Io As Science
Io As Science
Io As Science
Organizational psychology:
i. Micro: motivation, leadership, teams, worker
attitudes, safety & well-being, work-family.
ii. Macro: organizational theory, culture,
organizational development & change
Human factors & ergonomics:
i. Modifying equipment
ii. Environmental Changes
iii. To fit workers needs
Experimental Psychology
Social Psychology
Industrial Engineering
I/O psychologist can be classified in two general
1. Academics:
Professors in research- and teaching-
oriented universities and colleges. Example in
psychology, management, industrial relations,
quantitative sciences, occupational health & safety
Their major activities; teaching courses, conducting
research, writing and presenting research papers,
attending conferences, mentoring students, performing
university and professional service
2. Practioners:
HR and organizational specialists in
consulting, private, and public organizations
Their major activities; Job analysis, diagnosis,
surveying employees, designing and administering
selection & performance appraisal systems, training,
developing psychological tests, implementing and
evaluating OD & change, data analysis
8% Universities
21% 36%
Consulting Firms
7% Government
29% Private
Country Topics
Human Relations
Philosophy of
Hawthorne Threat of
Studies Unionization
It is essential for the psychologists in the
profession to follow the Ethical Code
developed by American Psychological
Association (APA), in order prevent any
harm to the client.
The code includes both ethical principles
and statements of appropriate professional
1. Competence: A psychologist only does work that he/she is
competent to perform.