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Sol. Vmixing 0 (there is No change in the volume upon mixing the liquids)
3. Draw a graph of m c for acetic acid (weak electrolyte) solution.
4. Unit of rate constant of a reaction is same as that of its rate. What is the order of the
Sol. Zero order reaction
5. Among physisorption or chemisorptions which one has higher enthalpy of adsorption?
Sol. Chemical adsorption or Chemisorption
6. What is the role of depressant (NaCN) in Forth-Flotation method?
Sol. In the case of an ore containing ZnS and PbS, the depressant used in NaCN. It selectively
prevents Zns from coming to the froth but allows Pbs to come with the forth.
7. Name the noble gas having ns2np6 electronic configuration but does not have d-orbitals
in its valence shell.
Sol. Neon
8. Write the general equation for Wurtz reaction.
Sol. Alkyl halide on heating with metallic sodium in dry ether gives higher alkane. This reaction
is called Wurtz reaction.
dry ether
zRX 2 Na R R 2 NaX
9. What is the reagent ‘A’ used in the following equation?
Sol. LiAlH4
10. Which vitamin deficiency causes the disease pernicious anaemia?
Sol. B12
II. Answer any five of the following questions. 5x2=10
11. Lithium metal has a body centred cubic lattice structure with edge length of edge unit
cell 352 pm. Calculate the density of lithium metal. [Given: Atomic mass of Li = 7 gmol-1
NA = 6. 022 X 1023 Atoms mol-1]
2 7
Sol. d =
6.022 1023 352 1010
d = 0.53 g/ml
12. State Faraday’s Second law of electrolysis.
Sol. When same quantity of electricity passes through solutions of different electrolytes, the
amounts of substances liberated at the electrodes are directly proportional to their chemical
equivalent masses.
r CH3COOC2H5 H2O 0 ; order = 1
When phenol is treated with sodium hydroxide, sodium phenoxide is produced. This sodium
phenoxide when treated with carbon dioxide, followed by acidification, undergoes electrophilic
substitution to give ortho- hydroxybenzonic acid as the main product. This reaction is known as
Kolbe’s reaction.
16. Write the equation for the reaction between Benz aldehyde and concentrated NaOH
Solution. Name the reaction.
Sol. . i) Norethindrone orethynylestradiolor novestrol
ii) They produce sleep so they are used for the relief of post-operative pain, cardiac pain,
labour pain in child birth etc. Example: Morphine, heroin, codeine etc.
III. Answer any five of the following questions. 5x3=15
19. a) In the extraction of Aluminum by electrolysis,
(i) Write overall cell reaction.
(ii) What is role of cryolite?
Sol. a) (i) 2 Al2O3 3C 4 Al 3CO2
(ii) The molten cryolite decreases the melting point and also increase the electrical conductivity.
N 3H 2 NH H 46.1kJmol 1
2 g 2 g 3 g
The optimum condition of pressure of 200 bar and 750K are used along with the catalyst such a
finely divided iron with small amount of molybdenum, or potassium oxide or aluminum oxide as
21. (i) Hydrogen bonding in H20 but not in H2S
(ii) ConcH2SO4 is a good dehydrating agent
Sol. (i) In H2O electronegative element like oxygen is present that involves I hydrogen bonding
(ii) Conc H2SO4 has high affinity for water.
23. Write the balanced chemical equation involve in the manufacture of potassium-
dichromate form chromite ore.
4 FeCr O 16 NaOH 7O 8 NaCrO 2 Fe O 8 H O
2 4 2 4 2 3 2
Sol. 2 Na CrO conc.H S 0 Na Cr O7 Na SO H O
2 4 2 4 2 2 2 4 2
Na Cr O7 2 KCI K Cr O7 2 NaCI
2 2 2 2
24. i) What are interstial compounds?
ii) Transition metals show good catalytic property. Give any two reasons.
Sol. i) These are the compounds formed when the smaller atoms of H, C, N and B occupy the
interstitial places in the metallic crystals of d-block.
ii) a) transition metals exhibit variable oxidation states due to the presence of unpaired d -
b) Finely powdered transition metals provide a large surface area.
b) Give the facial (fac) and meridional (mer) isomeric structures of Co NH 3 3 No2 3 .
Sol. a) Potassium trioxlatochromate (III)
26. With the help of valence Bond Theory (VBT) explain hybridization, geometry and
magnetic property of Ni CN 4 tetracyanido nickelate (II) ion. [Given: Atomic number
of Ni = 28].
Sol. The electronic configuration of nickel (Z = 28) in the ground stare is [Ar] 3d84s2. In the + 2
oxidation state, the configuration of nickel is [Ar] 3d84s.0
When cyanide ligands approach the Ni2 + ion the unpaired 3d electrons get paired up against
Hund’s rule leaving one of the d orbitals vacant.
Ni CN 4 : Ni 28 :1s 2 2s 2 2 p6 3s 2 3 p6 4s 2 3d 8 or, last shell EC is 3d 8 4 s 2
in Ni CN 4 , Ni is in + 2 state
Let the radius of each sphere = r
Ac = 4r
From right angled triangle ABC,
2a 4r
Volume of the unit cell
3 4 64r3 32r3
a r
2 2 2 2
16 r3 /3
0.74, i.e., 74%
64r3 / 3
b) Frenkel defect is the displacement of few smaller ions (generally cation is smaller than anions)
from their normal position to the interstitial sites.
1.86 31 1000
1.86 500
= 62g/m
b) The process of reversing the direction of osmosis by applying the pressure than the osmotic
pressure to the solution of higher concentration is called reverse osmosis.
29. a) Write the equations for the reactions taking place at anode and Cathode in the lead
storage battery.
b) Calculate the value of rG˚ at 298K for the cell reaction.
Sol. a) Anode reaction: Pb SO42 PbSO4 2e
Cathode reaction: PbO2 4 H SO4 2e PbSO4 2 H 2O
b) G nfE Cell
6 96487 0.7
405245.4 J
405.2 kJ
Sol. a) Consider R – P
Intergrating on both the side,
i.e., In [R] = -kt + C ………(1)
C – constant of integration
To find the value of C
When t = 0, [R] = [R]0
Substituting in (1)
In [R]0 = - k(0) + C
C = In [R]0
Substituting in equation 1
In [R] = -kt + In [R]0…..(2)
kt = In [R]0 - In [R]
k Ea T2 T1
log 2
k 2.303R T T
1 1 2
log 4 Ea 323 303
2.303 x 8.314 x 323 x 303
Ea = 56.2KJ/mol
31. a) Define Shape Selective catalysis. Name the Zeolite Catalyst used to convert alcohols
to gasoline in petroleum industry
b) What is peptisation? Give an Example
c) Write the expression for Freundlich adsorption isotherm
Sol. a) Zeolite are micro porous alumino silicates with three dimensional network of silicates in
which some silicon atoms are replaced by aluminum atoms giving AI-O-Si framework. ZSM-5
b) The process of conversion of freshly prepared precipitate into a colloidal solution by adding
an electrolyte containing the common ion is called peptisation. Example Ferric hydroxide sol
kp1/ n ,
where x is the mass of the gas adsorbed on mass m of the adsorbent at pressure
P, k and n are constants which depend on the nature of the adsorbent and the gas at a particular
In this reaction rate depends only on the concentration of Alkyl halide. i.e. r R X
Step 1:
Since, this step is slow step, it is rate determined step.
Step 2:
b) i) Propene
ii) The chairal molecule should contain asymmetric carbon atom.
c) Equimolar mixture of dextrotatory and leavorotatory isomers is called racemic mixture.
33. a) Explain the mechanism of acid catalyzed dehydration of ethanol to ethane.
b) How do you prepare methoxy edrane by Williamson’s ether synthesis?
Sol. a) Step 1: Formation of protonated alcohol:
b) In a Williamson synthesis, an ether is formed by reacting an alcohol and an alkyl halide in the
presence of a base.
When CH3-I is mixed with the base, like NaOH, the alcohol is deprotonated, leaving a negatively
charged oxygen. This acts as a nucleophile and attacks the carbon bonded to the halogen
(iodine). The halogen, a good leaving group, is released, leaving behind methoxy ethane.
3 2 3 3 2 3
Sodium ethoxide Methoxy iodine Methoxy methane
34. a) How does benzene reacts with acetyl-chloride in the presence of anhydrous Alcl3? Give
equation. (2)
b) i) Write general equation for esterification reaction.(1)
ii) Name the product obtained when benzoic acid is heated with ammonia.(1)
c) Name the reagent used in the Clemmensen reduction. (1)
Sol. a)
b) i) R COOH R1 OH R COO R1 H 2O
ii) Benzamide
c) Zn/Hg and conc. HCI
35. a) Between CH3NH2 and C6H5NH2 which is more base? Give reason.
b) i) Name the main product when aniline is heated with alcoholic KOH and chloroform.
ii) Give the IUPAC name of (CH3)2N – C2H5
c) Complete the Chemical equation.
Sol. a) Methylamine is more basic because of electron releasing nature of methyl group
b) i) Phenyl isocyanide
ii) N,N-dimethyl ethanamine
c) CH 3CONH 2 Br2 4 NaOH CH 3 NH 2 2 NaBr Na2CO3 2 H 2O
b) A peptide bond is bond is formed by the reaction between amino groups of one amino acid
molecule with carboxyl group of another amino acid molecule with the elimination of water.
There are four peptide bonds in tetra peptide.
c) Insulin
37. a) How is Buna-N prepared? Give equation.
b) Name the monomers of Nylon-6,6.
c) What are thermosetting polymers?
Sol. . a)
n CH 2 CH CH CH 2 n CH 2 CH CH 2 CH CH CH 2 CH 2 CH
| |
Acrylonitrile Buna N n
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