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Computer Networks

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Computer Networks

Unit 11

Joshua Hetherington
Introduction slide

I have been asked to help out on designing and to help build a network for my friends music
shop but has to be suitable for without a computer cause he or she doesn’t have one. And help
people download music.
What is a computer network ?

A computer network is two or more computers that can share resources and communicate

Examples of computer networks

PAN - Bluetooth

LAN - Ethernet

WAN - EE , Virgin Media

MAN - Cable tv networ k

Wired and wireless network

A wired network is a wired configuration. The most common wired network is a ethernet cable
which oftens runs into pc making it a secure in a wire than a wireless connection which will be

A wireless network allows you to walk around but still have a internet connection these can be
found in homes or businesses like shopping centres or restaurants which will often have a
wireless connection to connect.
Advantages of wireless network

● Increased efficiency
● Access and Availability
● Cost
● Flexibility
Disadvantages of wireless network

● Limited connection / range

● Connection is different for where you are from the wifi box and current location
● Download speed can be very slow
● Higher chance of someone hacking your wifi
Advantages of wired network

● Less network / hacking attacks

● Stronger connection
● Dedicated bandwidth instead of having to share with others
Disadvantages of wired networks

● Expensive to install
● Users have to stay in one location and you can’t just walk around like it is a wireless
● Replacement costs
Features of WAN

Large capacity

Connecting to a large number of computers in a large area

They provide uplinks for man and lan to connect to the internet

Low data transfer

Higher bit error rate

Features of LAN

Computers can communicate with any other computers in that network

High degree of interconnection between computers

High data transmission rate

Local area network (LAN)

Local area network is a computer that covers a small geographical area that
interconnects with lots of computers in schools , colleges and they can share resources
to save money.
Wide area network (WAN)

Wide area network is a large computer network that covers a large geographical area.
This network is often used in universities . Wan is a data network for connecting
computers. It can connect cities or countries.
LAN Network Diagram
WAN Network Diagram
Advantages of LAN ( local area network)

● Resource sharing
● Software sharing
● Central data
● Internet sharing
Disadvantages of LAN (local area network)

● Starting cost is quite high

● Security
● Server crashes
● Maintenance
Advantages of WAN (wide area network)

● Covers large geographical network

● Updated files and data
● High bandwidth
● Centralized data
● Global businesses
Disadvantages of WAN (wide area network)

● Security problems
● Needs firewall and a antivirus installing
● Setup cost is high
● Troubleshooting problems
Physical Topology

Physical topology refers to lan a interconnected structure and the method is that it uses
cables to connect the network to the computer
Types of physical topology

Ring topology

Bus topology

Star topology

Tree topology

Mesh topology

Hybrid topology
Ring topology

The ring topology has 2 devices it is

connected to form a ring and it sends
packets of data in turns to the destination it
needs to go too.
Star topology

Star topology is a network for lan and it

has individual nodes connected to a
central hub. Hub/ switch

A star takes more cable than a bus and if

one node goes down then the rest will
still work luckily.
Bus topology

Bus topology is a network for lan and it

works for lan but on a single cable so if one
node is broken the whole entire line is
Logical topology

Logical topology is the network architecture that hold all the nodes together in a network for
the communication system .

Using routers and switches logical topology can maintain and reconfigure

Types of logical topology

Bus topology

Ring topology
Token ring + Ethernet

Token ring is a network technology used to build local area networks and has been around a
while. It uses a three byte frame called a token to travel a ring of workstations or servers. It
works by the nodes forwarding around the frame in one direction around the ring then removes
a frame when done a full circle.

Ethernet works on the bus topology and is a wired network for computers to have a better
connection to work with than a wireless dodgy internet connection.
Gaming Environment

LAN is the best to play video games on for multiplayer because it is easier to play games in a
physical space or online. If you have the same network it is easier to play games with a better

When you aren’t watching physical people play videos it is a different reaction to how they play
online to in person.

Big disadvantage of gaming online is that your accounts can get hacked to your account which
will lead normally to the personal details no one but you should know.
Local area network

Local area network is a computer network it has a small geographical area and is mainly located
in schools or colleges with lots of computers and share other connections with other devices
like printers.
The strengths of local area network (LAN)

Resource sharing

Software sharing

Centralized data

Internet sharing

Improved security

Computer identification
The weaknesses of local area network (PAN)

Viruses can spread quickly to all the computers

You have to have a username and password

















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