Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000: Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000: Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000: Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
ABB Automation Products GmbH
Dransfelder Straße 2
D-37079 Göttingen
Tel.: +49 800 1114411
Fax: +49 800 1114422
1. HARDWARE......................................................................................................................................................5
1.1 BUS TERMINATION ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 HARDWARE SWITCH .................................................................................................................................................... 6
2. BLOCK-OVERVIEW .........................................................................................................................................7
2.1 BLOCK TABLE LEGEND ............................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 RESOURCE BLOCK ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2.1 Resource Block Parameter, sorted in accordance with index................................................................................ 8
2.2.2 Resource Block Parameter, sorted according to names ...................................................................................... 10
2.3 ANALOG INPUT BLOCK.............................................................................................................................................. 11
2.3.1 Analog Input Block Diagram ............................................................................................................................... 11
2.3.2 Analog Input Block Parameter, sorted according to index.................................................................................. 13
2.3.3 Analog Input Block Parameter, sorted according to names ................................................................................ 15
2.4 PID BLOCK ............................................................................................................................................................... 16
2.4.1 PID Block Diagram ............................................................................................................................................. 16
2.4.2 Mode .................................................................................................................................................................... 17
2.4.3 PID Block, sorted in accordance with index........................................................................................................ 18 Enhancement to standard PID block .................................................................................................................................. 21
2.4.4 PID-Block, sorted according to names ................................................................................................................ 22
2.4.5 Example for PID control...................................................................................................................................... 23 Constant setpoint................................................................................................................................................................ 23 Extern setpoint ................................................................................................................................................................... 23 Cascade PID blocks ........................................................................................................................................................... 24
2.5 TRANSDUCER BLOCK ................................................................................................................................................ 25
2.5.1 Channels und Units.............................................................................................................................................. 25
2.5.2 Transducer Block Parameter, sorted in accordance with index .......................................................................... 26 Transducer Block part 1: Standard Flow with Calibration................................................................................................. 26 Transducer Block part 2: Manufacturer specific parameters.............................................................................................. 29
2.5.3 Transducer Block Parameter, sorted according to names................................................................................... 42
2.6 DIAGNOSIS BLOCK .................................................................................................................................................... 43
2.6.1 Diagnosis Measurement Values........................................................................................................................... 43
2.6.2 Limits for Diagnosis Measurement Values .......................................................................................................... 44
2.6.3 Diagnosis Block Error Message Chains .............................................................................................................. 45
2.6.4 Diagnosis Block Parameter, sorted in accordance with index ............................................................................ 47 Diagnosis Block Part 1: Standard Parameters.................................................................................................................... 47 Diagnosis Block Part 2: Manufacturer specific parameters ............................................................................................... 48
2.6.5 Diagnosis Block Parameter, sorted according to names..................................................................................... 50
2.6.6 Data structures of Diagnosis Block ..................................................................................................................... 51 DS-Value-History .............................................................................................................................................................. 51 DS-Fingerprint ................................................................................................................................................................... 51 DS-Limits .......................................................................................................................................................................... 51 DS-Elektrode Signals......................................................................................................................................................... 51
2.6.7 Diagnosis Registers ............................................................................................................................................. 52
2.7 DATA STRUCTURES ................................................................................................................................................... 53
2.7.1 DS-64 – Block ...................................................................................................................................................... 53
2.7.2 DS-65 – Value & Status – Floating Point Structure ............................................................................................ 53
2.7.3 DS-68 – Scaling Structure ................................................................................................................................... 53
2.7.4 DS-69 – Mode Structure ...................................................................................................................................... 53
2.7.5 DS-70 – Access Permissions................................................................................................................................ 53
2.7.6 DS-71 – Alarm Float Structure............................................................................................................................ 53
2.7.7 DS-72 – Alarm Discrete Structure ....................................................................................................................... 53
2.7.8 DS-73 – Event Update Structure.......................................................................................................................... 54
2.7.9 DS-74 – Alarm Summary Structure ..................................................................................................................... 54
2.7.10 DS-82 – Simulate – Floating Point Structure ...................................................................................................... 54
2.7.11 DS-85 – Test Structure......................................................................................................................................... 54
3. ERROR AND WARNING HANDLING ............................................................................................................55
3.1 BIT STRING ................................................................................................................................................................ 56
3.2 ERROR REGISTER ....................................................................................................................................................... 56
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
1. Hardware
The FF bus interface has the following data:
U = 9 – 32 V
I = 10 mA (normal operation)
Imax = 13 mA (maximum fault current)
The bus connection is independet from polarity. The bus interface has no explosion proof design. Communication
is only possible, if also the converter part has power supply and is working.
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
The switch setting can be checked on the local display of the device in the submenu data link, menu dip switch
(refer to 5.2.2). It can also be read over FF communication in the Transducer block (index 87)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The switch position will also be displayed via the resource block within the parameter BLOCK_ERR.
“Simulation Mode enabled” only allows to make a simulation, but don’t activate the simulation. Simulation is
switched on or off within the parameter “Simulate“ (structure on index 9 of AI-block).
The switch position will also be displayed via the resource block within the parameter WRITE_LOCK.
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
2. Block-Overview
The device contains the following FF-Blocks:
1x Resource Block
2x Transducer Block
3x AI Block (Analog Input)
1x Enhanced PID Block
The PID block has three additional parameters compared to a standard PID and is therefor an enhanced block.
The transducer blocks are manufacturer specific and therefor custom blocks.
Data-Type: Data type of parameter. Some parameters are structures (DS-xx). These structures
are described in chapter 2.7.
Storage Type:
S= Static Parameter are store permanently (non-volatile). When writing a static parameter the
Static Revision Counter ST_REV of the respective block (Index 1 in each block) will be
incremented by one.
N= Non-volatile parameters will be stored permanently. When writing non-volatile para-meters
ST_REV remains unchanged.
D= Dynamic Parameter will be lost during powering off.
Write: Parameter can partially merely be written in certain operating modes (MODE_BLK, Index 5, sub
parameter Target)
OOS: Parameter can be written in Target-Mode „Out of Service“.
Man: Parameter can be written in Target-Mode „Manual“.
Auto: Parameter can be written in Target-Mode „Auto“.
Cas : Parameter can be written in Target-Mode „Cascade”.
RCas: Parameter can be written in Target-Mode „Remote Cascade”.
ROut: Parameter can be written in Target-Mode „Remote Out”.
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Index Parameter Data Type Size Storage Write in Default Values Description
Name Type Target-Mode
1 ST_REV Unsigned 16 2 S Read only 0 Revision counter for the static parameters. The counter is incremented each time the static parameter
is changed.
2 TAG_DESC Octet String 32 S OOS, Auto space The user description of the intended application of the block.
3 STRATEGY Unsigned 16 2 S OOS,Auto 0 This parameter can be used to create a grouping of blocks by relating the same reference number to
each block of a group. This parameter is not checked or processed by the block.
4 ALERT_KEY Unsigned 8 1 S OOS, Auto 0 The identification number of the plant unit. This information may be used in the host for sorting alarms,
5 MODE_BLK DS-69 4 N,D,S,S OOS,Auto Target : OOS The actual, target, permitted and normal operation modes of the block.
Actual : OOS
Permitted: Auto, OOS
Normal : Auto
6 BLOCK_ERR Bit String 2 D Read only 0 This parameter contains a summary of the block alarms.
7 RS_STATE Unsigned 8 1 D Read only 0 State of the function block state machine.
8 TEST_RW DS-85 112 D OOS,Auto 0 Read/write test parameter - used only for conformance testing.
9 DD_RESOURCE Octet String 32 S Read only A description of the device description for the device.
10 MANUFAC_ID Unsigned 32 4 S Read only 0x320 = ABB Manufacturer identification number.
11 DEV_TYPE Unsigned 16 2 S Read only 0x17 = FSM4000 Manufacturer’s model name of the device.
12 DEV_REV Unsigned 8 1 S Read only 2 Device revision.
13 DD_REV Unsigned 8 1 S Read only 1 Revision of the DD file of the device.
14 GRANT_DENY DS-70 2 D OOS,Auto 0 Options for the access from PLC and DCS systems to device parameters.
15 HARD_TYPES Bit String 2 S Read only 0x8000 The types of hardware available for the channels of the device.
16 RESTART Unsigned 8 1 D OOS, Auto 1 Several possibilities of restart are possible:
1) Run
2) Restart resource
3) Restart with defaults
4) Restart processor
17 FEATURES Bit String 2 S Read only 0x4800 Used to show resource block options.
0x4800 = Reports supported, Hard Write Lock supported
18 FEATURE_SEL Bit String 2 S OOS, Auto 0x4800 Used to select resource block options.
0x4800 = Reports supported, Hard Write Lock supported
19 CYCLE_TYPE Bit String 2 S Read only 0xC000 Describes the block execution methods.
0xC000 = Scheduled, Completion of block execution
20 CYCLE_SEL Bit String 2 S OOS,Auto 0xC000 Select ion of the block execution method.
0xC000 = Scheduled, Completion of block execution
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Index Parameter Data Type Size Storage Write in Default Values Description
Name Type Target-Mode
21 MIN_CYCLE_T Unsigned 32 4 S - 1600 Time duration of the shortest cycle time of the device in 1/32 ms.
22 MEMORY_SIZE Unsigned 16 2 S - 0 Available memory in the device.
23 NV_CYCLE_T Unsigned 32 4 S - 0 Interval between writing copies of NV parameters to non-volatile memory. Zero means never.
24 FREE_SPACE Float 4 D - 0.0 Percent of memory available for additional configuration.
25 FREE_TIME Float 4 D - 0.0 Percent of the block processing time that is free to process additional blocks.
26 SHED_RCAS Unsigned 32 4 S OOS,Auto 640000 Timeout time for connections to PLC or DCS in operation mode RCas.
27 SHED_ROUT Unsigned 32 4 S OOS,Auto 640000 Timeout time for connections to PLC or DCS in operation mod Rout.
28 FAULT_STATE Unsigned 8 1 N - 1 Behaviour of output blocks if communication errors appears.
29 SET_FSTATE Unsigned 8 1 D OOS,Auto 1 Allows the Fault State condition to be manually initiated.
30 CLR_FSTATE Unsigned 8 1 D OOS,Auto 1 Allows deleting the fault state condition.
31 MAX_NOTIFY Unsigned 8 1 S - 8 Maximum number of unconfirmed notify messages possible.
32 LIM_NOTIFY Unsigned 8 1 S OOS,Auto 8 Maximum number of unconfirmed notify messages allowed.
33 CONFIRM_TIME Unsigned 32 4 S OOS,Auto 640000 The time the device will wait for confirmation of receipt of a report before trying to send again. Retry
shall not happen when CONFIRM_TIME = 0.
34 WRITE_LOCK Unsigned 8 1 S OOS,Auto 1 = Default switch If set, no writing is allowed. Cannot be cleared by software.
position = Unlocked Note: This parameter is dependent from the hardware switch Write_Lock
(see chapter 1.2)
1 = Unlocked
2 = Locked
35 UPDATE_EVT DS-73 14 D - 0;0;0;0;0;0;9;0 This message is generated by any change to static data.
36 BLOCK_ALM DS-72 13 D OOS,Auto 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;8;0;0 Indicates alarms which are related to the block.
37 ALARM_SUM DS-74 8 D,D,D,S OOS,Auto 0;0;0;0 This parameter contains a summary of the block alarms.
38 ACK_OPTION Bit String 2 S OOS,Auto 0 Defines if block alarms are automatically acknowledged or not.
39 WRITE_PRI Unsigned 8 1 S OOS,Auto 0 Priority of the alarm generated by clearing the WRITE_LOCK.
40 WRITE_ALM DS-72 13 D OOS,Auto This alert is generated if the write lock parameter is cleared.
41 ITK_VER Unsigned 16 2 S - 5 Version of the Interoperability Test Kit used to test the device.
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Parameter Index
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
The measurement calculation takes place within the transducer block. The transducer block internally provides the
measurement values via “Channels”. The cyclic output of the measurement values takes place via the analog input
blocks (Al block). The converter disposes of tree Al blocks.
Channel 4
An Al block fulfils different tasks, such as change of scaling, alarm handling, simulation etc. See the following
Channel: Using the channel parameter (index 15) you can choose the measured value to be transferred from
the transducer block.
Simulate: The simulate parameter is a structure (see 2.7.10). You can activate a simulation by means of the
sub-parameter “Simulate En/Disable”. The sub-parameter “Simulate-Value” indicates the
simulation value, which will be processed instead of the channel value.
Note: The simulation can solely be activated if the hardware switch “Simulation Enable” is set to
“on”, see 1.2.
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
The channel value will be scaled to a percent value FIELD_VAL using the XD_SCALE according
the following formula :
FIELD_VAL = 100 * (Channel-Value – XD_SCALE.EU0%) /
Direct: With direct the entry value will be directly transferred to PV (Primary Analog Value, index
7). There will be no change of scaling:
PV = Channel Value
Structures XD_SCALE and OUT_SCALE have to be adjusted identically.
Indirect: The percent value FIELD_VAL will be scaled to PV (Primary analog Value) using
PV = (FIELD_VAL / 100) * (OUT_SCALE.EU100% – OUT_SCALE.EU0%) +
Indirect Square Root: Similar to direct. Additionally a roots function will be calculated
PV = sqrt (FIELD_VAL / 100) * (OUT_SCALE.EU100% – OUT_SCALE.EU0%) +
Cut off: This function is equivalent to a low flow cut-off. It will be activated via a bit in IO_OPTS (index 13).
If the PV value calculated undershoot the LOW_CUT value (index 17), PV will be set to 0.
Filter: Using the parameter PV_FTIME (index 18) you may set a damping time expressed in seconds.
Alarm: Four different alarms are available: Hi_Hi, Hi, Lo and Lo_Lo. For each of these alarms, the
threshold …_LIM and the priority …_PRI can be set (index 25 to 32).
A detected will be entered into a structure …_ALM (index 33 to 36).
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Index Parameter Data Type Size Storage Write in Default Values Description
Name Type Target-Mode
1 ST_REV Unsigned 16 2 S - 0 Revision counter for static variables. Every time a static variable changes the revision
counter is incremented by one.
2 TAG_DESC Octet String 32 S OOS, Man, Auto Empty string The user description of the application of the block.
3 STRATEGY Unsigned 16 2 S OOS, Man, Auto 0 This parameter can be used to create groups of blocks by assigning the same
reference number to each block of a group. This parameter is not verified and not
4 ALERT_KEY Unsigned 8 1 S OOS, Man, Auto 0 This parameter is used as identification number for plant units. It can be used within
DCS or PLC systems e.g. to sort alarms.
5 MODE_BLK DS-69 4 N,D,S,S OOS, Man, Auto Target : OOS The actual, target, permitted, and normal operation modes of the block.
Actual : OOS
Permitted: Auto, Man, OOS
Normal : Auto
6 BLOCK_ERR Bit String 2 D - 0 Contains a summary of the block alarms.
7 PV DS-65 5 D - 0.0 This parameter is the primary measurement value for use in executing the block.
8 OUT DS-65 5 D OOS, Man 0.0 This is out value of the block. OUT will have standard block alarms plus standard
HI_HI, HI, LO, and LO_LO alarms applied to it.
9 SIMULATE DS-82 11 D OOS, Man, Auto This is a structure. With the sub parameter Simulate Enable/disable a simulation can
be switched on and off. If a simulation is active the sub parameter simulate value is
used as input value for the block.
10 XD_SCALE DS-68 11 S OOS, Man EU100%: 100.0 Input scaling of the block. Using the100% and 0% values the channel value is scaled to
EU0% : 0.0 percent (Field_Val). The channel unit must be in accordance with the channel unit.
Unit :0 DecPoint indicates the number of digits after the decimal point for the display.
DecPoint: 0
11 OUT_SCALE DS-68 11 S OOS, Man EU100%: 100.0 OUTPUT scaling of the block. Using the 100% and the 0% values the percent value
EU0% : 0.0 (Field_Val) is scaled to the OUT value. The unit is the OUT unit. DecPoint indicates the
Unit :0 number of digits after the decimal point for the display.
DecPoint: 0
12 GRANT_DENY DS-70 2 D OOS, Man, Auto 0;0 Options for the access of DCS and PLC systems to parameter of the device.
13 IO_OPTS Bit String 2 S OOS 0 Options which the user may select to alter input and output block processing.
Bit 10: Enable Low_Cutoff
14 STATUS_OPTS Bit String 2 S OOS 0 Options which the user may select in the block processing of its status.
15 CHANNEL Unsigned 16 2 S OOS 0 The number of the logical channel of the transducer block, which should be processed
16 L_TYPE Unsigned 8 1 S OOS, Man 0 Processing the input value:
Direct: there is no scaling procedure the OUT identical to the INPUT
Indirect: the input value is scaled using XD_SCALE and OUT_SCALE
Square root: like indiret, however a mathematical square root is added.
17 LOW_CUT Float 4 S OOS, Man, Auto 0.0 Low flow cut off : Values lower than LOW_CUT are set to 0 if the option (see IO_OPTS)
is active.
18 PV_FTIME Float 4 S OOS, Man, Auto 0.0 Time constant of a damping filter for process variable. Time constant is in seconds.
19 FIELD_VAL DS-65 5 D - 0x1C;0.0 Input value in percent scaled by XD_SCALE.
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Index Parameter Data Type Size Storage Write in Default Values Description
Name Type Target-Mode
20 UPDATE_EVT DS-73 14 D - This alert is generated by any change to the static data.
21 BLOCK_ALM DS-72 13 D OOS, Man, Auto Indicates the alarms related to the block.
22 ALARM_SUM DS-74 8 D OOS, Man, Auto This parameter contains a summary of the alarms of the bock.
23 ACK_OPTION Bit String 2 S OOS, Man, Auto 0 The selection of whether alarms associated with the block will be automatically
acknowledged or not.
24 ALARM_HYS Float 4 S OOS, Man, Auto 0.5 Alarm Hysteresis, expressed as a percent of the PV span .
25 HI_HI_PRI Unsigned 8 1 S OOS, Man, Auto 0 Priority of the high high alarm.
26 HI_HI_LIM Float 4 S OOS, Man, Auto +INF The value for the high high alarm limit in engineering units.
27 HI_PRI Unsigned 8 1 S OOS, Man, Auto 0 Priority of the high alarm.
28 HI_LIM Float 4 S OOS, Man, Auto +INF The value for the high alarm limit in engineering units.
29 LO_PRI Unsigned 8 1 S OOS, Man, Auto 0 Priority of the low alarm.
30 LO_LIM Float 4 S OOS, Man, Auto -INF The value for the low alarm limit in engineering units.
31 LO_LO_PRI Unsigned 8 1 S OOS, Man, Auto 0 Priority of the low low alarm.
32 LO_LO_LIM Float 4 S OOS, Man, Auto -INF The value for the low low alarm limit in engineering units.
33 HI_HI_ALM DS-71 16 D OOS, Man, Auto The status for high high alarm and its associated time stamp.
34 HI_ALM DS-71 16 D OOS, Man, Auto The status for high alarm and its associated time stamp.
35 LO_ALM DS-71 16 D OOS, Man, Auto The status of the low alarm and its associated time stamp.
36 LO_LO_ALM DS-71 16 D OOS, Man, Auto The status of the low low alarm and its associated time stamp.
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Parameter Index
PV 7
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Feed forward-
TRK_IN_D Bypass
Scaling and
Filtering PV
TRK_VAL scaling
The process value to be controlled is connected to the IN input. The value will be scaled with PV_SCALE and
filtered by a filter with time constant PV_FTIME. The scaled and filtered value is called PV (Primary analog Value).
The setpoint source is determined by the mode:
AUTO mode: The SP parameter is used as setpoint.
CAS mode: In Cascade mode is CAS_IN input used as setpoint. This parameter comes from another
function block.
RCAS mode: In Remote Cascade mode is the RCAS_IN-parameter used as setpoint. This parameter is
written by a supervisory host computer.
The setpoint value is limited by SP_HI_LIM and SP_LO_LIM. The setpoint ramp rate is limited (only in AUTO
mode) by SP_RATE_DN and SP_RATE_UP. The limited setpoint is called RCAS_OUT. This value will be used by
supervisory host computers in RCAS mode.
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Proportional control: The OUT value is proportional to the deviation of process value and setpoint. The
proportional factor is the GAIN parameter. The disadvantage of a proportional control is,
that there is a remaining deviation. This deviation can be removed by an integral control.
Integral control: The integral OUT value is determined by the integration of the deviation. The time constant
is the RESET parameter.
Derivate control: The derivate OUT value is determined by the changing rate of the deviation. The time
constant is the RATE parameter.
The OUT value of the PID algorithm is the sum of all tree control parts.
Feed forward calculation can be done with the input FF_VAL and the parameters FF_SCALE and FF_GAIN.
Tracking can be done with the input TRK_VAL. This value is scaled by TRK_SCALE. To enable tracking, set in
CONTROL_OPTS „Track enable“ or „Track in Manual“. Then switch on tracking in TRK_IN_D. The actual mode will
change to LO (Local Overwrite).
2.4.2 Mode
Priority Mode Meaning
7 OOS Out of Service Out of Service.
6 IMan Initialisation Manual Step on way to Cascade mode, OUT follows BKCAL_IN.
5 LO Local Override Tracking-Mode:
Output OUT follows input TRK_VAL.
4 Man Manual Manual mode
3 Auto Automatic PID-Algorithm is working:
Setpoint : Parameter SP
Process value: Input IN
Output : Parameter OUT
2 Cas Cascade PID-Algorithm is working:
Setpoint : Input CAS_IN
Process value: Input IN
Output : Parameter OUT
1 RCas Remote Cascade PID-Algorithm is working:
Setpoint : Parameter RCAS_IN
Process value: Input IN
Output : Parameter OUT
0 ROut Remote Output PID-Algorithm is not working. The PID block gets the setpoint from a
supervisory host in ROUT_IN parameter and sends it to ROUT_OUT
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Index Parameter Data Type Size Storage Write in Default Values Description
Name Type Target-Mode
Bit 5: Target to Manual if BAD IN
Bit 9: Target to next permitted mode if BAD CAS_IN
15 IN DS-65 5 N OOS, Man, Auto, Process value input.
Cas, RCas, Rout
16 PV_FTIME Float 4 S OOS, Man, Auto, 0 Time constant for filter for IN.
Cas, RCas, Rout
17 BYPASS Unsigned8 1 S OOS, Man 0 Bypass for the PID algorithm:
1 = Off, 2 = On
18 CAS_IN DS-65 5 N OOS, Man, Auto, In mode CAS an external setpoint coming from another function block is used. This is the input for
Cas, RCas, Rout the external setpoint.
19 SP_RATE_DN Float 4 S OOS, Man, Auto, +INF Changing rate of setpoint SP for changing the value downwards, only for AUTO mode. If the value
Cas, RCas, Rout is 0, then changes will be done immediately.
20 SP_RATE_UP Float 4 S OOS, Man, Auto, +INF Changing rate of setpoint SP for changing the value upwards, only for AUTO mode. If the value is
Cas, RCas, Rout 0, then changes will be done immediately.
21 SP_HI_LIM Float 4 S OOS, Man, Auto, 100 Upper limit for setpoint SP.
Cas, RCas, Rout
22 SP_LO_LIM Float 4 S OOS, Man, Auto, 0 Lower limit for setpoint SP.
Cas, RCas, Rout
23 GAIN Float 4 S OOS, Man, Auto, 0 Proportional gain value for PID algorithm.
Cas, RCas, Rout
24 RESET Float 4 S OOS, Man, Auto, +INF Time constant of integral part of PID algorithm.
Cas, RCas, Rout
25 BAL_TIME Float 4 S OOS, Man, Auto, 0 Time constant for bias control.
Cas, RCas, ROut
26 RATE Float 4 S OOS, Man, Auto, 0 Time constant of derivate part of PID algorithm.
Cas, RCas, Rout
27 BKCAL_IN DS-65 5 N OOS, Man, Auto, Input for back calculation value from lower function block
Cas, RCas, Rout
28 OUT_HI_LIM Float 4 S OOS, Man, Auto, 100 Upper limit for OUT value.
Cas, RCas, Rout
29 OUT_LO_LIM Float 4 S OOS, Man, Auto, 0 Lower limit for OUT value.
Cas, RCas, Rout
30 BKCAL_HYS Float 4 S OOS, Man, Auto, 0,5% Hysteresis for limit bits in status of BKCAL_OUT in % of OUT_SCALE.
Cas, RCas, Rout
31 BKCAL_OUT DS-65 5 D Read only Back calculation value, which is send back to an upper function block.
32 RCAS_IN DS-65 5 N OOS, Man, Auto, This is the setpoint in mode RCAS (Remote Cascade), which comes from a supervisory host
Cas, RCas, Rout computer.
33 ROUT_IN DS-65 5 N OOS, Man, Auto, This is the OUT value in mode ROut (Remote Output), which comes from a supervisory host
Cas, RCas, ROut computer.
34 SHED_OPT Unsigned8 1 S 0 Determines behaviour, when supervisory host computer has timeout.
Look at Resource Block index 26:
SHED_RCAS: Timeout for mode Remote Cascade
Look at Resource-Block Index 27:
SHED_ROUT: Timeout for mode Remote Output
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Index Parameter Data Type Size Storage Write in Default Values Description
Name Type Target-Mode
Possibilities are:
35 RCAS_OUT DS-65 5 D Read only This is the setpoint after liming and scaling, which is in mode RCas (Remote Cascade) send back
to a supervisory host computer for back calculation.
36 ROUT_OUT DS-65 5 D Read only This is the output value, which is in mode ROut (Remote Output) send back to a supervisory host
computer for back calculation.
37 TRK_SCALE DS-68 11 S OOS, Man EU100%: 100.0 Scaling for tracking value of the block. Using the100% and 0% values the TRV_VAL is scaled to
EU0% : 0.0 percent. DecPoint indicates the number of digits after the decimal point for the display.
Unit :0
DecPoint: 0
38 TRK_IN_D DS-66 2 N OOS, Man, Auto, This discrete input switches on tracking mode.
Cas, RCas, Rout
39 TRK_VAL DS-65 5 N OOS, Man, Auto, This is the input of the tracking value.
Cas, RCas, Rout
40 FF_VAL DS-65 5 N OOS, Man, Auto, This is the input of the feed forward value.
Cas, RCas, ROut
41 FF_SCALE DS-68 11 S OOS, Man EU100%: 100.0 Scaling for feed forward value of the block. Using the100% and 0% values the FF_VAL is scaled
EU0% : 0.0 to percent. DecPoint indicates the number of digits after the decimal point for the display.
Unit :0
DecPoint: 0
42 FF_GAIN Float 4 S OOS, Man 0 Gain for the feed forward control.
43 UPDATE_EVT DS-73 14 Read only This alert is generated by any change to the static data.
44 BLOCK_ALM DS-72 13 D OOS, Man, Auto, Indicates the alarms related to the block.
Cas, RCas, Rout
45 ALARM_SUM DS-74 8 mix OOS, Man, Auto, This parameter contains a summary of the alarms of the bock.
Cas, RCas, Rout
46 ACK_OPTION BitString 2 S OOS, Man, Auto, The selection of whether alarms associated with the block will be automatically acknowledged or
Cas, RCas, Rout not.
47 ALARM_HYS Float 4 S OOS, Man, Auto, 0,5% Hysteresis for alarms related to PV.
Cas, RCas, Rout
48 HI_HI_PRI Unsigned8 1 S OOS, Man, Auto, 0 Priority of the high high alarm.
Cas, RCas, Rout
49 HI_HI_LIM Float 4 S OOS, Man, Auto, +Inf The value for the high high alarm limit in engineering units.
Cas, RCas, Rout
50 HI_PRI Unsigned8 1 S OOS, Man, Auto, 0 Priority of the high alarm.
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Index Parameter Data Type Size Storage Write in Default Values Description
Name Type Target-Mode
Cas, RCas, Rout
51 HI_LIM Float 4 S OOS, Man, Auto, +Inf The value for the high alarm limit in engineering units.
Cas, RCas, Rout
52 LO_PRI Unsigned8 1 S OOS, Man, Auto, 0 Priority of the low alarm.
Cas, RCas, Rout
53 LO_LIM Float 4 S OOS, Man, Auto, -Inf The value for the low alarm limit in engineering units.
Cas, RCas, Rout
54 LO_LO_PRI Unsigned8 1 S OOS, Man, Auto, 0 Priority of the low low alarm.
Cas, RCas, Rout
55 LO_LO_LIM Float 4 S OOS, Man, Auto, -Inf The value for the low low alarm limit in engineering units.
Cas, RCas, Rout
56 DV_HI_PRI Unsigned8 1 S OOS, Man, Auto, 0 Priority of the high deviation alarm.
Cas, RCas, Rout
57 DV_HI_LIM Float 4 S OOS, Man, Auto, +Inf The value for the high deviation alarm limit in engineering units.
Cas, RCas, Rout
58 DV_LO_PRI Unsigned8 1 S OOS, Man, Auto, 0 Priority of the low deviation alarm.
Cas, RCas, Rout
59 DV_LO_LIM Float 4 S OOS, Man, Auto, -Inf The value for the low deviation alarm limit in engineering units.
Cas, RCas, Rout
60 HI_HI_ALM DS-71 16 D OOS, Man, Auto, The status of the high high alarm and its associated time stamp.
Cas, RCas, Rout
61 HI_ALM DS-71 16 D OOS, Man, Auto, The status of the high alarm and its associated time stamp.
Cas, RCas, Rout
62 LO_ALM DS-71 16 D OOS, Man, Auto, The status of the low alarm and its associated time stamp.
Cas, RCas, Rout
63 LO_LO_ALM DS-71 16 D OOS, Man, Auto, The status of the low low alarm and its associated time stamp.
Cas, RCas, Rout
64 DV_HI_ALM DS-71 16 D OOS, Man, Auto, Status of deviation high alarm and its associated time stamp.
Cas, RCas, Rout
65 DV_LO_ALM DS-71 16 D OOS, Man, Auto, Status of deviation low alarm and its associated time stamp.
Cas, RCas, ROut
Information: INV = Infinite number
66 T1_Rate Float 4 S OOS, Man, Auto, 1 Derivative 1 order filter.
Cas, RCas, Rout
67 BETA Float 4 S OOS, Man, Auto, 1 Set Setpoint weight proportional part.
Cas, RCas, Rout
68 GAMMA Float 4 S OOS, Man, Auto, 1 Set-point weight derivative part.
Cas, RCas, Rout
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Flowmeter Positioner
The process value is measured by a flow meter. The flow value is available as AI block. The constant setpoint is in
the SP parameter inside PID block. The OUT value is send to an AO block of a positioner. It is necessary to make
a back calculation connection from AO back to PID to get bumbles mode switching. The mode of the PID block is
AI 2
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
AI 2 AI 3
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Information: The FSM4000 has no integrator function blocks. Instead the flow meter internal totalizers are mapped
into the transducer block and can be used by the AI blocks.
Transducer- Channel
Flow value AI-Block 1
FF bus interface
Totalizer >F AI-Block 2
Totalizer <R AI-Block 3
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Index Parameter Data type Size Storage Write Default Values Description
Name Type
22 = I/O-Error
At following device messages:
Error 1: AD-Converter/DSP
Error 2: Driver
Information: Because a magnetic inductive flow meter can measure both flow directions
the limits are –Qmaxto +Qmax.
16 CAL_POINT_HI Float 4 S OOS, Auto The highest calibrated value:
Equal to Index 44: Cal factor
Cal factor is read only. FF requires this parameter writable. Therefor here it is only
allowed to write the value, which is already in.
17 CAL_POINT_LO Float 4 S OOS, Auto The lowest calibrated value:
Equal to –Cal factor, index 44.
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Index Parameter Data type Size Storage Write Default Values Description
Name Type
Information: The flow meter has only one cal factor, valid for both flow directions. This
parameter is equal to index 44 with inverted sign.
Cal factor is read only. FF requires this parameter writable. Therefor here it is only
allowed to write the value, which is already in.
18 CAL_MIN_SPAN Float 4 C Read only 0 The minimum calibration span value allowed. This parameter is not used and has no
19 CAL_UNIT Unsigned 16 2 S OOS, Auto 1351 The engineering units code index for the calibration values. Equal to index 37: Range unit.
Writing this index is equal to writing index 37.
20 SENSOR_TYPE Unsigned 16 2 C OOS, Auto 102 The sensor type defined below:
102: electromagnetic flowmeter
Information: Only 102 can be written.
21 SENSOR_RANGE DS-68 11 C Read only The High and Low range limit values, the engineering units code, and the number of digits
to the right of the decimal point for the sensor.
SENSOR_RANGE.100%: Cal factor, see index 44
SENSOR_RANGE.0% : -Cal factor, see index 44
SENSOR_RANGE.Unit : Range unit, see index 37
22 SENSOR_SN Visible String 32 C Read only The device has no sensor serial number. Instead of this the device instrument number
(index 72) is shown here.
23 SENSOR_CAL_METHOD Unsigned 8 1 S OOS, Auto The method of last sensor calibration.
24 SENSOR_CAL_LOC Visible String 32 S OOS, Auto The location of the last sensor calibration.
25 SENSOR_CAL_DATE Date 7 S OOS, Auto The date of the last sensor calibration.
26 SENSOR_CAL_WHO Visible String 32 S OOS, Auto The name of the person who is responsible for the last sensor calibration.
27 LIN_TYPE Unsigned 16 2 C OOS, Auto 1 Contains the linearisation type used to describe the behaviour of the sensor:
1: Linear with Input
Information: Only 1 can be written.
28 SECONDARY_VALUE DS-65 5 D Read only This is the Totalizer >F.
Unit: look at index 29, SECONDARY_VALUE_UNIT.
29 SECONDARY_VALUE_UNIT Unsigned 16 2 S OOS, Auto 1038 This parameter is equal to index 38, Unit totalizer.
Writing this parameter is equal to writing index 38.
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Index Variable Name Data Type Size Store Access Default Value Description
30 THIRD_VALUE DS-65 5 D r This is the Totalizer <R.
Unit: look at index 29, SECONDARY_VALUE_UNIT.
31 FOURTH_VALUE DS-65 5 D r This is the Difference Totalizer.
Unit: look at index 29, SECONDARY_VALUE_UNIT.
32 Prog.Prot.Code Unsigned 16 2 S r,w 0 Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 9999
Unit : -
33 Language Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 0 0: German
1: English
2: French
3: Finnish
4: Spain
5: Italian
6: Dutch
7: Danish
8: Swedish
9: Turkish
34 Operating mode Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 0 0: Standard
1: Piston Pump
2: Fast
35 Flow direction Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 0 0: Forward/Reverse
1: Forward
36 Flow indication Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 0 0: Normal
1: Invers
37 Unit Qmax Unsigned 16 2 S r,w l/s 1351: l/s
1352: l/min
1353: l/h
1347: m3/s
1348: m3/min
1349: m3/h
1350: m3/d
1362: usgps
1363: usgpm
1364: usgph
1366: usmgd
1367: igps
1368: igpm
1369: igph
1370: igpd
1371: bbl/s
1372: bbl/m
1373: bbl/h
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Index Variable Name Data Type Size Store Access Default Value Description
1374: bbl/d
1356: ft3/s
1357: ft3/m
1358: ft3/h
1359: ft3/d
1318: g/s
1319: g/min
1320: g/h
1322: kg/s
1323: kg/min
1324: kg/h
1325: kg/d
1327: t/min
1328: t/h
1329: t/d
1330: lb/s
1331: lb/min
1332: lb/h
1333: lb/d
38 Unit Totalizer Unsigned 16 2 S r,w l 1040: ml
1038: l
1034: m3
1048: ugl
1049: igl
1051: bbl
1089: g
1088: kg
1092: t
1094: lb
39 Density Float 4 S r,w 1 Lower Limit: 0,1
Upper Limit: 5
Unit : g/cm3
40 Data 50Hz Record 16 N r
Channel Float 4 N r Unit : us
Zero Float 4 N r Unit : %
Span >V Float 4 N r Unit : %
Span <R Float 4 N r Unit : %
41 Data 60Hz Record 16 N r
Channel Float 4 N r Unit : us
Zero Float 4 N r Unit : %
Span >V Float 4 N r Unit : %
Span <R Float 4 N r Unit : %
42 Data 70Hz Record 60 N r
Channel Float 4 N r Unit : us
Zero Float 4 N r Unit : %
Span >V Float 4 N r Unit : %
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Index Variable Name Data Type Size Store Access Default Value Description
Span >V Float 4 N r Unit : %
Zero 2 Float 4 N r Unit : % Software C.10
Span 2 >V Float 4 N r Unit : % Software C.10
Span 2 >V Float 4 N r Unit : % Software C.10
Zero 4 Float 4 N r Unit : % Software C.10
Span 4 >V Float 4 N r Unit : % Software C.10
Span 4 >V Float 4 N r Unit : % Software C.10
Zero 8 Float 4 N r Unit : % Software C.10
Span 8 >V Float 4 N r Unit : % Software C.10
Span 8 >V Float 4 N r Unit : % Software C.10
Zero Pre/FIR2 Float 4 N r Unit : % Software C.10
Zero Pre Float 4 N r Unit : % Software C.10
43 Primary Record 39 N r
Type of primary Unsigned 8 1 N r 0 0 : SE2_,SE4_
1 : DS2_
2 : DS4_
3 : 10DS3111 (A-C)
4 : 10DS3111 (E- )
5 : 10DI1422
6 : 10DI1425
7 : 10DS3111 D
8 : non
Line frequency Unsigned 8 1 N r 0 : 50 Hz
1 : 60 Hz
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Index Variable Name Data Type Size Store Access Default Value Description
Meter size Unsigned 8 1 N r 12 43 : 1 mm 1/25 in
44 : 1,5 mm 1/17 in
45 : 2 mm 1/12 in
0 : 3 mm 1/10 in
1 : 4 mm 5/32 in
2 : 6 mm 1/4 in
3 : 8 mm 5/16 in
4 : 10 mm 3/8 in
5 : 15 mm 1/2 in
6 : 20 mm 3/4 in
7 : 25 mm 1 in
8 : 32 mm 1-1/4 in
9 : 40 mm 1-1/2 in
10 : 50 mm 2 in
11 : 65 mm 2-1/2 in
12 : 80 mm 3 in
13 : 100 mm 4 in
14 : 125 mm 5 in
15 : 150 mm 6 in
16 : 200 mm 8 in
17 : 250 mm 10 in
18 : 300 mm 12 in
19 : 350 mm 14 in
20 : 400 mm 16 in
21 : 450 mm 18 in
22 : 500 mm 20 in
23 : 600 mm 24 in
24 : 700 mm 28 in
25 : 750 mm 30 in
26 : 800 mm 32 in
27 : 900 mm 36 in
28 : 1000 mm 40 in
Primary Span Cs Float 4 N r 100 Unit : %
Primary Zero Cz Float 4 N r 0 Unit : %
Primary Phase Float 4 N r 90 Unit : -
Reference voltage Float 4 N r 70 Unit : mV
Meter Faktor Float 4 N r Unit : - Software C.10
Order number String 16 N r
44 Cal-factor 10m/s Float 4 N r 50 Unit : Unit Qmax
45 Qmax Float 4 S r,w 50 Lower Limit: depends from some other parameters
Upper Limit: depends from some other parameters
Unit : Unit Qmax
46 Damping [1 ] Float 4 S r,w 5 Lower Limit: depends from operating mode
Upper Limit: depends from operating mode
Unit : sec
47 Low flow cut off Float 4 S r,w 1 Lower Limit: 0
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Index Variable Name Data Type Size Store Access Default Value Description
Upper Limit: 10
Unit : %
48 Detector empty pipe Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 0 0 : Off
1 : On
49 DEP Mode Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 0 0 : Standard
1 : New adjust
50 Adjust empty pipe Float 4 S r,w 1000 Lower Limit: 100
Upper Limit: 10000000
Unit : -
51 Start automatic adjust empty pipe Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 0 read:
0 = no adjust running
1 = adjust is running
1 = start adjust
Writing 1 triggers the start of the adjust, which needs about 45 seconds.
52 Adjust full pipe Float 4 S r,w 500 Lower Limit: 100
Upper Limit: 10000000
Unit : -
53 Start automatic adjust full pipe Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 0 read:
0 = no adjust running
1 = adjust is running
1 = start adjust
Writing 1 triggers the start of the adjust, which needs about 45 seconds.
54 Threshold Float 4 S r,w 10000 Lower Limit: 100
Upper Limit: 1000000
Unit : -
55 Alarm empty pipe Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 0 0 : Off
1 : On
56 Display mode Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 0 0 : 1 big, 1 small
1 : 4 small
57 Display 1 line Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 0 0 : Q [Percent] 100: FF Address
nd 1 : Q [Unit] 101: TB VolFlowValue
58 Display 2 line Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 5
Display 3 line Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 11 3 : Q [m/s] 102: TB VolFlow Stat
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Index Variable Name Data Type Size Store Access Default Value Description
0 Display 4 line Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 11 4 : Q Bargraph 100: FF Address
5 : Zähler 101: TB VolFlowValue
6 : Totalizer >F 102: TB VolFlow Status
7 : Totalizer <R 103: TB Total >V Value
8 : Totalizer Diff. 104: TB Total >V Status
10 : Empty pipe 105: TB Total <R Value
11 : Blank 106: TB Total <R Status
12 : Signal (1) 107: TB TotDiff Value
13 : Reference (1) 108: TB TotDiff Status
14 : Min-/Max-Signal (1) 109: FB AI1 Out.Value
15 : Min-/Max-Ref. (1) 110: FB AI1 Out.Status
16 : Min-/Max-SigFilt (1) 111: FB AI2 Out.Value
17 : Min-/Max-RefFilt (1) 112: FB AI2 Out.Status
18 : Phase (1) 113: FB AI3 Out.Value
19 : DEP Puls E1 (1) 114: FB AI3 Out.Status
20 : DEP Puls E2 (1) 115: PID In.Value
21 : DC-Reset (1) 116: PID In.Status
22 : DAC Amp. (1) 117: PID Out.Value
23: Pulse out (2) 118: PID Out.Status
24: Fprt1 (2) 119: PID Cas_In.Value
25: Fprt2 (2) 120: PID Cas_In.Status
26: Fprt3 (2) 121: PID FF_Val.Value
27: Fprt4 (2) 122: PID FF_Val.Status
28: Hist Max Error (2) 123: PID Trk_Vaue.Value
29: Hist Min Error (2) 124: PID Trk_Value.Status
30: Act Max Error (2)
31: Act Min Error (2) Note (1):
32: Akt Max Warning (2) Writing of these values is only possible if the
33: Akt Min Warning (2) service code is put in.
34: Connect Warning (2)
35: Connect Error (2) Note (2):
Writing of this values is only possible if
diagnosis is active.
61 Contrast Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 137 Lower Limit: 124
Upper Limit: 144
Unit : -
62 Min. Alarm Float 4 S r,w 0 Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: Max. Alarm
Unit : %
63 Max. Alarm Float 4 S r,w 105 Lower Limit: Min. Alarm
Upper Limit: 105
Unit : %
64 Overflow >F Unsigned 16 2 N r
65 Totalizer >F DS-33 5 N r,w Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 10000000
Unit : Index 38: Unit Totalizer
Note: The Totalizer can we written.
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Index Variable Name Data Type Size Store Access Default Value Description
66 Overflow <R Unsigned 16 2 N r
67 Totalizer <R DS-33 5 N r,w Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 10000000
Unit : Index 38: Unit Totalizer
Note: The Totalizer can we written.
68 Overflow Diff. Signed 16 2 N r
69 Totzalizer Diff. DS-33 5 N r,w Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 10000000
Unit : Index 38: Unit Totalizer
Note: The Totalizer can we written.
70 Totalizer reset Unsigned8 1 D r,w Writing 1 will reset all Totalizer and Overflow values.
0 : do nothing
1 : reset all totalizers and overflows
71 Contact output Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 0 0 : No function
1 : F/R-Signal /_
13: F/R-Signal __
4 : General Alarm /_
5 : General Alarm __
6 : Max/Min Alarm /_
7 : Max/Min Alarm __
8 : Min Alarm /_
9 : Min Alarm __
10: Max Alarm /_
11: Max Alarm __
2 : Empty pipe /_ (1)
3 : Empty pipe __ (1)
14: Extended Diagnosis-Alarm /_
15: Extended Diagnosis-Alarm __
16: 5 kHz Output (2)
Note (1): Writing is only allowed, when detector empty pipe (Index 48) is switched on.
Note (2): Writing is only allowed, when the service code is put in.
72 Instrument number Unsigned 16 2 S r 700
73 Manufacture Code Visible String 8 S r "00000000"
74 Primary tag Visible String 32 S r,w "----------------------------
75 Converter tag Visible String 32 S r,w "----------------------------
76 Memory Test Unsigned8 1 D r,w 0 0: No Memory Test
1: Memory Test int Fram run
2: Memory Test int Fram ok
3: Memory Test int Fram error
4: Memory Test ext Fram run
5: Memory Test ext Fram ok
6: Memory Test ext Fram error
7: Memory Test Flash run
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Index Variable Name Data Type Size Store Access Default Value Description
8: Memory Test Flash ok
9: Memory Test Flash error
There are three different memory tests: Internal Fram, External Fram and Flash.
Writing 1, 4 or 7 will start a test. Reading shows, if the test is still running (for example 1) or the
result of the test (2 = int Fram is ok, or 3 = int. Fram has error).
77 Function test contact output 0 : No test
1 : Test active, contact output is off
2 : Test active, contact output is on
78 Simulation Mode Unsigned8 1 D r,w 0 0 : Off
1 : On
79 Simlation value Float 4 D r,w 0 Lower Limit: -130
Upper Limit: 130
Unit : %
80 System zero Float 4 S r,w 0 Lower Limit: -10
Upper Limit: 10
Unit : %
81 Start automatic adjust system read:
zero 0 = no adjust running
1 = adjust is running
1 = start adjust
Writing 1 triggers the start of the adjust, which needs about 45 seconds.
82 Version Visible String 16 Cst r "D699G004U01 B.10"
83 Driver Record 16 N r
Driver Unsigned 8 1 N r 0 0 : Controller
1 : Controll system
Referenve voltage Float 4 N r 70 Unit : mV
Delta Amp. Float 4 N r 0,015 Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 1
Unit : -
DAC Amp. Unsigned 16 2 N r 130 Lower Limit: 130
Upper Limit: 1023
Unit : -
Min DAC Amp. Unsigned 16 2 N r 130 Lower Limit: 130
Upper Limit: 1023
Unit : keine
Max DAC Amp. Unsigned 16 2 N r 700 Lower Limit: 130
Upper Limit: 1023
Unit : -
The parameter “Eigenerregt” is removed in Software C.10.
84 Noise Reduction Record 9 N r 0 0 : Off
1 : On
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Index Variable Name Data Type Size Store Access Default Value Description
Noise Reduction Unsigned 8 1 N r 0 0 : Off
1 : On
Moving Average wide Unsigned 16 2 N r 16 Lower Limit: 16
Upper Limit: 400
Unit : -
Hold time Unsigned 16 2 N r 16 Lower Limit: 16
Upper Limit: 400
Unit : -
Band width Float 4 N r 10 Lower Limit: 0,1
Upper Limit: 100
Unit : %
85 Noise voltage reset Record 8 N r
Threshold On Unsigned 16 2 N r 25000 Lower Limit: Threshold Off
Upper Limit: 32767
Unit : keine
Threshold Off Unsigned 16 2 N r 15000 Lower Limit: 500
Upper Limit: Threshold On
Unit : keine
Sig. correction: This parameter from B-Software is removed in C-Software. This subindex has an
other content in the C-Software.
MDS Zero: This parameter from B-Software is removed in C-Software. This subindex has an other
content in the C-Software
MDR: This parameter from B-Software is removed in C-Software. This subindex has an other
content in the C-Software
MDS Sum: This parameter from B-Software is removed in C-Software. This subindex has an other
content in the C-Software
DC-Countervalue Unsigned 8 1 N r 50 New parameter in Software C10.
Lower Limit: 1
Upper Limit: 70
Unit : -
Prefilter Unsigned 8 1 N r 0 New parameter in Software C10.
0 : Off
1 : On
Filterbandwith Unsigned 8 1 N r 5 New parameter in Software C10.
0: 0.15 Hz
1: 0.3 Hz
2: 0.6 Hz
3: 1.1 Hz
4: 2.2 Hz
5: 4.3 Hz
6: 8.7 Hz
7: 17.3 Hz
8: 34 Hz
9: 68 Hz
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Index Variable Name Data Type Size Store Access Default Value Description
FIR_E/A Unsigned 8 1 N r 0 New parameter in Software C10.
0 : Off
1 : On
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Index Variable Name Data Type Size Store Access Default Value Description
92 Actual warning register Bit String 4 D r Same as for „actual error register“.
Bit-contents refer to 3.3.
93 History of error register Bit String 4 N r This register show all errors, which were set in the past tense or are set in the present.
Bit-contents refer to 3.2..
94 History of warning register Bit String 4 N r Same as for „History of error register“.
Bit-contents refer to 3.3.
95 Mask for error register Bit String 4 S r,w EF,3F,00,00 This mask determins, which bits of the „actual error register“ should be copied into the „Masked
error register“:
0 = no copy
1 = bit will be copied
Default setting: All errors will be copied.
Errors 1, 2, 5, 6 and C can not be removed from this mask.
Bit-contents refer to 3.2.
96 Mask for warning register Bit String 4 S r,w 02,00,03,00 Same as for „Mask for error register“.
Default setting: Only warning 1, 15 and 16 will be copied, all other warnings not.
Warnings 1 und 15 can not be removed from this mask.
Bit-contents refer to 3.3.
97 Masked error register Bit String 4 D r Masked error register = „actual error register“ AND „Mask for error register“.
Bit-contents refer to 3.2.
98 Masked warning register Bit String 4 D r Same as for „Masked error register“.
Bit-contents refer to 3.3.
99 Error and warnings simulation Unsigned 8 1 D r,w 0 0 : Off
1 : On
100 Error simulation value Bit String 4 D r,w 0,0,0,0 If the „error and warning simulation“ is switched on, then this simulated errors will be used for the
„actual error register“ instead of the real errors.
Bit-contents refer to 3.2.
101 Warning simulation value Bit String 4 D r,w 0,0,0,1 Same as for „Error simulation value“.
Bit-contents refer to 3.3.
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Index Variable Name Data Type Size Store Access Default Value Description
102 Error priority Array of 32*2 S r,w Bit 0 Error A Max-Alarm : 300 The priority shows the importance of an error. These values are not
Unsigned16 =64 Bit 1 Error 6 Totalizer : 750 used for internal calculation.
Bit 2 Error 5 Int. Datenbase : 750
Bit 3 - :0
Bit 4 Error 3 Flow > 105% : 400
Bit 5 Error 2 Driver : 750
Bit 6 Error 1 AD-Converter/DS P : 750
Bit 7 Error 0 Empty pipe : 300
Bit 8 - :0
Bit 9 - :0
Bit 10 - :0
Bit 11 - :0
Bit 12 Error D Old primary : 750
Bit 13 Error F FRAM in primary : 500
Bit 14 Error C Ext. Datenbase : 750
Bit 15 Error B Min-Alarm : 300
Bit 16 - :0
Bit 17 - :0
Bit 18 - :0
Bit 19 - :0
Bit 20 - :0
Bit 21 - :0
Bit 22 - :0
Bit 23 - :0
Bit 24 - :0
Bit 25 - :0
Bit 26 - :0
Bit 27 - :0
Bit 28 - :0
Bit 29 - :0
Bit 30 - :0
Bit 31 - :0
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Index Variable Name Data Type Size Store Access Default Value Description
103 Warning priority Array of 32*2 S r,w Bit 0 Warning 10 Reverse Q : 100 The priority shows the importance of an warning. These values are
unsigned 16 =64 Bit 1 Warning 9c Overflow Diff. : 150 not used for internal calculation.
Bit 2 Warning 9b Overflow < R : 150
Bit 3 Warning 9a Overflow > V : 150
Bit 4 Warning 4 Function test : 300
Bit 5 Warning 3 Test mode : 300
Bit 6 Warning 1 Simulation flow : 300
Bit 7 Warning 2 Totalizer reset : 100
Bit 8 Warning 14 hold - MV : 100
Bit 9 Warning 13 Autom. adjust running : 100
Bit 10 - :0
Bit 11 - :0
Bit 12 - :0
Bit 13 Warning 8b Update ext.Database : 100
Bit 14 Warning 8a Update int.Database : 100
Bit 15 Warning 7 Extern Data loaded : 100
Bit 16 - :0
Bit 17 - :0
Bit 18 - :0
Bit 19 - :0
Bit 20 - :0
Bit 21 - :0
Bit 22 - :0
Bit 23 Warning 15 Simul. error+warning : 300
Bit 24 - :0
Bit 25 - :0
Bit 26 - :0
Bit 27 - :0
Bit 28 - :0
Bit 29 - :0
Bit 30 - :0
Bit 31 - :0
104 Error and warning settings Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 0 Writing a value from 1 to 3 will start the selectet action:
0 = do nothing
1 = Clear error and warnig register history
2 = Set mask for error and warnig register to default
3 = Set priority for error and warning to default
105 Qmin Unsigned 8 1 S r 0 New parameter in Software C10.
0: Qmin = 0.05 QDN
1: Qmin = 0.02 QDN
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Actual Last Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value
Working Hours Converter (11) Value [1] [-2] [-3] [-4] [-5] [-6] [-7] [-8] [-9]
Actual Last Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value
Working Hours Primary (12)
Value [-1] [-2] [-3] [-4] [-5] [-6] [-7] [-8] [-9]
Actual Last Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value
Coil Current (14)
Value [-1] [-2] [-3] [-4] [-5] [-6] [-7] [-8] [-9]
Actual Last Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value
Coil Voltage (16)
Value [-1] [-2] [-3] [-4] [-5] [-6] [-7] [-8] [-9]
Actual Last Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value
Coil Resistance (18) (*)
Value [-1] [-2] [-3] [-4] [-5] [-6] [-7] [-8] [-9]
Actual Last Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value
Coil Temperature (20) (*)
Value [-1] [-2] [-3] [-4] [-5] [-6] [-7] [-8] [-9]
Actual Last Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value
Coil Isolation Resistance (22) (*)
Value [-1] [-2] [-3] [-4] [-5] [-6] [-7] [-8] [-9]
Actual Last Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value
Linearity (24) (*)
Value [-1] [-2] [-3] [-4] [-5] [-6] [-7] [-8] [-9]
Actual Last Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value
Elektrode Voltage E1 (26)
Value [-1] [-2] [-3] [-4] [-5] [-6] [-7] [-8] [-9]
Actual Last Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value
Elektrode Voltage E2 (28)
Value [-1] [-2] [-3] [-4] [-5] [-6] [-7] [-8] [-9]
Actual Last Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value
Elektrode Balance (30)
Value [-1] [-2] [-3] [-4] [-5] [-6] [-7] [-8] [-9]
Actual Last Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value
DAC Value (32)
Value [-1] [-2] [-3] [-4] [-5] [-6] [-7] [-8] [-9]
Actual Last Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value
Signal/Noise Ratio (34)
Value [-1] [-2] [-3] [-4] [-5] [-6] [-7] [-8] [-9]
Fingerprint hoursup”
“Start converter
The actual values can be Working hours primary
copied (with index 37) into Fingerprint Product 2 (39)
a fingerprint. Customers Working
Coil resistance
Coil current
hours converter
Coil Coil 1temperature
voltage (38)
can only write fingerprints Working hours primary
Coil isolation resistance
Coil resistance
1, 2 and “start up”. Working Coilconverter
Working Coilprimary
isolation voltage E1
The fingerprint “factory” can Coil resistance
Coil current Elektrode voltage E2
only be written by the Coil temperature
Coil voltage Elektrode
Elektrode balance
voltage E1
Coil isolation resistance
Coil resistance
manufacturer. DACvoltage
Coil temperature
Value E2
Elektrode balance Ratio
Coil isolation voltage E1
DAC Value
Elektrode voltage E2
Linearity Signal/Noise Ratio
Elektrode voltagebalance
Elektrode Value E2
balance Ratio
(*) Some values are only measured, if Elektrode
DAC Value
an error or warning checking for this Signal/Noise Ratio
value is switched on,
refer to diagnosis manual.
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
36 Actual Value
Working Hours converter
2/6 -
2/7 -
42 Report Ground Short Circuit Coil 3/0 Ground Short Circuit Coil
3/1 -
3/2 -
43 Report Electrodes not connected 3/3 Electrodes not connected
3/ 4 -
3/5 -
3/6 -
3/7 -
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
The diagram on the following page shows the way of diagnosis messages from the Diagnosis block to the Fieldbus:
If at least one bit in the Diagnosis Error Register (Diagnosis Block Index 45) is set, this will set the Diagnosis-
Bit 10 in the Error Register (Transducer Block Index 91).
The Transducer Block has a Mask for the Error Register (Index 95). This mask enables or disables copying of
the “Error Register” Bits to the “Masked Error Register” bits, refer to chapter 3.
If the Diagnosis Bit is set in the “Masked Error Register”, this will be reported as „BAD, Sensor failure“ in the
status of the Transducer Block Output Values.
The Transducer Block Output Values are read by the AI Blocks. The AI Block output values can be read with
cyclic communication.
A similar chain exists for warning messages. A warning will be reported as “UNCERTAIN, sensor conversion not
accurate” in the status of the Transducer Block Output Values.
With these factory settings no diagnosis message will be reported to the fieldbus. To get diagnosis messages it is
sufficient to enable a message reporting inside the Diagnosis Block.
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Index Parameter Data type Size Storage Write Default Values Description
Name Type
1 ST_REV Unsigned 16 2 S read only 1 Revision counter for static variables. Every time a static variable changes the
revision counter is incremented by one.
2 TAG_DESC Octet String 32 S OOS, Auto Leerzeichen The user description of the application of the block.
3 STRATEGY Unsigned 16 2 S OOS, Auto 0 This parameter can be used to create groups of blocks by assigning the same
reference number to each block of a group. This parameter is not verified and not
4 ALERT_KEY Unsigned 8 1 S OOS. Auto 96 This parameter is used as identification number for plant units. It can be used within
DCS or PLC systems e.g. to sort alarms.
5 MODE_BLK DS-69 4 N,D,S,S OOS, Auto Target : OOS The actual, target, permitted, and normal operation modes of the block.
Actual : OOS
Permitted: Auto,OOS
Normal : Auto
6 BLOCK_ERR Bit String 2 D read only 0 Contains a summary of block alarms. Following bits are supported:
7 UPDATE_EVT DS-73 14 D OOS, Auto This alert is generated by any change to the static data.
8 BLOCK_ALM DS-72 13 D OOS, Auto Block Alarm is not supported.
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Index Variable Name Data Type Size Store Access Default Value Description
9 Diagnosis Cycle Time Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 0 0 : Manual Diagnosis Start
1 : 10 Seconds
2 : 60 Seconds
3 : 10 Minutes
4 : 60 Minutes
5 : 6 Hours
6 : 12 Hours
7 : 24 Hours
8 : 7 Days
10 Start manual Diagnosis Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 0 0: Do nothing
1: Start
11 Working Hours Converter DS-Value-History 40 N r Unit: Hours
12 Working Hours Primary DS-Value-History 40 N r Unit: Hours
13 Set all Limits to Default Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 0 0 : Do nothing
1 : All to Default
14 Coil Current DS-Value-History 40 N r Unit: mA
15 Limits Coil Current DS-Limits 10 S r,w 2 to 1000mA, Input Range for min: 0 to 500mA
no report Input Range for max: 0 to 1000mA
16 Coil Voltage DS-Value-History 40 N r Unit: V
17 Limits Coil Voltage DS-Limits 10 S r,w 1 to 100V, Input Range for min and max: 0 to 150V
no report
18 Coil Resistance DS-Value-History 40 N r Unit: Ohm
19 Limits Coil Resistance DS-Limits 10 S r,w 2 to 500 Ohm, Input Range for min and max: 0 to 1500 Ohm
no report
20 Coil Temperature DS-Value-History 40 N r Unit: C
21 Limits Coil Temperature DS-Limits 10 S r,w -50 to 150C, Input Range for min and max: -100 to +200C
no report
22 Coil Isolation Resistance DS-Value-History 40 N r Unit: Mohm
23 Limits Coil Isolation Resistance DS-Limits 10 S r,w 0,5 to 50 MOhm, Input Range for min and max: 0 to 500Mohm
no report
24 Linearity DS-Value-History 40 N r Unit: %
25 Limits Linearity DS-Limits 10 S r,w 1 to 200%, Input Range for min and max: 0 to 300%
no report
26 Elektrode Voltage E1 DS-Value-History 40 N r Unit: uV
27 Limits Elektrode Voltage E1 DS-Limits 10 S r,w 0 to 3000uV Input Range for min and max: 0 to 30000uV
no report
28 Elektrode Voltage E2 DS-Value-History 40 N r Unit: uV
29 Limits Elektrode Voltage E2 DS-Limits 10 S r,w 0 to 3000uV, Input Range for min and max: 0 to 30000uV
no report
30 Elektrode Balance DS-Value-History 40 N r Unit: %
31 Limits Elektrode Balance DS-Limits 10 S r,w 100 to 300% Input Range for min and max: 0 to 300%
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Index Variable Name Data Type Size Store Access Default Value Description
no report
32 DAC Value DS-Value-History 40 N r Unit: Digits
33 Limits DAC Value DS-Limits 10 S r,w 16 to 1024 Digits Input Range for min and max: 0 to 1024 Digits
no report
34 Signal/Noise Ratio (SNR) DS-Value-History 40 N r Unit: %
35 Limits Signal/Noise Ratio (SNR) DS-Limits 10 S r,w 0,01 to 100% Input Range for min and max: 0 to 100%
no report
36 Actual Diagnosis Values DS-Fingerprint 52 N r Siehe 2.6.1 und
37 Copy actual Values to Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 0 0: Do nothing
1: Fingerprint Product 1
2: Fingerprint Product 2
3: Fingerprint Setting-up working
38 Fingerprint Product 1 DS-Fingerprint 52 N r Refer to 2.6.1 and
39 Fingerprint Product 2 DS-Fingerprint 52 N r Refer to 2.6.1 and
40 Fingerprint Setting-up working DS-Fingerprint 52 N r Refer to 2.6.1 and
41 Fingerprint Factory DS-Fingerprint 52 N r Refer to 2.6.1 and
42 Report Ground Short Circuit Coil Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 0: Off
1: Warning
2: Error
43 Report Electrodes not connected Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 0: Off
1: Warning
2: Error
44 Clear Diagnosis History Register Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 0 0: Do nothing
1: Clear
45 Diagnosis Error Register Bit String 4 D r Bit content refer to chapter 2.6.7
46 Diagnosis Warning Register Bit String 4 D r Bit content refer to chapter 2.6.7
47 Diagnosis History Register Bit String 4 N r Bit content refer to chapter 2.6.7
48 Cable Length Float 4 S r,w Input Range: 0 to 200m
49 Temperature Offset Float 4 S r,w Input Range: -100 to +200C
50 Temperature Definition Float 4 S r,w Input Range: -100 to +200C
51 Reference Resistance at 20C Float 4 S r
52 Elektrode Signals DS-Elektrode-Signals 32 D r Refer to
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus DS-Value-History
Element Nr. Element Name Data Type Size Storage Access Description
1 Last, Actual Value Float 4 N r
2 Preview Value [-1] Float 4 N r
3 Value [-2] Float 4 N r
4 Value [-3] Float 4 N r
5 Value [-4] Float 4 N r
6 Value [-5] Float 4 N r
7 Value [-6] Float 4 N r
8 Value [-7] Float 4 N r
9 Value [-8] Float 4 N r
10 Value [-9] Float 4 N r DS-Fingerprint
Element Nr. Element Name Data Type Size Storage Access Description
1 Working Hours Converter Float 4 N r Unit: Hours
2 Working Hours Primary Float 4 N r Unit: Hours
3 Coil Current Float 4 N r Unit: mA
4 Coil Voltage Float 4 N r Unit: V
5 Coil Resistance Float 4 N r Unit: Ohm
6 Coil Temperature Float 4 N r Unit: C
7 Coil Isolation Resistance Float 4 N r Unit: MOhm
8 Linearity Float 4 N r Unit: %
9 Elektrode Voltage E1 Float 4 N r Unit: uV
10 Elektrode Voltage E2 Float 4 N r Unit: uV
11 Elektrode Balance Float 4 N r Unit: %
12 DAC Value Float 4 N r Unit: Digits
13 Signal/Noise Ratio Float 4 N r Unit: % DS-Limits
Element Nr. Element Name Data Type Size Storage Access Description
1 Lower Limit Float 4 S r,w
2 Upper Limit Float 4 S r,w
3 Meldung Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 0: Off
1: Warning
2: Error
4 Set Limits back to default Unsigned 8 1 S r,w 0: Do nothing
1: Back to default
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
The history is only for information. The actual errors and warnings are important:
They are show on the local display of the device and they determins the reaction of the device.
The actual registers are masked with index 95: mask for error register and index 96: mask for warning
register. The result is written into index 97: masked error register and index 98: masked warning register.
The masks makes it possible to determine, which bits should be be used and which bits should be
These masked registers are important for the fieldbus: They determine the status of the Transducerblock
output values (refer to 3.5). This status goes to the function blocks and determins the function block
reaction and function block output values.
For testing it is possible to simulate errors and warnings. To do this switch on the simulation (index 99) and write
the simulation values (index 100 and 101). Then this simulated errors and warnings will be used for the actual error
and warning register instead of the real error and warning reasons. It is also possible do do this simulation on the
local display and keyboard (refer to 5.3.1).
Status determins
reaction and
output values of
function blocks
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
"FF-870-1.5 Fieldbus Message Specification" defines in chapter the bit order of Bit Strings:
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
FSM4000 device
Flow Channel 1: Value + Status
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
3.5.1 Mapping-Table
The following FSM4000 errors and warnings are mapped to the Transducerblock output values status:
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Index 5: MODE_BLK
The AI Block goes to Out_of_Service, if
Rescoure Block goes to Out_of_Service or
AI Block has configuration error.
Index 6: BLOCK_ERR
Following error messages are supported
OOS If block is Out of Service.
SIMULATE_ACTIVE If Simulation is activated (AI Index 9: Simulate structure).
CONFIG_ERROR If AI Block has Configuration error.
INPUT_FAILURE If PV (AI Index 7) has status BAD and the substatus is Device_Failure or
Sensor_Failure and if Propagate_Fault_Forward is not activated in
STATUS_OPTS (AI Index 14).
Index 8: OUT
Status of OUT is:
If block is Out of Service BAD, Substatus Out_Of_Service
If block has configuration error BAD, Substatus Out_Of_Service
If simulation is activated Simulated status
Else Status of PV
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Example 1:
Flow meter has error 3 – flow > 105%
Error 3 is set in Transducer block error register.
Status of Channel 1 (flow value) is UNCERTAIN, Substatus EU range violation.
Status of AI-Block PV and OUT is UNCERTAIN, Substatus EU range violation.
Example 2:
Flow meter has error 1 – A/D-Converter
Error 1 is set in Transducer block error register.
Transducer block BLOCK_ERR shows Input Failure.
Transducer block XD_ERROR shows I/O-error.
Status of Channel 1 (flow value) is BAD, Substatus Sensor Failure.
Status of AI Block PV and OUT is BAD, Substatus Sensor Failure.
AI-Block BLOCK_ERR shows INPUT_FAILURE (if Propagate_Fault_Forward is not set in
Example 3:
Resource-Block is switched to Out of Service:
AI-Block also goes to Out of Service.
AI-Block BLOCK_ERR shows Out of Service.
AI-Block OUT.Status is BAD, Substatus Out_Of_Service.
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
3.8 Status-Byte
Measurement values are usually transferred as data structure DS-65 – Value & Status. In this structure is a value
as float number and a status information as byte. This status byte has the following parts:
0: Bad
1: Uncertain
2: Good (Not Cascade)
3: Good (Cascade)
Substatus BAD
0: Non-specific
1: Configuration Error
2: Not Connected
3: Device Failure
4: Sensor Failure
5: No Communication (last usable value)
6: No Communication (no usable value)
7: Out of Service
0: Non-specific
1: Last Usable Value
2: Substitute
3: Initial Value
4: Sensor Conversion not Accurate
5: Engineering Unit Range Violation
6: Sub-normal
0: Not limited
1: Low limited
2: High limited
3: Constant
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
4. Start-Up
This manual is set out to provide a description of the device setup using National Instruments Fieldbus Configurator
In addition to the instrument, you will require the actual instrument-describing files for FSM4000 (000320/0017).
The version for software C.10 are:
These files will be delivered along with the instrument. They can likewise be obtained via the Fieldbus Foundation
Homepage www.fieldbus.org.
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Channel: 1
Using automatic operation mode the channel 1 value (see above example: “50”) will automatically transferred
through the AI block and then be displayed as OUT value “50”.
FIELD_VAL indicates the measurement in input-(XD)-scaling expressed in percent, in this case “50”.
Info: Both the 100% and the 0% values in the XD and OUT scale do not have to be identical with the real
measuring ranges of the converter. Both values do in no way represent any limit. Using the AI block you
can always enter measuring values differing from the indicated measuring range. E.g.: Taking the above
example it would be feasible to enter a measuring value of 200 m3/h without having to fear difficulties
during processing. FIELD_VAL would than amount to 200%.
Yet, it is recommended to adjust the AI scaling to the real measurement range. Thereto you have to either
enter the Cal factor (TB index 38) or Range value (TB index 39). The 0% value is 0. In that case the
FIELD_VAL will be indicated as a percentage of the real flow.
NOTE: Should alarms be used, the scaling of XD- and OUT_SCALE has to comply with the real measurement
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Channel: 1
Using the XD scaling, the channel 1 value („50“ in this example) will then be automatically set to 50(%)
Info: As is the case with L_TYPE = „direct“ the range of scaling does not necessarily have to be identical with
the measurement range of the instrument. You could also scale the instrument to, say, 0-1000 m3/h to 0-24
ML/d or even 0-1 m3/h to 0-0.024 ML/d. The percent value FIELD_VAL would then differ considerably,
depending on the scaling chosen.
Should you want the percent value FIELD_VAL to be displayed as a percent value off the real flow, the
scaling range has to correspond to the real measurement range, i.e. to the Cal factor or Range value.
Range = 6 m3/h = 6*0.024 ML/d = 0.144 ML/d
In this case you would have to enter 0-6 m3/h with XD_SCALE and 0-0.144 ML/d with OUT_SCALE. Then
FIELD_VAL will show a percentage of Range, i.e. the real flow.
The alarm hysteresis ALARM_HYS (AI index 24) represents a percentage referring to OUT_SCALE.
Note: When using alarms OUT_SCALE has to correspond to the real measurement range.
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Warning: With L_TYPE „indirect“ the converter does not verify scaling and unit of OUT_SCALE
It is feasible to choose any sensible or insensible units. The above example could for example
also be scaled at 0-100 m3/h to 0-100 kg/h, which, under certain circumstances could well be
considered sensible. Yet, the scaling could also be set at 0-100 m3/h to 0-100 Celsius, which, of
course, makes no sense at all.
There is, of course, always a risk of faulty scaling. You could, e.g., set a scaling of 0-100m3/h to
0-100 ML/d, which would be incorrect.
This behaviour refers to the Foundation Fieldbus AI blocks. The operator takes the responsibility
of correctly setting the scale.
The following pictures show the settings at the National Instruments© NI-FBUS Configurator:
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
The following pictures show some of the settings at the National Instruments© NI-FBUS Configurator:
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
4.11 Schedule
The schedule window shows the timing of the function block application. This will be created automatically by the
NI Configurator.
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
If everything is set and configured correctly, then the function blocks will be in AUTO mode.
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
4.14 MIB
The Management Information Base (MIB) contains necessary parameters for the fieldbus system- and network-
management. Click with the right mouse button on „interface“ and select “Advanced View“ to make the MIB visible.
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
The content of the MIB depends, whether the device is a Link master device (LAS = Link active schedule activated)
or Basic field device.
1 = Basic Field Device (without LAS)
2 = Link Master Device (with LAS)
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
The following necessary restart can be done for example with “Restart processor” in the Resource Block:
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
The following error messages can appear while writing a parameter within the NI Configurator:
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Should these conditions be met and the target mode be set to auto, will the actual mode and thus the block itself be
set to auto.
Whether these conditions are met or not can be taken from the parameter BLOCK_ERR (within the NI Configurator
in the AI window below the strap diagnostics). Should the Block Configuration Error appear, please check which of
the above mentioned conditions has not been met.
It the PD Tag of the device or Block Tags are changed behind a download of a schedule, blocks may also not be
able to go to auto mode, altough above conditons are fulfilled. In this case make a new download with the new tags
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
5. Local operation
The status is shown as text, the substatus as number (refer to 3.8).
For the function blocks the actual mode is shown together with the status:
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
5.2.1 FF Address
The address and device ID is shown:
Address 0x15
Dip Switch
1: SimEnable off
2: WriteProt off
An open switch is shown as -, a closed switch as X. Line 3 and 4 remembers to the function of switch 1 and 2 (refer
to 1.2)
Bitstring 0 ON
Error A
Line one shows the setting of the bit (on/off), which is refered by his bitstring-number. Line two shows the complete
mask as hex number. Line three and four show the meaning of the bit.
Handling: Keys Data and Step to select a bit, Enter to switch on/off this bit, CE (or 20 sec no key) to leave the
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Software Rev.
Electromagnetic Flowmeter FSM4000
Interface Description FOUNDATION Fieldbus
5.3.1 Simulation
This menu is only visible, if the service code is entered. With this menu the “error and warning simulation” can be
switched on and off (TB index 99)
Note: 5 minutes after the last simulation-handling (via keyboard or fieldbus) the simulation will be switched off
Error Simulation
Line one shows the number and setting (on/off) from the bit. Line two shows the whole simulation value as hex
number. Line three and four show the meaning of the bit.
Bitstring 0 OFF
Error A
Handling: Keys Data and Step to select a bit, Enter to switch on/off this bit, CE (or 20 sec no key) to leave the
Note: Warning 15 (means: Error and warning simulation is on) can no be switched off.
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