the user will remain with basic
functions or normal functions of the software.
Open source software is a software that can be obtained without any cost,
together with its source code that licensed to be studied, changed and
redistributed freely to others.
Distribution of the software together with its source codes has the following
(a) Users can modify the software and are not tied/bound to any company;
(b) Users have the opportunity to remove errors that may be present inside the
source codes; and
(c) Users can also learn how the software is built based on the source codes.
The open source software begins with the GNU project (GNU is not UNIX), i.e. a
project founded by Richard Stallman from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(MIT) in the beginning of the 1980s. The original aim of this project was to
produce a system based on UNIX for free. This project has been successful in
producing software of high quality, such as GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)
compiler, Lisp program compiler, Emacs editor and others. All GNU softwares
uses the copyright called GNU Public Licence (GPL) which states that anyone
can modify the program source code but the modification must be shared with
other users. Basically, GNU encourages software and source code sharing among
users so that high quality software can be produced.
The GNU Public Licence concept is the opposite of the commercial software
concept. Commercial software would tie users to the software company. If the
software contains errors, users will have to wait for the newer version to be
produced and this will take a long time. If the software company raises the price,
users will have to accept that and pay more for the latest version of the software.
Users can make any modification to the source code of the open software but
users are requested to share the modification with other users via the Internet.
With this intellectual sharing, it is hoped that the software will be continuously
modified, so that it will become a high quality software.
Examples of open source software widely used today are Linux (operating
system), Apache (web server), GNU Compiler Collection (C language compiler),
Perl and R (statistical software). We can see the definition of GNU Public Licence
software, as shown in Table 8.1.
GNU Public
Licence Software
Linux Operating system for a computer. It is an alternative to commercial
software like Windows 95/98/ME/NT, Mac OS and Sun Solaris. It
is widely used in universities, research centres, private companies
and public. It contains lasting characteristics (Linux can operate for
years without stopping), multiprocessing, multi-user and other
sophisticated characteristics. Today, Linux system has a desktop
environment similar to Windows 98/ME/NT in terms of user-
friendliness. It can be installed together with Windows 98/ME
inside one computer.
TeX A document processing system. It is used to produce various
types of documents and books, especially those that involve
many mathematical expressions. Detailed information can be
obtained on the website http://www.tug.org. TeX is produced
by Donald Knuth, a famous mathematician and computer
scientist. One amongst his writings is The Art of Computer
Programming in three volumes.
LibreOffice High quality office software which contains word processing,
spreadsheet, database and presentation software for free. This is
an alternative to the Microsoft Office or Open Office. All types of
documents inside Microsoft Office can be read by LibreOffice.
Many government organisations today have changed to
LibreOffice. Users need a minimum memory of 64MB and at least
a Pentium processor to use the LibreOffice with comfort.
GNU A project started by Richard Stallman at Massachusetts Institute
of Technology in 1981 to produce a free UNIX system. Among
the software products of this project are GNU Compiler
Collection C compiler, Emacs editor, R statistical software, Perl
language, Awk processor and Fortran g77 compiler. All GNU
software use a GNU Public Licence.
There are thousands of high quality open source software pieces available over
the Internet for users.
You can visit the following website for detailed information on open source
(a) http://www.opensource.org
(b) http://www.gnu.org
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a technique of downloading data from any File
Transfer Protocol server on the Internet onto the userÊs computer.
Many servers offer anonymous ftp services, i.e. the server allows anyone
anywhere to download data from it. Examples of server that offer anonymous ftp
are ftp://ftp.jaring.my.
User can use variety of software to manage the files on the server. Among the
commonly used software is CuteFTP (see Figure 8.5).
To use telnet, a user needs to have a user account on the server to be accessed.
The telnet technique can be used to access servers at foreign university libraries,
Usenet server, Internet Relay Chat (IRC) server, MUD server or database server.
An example of the use of telnet is, suppose a user wants to perform complex
calculations that require high performance computers (super), what should
he/she do? Users can proceed to the supercomputer centre in Malaysia, i.e. at
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Jalan Semarak, Kuala Lumpur to perform
these tasks.
Besides that, users can access to the supercomputer via Internet. Users can telnet
to the supercomputer and perform computations on the computer remotely.
Therefore, the telnet technique enables the sharing of supercomputer resources
for all users wherever they may be in Malaysia.
8.6 E-MAIL
An e-mail is a communication technique between users on the Internet. In the
early days, e-mails were only text-based. Today, users can send various types of
data together with e-mails, such as Microsoft Word documents, PowerPoint
presentations, Excel spreadsheets, graphic .jpg, audio .mp3 and others. The
computer server that manages an e-mail is called the Simple Mail Transfer
Protocol (SMTP) server.
To use e-mails, users need to have an e-mail account on the e-mail server. Most
organisations like universities and private companies give out free e-mail
accounts to their staff. If users use the services of tm.net.my or jaring.my, they
too are given free e-mail accounts.
There are websites that offer free e-mail accounts such as Gmail at
mail.google.com and Yahoo! Mail at mail.yahoo.com. Users can access the
websites and register for the e-mail accounts. These free e-mail websites are
popular among students and other individuals.
An e-mail account contains two parts ă account name and the name of the Simple
Mail Transfer Protocol server (domain name). For example, a user with the name
Anis Shafiqah has an account name of anis_shafiqah on the host server Simple
Mail Transfer Protocol oum.edu.my. If the user registers at www.oum.edu.my
with that account name, the userÊs e-mail account is anis_shafiqah@oum.edu.my.
The account name has a minimum of eight characters and a maximum of
32 characters, on condition that it does not contain special characters or space.
The following e-mail account names are not valid: „anis shafiqah‰, „a shafiqah‰;
while the following account names are valid: „anis_shafiqah‰ and „a_shafiqah‰.
Select a good account name that is suitable and can be easily remembered
by other users. Names such as „brutal99‰, „lanunlaut‰, „amy89810‰ and
„mahakaya‰ are certainly not suitable. Imagine the feelings of the receiver when
he receives an e-mail from someone with the name mat_brutal@hotmail.com.
To read an e-mail on the user account on the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
server, users can use two techniques and they are:
(a) Users can use the server software and access the said Simple Mail Transfer
Protocol server; and
(b) Users can download e-mail from the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
server onto a personal computer using the Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3)
If the user is an Internet subscriber with www.jaring.my, the Post Office Protocol
3 technique/protocol is used to download e-mails from pop.jaring.my onto their
personal computer. The e-mail client software that can be used is Eudora,
Pegasus and Microsoft Outlook. We can see an example of an e-mail
communication website, i.e. Gmail as shown in Figure 8.6.
Advantages Disadvantages
Can discuss with and pose questions The number of e-mails received may be a
to many Internet users who are lot. Certain active discussion corners will
knowledgeable in certain fields. see more than 200 e-mails a day.
Answers to questions may be obtained Users need to spend a lot of time reading
very quickly. e-mails.
Can share opinions and information with Most e-mail contents are rubbish and not
people who have the same interest. beneficial.
Low cost. ă
(a) Observing the traditional customs during discussions. Always respect other
userÊs opinions even if they disagree. Agree to disagree;
(b) Remembering that it is a virtual discussion corner. Users do not know other
users or their background. Other users may be older or may have more
experience. They may be a professor, researcher, program expert, chief
executive officer, campusmate, neighbour, etc.;
(c) Showing good conduct. This demonstrates your personality to other users.
If a user is noisy and obnoxious during discussions, most likely his
questions will not be entertained by other users;
(d) Sharing your expertise and asking questions, if you need the expertise of
other users. By sharing, a user can establish communication with other users;
(e) Respecting the privacy of other users and not discussing on private issues;
(f) Willing to forgive other userÊs mistakes and ready to help in solving
problems. Do not entertain people who like to quarrel;
(g) Discussion forums are archived. Maybe in 10 yearsÊ time, if users search on
the Internet, they may find their old e-mails again. Therefore, be careful
when writing them; and
(f) Not posting usersÊ private e-mails onto the discussion forums without
permission of the concerned users (very important). This violates the
privacy act of certain countries.
8.6.3 Smiley
An e-mail content in the form of text makes it difficult for users to express
emotions like anger, happiness, sleepiness, hatred, tears and laughter. Therefore,
the smiley icon technique is used. A smiley contains text-based symbols used
inside e-mails to represent a certain emotion like anger, hatred and laughter. To
view a smiley, users need to tilt their heads 90 degrees leftwards. Now, most of
the e-mail has options for smileys icon (see Figure 8.7):
Is it less effect or impact? Let us change it into more effective e-mail and better
impact by using icons smiley:
Smiley symbols are :-) and :-(. The second e-mail shows that the writer feels sad
and jokingly asks if the receiver can help. There are hundreds of smiley symbols
and the three most common ones are shown in Table 8.3.
Do you know how smiley starts? You can visit the following website to learn
history and how smiley icons start:
In your opinion, what are other icons that can be added? Try to find
other icons in other websites. Compare ways and means they are
8.6.4 Acronyms
What is ASAP, ROTFL, RTFM, YMMV, BTW? These characters are acronyms or
short forms that are used to represent phrases that are normally used on the
Internet. In Table 8.4, nine of the popular acronyms are shown. Acronyms are
used to facilitate users to write quickly without the need to type full sentences in
the e-mail, discussion and chat. This can save time and reduce the errors in
spelling. In fact, space can also be saved!
Anis Shafiqah
Faculty of Information Technology and Multimedia Communication
Open University Malaysia
Jalan Tun Ismail
50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-88999100
E-mail: anis_shafiqah@oum.edu.my
Guideline Explanation
Ensure that your e-mail This makes it easier for the receiver to read your e-mail. It
content is short and is not proper to send a long-winded e-mail, hoping the
precise. receiver will read it. Remember, the receiver is also busy
with other work and may receive hundreds of e-mails a
Ensure that an exact title is This will help the receiver to determine the importance of
used. the e-mail received.
Do not enclose a large This would cause problems to the SMTP. Limit the size of
sized attachment. your attachment to less than 1MB. There are cases when
users send e-mail attachments of 50MB in size.
Ensure that the e-mail sent Use the virus scanner to examine the e-mail received.
and received does not
contain a virus.
Process your e-mail in a For example, before going out for lunch, solve all your
batch. e-mail communication directly. Do not postpone.
Archive all important e- For reference or evidence in the future.
Do not subscribe to many For example, if you subscribe to five discussion corners,
e-mail discussion corners. each discussion has 100 e-mails a day. So, you will receive
an average of 500 e-mails a day. Your day will be used to
read e-mails only.
Do not reply to e-mails E-mail enables you to reply directly even to those who
while you are angry. you are not comfortable with. You may regret sending
the reply. Once replied, an e-mail cannot be retracted.
A Usenet discussion does not involve e-mails. Users do not have to register with
any server to enter Usenet. For example, if users access the Internet via jaring.my,
they can use the Usenet server news.jaring.my to participate in and read Usenet.
Usenet discussion is divided into a number of major topics. These topics are later
broken down into more specific subtopics. Therefore, users can easily search for
discussion corners that are of interest, as shown in Figure 8.9.
For example, a user wants to read an article inside the C programming language
discussion corner. The user can access the discussion corner comp.lang.c. If the
user wants to read about Malaysia, he can access soc.culture.malaysia.
An example of an article inside comp.lang.c is shown in Figure 8.10.
Inside USENET discussion forums, users can share opinions, request for help,
argue, spread rumours, sell items, fire at someone, criticise someone, get to know
each other, etc. There is no filtering of the USENET contents. Therefore, the
USENET contents may be true or false. Users are reminded not to readily believe
stories such as get-rich-quick-schemes or pills for preventing old age that are
available inside USENET.
Inside USENET discussion corners, the same questions are occasionally asked by
a new user. To avoid this, veteran users of discussion forums have taken the
initiative to produce a document called frequently asked questions (FAQ).
It is wise to read the frequently asked questions first before posing questions
because it contains useful information for new users to refer to and to know. An
archived frequently asked questions document is available at the website
http://www.faqs.org and has been discussed in Topic 7.
One of the phenomenons of the Internet nowadays is the addictive uses of social
network websites and applications such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LINE,
Google+ and many more. So, what do you know about social network websites?
Boyd and Ellison (2013) in their article titled Social Network Sites: Definition,
History and Scholarship have defined the social network websites as web-based
services that allow individuals to:
(b) Articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection; and
(c) View and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within
the system.
Facebook is the most popular social network site that allows users who are part
of the same „network‰ to view otherÊs profiles, unless a profile owner has
decided to deny permission to those in their network. Figure 8.11 shows the
interface of Facebook website for Open University Malaysia.
The other trending on the Internet that currently attract many users are the
growth usage of smart phones, that leads to active development of mobile
applications in accessing data over the Internet; clouds computing that allow
accessibility, storage and online communication, such as through Google
ChromeOS or Chromebook, Box, Dropbox, Google Drive and etc.; wearable
computing such as Google Glass, smart watches and etc. ă all technologies that
has been developing to cater the growth of the Internet all around the world.
Discuss some phenomenons of the Internet and predict the future of the
software and applications used for the Internet.
There are various types of software on the Internet. Some of them are
shareware, freeware, open source software, protocols, file transfer, telnet,
e-mail and Usenet.
Shareware is a software that can be used by users for free within a specific
The open source software begins with the GNU project (Gnu is not UNIX),
i.e. a project founded by Richard Stallman from Massachusetts Institute of
Technology in the beginning of the 1980s. The original aim of this project was
to produce a system based on UNIX for free.
Among the advantages of open source software is the user can change or
modified the software and they are not tied to any company.
There are several ethical issues that need to be observed during e-mail
Acronym or brief phrases that are used to represent the commonly used
phrase on the Internet.
Communication is simply the transfer or exchange of messages, ideas, thoughts,
information or knowledge by means of whatever forms like words, writing,
behaviour or even body language. Data communication is a more specialised
term, targeting at the collection and distribution of electronic data in the form of
text, voice, pictures, graphics, video, etc. via the communication network.
There are four important elements that need to be known before any type of
communication can happen. These elements are message, sender, receiver and
media. In this topic, we shall study each of these basic elements closely.
There are four elements for each type of communication to happen. The elements
are message, sender, receiver and media, as illustrated in Figure 9.1 inside a
telephone communication.
(a) The Sender ă The sender is the message transmitter or the place where a
message begins. The sender may be a person, an application, a machine that
can create messages or replies without human assistance, system user,
sensor, staff card reader or other input devices.
ask the computer software to search for the website concerned. Thus, we
are the sender, the computer is the receiver, the website address is the
message and the Internet is the media.
(c) The Receiver ă It can be the presence of a message, media and sender but
there is no receiver. Without a receiver, communication cannot happen. For
example, we can cry for help in a jungle; so there is a message, a sender, a
media but there is no receiver; hence, there is no communication taking
place. The receiver is the target of the message. The receiver may be a
computer, terminal, printer, people, remote control device and others. In
computer network, receiver and sender can be present inside the same
computer. For example, sender of an e-mail mazlan@oum.edu.my sends an
e-mail to azly@oum.edu.my; both sender and receiver are present inside the
same oum.edu.my e-mail server.
(d) The Media ă A message is carried from sender to receiver via the
communication media. The media is the channel or vehicle for carrying the
message. For example, in a communication that involves two people talking
face-to-face, the medium is the air; while in the communication of
telephone conversation, the medium could be the telephone line, a
microwave, a wireless or a combination of these.
9.1.4 Security
When data is sent, it will become an attraction for eavesdropping. An example is
buying goods via the Internet using credit cards. The credit card number sent via
this medium will be easily stolen, if security measures are not taken. Among
security measures often used is encryption. We shall discuss this issue in another
topic later.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(a) Analogue Signals ă Are continuous, i.e. when signals are sent via media
(e.g. telephone wires), the electrical signals that are transmitted are
represented in the form of continuous sine wave, as shown in Figure 9.3.
The sine wave is featured by three parameters, i.e. frequency, amplitude
and phases, as shown in Figure 9.4.
(iii) Phase ă Rate of signal change with time or the measure of time shift of
the waves that is measured in degrees (À). Signals with the same
frequency can have different phases, if they are compared. In Figure
9.6, the bottom wave (b) has a different phase, i.e. phase 180À
compared with the top wave (a). One complete wave cycle begins at a
point and continues until it reaches the point again. A shift in phases
happens when one cycle is not yet complete, but one new cycle has
already begun, i.e. before the previous cycle has completed fully. This
happens at point 1 in Figure 9.6(c).
(b) Digital Signals ă Like a discrete wave when compared with analogue
signal, which is like a continuous sine wave. In the digital transmission, a
series of discrete pulses are transmitted or sent, e.g. carrying digit 0 and 1.
These 0 and 1 values are similar to the binary data representation in the
Digital signals are in two states only, i.e. low voltage and high voltage,
off and on or 0 and 1.
Explain the differences between analogue and digital signals.
Data transmission between two points or between two computers can happen in
two forms, i.e. in parallel or in series. Data that are sent by the parallel
transmission will be delivered in one go, normally in one byte (8 bits)
simultaneously. If 8-bit data are sent, 8 parallel wires are used to send the data,
i.e. each bit is sent via separate wires, as shown in Figure 9.8. Extra wires are
needed to send data between the sender and receiver. These signals allow data to
be sent in a proper sequence.
Printers, for example, receive data from computers via the parallel ports that are
transmitted in parallel, i.e. character (byte) by character (byte). This transmission
is suitable for short distances. Parallel transmission is not practical for data
communication. Computers normally transmit data in serial form because of the
high speed. Centronics parallel interface is an example of the parallel format.
Serial transmission is transmitting data serially, i.e. data being sent one bit
after one bit, as shown in Figure 9.9.
Serial transmission is slower than parallel transmission, but is more suitable for
long distances. Serial transmission is the normal method of data transmission in a
communication network. In data communication, data are transmitted serially.
Two modes of transmission for serially transmitted data are synchronous
transmission and asynchronous transmission.
Parity bit is used to track errors. Start bit informs the receiver that data will be
sent. Stop bit means data have all been sent.
Each character can be separated by a different time space, which means that there
is no synchronisation between sender and receiver, especially when there is no
data being sent. Synchronisation is achieved only at each character. The receiver
will synchronise with the sender when start bit is received. Several agreements
between sender and receiver are the number of bits per word, parity check
whether odd or even, speed of transmission, and how the message is ended.
For sending each character, two additional bits are also sent. For example,
100 characters are sent, so the total bits being sent are 1,000 bits (i.e. eight bits
per character + two bits for start/stop × 100). These 1,000 bits are equivalent to
125 characters, where 25 additional characters constitute the overheads for the
asynchronous transmission. The asynchronous transmission is clearly not
efficient for sending a large amount of data. It is suitable for the low-speed data
communication, normally up to 32,000bps.
The receiver will check the data bits received until a header is found that contains
Synchronous Idle (SYN) characters and start bit, as shown in Figure 9.11 above.
Next, both the sender and receiver will mutually synchronise between them. The
receiver will receive all characters until a tail is found containing the last
character and SYN character. Data block (or packet) size varies from a few
characters to hundreds of characters. The bigger the data block, the faster the
transmission will be.
9.4.1 Simplex
Simplex data transmission allows data to move in one direction only, i.e. similar
to the one-way traffic, as shown in Figure 9.12.
9.4.2 Half-Duplex
Half-duplex data transmission confirms that data move in two directions, but
only in one direction at a time. For example, moving through a very narrow
bridge allows you to move only one car at one time, climbing the road to FraserÊs
Hill where going up and coming down are fixed at different hours, people who
communicate using walkie-talkie or radio taxi or communication between two
computers using modems, as shown in Figure 9.13.
(a) The time for the device to change its role from sender to receiver or vice
(b) The waiting time while the sender device transmits a message to confirm
readiness to receive data to the receiver device; and
(c) The waiting time for the sender device while waiting for the reply on
readiness to receive data from receiver device.
9.4.3 Full-Duplex
Full-duplex transmission allows data to be sent in two opposite directions all the
time, i.e. just like the two-way street, as shown in Figure 9.14.
Bit rate is the real measure of the number of bits transmitted every second. Bit
rate or data rate measured in bit per second (bps). For example, modem speed
is 14,400bps.
Baud rate is a measure of the number of changes of line states per second.
Change of line state means a change from state 0 to state 1 or vice versa, for
the digital signal. For the binary digital signal, baud rate = bit rate.
Frequency is the amount of data being sent via a channel or line at wave
frequency ă the cycle of waves per second. Frequency is stated in Hertz (Hz)
or cycles per second.
Bandwidth is the difference between the highest and the lowest frequency that
is supported by a certain channel or line.
There are three grades of bandwidth. Let us learn more about each grade of
bandwidth in Table 9.1.
Bandwidth Description
Voice band The bandwidth that is present in the public switched telephone network.
It is called voice band because public switched telephone network is built
(from history) for voice communication instead of data. The width of its
bandwidth is 4,000 Hz, which is sufficient for sending voice. Since its
bandwidth is small, it is used for communication at the rate of up to
Medium Normally used for communication that involves mainframe computers
band and minicomputers. Its normal speed is between 56K to 264Mbps.
Broadband It involves the satellite, microwave, coaxial cable, and optical fibre. It is
used for high-speed computers and has a speed between 56K to 30Gbps.
1. Discuss the differences between bit rate and baud rate. When will
both the bit rate and the baud rate be equal?
The types of transmission media for carrying signals depend on the types of
signals. Twisted pair wire and coaxial cable carry signals in the form of electrical
pulses. Light pulses signals can be carried via optical fibre cable. For the
electromagnetic wave that penetrates the air, it requires the support of
microwave and satellite systems. The three forms of data ă light pulses,
electromagnetic wave and infrared wave ă are all the types of waves that come
with the wireless type of transmission media.
Transmission media can be classified as guided (via the physical media such as
twisted pair wires, coaxial cable and optical fibre cable) or unguided (via air,
vacuum and water).
There are two types of wires or cables, i.e. unshielded twisted pair (UTP) and
shielded twisted pair (STP). Unshielded twisted pair wires are cheaper and easier
to handle, but can be disturbed easily and have a shorter coverage distance as
compared with the and shielded twisted pair.
Besides being classified into unshielded twisted pair and shielded twisted pair,
twisted pair wires are also classified according to categories set by EIA/TIA-568.
In general, the factors that differentiate between these categories are the thickness
of wires according to American wire gauge (AWG) and the error features.
coaxial cables are TV cable, cable used to connect TV and receiver of TV wave,
and the short link between computer and local area network. This cable can carry
data or signals of electrical pulses type.
In the voice communication system, every coaxial cable can support about
60 voice channels. Such cables that support multiple voices are called bandwidth
coaxial cables with a speed of up to 100Mbps. This kind of cable is called thick
coaxial cable, thicknets or 0Base5, which is also called thick Ethernet.
Another kind of this cable is the basic band coaxial cable that is used to send data
at high speed such as in the local area network (LAN). Cable that is often used in
the local area network is the RG-58AU cable that is often called the thin coaxial
cable, thinnets or 10Base2, which is also called thin Ethernet ă with a speed of up
to 10Mbps. An example of the coaxial cable can be seen in Figure 9.16.
Coaxial cable offers bandwidth and a degree of immunity from highly unstable
signals. In addition, this cable is cheap to install and follows the standard.
However, this cable incurs high cost for long distances because of the need for
repeaters. The safety level of this cable is not yet high. Termination and
connecting points of this cable need to be done correctly to avoid spoilage that
can create congestion in the network, thus, preventing access to it.
Optical fibre is made from silicon fibre or silica, which is thinner than the human
hair. It can be used to transmit various types of data such as video, pictures,
multimedia, music and graphics. Since data are transmitted via light, they are not
affected by electronic disturbances and that will reduce errors in data
transmission. This fibre is also lighter than coaxial cable. Optical fibre cable is
used for linking long distances or linking between continents. Each fibre can
support multiple voice channels or TV channels.
For a medium-size microwave system, the cost is medium, can be divided into
subchannels and can be extended to long distances, but it can be easily disturbed
by noise from weather and electricity and need to overcome the line of sight
problem, as well as geography. The use of microwave also follows tight rules in
order to avoid overlapping.
Satellite acts as a relay station between one earth station and another earth
station. The signal frequency that is uplink to satellite is different from the signal
frequency that is downlink to the earth station. Types of satellites are classified
according to their locations from the earthÊs surface and also the signal frequency
to uplink and to downlink. Example of satellite is shown in Figure 9.19.
Satellite system is expensive but cost-effective for sending large volumes of data.
The satellite coverage area on earth is called footprint. The position between
satellites needs to follow certain rules to avoid signal disturbances between each
other. There are three advantages and seven disadvantages of using satellite
system, as presented in Table 9.2.
Advantages Disadvantages
Can cover wide area of Signals become weaker/noisier at long distances
High loading Useful for seven to 10 years duration, beyond which, it will
run out of real orbit
Low cost for each user Data transmitted can be heard by anyone, except for
encrypted data
Satellite transmissions can be disturbed by other people
High cost for installation and transmission
Requires parabola and decoder
Delays in receiving signals
9.6.6 Infrared
Infrared technology is a data transmission in the form of infrared radiation,
without going through wires. This approach is limited to one small area only and
is based on the line of sight. The transmission rate is about 10Mbps. This
technology can be used for wireless computer network. Another application
example is a remote control unit of a TV.
9.6.7 Radio
Radio frequency technology that utilises the wireless transmission is divided into
two, i.e. high frequency and low frequency. High frequency radio technology,
such as cellular radio, can penetrate office walls but has limited coverage. Low
frequency radio technology utilises the radio spectrum technology, has a big
penetrating power, wide coverage but has a problem of disturbances. Radio
spectrum technology utilises the normal radio frequency such as amplitude
modulation (AM), frequency modulation (FM) and short wave. This technology
is normally used for pagers.
Cellular radio technology is designed for mobile computing and often uses
mobile phone, also called the cellular telephone. In Malaysia, there are many
cellular telephone operators like Celcom, Digi and Maxis. This cellular
technology uses radio frequency and cell sites. Cell site is a geographical area of a
circular shape that operates the cellular phone inside a specified physical area.
Users move from one cell to another cell. Each cell is linked to the master cell site
that provides a link to the normal telephone network. Normally, data transfer
rate for the cellular radio is up to 19,200bps.
Cellular radio technology can also use low earth orbit satellite. Examples of
cellular radio satellites are Iridium and Teledesic. Cellular radio technology has
progressed and various latest cellular technologies have been introduced in the
The sender is the message transmitter or the place where a message begins.
The sender may be a person, software application, machine that can create
messages or replies without human assistance, system user, sensor, staff card
reader or other input devices.
Cellular radio technology concept has becoming more popular now. Many
communication companies like Maxis, Celcom and DiGi uses this technology.
Now, we are vigorously going through the process of information revolution
where the information technology (IT) has revolutionised our capability of
extracting, manipulating, storing, communicating and presenting information.
As discussed in the previous topics, IT is not only made up of computer
hardware and software, but also people with the know-how and people as users
of the technology.
Next, we will describe four types of computer security and personal issues.
Finally, we will look at the concept of ergonomics and green computing in IT.
Ethics is about behaviour and moral conduct; whether it brings good or bad
influences on human beings.
In another word, ethics is a philosophy that deals with the principles of doing
good and bad, especially in the context of morality.
When this issue is raised, you may be asking, what is the relationship between
ethics and IT? The advancement of IT has created a world without borders. We
can now interact with anyone regardless of location, while data too can be moved
from one location to another. Even your confidential data that used to be kept in
your drawer before, can be easily opened now, if they have been converted into
the electronic form. Behind these facilities provided by IT, we need to be aware of
irresponsible parties who take advantage of our carelessness in using IT in our
daily activities. Now, it is very important to emphasise the ethical aspect of IT to
user of this technology.
(b) Is there a need to see all the e-mails of junior staff to ensure that they do not
use e-mails for personal objectives?
There are many aspects of ethical practices in our society with regards to the
application of IT. For example, using IT creates an impact on the society and this
gives rise to ethical considerations in many other areas. IT has both positive and
negative effects on the society in many fields. Now, let us see further details of
the impacts of IT on society in the following Table 10.1:
Impact Details
Societal IT can address the needs of people on the street and provide solutions to
solutions several problems in our society. Societal networking software like e-mail,
Facebook and chatting help people to communicate and interact easily
and quickly making distance quite a trivial matter. The world also has
been transformed into a virtual global village and without borders.
Employment The impact on workers who feel financially threatened, such as in
factories where the management reduces staff size because of some
processes being replaced by robots. Similarly, in the banking field when
they use automated teller machine (ATM) and online banking, which
make the traditional cashiers redundant.
Working When the used of IT improves, so does the quality of work and
conditions environment. What used to be physical has now become largely mental
Health Where the use of IT hardware can endanger its users, such as spoiling
eyesight, exposure to radiation and strain on the back.
Privacy Where personal information, computerised comparison, information
mining and e-mails are exposed to personal trespassing.
Individuality In system development, one must think of human factor, ergonomic
factor and the possibility of information system failure.
Crime This can happen as a result of a wide use of IT, such as cloning credit
cards and siphoning money out of a bank account.
This is unethically done in the interest of the business. Many ethical risks may
arise when IT is implemented as a result of information error, trespassing privacy
and environmental pollution.
Recognizing that individuals need specific standards for the ethical use of
computers, a number of computer-related organisations have established IT
codes of conduct. An IT code of conduct is a written guideline that helps
determine whether a specific computer action is ethical or unethical.
Ten points that have been proposed by the Computer Ethics Institute as a guide
for users and computer professionals are:
If all computer users follow all these proposed guidelines, we may not worry
about security. Therefore, as discussed, ethics is a standard moral conduct while
computer ethics is a guideline for using computers so as to be morally acceptable
in our society. We can generalise the ethics of using computers into four main
issues, as shown in Figure 10.2.
Issues Details
Individuality Collection and use of data for an individual.
Accuracy Responsibility of data collectors to ensure that data is true and accurate.
Ownership Someone who owns data and has a right over the software.
Accessibility The responsibility of someone who has the data to control, about who
can use the data.
The Centre for Democracy and Technology controls the issue of individuality
and legality. To know the details of this organisation, please visit the website
Thus, as a whole we can say that the security of the computer and information
system is important not only in preventing intruders, but also to prevent internal
threats from becoming more severe.
So, can you list down what are the things that can threaten the computer
security? Among the things that can threaten computer security are computer
crimes, computer virus, electronic vandalism, natural disasters and other
calamities. The threats to computer security are shown in Figure 10.3.
Now, let us look at these threats in more depth, beginning with computer
criminals, followed by computer crime and disaster.
Categories Description
Staff The largest category of computer criminals is done by those who
can easily access computers. They are normally staff who know the
companyÊs secrets. By far, this is the biggest threat to security ă
dishonesty and incompetence of employees. Auditing should be
able to detect these problems before they become too late.
Outside Not only staff but suppliers and customers can also access the
Users companyÊs computer system, for example, bank customers who
use the ATM. Similar to staff, authorised users can obtain secret
password or look for alternative ways of committing computer
Crackers Crackers are people who gain unauthorised access to a computer
system for the purpose of fun and facing challenges of computers.
Vandals Vandals perform the same thing like hackers but for the purpose of
vengeance. They may intend to steal technical information or to
introduce what is called a logical bomb, i.e. a computer program
that destroys the computer.
(b) Computer Crimes ă What about computer crime? What do you understand
about it? Computer crimes are the work done by criminals who have
specialised knowledge in the field of technology computer. Do you know
how computer crimes are classified? You can refer to Table 10.4.
Categories Description
Destruction Workers who are not happy with their employers may try to
destroy the computer, programs or files. Crackers and vandals
can produce and spread dangerous programs such as viruses. A
virus is a program that spreads via network and operating
system. It always move from one computer to another through
floppy disc copies, programs downloaded from the Internet or e-
mail circulation.
Theft Theft can happen on hardware, software, data and services.
Hardware theft can happen in the computer laboratory, where
thieves can enter and steal computer equipment inside the
laboratory. Professional thieves may steal important company
data and information, and sell them to outsiders. They may also
steal services provided by the company and use them for personal
gains. Without realising it, we may also steal some software. This
happens whenever we borrow Microsoft C or other software from
friends and copy them into our own computer at home. Actually,
the copying we have done was not accompanied by authorised
permissions. According to the Copyright Act (Amended) 1997,
the doer can be sued according to law and can be punished,
imprisoned or punished and imprisoned at the same time.
Manipulation A cracker may succeed in entering a network and leaving a
message, damaging the display, data or information. This can
cause anger to computer users. According to Computer Crime
Act 1997, unauthorised access on computer material is punishable
for up to RM50,000, imprisonment for up to five years or both.
Cloning These are carried out by members of criminal gangs who run
businesses but use computer technology for evil purposes, e.g.
copy, clone and imitate passports, identity cards, driving licenses
and copyrights.
(c) Disasters ă There are also other factors that can harm a computer system
and data security. Here are FOUR other disasters that could threaten the
security of computer systems and data (Table 10.5).
Categories Description
Natural Disaster Natural disasters cannot be avoided and predicted, for
example, fire, flood, wind, typhoon and earthquakes. A
copy of the programs, data and information needs to be
stored at a safe location to avoid loss of important
Sabotage In a country that is rocked by political problems, riots, war
or sabotage, these may involve destruction of computer
systems sabotaged by the unsatisfied parties.
Technological The use of computer systems causes us to be too dependent
Failure on technology and sometimes, this technology may not be
able to perform the required jobs. This may be due to
excessive voltage because of lightning, absence of
electricity, short circuit and other factors. If we do not make
copies, data may be lost.
Human Error As human beings, we may make plenty of mistakes. Data
entered may contain errors. Programs developed may also
have mistakes. There are several mistakes in system
designs and this may cause systemÊs procedures to be
1. What are the three types of computer crimes? Which is the most
extreme in terms of economic and social development? Explain.
2. What are the differences between crackers and vandals?
Control Example
Security codes, data entry screen, error signals and control
Input control
Processing Software control, hardware control and checkpoint control.
Output control Security codes, control total, list control and user feedbacks.
Security codes, storage files, library method and database
Storage control
(b) Program Control ă This is a control on the program that runs in the
computer. Control of this type is a method of determining how information
services organisations operate with guaranteed security. Among the
controls performed are:
(c) End-User Computing Control ă This is a method for systems that are
developed in accordance with organisational policies, i.e. a method of
informing users when changes occur and there is a need for training. This
control is much needed for critical applications.
Here are four examples of the physical facilities control described in Table 10.7.
Category Description
Encryption and Encryption is a method used to alter a message into a certain
Firewall form so that nobody can read the message except the receiver.
Encryption issue is important for e-commerce implementation.
An example of a free software for encrypting documents is Pretty
Good Privacy (PGP). Firewall is a computer program or a host
computer with the function of controlling a computer network
from attacks by outsiders. This technique is widely used by
organisations to prevent attacks by vandals from the Internet.
Physical Protection It is given for physical protection in facing natural disasters, such
Control as using soft bags for small laptop computers to reduce damage
from shaking and falling.
Biometric Control It uses security characteristics of finger prints, voice and others,
based on individualÊs biometric profile.
Control on It uses a fault-tolerant technique to overcome failures that may
Computer Failure be due to electricity, damages in electric circuits, programming,
device and human errors.
As computer users, we are advised to use computers in proper ways and some
good guidelines that should be followed are:
(a) When sharing information or data, ensure that they are done carefully to
avoid virus from spreading;
(e) If the information is sensitive, make sure that the computer and its files are
(f) If there is sensitive information, secure the computer and its files;
(h) When sending sensitive information via the Internet, encrypt the
information; and
(v) All files are attacked by virus and cannot be rescued; and
Today, huge databases store this data online. Much of the data is personal and
confidential and should be accessible only to authorised users. Many individuals
and organisations, however, question whether this data really is private. That is,
some companies and individuals collect and use this information without your
authorisation. Web sites often collect data about you, so that they can customize
advertisements and send you personalised e-mail messages. Some employers
monitor your computer usage and e-mail messages.
IT has facilitated the process of data collection and storage. For example, bank
stores data on every customer which includes age, marital status, total savings,
total loans, saving conducts and others. Universities keep student records which
include academic achievements, co-curricular activities, types of studies, types
of financial support, age, parent occupations, nationality and others. Road
Transport Department (JPJ) keeps car owners names and their detailed
particulars. All these are cases where individual privacy can be misused by the
keepers of information.
If customers have credit cards, the bank will have data on spending habits,
methods of debt repayments, types of purchase, income and others. Therefore,
bank and road transport officers may use these data to sell to some interested
parties for marketing and other purposes. All these data from banks, universities
and Road Transport Department are personal private data which can be used for
evaluating an individualÊs way of life.
(b) Can the bank sell personal data on individuals to other companies for
marketing purposes?
(c) Can a bank provide information on individual savings to other banks for
the purpose of loan approvals?
(d) How can individuals determine that their personal data are accurate?
(e) Can the Road Transport Department sell information about cars and their
The Internet has opened up this issue of privacy even more widely. With the
Internet, users can use e-mails for communications.
Privacy issues that may arise from the use of e-mails are:
(b) Whether the contents of e-mails are regarded as personal items that cannot
be publicised to other parties?
(c) Whether the employer has the right to read e-mails of his/her employees?
(d) Whether the government has the right to filter e-mail contents?
Actually, e-mails that are sent through the Internet are not safe, as anyone from
anywhere can simply read them. The e-mail is like a piece of postcard. All e-mail
messages are open for all to read. A number of techniques have been introduced
to ensure safety of messages inside e-mails. A technique is to encrypt the
message, whereby it is converted into a form of codes, but the codes will be
reconverted back to the actual message upon reaching its destination. Research
on encryption is still ongoing and various techniques have been devised to better
safeguard against intrusion by irresponsible persons.
Privacy issues that arise as a result of using the smart card are:
(b) Data security against intrusion by other parties if the card is lost or stolen;
Nowadays, privacy is an ethical issue because many records stored by the non-
governmental organisations are not covered by existing laws. In spite of that,
individuals have shown that they are very concerned with the control of who has
the right over personal information and how it is used.
For this reason, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has
developed industry-specific and task-specific guidelines designed to prevent
workplace injuries with respect to computer usage.
You can take many precautions to prevent these types of injuries. Take frequent
breaks during the computer session to exercise your hands and arms. To prevent
injury due to typing, place a wrist rest between the keyboard and the edge of
your desk. To prevent injury while using a mouse, place the mouse at least six
inches from the edge of the desk. In this position, your wrist is flat on the desk.
Finally, minimise the number of times you switch between mouse and keyboard,
and avoid using the heel of your hand as a pivot point while typing or using the
People who spend their workday using the computer sometimes complain of
lower back pain, muscle fatigue and emotional fatigue. Lower back pain
sometimes is caused from poor posture. Always sit properly in the chair while
you work. To alleviate back pain, muscle fatigue and emotional fatigue, take 15
to 30 minutes break every two hours do stand up, walk around, stretch and relax.
Another way to help prevent these injuries is to be sure your workplace is
designed ergonomically.
10.3.2 Ergonomics
Did you know that the use of a computer can make a person more productive in
the work or otherwise? Based on the effect, scientists and experts have developed
an interest in doing more research in this area, known as ergonomics.
Ergonomics is the study of ways on how to ensure that humans can handle
computer and other equipment in an easy to use manner to minimise
movement, energy, strain and ensure healthy life.
It is concerned with adapting work (equipment) to suit workers and not to force
workers to adapt themselves to the work (equipment). It is also known as human
factor engineering, i.e. study or science of design to ensure a working
environment that is healthy, safe and entertaining. Such an environment will
upgrade staff morale, productivity and avoid putting health at risk.
In Figure 10.5, a proposed sketch is shown for the ideal situation while using
Do you know what the basic elements of this green concept are? The basic
elements of green computing consist of a system unit, display and
manufacturers. Further details on the „green‰ methods used by each of these
elements are described in Table 10.8.
Category Detail
System Unit Often used in portable computers, where the system unit:
Is using a processor that requires minimum amount of energy
Is using a processor and hard disk drives that save energy and able
to be in the idle mode when not in use.
Does not have air fan.
Displays Use displays that save electrical energy.
Use display units that replace cathode ray tube (CRT) with flat
panels using special low energy monitors.
Use software that can alter screen displays into idle mode when
not in use.
Manufacturers Computer manufacturers like Intel, Apple and Compaq use
chemical elements that are less dangerous in their production such
as chlorofluorocarbon (CFC).
Poisonous nickel and other heavy metals have begun to be
eliminated or reduced in manufacturing processes.
1. What are activities that you can do to avoid eye stress, headache,
pain in the backbone and neck that are related to computers
To reduce the environmental impact of computing further, users simply can alter
a few habits. Figure 10.7 listed 11 green computing suggestions for you to
contribute to green computing effort.
Ethics is about behaviour and moral conduct; whether it brings good or bad
influences on human beings.
There are 10 items proposed by the Computer Ethics Institute guide for users
and computer professionals. Among them are do not use computer to harm
other people, do not disturb others computer work and do not intrude into
the others computer files.
There are three things that can threaten the safety of the computer:
Private issue revolves around the collection and storage of data consumers;
that has the right, usefulness, safety, reliability and so.
Computer use can cause users to experience health problems. This can be
overcome with the right techniques and methods.
There are three basic elements of green computing: system unit, display and
producers where these elements use various methods of environmentally
friendly, energy saving and etc.
Thank you.